Timothy and the Lion Boy

Published on Aug 15, 2022


Timothy and the Lion Boy Chapter 2G

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Works of fiction are all fantasies about other people's lives. Those lives have their own trajectory of wants and needs, actions and reactions, hopes and despairs. Fiction allows us, the reader, to share their paths vicariously without personal consequence. We do not need to approve or disapprove of their actions because it is their lives. Our role is to bare witness and take what we find relevant to ourselves.

Timothy and the Lion Tamer--2 Weekend Play

Scene   7

        I awoke to Danny still inside me and his arm draped across my chest. It felt perfect--except for the cage. The bed shifted as Brad crawled out of bed. Danny did not stir; I dozed again.

        “Good morning, boyfriend,” Danny whispered in my ear and then muzzled into my neck. “Sleep ok?”

        “Well enough for being shackled and caged.” I groused. “Some boyfriend to allow this to happen.”

        “Aww, my boyfriend is grumpy in the morning.” Danny pushed my onto my stomach and unclipped the cuffs, but did not remove them; I knew my tormentors were not done. He rubbed my shoulders, arms and wrists to restore some feeling.

        I turned and sat up, shaking my arms free. I looked down and gently tugged at the cage and the whipped dog inside. “You and Brad planned this thing.” I glared at Danny.

        “Yup,” Danny giggled. “It was fun.”

        “Not for me.” I jiggled the cage, no life. “When this is over, I am going to punish you.”

        Danny jumped excitedly on the bed, “Please.”

        He was so cute, and I knew anything physical would not be punishment for Danny. I suddenly realized that my boyfriend was totally into pain and humiliation. Was that the kind of relationship I wanted? But damn, he was so cute and sexy and horny. I looked at Danny and played with his nipples. I looked at my caged bird wanting to sing free. A part of me like this rough play. “I think I may have you wear this cage for a month.” I stated and then pinched Danny’s nipples hard. Danny’s face fell, not from the pain, but from the thought of the cage for a month.

        “Shit,” I gasp, “morning woody hit the cage. Woke me up a couple of times during the night. And now I gotta pee.” I looked at Danny for...I did not know what. “Need Brad to take this off before I explode.”

        Danny shook his head and laughed slightly, “Just need to sit to pee.”

        “But the piss on the cage.”

        “Comes with the cage.” Danny’s comment had no sympathy. “Suggest you sit, aim low and cover the top with toilet paper because it will splatter.”  Danny did a mock explosion with his hands.

        “Want to help?” I asked “Hold it for me?” I waggled my eyebrows.

        “Naw, you’re good, man.” Danny clapped my shoulder. I stood and Danny immediately hooked my cuffs together behind my back. Pay back will be hell.

        “Hey, Danny,” I looked at him both disappointed and threatening. “Thought you like me and wanted to further our relationship. This is a definite bud killer. Lots of guys out there who will treat me right.”         

Danny pulled an innocent grin, “None as cute as me.” He pulled a finger to his dimpled face and batted his eyelashes. He was right. “Now go make water before you douche the carpet.”

With a large sigh I headed toward the bathroom, Danny following. “Change your mind and going to help?” I asked with little hope.

“Just coming for the show.” he laughed.

It was a show. Me trying to snatch toilet paper  and ripping it off the roll with my hands behind my back; I ended with about 30 sheets. Then maneuvering the paper over my bound member. Luckily I had 30 sheets. And the fiasco of the actual event. Danny, of course, laughing, recorded everything. The last indignity was to shake the last of the piss off the contraption like a dog shaking water. As I walked by Danny standing near the door laughing, I sprinkled what little piss I had retained on his belly. Never do that to a piss queen. He just rubbed it up with his hand, licked it like ice cream and said yum.

I sat on the bench at the end of the bed. Danny sat next to me and started playing the video. It would have been very amusing if it weren’t me.

Brad entered with a rolling cart with food. I was famished. “What you watching?” he said as he came around Danny’s shoulder.

“Timothy and his first pee in a cock cage.” Danny held his phone out for Brad to watch.

“Send me a copy.” Brad casually asked. “Got a couple of websites I might post it to.” He gave me a kiss on the forehead. “A for effort, but F for execution.” he said and gave the cage a yank. “May need to leave you in it so you get more practice.”

“You wouldn’t,” I blurted.

“Is that a challenge?” He pulled out a shiney key from the silk pajama pants he wore. “You forget who is in control.”

“It isn’t a challenge.” I hastily said knowing I could be in deep shit. “It was an appeal to your humanity.”

“Nice try bound boy.” Brad laughed as he waved the key inches from my eyes. He stood up and returned the key to his PJ bottoms. “I brought breakfast.” He wheeled the cart closer to the end of the bed. “It is Sunday and we had a very active Saturday so I made eggs benedict, toast with raspberry jam, and hashbrown potatoes covered with ketchup.” He looked at Danny. “Just as you like them.”

“Thanks Brad.” Danny said as he walked over to the cart and smelled the food.

“Want to bring the bedside tray over for us.” Danny did and Brad set my table with cutlery and a plate of food. He poured a cup of coffee. “I think,” Brad said, “no Sunday breakfast is complete without some mimosas.” The liquid sunshine shimmered in the cut glass champagne flutes.

Danny and Brad pulled chairs to their tables of food and started eating. I lifted my bound hands indicating that I could not eat. “Do you not like the food?” Brad asked with an unctuous tone.

“How am I gonna eat with my hands tied behind me?” I was pissed off and hungry.

“My boyfriend is a grumpy bear in the morning,” Danny said lightly.

“Yes , he is.” Brad gave me a disgusted look. “but it seems to be his problem, not ours. We need to just ignore him.”

I glanced between the two and shoved my face into the egg, jellied toast, and hash browns with ketchup. Hey, I was hungry. Brad at least put straws in the coffee and mimosa, likely more afraid of ruining his carpet than my dignity. Danny, obviously, recorded the whole debacle.

After everyone was done stuffing their faces, me literally, Brad looked at me-my entire face a collage of egg yolk and ketchup textured with potatoes glued in place by the jam. I even had stray bits on my chest and dripping yolk on the chastity. Brad turned to Danny, “Some people have no table manners. They eat like pigs at a trough.” Danny reached over and grabbed a sliver of potato from my eyebrow and ate it. “Please take your ill bred boyfriend and give him a shower while I clean up.” Danny pulled the trays away and I stood. As we approached the bathroom hallway Brad added, “Cold water, want to be conservation conscious. Then take him to the ward.”

“Yes, Sir,” Danny alertly responded.

Any potential for an erection was dosed when five nozzles of frigid water hit me at once. I screamed; Danny just chuckled. I wondered if the shower had a garbage disposal with all the food Danny washed off. Danny also believed that my junk needed a good ice bath too.

I was miserable and defeated when I exited the shower. I was silent, morose, and too compliant, which worried Danny. “It’s OK, It’s OK” Danny soothed as he towel dried me. “If you want, I can stop everything now.” He started to cry. “We were just having fun all of us, but maybe we have gone too far.” I stood silent, head down, body limp as Danny towel my front. Danny moved behind me to dry my back. I tackle blocked him, forcing him into the shower. Even though my hands were bound, I reached up and hit the water handle. Frigid water hit Danny and he screamed so loud that the bells on a corner church reverberated. The string of explicatives from Danny was relentless because I blocked him from the handle and the exit.

“What the fuck are you guys doing?” Brad yelled running into the bathroom. He quickly understood the situation. He broke into such raucous laughter that he needed to sit on the toilet to steady himself. Danny was still screaming in the shower--a chorus of wet cats. Brad eased me aside, turned off the shower and handed Danny a towel. I stiffened my body at the critical look Brad gave me. “I like you a lot Timothy. You are very good for Danny. You know how to keep him in his place.”

“Thanks,” I broadly smiled, “I think I am too.”

“Danny, take Timothy to the ward for our morning exercise while I finish in the kitchen.” Brad gave me a quick shoulder hug as he left the room.

The ward was actually a closet. Brad’s bedroom had a hallway with two closest on either side that led to the bathroom. One, which was open,  I had seen was full of clothes--the other.

Danny opened the door to the other. In the middle hung a sling and along the wall and armory of implements to tease the occupant of the sling. It was a sex shop catalogue. Danny shoved me in with a grin. I wandered around the small room, growing more apprehensive. Brad was no sofa participant in BDSM and bondage. One shelf by the door  held collars of leather, cloth and metal, some studded. I fingered a thin braided collar with a brass clasp and hook. I glanced at Danny’s neck. Next were all the cock rings, ball stretchers, cages, sheathes, and  plugs. The last shelves on that side were reserved for nipples and anus. Some of the nipple clamps could crack a Brazil nut. And dildos in multiple colors, textures and sizes, pumps and milking tubes. The back wall held a multitude of electro-stim devices; I recognized a couple and shuddered. I was surprised when I realized the shudder was not one of loathing. Curious. The last whole wall displayed whips, canes, and paddles like my dad’s tools in the garage. Several sections had implements that I did not know what or how...and didn’t want to learn. Behind the door was a rack where hung all of Brad’s leather--mostly black but some cerulean and vermillion: pants, with and without backside; vests; gloves, short and long; thongs, briefs and shorts; bandoleros and harnesses.  I fingered the leather and was aroused.

“Impressive.” Danny commented as I finished circling the room.

“You used them all?”

“No.” Danny blushed from chest to groin. “Most. Brad is slowly introducing them to me.”

“Like he did me yesterday?”

“Yes,” Danny paused and caressed my nipple. “and a little more, but never so much in one scene.” He gently bit my nipple and added, “and for so long a time.”

“Does he hate me?” I asked, suddenly concerned.

“No.” Danny quickly answered pulling me close; our bare chests touching, “He really likes you a lot. He’s wanted to fuck you since he saw us in bed together.” Danny pulled his chest back from me still retaining contact at the stomach and hips. “I know this may sound weird but I think he hasn’t because he does not feel worthy of you ass yet.” I looked confused. “He is a master and you, at least for this play are his sub.” I was still confused. “I know it sounds odd but it is the sub who is in control, if the master is a true master. It is the sub that sets the limits of what a master can do. It is the sub who gives the master permission for anything.”

“Is that why he always explained what he was going to do?”

“Yes partly and partly because this is all new to you. Once boundaries and limits are set, the master can orchestrate the play session. It is like a dance and your body is the dance floor and the sensations are the dance partners--pleasure and pain.”

Danny eased me back so my buttock was against the sling. I think I understood it all a little better. “Did you enjoy watching?” I asked, curious but worried that Danny felt ignored.

“Hell yes,” Danny smiled as he shoved me to sit on the sling. I willingly complied with his not too subtle attempts to guide me. “It was so hot. I wanted to jack off so bad but Brad said no.”

“He has that kind of control over you?” I asked. A red flag shot up about Danny’s willingness to be controlled, but shot it down when he kissed me.

“I agreed to it when he told me what he intended.”

“So you knew everything he was going to do?”

“Pretty much,” he gently eased my back onto the sling with a kiss. My hands were still bound behind my back.

“You didn’t try to dissuade him?”

“I started to but then the whole idea was just too hot.”

“Thanks,” I was part sarcastic and part sincere. “Think you could free my hands?”

That started Danny laughing, “They are connected by strong magnets. With a little effort you can pull them apart.”

I did and my hands were free, “Shit, all this time and I could have.”

“Yes,” Danny said as he kissed my abdomen. I slide further up into the sling. “But you didn’t. Brad knew if anything became too intense or uncomfortable you would jerk free.” Danny kissed the inside of my thigh. “You didn’t. You humbled Brad. Timothy, I need you to move up a little further so I can clasp your wrists to the chains.” I did; my arms were extended but it was not uncomfortable. “Now boyfriend. I need to do the same to your legs.” My legs were similarly stretched and my ass exposed. “I love saying the word boyfriend. It holds so many possibilities for us. So many tomorrows.” He rimmed me. “Booyyffriennnd,” he drew out the word.

“Boyfriend,” I repeated between gasps as his tongue stimulated my rosebud. “Could you do something about the chastity cage boyfriend?”

“Oh, yes,” He reached over to the shelf with the dozen or so caged and grabbed the key. “Yes got it right here.” He deposited the key in my navel. “You can undo yourself.” He laughed and returned to rimming me.

“You’re one shitty boyfriend,” I grumped.

Danny’s head popped up over my cage. He frowned, “Yeah, guess I am. I’ll unlock it if you want.”

I looked down at the key nested in my belly button and Danny’s nervous face. “Naw, it’s good now. It was just important to know that you would. I do want it off before you fuck me.” Danny nodded and stood. God my man was gorgeous.

Danny stood by the door to the Ward. He dimmed the lights in the room. The hallway light bounced off the edges of his body. I saw him as a study in chiaroscuro. I was mesmerized by the soft undulation and ripples of light and shadow as he breathed. Brad appeared behind him and kissed his neck; I could barely see his hands glide down Danny’s chest. The dark and light forming and reforming. I knew I should be jealous, but I was not. I was watching art, true erotic art. Pointiles of light winked off Danny’s sack and hip and shoulder, all equally divine. Here was my boyfriend being prepared like a new bride to enter me. I closed my eyes overwhelmed.

“Now Timothy,” Brad said as he closed the door to the Ward, this is where Danny and I will breed you. We will both seed your ass chute. I know we had a bet and you lost, but I do not want you to have this happen if you are not fully willing.”

Despite all the torment Brad had inflicted, he was still a decent person. “I have never been fucked without a condom, so you understand my reluctance particularly since you have had far more sex with far more men than either Danny or I.” I paused.

Brad gave a short laugh, “Yeah I have had a lot of guys and I appreciate your point. I’m willing to let Danny breed you and I use a condom if you like.” He held my eyes with his, “but I will fuck you.”

“No problem with that, it will be my pleasure.” I stared back at him. He turned his eyes away; I won. “but I trust you when you say you are clean so you may both seed me on two conditions.”

Brad's body registered surprise and excitement. “What conditions?” Brad asked, a little wary.

“Danny does me first. I want my first bareback seeding ever to come from my boyfriend.” Danny standing beside me rubbed my chest in appreciation.

“Very reasonable request,” Brad nodded, “acceptable. Second condition?”

“I get to breed you.”

Brad choked a little on that, then smiled. “Agreed, but after I am done with you and milked you dry, you will be lucky you can get semi-erect much less drop a load.”

I just smiled back, “I’m eighteen and horny.”

Brad just nodded back as he slipped a finger into my, Danny salived,  hole. “Danny, we need more lights.” Brad said and Danny light a half-dozen candles. I groaned at the thought of hot wax. “I see you're still caged and the key is in your navel.” Brad looked at Danny. “That is mean, even for me.”

“Timothy requested that he stay caged until I fuck him.”

Brad nodded and looked carefully at me. I affirmed Danny’s response. Brad just nodded, obviously impressed.  “Danny set the timer for forty-five minutes. I have work to do this afternoon, and Timothy is close to total exhaustion.”  Brad punched Danny on the shoulder, “Don’t want to kill him before you fuck him.” Brad pushed a button and a screen descended over the door. At first I thought it was porn, but it was me--I was the porn. There was music in the background with a throbbing base, right under the sling.

I groaned as Brad hit my prostate. So started my torments and pleasure. Nipple clamps, prostate massagers, ball vibrators, hot wax and ice cubes, paddles and canes, some all at once. But the worst was Danny; Danny kissing and licking and sucking. My responding again and again only to be thwarted by its prison. Brad was careful, he brought me close to orgasm without ejaculation repeatedly. I screamed, I moaned, I begged. I writhed in pain and squirmed with pleasure. My body was my mind and any coherent thought abandoned in the sea of sensations. I did not hear the small chime of the alarm. Every sensation stopped, except a waves and waves of stimulation still rose and fell. Every labored breath was a boulder tossed into the sea. I was afraid I’d lost myself, but I didn’t care.

Danny whispered into my ear, “You OK, Brad’s done now.” He kissed my neck, I spasmed, “Breath slow and deep Timothy. I am here. I will bring you back. Let your body relax.” He kissed my neck again. I spasmed again, but not as bad. I felt a straw at my lips and sucked. instinct. The cool liquid slipped across my tongue, flavor burst like fireworks--orange, tart and sweet. I could barely swallow my throat was so dry from my screams. I felt the slow descent of the cool liquid down my esophagus and into my gut. Tremors rippled through me. I opened my eyes and saw Danny’s perfect face and felt his perfect kiss. The light from the candles were suns scorching my eyes, so I shut them and let Danny’s voice guide me back to me. I again slowly opened my eyes and smiled at Danny.

“You OK?” he whispered, an embracing summer breeze.

“Yea, I’m fine.” I smiled back and kissed him. “That was very intense.”

“You doing OK, Timothy,” Brad asked from the foot of the sling. He was obviously concerned.

“Yeah. it was just so intense.” I took a deep breath and another sip of orange juice. “I just lost myself.”

“I noticed.” Brad moved to the opposite side of Danny. “I’ve never had someone do that before. “It was so hot and I saw you go deeper and deeper into each instrument I used. We danced, you and I. I led and you followed, I excited and you responded. But then you entranced me and all I could do was to give you more of what your body demanded. It was very intense for me too.” Brad wiped drying beads of sweat from my face.

“Yeah,” I sighed as I slowly slid back to me. “I think I saw God.” I paused to see the stunned look on Danny’s face. “I understand what the ancient aesthetic felt when they whipped themselves.”

“I think I know what you mean,” Brad finally said. He continued to wipe the pools of sweat off me and the sling. Danny offered me more juice. I thought I liked being pampered. My body returned to me and I was bereft.

“Timothy,” Brad’s voice roused me from my lethargy. “We can end everything here and call all good.”

“Hell, no” I snorted. “you promised me two good fucks and I demand them.” Danny giggled. “and I plan on fucking you until you see stars Brad.”  Danny started looking for the key, which flew during my ordeal. I watched Danny crawling on the floor frantically looking for the key. He had not cum since yesterday and wanted in my ass as much as I wanted him in.

“Can’t find it,” he wailed desperately.

“Found it,” Brad said. Danny tried to stand up but forgot he was under my sling. His head hit my ass and my pelvis jumped. I found that hysterical and laughed with abandon; it felt so good.

Danny made his way from under me to stand excited by Brad as he handed Danny the key. “Where?”

“It got lodged under the cage.” Brad laughed, “It was anxious to fuck the lock and free Timothy.”

Danny quickly unlocked me and pulled my penis free. “Fuck,” Danny said as he slowly massaged my crumpled cock. “You have the impression of the cage in you cock as it grew. Is it damaged?”

Brad bent over and examined it. “Get it hard and it should be fine.” He ruffled Danny’s hair. “Lets unbind him,” He said to Danny.

“I thought you were going to fuck me.” I pouted.

“We are.” Brad smiled back. “long and hard, but first you need a shower to clean both out and inside. “Once you are done, we’ll fuck on my bed.”

Once free of the restraints, Danny helped me off the sling, my legs were a little unsteady. He assisted me to the shower. Just before Danny turned on the shower, Brad yelled, “No fucking or coming in the shower.”

“Yes sir,” we both replied and then giggled.

Once on Brad’s bed and fully refreshed, inside and out. Brad had me lay on my stomach. And Danny’s lubed fingers entered my cave. It felt so good. Then  Danny moved in--warm and pulsing. I felt the blood vessels in his pizzle pump. He moved slowly in and out, and my ass and all attending muscles responded. I had always liked Danny in me, but bare was more intimate. I knew Danny was part of me. I was wrapped in Danny’s movements barely aware when he would hit my P-spot. “Turn over. I want to see your face.” With good gymnastics I turned facing him without losing his dick in me. His movements were slow, long and gentle. It was better than ice cream.

Finally, I demanded, “Are you laying cement or fucking me.” Danny grinned, pulled almost out and slammed hard into me. I moved a good five inches up the bed with the  force. I groaned with pleasure. Danny became more active, which I appreciated. Brad suddenly sat on my face, ass to my mouth. I started to rim him. His ass tasted of bubble gum. He moaned; I moaned; Danny moaned. He was soon off me and behind Danny. He rammed his dick into Danny, and from force Danny into me. Danny’s face began to squish as he edge for ejaculation. Brad pulled out of Danny and inserted a prostate vibrator. I tried not to play with myself because I really wanted to be inside Brad’s ass.

Danny’s breathing intensified, his strokes were more instenetent and measured. “”I’m cuming,”  he screamed, his thrust stuccato inside me. His back arch back as his dick thrust forward. I felt his spunk wet and warm like pudding feels in the mouth. My dick, with a mind of its own shot white streamers into the air and across Danny’s chest, across mine, and even Brad’s face, who was sitting behind me rubbing my nipples. Danny collapsed forward onto my chest and kissed me. We lay still for several minutes. I was entranced by Danny's ragged breath. Slowly he rose to sit between my legs, softer penis inside me. He pulled out with effort because my ass did not want to let him go. He crawled up my body, legs on each side and presented his cum covered member. I licked it clean.

“Boys,” Brad interrupted, “do not forget the remaining cum.” I looked down and Danny and I were covered with my spunk. Giggling we licked each other clean. Brad pointed to his face where some of my jizm had hit him. Danny and I had a shoving match to see who would claim the prize. By silent ascent we both washed his face like happy puppies. Brad laughed. “I asked you to clean my face, not erase it.” We giggled again and sat back. Brad looked at me, “Ready for me?”

“Yes sir,” I enthusiastically responded, “How do you want me?”  

“Trussed up with only your ass showing.” I blanched, “but that is not today. No sit on the edge of the bed and suck me.”

I did. Brad’s cock, while not huge or even large, was more than adequate at filling my mouth. Danny’s head was suddenly on my lap licking Brad’s low hanging sack. Brad moaned and then pulled out. “As tempting as it is, don’t want to unload there. He stood, his arms catching behind my knees and I was on my back. Brad was not gentle entering me--it was fire and lightning. His strokes firm, forceful, and deliberate. My prostate was massaged, battered, and beaten. I moan wildly; Brad just smiled beatifically. The force behind each of his thrust had us moving all over the bed onto the floor and back to the bed. Doggy, reverse doggy, cradled, high dive, mine on the floor, over the bed, cowboy and reverse, lotus, pyramid, and finally missionary, my legs over his shoulders; Brad was a master fucker. I was leaking serious precum, but then I could feel Brads in me too. One hard thrust and I felt his juice pulse into me again and again and again as he executed short thrusts. We both were sweating Niagaras. The bed linens were a bog of moisture. He pulled out panting. I tried to sit up but he pushed me down. A butt plug was shoved in. He then grabbed both my hands and pulled me to sit. “Clean my cock,” he demanded. I did with eager joy. “You have one tight talented hole Timothy.” he said after I had licked every spot of milk.

“Thanks,” I smiled, “why the plug.”

“Don’t want you losing any of Danny or my spunk. You can remove it after a few hours. By then most of it will be absorbed. We will now be part of you.” I liked that idea.

Brad moved to leave the room. “Don’t run too far. Your ass is still mine.”

Brad laughed, “Got to pee.” He then looked at Danny. “Unless,” Danny moved between Brad’s legs and took the cock in his mouth.

“We will share,” I said, surprised at myself. Brad too.  I knelt next to Danny and took Brad’s pisser in my mouth. His flow started to fill my mouth. My hand tightened around the member squeezing off the flow. Danny’s turn. I stood running my hand up Brad’s chest. We leaned into a kiss and shared his piss. His eyes widened with surprise, but he never broke the kiss. I finally broke the kiss and smiled, “I said we’d share.” Brad laughed and Danny stood, finished, wondering what Brad was laughing at.

Brad saw a drop of his gold fluid on Danny’s chin and licked it off. He pulled me away from Danny and I pushed him on the bed. “I like you Brad. I like you alot. So I am going to fuck you hard and mean.”

He looked down at me and saw I was hard again. He said more to himself, “To be young again.”

“How do you want me to take your hole?”

“Since I don’t think you have the cream or stay, I will lay on my stomach and take a ten minute nap,” Brad razzed.

“”If the old man needs a nap, why not take thirty.” I threw back. Brad just chuckled. Since my dick curved slightly back toward me, I was having a harder time hitting his prostate. I flipped him over, his back on the bed and his knees bent his feet almost to his ass. Danny slipped a pillow under him to raise his bottom up. Danny had found a hand vibrator and was using it on his nipples.

Brad groaned as I hit his spot and Danny one nipple at the same time. He looked at Danny. “You’re helping him? I thought we were close?”

Danny, with one hand stimulating one nipple, bent over and pulled hard with his teeth on the other just as I hit him hard again.We found a rhythm. “He’s my boyfriend and I need to support him.” Brad tried to laugh but I hit his spot again.

Although it was hard, I had unloaded too often to have a ready release. “Hope you don’t mind, but this may take awhile. My dick likes you chute and wants a long courtship.” I explained to Brad.

“My chute’s not a wam bam slut,” Brad giggles a little at the last statement, “it appreciates your affectionate attention.” Affectionate attention it got.

After about ten minutes Danny positioned his hole over Brad’s mouth. Brad furiously tongued Danny. Danny started jacking himself and Brad.  A dissonant harmony swelled the room with each man’s sex groans and moans. I felt Brad’s sack tighten and his sphincter spasm. Danny’s panting and gasping between explicatives, speed up my thrusts. “I’m cuming,” I yelled as did Brad and Danny. We were wild yowling cats. I exploded as I sent a year’s worth of seed into Brad. I thrust again and again and sent more, two more thrusts, my embedded tool aflame against the spasming walls of Brads gut. I collapsed onto Brad’s chest. Crushing Brad’s still stiff damp cock, my head between Danny’s thighs.

I was spent, my coconuts were tapped and all the milk sucked out. Brad rolled onto his side I followed still inside. Danny, still hard, spooned against my back. I gave him a quick glance, but my butt was plugged. We all fell asleep to awake still sex drowsy. About 45 minutes later, Brad jumped out of bed, grabbed me and Danny. “Shower time.”  Danny mumbled drowsily and rolled  deeper into the bed. I slapped his ass. Both he and his johnson responded.

The shower was it own sex toy with all the nozzles, settings and handhelds.  I sucked both of them off while using a handheld pulsing jet on ass and balls. Morning cum is the sweetest. Brad removed my plug and let Danny add to my ass while Brad’s tongue milked me. Jets hit my nipples. I was satisfied again. The drying was leasurily with Brad’s thick towels. Brad greased the plug and I willingly accepted it. I wanted Danny with me always.

“I’ll take you to Sunday brunch,” Brad said.

“All I have are jogging shorts and a T.” I said.

“That will be fine.” Brad assured me. “This place is very casual.”

Next: Chapter 9

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