Tims Strip Trip

By galanthus

Published on Sep 19, 2023


Category Section Gay authoritarian Tim's Strip Trip - Part 4 In Service


Background -- This is the story of Tim, an eighteen year old college student at UCSD with a taste for self-exposure and picks up from him stripping down in the locker-room, being found by the security guard, seen by his professor and getting into his car naked for his night-time ride back to Cardiff.


Mike grinned, "Good, now let's get you doing some more of that work, and don't go touching your dick. Cos that dick of yours ain't yours anymore. It belongs to me. To all six of us. You understand, Boi? No touching it without our permission."

Tim could feel his dick throbbing in the open air between him and Mike, totally exposed, totally on view. He couldn't believe that he was actually accepting this role that he had found himself in so easily, so readily. That he had already taken Mike's dick down his throat and then taken Mike's dick up his ass and already been seeded by Mike. That he had replied to Mike that he was happy for it to happen again. Tim was surprised that it wasn't so bad, sucking dick and getting fucked, once he put himself in the mindset that this is what his girlfriend had done for him many times, taken his dick in her mouth, her pussy, her ass. That this was all natural, just that he was now the catcher rather than the pitcher, taking dick in his mouth, his pussy. `What? I'm calling my ass my pussy now? WTF?' Tim recalled the words his gay friend had said many times, "Of course, it's natural, taking dick, it's what your girl does for you, right? So, its exactly like that. Just cos I got a dick and not a pussy don't make it unnatural. Anyway, I think of my ass as my boi-pussy." Tim had laughed the way his friend had described gay sex like that, and that his ass was his boi-pussy. And now Tim realised this was him. It was ok, it was natural. Mike hadn't hurt him. In fact, Tim had enjoyed it once he had relaxed enough. Tim had enjoyed Mike fucking his boi-pussy. Tim had actually fucking cum, no hands. That had never happened before.

"Hey pussy-boi. Stop day-dreaming and follow me."

Tim shook his head of his thoughts and saw that Mike was a hundred yards across the yard. Tim's dick bounced hard against his thighs as he ran to catch Mike up, "Sorry, I guess I was just trying to get my head round all this."

Mike ruffled Tim's hair, looking down at Tim's rock hard and leaking dick, "Lol, all you gotta get your head round pussy-boi is my dick. And everyone else's too. Keep our dicks happy and you keep us happy. Understand my little pussy-boi?" Mike watched as that message sank into Tim's brain, that Tim was going to be servicing all the dicks in the house. With his throat and his ass, or was that boi-pussy? Mike grinned when Tim's response was a submissive nod of the head, "Good pussy-boi. You really are settling in well, Boi. Perhaps I will give you a treat this afternoon. Would you like that, pussy-boi?"

Without knowing or asking what the treat might be, Tim nodded, "Yes Sir."

"Damn, you are one Good Boi. As I said, we sure got lucky picking you to be our house pussy-boi."

Mike found it hard work to concentrate on showing Tim his duties around the house and compound. Mike was rock hard in his jeans and wanting more of Tim's ass, but he knew that there would be trouble if Tim hadn't done everything he needed to do before the others got back. Mike found it a real distraction seeing Tim's freshly shaved smooth naked body in the morning Californian sun. They had lunch on the porch, heated leftovers from last night's supper, Mike casting his eyes over Tim and beginning to lust after him again.

Mike put his bowl down, spread his legs open on the bench he was sat at and looked over at Tim, "Come over here Boy. Get down on your knees. That's right. Closer. Get your lips to my dick, Boi. Now slip that tongue of yours under my dickhead and lick it. Yeah. Like that. That's good, mmmm. Now, gently close your lips round my dickhead. Keep wiggling that tongue under my dickhead, Boi. Yeah, you're doing so good. Damn good. OK, now here's your treat, Boi. Wait for it. You ready?"

Tim looked up at Mike, Mike's dickhead resting gently on his tongue and in his mouth, feeling the smoothness of Mike's dickhead and heat and hardness against his lips. Tim could already taste the precum oozing out of Mike's dick onto his tongue. Tim saw Mike smiling down at him, and Tim nodded a "Yes" to Mike's question of is he ready. Tim might have thought he was ready, but ready for what? Certainly not ready for what happened next. Suddenly, there was a gush of hot liquid in his mouth. With horror, Tim realised that Mike was pissing into his mouth, not cumming.

Mike saw the shock on Tim's face, "You like my surprise for you, do you, Boi? Now, drink it all up. Don't want you wasting none, you hear? That's right. Close those pretty lips of yours around my dick and drink up, Boi. Drink it all up. That's better. Don't matter that some has run down your chin and onto your chest, it'll dry soon enough in this heat. Just make sure you drink up the rest, Boi."

Tim tried his best to swallow all the piss coming out of Mike's dick, but it was such a torrent, Tim found it hard to keep up and drink it all and some more spilled out onto his chest and down his abs and over his crotch. Tim didn't have time to think about it, to think this wasn't what he wanted. Tim had flipped into obedience and submission. This was what was happening now. Get on with it. Deal with it. Tim looked up at Mike grinning at him, talking dirty to him as his piss flowed, encouraging Tim to drink it all up. And there was something switching in Tim's brain, something that said, `Even this is ok. Drinking piss from Mike's dick is ok, it's not a problem.'

Mike saw the confusion cross Tim's face, "Hey Boi, don't you go worrying your little head about nothing. Drinking piss is as natural as pissing it out against a tree. Our army boys get taught to drink it if there's no water around to stop them from dehydrating, didn't you know? Totally natural. And you're taking to it like a trooper, you sure are. No more water from the well for you from now on, Boi. The only water you are going to be having is recycled water, straight from my dick. And straight from the dicks of the rest of the gang, of course. You understand that Boi? You understand what I'm telling you?"

Mike saw the words register on Tim's face, on Tim understanding it, taking it in, Tim nodding yes. "Hey you sure are one bright little house boi, Boi. Fast learner an all. Now drink up the last few drops and clean my dick with your tongue. Mmm. Now say `Thank You'."

Tim couldn't believe it when he heard the words "Thank You, Sir," coming out of his own mouth.

"Now, that's what I call a polite little house boi, thanking Sir for his drink. Good Boi. Looks like I won't need to tan your backside today after all. Now let's get some more work done, Boi."

With Mike satisfied, Tim spent the rest of the afternoon first doing chores in the yard then preparing supper. Before he knew it, the yard gate opened and the men arrived in a different truck from the white one Tim had gone here in.

Al shouted out, "Get us some beers, Boi, we're thirsty here. Don't keep us waiting now, you here?"

Al watched on as Tim brought beers out for them all and handed them round, "So then Mike, does the Boi here deserve a beer or what?"

Mike took a sip of his beer, "Well I reckon he does, though he's already graduated away from tap water."

Al looked over at Tim, "Is that right Boi? You drinking yellow now? Damn, that's mighty fast work. Ok, you go get yourself a beer. You sure deserve it."

As Tim came back with a beer for himself, he hears how they had dumped the white truck that he arrived in last night and found themselves a nice new deep blue one in the parking lot in town.

There was laughter as Al told the story, "Lady must have just slipped into the store or a coffee shop or something. She sure must have been confused when she came out to find her Dodge gone and our old wreck parked up close by. Shouldn't have been so dumb as to leave the keys in the ignition. One born every day, that's for sure. Anyway, we had to change our truck as the police were all milling around and we heard on their station radio that they were all out looking for a naked college boi, last seen getting into a white dodge truck. That's you, Boi, you're fucking famous!"

Tim gulped, not sure what to say, how to respond. Taking in the fact that the police were out there looking for him. That had to be good news, didn't it? But since they had dumped the white truck he had been abducted in, the trail was likely to be going cold. Tim thinks to himself that he is here for the duration, until he can earn enough credits, as they called them, to earn some clothes and a ride back to town. He hoped that won't be too long.

Mike shouted over, "Hey Dreamer Boi. Come over here and show the guys your new trick."

Tim put down his beer and moved towards Mike, who was already pulling his jeans down to his ankles, dick out in front of everyone. Mike motioned Tim towards his dick and Tim dropped to his knees, mouth open and tongue out, with Mike's dick resting on Tim's tongue. Mike ruffled Tim's hair. The others watching on, knowing that it had taken them three or four weeks to get the last house boi to this stage of submission. Mike looked into Tim's eyes, "You ready, Boi? No spilling this time, now."

Tim nodded and immediately felt the hot piss coming out of Mike's dick, across his tongue and down his throat. Tim was more prepared for it this time and Mike was slowing the rate of his piss, his dick growing hard as he emptied his bladder into Tim's stomach. Mike indicated he had finished by taking hold of his dick and slapping it against Tim's face. Tim automatically took the dick back into his mouth to clean it up with his tongue.

Mike looked round at the others, "See, I been busy all day teaching the Boi. Ain't he done good? Anyone need to unload?"

Tim was still on his knees and looked round the men, all facing him.

Seth, who had been the other guy in the truck who picked Tim up last night, looked over at Tim, "Come over here, Boi, I got a load you can take."

The whole scene was repeated, Tim taking in Seth's bladder full of piss without spilling a drop. Tim was sent off to get more beers for them, his dick now rock hard.

Mike thanked Tim for his beer, "Now look at how smooth I got him today. Tim, get on all fours on the table here and let them see." Tim did as Mike told him, of course, and soon finds himself facing Al and Seth, with Mike to one side, and the others (who he will later learn are Russ, Jeff and Ryan) behind him, having a first class view of his smooth ass, his shaved dick and balls hanging between his legs.

Al stood up, "Damn it if I don't need a piss right now. Boi, open that sweet mouth of yours."

Tim did as told and was soon drinking Al's piss. He felt hands slapping his ass and flicking his balls. He tried to concentrate on drinking up but was distracted when he felt something hot and hard against his hole. Someone, he didn't know who, was pressing his dick into him.

Al looked down at Tim, "Good Boi, just you keep drinking it all up while Russ here checks out what a fine ass you have."

Tim could feel Russ opening him up, pushing in deep. Russ fucking him as Al finished pissing down his throat. Al's dick growing hard as Tim licked him clean. Instead of Al pulling out, though, Al started to push his dick further down Tim's throat. Tim was being roasted by Al and Russ in front of the others, his own dick rock hard and leaking precum down onto the table. It wasn't not long before Russ thrusted deep into Tim's ass, shot his load and pulled out. Within a few seconds, Tim felt another dick enter him and starting fucking him harder and faster. Al shot his load down Tim's throat and pulled out, letting Jeff take his place. It didn't take long before Jeff was shooting his load down Tim's throat and Ryan was unloading into Tim's ass. They both pulled out of Tim, and Tim was there on all fours, cum dripping out of his mouth, his ass and his own dick too.

Mike grinned, "I got us some nice pics of that `welcome home' from the Boi. I reckon the Boi is ready to party, don't you guys?"

Al grunted, "Yeah, sure, why not. This Friday night? Get onto it Mike. And you Boi, clean your mess up off the table. Now. With your tongue, Boi."


From way wrong to way, way worse. Now Tim is being used by them all. How the fuck is Tim going to get out of this with his throat and ass, sorry, boi-pussy, intact?

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You can get in touch with me at galanthusgalanthus@protonmail.com to tell me what you think of Tim's trip.

Next: Chapter 5

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