Timothy and the Lion Boy

Published on Aug 12, 2022


Timothy and the Lion Boy Chapter 2E

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Works of fiction are all fantasies about other people's lives. Those lives have their own trajectory of wants and needs, actions and reactions, hopes and despairs. Fiction allows us, the reader, to share their paths vicariously without personal consequence. We do not need to approve or disapprove of their actions because it is their lives. Our role is to bare witness and take what we find relevant to ourselves.

This story is intended for adults who like homotropic erotica. Erotica is more about the journey to sexual fulfillment than the event itself. All erotica is aimed for those 18 and older.

© 2020 Boethius Cell


Timothy and the Lion Tamer--2e Weekend Play

Scene 5

 Brad’s bedroom was like him. Not what I expected; no red and black theme, no walls of mirrors, manacles, or poles. The prime object, of course, was the bed with a geometric pattern in earth tones duvet on a solid four poster bed with iron rails along the top. Heavy drapes hung from the rails at the head of the bed. The bed itself had a surplus of pillows. A fabric weaving was above  a heavy headboard. I had to look at it twice to realize what I thought was a pattern really was naked men. The rest of the artwork were pastels of naked men contorted or twisted and chained to pillars, rocks, or crumbling walls. They were wonders. The dresser had only a lamp and a modernist take on Hercules and Diomede. A bench was at the end of the bed and two chairs at a small table completed the room.

        “Nice,” I said, “ But where is the sling and toys?”

        Brad laughed. “In the closet. But do not underestimate what I can do in here too.” He was standing behind me and biting my neck hard. I jerked away. “Too scared to play?” he asked me.

        “Bring it on,” I said with more courage in my voice than I felt.

        “Oh, I will.” he whispered back into my ear, his breath spiralling into my ear, firm and steady.

        Brad sat himself on the bench at the end of the bed. “Boys, front and center.” I suddenly realized he liked being in control.  Danny quickly moved with a yes sir, I followed Danny. “Hands at side and relax Timothy. I don’t bite.”

        “You already did.” I shot back.

        Brad smiled with humor, “Right, dude, I don’t bite too hard.” I gave a weak smile back. “First, this is my bedroom so my rules.” Danny and I nodded. “Second, I respect safe words. Danny, your’s are still Vader for stop and  Luke for slow?”

        “Yes sir,” Danny promptly replied. I looked at Danny as now a true geek.

        “Timothy, I am sure Danny had you create safe words?”

        “Yes,” I paused to look at Brad, “Do I need to call you sir?”

        Brad chuckled, “No, not unless you want to. You are a guest today. Come back again then maybe.”

        “Sir, my stop word is pickle and slow word is robot.”

        Brad laughed out loud, “So that’s why the pickle was up your ass Timothy.” Brad looked at me, “Danny is a devious bastard; sure you want to still hang out with him.”

        “More devious than me?” I grinned back

        “Now guidelines beyond safe words. I know some of Danny’s limits but not yours, Timothy. I know you want to explore your limits, which is far more than most people are willing to do.” Brad gave me an appraising look. “Which is why you are in my bedroom. I also know from the video what you are willing to do. But there are far more possibilities than are dreamed of. What really screams no?”

“Anything to do with shit. No eating, no playing with. Definite no.”

“Mine too,” Brad nodded. “Did you clean him well Danny?”

“Yes sir.”

“No blood.” I added

“I agree.” Brad nodded, “actually makes me nauseous.”

“No bruising or marks.”

“Now we are at a negotiation point. I saw Danny use a tickler and paddle; they leave marks.”

“Right, nothing anywhere I might have to explain how I got them.”

“Do you run around your house naked?”

I drew back in surprise, “Hell no.”

“I thought not.” Brad smiled. He had such a winning smile. “What do you wear around the house at its least?”

“Usually board shorts, sometimes run from the bathroom to my bedroom in boxer shorts or wrapped in a towel.”

Brad reached out and rubbed my ass, his hands warm and smooth--no manual labor, and then down the back of my leg and into my thigh. “Marking my canvas.” His smile was still very warm, but his eyes held mine. “OK if I leave some marks in this area. Something that will fade in a day, but will still be a reminder of me?”

I held my gaze steady with Brad’s, his hand still comfortable on my butt. I decided I was not going to wimp out. “Yes sir, that area will be acceptable,” then I added, “as long as the marking lasts only a day or so.” If in, all in.

“Any other limits.”

Brad seemed in no hurry for an answer so I thought of some of the video’s we watched. I realized that Brad showed them so I could see possibilities and form some limits. “Yes, no piss.”

“No water sports at all?”

“Well maybe,” I hemmed and hawed, “being pissed on, just for the experience, but no pissing in my mouth or up my ass.” Brad waited. “Nothing else looked verboten, but then videos are not the real things.”

Brad laughed. Danny started to giggle, but a glance from Brad stilled Danny. Interesting relationship but not me. “Good got limits defined, now the lecture.”  I groaned. Brad pinched my ass. “Attention, this is important. Pleasure and pain are the same. They are sensations only measured by degree of stimulation.”  Brad brought his hand up and started massaging my nipple. “What you feel now is simple pleasure, but…” His manipulation of my nipple increase with flicks of his finger by gentle pulling and pinching. “but this same pleasure can turn to pain.” He firmly grabbed my nipple pulling out and pinching very hard. I screamed. He let go and gently massaged the abused nipple. It felt nice. “Too much sensory stimulation causes pain. The reverse is also true pain can lead to pleasure. I know you have been fuck. At first it hurts but then it turns to pleasure.” He looked at me, his eyes darting to gather all my facial expressions. “You understand?”

“Yes, sir. My limits are found in my limits both to pleasure and to pain. I thought I wanted to be a hedonist, at least for a while, but with Danny today and what you are offering. I think the pursuit of nothing but pleasure can become shallow. But I also do not think I could be like some of the guys in the videos. My humanities teacher in high school spoke of the golden mean, I want to find mine.”

“You have yourself one smart boy Danny.” Brad reached his arms around both of our hips and shoved us together side by side. “Let’s explore. Danny kneel behind Timothy and undo his thong and remove the plug.  Next thing I knew was Danny’s nose was in my ass and my dick was free to the air. “No licking, Danny, until I say so.” Brad said with a knowing laugh. The tip of Danny’s tongue retreated like it was slapped.

Danny asked me to spread my ass cheeks. I did and he pulled on the plug. “Hey man,” I blurted. “easy, don’t take the skin.”

Brad was immediately next to Danny inspecting the plug. “Are you an idiot Danny.” Brad shoved Danny out of the way. “First rule of any anal play is lots and lots of lube. It should be dripping. I know the porn videos do not show much, but they are well primed. Second rule is if you are going to leave anything in for any length of time do not use water based lubes; they dry out. Sorry, Timothy about Danny being an idiot. The removal will be uncomfortable but no damage. Danny get me the silicone lube with the nozzle tip out of the top left drawer of the dresser.”

“Guess this is one of my learning experiences.” I laughed trying to keep the mood light.

“Yeah, hope this does not set a limit.”

“Nope, I’m good.”

“You know you are a good kid, Timothy. Danny is very lucky to have you.” Brad kissed my ass. “And I want to learn more about you too.” He kissed the other side of my ass.

“Yeah, I’d like that. I need a mentor to prevent things like this.”

“That you do,” Brad laughed while massaging my butt. His hands felt so good.

“You can teach me a lot about sensory exploration, but not as my master. I don’t take orders well.”

Brad laughed loudly and slapped my ass hard enough for it to quiver. “we’ll see,” he said softly. “I like challenges.”

“Here sir,” Danny said as he handed the lube to Brad.

“Now this may be a little uncomfortable but I’m going to squirt this lube around the plug before I slowly extract the offending object.  

“Like when I loosened the wheel from my lawn mower?”

“Just like that.” Brad's voice was calm and reassuring. “Now relax those ass muscles, because there’s going to be a gusher.” I laughed and my ass relaxe. The sensation was between shoving one too many Oreos into your mouth and then adding honey.

“You OK?” Brad asked.

“Yeah actually more than fine.”

“Great. I am going to turn the vibrator on so work all the lube up and around.” My ass suddenly entertained Kiss.

“Shit, this feels really good.” Then whoosh and nothing. The plug flew out and hit Brad in the chest; he oofed from the force. My breath returned to normal. “That was intense, but don’t ask me to do it again,” I said as I turned my torso to face Brad and Danny.

“I am so sorry,” Danny said almost in tears. “I never meant to hurt you.”

The pain in Danny’s eyes was too touching; I almost started to cry. “It’s OK. Everything came out OK.” I started to laugh at what I said which soon had all of us laughing.

“You still need to make amends Danny for any damage or harm you cause Timothy.”

“Yes sir, anything you think right.” Danny said too eagerly.

“Timothy, if you would bend over the bench,” I did, curious. “Danny, you are to rim his ass as deep as you can until I return. “

“Yes, Sir.” Danny’s alacrity told me it was not truly a punishment, but I was not one to protest. I mean Danny’s tongue is almost prehensile. Brad disappeared as I enjoyed a first class rimming. Danny’s slobber ran down my leg; he was too eager and attentive.

Brad returned. “Danny, you may stop and stand ready.” Danny stopped and stood, his face red from burrowing into my ass. “Timothy, if you could stand too, please.”

I was struck by the different tone between me and Danny, between order and request. “what would you like tonight?” Brad asked. It was a real request.

I thought for a little while; Brad was willing to wait. “I want to be a better sex partner. I want to learn how to please a man.”

Brad smiled, “To please someone else you must learn what pleases him. What pleases Danny, would not please me. You must know more than what you need to give because you never will know all that pleases your partner or what may be requested. You are right that the first step is to learn your own limits.”

“So what do you suggest?” I asked. I mean he asked what I wanted and then rejected it.

“Do you trust me?”

I felt I needed to be honest. “No”

Brad smiled again. “Right because there is no reason to trust me. You do not know me.” Brad sat on the edge of his bed appraising me. “Do you trust me enough to not damage you, to respect your limits?”

I looked into Brads eyes and saw he wanted a sincere answer. That convinced me. “Yes.”

“I will tell you what I am doing and you will tell me how it feels and what you think.”

“That's fine with me,” I said. “How does Danny fit in this?” So far Danny was standing head bowed, mute.”

“What would you like for him?”

I was not sure what I wanted. Then I smiled, “I want him to beg me for sexual release.” Danny’s head popped up in surprise.

Brad found that amusing, “I think both of you will demand that.” Brad rummaged around in a box he had brought into the bedroom. He handed me a cock cage, “Please put this chastity device on Danny, Timothy.” I did with some assistance from Brad. He made sure the inside of the device was covered in lubricant to prevent chafing. Danny did not say anything; he just smiled.

“I don’t like Danny quiet,” I mentioned, “I want to know what is going through his head. I want to hear him bitch.”

“Yes, I think that is good.” Brad turned to Danny. “What do you think of the cage.”

“I think my bird will soon want to be free from it’s cage. For now it is fine, but it will want to sing.”

“You always did have a way with words.” Brad said as he inspected the cock cage. “But my hope is that we can reduce you to incoherent chirps.”

Brad had Danny lean over the bed. Brad gave me a paddle. “Five wacks on the ass.”

I inspected the paddle. It was solid and heavy. “I have never used one before.” I said looking at Brad.

“That is why I am here. First take your hand and run it over Danny’s bottom. Feel the fleshy areas and the bony areas. Think of the buttock as your canvas and your paddle as the brush.”

“I rubbed my hand over Danny’s butt.” It was soft, smooth, and responsive like a memory foam pillow.

“Slap his ass.” Brad commanded. So I did.

“Whimp,” laughed Danny.

I hit again harder; his ass a very faint pink.

“MY 80 year-old grandma hits harder,” Danny laughed. “Give me something I can feel.”

A had a challenge and swung. The sound startled me as I hit Danny’s right cheek firmly. Danny had no comment. I smiled at Brad.

“Good start but if you cup your hand you get more noise. And try for leverage from the shoulder.” I did  and enjoyed the sound and Danny’s silence. “Now give Danny five or six good hits being sure to spread the snacks evenly on both buttockes.” I hit and my hand stung. “Nice, notice the pink; notice where it is not. That will be the next target. You want an overall rosiness.”

I slapped Danny five more times. “When my dad said this will hurt me more than you, he was right,” I said as I shook the sting out of my hand.

“That is why we have paddles. Not only gives more burn, but also saves the hand.” Brad handed me a paddle and showed me how to hold it to get maximum contact with Danny’s glowing behind. “Now with the paddle you can get more force because of the extension of the handle. The longer the handle, more force is applied.”  I hefted the paddle, which was like a ping pong paddle, but sturdier. “Danny’s ass is waiting for your attention. Be careful to hit with the flat and not the edge, which can cause damage that is better done with a cane or whip.”

I hit with what I thought was a noticeable force. but not in Brad’s opinion. Danny barely flinched. “No Timothy, you need to pretend you are swinging to hit a ball, not as hard as you would a baseball, but close.” Brad took the paddle away and swung; Danny jumped.

“No fair,” Danny whined. “I felt that in my teeth. Timothy was doing just fine.” Brad smacked Danny’s butt again.

“Your comment is duly noted and ignored.” Brad handed the paddle back to me. “See how red the spots are where I hit? That is what you want all over his ass.” I pulled back and smack Danny hard. This time Danny responded and I was pleased. “Good Timothy, now six more.”

“What you said five.” Danny chimed in.

“Mulligans don't count.” Brad shot back. Brad nodded to me to continue. I did with increasing enthusiasm after Danny’s yells of “Shit” after each swipe.

“Very good Timothy.” I handed the paddle back to Brad. “Now rub Danny’s ass to sooth away the sting. Always balance pleasure with pain.” I decided to straddle Danny’s back, pushing his chest into the mattress, and gently rubbed. Danny sighed in appreciation.

“Danny, how did Timothy do?” Brad asked.

“Not bad for a beginner. You felt Brad to my teeth, Timothy only through my nuts.”

“You can stand now, Danny, next to the bedpost.” Brad cuffed Danny’s wrists together and then to a ring he attached to one the balls in the design of the bedpost. It was high so Danny could not stand flat without wrenching his shoulders. “Now your turn Timothy.” I scowled at Brad. “What you give you will receive. What you give grudgingly you will receive thrice fold.”

“What bible is that from?” I asked with sarcasm.

“The bible of the Master.” Brad shoved me toward the bed. “Bend and present ass. And snarky responses are severely dealt with.” I bent and Brad’s hand was sure and firm. “You get ten with my hand and ten with the paddle. I want you to know respect and how it should feel if done correctly.” I was tempted to count out loud but figured Brad would be enough of a prick to add more. I did however refuse to utter a sound though my internal voice screamed. The pain subsided to hot embers. Brad’s gentle rubbing was very comforting and did immediate things to my penis.

“Very good Timothy. Think you are ahead of me because you were silent?”  Brad's smile was long and thin. “I will have you screaming. The more you refuse, the more I will push. Who do you think has more stamina, boy”

I stood and wiggled my ass. Brag just smiled smugly. “While I get a few more toys, Suck Danny, his johnson needs some lip.”

“Pleased to oblige.”

“If he so much as oozes precum, you will be in trouble,” Brad said as he left the room.

I knelt before Danny’s crotch. Because he was on his toes he tended to twist like a leaf on a limb. I grabbed Danny’s hips to stabilize him and took a long lick of his shaft in the cock cage. Danny’s johnson responded by raising its head but struggled in restraint. “How does it feel not being able to get hard.” I wiggled the cage and licked the shaft.

“Frustrating and edging toward painful.” Danny responded. “When Brad says something and it is not done to his satisfaction, you do need to worry.” I tickled his balls. “And don’t play macho and not vocalize. Brad loves, I mean loves, when his toy responds. He will defeat you, and you will regret the pain. I know from experience.”

Brad returned and examined Danny’s johnson. “Nice attempt at erection, wanting but not desperate. Good amount of saliva. Like your work Timothy.”

“Just for the record, Brad,” I gave a firm face, “I am not your toy.”

Brad laughed loud and hard, “Little Danny’s been talking.” Brag gave Danny’s right nipple a hard pinch and Danny yelled loud while giving a subtle wink to me. “When you came into my bedroom I said my room my rules. You agreed. You set parameters for what I do, I do not recall not being my toy as one of them. Right Danny?”

“Yes sir. Guidelines are no scat, no marks that show, not piss--soft item. Permission given to explore limits.”  Danny gave me the same smile that Brad had. “Did I miss anything Timothy?”

“Shit” I shrugged in defeat. “My grandma always told me to beware what I wish for.”

Brad laughed again, “Knew you were a smart boy with a very fine smart ass.” He slapped my ass hard. “When you know as much as I then we might negotiate your status. But for now you are mine to do as I please and to teach, because that is also one of your parameters that Danny forgot to mention.” Danny groaned. “Danny, chest against the pole.” Danny complied immediately. Brad took a strong leather belt and wrapped it around the pole and Danny’s waist. “The belt is to keep Danny’s torso from bucking during the whipping. The buckle, you notice, is on the opposite side of the pole from Danny’s back. Don’t want the buckle to cause the damage instead of me.’ I inspected the belt; it was padded on the inside I noted. Next Brad knelt and attached what appeared to be a shower curtain rod between Danny’s ankles. “Spreader bar prevents the legs from moving together. It increases the surface area for my ministrations.” Brad stood and handed me two objects. “This is a whip and this is the cane.” I inspected both. “The whip, in the right hand, can play a melody.” Brad took the whip from me “It can float along the edges of the skin,” Brad flicked and it barely touched Danny’s back, or the leather thongs can bite,” The whip cracked across Danny’s posterior   raising red welts in zebra stripes. Danny vocalized loudly.  Brad handed the whip to me “Five light touches to the back and five hard to the posterior.”

My first couple of light touches were a disaster, which left Danny red. By the fifth I was better, but nowhere near as proficient as Brad. The hard lashing was harder than I thought. To get all the lashes to land flat was difficult. I tried to temper my blows a bit that earned a scowl from Brad. Danny whimpered at some of my misplaced blows.

“Not bad for the first time.” Brad said as he took the whip from  me. “Now the cane. The  challenge is to raise welts without breaking the skin.  The lines that the cane marks should be well distributed and parallel.” With a snap Brad raised a thin red line across both Danny’s cheeks. The line followed the curve of Danny’s ass. “Now you. One above and one below mine separated by 2 inches.”

My first attempt was pitiful. The mark was pale and anemic next to Brads and the angle crossed Brad’s mark. The second had the right angle bit still not as pronounced as Brad’s, but far better than the first. I soothed Danny’s backside and slipped him a kiss. I was not comfortable hurting him.

“I know that you and Danny are just starting a relationship, but Danny is far more experienced in this sexual activity than you. Hold back and you will lose Danny’s respect.”

“I know that you don’t want to hurt me, but I love when you put effort into it. My entire body tingles and makes me very horny.” Danny added.

Brad uncuffed Danny and gently rubbed the cane marks. “I am proud of you boy for helping train Timothy. As a reward, I will remove the cage.”  Danny sighed when the member was freed. “Timothy suck him to relieve any pressure.” Danny smiled as my lips covered his shaft and my tongue massaged the length. “He cannot cum yet.” Brad warned, so I stopped. “Your turn Timothy, face the pole.” My arms and chest were bound and my legs spread apart. The cool protrusions of the wood bedpost were erotic. “Just so you know, I will give ten lashes with the whip and five with the cane.”

“That’s more than Danny got.” I said with a small rise of panic.

“Danny’s flagelation was at the hands of a rank amatuer. He handled your incompetence. I am not an amatuer, and every stroke will be placed where and how needed.” Brad paused for a reply. “You can of course always use your safe word.”

“Fine,” I growled.  The whip flicked across my back like ants. to be replaced by more contact. I winced as Brad’s efforts became more intense. After one particular hard blow, I yelled. “I thought you were to leave no marks?”

“I’m not leaving any marks that will last until tomorrow morning. Stop whining or I’ll add two more strokes.” I bit my lips shut, and he began to seriously beat my ass. The pain went from burning intense, to intense, to numb. I was starting to chub at the sound of leather on flesh, my flesh. “What do you think Danny? Red enough?”

Danny bent and closely examined the whip damage. “No, seems short two. for a good symmetry. May I apply those?” The glee in Danny’s voice was unnerving.

“Sure, boy. I think you have earned the honor.”

“Thank you sir, I would like to hear the pig squeal.” Danny’s vigor in applying the lash was to be commended.

“Yes boy, you were right. He did need two more.” Danny pulled my head to plant a kiss. “Did I give permission for that?” Brad scolded Danny. “Timothy gets one more touch of the cane for this disobedience.”

“What,” I interrupted, “Danny kissed me.”

Brad laughed, “But you did not refuse.”

I turned my head around as far as I could to look at Brad, who stood cross armed with the cane resting on his shoulder. “One kiss from Danny is worth the pain.”
Brad laughed, “So romantic, Timothy ask me when we are done how you feel.” The cane hit my ass with enough force to stop my breath. My ass burned and cried in pain, but I endured, tears running down my face.

Not soon enough I was unbound from the bedpost, but my arms and legs were still bound. “One of my better efforts, don't you think Danny?”

“Very nice sir, you created a beautiful sunset.” Danny rubbed his hands all around my abused behind, I winced from the pain.

“Can I see,” I asked. “I want to see the value of Danny’s kiss.”

Brad gave me a strange look full of hidden delight. “Mirror, mirror on the wall” Brad said. The yellow water silk wallpaper opposite the wall faded and became a large full length mirror.

“Impressed,” I said. turning my backside to the mirror, sunset was an understatement. “Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the fair assed one of all.” I reached behind me to examine Brads work, “Me” I trilled with a small dance. I was not going to give even a small satisfaction that I was excruciating pain.

Brad nodded an acknowledgement of my bluster. “Nice ass, Timothy, love that shade of red on you.” He pulled me into a hug and then slapped my ass, playfully. But I knew better. I was in deep doo doo. “Now let's get into the heavy stuff.” I groaned silently.

Danny siddle next to me gently rubbing my ass, “Proud of you,” he whispered, “but watch your back”

“Think my backside has already been watched,” I hugged Danny. Brad just watched us, maybe a little jealous.

“Timothy, on the bed face down. Danny, secure him.” Brad stood before me rubbing his hands gleefully. “You are fun to play with. But I will still make you scream and beg.”  I returned a disdainful stare.  “ever been edged?’

“No, what is it?”

“It is being brought to the edge of orgasim and then being denied it. No more beatings, that’s done. Now it is serious play from my world class arsenal. Now on the bed face down.”

I bounced on the bed, “This is nice, I might want a nap.” Danny came over, and I spread eagle for Danny to bind. The cuffs were padded so I did not worry about bruising because I knew Brad was more than capable of doing everything he said. Once Danny was done I yelled at Brad, “My ass is yours?”

“Dear boy, all of you is mine.” Brad smiled very close to my face.  “Danny, would you rim your boyfriend while I get some supplies? Be sure his prick is facing south. And you can lick his balls too”

Have I mentioned how much I love Danny’s tongue in my chute? I was about to step into a higher plane of existance from Danny’s tongue when Brad returned. “Thanks Danny, I will reward you soon.” Danny crawled off the bed and Brad replaced him at my side, “I am going to put some lotion on your back and buttocks to reduce the discomfort.”

“Thanks, it does sting.”

“This will take most of the sting away,” Brad started subbing the cool lotion like he was applying sunscreen. “Pain can distract from other sensations. And I want you to be alert and attentive to these other sensations...which will be very intense.” Brad hummed softly as he applied the lotion.

“The lotion smells very good.”

“Lavender, orange and black licorice and a couple of male sex pheromones. All to soothe the skin and make you horny”

I laughed into the pillow. “I’m 18 and always horny, but I do like the scent.”

Brad laughed back, “That you are. That you are.” A soft buzz started and he ran a vibrator at the base of my skull. I sighed with pleasure. He slowly moved it down my spine   lingering on each vertebra, He upped the speed for my shoulders and then down my left rib cage, He found my bladder, “Make you want to piss?”

“Yeah, bad.”

“Hold it a bit to build pressure then I will let you pee. But if you pee on my bed, You will be sucking every drop out.” I had a feeling that the threat was real, so I tightened my muscles. “You like this?”

“Yeah, could almost put me to sleep; it is relaxing my muscles.”

“Good, Timothy, I want you relaxed before I tighten everything up.” The vibrator was at the base of my spine just before the creavas. “Danny could you get a Texas from the bathroom.?”  A quick yes sir and Danny disappeared. “You like Danny, don’t you.” a statement not a question.

“Yeah, enough to meet the parents.”

“That serious?”


“It’s awful quick. two/three weeks you’ve known him?’

“About that, but Danny is first of all very sexy and great sex. But he is funny, and kind, and considerate. I want to see where things go with us.”

“I get the feeling he does too, but we have not had time to talk about it.
“I think he does because he was the one that suggested I meet his parents.

“They'll like you. Very laid back and accepting. Very accepting.”

“That is good?” I suddenly asked, a little concerned.

“”Yes, for Danny, very good. How are you doing with all this. I mean the less than vanilla sex play with Danny yesterday and with both of us today?’

“Nothing I have not seen in vids, nothing yet that has made me scream no. I like to think that I am fairly open to new experiences as long as everyone is consenting and no one is harmed.”

“That is healthy. Danny really enjoys the kinky and adventurous side of sex. He likes to be told and abused.”

“I gathered that from all the ‘sirs’ and his submissive behavior with you.”

“Yes, Danny does like being submissive. Can you be demanding of him?”

“I found Danny very aggressive when we met at the zoo., so how submissive is he?”

“Well the zoo is his element, his domain. Don’t get me wrong, Danny is a lion, a full fucking aggressive lion when he is in his cage. But take him from where he is king, he changes into a pussy cat, still with claws if you do not do right.”

The information had me reviewing what we had done this morning, I suddenly realized that everything Danny did was because he thought he was pleasing me. He was assertive because I wanted it, I demanded it. “Shit,” I said. Brad held the vibrator up. “The little shit let me force him to beg.”

Brad’s quiet laugh only jostled the bed. “I knew you were smart. Are you willing to give Danny what he needs?”

“I don’t know. I’m not sure I know how?”

“I agree,” Brad nodded in agreement, “Why the fuck do you think I am teaching you. I see possibilities for real happiness for Danny with you.  That is why you will take everything I hit you with and learn. This is what Danny needs. Maybe in time his appetite for aggressive sex will mellow. But until then you need to be the master.”

“Shit that is a lot of responsibility. I’m not sure what my limits are much less Danny’s. What do I know about being a master; fuck I’m only eighteen.”

“Yeah, welcome to the club.”

“Sir, is this what you wanted?” Danny cheerfully said to Brad.

“Good job, boy, now sit in the chair and watch, so you can do this when Timothy requests it.”

I heard Danny plop into a chair just outside my view.

“Now Timothy, I am going to put on a Texas catheter. It is like a plastic bag that tapes around your penis. You pee into it.”

“Gross,” I said.

“I could insert a tube,” Brad stated. “Just might anyway. It is an interesting sensation of a tube sliding inside.”

“Nope, bag is fine. It may be difficult for me to pee now.”

“You will definitely piss a bucket. Now hips up and stay up until I have everything secure. No urine on my bed, remember.”  Brad securely taped the catheter to my penis. It felt like an oversized condom with a funnel at one end. “Danny could you release Timothy’s legs and lift Timothy on your knees so the catheter drains down.”

It felt good to move my legs to a new position. I spread my knees apart so Brad had plenty of room to adjust the bag because I did not want to be the cause of bed stains. “Good position Timothy, very nice view of your ass, may keep you in it after we are done. Danny, get me a small bowl of warm water.”  Danny ran obediently off. “I am going to hint at something when Danny gets back and we are almost done. I would like you to suggest it. It would make Danny very happy.”

My stomach suddenly tightened as I suspected what Brad wanted. “Not so sure about this, but.” Brad patiently waited. “Have Danny stand so I can see his face and his reactions.”

“Fair enough, In fact, the absolutely correct response.” Brad smacked my butt, which was still tender. “You do have a great ass, so fuckable.” He rubbed a finger around my hole. “Did you know,” Brad said casually, “that fresh urine is sterile?” I did not think a comment was necessary.

Is this a limit? but the question was not answered because Danny returned.

“Ready to relieve yourself of the excess water.” Brad said as the vibrator hit my bladder and my balls were dipped in the warm water,

I felt resistance. “Brad, could you remove the cock ring? It’s a small dam,”

Brad laughed, “Sorry about that,” He unclipped the ring and I sighed in huge relief.  “Bet that feels so good. I should have made you hold it until you almost burst. Would have felt even better.”
“You're a sadist,” I shot back.

“And proud of it. But to remove everything without leaking, Danny, I need you sixty nine under Timothy to catch anything residual. ” Danny’s response was an enthusiastic yes sir.

Since my arms were stretched out I could not raise myself only inches from the bed. Nose to chin, Danny kissed me and started slithering and wriggling down my chest with the goal of my groin. He would kiss me as he went and then give a short curse as the friction slowed his movement. I started to laugh, then Danny and finally Brad. “Smooth moves Danny, It any of my piss spills, I will take it out on you,” I laughed aware that a second flow from my bladder was imminent.

“Timothy, you do not understand how this all works.” Brad continued to laugh at Danny’s struggles. “He is doing you a favor, Not his fault if you are not cooperating by giving him room to move.” Brad’s light tone betrayed a threat. Danny finally made it to my dick and Brad removed the catheter. Danny latched onto me like a puppy to a tit.

“Danny, think I have more to expel.” My bladder spasmed and a small flow entered Danny’s mouth. I sighed, “Think that is all of it.” Danny’s head bobbed with each swallow.

“Timothy, if you stand with your hands on the bed--downward dog, Danny should be able to easily scramble out from under you.” Danny was soon out and standy my the bed. Brad handed Danny the bag of urine. I lowered myself back onto the bed. “Stand in front of Timothy so he can see you.”

“Yes sir, what do you want me to do with the urine?” Danny asked Brad.

“Timothy, since it is yours, what would you like Danny to do?”

I looked at Danny as he shifted slightly from foot to foot. This was a moment of truth for me. Was I going to be squeamish about something that Danny liked. “I would like Danny to drink it, if he wants.” Shit I was going to allow Danny to drink my piss.

“I would like that very much Timothy. I mean I have swallowed enough of your cum and that could be more dangerous than your urine.”

He had me. I couldn’t believe I was going to allow it, but this was for Danny not me, for our relationship and not my qualms. “You have my permission to drink as much as you want, but,” Damn I was actually allowing this, “I want to have the first sip.”

Danny’s eyes bulge. “You don’t have to do this Timothy. You said you did not want to drink piss. I cannot ask you to share. I’ll just flush it down the toilet.” Danny’s eyes looked at me both in awe and concern.

“Why do you want to drink my piss?” I asked

“Because it is part of you, It tastes like you, like your sweat. It shows my commitment and trust.” Danny gave a laugh. “It may be less dangerous than three shots of vodka.”

“Danny, I understand some of your reasons. I still find it unsettling, but this is about us and we share.” Danny’s smile was wondrous to behold. You would have thought I had given him a puppy, maybe this was just as important. “I will take one sip and you will take one sip and then dispose of the rest.”


“No buts, this is my condition. This or nothing.” Danny nodded. Brad came over and took the bag from Danny and poured some of my light golden liquid into a glass. He handed the glass to Danny, who carefully poured a little into my mouth since my hands were tied.” He stood still patiently waiting. My biggest surprise was mostly the lack of taste. I was mostly disappointed; it was slightly salty with a hint of sweetness and very warm. “I still prefer coke,” I said with a smile, “I expected it to taste like it smells in the ballpark urinals.” Danny chuckled, still holding the glass. “You make imbibe,” I nodded at the glass. Danny gulped it down like a drunk at closing call. “Now take the bag and dispose of all of it. No seconds.”

“Yes, Timothy, as you want. and thank you for allowing me to taste this part of you.” Danny raced off to the bathroom.

“Nicely done Timothy.” Brad sat on the bed by my face. “You surprised me.”

“Does this mean you will take it easier on me?”

“Hell no.” Brad said with a sound slap on my ass. “means I have more reason to train you.”

“Shit,” I said as I heard the toilet flush and Danny run back into the room. “Did you flush all of it down the toilet?” I asked Danny.

“Yes, all of it.”

“Good, because if we are to be boyfriends, we need to be honest with each other.”

“Absolutely, 100 percent honest”

“I am getting lonely here,” Brad interrupted, “Now give Timothy a kiss, then Timothy your ass is mine.” I groaned. Brad busied himself with adjusting my legs so my ass was high and my balls exposed. “Sure do like this view of you Timothy: firm ass, sweet tight hole, and suckable balls.” Which he gently did. “This is my plan for you. First I’m going to band your balls so they cannot ride up. Then I’m going to play with your ass. Finally, I will roll you over and play with your dick until you almost come, stop, play again, stop, and do that until you scream for me to finish you off.”

“Works for me,” was my cocky reply.

“Danny, would you like to play too.”

“Yes, sir,”

“Go find a couple of your favorite toys.”

Brad picked up the forgotten vibrator and used it on my taint. It felt amazing. Danny returned and laid his toys at the foot of the bed, out of my sight. “Good choices Danny. Pick one and have at him.”

I was getting tired and my ass was still sore. I inhaled deeply, preparing myself for maybe another hour or two as a boy toy. Danny came over and gently rubbed my ass, kissing the welts from the cane, which were the only evidence of the beating that felt raw. “I think Brad is pushing you too hard,” he whispered in my ear. “It is OK to call a break without appearing weak. You need fluids and time for your mind to regroup. You have issued a challenge to Brad, and you are both hard head stubborn.”

“I am that, Danny.” I said as I turned my head to see only a portion of his leg. “but I am doing this for your Danny, to show you that I am worthy of you. I want to be the boyfriend you deserve.”
“Getting your ass beat proves that? I mean I really get hard on watching and having your ass just for me. But I want you for more than how you can take punishment, I want you also for the kindness and respect you show me.” I rested my head on the mattress to hide the surge of emotions. Danny gently, very gently kissed my ass.

“Awful friendly Danny.” Brad said, startling Danny.

“He is my boyfriend, and I will kiss whatever the hell I want,” Danny rounded on Brad, anger evident.

“That you are, Danny. It is your job to watch out for his well-being. I expect no less.” The tone of Brad's voice hid pride behind the sternness. “Now show your boyfriend that you know how to give him all the satisfaction he deserves” Brad walked to the front of the bed to look into my face. His face reminded me of the face of my calc teacher after I understood functions.  It showed pride and confidence in me. I could handle anything; become anything.

I lifted my ass higher and Danny rimmed me, which I always loved. His finger, well lubed, moved into me, then two, and finally three. All my tiredness evaporated. I let the sensations dominate.”Timothy,” Danny said as he removed his fingers to insert beads. “I love watching anal balls disappear into you. I wish you could see what I see. Each ball gobbled up with a pop and then a quiver. It is almost inhaling.”  I puckered and released my sphincter to let Danny know I liked it too. If Brad was concerned about urine on his sheets, he was oblivious to lube. Danny used so much lube that I half expected wildcatters to set up a derrick.

“That feels so good, Danny,” I muttered. Danny reached around my abdomen and deeply massaged my stomach, The balls roiled.

“Ever been fuck with the balls in?” Brad asked.

“No, never. But then the first time I experienced anal balls was yesterday.”

“Give you and Danny something to do in the future.” Brad said conversationally. “Danny, time to remove the balls. I am sure the Timothy needs a break before we start the front half,”  Danny slowly removed each ball, my a hole snapping shut after each large ball with an audible snap. Danny rimmed me and gently rubbed the welts, which were less tender.

“My turn,” Brad gleefully bounced on the bed. “I want to try this new toy. It’s called the worm. Most inflatable dildos just increase in volume. This has three bladder chambers that allow it to grow not only in girth but length. I can control the amount of air in each chamber. I was told that in the hands of an expert it can apply directional pressure. With the hooked knob at the end, so many possibilities. And Timothy, you get to be the first to experience it. I want your objective feedback,” Brad enthused.

“If it is good,” I replied, “I should be rendered speechless.”

“That might be an improvement,” Brad grinned. Danny’s anal balls loosened my ass so I barely winced as Brad inserted his new toy. Once in place, Brad decided to read the instructions. I of course griped as the device inflated a little and then deflated. I should have been annoyed, but the whole thing was ludicrous. I mean me on elbows, ass in the air. Brad sitting inches from my ass reading a manual for a sex toy that’s like a Macy’s balloon. I kept snickering, Brad kept slapping my ass like it was an annoying mosquito.  Finally, in frustration, he had Danny stick his dick in my mouth. Having a smart mouth had its rewards. After fifteen minutes and a dictionary of curse words the device inflated correctly. It was fucking amazing. Brad figured out that by carefully inflating and deflating, the dildo could stroke inside and then pulse. The knob at the tip kissed, prodded, and slammed my P-spot. With Danny’s prik in my mouth and Brad’s device plunging my ass, I was very content. I could feel Danny quickening his thrusts and I could hear his breath quicken. Danny was close, and so was I.

“No coming,” Brad warned both of us. Much to my disappointment, both orifices were abruptly empty. “How was it Timothy?”

“Fucking amazing. The thing grew, like it was alive and wanting to explore my whole insides. And when you found the pattern for deflate inflate, I was so very close to shooting.”
“You and Danny both. But that isn’t going to happen until I say. I want you so fucking horny, hot and begging.”

“Sadist,” I said forcefully, but I really did not mean it. I mean fuck I was having the best sex ever and I hadn’t even spilt my load.

“I try my best,” Brad said, “Lay down Timothy, full on the bed.” I did. “Danny, strap his legs again to the bed posts.”

I let Danny succeed with minimal playful resistance.

“That was not nice,” Brad scolded. “You made Danny’s job more difficult.” Brad moved into my line of vision. “You will regret making Danny disobey me.”

“Something not fought for is not fully appreciated.” I countered back.

“So very true Timothy, but that does not change the fact you were not fully  and immediately compliant.” He pulled what looked like a pheasant feather from behind his back. “Tigglish.” He ran the feather along my inner arm into my armpit and down my left rib cage. I reacted by gagging and trying to squirm away, with no success. “Danny, this feather is yours to do as you wish.”
“Yes sir, may I use it anywhere I please?”

“The feather is yours and so is Timothy. Use it well little one. I want Timothy begging you to stop.”

“Yes, sir, with pleasure.”
“You are both evil bastards,” I yelled. But Brad had left the room and me to Danny’s evil grin.

“Remember I’m your boyfriend, and you need to be nice to me,” I pleaded.

“Yes, I am your boyfriend, and we need to start by teaching you to respect your boyfriend.” The feather traced my right rib. I howled. Brad may be the master of the whip, but Danny was master of the feather. Give me the whip any day. Ribs, neck, ears, bottom of feet, inner thigh, cock, balls and hole--relentless, vicious, and diabolical. I cursed Danny amidst my howls. I thrashed in the bed sure I would ripe my arms off. I finally begged and begged Danny to stop. I was crying and sobbing. He did not stop until Brad returned to the room.

“You may stop Danny,”

“Yes, sir,” Danny said as he sat by my head. He had the nerve to rub the feather one last time across my lips.

“Good work Danny, I am very proud of you. Even you, stoic Timoty, can be forced to beg if the right incentive is applied. You will be begging even more by the time I am done.” Brad’s voice gentled. “It is not a sign of weakness to beg Timothy. It just acknowledges that you are human.” He put a gentle hand on my back, but I cringed because every nerve felt like it was scalded.

“Danny,” I said all serious, “I will keep you as my boyfriend after this, but next time you do this, I will get equal time.”

Danny just kissed me once on each ass cheek and whispered, “I like challenges.”

“Timothy, Danny is going to release your restraints and I want you on all fours, doggy style at the foot of the bed, butt facing the edge of the bed. Just one more thing before we flip you over to play with the good stuff.” Brad proceeded to position my arms and legs and then form a square of aluminum rods inside my elbows and knees. Once the frame was solid, he velcro strapped my knees and elbows to the frame. “Are they too tight?” I said no, “Can you move your limbs?” Again I said no. “Have you ever used a fuck machine?”

“No, but seen them in videos.”

“Fine, but not the same as the experience.”
“So I am finding out.” I said.

“This,” Brad showed me a thick slightly curved dildo, “will be attached to a rod, the thruster, which is attached to this machine” It looked like a small lawn mower engine. “The dildo will plow into your ass at a set speed, I will set the speed on low, but I may up it.” Brad turned to Danny, who was double checking the straps and my position. “Danny, be sure Timothy is well greased way up inside. We don’t want any ripping or tearing.”

“You plan on ruining my ass for good?” I lightly said trying to hide fear.

“If you don’t want to do this you don’t need to,” Brad said firmly.

“Do I have a choice? I can’t run away.” Jiggled the restraining bars.

“You always have a choice Timothy. I do not want to do anything that hits your limit.”

The absolute sincerity in Brad’s voice convinced me. “To my limit and beyond,” I foolishly said.

“I knew you were my kind of person.” Brad cooed. “It may feel strange as I get the device set up on the bench and insert the dildo. I’ll need your help Danny because the machine must be angled straight in and secured to the bench. We also need to adjust the angle of the thrust arm.” I heard them move the machine around and then my ass was plugged with the dildo sliding effortlessness in most of the way. But then why not what, with the amount of grease Danny put inside me. “How does that feel Timothy? Is the angle comfortable?”

“Yea, feels pretty good. The tip is hitting a little more to my left.” They moved the machine slightly. “Yeah, that is definitely better”

“Great, going to turn it on low. Tell me how it feels?”

“LIke I’m being fucked by a robot.” Danny laughed. “But otherwise good. No, very good” I said after adjusting my ass a little.

“Then we’ll secure this end, Your end is now your responsibility.”

“Got you captain, I will watch the poop deck.”

“I am turning up the speed a little.” a pause, “that good?”

“Hell yeah.” I settled into the rhythm of the machine. I found that I could control how and when the rubber cock struck my prostate. This was fun, but would never replace Danny inside me.

“Since you're good,” Braid said, “Danny and I will be in the kitchen for the next half hour or so.”

“What you’re leaving me. to your own devices?” I said both concerned and pissed.

“We are leaving you in good hand...so to speak.” I could tell by the volume of the words that they were by the door of the bedroom. “If you need anything just yell..real loud.” Then there was silence except for the machine thumping and Danny’s voice a third octave higher than Brad’s coming from the kitchen..

This is not so terrible, I’ve had a guy fuck me who was just as mechanical, just as cold. But Danny. He is my boyfriend, but what does that mean? We are not going to be exclusive. Neither of us want that. We are both going to college in a few months. Him out of town, so we will not see each other only on holidays. What makes us a couple. We will not live like a couple. Oh, that hit a good spot. God talk about kinky sex this weekend. I know my parents will know that I got well fucked. Dad will likely just smile and make a snide comment. Mom will want details then refuse to have me say anything, She’ll be freaked out that I am have sex, but not because she has any issue with me being gay, just because she is my mom and freaks out over anything. Like when I swallowed a fly in my milk. Gag. What about Danny. I like him. I like him a lot. Is that enough for a relationship? And all the sex. I mean I got a machine fucking my ass and that is supposedly hot. Some of this shit is weird. Am I weird because I like some of this shit? Why is Brad so insistent on teaching me? I mean Danny and I are new minted. Is he jealous? No, don't think so. Does this stupid machine have any other beat besides thump one two, thump one two?  Am I ready for college? I mean high was fun and I did well, but college and all the competition. Can I do it? And all the 18 year-old guys as horny as me and ready to pop a boner. I like Danny’s boner. It fits him so well. [giggle] and me. [giggle giggle]. I’m pathetic giggling about Danny hard, but he is so cute, and lush  lips, and hot ass, and fucking wonderful boner. Aah Danny. If this stupid machine is supposed to make me shoot a wad, it is malfunctioning. Brad is sure hot. I want to play with him...and Danny too. Was he serious about fucking me bare and breeding? I can’t do that. But then I drank my piss, so that should disgust me more. But the piss was very warm salt water with a little yellow dye 5. I’ve never had raw cum inside me. Should I let Brad? Danny might be very nice because it would be Danny’s hot jizz. His jizz tastes so good. I’d bottle it and eat it on ice cream. I’d like some ice cream. Wonder if anyone has made jizz ice cream. New Ben and Jerry flavor, cherry nut jizz cream. I really like Danny. This weekend is insane. Five days ago I would have said no way no how to drink piss and have a fat didlo doing laps in my ass. I must be a pervert.  But I like being a pervert, particularly with Danny. Should I let him and Brad fill my ass? But it would feel so nice. This is not much fun. A real cock is warm and squishy, like memory foam, and attached to a real amazing person like Danny. Shit I have a boyfriend. I’m in a relationship. Shit, shit, shit I’m in a relationship….no I am not in a relationship with Danny. I am at the start of a relationship. I am at the start of what can be. The sound of the machine was Zen.  I’m bored.

“Say sport,” Brad’s voice was close and shook me out of my mind roaming. “Ready to end this?” 

“Yeah some time ago. Its so boring it is mind numbing. It’s like having a metronome inside. If it could do a little salsa.”

“Your right Timothy, this should not be a solitary event unless you can jack off too. we’ll get you free from the beast. Danny if you could remove the restraints.”

I smelled Danny’s breath, “You’ve been eating chocolate ice cream,” I said very pissed off. “I mean here I am being serviced by the Terminator.”

Danny laughed, “We had nuts and whip cream on it too.”

“That is the unkindest cut of all.” My left hand free, I gave a solid yank on Danny’s balls. “Do that to me ever again and I’ll unboyfriend you.” Danny;s screech did comfort me some.

Danny stared at me, “You’re serious.” I nodded. “Will always share my ice cream with you.”

“What did Timothy do to you Danny. Does he need a lesson?”

“No, all cool. Timothy’s just very pissed we did not share ice cream with him.”

“Oh boo hoo, Timothy got no ice cream. Do you think a small bowl of ice cream is better than getting thoroughly fucked.” Brad looked at me. My face said books. He laughed, “Don’t answer that.”

Finally released from the machine and the restraints, I rolled on my back and stretched my limbs. “Aw,” Brad said, “Isn’t that cute. Timothy is ready to play some more. His cock and balls and nips want our attention Danny. Can we possibly deny them.” My glare was murderous. “Timothy,” Brad was more serious, “I do think a break is much needed.” I sat up on the bed ready to run to the kitchen. “Something to drink is much needed, don’t want you drying out and having nothing to give.” Then he smiled his big Brad smile, “And a large bowl of ice cream is earned.” I was out the door of the bedroom before Brad or Danny could even turn.

Interlude 5

        It was chocolate almond ice cream, three large scoops, smothered in whipped cream topped with more nuts and a cherry. Playfully I put some of the whip and put it on the tip of Brad’s peter. He just gestured at Danny and Danny was on his knees liking it off. “Danny is mine to command. Danny I did not give you permission.” I crossed my arms over my chest, gloating.

        “My rules,” Brad said smugly.

        “More precisely, you said ‘my bedroom’ my rules.” I smiled at Brad, which I knew I might regret. “We are not in your bedroom.”

        “I knew you were smart Timothy.” Brad laughed until his shoulders shook. “You are right, and I apologize for usurping your prerogative with Danny. You did, however, take advantage of my person without permission. Some remedy needs to be agreed to.”
“Then you misconstrued my intention. The whip cream was for me to lick off.”

        “I greatly appreciate the gesture, but you still did not have my permission. For me, every sexual advance must have prior approval. I do nothing without permission. It is something you need to learn too Timothy. Would you have done that with a stranger?”

        “No, but you are not a stranger.”

        “So you know I would appreciate the gesture, as a friend you know me that well?”

        “No, I do not know you well. But what we have done has been more than whip cream.”

        “And much more to follow,” Brad said, “but everything we have done you have given permission for. You set up the rules, and I always gave you a choice to refuse. You must always have permission first.”

        “But Danny and I do stuff all the time without asking because we think each might like or be surprised by it.”

“But you are in a relationship.”

“That fuck machine is actually quite boring after a few minutes.” Brad nodded agreement, “but after a while, It was just me and my thoughts. I realized that Danny and I are not in a relationship.”

Danny gasped, “What!”

“We are at the start of the relationship. We are still exploring how we will create an us. I need to ask Danny more before I presume.”

“I like spontaneity and surprise,” Danny complained. “It is one of the things I like about you. That attracted me to you.”

“Yeah, I know, but Brad has a point that when I want to do something that I do not know if you like it, you tell me it is OK to continue.”

“Over the last day or so, have we done anything that I or your objected to?

“Do you trust me enough to say if we do cross a line?”

“Yes, I have never trusted someone more.”

“As long as we communicate we are OK.”

“Yeah, suppose. but.”

“But what?”

“I mean we just met a few weeks ago, and now we’re doing all the sex shit together, including barebacking, and then in a few months you are off to college, where men will be hanging off you like tinsel on a fucking Christmas tree.”

I saw Danny draw himself back in his chair and even worse into himself. “Do you want to stop all this now, go home and regroup. You need time to think about us?”

“Yes,” Danny remained calm but hurt by my response. “I mean yes that I am confused right now. I mean that stupid machine and its monotonous rhythm is not what I want from us. If that is how our relationship is heading, then I need to step back. I really enjoy being with you and really enjoy all the kink shit we do together. I really want us to become a true couple, but that is not me alone in a room by myself with some cyborg. I want you in me, me in you, I want us to play together. I want you to do things to me not because you can but because you want to.” I paused trying to gather my thoughts. Danny sat quite carefully listening to me. At that moment I knew that Danny cared about my feelings. “Hell, all the shit we have been doing has been amazing, I want to continue all this...madness with you. And by extension anyone else that we want. Guess it all boils down to just don’t ever leave me alone with a fucking machine.”

“I am sorry if that machine hurt you.”
“Danny, it didn’t hurt me. It felt wonderful, but you were not there to share my experience. During everything that Brad has done, through every sensation ripping through my body, I knew that you enjoyed it too. You did not need to say anything but I still felt you. But alone with the machine, hearing you and Brad laughing. I was just some science experiment.”

Danny came over and gently kissed me. I pulled him into a desperate hug.

“Sorry Timothy,” Brad’s voice broke in. “I did not want you to feel left out. I never thought about the sense of isolation. I have used the device many times and none of the men complained, but then they were not in a relationship or in a very established relationship. Do you want to stop and call it a night?’

“No!” I immediately responded. “This is an important part of Danny and mine new relationship. Besides you have yet to get to the good stuff. I want you and Danny to fuck me.”

Brad laughed, “Timothy, I think I and Danny would like that very much, Right Danny?”

“Yes Brad, I want Timothy to float in clouds of pleasure. I want him to know that every inch of his body is mine to enjoy.”

“That’s a bit much,” Brad laughed. “Timothy finish your ice cream and juice. I know you will need the energy.” Brad turned to Danny, “Would you put the machine away. Timothy and I will be in as soon as he is done in here.”
Danny skipped toward the bedroom, his ass bouncing like a bunny.

Brad caught me staring after Danny. “He does have one fine ass, Timothy. I again want to say how sorry I am about the machine.
“It was not really the machine but hearing you and Danny here in the kitchen and not being a part. What were you laughing about?”

Brad came around the counter and sat next to me. He put a hand on my leg. “You, of course.”  I was not amused, “He has it big for you and is so afraid that he will scare you away. Danny has big appetites when it comes to sex. He is afraid that any of this will push you away.”

“It has not.” I put my hand on top of Brad’s. ‘I admit I am nervous about all this. Danny is comfortable with it, and I may not live up to his expectations and he leaves me.”

“He will not. We laughed about the look on your face when you went to drink your own piss. It was all scrunched and mushed. It was very obvious that you didn’t want to but you did anyway for Danny. Danny saw that gift for him.”

“It actually was not that bad. But it is not something I want to do often. You hitting me with the paddle, while it hurt, at least had some point in the pain pleasure balance. Drinking piss I don’t get.”

“Me neither Timothy.”

“Why have me do it then?”

“To test your limits. We know two: drinking piss and fuck machines.”

“But I would do both again for Danny.”

Brad hard looked at me, “Never do something that you do not want just to please someone else. It makes you a slave. If the relationship is true, you should never be asked in the first place.”

“Yeah, I see that, but it is so hard to say no when the master has a cute ass.”

“Even more reason to learn limits and gain the strength to say no. I was in a three year relationship where I set my limits aside for a cute ass.” I was not sure if I should push for details, so decided not to. “I realize that I am pushing a huge amount of play on you. I would normally do all of this over weeks or months, but I want you to know your limits because Danny hasn't found his yet and you could get hurt. You are an amazingly inquisitive young man, but you have so much more to learn. I think the time apart during college is good. I think that you both do not want to be exclusive is healthy. I also think that you and Danny, if you can find and respect limits, have a good shot at something long and special.”

“I think so too.” I smile sheepishly at Brad.

“Hey guys lonely in here.” Danny’s voice came from the bedroom.

“Shall we play?” Brad stood and grabbed my hand.
“Let the games begin.”

“Damn Timothy, I want to fuck your ass so bad.” Brad reached behind me and goosed me. My screech startled pigeons a block away.

Laughing we went to join Danny.

Next: Chapter 7

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