Timothy and the Lion Boy

Published on Aug 13, 2022


Timothy and the Lion Boy Chapter 2F

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Works of fiction are all fantasies about other people's lives. Those lives have their own trajectory of wants and needs, actions and reactions, hopes and despairs. Fiction allows us, the reader, to share their paths vicariously without personal consequence. We do not need to approve or disapprove of their actions because it is their lives. Our role is to bare witness and take what we find relevant to ourselves.

This story is intended for adults who like homotropic erotica. Erotica is more about the journey to sexual fulfillment than the event itself. All erotica is aimed for those 18 and older.

© 2020 Boethius Cell


Timothy and the Lion Tamer--2f Weekend Play

Scene  6

Danny was bouncing nervously on the bed when Brad and I returned to the room. “Everything good,” he asked.

I walked over to him and kissed him, making sure my tongue engaged his. “Everything is fine because I have you.” Danny’s smile was a spotlight. I would drink a gallon of piss right then.

“Timothy, if you would lay in the center of the bed on your back.” I crawled over Danny. “Now Danny, if you have no objections, you can refuse.” Brad paused. “Get Timothy hard and then ride his cock.” Danny looked at Brad quizzically at the thought of refusing my dick up his ass.

Danny        ‘s mouth was working my peter faster than a duck on a junny bug--never understood that phrase. Anyway, I was hard and wet and happy. Until Danny pulled his mouth off my phallus. But then before I could complain his hand was slicking over my johnson until his ass rammed down on me straight to the pubes. I grunted both in surprise and pleasure. He was an ever better cock fucker than cock sucker. He slowly rose up, sphincter tight, squeezing a toothpaste tube. Then he’d hoover,like a dragonfly around the glans, then plunge back to my base. Every inch of my cock felt his insides rush by. Release was impending, my eyes rolled back, by back arched, my toes starting to curl. “Oh god Danny, so good, so close. just a couple of more, slowly. I want to feel every inch.” I stuttered out better gasps and inarticulate cries.

“Off, Danny now.” Brad yelled. My cock was so ready and then it was left like yesterday’s boy band. I tried to reach down to finish me off but Brad grabbed and held my arms. “You will not cum until I say.” Brad stated firmly. The asshole knew my frustration and was just tormenting me. “That was the initial condition. I make you cum. And you will not until I say. I plan on edging you until you are begging like a two year old. That prick and its content is mine, mine alone to do what I want with. You understand or you go home.”

Brad’s face was about a foot from mine, Although his face was red, it was one handsome face on a matching body. I wanted him to fuck me, suck me off, me fuck him or suck him; I did not care how, I just wanted him. “My body is yours until I cum.” I smiled acknowledgement, “But,” I added, “once I cum I want to fuck you.”

“You think after I am done, you will have anything left. So I agree.” Brad backed his face away from mine, but it was still in personal space.

“You heard his commitment Danny.” My face broadened into a grin. “I am 18 and always horny.”

“Not worried in the least. Best case I can gloat, worst case I get fuck. Win-win for me.” Brad laughed as he stood, “Danny it is time to restrain Timothy, Don’t want him to be tempted to finish himself off. You do the arms, I’ll do the legs.” The arm restraints were looser than when I was on my stomach; I could almost touch my chin. My legs were another matter. I was pulled further down toward the foot of the bed, there went most of the play in my arms, and legs pulled up to almost 90 degrees to rest on Brad’s shoulders. “Danny, snag a pillow to put under Timothy’s hips and then hold his legs. Once Danny positioned the pillow and held my legs, my left leg was pulled left and up and secured, Shortly was my right leg. My legs were now a funnet to my crotch. I was thankful for the pillow but it also made my genitals convenient;  I was sure everything would be used. “Danny, lube Timothy up real well and fuck him while get my boy toys.” As Brad left the room he loudly said, “No condom and no ejaculation. I want Timothy to feel raw sex.”

        Danny gently slid into me with no problem. “After all the ass play earlier, it’s a little sore and likely very loose,” I mentioned to Danny, trying not to sound like a complaint or whine.

        “I will be gentle Timothy. I know how it can feel. But you do not need to worry, you ass is plenty tight.” Danny was frustratingly gentle.

        “Danny out that is enough.” Brad handed Danny something. “Want to put this on Timothy?” The advantage of my position was that I could see what Danny and Brad were doing. It did not make me relax any more, but it was better than knowing nothing.

        “This” Danny said, “is a combination cock ring and anal probe. Danny carefully slipped each ball and then my peter through the ring, pulling down a hook with a large ball on the end. With some effort the hook was positioned into place. The cold metal soon warmed, and as I moved, the better it felt.

        “Feel like a fish that just took the hook.” I commented.

        “And I am going to reel you in.” Brad chortled. “Just so you know, I am going to record this.” I started to protest, “No face, only your ass. Unless someone has a photo of your bottom, no one will know it’s you.” I acquiesced and requested a copy. “So now the question is where do I start.” Brad said running both hands on  derriere. “Yes, first a ball stretcher.” I tightened my sphincter in apprehension. “Just a small one because we don’t want to damage the package.” Danny laughed and handed Brad a leather strap. “No Danny, something more adventurous. The leather lift and separate one. Yes, that one.” Brad leaned between my legs to show me what was going on my sack. It looked like the leather wristbands with snaps to adjust the size.  “This is a gay man’s essential,” Brad said, twirling the band around his index finger. “It can be a cock ring, a ball stretcher, or both. The two bands go around the scrum and this band comes down and wraps between the balls. This little clip here is used to attach weights for extra pull. You, Timothy, are not ready for weights, But I am attaching a leash so I can pull.” I nodded understanding and Brad disappeared behind my penis. He hummed the habanera from Carmen. “Your eggs are now safely in the nest,” He laughed. “Danny now the large kabuki brush. Good ones are expensive but worth it. I bought this in Japan. The bristles are very soft.” He ran the very edge of it just the head of my cock. I gasp. “Nice, Danny, why don’t you get the other one and dust his nipples.”

Danny took his task seriously, and the brush wisped my nipples. “This little puppies can be a fine instrument of torture.” I soon found out why. I was begging them to stop, the gentle brush stokes hit nerves without them firing into pain or pleasure.
“It can get very intense.” Brad sagely said. “Danny I leave you everything from the navel up, while I get everything below. Nipple play is fine, while I plow his ass with a few dildos and plugs.”

And so I endured. Actually, most of it felt very good, except for Danny when he attached a dozen clothes pins to my nips, earlobes and chest. Brad decided he liked the look and added a half dozen more to my johnson and inside thigh--that hurt bad. I cursed and Brad promptly removed those.

        “You doing OK, Timothy, having fun still?”

        “Yes, I'm doing well. I will need to have a chat with Danny afterward about his enthusiasm with the clothes pins.”

        “I would never fault Danny for over achieving.” Brad laughed, “Now for a little electro. I know Danny used the wand on you, but this is more direct. I will attach electrodes to parts of your body. I have a control box that can ramp up the electricity from mildly annoying to losing all body functions. Of course placement is key and then control. My joy box can do five zones, but for you Timothy, I think only three because I don’t think you are ready for five.” Brad walked around to my side. This is the control box. It plugs into a standard outlet.” He turned the side to face me. “This is wires; the wires go to feeds. Each feed can control five pads. “ He turned the box’s top to face me. Each knob on top controls the feed. The gage shows how much juice you are getting. Any questions or requests to skip this?”

        I thought carefully before I replied, “Will it hurt like an electric fence?” I had seen a YouTube of some schmuck peeing on an electric fence.

        “Not that bad, but you will definitely know it.” Brad paused thinking I would bail.

        “Why do it? What is the pleasure end?”

        “That is one good question, Timothy. I’ve done E-stim for many years and no one has ever asked that. Short answer the electric currents screw with the electrical pathways of the nervous system making them more sensitive to other stimulation. The orgasm is beyond anything that you might experience.”

        “I look forward to that.” I firmly said.

        “I’m sorry, my dear boy. but you will not” Brad looked me in the eye with a superior smile, “Unless you beg, I mean really beg, for sexual release. Then I might let you blow.”

        “Then why would I want to do this?” I boldly said back. Brad just waited patiently. “Yea, OK, finding my limits.” I groused.

        “Jim Dandy let the electric show start.” Brad started humming a Disney tune. “Danny, you place a pad right below the rib cage on each side and just above Timothy’s penis. Make sure his penis cannot touch the pad.”

        “I appreciate that,” I said. Brad wagged his head with a laugh.

        Brad efficiently placed pads on the back of my knees, and my exposed buttock, and inner thigh. Not too bad I thought until he placed a pad on my taint, at my hole and next to my penis.

        “Fucking hell’s shit,” I yelled as he wrapped an electrode around the head of my penis.

        “Too late to back out now,” Brad smirked. Brad took the controller and sat in a chair next to me so that I could see him and the black box easily. “Now Timothy, just a little warm up to see if everything is working correctly.” A gentle tingle hit my legs and buttock. “Good feed 1 is working, Now 2.” My abdominal muscles spasmed slightly. “Great, now 3 and the best.” I felt nothing, Brad looked puzzled. “Stupid me,” Brad said after a few seconds. “I forgot to plug the feed into the box. First rule of computer repair,” Brad said to me, “is make sure it is plugged in.” He laughed and turned the knob.  I felt a definite buzzing in my most sensitive spots. It was not painful, but it could not be ignored. “Ready, Timothy?”

        I nodded and said, “Let’s see what that baby can do?”

        “Timothy, you are in no position to challenge me.” Brad said with a world weary sigh. Current spiked through my groin area. “That is only level two of ten.” Brad evenly said, but smiled. “Now I am going to play you like an electric guitar.”

        So he did, and my twitching, jumping and writhing made me the conductor.

        “Just a little more Timothy.” Brad consoled me, I was drenched in sweat and barely lucid. “I am going to slowly turn each knob up. When the discomfort is too high, say ‘Stop now’, I want a baseline for when we do this again. As they say no pain no gain.” He laughed evilly at his small joke.

        Brad started with knob one and slowly increased the voltage, “Stop Now,” I screamed after about two minutes, my time. “Not bad up to 6. Ready for the second.” He did not wait for a reply, “Stop now” I started to hyperventilate. “Good almost 5, last one.” The “Stop Now!” was barely 15 seconds. “I am disappointed Timothy, only a two. Danny’s first time he lasted until a little past 4.” Every nerve in my body felt like burning ants crawling. Danny kissed me on the lips as he removed some of the pads.

        “Danny could you get a towel and cool water for Timothy, while I remove the remaining pads.” Danny bounced out of the room; his peter bouncing against his balls..

        “You OK, Timothy?” Brad asked with real concern. “You did much better than I expected, since it is your first time.” He wiped some sweat out of my eyes. “I’m leaving the last set of electrodes attached, because I am going to edge you until you beg. Beg long and loud and desperate.” The look in Brad’s eyes held no humor or jest. I knew he was going to do his best to make me beg. I was determined not too-- I was young and foolish.

        Danny returned with two towels and a bottle with a straw in it. He rested the cold bottle against my cheek and wrangled the straw into my mouth. It was cold and refreshing; I did not realize how parched I was and how wet the bed was. And Brad worried about a little piss. Danny did his best to towel me down. A fighter between rounds. I saw Brad sitting smuggly sipping a beer. “Could I have one of those.” I tilted my head toward the beer.
“Nope, not going to dull your senses. I might give you a viagra to up the ante a bit.” Brad smiled back at me, waving the beer around before taking a long lull.

        “Sadist,” I shot back at him.

        “So fucking true,” His smile was all teeth. I’m ready. He slid by my cock and took the electrode off the tip. and slide on a pump. “This little baby will milk you dry in five minutes or torment you for hours. It has a couple of sensors that detect when you're about to come. It then backs off to let you cool down. I’m setting the time for 30 minutes. But of course I will be also carefully watching.” The machine was quiet but effective. I got so close and then wham it pinch the bottom of my shaft and I went soft. It pulsed and throbbed and massaged almost as well as Danny’s mouth. It was warm and slick with oil. I lost count of the number of times I got so, so, close and then with a pin prick my balloon lost air. My balls ached for release. The cock ring dammed all sperm. I was being tormented with surfeit. Each cycle of the machine became more painful. But I did not beg; Brad smiled like an executioner delivering the last meal. A timer went off and Brad pulled the lips from hell away. It was bloated hard with blood. I had heard the phrase “angry cock”; Now I had one.

        “Danny get some ice. Timothy is overheating.” Danny said a “Yes Sir” and left.  Brad moved closer to me. “How did you like that toy.?”

        “Need to get me one of those. Way better than my hand.” I said with a forced smile.

        “Think you can do another hour?” Brad said, the look of challenge.

        “Likely but don’t want to break the lips on that contraption.”

Brad just laughed. “I am not done yet. I will have you begging.”

        “I have no doubt,” I smiled back, “But it will be when I am ready.”

        “I like you Timothy. You are good for Danny, and I think we will have fun times together. There is so much I can show you.”

        “Sir, your ice,” Danny said as he handed Brad a large ziplock bag of ice.

        “Are you overheated, Timothy?”

        I knew it was a trap question, but I said “Yes” Brad casually walked to the end of the bed and slapped the bag of ice on my balls. I screamed as they tried to retreat to my spleen, but were stopped short by the ball stretcher. “You’re one mean bastard,” I said through gritted teeth.

        “Just a few hours and you know me so well.” Brad laughed. “Cool down big boy?”

        “Down to nothing going to work.”

        “Oh contraire mon frere, This will get you harder faster, intensify the orgasm, increase the ejaculate. Besides, it's a hell of a lot of fun smacking your balls with ice.”

“Bastard.” I spit out. Danny came over to play with my tits. a welcome distraction from my numb nuts.        

        “Now, the real fun starts, Timothy.”

        “What everything before was Pee Wee’s Playhouse?”

        Brad gave a good chuckle, “That’s a good one Timothy.” His laugh subsided. “Now we start college. I am going to torment you until you beg. Don’t give me that macho dare me look.” Danny laughed at the two of us posturing. “Tell you what. If I do not have you begging for sexual release in 90 minutes, You can do whatever you want with me.”

        “Feeling mighty cocky.” I stated with far more confidence than I felt.

        Brad just smiled and flicked the tip of my cock with his finger. “Sure am. My cock isn’t ringed and connected to my butt. I’m not the one tied down.” I gave a raucous laugh to taunt Brad. “Tell you what Timothy. Since I put my ass on the line if I lose, you need to put your ass on the line if I win.”

        “Seems it is already on the line.” I nodded my head toward my splayed legs.

        “True,” Brad ran a hand over both ass cheeks. “But I was thinking something special for your ass hole.”

        “What?” I asked suddenly concerned, “Remember no blood or shit.” Brad nodded affirmatively. “I can still use my safe word?”

        “I actually think you will like it.” Brad said while motioning Danny to sit in the chair.

        “Sure,” I said, “I have nothing to lose. What will I do if I lose?’

        “Timothy,” Brad’s grin gave me the willies. “Timothy, by man, you are so naive. Maybe, I want to drag your bare ass naked to a club I know and let everyone there fuck your ass.” I gulped in panic because I knew he would do that. “but that is for another time. No, this task is far simpler. Danny and I will breed your ass. I want to see our cum leaking out your well abused ass.

I turned to look at Danny who was grinning broadly while stroking his cock. He thought I was going to lose. “I accept the terms.”        

“Danny, make sure everything is ready for the sling because your boyfriend is going to be full of your cum.”

“With pleasure sir. I think filling Timothy with my spunk will mark him as mine.” Danny left the room.

“For a smart kid you are too dumb. I am a master of this. I have about fifteen years of experience making guys beg. And no, I am not going to beat you until you beg. This is even worse. I will pleasure you until you beg.” He lazily ran a finger up my side. “It is interesting that people can endure far more pain than they can pleasure” He gently put my peter in his mouth and descended, the tip only touching inside his mouth once when I hit the back of his throat. His lips closed slightly to ride over every curvature of my cock. I knew I was in trouble as my testicled started to tighten. He sat up, and my need descended. “Timothy, I got you close just now,” he cooly explained, “but how many times can you endure your body tensing for release: your balls rising, your dick swelling, your stomach and ass clenching. An orgasm, Timothy, involves all of you. It is the fans waiting for the final ball through the hop that rims of.  How many times will the fans accept rim balls before they turn on you. Our session today is about pleasing Danny, but it is also about learning about your body and how it responds. How can you please someone else if you do not know what pleases you.” I nodded as we both watched my pecker lie down like a good dog.

Brad seemed in no hurry to start again. Maybe that confidence would be his fatal flaw and allow me to hold out. I looked into Brad’s eyes, predatory and patience. Maybe he was a large cat playing with his food, letting the poor rabbit run, thinking it escaped. I took a deep inhale as Brad started rimming me. Danny’s jizm in me would not be that bad. Brad felt my deep breath and knew he had won. It was only time and wanted it to be a good time.

“Got everything set up sir,” Danny said as he sat in the chair near my head. “Cleaned it real nice. Set out a couple of different dildos so you can stretch his pussy hole real large.” Danny grinned at me with the last.

My cock came close to release, but Brad wrapped his hand around my whole shaft until I went soft again. “And plenty of lube?” Brad asked Danny. “And the other toys I like?’

“Yes sir, plenty.” Danny glanced at me and smiled and then Brad. “Gonna fist him?”

        “Maybe,” Brad smiled at Danny and then showed me his clenched fist. “Like the size of the up your ass boy,” he said looking at me.

        I was feeling cocky, “Had dildos bigger.” I grinned back in challenge.

“Do they do this?” Brad opened his hand and spread his fingers. My eyes popped. “Thought not.” I knew I was in a test of wills with Brad, and we both knew he would win, but like in wrestling in high school, I might lose but I would still be stronger because of the effort.

“Ready to beg,” Brad mockingly said, not waiting for a reply. Within seconds I was hard and throbbing. I had read about kegel exercises and was good at stopping my piss when needed but the pressure was building.

“30 minutes,” Danny said. I had not realized that he had a stopwatch.

I was very close to blowing without begging but the zap. I forgot that electrodes were still in place and limp. “If I had put one of the electrodes in your ass near the P center, you would have blown both heads. But where I have them they do the opposite.” Brad stood and walked over to Danny. “Boy you are slacking. Look at all the sweat on Timothy. He needs cleaning.” Danny bounced up and grabbed a towel. “No untie him we will get something to drink. He may need to pee. I want Timothy’s cum in my mouth, not his piss.”

I was soon free and stretching. It felt good. “Eww, gross Danny,” Danny was licking the rivulets of sweat off my chest. Danny stopped.

“Timothy, Danny’s already tasted your cum and piss why not sweat. Danny is your boyfriend, he wants to know the taste and smell of all of you. He is giving himself to you, and by him licking you clean, you are giving yourself to him.”

“Seems overly complicated to just being fuck buddies.” Danny pulled away hurt, handing me a towel to finish.

Brad shoved me into the chair Danny was in. It was damp with Danny’s sweat. “Danny, bring us each a glass of wine. Third row down, two across in the wine frig.” I watched Danny’s ass leave the room; it was one fine ass attached to one fine ass. “Now listen here Timothy,” He shoved me back into the chair standing straddling my legs, dick straight in his leather harness.  I thought he might face fuck me and I opened my mouth for entry. Smack. Brad hit my face hard. “You fucking idiot.” he roars and hit the other side of my face. “Danny is not just some fuck buddy. He is too good a person for that. If that is all he is to you, leave now.” Brad moved off me and pulled me up. God he is strong. “Get your fucking ass out of here now, you turd.” He pushed me hard toward the door.

I pushed Brad back and sat in the chair. “No,” I said, almost in tears, “I don’t want Danny as a fuck buddy.” I sat looking at my feet trying not to sob. “I want Danny as a boyfriend. I just don’t know how.”  

Brad lifted my head and with a knuckle gently brushed a tear and then let me taste it. “I know. That is why I am here helping you. You are both 18 and inexperienced. At your ages this may not last a year, but at least both of you will learn and go for the next real thing.” Brad sat on the bed across from me. “I am 32 and have not found a Mr. Right. I have found plenty of Mr. Wrongs, I learned from them what is wrong, and I’ve had a couple of so close.” Brad paused. “Those hurt. I am just saying that Danny is really special, and he finds you really special. So I find you really special. I think you are. I want you both to experience the giddy pleasure of first love. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” I said, “I really screwed up didn’t I.” Brad just nodded. “What do I do? I don’t want to lose Danny. I have never felt this way about anyone else. I am afraid I will screw it up again.”

“You will and Danny will too. Just talk about it. Know each other’s limits; know your own limits.”

“What do I do? How do I make it up to him?” I asked with more confidence.

“When he gets back in here, you will be on your knees and you will apologize by kissing his feet.” I nodded assent. “Then you are going to give him one hell of a blow job. Very little a good blow job won’t cure.” I laughed and went to my knees at the foot of the bed.

Danny returned carrying a small tray with three glasses of velvet red wine. He paused when he saw me kneeling at the foot of the bed and then looked to Brad for explanation. Brad indicated to put the tray at the end of the bed. Once the tray was placed on the bench, Danny looked at me confused as I moved closer and kissed his left foot. He tried to pull it away, but I grabbed the heel and held it firm. “I am not sorry Danny that I called you my fuck buddy.” I kissed his left foot again and moved to his right. “because you are that, but you are so much more.” I was strangely enjoying my groveling. I looked up at Danny, whose face flickered between anger and laughing.” I licked between the toes of his right foot;  he tried to move the foot because it tickles and not in disgust. I was gaining his trust back. I stopped licking. “We are buddies and we fuck” I smiled up at him. “but that is a small part of what I want us to be.” My tongue washed up the inside of his right calf and lingered behind the knee. “I want us to be boyfriends like you want us to be.” My  tongues moved up the thigh until I was just below his balls, My hair brushing against them. “I made a stupid remark, and I hurt you.” I made sure each exhalation of breath wove around the sack. “I am very new to this relationship thing.” My tongue flick the underside of the scrotum. He was hard. “I never want to UNINTENTIONALLY hurt you.” I emphasized the word unintentional so Danny knew we could still play hard. My finger played with his hole. He panted. “We will say and do things that upset each other.” I continued. I sucked one ball into my mouth. “That is what happens. You should hear my parents fight.” I went to the other ball. A drop of precum hit my nose. “When that happens we need to tell each other. If our relationship is to flourish, we need to talk and not just fuck, and we definitely.” I put both balls in my mouth. I loved the hairless feel, I loved the taste. I loved running my tongue over the nut truffles. My teeth gently closed and my head jerked down. Danny yipped in pain. “But we will never just walk away.” I looked up at Danny. He nodded. I smiled and took his member to its base and sucked. I went slow and easy, He tried to grab my head with his hands. I slapped them away. I wanted to be in control of his orgasm. I wanted Danny to know he was mine. Danny panted and gasped, thrust and came. His cock was deep and his cum slid down the back of my throat. I slowly eased out leaving a trail of jizm to the tip of my tongue, which I used to entice the last few spasms and last few drops. I stood and pulled Danny close. He was shaking and a little unsteady. Danny started to say something but faltered for words. I pulled him into a kiss, our bare chest close enough that I could feel his heart. My tongue went into his mouth and we shared his cum. The kiss was passionate.

“OK guys,” Brad broke the moment. I licked a bit of escaping sperm from my lip and looked at Brad. He smiled and put his cell phone down. “That was so damn hot. Almost worth getting in a fight if make-up sex is this good.”

I looked at Danny. “Do you forgive me?” I got a weak yes. “And you understand we need to talk rather than run?” I gave his balls a gentle tug.

“Yes,” Danny said. “I am sorry that I ran, but I was so hurt when you called me your fuck buddy.” He kissed me; there was a lingering taste of his cum. “But you are right. We are fuck buddies in the very best sense of the word because that is part of our relationship.” He grinned broadly. “hot fucking sex is a big part of our relationship. It is our starting point, boyfriend.”

“So sweet,” Brad said, returning attention to him. “Some wine and bathroom break and then back to breaking Timothy.” Danny and I looked at each other. I winked at him and he snickered. I suddenly realized that Danny’s devotion to Brad was now switched to me. Danny was mine.

The wine was the best I ever tasted, but that was usually limited to bargain bin sell-outs. Conversation was muted. “Finish up, we do not have all night.”

“Need to pee,” I said. “Me too,” added Danny.

“No getting off, Timothy.” Brad yelled as we both ran off.  Brad’s eyes narrowed as we returned and he spotted a light yellow drop of liquid on Danny’s chin. “Timothy on the bed, same position. Danny, tie your man down.” I was soon restrained and eager to continue. “Since we had a beak,” Brad said looking at me. “We are back to ninety minutes.”

“No way in hell,” I bellowed back. “You asked for the break, not me. If you are so old that you do not have the stamina for ninety minutes, not my fault.”

Brad slapped my exposed ass hard. “You’re going to pay for that smart ass, or should I say smarting ass.”  He hit my bottom very hard twice more. “Looks so nice red. Maybe I’ll just paddle you until you beg.”

“Not the deal Brad.” I said not so sure he wouldn’t just paddle me.

“I am a man of my word Timothy. I’ll make you beg to cum. So Danny, my ninty or Timothy’s sixty minutes.”

“Sixty.” Danny quickly said.

“Traitor,” Brad groused, “where is your loyalty to me?”

“Boyfriends over bros,” Danny grinned at Brad.

“Shit,” Brad laughed, “now I can get ganged up on. Alright sixty minutes, Danny get your boyfriend hard, but don’t let him cum or your ass may be sorry.”

“Only if you have my permission,” I said, “He is mine now. You have video evidence of that.” Danny beamed at me. “But I am easily persuaded.” Danny now frowned, but it was not a dangerous frown.

“Danny to work, while I get a few things.”

Danny attacked me, and I was quickly hard. I quickly realized that my last remark was not forgotten. Shit I was in deep trouble.

Brad was soon back. Brad was soon back and playing with an anal insert. “Good work Danny,” Brad bent closer to my erection. “Just one drop of precum, excellent. You got him dripping close. Time to take him back down.” He placed a small wand at the base of my penis. Zap and flat.

“Hey that hurt.”

“Supposed to. Danny, remove the cock ring and plug. I have better.” Danny did. I sighed in relief. “Danny, get him hard again.” Danny’s mouth is magic and I was up. “Timothy, you have a very nice cock, but it is still not large enough. This little gadget.” Brad showed me a clear plastic tube that looked similar to the fleshjack. “will make your dicklet man size. Danny likes men.” Brad poured some lubricant on my erection and slipped the device over my erect member. My cock inflated slightly. “This is a vacuum pump.Your smart enough to know what happens to flesh in a vacuum.” His one hand did an explosion motion. “Now this bad baby has three suction setting. I am on low right now, so I can use it as a fuck machine.” It felt I was being sucked by someone with strong lungs, but one who never exhaled. The pressure was constant. “Danny, would you like his dick larger?”

Danny replied with a “Yes, Sir. I’m shallow--size matter.”

“Fuck you Danny, never getting my dick in your ass again.” I was pissed.

“Aw isn’t it cute when he threatens.” Brad said. “Next level.” My cock filled the tube. “Nice, almost fills the tube. What do you think Danny? It is almost adequate size for a real man.” Brad and Danny just sat and looked at my peter as it slowly expanded more. “Very nice, but you are right Danny,” Danny had said nothing. “A little more.” My cock expanded to almost fill the tube. It hurt. “Don’t want to damage your boyfriend Danny, so sorry need to go down a size.” The vacuum lessened.”  Brad took the pump and moved it around inspecting the content. “Want to snag the cock ring on the bench, Danny.”  Brad released the vacuum and then my cock. He grabbed my member by the base and slowly stroked it. “Almost adequate for a man,” Brad said, positioning the fat sausage so I could see.

It was impressive: red, veiny porn star cock. I did not like the look. “Is it going to stay this size forever?” I was very concerned that my cock would remain monterous.

“It should return to normal size in about fifteen minutes. Unless blood flow from the penis is limited. That is why the cock ring.” Danny handed him three what looked like gaskets. “The three bears. One for the bottom, one for the middle, and one for the top.” Brad slipped them on and my oversized erections stayed. “Danny, want to ride it? Want to see what a real man dick is like?” Danny applied lube and pounced on it with no hesitation and started riding. It was hell. the head of my penis was super sensitive to the point of pain. But I still was working to blow. ”How do you like it Danny? I know you like to ride pricks. Do you need a man size prick to satisfy your hungry hole?”

Danny jumped off just as I was ready to blow. Brad threw the ice pack on my balls and strangely Brad was crooning  “Let it go”.

“That song is pretty gay.” I said to Brad. He just sang louder. Dweeb.

“Sixty minutes.” Danny said.

“Going to last another thirty?” Brad asked smuggly. “Brought you so close about a dozen times. Can you last thirty more minutes.” My dick was huge and throbbing; my ball ached against the cock stretcher. Sweat rolled off me.  My lip was almost bloody from biting it. My voice was horse from cries of frustration. But I was not ready to submit. Brad looked at me and saw defiance. “Thank you,” he said. “I have not had so much fun in a long time. Now I can bring out the heavy duty guns and make you beg to shoot.” Brad removed the three cock rings and added another band to my ball stretch. I was almost constantly hard, except when Brad force me soft through ice, pain, electro, or squeezing. I thought it could never happen but I was hard for so long that my penis hurt, yet was hypersensitive.

Brad slid something like a sock or sleeve over my willy. It was very tight. “That’s a cock sock,” Brad informed me. “Like a girdle it compresses the cock, keeps it hard but prevents ejaculation, not coming because all your juices will be blocked. It will not prevent an orgasm, just the happy ending.” The sock left the top third of my schlong exposed. “Did you know that men are capable of multiple orgsims. You just need to prevent ejaculation. It may not be as intense as a full orgsm, but, hey, several times in a row.”  Brad looked at Danny. “I think we need a small break. Let Timothy decompress.“ Brad looked at my swollen prick and laughed, “Sorry man,” he said to me. “don’t think that will wilt until you beg.”

 They did not untie me, but Danny gave me water through a straw, which was the best beverage. “Not too much, don’t want him to pee.” Brad said to Danny. “Duh, me dumb. you want him to pee.” Danny just laughed. “So Timothy, you have a little over thirty minutes to beg. Think you can hold out?”

“Done so, so far it had been beyond frustration, but nothing I cannot handle.”

“Good, Timothy, just continue with your delusion. Danny slipped under him so his head is in your crotch.” Danny shifted until his hard wood was against my left ear. “Now play with his nipples, gentle brushing with occasional hard nips.” Danny did a quick practice run; I could have shot just from that.”

“No fair,” I yelled, “two against one. and my nipples are very sensitive.”

“Yeah,” Brad smirked, “I like your sensitive nipples, makes my job easier. And who ever said this needed to be fair. “ I moaned as Danny ran two fingers firmly around the edge of my nipple. My cock throbbed. “The head of your penis is so large, red-a plum ready to be sucked dry.” Brad said as his tongue flicked the underside of my cock. Between that and Danny’s hands, I orgasmed. “Number one,” Brad chucked. “Lets see if we can get five more.”  I started to curse. “Put a sock in it.” Brad said with mild bemusement. Danny did stuff one sock in my mouth. Brad laughed when he saw the toe of a sock sticking out of my mouth. “I did not mean the sock literally, Danny.” Danny shrugged and pulled the sock out. How can he beg if he cannot talk. But I do like the idea of a gag for later.” Brad disappeared from my view and started rimming, The anal wand slid in beside his tongue and found my prostate. “Two,” Brad simply stated and returned to feather touching the head of my cock. Danny turned my head enough so that I could partially suck him. My nipples sang, and my nether region was backup. My mind was overloaded with sensory stimulation. Too much pleasure is worse than too much pain. “Four.” Brad said barely looking up from lapping my dick. “Think you can do two or three more orgasasm?”

My body still convulsed from the last one. My ball hurt worse than if they were in a vice, my cock throbbed like WWF wrestlers neck, it was just as large. My nipples burned. My ass spasmed. “No, no more.” It was not a beg but more a desperate whimper of one who was completely broken. The anal probe hit my prostate again.

“Five,” gloated Brad. “Saying no is not begging.”

“Please, please, stop,” I was fucking crying. “No more please, I beg you please stop.’ Tears ran down my face, my breathing was gaspy, my voice raspy. “Pickle,” I struggle out. Everything stopped, Danny quickly moved to undo my restrained hands. Brad did the same with my legs. Cock ring/ball stretch was removed. I was sobbing. Brad carefully removed the cock sock, knowing how sensitive my entire penis was. Cum flowed out of me, no fireworks, just a dam broke. My mind fuzzy, I thought I saw Brad with a large syringe sucking up my cum.

“Not bad Timothy, almost three tablespoons of cum.”  Brad held a measuring cup up to my face, “Danny, now be gentle with your boyfriend. He needs some TLC.”

Danny crawled to my backside, his arms around my chest carefully avoiding my nipples. “That was so hot,” Danny whispered in my ear. “Usually Brad has them begging after 45 minutes.” He sucked my earlobe. “Another ninety seconds and you would have won the bet.” I was too exhausted and content in Danny’s arms to feel bummed out. Besides, I would have Danny impregnating me. I was a winner.

Interlude 6

“Timothy, how are you holding up?” Brad asked with genuine concern. “I have pushed you further than I have many more experienced men.” Danny had helped me to the kitchen bar.

        “Wobbly, exhausted.” I paused to try and capture another sensation, “alive--violin strings that won’t stop vibrating. I want to sleep, but I am sexually frustrated.”

        Brad handed Danny and I a drink. “Sexually frustrated! My god boy, I claimed five loads, and you had a few this morning. I would think you are sexually drained. Your willy must be begging for rest.”

        I paused and did a quick assessment, “Nope, still need to cum. I know I came with you but it was not a blow your wad explosion. I need to spunk hard.”

        Brad looked at me with a salacious grin. He walked around the counter to stand in front of me. He glanced at my firm dick. “Eighteen and horny. I see you need it bad. Stand and put your arms behind your back, wrist on your rump.” I stood and complied. He smiled and kissed me softly on the lips--his lips were like frosting, soft and sweet.. His kisses moved down my sternum to my nipples. Each taken into his puckered lips. His mouth continued. He paused to glance at Danny massaging my buttock. He smiled a nod to Danny. Danny quickly cuffed my wrists, but I did not mind because Brad’s lips continued their journey to my treasure islands. Brad’s tongue played my cock and balls, alternating with his mouth sucking both--I was amped and close. Danny drew me in for a kiss while playing with my nipples. My body sent bolts of pleasure from groin to nipples, from eyebrows and to toes, which curled in anticipation. My jizm was ready to errupt. I moan and gasp as the stars aligned. Pain, cold--free fall as my orgasm fled like a vampire to sunlight. My head did not grasp what the body knew. I looked confused at Danny, whose eyes held both sympathy and perverse delight. I looked down at Brad and my shriveled cock and the chastity cage Brad just locked shut. “What the fuck!” I screamed and tried to take a swing at Brad, but my arms were fastened behind me.

        Brad stepped back and took a slow look at my sex flushed body and my gelded prick. He tossed a bag of Ice to Danny. “Now boy,” Brad drawled out. “Let’s see you cum now.”

        I looked down at the contraption, to Brad, to Danny, who moved out of my reach, and back to Brad. “I need to come,” my voice was quivered between a whine and a demand.

        “You will boy,” Brad smiled and flicked my left nipple with his finger, “when I say.”

        “You can fuck me, if you let me out of the cage.” I tipped my nose down.

        “I can fuck you now.” Brad swung me around and pushed my chest into the countertop. “You are my boy now,” Brad’s erect penis moved between my butt cheeks. “But I do not rape.” The head of his penis whirlpooled my hole. “But then you did offer your ass just now.” Brad reminded me of a cop who pulled me over for running a stop sign--he knew he had me by the short hairs. Brad turned me to face him. “As nice as your ass is and as tempting as the offer, I will decline to accept you offer.” His one hand ran across my chest while the other entered my hole. I was on fire; my body chanted cum, cum, cum, like fans at a basketball game, my cock responded  and dribbled, only to foul out. I wanted to cry. “Danny, I think it is time for bed.”

        “Yes sir,” Danny quickly responded and headed toward the bedroom.

        “Now Timothy,” Brad stood inches from my face, “this is how this will go down. The three of us are going to my bed, Danny will fuck you and then sleep inside you while I am beside Danny. In the morning, when I allow, Danny and I will breed you. You remember the bet. We will breed you until the cum runs out of your ass. Then if you please us both; then and only then, I will remove the cage and allow you to cum.” Brad twistd both my nipples hard; I yelped. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir, yes,”

“Good,” Brad gently kissed me and led me into the bedroom, where Danny entered my backside and Brad entered Danny’s.

Sleep was elusive, but Danny inside me was comforting and reassuring. I eventually slept.

Next: Chapter 8

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