
By Katharine Sexkitten

Published on Apr 11, 2020



By Katharine Sexkitten

I was very late for work Wednesday morning.

I'd had the presence of mind earlier Tuesday evening to set my alarm just before drifting off into the best sleep I've ever had, no doubt made that way by just having been magnificently fucked by Vladimir. Twice.

Well, maybe he'd say the second one was just a continuation of the first. After we'd both had our life-altering orgasms, he collapsed back down on me, his entire weight pressing me into the mattress, and then we took a few moments to come down from our highs, our breathing returning to almost normal. I had never felt such zen. Such bliss. At one point, wrapped in each other's arms, my hips up and legs locked behind him, we began softly kissing again. His beautiful beautiful cock was still inside me, still in its rightful place, and although I could feel he had softened somewhat, he didn't really lose much length or thickness. Not like me. When I used to cum in my wife's pussy, I would immediately shrink and shrivel down to almost nothing, and slip out of her.

Our kisses became slowly more passionate. We were both in the ephemeral zone of post-coital bliss, until I felt him begin to harden again inside my pussy, back to its iron pole shape and rigidity. And then his hips began moving, slowly at first, subtle and innocent, until our kisses and our tingles went ZOOM! again and we were fucking once more.

It was slow and languid and breathtaking in its beauty. Sublime.

He made love to me for about ten more minutes, and his second cum inside me was less demonstrative, less loud, less profound than his first, but it was no less adored by yours truly. I myself spent the time having little tiny dribbly orgasms, onto my own belly. I wasn't even hard, really. But as his cock was slip-sliding in and out of my pussy, the angle he was on was making me feel like I had to pee, which I'd read online was a sign his cock was rubbing my prostate really well. So all my cumming was minor, and on-going, filled with a sweet gentle wave of tingles for me.

Then we'd slept the sleep of the dead, spooning, under the covers, his arms wrapped strongly around me, protecting me, loving me, making me feel warm and wanted and sated, his enormous body sheltering me, his naked skin pressed into me, still wearing my bra and garter belt and stockings, but having lost my panties and my shoes at some point earlier. While we slept his cock, which when soft only lost some of its thickness and some of its length, nestled itself firmly between my ass cheeks like a gigantic frankfurter in between two sexy buns.

I'm sure that's why I slept so well.

So when the alarm went off I was facing it, on my left side, wrapped in my Vladimir cocoon. I reached to turn it off, and returned to a pair of lips softly attaching themselves to the right side of my neck, just under my earlobe.

I moaned out loud, the sweetest neediest plaintive moan a gurl like me could produce, and arched my back, pushing my ass even harder into his cock. I felt it jump.

Then he started sucking on my neck, his big lips vacuumed to my skin, which I knew instantly would leave a mark, a hickey, and I pushed back on his cock even harder.

His right hand slid down my right leg to the knee and then lifted it, so my upper leg was vertical and pointed to the ceiling. He was opening me, getting me ready. I held my leg steady when his hand left me to reach over me to the nightstand, where he squirted out a big glob of lube from the bottle onto his fingers with his gigantic thumb.

I knew what was coming, of course, and reached down with my right hand between us and pulled up and out on my right bum cheek. Unspoken movements, like a slut, exposing myself, opening my hole up to him, ready and willing and wanting him to take me. Wanting him to fulfill his obvious desire. Needing him to give me his love, his passion, his adoration.

Needing him to give me his cock.

And his cum.

Inside me, to my depths. To breed me. To reach the zenith of his soul by giving my soul what it craves, what it yearns for.

He spread the lube all over his cock. Then he reached over and got another big blob of it, came back and smeared it directly on my open exposed pussyhole, and then with one motion pushed three of his ramrod fingers straight up into me.

The squishy sound of the lube and his fingers and my pussy combined was loud, as was the breathe leaving my body, my back arching even more, my eyes closed, my mouth open, streaming unintelligible syllables.

And as his lips returned to the exact same spot on my neck and started sucking again, his lubed-up nine-inch thick-as-my-wrist penis just barrelled into my ass. All the way. His entire length. His pelvis slamming into me and violently pushed my body, like a jolt, and I bounced like someone had just used a defibrillator on me in a hospital scene from any t.v. show or movie. But he was still holding me in his clutches, and so I didn't really go anywhere.

Except straight to kurva Eden!

It was a hard, powerful assault on me, though one I welcomed with every fibre in my body, and he held himself to his entire length for seconds on end, causing my insides to milk his shaft, my pussy ring squeezing down on him involuntarily. Which made him growl like a lion in my ear.

Then he pulled out until the barest of fractions of an inch of cock head was still in me, still keeping my pussy open a tad, and after a brief pause he repeated the same slamming motion.


All the way out to all the way in. To the hilt, as they used to say. Just a massive physical lunge, his rock-hard cock, slick with lube and precum, just pummelling up my channel, into my heart, touching a part of me I didn't know existed. Again my body was pushed and jolted, almost to the limits of what I could take physically, and I arched my back even more. I was overcome with the feeling of fullness. I was enraptured by the feeling, of having so much cock inside me, molding me to him, shaping me in his cocks' image, creating within me the perfect receptacle for his mammoth size.


My tingles were on an entirely new plane now, enveloping me and radiating through me and soaring and diving and then sailing again. His massive thrust had pushed me to the brink of what I could stand, what I could take, what I wanted from life. I wasn't in pain, at all. But the sensations I was feeling were close to pain, almost as if he could fuck me as hard as he wanted up to a point, but not over the invisible line.

He held himself inside me for a while and then pulled out again, until just the tippy tip of his cock remained in my now gaping pussy hole, and then, of course, his body lurched and his magnificent cock speared me again, all the way in, as hard as he could, owning me, taking me, making my pussy his, fulfilling his masculine needs, and fulfilling my feminine ones at the same time.

Seventeen times he animal-fucked me. Just absolutely massive lurches of his body, each one pushing into me at light speed, as fast and as far and as hard as he could go. Each one knocked my breathe out of me, made my body jolt and quake, made me arch my back more and more, pushing my pussy onto his cock, wanting it all, trying to take him farther and farther, though I needn't have worried about that because I got the impression he was trying to push his entire body into my pussy.

Seventeen times he absolutely pile-drove me. Each time was more exquisite than the last. Each one right at the edge between absolute physical pleasure and abject pain. I wasn't feeling any pain, or anything dangerous, but I could see the line every time his body slammed against me, his meat missile pummelling into me, touching me inside each time in places previously virgin. Each time felt like he was further and further inside me, further and further toward my core, my being, my heart. Pounding me. Possessing me.

I've never felt so full, so sated, so enriched.

So completely and mindlessly fucked.

This wasn't making love. This was pure fucking. Rutting. Any pretense of sophistication or soft romance was gone. He was an animal, the male of the species, and he was almost feral in his need. And yet at the same time I never felt more loved. Wrapped in his arms, held in the highest state of love and protection, gladly taking the female role in this dance. Gladly being the recipient of his power, his lust, and his roaring all-out sexual bacchanalia.

On the fourteenth massive lunge, his right hand slid off my belly and he grabbed my little cock, slick with my precum and little oozes and orgasmic dribbles, and with great strength and dexterity began what I can only describe as milking me. Like a cow's teat. Huge up and down motions, drawing my foreskin back and forth as his hand moved up and down, his grip firm and strong. He kept milking me even while lunging into me, even while massively fucking me, even while holding his cock inside me while I involuntarily worked my insides to massage the shaft and head of his most wonderful penis.

After the sixteenth lunge, and after only a few strokes on my clitty, I erupted in cum. I saw stars, and probably more or less lost consciousness for a few seconds.

On the seventeenth lunge, he screamed out my name, and some other words that sounded like `Ved El Amagam!', and buried himself to the utmost in my pussy, holding himself inside as far as he could while he spewed his cum into me, into my depths, into my core.

Making me his woman.

Marking me as his slut.

His kurva.

Making me the happiest human being on the face of the planet, bar none.

As he was leaving me, sliding his speedos back on as I lay on the bed, almost completely physically and emotionally exhausted, he explained to me what `Ved ElAmagam' meant.


I was very late for work on Wednesday morning.

When I finally did slip quietly into the downtown tower and into my office, I set up my laptop and began answering the dozens of emails I always had waiting for me. Most were boring and many were unnecessary, but one was downright depressing.

Sunita wrote me to let me know one of her kids was down with the flu and wouldn't be going out of the house this evening as planned and so our date night had to be cancelled.


I was really looking forward to it, too. And while my pussy was telling me on a minute-by-minute basis that it had been worked on VERY HARD recently, I wasn't in any way feeling like I would cancel the opportunity to take her husbands' cock, which she claimed was just fucking huge, while eating out her pussy. I wasn't worried about soreness, or possibly doing damage to myself.

I just wanted to know what it felt like to be fucked by that truly huge cock.

Oh my god, I thought. Am I becoming a size queen?

Almost immediately, I realized the answer was no. Length and girth were just one aspect of my new-found sexuality. The man attached to the cock, and his attitudes and sensibilities and passions, that was far more important than mere cock size alone.

Sure, Brad was big, certainly much bigger than me, at over seven inches. But he made love to me unlike anything else. Vladimir was even bigger of course, at a millimetre under nine inches and thick as all get-out! Yet he was a different man, and had different ways of making love to his CD gurl. And I had absolutely fucking loved both of them inside me, both of their cocks in and out of my pussy, over and over again, sending me on rapturous journeys of self-discovery and self-fulfillment. While dressed like the little cross-dressing cum slut I was becoming! Kurva!

I thought about the two cocks I'd had, and the two men. Each man virile, each man with his own love-making style. I loved them both, and I wanted them both again, now, and always. And others too, I instantly realized. If the tingles started flying when I was in their vicinity, I reasoned, that meant they were tingling as well, wanting me too, and more men, logic dictated to me, might mean more and different ways of being made love to, of being fucked. More ways I simply had to explore!

And I had resolved myself to ALWAYS following those feelings.

When the tingles are a-struttin, this gurl is a-sluttin!

But I was a little sad, at the cancelled date.

Such is life. She asked me in her email for a rain check and I of course told her that she could have one. I desperately wanted to be with both of them. Anytime, anywhere, anyhow.

So I did my job. Wearing lingerie under my suit and tie.


Just after one in the afternoon I slipped into one of the men's rooms and had a sit-down. I pulled a butt plug and some lube out of my inside pocket, readied my pussy with some liquid love, and sank the rubber into my ass.

It started out quite thin, and then flared into a wide ball, and then of course became a little stem again and then the base. I oohed and aahed quite noticeably while I was sliding it into my pussy, especially as the roundest part forced me more and more open. When it finally popped all the way inside me I felt like I'd won the Super Bowl and climbed Mount Everest all at once.

My version of paradise!

Back at my desk an hour later I was so heavily involved with a spreadsheet on my computer that I didn't see Brad walk into my open office door. He had a legitimate work-related question, which when I answered it turned into several other questions, so he sat down in the guest chair opposite my desk. We talked back and forth for a while.

His eyes were blazing with tingles. They drilled into me, flooding me with joy, and I loved it!

I must have been sending out huge sexy CD cum-slut waves of my own. I could see it in his face.

He looked in both directions behind him at one point, making sure no one was in my doorway or close by in the hall, and then fixed those laser beam eyes on me again.

Tingles! Tingles! Tingles!

"You look amazing," he whispered.


He nodded.

"But I'm in boy mode. Everyday mode. How is that amazing?"

He smiled even more. "I don't know, exactly. But just look at you. You're glowing. Your aura, or whatever they call it. You just look like you're intensely happy."

I nodded this time.

"Oh, I am! I mean, who wouldn't be? These last few days for me have been the most amazing moments of my life!"

He nodded again, his gaze concentrated on me and intense.

"For me as well."

Now I paused.

"Seriously," he continued, "I had no idea ever that I would feel so good, being, you know, with another man, even one dressed in lingerie. But since Saturday night, since I almost kissed you in the back yard, since I found you in my bedroom holding Carols panties, it's like...it's like..."

I finished his sentence for him.

"It's like your whole world has been turned upside down in the most incredible way?"

"Exactly. I had never even conceived of the idea of feeling this good, this horny, this alive. I'm alive! Maybe for the first time in my life!"

"Isn't it fan-fucking-tastic?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"It's like I won the life lottery. Not only do I have a great wife and kids and a ton of money in the bank and a job that I love, but now...now..."

"Now what?"

He thought about his words. "Now, I've won the lottery and found out I'm sexual. I'm bisexual. That's what I discovered. I never thought it possible, and now all I can think about is spending time with you, making love with you, watching you get dressed in sexy feminine clothes. Hell, buying you sexy feminine clothes!"

"Mmmmmm," I purred, "I like the sounds of that!"

We both laughed out loud.

I made sure the coast was still clear visually, and leaned across my desk towards him.

"Brad, I don't think you understand what you did on Saturday night, and how much I owe you."

His face went to a slightly defensive look.

"Me? What did I do?"

"You released me."

"Released you? How so?"

I smiled, like the cat eating the canary smile.

"Being with you opened up a door, in my psyche. In my soul. In me. It was like one second I was my normal ordinary self, leading my normal ordinary life. And then the next second, being hit with a tsunami of sexual emotions, sexual feelings, sexual and spiritual enlightenment. You opened up a door that lead to the most wonderful revelation."

"Which was?"

"That I am Jessica," I added, "a cross-dressing feminine sensual and sexual being. A sissy slut of the highest order. Since loving you, and more importantly since you fucked away all the pretense of masculinity in me, I have become my true self. And now I can't see any point in denying anything, or any point in trying to NOT be who I am."

He just stared at me, our tingles like laser beams back and forth at each other.

"I am a feminine slut. I am kurva!"

His smile almost make me cum, in my panties, rocking my ass cheeks back and forth while enjoying the feeling of that super-wide butt plug seated firmly in my ass.

"What does kurva mean?"

"It's Hungarian, and it means slut."

"Are you Hungarian? Or was your family from Hungary?"

"None of the above," I smiled, as sexy and feminine as I could make it, "I spent all last evening and part of this morning having my brains fucked out of me by my Hungarian building manager, Mr. Bozek."

His mouth fell open.

"While I was wearing the sexiest and most feminine of lingerie, and heels, and makeup, and a wig."


That was all he could say at that point.

His eyes never left mine.

So I continued. "Right now, I have a super wide butt plug in my pussy, which feels sooooooo delicious, and I'm wearing panties and thigh-highs under my boy clothes. I had a date lined up for this evening to get fucked by what is supposed to be a truly massively huge cock, while eating his wife's pussy, but it fell apart. It's like every ounce of my energy is dedicated to sex. Every fibre of my body is now dedicated to sensuality, and femininity, and sex."

The tingles I was feeling had exploded. And I know, from our shared history, that he was tingling too. I was rock hard in my panties, and I was pretty sure he was even rock harder in his slacks.

"Sex. I want it, all the time. Make love to me. Fuck me. Twenty-four seven. As Jessica. As the girly creature I am."

His smile got even bigger.

"It's like, right now, right at this second, here you are sitting in my office and we're at work and we're supposed to act like professionals, but instead I'm dressed like a sexy girl underneath my clothes and all I can think about is tearing my suit and tie off and leaping down onto my knees in front of you so that I can suck your gorgeous cock, just fucking go to town and worship your cock, love your cock, feel it in my mouth and throat, feel it throbbing and pulsing and dripping with precum and slurping it all down, and then, after as long as I can make you last, swallow your load and taste your delicious cum again."

He just moaned, slightly, under his breath.

"And then getting you hard again, which doesn't seem to be a difficulty for you based on Saturday night, and then having you sweep everything on my desk off with one motion of your arm, laying me down on my back, kissing my lips and then making love to me. Fucking me. Taking me. Owning me. Consuming me. It's all I can think about. All I can fathom. All of my wants and desires and needs in life, right here and right now."

"Wow," he whispered, "I can't think of a single thing on this entire planet I'd rather do right now then make those thoughts come true."

"I know," I replied, "I can feel it in you. I can sense it."

"Carol has a meeting, an engagement, on Friday evening," he blurted out.

"Does she?"

"Uh huh," he continued, and then smiled to the point he was almost laughing, "a date, actually. With Hazel."

Now it was my turn to laugh.

"Hazel? Again? Is she really that good at eating pussy?"

Brad nodded his head. "According to my sexy wife, Hazel eats pussy better than anyone else. Period."

I smiled, and thought of the dark-skinned Jamaican woman down one floor. She'd always seemed so quiet and reserved to me before. Here I was now imagining her round brown face buried between Carols' splayed legs, seeing that pink tongue tracing up and down between pink pussy lips.

"And it turns out both my kids will be out of the house all night. A high school ski trip."

I smiled, knowingly.

"Is that right?"

"Yup," he said, staring at me with intensity that absolutely fucking turned me on to about seven out of ten on the old horny-meter.

"So you'll be all alone in that great big house of yours?"


"Whatever will you do to occupy your time?"

He smiled. "Got a plan. Wanna hear it?"

"Why yes I do".

"My plan is this...you come over, bring some of those new clothes you were telling me about, I watch you get all girly, then we do some kissing and cuddling, then I'll cook up some steaks and a salad and some wine, we'll eat dinner, then we'll smoke a doobie and cuddle on the couch and watch some seriously sexy cross-dressing porn I've found online, and then..."

I was breathless with anticipation.

"And then?"

He checked around us one more time, just to make sure no one was in the hall outside my open office door. Satisfied no one could hear us, he stood up, showing me by the bulge in his pleated trousers that he was VERY turned on.

"Then I'll take you to bed and make love to you, make wild passionate love to you."

It was my turn to moan out loud. And if anyone in the building heard it, I didn't care.

"Mmmmmmm," I hummed, "I like that plan."

"And then I'll get really serious and fuck the living shit out of you."

"What time should I be there?"

It was the only question worth asking.

After work I spent the evening by myself. I had knocked on Vladimir's door when I got home, but he wasn't in. So I showered and shaved and cleaned myself out inside, and then started laying out my new clothes, going through the boxes, swooning with delight every time I pulled a new piece out of the box. Dresses, skirts, blouses, evening gowns, sexy slutty little black dresses, shoes shoes and more shoes, and, of course, lingerie.


Piles and piles of the most silky sensuous and feminine clothes.

And all of it mine!

I'd signed up for a few web sites on Sunday, and now that I was dressed fully again I got the urge to chat with others. To brag about my life, my discoveries, my sexual adventures over the last few days. One particular site I was on was way cool, and I received lots of positive friendly messages when I logged on. I noticed that most of the other gurls, and some of the admirers, had pictures next to their names, and clicking on them opened them up. So many of the gurls are soooooo beautiful, so sexy, so feminine. I felt a little bit out of place, partly because I had no picture, and partly because I suddenly felt insecure about my looks. I'm not all that feminine, am I?

People would occasionally state their locations, so I did too. Almost immediately I received three requests for a private chat. The first was from a man, and when I opened up his PM all I got was an amateurish photo of his cock and the words "Come suck me baby, then I'll fuck you good!"

Romantic it was not.

The second private chat was from a local man who actually had the class and respect to post a picture of his face, which was handsome and masculine and smiling and full of mirth and joy. I like this man, right off the bat. We chatted for a few minutes, and he was charming and respectful and courteous and flirty as all get out. I decided there and then to pursue something with him, if that's something he wanted.

The third private chat was with Cynthia. She lived about a fifteen minute drive from me, and her pop up pic showed a middle aged MILF type of gurl, wearing a leather bustier and leather mini skirt, and she had long sexy legs and dark curly hair that flowed down her body and delicious-looking lips that were painted the most surreal colour of pink. Bright, neon, pink.

She is a keeper!

I got to chatting with her, and over the course of a couple of hours got to know each other. She was almost twenty years older than me, but young in spirit and exuberant in her love for dressing and all things feminine. Especially with other gurls, as I found out.

I told her I'd never been with another gurl, but I was suddenly and seriously very interested in it. She asked me if I wanted to come visit her, right now, as soon as possible. She told me she was super horny, and just wanted to snuggle and cuddle and make out with another sexy gurl.

But I didn't have any pics, and while she was very generous and said that didn't matter to her, I figured it probably did. Everybody else had pics. So as we chatted she offered some hints on how to take pics of myself, from G rated to X, including ideas on lighting and framing and composition. Turns out, from the many private pics she sent me, that she is quite knowledgeable on the subject.

So, since I didn't have any sexy good times tonight with a man, or, I realized, with another gurl (an option I had seriously not thought of since my awakening at Brad's party, but now one I realized I had open to me. Think of it, another dresser and I, making love, and perhaps even filming it!)

Wednesday night I went to bed by myself, in a satin nighty and matching panty, and a thin but long butt plug in my pussy.

I couldn't wait for what might happen to me Thursday.


Next: Chapter 5

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