Timothy and the Lion Boy

Published on Aug 15, 2022


Timothy and the Lion Boy Chapter 2H

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Works of fiction are all fantasies about other people's lives. Those lives have their own trajectory of wants and needs, actions and reactions, hopes and despairs. Fiction allows us, the reader, to share their paths vicariously without personal consequence. We do not need to approve or disapprove of their actions because it is their lives. Our role is to bare witness and take what we find relevant to ourselves.

This story is intended for adults who like homotropic erotica. Erotica is more about the journey to sexual fulfillment than the event itself. All erotica is aimed for those 18 and older.

© 2020 Boethius Cell


Timothy and the Lion Boy-2h Weekend Play

Scene 8--Lunch

Brad drove to a more industrial part of Chicago that I was not familiar with to what looked like a hole in the wall restaurant. Back to Nature was the one neon sign in a dark window. It did not look promising.

“Heh Brad,” said a host at the door. “See you brought us some twink meat for the buffet.’ The bear of the man said. He was only wearing silver leather shorts and a matching vest that matched the grey on his hairy chest. I might like to try a daddy someday, I thought.

“No, these two are pretty spent, Bone”

“Rough ride?” he smirked as he looked covetously at Danny and me.

“Wore me out.” Brad laughed back.

“Yup, youngen will do that.”

“Yea, eighteen and horny.” I replied.

Bone looked at me and smiled, “I remember that too.” He pulled me close and grabbed my crotch. “Enjoy it while your young, so you have no regrets when you get old.”

“Plan too.” I emphasized and pinched Bone’s tit.

“Feisty, I like my boys feisty.” Bone said as he slapped my hand away. “Rule, boy. never touch a daddy without permission, If you do, he can take you.”

I gulped, “Yes sir. didn’t know.” I lowered my head slightly but not enough to be submissive. “Thank you for the warning.”

Bone looked at Brad, “You training him.” He nodded toward me.

“Yeah, spent yesterday and this morning. teaching. Took more than I expected. He needs to handle his new boyfriend,” Brad shoved Danny next to me.

“See the plug,” Bone slapped my ass.

“Three loads,” Brad said. “One mine.”

“He do you too?” Bone cocked his head amused.

“Part of the deal.”

“And?” Bone inquired.

“Very good for a newbie. He has great potential.”

“Thoughts of sharing?”

I broke in, “If Danny and I share, it will be my decision, not Brad’s”

Bone laughed, “Got you boy, but you need to learn. You need old bones to teach young bones.”

“I always respect the wisdom and experience of my elders,” I looked Bone in the eyes, “but not all elders teach the way I want to learn. I am my own boss and will decide who is best for me.” I paused again, “when I am ready.”

“Brad, you got a pistol there,” Bone laughed.

“It is going to be great fun.” Brad pulled us close to him. “got a table for me and my boys.” Brad winked at Bone.

“Sure, got one for you.” Bone’s smile was mischievous. “Pete will seat you after you check your clothes.” I wanted to say something to Brad but Danny just poked me to silence.

“Pete,” Bone yelled, A young man, early 20’s  with buzzed brown hair, thin and lanky, appeared. He wore only a very small leather thong, silver.

“Yes, sir.” Pete kept his head lowered

“Table 26,” Pete nodded. “And check Brads boys’ clothes.”

“Yes sir,” Pete turned to Brad, If you will follow me. Brad pushed Danny and I ahead of him.

“Strip,” Brad said firmly to Danny and me. I looked around the dining area. It was filled with older men with naked companions. I had read stories about this but this was real. I looked at Danny and stripped. When in Rome, Caligula’s Rome. Brad was proud that I did not baulk or complain. I did not want to embarass Brad because I liked him. “We’re setting new limits,” he whispered in my ear. I smiled back and took in the daddy show.

My eyes were wide as I surveyed the active room. The room held a variety of men. The older men, relative to me, wore either leather, loose shorts  and teas. The boys of course were naked except various for jewelry: several had cock cages, most had cock rings and nipple clamps. A few had plugs like me. Several tables had boys on their knees beside their daddies. A few had a boy under the table doing blow jobs.  Pete pulled up Brad’s chair and sat. Both Danny and I stood uncertain what to do.

“Danny, help Timothy sit. and then you can sit. I do not think it necessary to make you knee.” I sighed in relief as Danny pulled out my chair and I sat, plug moving up in my ass. “I know that you would if I asked,” Brad continued, but I don’t need to demonstrate my control.

“Sir, I’m Tray,” A naked young man of about my age addressed Brad, “what would you like to drink?”

“A flute of prosecco,”

“Yes sir and for your boys?’

“Timothy,” Brad took my hand, “will decide for him and his boy.”

Tray looked a little confused but did not react. “And you sir?” He addressed me.

I looked at Brad for guidance, got nothing but a grin. “I will have a prosecco too and for my boy a Shirley Temple with extra cherries.” Brad snorted back a laugh. Danny just glared and then quickly turned neutral when I glared back in reprimand. I hated being harsh with Danny, but I knew this was a test for me and Danny.

“A Shirley Temple, nice touch, Timothy,” Brad laughed, but still assessing me. “Why don’t you boy grab lunch. Danny knows what I like.”

The brunch buffet table was across the room, and we had to traverse it to stares, slaps and a few pinches. I put Danny in front of me. I looked over at Brad and three young men, daddies because they were dressed, were talking to Brad. I stared trying to figure out what the conversation might be about. “You Brad’s boys.” a gruff voice from a burly man returned me to the food line.

“No,” I said. That prompted a growl from the man. “No, sir,” I amended.

“You free agents looking?” the flat of his hand hit my chest. “because you boys need some serious discipline.” His other hand hit my hand hard.

The initial shock of the slap was replaced with anger. “Sir, I did not give you permission to touch me.” The man took a partial step back at my tone. I knew I needed to establish my place and my mind whirled with what to do. Then I knew. “I am in training with Brad and this is my boy.”  I stood militant in front of Danny.

The man blinked twice and roared with laughter. “Boy, you are off to a good start.” He continued to laugh so loud that everyone was watching, including Brad, who looked ready to intervene, but his friends held him back.As the man’s laugh slowly subsided he said, “Said like a true dom. I’m Gordy. Here’s my card if you need some advice. But Brad has been training you well.” I took the card. “How long has Brad been training you, boy?” This was again addressed to me, Danny was a non-entity, which I did not really like.

“Since yesterday afternoon.” I stated, realizing how ridiculous it sounded.”

“Then boy, you are a natural. Just a tip, the boy’s job is to serve you; not just your sexual needs and interests but in everything else.” Gordy pointed to the food line.

“I understand sir, but I like to see what is offered, and I am bringing Brad his food. He is my mentor.”

“Yes, proper respect.” He rubbed my ass as an apology for the slap and to get a grope in when he realized my plug. “Why the plug.”

“Holding gifts from my mentor and my boy. Bonding semen into me.”

“Brad is doing a good job. Tell him I said so. I was one of his mentors.” Gordy walked away.

Danny and I gathered food and we returned to the table. The three guys with Brad saw us working our way back. Neither of us pinched or slapped. My scene at the buffet may have had a positive effect.

“The guys talking to you did not need to leave.” I said to Brad as we sat.

‘Yes they did.” Brad glanced around and saw all three staring at the table. “What was all the to do with Gordy.” I explained. Brad broadly smiled, “You did well Timothy. Gordy is a bit of a bully with new people, but you get his respect in this community, you have everyone’s respect.”

“Yeah, I noticed the difference when we came back with food.” I looked around the room and saw many of the masters nod, to me and smile. I was in. The rest of the meal, the food was surprisingly good, Brad discussed the mutations of the dom/sub,  master/save, erotic fantasy play, humiliation, bondage, sharing boys, sex slave, and just bonding.

“I am not sure that I want Danny to be totally submissive and a slave. Do you Danny?”

        Danny looked at me like he was surprised that I asked him. He looked around the room. “No.” he paused and looked at me. “I do not want humiliation or to feel like I am dirt. I felt that way in high school and I want to get past that. I want to be a partner in what we do, even when you are in control.”

        “I will always ask when we are in this type of role play. This is how I see us. Most of the time, we will be just two horny 18 year-olds.” Danny laughed.

        “Sir,” Pete interrupted me. I realized he was talking to me and not to Brad. “Bone asked me to return these to you.” It was my clothes. “and to give your this as a welcome to the club gift.” It was a pair of silver nipple clamps connected by a chain. I looked at Danny and he nodded. Danny moaned with both pain and pleasure as I screwed the ends to his nipples. I stood and slipped on my shorts but decided to leave my shirt off. That earned me a round of catcalls and applause. I did a slight bow to the guys.

        “I’m hungry for dessert. The pecan pie is great, they also have a decent creme brulee, and a cobbler.”

        “What about the cum cake,” I asked.

        Brad vigorously shook his head no, “There is no false advertising with it. I like my cum fresh from the source.”
“Danny, I’ll have the pecan pie with one scoop of ice cream. What about you Brad?” He indicated the same. I returned to talking to Brad as Danny stood.

        “Timothy, Danny is your responsibility until we leave here. He does nothing without your permission, like get himself desert.”

        My mouth made fish lips oos as I realized this. “Danny you can get any desert you want.” Danny grinned broadly, I hastily added. “On the buffet line and not another man.”

        “I was hoping for that loophole.” Danny laughed and headed to the buffet.

        A man, perhaps in his late thirties slipped into Danny’s chair. “Hi, I’m Zorn.” That almost made me laugh. “I request permission to have your boy join my boy in the playroom.”

        I glanced at Brad, who sat just watching me. “I am sorry sure, but I must decline. My boy is very new to me and is not yet fully trained.”

        Zorn stood and bowed slightly, “I fully understand, perhaps another time. My boy gets so whiny when he is horny. You know how eighteen year-olds are.” All three of us laughed.

        Zorn barely left when Gordy moved into the seat. “Hey Brad, mind if I join you for a bit.” Brad gestured to remain seated. “You have one hell of a student.” Brad beamed a smile. “Said you only started training yesterday.”

        “Not quite 24 hours, but he has the solid core of a dom.”

        “Impressed,” Gordy turned to me, “how long has he been your boy?”

        I did not like the dismissive term used with the word “boy”, “My boyfriend and I have been together a little over a week.”

        “Shit, no kidding?” Gody looked at Brad for verification. Brad nodded. “Brad, where are you in the training? A few hours you could not have done much.”

        “He is at where you were with me after six months.”

        “Fucking shit, he still have all his marbles?”

        “I totally edged him for over four hours, in a cage.”

        “I thought it was only forty-five minutes.” I responded surprised.

        “For the last session yes, but the whole time I never let you touch yourself. He did not use his safe word until 30 seconds before the scheduled end. He took everything I threw at him: pump, milking machine, clamps, dildos, cock ring, caging, e-stim, p-stim, everything. Never once lost his defiance. He even had the energy to fuck the hell out of me this morning and deposit an impressive load.”

        Gordy looked at me and smiled, “I look forward to seeing you and your boy around. We are having a big blow out, in both senses, in two weeks.” Danny had returned and put the pie in front of Brad and me and stood quite behind me.

        “Sorry, sir, but Danny,” I made sure I used Danny’s name, “will be spending the weekend with his parents.”

        “That serious?” Gordy looked like he just ate a pickle. “I’ve never introduced any of my boyfriends to my parents.

        “After his parents, it is my parents. As to returning to this club, I am not sure. He is my boyfriend first and my sub second. However our relationship progresses, he is a partner in it.”

        “I love this new generation of fags, so open.” Gordy stood, “Timothy, it has been a real honor to meet you. I wish you well in your training. Danny is a gem, and I know you will treat him well.”

        As soon as Gordy left, Danny sat and gave me the biggest and deepest kiss. Pulling away I sputtered. “You are the best boyfriend ever. I will gladly be you sub when you want and how you want.”

        I blushed, and looked at his dessert, “No cum cake?” he had pecan pie like me.

        “You know how much I like cum. It was disgusting. And there was some Daddy over there forcing feeding his boy. The boy had lemon cake, white frosting and spunk all over his face. Yuk, no for me.”

        “Zorn mentioned a playroom.” I changed the topic and turned to Brad.

        “Yeah behind the yellow door, basically a full dungeon with all the equipment. It is not particularly sanitary. Been desperate a couple of times and have used it, I much prefer my home set up. All I am missing is bondage stations.”

        We ate the pie and homemade ice cream and discussed the coming week. Danny and I had to work the coming weekend. The only day we both had off was Thursday. We had a date.

        “Sorry guys, time to leave. I have a ton of work to get done before Monday. And I am sure your parents are expecting you home soon.
“Told mine 5, so I have time to clean your place Brad.”

        “I told mine I would be home before noon.”

        “LIttle late, 12:45,” Brad laughed.

        “They will worry a little but not too much,” I assured Brad.

        As we left, Danny was given his clothes back, but opted to walk to the car nude. I just looked at Brad and we laughed. In the car Danny decided to dress. Nudity only goes so far in a city like Chicago. I did not go back up to Brad’s apartment because I knew I would be way-laid or just laid. I kissed Danny goodbye until Thursday and thanked Brad for everything. He said Danny and I could use his place and toys anytime. We exchanged numbers. I left. The butt plug  secure.


I dragged myself up the front steps of my house. My dad was sitting on the front porch reading the Sunday paper, which was not unusual in summer, but I knew he was waiting for me. His voice was light and casual, “Did you have fun?” He stood and hugged me. It still made me feel like I was ten--I loved the solid love.

        “Yes, sir,” I said. His head tilted back a bit, I never called him sir. He pulled out of the hug waiting for more explanation. How do you explain to your dad that you had the jizm of two men still in your ass.

Since I was not forthcoming, he just smiled, “Go say hi to your mom.”  He held the screen door for me. As I entered he hit my ass hard with the newspaper. I winced. “Guess you were rode pretty hard.” he smirked and pushed me through the door.

“Hi Mom,” I said loudly.

“In the family room, dear,” came her reply.

The family room was an extension of the kitchen, I could smell something baking. “What you baking?” I asked as I entered the room. My mother was not a domestic woman, but baking was therapy for her. When she was stressed, we had bread; when working through a problem, we had ornate pasteried; when she was worried, we had pie.

“I saw some lovely apples at the farmer’s market yesterday, so thought I’d bake a pie.”

“It smells delicious.” I kissed her check and sat on the sofa next to her. She paused the movie she was watching--two men naked from the chest up.

“Watching gay porn?” My question was teasing.

She laughed, “No binging on True Blood.” She took my hand, “But I wouldn’t mind watching gay porn with you.”

“Oh, Mom,” I groaned, “that is so wrong in so many ways.”

“Look here Timothy,” her voice very serious, “I know you had sex all weekend,” I groaned again, “you are eighteen and your dad and I trust you to be safe.” I rolled my eyes at the constantly repeated speech. “I know what men and women do together. Your dad and I are not pruds or limited.” We both blushed, but when my mom is determined she pushes through. “But I have no idea what two men do. I know about condoms and lubes, but do you use dildos?” She blushed big time, “Your dad and I have a couple.” Now it was my turn to blush big time.

“Yes Mom,” I patted her hand to reassure her. “We can watch some porn together.” Sometimes it is easier to give than to fight when you know that you will lose. “But some of the stuff makes me very hard.” This was a gambit, a straw in the ocean.

“Hon, once you hit puberty you marked almost everything; sheets, pillowcases, towels, your dad’s underwear.” I wanted to dissolve into the sofa. “I put the gay magazines back under your mattress when you forgot them and left them out.”

“How did you know?’

My mother laughed. It was always a warm laugh, a quilt of many colors. “I do laundry.” She leaned over and kissed my cheek.

“OK, we will do a movie night.” I suddenly realized how great a mother she was. “Inviting Dad?”

“Fuck, no,” I startled at the word, which my mother rarely used. “just us. He said he saw some in the navy.”

“Fine, on two conditions.” She nodded. “First the videos are not high art so not too many snide comments. Second, lots of popcorn.”

“Deal, on the second, not sure on the first.” My mom laughed. “You're off Thursday, then?”

I hesitated, “Sorry can’t.” I took a deep breath, “I have a date with Danny.”

“Oh,” it was part hurt but mostly curiosity.

“I need to go clean up and change then I will tell you about Danny.” My smile when I said his name made my mother smile too.

“Need something to eat?’

“Nope, we had a large brunch before I came home.”

“We?” Once my mother was curious, she was a hound at a rabbit hole.

God, I thought as I threw myself on the bed. I suddenly realized I left my backpack at Brad’s.

I texted Danny.

Me: Hey D left my back at brads

D: Yeah got w me need now

Me: no good till thur

D: miss u

Me: me 2

D: brad likes u

Me: same

D: parents ok

Me: mom wants to watch porn w me

D: want me there as support

Me: NO turn into live show

D: LOL cool mom

Me: yea

D: skype

Me: when

D: everynight till thur 1130

Me: got to shower and clean cloths

D: plug

Me: still in :)

D: later

I removed the plug in the shower, and nothing ran out so Danny was part of me. I liked that alot. Once in my room I looked for a place to hide the plug, but decide that I would be open about it and left it on my nightstand. I crashed.

“Timothy, Timothy wake up,” A gentle hand shook me, my dad. I opened my eyes to his smile. “Time for supper. Mom’s lasagna.”

I sat up “Yum,” then I frowned. “How upset is Mom?”

Dad laughed because we both knew that lasagna meant family discussion. “Not upset,” Dad reassured me, “We are both concerned and afraid.”

“I am always safe.” I quickly said.

“No it is not that directly. We are afraid that we are losing you and.” my Dad stopped trying to find words, “We know you are eighteen and starting college and starting your own life. We are afraid that we will not be part of it.”  my Dad’s voice quaked.

We pulled each other into a hug. Pulling out of it, I knew I needed my parents, “Everything is so new, I don’t know how to talk to myself about it.”

He nodded, “Just know that we are here and you can talk to either of us about anything.”  

“I know,” I smiled broadly, “We’ll talk over supper.”
“Haven’t seen one of those in years.” He pointed to the butt plug.

“You know what that is?”

“Son, I was in the Navy. One of my best friends, Fagboy--it was before gay, and it was always said with respect” Dad stopped to be sure I understood. “He had one and let me use it for a day. Made me so horny.”

“Did you and him ever,” I blushed, “you know.”

“Have sex?” Dad was baiting me. “Yes, we did several times. I mean a ship at sea with a thousand men for months. And most under twenty-five.”

“Got the picture,” I grinned up at him, “Maybe I should join the Navy.”

He frowned, “He was discharged when an NCO outed him because he would not suck his dick. Derwald, that was his real name, was a loyal and dedicated sailor. A true travesty.”

“Did you stay in contact after he left.”

“Yes, he was at your mother and mine wedding. He loved to dance and had the moves. Every woman there fought for his attention. Some men too, but that was more in the bathroom.”

“Does Mom know about you and him, you know?”

“Yes, Timothy, your mother knows we fucked. I told her while we were dating. She is the one that wanted him at our wedding.”

“Why haven’t you told me this before?”

“Son, this is not something that parents share with their children. Your mother and I have over forty years of living, and it was not under a rock.” Dad grinned.

“Why now?”

“Because you are no longer a child. You are an adult and your mother and I can talk to you about adult things.” I was humbled and scared. “It is important for you to understand this portion of my past, which I do not regret, so that you understand that your mother and I truly support you.”

“I would like to meet Derwald,” I said.
“He died about ten years ago from AIDS.”  My dad kissed me on the forehead and left the room. I wanted to run after him and tell him that it won't be me.

“This arrived for you.” my mother said while pointing to a large bouquet of fruit.

I read the card. Both my parents were looking at me, expectant. I read it again out loud. “Loved spending the weekend with you and hope for many more.  Danny, your boyfriend. PD B says hi.” Both my parents were grinning.

“Boyfriend?” Dad asked.

“When will we meet him?” Mom asked.

“How long have you been hiding him?” Dad again.

“Spill,” Mom said.

Over lasagna and pie I gushed like a broken water pipe. My sister was at a friend’s, we could talk freely about Danny and his dreams, about Brad and his apartment. I even included the threeway with Brad, and no one blushed. I mentioned bruch and all the older men, but not the dress attire. I also skipped most of the details, which I think they appreciated.

“So when do we meet Danny?” my mother again insisted.

“We both work this weekend so the following we are spending the weekend at his parents and then after that we thought we would spend a weekend here.
“That is not soon enough,” my dad said sternly. “While you are enamored of him, I want to meet the man who is diddling with my son.” I blushed.
“Diddling, you said diddling?” my mom chided. “You mean fucking our son.” I blushed even more.

“OK, we are both off Thursday and can have a formal introduction. But no grilling and no sex talk.” I glared at them. They both laughed.

“Sounds like my talk to my dad before you came over for the first time,” my mother said to my dad. We all laughed.

I stepped outside and texted Danny. He agreed to pick me up at the house at 8 before my parents went to work. It would be short and simple, and we were nervous. I leaned against the porch railing collecting my thoughts before I told them. A light breeze ruffled my hair like my dad did when I was a kid. I threw back my shoulder; I was no longer a kid.

Next: Chapter 10

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