Tims Strip Trip

By galanthus

Published on Nov 4, 2023


Category Section Gay authoritarian Tim's Strip Trip - Part 7 Recovering


Background -- This is the story of Tim, an eighteen year old college student at UCSD with a taste for self-exposure that led to Tim being abducted, auctioned off as a sex-slave. He's now on a ranch outside Jibberding, Western Australia, and no one knows exactly how he and Kyle got there.


"So, what's been happening?" asks Andy the next morning. "Not much," replies Tony, "They seemed to sleep well enough, no sound from either of them but, shhh, they're still asleep." Andy walks over and sees the two of them lying in bed, a sheet covering their legs, Kyle spooning Tim, arm around him, lips to the back of Tim's neck. "They seem close." "Lol, yeah, don't think they're brothers or just mates, neither." Andy shakes his head, "Probably not, and then that's ok too, yeah? You not going homophobic on them are you?" "Me?" laughs Tony, "No, I think they're kinda cute." "You turning?" "You know me, never say no to new experiences." "Well, if that's true just make sure you don't take advantage of them." "Ok, ok, boss, I hear you, but that wasn't what I meant. Anyway, how do you want to run today? You want me to look after them? We're pretty much up to date with all the ranch jobs." "That sounds good, yeah. I gotta go over see some of the neighbours so I'll be gone most of the day. You look after these two. Call me if there's a problem." Andy points to the tray of breakfasts and coffee and heads out leaving Tony with the two sleeping beauties. `Hmm, those two are as smooth as girls,' thinks Tony as he drops his boxers and heads for the shower. Later, hair wet, towel round his waist, Tony's drinking his coffee wondering if he should just let the two sleep in or wake them up. He decides to leave them sleep. He can always make more coffee later.

An hour later, Tony still in just his towel, Kyle wakes and moves, pulling the sheet off him and Tim. Tony watches as Kyle snuggles harder into Tim, kissing Tim on the back of his neck and then turns his head to see Tony watching him. "You sleep well?" asks Tony, noticing Kyle blushing. "Erm, yeah, thanks, I'm starving tho." "Yeah? Breakfast and coffee here." Tony gets up an brings them over. Kyle turns and sits on the side of the bed, his cock erect, not hiding it, unashamed, sipping the coffee, "Mmm, that tastes so good." Tony struggling to keep his eyes off Kyle's morning wood. "I bet it does," Tony replies, with more than a hint of innuendo. Kyle looks down and grins, laughs, "I don't know, I can't stretch down there myself." Tony laughs, "But Tim, Tim knows, right?" Kyle nods, "Yeah, he sure does and I know what he tastes like too. That's ok with you? Me being gay, Tim being bi?" "Sure thing, kid, no problems here, none at all," says Tony, adjusting his cock under his towel, wishing he had got dressed, not sure how he would be able to hide his boning cock in the flimsy towel. "There any more coffee?" asks Kyle, holding out his mug. "Sure. Help yourself, there's some cereal there too." Kyle tries to get up but sits down right away, "Damn, feeling kinda dizzy, fuck." "Shit, sorry son, I should have thought. Here, let me." Tony gets up and takes Kyle's mug from him, the tent in his towel obvious. "Seems we both have that morning wood problem," smirks Kyle. "What? Oh fuck, yeah?" Tony acts surprised and goes to get the coffee, aware Kyle is watching him and his ass. As Tony is handing Kyle coffee and cereal, both hands full, the inevitable happens and Tony's towel drop to the floor, revealing his junk right in Kyle's face. Kyle looks up at Tony and grins, "Mmm, nice. So we're all naked now. That's cool, yeah? Tony sits back, "You both nudists generally then? I mean, I know I found you naked. I just thought that wasn't by choice." "Long story, but we both been naked for such a long time, it feels totally natural." "That right? How so?" Tony sees a dark cloud roll over Kyle's face. "Hey kid, it's ok. No, it's not, I mean, I mean I don't know what happened to you, but you don't need to talk about it until you're ready, ok? And then what about your, erm, Tim? You want to wait 'til he recovers for you tell your story?" Kyle looks down into his coffee, "Yeah, guess I want Tim and me to tell you. Like, my brain is pretty scrambled right now. I need to get it sorted in my mind." "You can just tell us bit by bit, get it all out, we can make sense of it later. But, there's no hurry." "But, are we safe here? Will they find us? Come back to get us?" Kyle's face is etched in worry. "Hey bud, reckon you're pretty damn safe here. We're like ten miles from where I found you, we got no near neighbours, all a good fifteen minute drive away in the truck, most more, no one knows you're here apart from me, Andy and his brother, Daniel, who's a doctor in Perth." Kyle takes in the info, somehow reassuring but also a bit scary, `No one knows we're here,' Kyle shudders, flashback to the van door closing on him and Tim, naked, and blindfolded, on that fateful Friday night after the auction, his tracker device uselessly in his car miles away, and no one knowing where they were being taken, Chas winning the auction, the hour long drive there. How long ago, exactly? "Hey kid, come back," Tony holding Kyle, sat by his side. Kyle turns, sees Tony though his tears, and puts his arms around him. Tony holding Kyle tight, "Hey, it's ok, kid, cry it out, let it all out, yeah, that's what I'm here for, cry on my shoulder." Kyle cries for near an hour. Their bodies sweaty and soaked in Kyle's tears, Finally, Kyle wipes away his tears with the back of his hand, "Sorry." "No need to be sorry, Kyle, I reckon you must have been to hell and back, wherever you were." Kyle nods, "Something like that, yeah, something like that, it's all a blur right now." "You want a shower, cool yourself down?" "Yeah, but I'm not sure I got the strength to stand up and..." "No problems Kyle," Tony picks Kyle up and carries him into the shower, washing both Kyle and himself, patting Kyle down dry afterwards then drying himself, hanging the towels up, taking Kyle back to a chair, them both staying naked. "Let's check on your friend here," says Tony, walking over to Tim.


So, Kyle's awake and beginning to make sense, and feeling comfortable with the naked Tony. But what about Tim? How's he doing?

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You can get in touch with me at galanthusgalanthus@protonmail.com to tell me what you think of Tim's trip.

Next: Chapter 8

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