Tims Strip Trip

By galanthus

Published on Nov 18, 2023


Tim's Strip Trip - Part 9 Tim Wakes


Background -- This is the story of Tim, an eighteen year old college student at UCSD with a taste for self-exposure that led to Tim being abducted, auctioned off as a sex-slave. He's now on a ranch outside Jibberding, Western Australia, and no one knows exactly how he and Kyle got there. Kyle is getting more comfortable talking with Tony and Tim is still completely out of it.


"What? Where?" Tim shouts out in his sleep in the middle of the night, waking Kyle, lying beside him. Kyle hugging him, "Shhhhh, it's ok, we're ok, we're free, it's alright," calming the frightened Tim. "So fucking thirsty. Where are we?" Tim near shouting, his voice hoarse, waking Tony, across the room from them. Tony listens as Kyle slowly explains to Tim, Tim asking a million questions, how can Kyle be sure we're really free, aren't we just in a new situation, like he had been with Mike, getting broken in. Kyle shakes his head, "No, it's not like that. Trust me." "Then, how come you've been talking with them and not me?" Tim confused. Kyle explaining that Tim had been out of it two days longer than him, after being tied up, them both putting the pieces to it, names eluding them, Kyle passing Tim water, him slurping it, them falling asleep and then sleeping in until mid morning, woken by the smell of fresh coffee that Andy had brought over and left for them. Tim shy to begin with, seeing Tony naked, asking Tony if he was in service too. Tony laughing, shaking his head, "No, honestly Tim, it's as Kyle said, you're free as soon as you both recover enough and work out legals." "Legals?" "Yeah, like documentation for you to be here, replacement passports, visas, and anything else I forgot. Yeah, and we want you both to get fully checked out by Daniel, our friendly doctor, who's coming later today, give you both a clean bill of health." They sit, drink coffee, eat breakfast, Tony answering Tim's questions, knowing the answers from when Kyle asked them, noticing how similar in speech they are, in mannerisms too, guessing that's obvious from them being together twenty-four-seven for four years. Tim shocked when Kyle tells him it's four years, asking about his mum, his dad, had they been contacted. No, comes the answer, and them telling that Andy has been digging it all up. Breakfast finished, Tim weak, the three of them shower, Tony holding Tim, Kyle washing him, taking it in turns until they're all washed and dried.

Andy walks in with his brother, Daniel, "Awesome timing. You're both awake for your medical, get you checked out yeah? Make sure there's no nasties in you?" Andy and Tony head out and Daniel examines them in front of each other. Tim distrustful, watching Kyle go first, full body inspection, heart listened to, swabs from throat, nose, cock and ass, "Gotta check you ain't got any STIs," Daniel explaining, "Get you sorted if you are. You seem in good shape otherwise." Kyle staying close as Tim gets checked out, holding Tim's hand, Tim nervous, Daniel inspecting the tattoo on Tim's lower back, `cum inside' tattooed above his ass cheeks. "Classy," Daniel says. Tim blushes bright red in embarrassment. "Hey, sorry kid. I didn't mean anything. They do this to you?" Tim nods. "Well, it might be difficult to remove it. A skin graft might be possible, or you can get a bigger tattoo done over it to hide the original, but that's for another day, yeah? I will head off soon, get these bloods and swabs checked out and let you know the results in a couple of days. any questions?" There are none, Kyle and Tim both quiet. "Good, you just rest up here, build up your strength, you're both a bit wobbly on your feet still, and those sun blisters will take a bit more time to heal. Tony taking good care of you?" Kyle nods. "He's a good lad. Been here on the ranch since he was a teen. Lad, well, I mean he's pushing thirty now, but like a kid brother to me and Andy." "He's been good," says Kyle. "You finished in there?" Andy asks, knocking on the door, then Tony and Andy coming in, joining them. Daniel saying, "Still can't get used to you hanging out naked, Tony, you gonna stay this way after our guests have flown the nest?" Tony laughs, "Maybe, who knows, feels very freeing. Anyway the three of us always skinny dipped down at the pond." "Yeah, that was a while ago, long while ago. You should take these two down there when they're a bit more recovered." "Yeah," says Kyle, "I'd like that." Tony nods, "I got it in the diary," winking at Kyle.

"Ok guys, time to get serious," says Andy, "I been looking these two up, fascinating really." They all turn to face Andy, wanting to hear what he had to say. "Really interesting," says Andy, "I can't believe I never heard about it. It was reported all over the place when the two of you went missing. Load of stuff on Tim first, then when Kyle did his an undercover operation that went drastically wrong. Says here that the police were hauled over the coals for dereliction of duty to a rookie cop, that you were sent in without adequate cover or support, the sergeant in charge was forced to resign in disgrace, as were the whole of the night shift the night that Tim disappeared on his journey home to Cardiff." Tim and Kyle smiled, glad of the punishment dished out to them. "Then there was a full-blown investigation, they found the cabin up in the woods, circling out from where Kyle had left his car that night, but it had been abandoned. Websites were searched, leads followed, they put the pieces together." Tim and Kyle speaking in turns, remembering moving around, from house to house, long night journeys in the back of vans. That tying in with Andy's reporting of the police investigations uncovering houses, making arrests, getting closer, then losing the trail, it going cold, then warmer, then colder again. Trail following the two of them, with different people involved, Andy telling them about Chas being investigated and uncovered, he was still involved all the time, moving the two of them around, renting them out to well known individuals to the police, a whole underground system of people that rented boys out, the white sex boy trade. It was the first big coverage and leads that the police had had in the years of the trade, they were traced across the States, starting in California, across to Texas, other southern states, up to Ohio, across, back and forth, zigzagging the states, then just as the web was closing in on them, the trail went cold, probably taken across the border to Mexico and then further south into the South American countries. The boys confirming the Spanish and Portuguese spoken, the exotic houses, places, parties, some places where they were treated well, some not so, a lot of kink. Tim already had his tattoo by this stage, them beginning to lose track of time, them being chemmed up at parties, not remembering much about anything, who was there, how long the parties lasted, how many times they had got fucked or fisted or roasted or pissed on, or spanked or whipped or anything else. Chemmed up and out of it, days passing before finding themselves in the back of another truck and waking up in another place, another group of men, perhaps a few days resting, recovering, being used by the house staff before the next big party. Time and time again. Moving on and moving on, losing track of time and place and everything. Getting treated for STIs, putting on shows, always naked, always naked, and then of course being epilated, the South Americans liking their white sex toys smooth, not wanting to deal with shaving them or trusting them with razors. Parties in houses, parties on boats, on big yachts for a week at a time, sleeping naked on deck during the day while the guests slept their hangovers away, then used as and when anyone wanted them, always available, always on call, to be fucked, or to give massages to the old men who couldn't get it up. Then a huge yacht across the Pacific, to the Philippines, perhaps? They can't be certain, it's all a haze. Asiatic parties, men taking delight in using two white American boys, used as house bois, manservants, butlers, naked of course, to posh parties, exposed, vulnerable and then used sexually later on in the parties. All a blur, them, moved around, one place merging into another, neither Tim nor Kyle really remembering who, what or where, not really knowing when they were in Java, Singapore, India, Thailand, or anywhere else, for that matter, but remembering being seen as the exotic for the local business men and the rich and famous.

"But we don't remember Australia at all," says Kyle, "Have no idea when or how we got here." "You were probably so chemmed up and out of it, eh?" asks Tony. Tim shakes his head, "Yeah, I guess so, I have no idea. Must have come across on another big yacht eh?" Andy saying, "Can't imagine it, four years off your face, used like that. But you boys have survived well, despite all that. The only physical sign is Tim's tattoo, here. How come you didn't end up with one, Kyle?" "I have no idea. Honest. I remember one morning waking up to Tim all bandaged up. Me asking him what was going on. Was he hurt? Tim had no idea when it happened either. There must have been a tattoo artist to a house. At least they did it clean, wasn't infected." Tim, changing the subject, "Was there anything you found out about my parents?" "There's a lot of appeals for info from your family, Tim, even a reward. None from yours though Kyle." "Doesn't surprise me," Kyle comes in, "They completely disowned me when I joined the police. Said I was shaming the family, being law abiding and all'. Not the sort of job someone from the hood goes into." "WTF? You got disowned by your family cos you're a cop?" asks Daniel. Kyle nods, Tim looking on, having heard this story a few times, in lucid moments of their time together. "Raised on the other side of the tracks, dad a local player, gangster, shaker, whatever. Didn't want his fourth son getting involved in the police, in the law. Said for me to choose, family or the law. I needed out of there. Being gay and all, so I chose the police over family." Andy says, "Figures, I read an interview in a paper with your dad, said you had brought an extra level of shame and disgrace to the family, first gay, then police, then not man enough, gone and got yourself caught, captured and put into service." "What? Everyone knew what we were caught up in?" Andy nods, "Yeah the media fucking loved it. White boys getting caught and used, white sex slaves, male, Tim privileged as well. It was like all the tables turned. They fucking loved putting it out there. And their readers loved it too. Tim and Kyle both shaking their heads in disbelief, "Really? They got no compassion for us at all?" Andy continuing, "No, they said Tim deserved it. Security guard at UCSD interviewed, describing finding Tim in the locker room, his professor too, them all saying if it hadn't happened that night then some time soon, and why was he so gullible anyway?" "WTF," Tim shouted, "I was just..." Tony interrupted, "Hey kid, no one here's judging you, ok?" Tim nods, calming down, "And my dad, anything in the media there?" "As I said, rewards for info. He also sued the police and won the case. He hounded them, making sure those responsible were discharged." "Wait, does he know I'm out, I'm here?" asks Tim. "No. Wanted to wait 'til you knew what had happened, let you decide, start making your own decisions again." "I don't know what he will say. Probably thinks I'm dead." "Possibly yeah, the trail went cold a long time ago. But you're not dead, are you? So you can make that call." Tony sees Tim shaking, "Not yet, not if you don't want to. Take your time, Tim, anytime." "Yeah, no pressure," adds Andy. "And I hope you're not gonna pressure me," adds Kyle, "I don't want to contact them. Let them think I'm dead. Easier that way." "I hear you," says Tony, "But if Tim comes out as alive then they're gonna find out about you, sooner or later." Kyle shakes his head, "Yeah, but so glad the sergeant got called out on this. I don't have anything to back to." "No pressure on either of you to do anything," says Tony. "That's true," adds Andy, "Do it at your own pace. Happy for you boys to recover here. As long as it takes." "Thanks. Really. Don't know how to thank you." "No need lad. No need."


Tim and Kyle seem to be putting the pieces together of their four years in service, but what will the future hold for them?

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You can get in touch with me at galanthusgalanthus@protonmail.com to tell me what you think of Tim's trip.

Next: Chapter 10

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