Tims Strip Trip

By galanthus

Published on Sep 16, 2023


Tim's Strip Trip - Part 3 Abducted


Background -- This is the story of Tim, an eighteen year old college student at UCSD with a taste for self-exposure and picks up from him stripping down in the locker-room, being found by the security guard, seen by his professor and getting into his car naked for his night-time ride back to Cardiff.


The officer who had set all this off back at UCSD by calling all units to stop the naked student went pale as a ghost in his squad car when he heard the call, "Fucking Hell, if this gets out, then I'm toast. We gotta find this boy. And fast."

Squad cars were deployed, looking for a white dodge truck. It should have been easy to spot, there wasn't much traffic at gone one in the morning but the truck was nowhere to be seen. They had gone and tucked themselves into a residential side street and killed the engine, telling Tim to shut the fuck up and not try anything funny. Tim had no idea where they were. He had rat-runned between his dead aunt's house and the university campus and hardly knew anywhere off that track, apart from the surf beaches, of course. Tim was afraid that the two rednecks were going to cause him some serious damage if he tried anything smart so he just sat there, between the two of them, barely breathing.

Tim felt a hand on each of his thighs, patting him as if he was a pet dog or something. "Good lad, just stay quiet and it will all be ok. We're gonna rest up here for a bit while the police try to find you and then when they have given up, we can take you home, ok? We don't want any trouble from them, or from you, understand?"

Tim nodded a "Yes." Too frightened to speak.

The redneck to the left of him, in the driver's seat, patted Tim's thigh again, "Now, how about you show my friend here how grateful you are that we rescued you from those two hobos back there?"

The redneck to the right, unzipped his jeans, "Yeah, boy, you can help me right here. You gone and got me all horned up, you dirty little fucker, you, being naked and jerking off like that. So get down and get your lips round my dick. And no biting, now."

Tim stuttered out, "I'm not gay. I've never sucked dick. I can't."

The redneck shook his head, "Wrong answer, Boi. Now just get down there and do it."

Tim gagged even before he put his mouth anywhere near the redneck's cock. The redneck had opened his flies and pulled his jeans down to his knees, letting out a stench of stale dried piss. Tim retched, now understanding why his girlfriends had always insisted he showered before they had gone down on him.

Tim held his head and mouth away from the man's cock as long as he could, `Ugh, gross, fuck, this is not happening. Tell me it isn't happening, please. This is a fucking nightmare. Let me wake up soon, FFS.' Tim felt a hand on the back of his head, pushing his face closer to the hardening cock in front of his eyes, realising that yes it was happening and the only way to save his skin, or so he thinks, is to do what these two rednecks want, even if that means sucking dick for the first time in his life. Tim closed his eyes as the man's bell end entered Tim's mouth.

The man pulled and pushed Tim's head, "Now suck, Boi. Suck on my hard dick like your life depended on it."

Tim shuddered as the man tugged on his hair and forced himself deeper into Tim's mouth. Once all the piss and dried cum had been washed off by Tim's saliva, Tim was able to relax a little. At least he wasn't going to throw up with the stench. But now, he could feel the cockhead against the back of his throat and the man's wiry bush in his face. Fuck,' Tim thinks, His cock is down my throat. I'm a fucking cocksucker now. He's all the way in, and building up speed.'

The man getting head looked over at his mate who was driving off road now moans, "Fuck, this bitch gives good head."

"Yeah? Well can't wait til my turn face fucking him. Gotta get us to the compound first though before the cops trail us and take our find away."

Tim got a hard smack on his ass from the driver, as he threw the truck into gear and set off. Tim deep throated the passenger redneck all the way for another forty minutes or so before the truck came to a stop, dogs barking and yelping, "You're home now, Boi. Welcome to your new home."

Tim is pulled off the hard cock and looked through the windscreen. It's pitch black, no street lights, they are out in the country, middle of nowhere.

Tim's jaw dropped, `Fuck, this isn't my home, it's their home. This is crazy. How am I ever going to get out of this now?'

"C'mon bitch, get out, let's introduce you to the rest of the house." Tim was dragged out of the truck by his hair, yelping, his bare feet finding sharp stones to walk across, then in through a wooden door into a warm smoke filled room.

"Look what we gone and found ourselves on the way back from the liquor store. A real live cocksucking faggot. Found him naked on the side of the road jerking off in front of a couple of hobos. We got ourselves a new entertainment centre. Goes by the name of Boi or Bitch and gives good head. Say hello, Bitch."

Tim looked round the room, four more pairs of eyes on him. Six rednecks all looking at his naked body, curious, eyeing him up, wondering whether to believe if Tim did give good head or not, or what else he might be good for too.

Tim has to be nudged again before he says "Hello."

"OK, Bitch. Here's the deal, you are our new house boi. You cook and clean for us and we give you a roof over your head and some food in your belly. Oh, and we get to use your other services too."

Tm started to open his mouth, protesting, "No, you brought me here by force. No, guys, please, let me go. I'm not that kind of guy. I will be missed by my housemates. They'll raise the alarm, call the cops. Drop me off near to where you found me. Or, anywhere to be honest. I'll say I don't remember what you looked like. Honest. Please. You can trust me. Let me go, yeah?"

"Oh, ain't the Bitch a polite one? Not like that last one we had. No Boi. No deal. We found you. We took you. You are ours. For the duration. Got it? Lot of trouble bringing you all the way out here. You're here for a while now, 'til we get tired of you, that is. But enough of that. You get your ass off to bed cos you need to be up at 6am to cook us our breakfasts, you hear?"

Tim's resolve melted away, beaten, tired out. The thought of a bed now was welcome. It was gone 2am and Tim was shown a small dark windowless room with a tiny single bed in it.

"You get to sleep here Boi, when we done with you, that is. Now don't forget, breakfast at 6am before we head off to work. Got it?"

Tim nodded and sat on the bed. The man shut and locked the door, Tim hearing the key turn, `Fuck, I'm locked in. No escaping. Not tonight, anyway.'

Tim's eyes grew accustomed to the dark. The room had a single bed in it, walls of rough sawn timber. A bucket in the corner. A pitcher of water. Enough for the night. Tim lay under the blankets, no sheets, itchy, and stared out at the timber planked ceiling of the small room, questions running through his head, `How the fuck have I got myself into this mess? How am I going to escape? When would my housemates raise the alarm about me being missing? How the fuck could I have been so stupid?'

Tim didn't sleep much that first night and was woken by the key on the outside of the door and it opening, shedding light onto the room.

"Bitch. Get up. Time for you to make us our breakfast. Move it unless you want a strap across that sweet little ass of yours." Tim got up, ashamed of his morning wood, nothing to cover it with and followed the guy into the kitchen.

"Eggs, bacon, hash browns and coffee. Go to it Boi. You got 20 minutes to get it all on the table. Understand?"Tim nodded. Before the man left Tim to it in the kitchen, he smacked Tim hard on the ass, "Good Boi."

Tim found himself busying making the breakfast as the naked house boi for the group of rednecks. He didn't know the names of any of them, where he was, what they did, anything. The lack of sleep, his nakedness, putting him into a drowsy servile state, just wanting to survive, to do anything to prevent a beating or harm to himself. Realising in the middle of the night that he has no option right now but to do what they want and for him to bide his time. Some point in the future he will regain his freedom. Hadn't that happened with their last house boi? Isn't that what they said?

"Hey, that was tasty. You did well, Boi. Nice breakfast. Might keep you, lol. OK listen up, Mike here is going to stay with you today. Show you the ropes, so to speak, tell you what to do round the yard while we're at work. Settle you in. Make sure you know what has got to be done before we get back and have made us a good hearty supper. You got that?"

Tim nodded. He had been happy enough that he was allowed to sit down with them at the long table to eat the breakfast that he had prepared and have a couple of mugs of coffee. He felt better having some food and a hot drink in him. Tim looked over at Mike, possibly younger than the others and less built like an outhouse. The others got up and left for work, Mike telling Tim to get everything washed up, while Mike went out onto the porch with the last of the coffee and a smoke. After washing up all the dishes Tim went out onto the porch to find Mike.

Mike looked Tim up and down, "A fit naked college lad, eh. All done? You're a quick worker. That's good. You'll fit in well here. Do the chores well then we treat you well, you understand?" Tim nodded, unsure how he had been taken in as a naked house boi, or slave, so easily. Somehow accepting it in the middle of the night, in those short hours of darkness. Mike looked at Tim, "Yeah, you're gonna settle in and do well here, I can tell it. Nice well brought up Boi like you. Now I gotta show you round the place and what your chores are but first of all, I gotta get you stripped of your body hair. Our house bois they don't have any, you see, and you're our new house boi now. Last one served his time and through his hard work was able to save up enough credits to earn him some clothes and gas for the ride to be dropped back in town. Work as hard as him and you could be free in four, five, maybe six months, depending."

The colour drained from Tims face, thinking to himself `WTF four, five, six months naked as their house boi? WTF did these guys think they were on? This ain't some tinpot country. This here is California in the USA. Slavery? Here?' Tim stuttered, "Hey, you gotta be kidding. It's a joke right? What you just said? Right?" When Mike shook his head, grinning away, Tim gulped and closed his eyes again, "No, No, No, this can't be happening."

"Hey c'mon Boi, it's not that bad. After the first week or two you'll get used to it, even enjoy the laid back lifestyle. Much better than being at that fancy college of yours with all its assignments and essays to do and boring lectures to attend. You don't have much to do for your board and lodgings and to earn credit for your release. C'mon. lets get you to the bathroom and get that body hair off you. You will look and feel more the part when that's gone, that's for sure." Broken spirited, Tim followed Mike into the bathroom and allowed Mike to strip him of his body hair. Even his ass crack was inspected and shaved smooth. "There you are. Take a look in the mirror. I always get to shave the house boi so you better get used to this. Happens twice a week, to keep you nice and smooth, the way we like em."

Tim looked at himself in the mirror. Humiliation complete. He looked more like his kid brother than a college jock. Tim shook his head, looking at himself, thinking, Fuck, all this started because I dared myself to throw my kit in the locker room bin then no one left a jock or anything for me to get home in. This is all my own dumb fault. And now I'm a naked house boi to six fucking rednecks. Bit like snow white and the seven dwarves. Fuck.' Tim shook his head as these thoughts went through him, then laughed to himself, Well at least they're not making me wear a dress or anything like that. And enough guys at college shave off anyway.' He shook off his mood and thoughts, trying to stay positive, "OK, what next?"

Mike showed Tim round the yard, where to chop wood for the stove, where and how to feed the chickens and harvest the eggs. Tim nodded as he was shown the wash room. Finding out that he has to do the laundry for them all. Tim stacked the washing machine with an all-ready heap of dirties. Mike showed Tim the boundaries of the compound, and pointed to where Tim was allowed to go and not, "If you go outside the compound, well, anyway, I just don't recommend it, Boi, We might need to set the dogs on you and when we get you back and treat your wounds then we might need to restrain you. And you wont want to be in chains, now, would you?"

Tim shook his head no, Not chains, fuck, if I knew where I was and was 100% certain of a successful escape then it would be ok, but if there was a chance of being caught and brought back, put in fucking chains, well, its not worth it. I reckon I just have to be a good guy and work my time.' Tim caught his thoughts, How am I thinking this way already? I've not been here twelve hours and already I've given up hope of getting out of here until they let me go. Shit. What's happening to me?' Tim looked over at Mike who's staring at Tim and rubbing his crotch, `Oh fuck, I need to distract him or he might face fuck me like that other guy did.' Tim didn't know the names of the two that had brought him here, or the other three. Just Mike, the youngest by far, and probably only a year or two older than Tim.

Mike looked lustily at Tim, an obvious bulge in his trousers, "Hmmm, let me show you the barn, what goes on in there." No sooner than they had walked into the barn, Mike barked out the order, "On your knees, Boi." Tim looked round to see Mike pulling off his tee and unzipping his jeans, letting them drop to the ground. Mike kicked off his trainers and his jeans. In a matter of seconds, Mike was naked and rock solid erect. Tim took in the ink across Mike's chest, arms, legs, thighs, abs, almost everywhere that had been underneath his clothes. Mike looked at Tim, "Cmon Boi, get on your knees. I got needs here, and this is part of your duties as our house boi."

Tim's stomach lurched, `It was bad enough being naked, shaved, humiliated, doing the housework, cooking and everything. But, what? I'm expected to suck dick? Everyone's dick? Fuck. No way.'

It was as if Mike could read Tim's mind, "C'mon Boi, I know you already gave head to Al, he told us all about it after you we locked you in for the night, so don't pretend you've never given it. Get down on your knees and gets your lips round my dick. Now."

Tim dropped to his knees in front of Mike, Fuck so there had been others before him. All in this position? Shit, they must grab college boys and enslave them or something. Oh fuck, now I remember, that's what that talk at college on the first week had been about? The warnings about college dudes just disappearing without word or trace.' Tim hadn't paid much attention to it at the time, but now he realised he was one of those college boys who had disappeared, Fuck.'

Mike, impatient, stepped forward towards Tim, slapped Tim across the face, "C'mon Boi. This is just another one of your jobs. There's more to do after this. Now get your lips round my dick before I smack your ass hard."

At the mention of being hit, punished, Tim realised he had no choice here and put his lips round Mike's dick. There was already precum oozing out of his piss slit, Mike moaning in appreciation as Tim allowed Mike to move his dick in and out of his mouth, touching his throat at times, his balls slapping on Tim's chin. "Oh fuck, Boi, yeah, you're as good as Al said you were. Better perhaps. Your lips are so sweet and soft and I can feel myself at your throat. Boi, we sure are gonna enjoy you being around, mmm." Tim kneeling there, getting his face fucked by Mike, alarmed that his own cock, untouched, had become rock hard in the process. Mike looked down at Tim, holding his head in his hands, "Look at me Boi. Let me see your eyes as you suck my dick. Mmmmm, you sure look pretty down there with my dick in your mouth. Damn pretty. Now, Boi, guess where I wanna put my dick now. Turn around Boi, turn around." Mike pulled out, his dick wet and hard from Tim's saliva, "Go on Boi, I told you, turn around and let me see how your other hole works. You're good at sucking dick. Now let's see how good you are at taking dick. Turn around. Get down on all fours, Boi."

Tim was in shock. It was bad enough to let himself be face fucked by Al and then Mike, and the realisation that the rest of the men would be doing that too, soon enough. But to be fucked? Fuck. That's crazy. He isn't gay. And yet he knows he doesn't have any choice. If he wants to survive. Mike is bigger than him and even if he was to break free, overpower Mike, then what? How is he going to get out of the locked compound? Where is he anyway? Tim shuddered as he turned round, praying that it wouldn't hurt as much as he feared. He had a gay friend at college who wasn't afraid to go into all the lurid details of his sex life. Tim knew from those stories that he had to relax himself as much as possible if he didn't want it to hurt.

Mike looked down on the freshly shaved ass of Tim's, "Yeah, Boi you look mighty fine. Mighty fine for a good fucking." Mike got down and pushed his wet cockhead against Tims smooth hole, watching it at the hole, rubbing his dick against Tim's slit, seeing it open slightly, pushing gently. Mike knew what he was doing. He was going to be gentle with Tim. This was his job, to break the new house boi in, get him used to taking dick, so that the rest of the men could take their turn, use the house boi, or house bitch, as they liked to call them. "You just relax there boy, and let me in slowly, inch by inch, got that? Yeah that's right. I got my dickhead in you. Just relax. Breath. Let me in. Mmmmm, yeah, you got a sweet tight pussy Boi, you know that? Really sweet, really tight. Just breath. Relax. There you go. Another inch inside you. You like that, eh? I can tell it's your first time, you weren't lying to us. Jeez, you're so tight, yeah, real tight, Boi. You feel so good, yeah, there you go. Sweet. Half way in now. Just relax."

Tim was there on all fours, allowing Mike to enter him. It felt as though Mike was splitting him open. But Tim knew that Mike was going real slow, allowing Tim time to get used to him being inside Tim. Tim shook his head, `Fuck, what is happening to me? Now I'm letting a guy fuck me!' It felt so strange to Tim, alien, feeling full. A dick being pushed inside him, Tim relaxing as much as he could. Feeling Mike's cock being pushed in further. Mike resting there. Waiting. While Tim gets used to him being there. Gets used to having Mike's dick up his ass. Then Mike pushing in further and further.

"Good Boi. Good Boi. You got me all the way in. What a pro, yeah. Damn. You ok there? Good, now I'm going to slowly pull back. Yeah good, then back in deep, mmmm, You're a natural, Boi. You're a natural bitch, Boi, that's what you are. You know that? Fuck, you feel so good. I'm gonna speed up here cos you feel so good and so relaxed, yeah. Oh fuck yeah, you got one sweet tight ass Boi, damn, so sweet, so damn tight. You'll make me shoot my load soon you're so sweet and tight. You want my jizz inside you Boi? Want me to breed your sweet little ass? Sure you do. Yeah, fuck, Boi you are so hot for me ain't you? You want my jizz inside you, don't you? You want me to seed your Boi pussy don't you? Tell me that's what you want, Boi."

Tim was there on all fours, being fucked deep now by Mike, Mike talking real dirty at him. Tim's dick was leaking precum, untouched, his prostate being rubbed against as Mike fucked him slow and deep. It felt very strange, weird. The intense feeling of pleasure-pain as his prostate was massaged by Mike's cock. The dirty talk excited Tim in a very strange way too. It was as if Tim did actually did want Mike to seed him. That was the expression Mike used, wasn't it? For Mike to cum inside Tim. It sounded so gross, but Tim felt he was close to cumming himself, even though his dick was untouched. Tim felt Mike speeding up, fucking him deeper and faster now. Tim felt Mike's heavy balls slapping against him and that was curiously erotic, too, Tim remembering how it felt when he had fucked girlfriends and it was his balls that had hit them, now it was another man's balls hitting Tim, as Tim was fucked. Tim hadn't so much as circle jerked with the guys on the swim team. Nothing like this. Never. This was intense. So very fucking intense. As Tim realised that he was about to cum.

Tim opened his mouth, surprising himself with the words that came out, "Yeah, fuck me, seed me, make me spill mine, Sir."

"Yeah Boi, good you want it. Good that you want Sir's seed inside you. Here it comes Boi. Get ready to take it." Mike started to pound Tim's ass real deep. Fucking Tim really hard. Mike paused and yelped out, releasing his seed inside Tim and smacking Tim's ass real hard, "Yeah Boi take it. Take my seed, Boi. Fuck yeah. Sweet fuck, mmm."

Mike catching his breath, his dick buried deep inside Tim's ass, his seed inside Tim. Tim gasping, looking down between his legs. At some point in that fuck, perhaps at the same time as Mike shot his load, Tim had cum himself, and now his cock was dripping cum onto the barn floor. Mike pulled out of Tim slowly, his dick erect and covered in cum.

"Man that was fucking awesome. You're a natural at that Boi, yes you are. Now get round here and clean me up. Yeah, you heard me right. Clean my cum covered dick. With your tongue. Yes, that's another one of your duties here. Mmmm, can you taste your pussy juices on me, eh? That taste good Boi? You better get used to that taste cos you're gonna get a lot of it over the next few months. Every day to tell the truth, don't you know? Yeah, look up at me with those clear blue eyes of yours as you lick my dick clean. Good Boi. Jeez you are so fucking cute you know that? And that tongue of yours mmmm, yes sir. Damn cock licking fucking fantastic. Hey, now slow down Boi, don't get me too excited again already. We got the rest of the morning and all afternoon before the rest get back so we can take it slow. I can see you're already boned up again after shooting your load, untouched. That's a a real neat trick you got there. You're gonna be real popular with the guys and our visitors that's for sure. Yeah, you sure are gonna be a good little earner for us. Definitely. We struck gold with you. No previous house boi has ever got into the cock licking or ass fucking as quickly as you have, that's for sure. Well, not since I was a house boi. Yeah, you heard that right. I was caught from UCSD just like you. Four years ago to be precise. But I enjoyed myself so much that after I had earned my credits to buy some clothes and the gas back to college, I decided to stay and teach the new Bois the ropes. Jeez you must be like the eighth kid I've taken under my wing. But you are the best by far. Definitely. You are a 200% faggot, ain't you Boi? The way you took to cock down your throat and up your ass. You were born for this, you sure were. Now get your tongue off my dick for a minute, I'm telling you. We got work to do. We can get back to this later on. I'm sure you're already looking forward to it, ain't you Boi?"

Tim surprised himself by looking up at Mike and giving him a totally submissive "Yes, Sir."


Fuckkk, that turned out wrong. Way wrong. How the fuck is Tim going to get out of this with his throat and ass intact?

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You can get in touch with me at galanthusgalanthus@protonmail.com to tell me what you think of Tim's trip.

Next: Chapter 4

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