Tims Strip Trip

By galanthus

Published on Sep 9, 2023


Tim's Strip Trip - Part 1 Caught


Background -- This is the story of Tim, an eighteen year old college student at UCSD with a taste for self-exposure.


Once, when I was about 18, I went late in the evening to the UCSD locker room wearing only an old pair of gym shorts. I knew from going there in the past that the cleaning guy came in before closing to clean up any discarded clothes or towels laying around and empty the trash cans.

No one else was in the locker room at that time so I removed my gym shorts tore them in half and threw them in the trash. I could hear a few guys playing basketball in the distance. It was a rush walking around the lockers knowing I had no clothing to put on. When I heard the cleaning guy come in I hid in one of the toilet stalls. After he left, I checked the trash. Just as I had hoped, they were all now empty.

I was now truly trapped butt naked in a college locker room. My plan was to ask one of the jocks coming in after his workout if I could borrow some clothes. I would tell him that mine were stolen while I was in the shower. I figured if I caught him looking at my cock, I would let it get hard, and the more he looked the harder I would let it get. Once I was erect, I would see what happened.

The problem I ran into is that no one came in. The later it got the more worried I became. I had left my car unlocked with the keys under the passenger floor mat, however parking is limited on campus and my car was quite a distance from the gym. The idea of sprinting nude to my car was not what I had bargained for.

I thought, somebody has to come in and shut the place down but that might not happen till after midnight. The most nerve-wracking thing about my predicament, it was really turning me on. I had a hard on that just wouldn't go down.

I have always been turned-on, and fantasized about being caught naked without any clothes. Now all my fantasies were becoming real. I was nervous, scared, embarrassed, but really turned on. The feeling of the hard concrete on my bare feet and the cool air of the locker room on my nude body kept reminding me of just how completely naked and vulnerable I was.

It had been a couple of hours since the cleaning guy had come into empty the trash cans when I heard keys being put in the entry door. My first thought was that they were locking me in for the night, what I later found out is that the door was being unlocked. I could hear the door opening and somebody coming in. From where I was in the locker room, I could look through a mirror and see who is coming. Whoever he was, he had a uniform on.

I remember thinking, "Oh fucking shit, it's a security guard!" I made a mad dash to one of the toilet stalls, praying he wouldn't find me. I could hear him walking around checking the lockers getting closer to me in my hiding place. At least the fear of being found helped my cock to soften.

Then it happened, he knocked on the stall door. He kind of cleared his throat and said, "The gym is closed I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

I didn't say anything, I just sat there naked and scared.

He knocked again, then tried the door which of course was locked. Repeating himself, asking me to leave because he needed to turn off the lights and lock up and added, "Are you ok in there?"

It was then that I spoke up and said, "I have a little bit of a problem." Just the mere fact of talking to this security guard while I was nude and he was dressed with not much more than the door to the toilet stall separating us started to bring my cock back to life. I said, "I kind of don't have any clothes." There was no reply from the other side, so, I added, "I think someone stole them while I was in the shower."

It was quiet for a minute, then the security guard asked me, "Do you at least have a towel?"

My heart was beating a million miles a minute. On one hand I wanted to open the door and have him see me naked like I was planning on doing with one of the late-night jocks, but on the other hand I was extremely nervous. What if he calls the cops and they come and arrest me for being a naked pervert? Or what if he throws my naked ass out the locker room door? My mind was racing, I had to think of something fast. I had to answer him.

"They took everything, even my towel, I'm kind of trapped here.."

There was only silence and the buzz from the overhead fluorescent lights, so I slowly unlocked and opened the door. He just stared at me as I knelt over, cowering, trying to cover my nudity.

The security guard looked me up and down, "Jeez, I seen just about everything. Are you sure they stole them? They're not stashed away in a locker or on top of them, or something?"

I stood there covering my balls and growing cock with my hands, "No. Yeah. Of course I looked. You don't think I want to be here bare assed naked do you?"

He laughed, "Hey, don't get ballsy with me, kid. I don't know. You kids nowadays do all sorts of crazy shit. OK, tell you what, let's have a good search of the place first."

We searched the locker room, going through every locker, looking above them, under the benches, in the bins, everywhere. Nothing. The cleaner sure had done a thorough job. I noticed that the security guard kept looking over at me, curiously, then shaking his head. I wondered what he would tell his work mates about this when he got back to his desk.

There was a loud crackle on his walkie talkie, "Hey, Tony, you lost down there? You sure are taking your time doing your rounds. Everything ok?"

I stood as he answered, "Craig, you won't believe it. I got myself a naked student in the locker room. Says everything was stolen, even his towel. We just finished checking the locker room. Nothing here. His story checks out."

I heard laughing down the walkie talkie, "Well you better bring him back up to the office, Tony. I'll get the paper forms for reporting the Theft on College."

Tony, the security guard, beckoned me to the door, "C'mon, kid, you heard my colleague, let's get you to the office and get this all down on the report. What's your name?"

"Tim. Tim Street." The bright lights in the corridor showed up my nakedness even more. We walked along the corridor and turned towards the entrance and the security office.

"Fuck!" I had forgotten that the corridor along here was glass, top to bottom, on the street and parking lot side. I was totally visible to anyone out there. My cock responded by getting fully hard in my cupped hands. Ahead of us I heard the elevator ping, the doors whoosh open, and one of my professors walk out of the lift. We were too near him for him not to see me.

"Well, what do we have here? Why, it's Timothy Street, isn't it? What on earth are you doing walking the college corridor completely naked for at this hour?"

I was too dumbstruck for words and the security guard took pleasure in describing at great length how he had found me in the locker room and that he was on his way to the office to report the theft.

The professor replied, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

The guard replied, "Well there is the question of his ID. Obviously, he hasn't got anything on him, and we don't have access to student records, so if you could come along and ID him for us that would be great. Speed the process up a lot."

We got to the security office without further incidence but I was now bare assed naked in front of the two security guards and my professor. Not only them, two walls of the office were floor to ceiling glass, again looking out onto the parking lot, where I could see my car over at the far end of it. I don't know why but I was getting turned on big time by this exposure. I was getting harder all the time and I could feel precum against the palm of my hands.

Craig had all the paperwork on the desk, "You. Tim, is it? You need to complete the forms by hand, part of the rules. Take a seat, and start. Any questions, give me a shout."

I sat down, squeezing my hard cock between my closed legs, one hand with the biro, the other holding the form which seemed to slip on the surface of the desk as I wrote. I felt even more exposed now that I didn't have any hands to hide my cock and balls. I started to fill out the form, it was long, detailed, and took me ages. All the time I was writing, I was fully exposed to the three of them and to the outside world too. I could feel my cock leaking precum between my thighs, making them slippery. My hard cock popped out from between my thighs a couple of times and I kept pushing it back down, but it was harder, and my thighs more slippery with precum. I didn't dare look up until I had finished.

"There, done. Signed," I said at last.

Holding his hand out for the biro and paper, the security guard said, "OK Tim, get up and let the professor take the seat."

Without thinking I stood up while holding the biro and paper and my cock pinged up fully hard and wet in front of the three of them. They stood there looking at me, shocked, my hands held out still holding the paper and biro so that I couldn't cover myself, "Fuck, I'm sorry, I erm..."

The professor raised his eyebrows and looked at me and said, "Well, Timothy, at least it seems that you are enjoying your predicament."

The guards laughed, "Yeah, I guess you could say that Prof." The biro and paper were finally taken from my hands and I went to cover myself up.

"Too late for that Bud, we've already seen everything you've got. Might as well just let it all hang."

I hesitated, thinking, `What? I can stand here boned up in front of these three guys?' My cock pulsed and I knew that's what I wanted to do, so I dropped my hands back down to my side, "Yeah, I take your point, totally".

The three of them stared again at me for a few seconds then one of the guards turned to my professor, "So prof, just confirm that you know this student by sight and sign, then that's your job done and we can take it from here."

As the professor signed the paper there was a loud noise from the parking lot, tyres screeching, headlights flashing into the room, "Damn, we got someone doughnutting that old blue Ford that's been there all evening."

"What? That's my car!" I shouted, moving to the window.

Tony, the security guard, looked at me, "Those Fords can't be hotwired. You left your keys in the car?"

I nodded sheepishly.

Craig threw on the floodlights and that shocked the driver in the car enough to stop, throw open the doors and run off, "Well at least you got transport home, Tim. We better get out there and secure the car. C'mon."

As we leave the office, my professor asks the security guard, "You don't need me anymore do you?" The security guard shakes his head no, then my professor turns to me, "See you in lectures tomorrow, Timothy. With some clothes on!"

The floodlighting was still on, the parking lot as if in daylight and I had to run barefoot to keep up with Craig and Tony, my cock slapping my thighs as I ran and smearing me in precum. I caught them up as they turned the engine off, "You're lucky they didn't take off in it, Tim. That would have rounded your night off completely."

"Yeah, phew, it's a long way up the coast to Cardiff" I replied.

Tony just about finished his question "You live that far out?" when a squad car tore into the parking lot, blue lights flashing. Two officers jumped out of the car, then noticed the security uniforms, then noticed me totally naked, "Good job. You caught the perp? What the fuck is he doing naked?" Craig laughed, "Put the guns away, guys. It's his car, it was being doughnutted by some students. They've already run off. And he's naked, yeah, well, that's a long story."

The officers put their guns away, "We just started our shift. We got time to hear this explanation. And you, Boy, take your hands away from your junk or we will have to arrest you for masturbating in public."

My hands had automatically covered my junk, as the officer had put it, and I dropped my hands back down to my sides, "Yes sir."

The officer grinned, "That's better, Boy. Yes, you can call me Sir. I would ask if you had any ID on you, but I can see you're not carrying any."

The security guards laughed at his joke. I replied, "It should be in the car, Sir. Just give me a second."

I had to bend right over, giving them a fine view of my ass, trying to find my wallet that I had hid under my seat. It took me a while to fumble and locate it and when I stood back up, I saw one of the officers adjusting himself. I handed him my ID.

He reads it out, "So you're one Timothy Street, student at UCSD. Explains why you are here, I guess. Living at 172 Kilkenny Drive, Cardiff. Wow, that's some drive. How come you live there, Boy?"

I explained, "Yes Sir. It was my aunt's house before she passed away last year. My dad inherited it and he decided to keep it and let me share it with some students while I was at college."

I then had to explain in great detail to the officers, who were recording my statement on their cell phones, how I came to be naked and found by the security guard.

The officers were laughing all the way through my explanation, "Well, I guess you need to head off home now, Boy, before you die of exposure. Now, one suggestion, avoid the I5 cos if you get hauled over there you're looking at an overnight stay in a downtown police cell. And don't forget, keep your hands off your junk or you could be arrested for masturbation. OK, off you go."

I quickly got into my car and started then engine, "Thank you officer, Sir." I left them in the parking lot and headed off home, relieved to be on my way.

Meanwhile, the kind officer got onto his phone, "Calling all units, it's stop and tell time. We have a naked male student in an old blue Ford leaving Scholars Lane, UCSD right now, turning north onto the Torrey Pines Road. Destination 172 Kilkenny Drive, Cardiff. I've told the Boy not to use the interstate. Let's see how many units can stop him between UCSD and his home. I want to see your footage of you pulling him over, making him get out of his car, and getting his ID. I will treat each unit that pulls him over to an all-you-can-eat breakfast at the end of this shift. Let's give this Timothy Smith a ride home he will never forget."


So Tim got more than he was looking for when he stripped off naked in the college locker room, including being seen naked and hard by two security officers, his professor and two police officers. And what about that call out that was made as Tim was leaving the parking lot?

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You can get in touch with me at galanthusgalanthus@protonmail.com to tell me what you think of Tim's trip.

Next: Chapter 2

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