Tims Strip Trip

By galanthus

Published on Nov 25, 2023


Tim's Strip Trip - Part 10 What Does The Future Hold?


Background -- This is the story of Tim, an eighteen year old college student at UCSD with a taste for self-exposure that led to Tim being abducted, auctioned off as a sex-slave. He's now on a ranch outside Jibberding, Western Australia, and no one knows exactly how he and Kyle got there. Tim and Kyle seem to be putting the pieces together of their four years in service, but what will the future hold for them?


They sleep badly that night, Tony and Kyle being wakened by Tim calling out, shouting, remembering what he had gone through, the relative safety of where they were now contrasting with what had happened, what had been done to them, the humiliation, the abuse, the degradation, the sex, the relentless sex. "Hey Tim, it's ok, we aren't there any more," Kyle whispering, holding Tim close to him, lying in bed side by side, Tim shaking, "They're not here, we're ok, it's over, honest Tim," Kyle brushing his hand through Tim's hair. Tony listening, not wanting to spook Tim by making an appearance by his bed, Tim falling asleep only for the routine to be repeated several times that night, and the next and the next. Both Kyle and Tim slowly regaining their strength, still refusing to get dressed, their skin burns healing rapidly now, them spending time reading on the web all about the trials, the articles relating to their disappearance, and the disappearance of scores of teen boys in the San Diego area and hundreds across the States, a big trade going on in selling boys into prostitution. The first time they saw that word, it really hit home. That's what they had been. Prostitutes. "It might have been worth it if we'd seen any of the money," Kyle jokes, trying to lighten the mood. Tim shakes his head, "WTF? No, definitely not, Kyle, why would you even think that? You think I wanted that? Ever?" The boys fighting with words, arguing about what had happened to them, as if it was their choice or not, as if they had a choice, that they had been trapped, had no choice. They had to cooperate or get beaten up. Kyle recounting to Tony that at one point at the weekend of the auction, they had refused to perform, when they realised they weren't going back on the Sunday evening, or the Monday morning, or even later that week, they had tried to protest, to say no, but they had been laughed at, and then locked up in their room without food or water for two days. When they had banged on the door asking for release they had been dragged out by their hair, told to beg forgiveness, forced to beg, to say sorry, and then they had been used hard that night, both of them bleeding afterwards, Tim more so than Kyle. They were locked up again after that, left for another two days without food or water. And then they were broken. They had no hope then, they knew that if they were going to survive this then they had to go along with whatever they were told to do. They had made a pact. To be together, to look after each other, to have each other's backs. And it had worked. Once they were nearly sold separately but both of them pleaded, said they were more valuable as a pair, they could entertain the host as a couple, a throuple, whatever, much better than just one of them by himself. That they could look after each other, groom each other, but that's when they had their hair removed permanently. Their realisation in the safety of the Australian outback that they would never have body hair again in their lifetime, hitting them strongly, them looking at each other again, naked of course, this is how we will always be, hairless, smooth, twinks, even when we're much older. Tony saying there's worse things could happen. At least they hadn't been tattooed all over, like that Mike at the camp had been. They had been spared that.

The single tattoo that Tim had, the cum inside' on his back above his butt, Tony couldn't keep his eyes off it and he felt a stirring, an urge, Fuck man,' Tony saying to himself, feeling himself chub up, Get a grip, these boys have had enough without you getting all horned up seeing them, hearing their stories, somehow wishing it had been you in their shoes too, and also, ashamed to admit it, also wanting a piece of Tim's ass, or Kyle's, or both, or for either of them to suck me, yeah, I'd like that,' Tony tucks his boner in between his legs, blushing, ashamed of his thoughts. Kyle looking over, "You ok, Tony?" Tony nods, "Yeah, I was just thinking." "Thinking what?" Kyle winks. Tim lying on the bed asleep. Kyle opening his legs, showing his boner to Tony. "Fuck," Tony emits. Kyle smiles and motions with his head towards the bathroom. Tony thinks to himself, Seriously? He wants this?' As if in answer Kyle nods, and stands up, his cock erect, and walks to the bathroom, looking round at Tony who had already stood up. "Fuck, we shouldn't be doing this," Tony whispers as he wraps his arms round Kyle. "Shhhh," Kyle responds, kissing Tony, pressing his body against Tony, "I know you've been wanting this for a long time. And so have I. You're so hot." "But what about Tim?" Tony asks, confused, thinking that Kyle and Tim were a couple. "What Tim don't know about, Tim won't mind." "You serious?" Tony asks again, unsure. "Our secret, yeah?" As Kyle takes Tony's cock in his hands and strokes it. Tony lets out a low moan, "Oh, fuck." "Yeah, oh fuck. Oh, fuck me," Kyle says, turning his back to Tony and leaning against the shower wall, "Fuck me, Tony." Tony doesn't need any further persuasion and soon pushes deep inside Kyle, kissing Kyle on the back of his neck, "Damn, it feels good to be inside you," Tony says, smacking Kyle's ass lightly. "Mmmm, seed me, mister," Kyle responds huskily, taking his own cock in his hand and stroking it hard, pushing back into Tony, as Tony fucks him from behind. They don't take long, they're not gone more than ten minutes, fucking and getting fucked, showering down afterwards, towelling down. Then opening the bathroom door.

Tim is awake, sat up, waking up, "Where have you two been? I woke up and no one was here. I called out." "Just taking a shower," Kyle replies. Tim takes in that both Kyle and Tony are chubbed, faces and chests flushed, "I, err, what? Have you two just...?" Tony closes his eyes, muttering, "Fuck," under his breath. Kyle looks over at Tony, as if to say, 'Shut the fuck up, dude.' "Fucking hell, you have, haven't you? OMG Kyle!" "Tim, it's nothing...", Kyle starts to answer. "Nothing? It's nothing, is that right? Nothing to you, perhaps. After all we've been through? We're free, so you tell me, and the first thing you do is go and have sex with the first guy you see." "Tim please," Kyle pleads, moving towards Tim. "WTF, Kyle. I thought that..." "What did you think, Tim? I thought you were straight. I thought you didn't want this, want me, want sex with guys again." "You thought that? After all this time? After all we've been through? That we could just say goodbye, that I would just fuck off, that..." "What are you saying, Tim?" Kyle stands there, Tony backs off towards the door, wanting to give the two lads space to talk, ashamed for his part in this. Tim shakes his head, "I dunno, I just... I didn't expect that you'd, you know, with him. I mean, we haven't since we got here," Tim looking down, averting his gaze, not wanting to be seen by either Kyle or Tony right now. Kyle sitting down beside Tim, taking his hand, "Tim, I'm sorry, really, I, I thought this would be us - over, that we'd go our separate ways, you know, once we got ourselves out of here, that's what we had talked about yeah? What we would do when we got out of this mess. What our dreams were?" Tim nods, "Yeah, but part of me didn't believe we would ever be out of it, but now we are, and I don't want to be out of it without you." "What are you saying? You want us to be together? You saying you love me, or something?" Asks Kyle. Tim shakes his head, "I don't know about love. Fuck, I'm straight. Or was. And now I'm saying I don't want you to go, to leave me, I want to be with you." "So perhaps you do sort of love me in your own special straight' kind of way?" Kyle tilts his head, smiles, and looks into Tim's eyes. There's a long silence between them as they stare into each other's eyes. Broken by Tim saying, "Maybe, yeah. I guess that's maybe what I'm saying, yeah." Kyle reaches in and kisses Tim on the lips, softly, tenderly at first, then his tongue meeting Tim's. Tim sheds some tears as they kiss and drop down onto the bed, lying there, embraced, kissing, looking at each others eyes, nodding, Yes, yes, yes.'

Much later, Tony returns with a tray of food, and the first thing they notice is that Tony isn't naked anymore. "Guys, I'm sorry, I never should have..." Tim shakes his head, "It's ok Tony, we worked it out. I got this. I got him,"hugging tight onto Kyle, the three of them smiling. "I won't try anything on again, I promise." "Thanks." "Oh, and Andy told me he'd had a conversation with your dad, Tim." "WTF?" "Yes, I know, and, short story, he's landing into Perth tomorrow morning, should be here by lunchtime." "WTF, really? When did this all happen? You're kidding me." "No Tim, I'm not." "Fuck!" "Lol, that all you got to say? You not pleased he's coming? And the big question - are you going to put some clothes on now or are you going to stay naked for your dad?" Tony asks. Kyle burst out laughing, looks over to see what Tim would say. Tim replying, "I don't ever want to wear clothes again. Not even for my dad." "Awkward!" laughs Kyle. "Maybe. Maybe not. We'll see."


Kyle and Tony have had a quickie in the showers but this seems to have brought Tim and Kyle closer together. And now Tim's dad is on the way to see them.

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You can get in touch with me at galanthusgalanthus@protonmail.com to tell me what you think of Tim's trip.

Next: Chapter 11

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