Tims Strip Trip

By galanthus

Published on Oct 27, 2023


Tim's Strip Trip - Part 6 Rescued


Background -- This is the story of Tim, an eighteen year old college student at UCSD with a taste for self-exposure which led to Tim being abducted, auctioned off as a sex-slave, and disappearing from sight together with Liam, the rookie police officer who was on an undercover operation to rescue Tim.


"Boss, give me a hand here." "Why, what have you got there?" Andy shouts across the yard at his ranchhand. "You wont believe it," says Tony, opening the side door of the van. "What the fuck?" "Exactly. Found these two tied up to a tree on the side of the road. A movement caught my eye, a head dropping, otherwise I'd have driven straight past them." "Damn, and if you had they would have been dead by the time someone else came by, we're so isolated out here. C'mon, let's get them inside and cleaned up. They got any names?" Tony shakes his head, "They've not said a word, just a bit of mumbling. Think they're so dehydrated they've gone and lost their minds or something." "OMG, really? Well, I better get onto my brother. Glad someone in the family is medical." "Ew, but they're rich." "Lol, you've never gotten over it, eh, the stench of piss and shit? Even though you're up to your knees in it in the barns most days." "Like how long they been there, naked, getting baked in this sun?" "Dunno. Can't be too long cos no one can survive in the outback too long. Day perhaps? Two at most." Andy instructs Tony, "Go on then, what you waiting for? Get stripped down, take these boys into the shower, get all that shit and whatever off them, then we can see what we're dealing with here." Tony strips down and takes one of them under the cool shower, slowly revealing the smooth skinned lad, skin burnt, not too badly, lips blistered, him moaning in pain as the cool water stings the burns. The next one is more lively, less cooperative, fighting almost, shouting and mumbling incoherently as his naked body is revealed. He lies there sobbing as the naked Tony dries him off and lays him next to his comatose buddy. "There you go, now just lie there while I get myself dried and dressed." The eyes of the awake one burning into Tony, Tony seeing the eyes roll and then lose consciousness. Andy walks in as Tony is pulling on his jeans, "You did a good job on cleaning these two boys up. They don't look too badly sunburnt." "No. One was completely out of it the whole time, the other a bit lively but has just dropped back to sleep." "Rest is probably what both of them need most right now. Now that they're out of that darn sun they should recover soon enough. Need to get fluids in them, slowly. That's your job today, Tony." "That's ok. I can manage that," Tony laughs. "Should we call the police, tell them we found two naked boys tied up?" Andy shakes his head, "I think what these two boys need is a lot of rest and recovery before they get themselves interrogated by the police. They're not fit for anything right now." "Guess you're right, boss." "Yep, I always am." Tony shrugs his head, as if saying, No'. Andy leaves him to it. Tony putting water to their cracked lips, them sipping some, then putting lotion on their burns. Tony thinking, They look so young. Where the fuck have they come from? Who did this to them? Fucking haters out there.' Tony looking over their naked bodies, wondering what their story is, how they got to be stripped and tied up naked to a tree a three hour drive out of Perth. Were they brothers? Were they lovers? Whatever, they didn't deserve to be tied and left to die. Tony stays attentive to them as they lie there, completely out it, one of them mumbling under his breath, but Tony can't make out what he's saying, even if he's speaking English or not.

"Any words from them?" Andy asks as he comes in carrying a tray of food. Tony shakes his head, "Nope, nothing. You sure we shouldn't call the police? Get them started on finding out who they are? Checking on who's gone missing? They hardly look old enough to have left home. Parents must be worried sick." "I get you, Tony, but these boys need rest, they're not in any position to talk. I know they're smooth skinned but they might be older than they look. I mean, look at that tattoo on one of them, that's no kids' tattoo. Let's get them up and talking then we can figure out next steps." "Outback law, eh?" Andy nods, "Yeah, that's right. Police are a good hour away anyway, so we gotta be the ones keeping the laws here." Tony puts a spoon to one set of lips as Andy tries the other. Both taking little bits before gagging and spitting out, but they start to take more water in. "Hey not so fast, you'll throw all that up and then we will be back to square one." Andy laughing as he watches the water spill down the boy's chest.

"Either of you got names?" Tony asks, looking between the two of them, searching for either of them to recognise words, to respond, to say something. The one on the right croaks an answer, "Kyle." "Kyle? Hey, hi Kyle. Who's your buddy here?" Kyle looks over, "Tim. That's Tim." Tim lying there, out of it. "He's ok, yeah?" "I'm sure he will be," says Andy, looking down at Kyle. Kyle suddenly jerks up, "Where are we? Who are you?" "Hey, hey, chill man, it's ok. I'm Tony, here's my boss Andy. I found you earlier today. Naked and tied to a tree by the road. Brought you back here, cleaned you up. Been looking after you." Tony watches as Kyle seems to take in the information. "Where are we?" "Ranch, a few miles out of Jibberding?" "Jibberding? Where the fuck's that?" "Hey. Not so rude, lad!" Andy answers, "WA." "WA? Washington?" "No, kid, no. Wrong continent, WA, Western Australia, 300km out of Perth." "WTF we doing in Australia?" "That makes four of us interested in that question and answer, Kyle. But you should rest now. Try get some sleep. Let your body recover. Tony here will look after you both, sleep in the bunkhouse alongside you. Just give him a holler if you need anything. You're going to be alright.That's for sure." Kyle watches Andy leave, then looks over at Tim, then sees Tony watching him. "You heard the boss, you're going to be ok. You're safe here. You got my word on that."


Tim and Kyle are now on a farm outside Jibberding, Western Australia. How did they get there? What happened to them between heading off in the van on auction night to them being tied up naked?

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You can get in touch with me at galanthusgalanthus@protonmail.com to tell me what you think of Tim's trip.

Next: Chapter 7

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