Tims Strip Trip

By galanthus

Published on Sep 12, 2023


Tim's Strip Trip - Part 2 Stopped and Stopped Again


Background -- This is the story of Tim, an eighteen year old college student at UCSD with a taste for self-exposure. The story picks up from him stripping down in the locker-room, being found by the security guard, seen by his professor and getting into his car naked for his night-time ride back to Cardiff.


Of course, Tim never knew about that call as he left the car park. Heart racing and bare assed naked in his car, all he knew was that it was well past midnight and he had a 13 mile drive back home. The traffic was very light and if anyone did look over at him as they passed by they never honked their horn at him. Tim had only gone a couple of miles and passed the science park when he saw blue lights flashing behind him, signalling him to pull over.

Tim pulled over onto some loose gravel by the side of the road and wound his window down as the police officers approached, "Hi officer, I wasn't speeding, was I?"

The officer caught sight of Tim's bare chest and smiled to himself. He knew he had pulled over the right car, "It's ok lad, just a random check, we can get this done in a couple of minutes if you cooperate fully. Let's get you out of the car, first, ok?"

Tim hesitated, "Is that necessary? I'm kinda, kinda naked in here, officer."

The officer looked in through the car window, "Oh yes, so you are. Well, I guess it's a free country, not sure which amendment says you're allowed to wander round naked, but there you go. But still, I need you out of the car. If you're happy to drive round our streets naked at night then you'll be happy enough to step out of your car naked too for the police, eh son?"

Tim knew that he didn't have any choice, at least he wasn't going to get into any trouble being naked. He got out, leaving his keys and ID on the passenger seat. The officers motioned him towards the squad car, "Let's just get you over to the squad car and we get some details from you."

Tim was aware that the officers were watching him from behind as he walked soberly to the squad car, his naked body lit up by the headlights. A couple of trucks passed by and flashed their lights at him. He was being seen by way too many people, Tim thought, and this excited him.

The officer started, "ID? You have ID on you? Silly question. In the car? OK lad, go bring it back here."

Tim had to make the naked walk back to his car to get his ID and then back again. He wouldn't have minded but the gravel on his bare feet was painful to walk on and then again, he was right in the squad car's headlights, totally visible to the passing motorists. If Tim didn't know better, he'd have thought the police officer had made him do this extra naked exposing walk on purpose.

The police officers took a long time to get Tim's details, for him to recount the events of the night. He had to stand there in front of the squad car while one of the officers called in and got the story corroborated.

After about twenty minutes, the officer said to Tim, "Well, that's all cleared up. You can head off again now. Sorry for the delay here."

Tim was sure he could hear them laughing as he walked slowly back to his car. Just before he got there the squad car headlights flashed him as they left him there. Tim got in the car relieved. Glad that was over. Now he could get home. He was tired now. He continued his journey past the state beach. He was sat at the lights on 9th, in Del Mar, when he heard the familiar sound of a squad car and the sight of its blue lights, `Fuck, what's the chance of this? Being pulled over twice on the way home?' Tim pulled over to the side past the lights outside the Darshan Bakery and waited for the officer to approach his car.

The officer leaned in through his window, "You were driving a bit erratic there, son, have you been drinking tonight? We need to get you out of the car to do a sobriety test."

"I haven't touched a drop, officer, is that really necessary?"

The officer looked at Tim, "Do you want me to arrest you for obstructing a police officer? I wouldn't recommend it, son. Just get out of the car and this can be over in ten minutes."

The officer opened the car door and Tim got out, "Oh, laundry day eh? Well, I can't book you for driving round naked as long as you're not touching your junk, it's all ok. Let's get you over onto the sidewalk."

Tim got out of the car and followed the officer onto the sidewalk. Tim had to go through the whole story again, the officers laughing and shaking their heads. Tim was made to read car license plates and walk in a straight line. Although it was the middle of the night, the street lighting meant it was as light as day to the cars passing and seeing a naked Tim on the sidewalk with the police officers. He was kept there for a good deal longer than the ten minutes the police officer had said, more like thirty, before he was told he could get back in his car and drive off.

The officer picked up his phone, laughing, "Our naked perp has just left the Darshan Bakery heading north. Catch him if you can."

Tim continued his journey home along the highway, looking at his rear view mirror more frequently now, in case there were more blue lights flashing. He couldn't help wondering how much of a coincidence it had been to be stopped again by the police. It couldn't happen again, could it? He shook his head, `No, of course not.'

Tim passed the Fairground that separated Del Mar from Solana Beach and was half-way through Solana Beach when, `Fuck it', he saw blue lights again. He cursed to himself as he pulled over into the bus stop wondering if this was a conspiracy or something. Tim didn't even wait until the officers approached his car and stepped out naked into the well lit area of the bus stop.

The officer drew his gun, "Whoa, stop right there. No running off or I'll shoot. Hands up behind your head, Boy. NOW."

Tim stopped breathing. He couldn't believe there was a gun pointing at him, as he turned to face the officer and put his hands up over his head. From the corner of his eye, he saw a couple of old men watching him. Rough sleepers. Now, Tim was their entertainment. Great.

The officer with the gun approached Tim, "OK, spread your hands over the bonnet. No sudden moves. Good. Now, explanation time, Boy. What are you doing driving around at night bare assed naked for? And why so jumpy? Are you tripping on something? Tell. Go ahead, we got it all on video, just so you know."

Tim looked over at the officer who was tapping his video cam on his shoulder. Tim thought his night couldn't get any worse but he had thought that several times already and it had done just that. This time though, it really did. The second officer came towards him and slammed his driver's door shut, his key still in the ignition and ID on the passenger seat. There was a loud click as the doors locked, locking him outside, hands on his bonnet, with two police officers waiting for him to tell his story again, two hobos watching on grinning, and naked under the harsh street lights of the bus stop.

The second police officer, turned at the sound of the car locking, "Oops, looks like you gone and got yourself locked out of your car, Son. And you don't look as if you have a second set on you, now does it? You best cooperate with us, tell us what's going down then we can see to helping you break open your car. What do you say?"

Tim couldn't think of anything coherent to say for a moment or two. He took a deep breath in and started to tell the happenings of the night. The police officers asking for him to slow down, to repeat bits, explain other parts in more detail so that they could get a full history. The police officers feigned surprise that Tim had already been stopped by the police twice. Tim couldn't quite work out if their surprise was genuine or put on. He had to wait, now stood upright in front of his car, with his hands still behind his head while the second officer called into the station with the report to corroborate his story and check his license details. At least, Tim thought, the first officer had put his gun away and he was no longer in danger of being shot.

No sooner than the second officer had finished his call, he took another, and all Tim could hear was a, "Uh huh, huh, huh. Yeah, we're probably the nearest. OK, we're on our way."

He called over to the first officer, "Car now. Something going down on Fletcher Cove Park. We need to check it out. You, Boy. Stay there. We'll come back to help you get back in your car as soon as we're done."

Tim watched in disbelief as the squad car did a u-turn on the highway and disappeared. His hands dropped from behind his head and cupped his rock hard cock. He could feel precum on his cockhead and rubbed it, absentmindedly.

Tim was rocked back into the present when a voice interrupted, "Boy, if you want to put on a show, then come over here where we can see you more clearly."

Tim had forgotten all about the two hobos sat at the bus shelter and dropped his hands away from his leaking cock, "Fuck, I'm sorry, I forgot you were there."

One of them laughed, "No need to be sorry, boy, just come over here, now. Unless you want us to talk to the police officer when he gets back, that is."

Tim gulped and moved towards the two men. The thought of being taken down to the police station and held over bare assed naked in a cell was a bit too scary for him. Tim stopped about six feet in front of the two men.

The man on the left hawked up some phlegm and spat it out, "Go on then, Boy, continue. Give us a good show. Let's see what you're made of."

Tim hesitated at first then thought he better do as they say because it would be his word against these two when the officers returned. Tim started to stroke himself. He was already hard and leaking. The two men rubbed their crotches, obviously enjoying the show. Tim got harder and wetter and was crazily enjoying putting on the show, too. He thought he might shoot his load right in front of them when a pickup truck screeched to a halt yards away from them.

A couple of rednecks jumped down from the truck, "Well, look at what we have here. A real live naked fag putting on a show for a couple of hobos."

They came towards Tim, whose hand froze over his hard shaft, his cock throbbing, "What's your name, faggot?"

Tim, who couldn't believe his night could have gotten any worse, stammered out his name, "Tim."

"Tim what, Boy?"

"Tim, Sir."

"That's better. That's much better, Boy. Not that we ned to know your name. Now, tell me, what are you doing here in the middle of the night, buck naked, stroking in front of two hobos for?"

Tim started to explain but was interrupted, "I don't think we really need to know all those details, Boy, now do we?"

The two rednecks walked around Tim, looking him up and down, "You look pretty toned for a fag. Where do you live, Boy?"

Tim stammered out, "Just up the coast a couple more miles in Cardiff."

One of the rednecks smiled at his mate, "Cardiff eh? We're going that way. We could easily give you a lift. Get you home in no time. Be friendly to you, like."

Tim shook his head, "No, it's ok, really. I'll just wait here for the police to come back and get me into my car."

The other redneck coughed, "I don't think you understood, Boy. My friend here's offering you a lift. You don't want to be rude and offend him by not accepting it, now, do you, Boy?"

The two men stepped in closer to Tim, "Uh, I guess not, no. I guess I don't want to offend either of you."

The two men grabbed an arm each, "Good decision, Boy. Now, let's get you into the truck and we can get you home."

As Tim was man-handled into the pickup, one of the rednecks shouted over to the two hobos, "Now you two just saw this Boy here accepting a lift off two friendly guys. Nothing to worry about, ok?"

The pickup had hardly been gone two minutes before the squad car returned. The hobos explained to the officers what had happened then the officer called in, "We have a situation here. Our naked student has disappeared. Last seen in a dirty white dodge pickup with two men in their early thirties heading north. They might be taking our friend home to Kilkenny Drive but I have a suspicion that's not their plan and that this is an abduction. Let's get everyone out there looking for him, a one bare-assed Timothy Street."


Fuckkk. Tim has now got himself in way too deep. Stopped by three sets of police officers, having to explain the whole story time and time again to cops who already know the story. Then he went and got himself abducted. What the fuck is going to happen next?

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You can get in touch with me at galanthusgalanthus@protonmail.com to tell me what you think of Tim's trip.

Next: Chapter 3

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