Timothy and the Lion Boy

Published on Aug 11, 2022


Timothy and the Lion Boy Chapter 2D

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Works of fiction are all fantasies about other people's’ lives. Those lives have their own trajectory of wants and needs, actions and reactions, hopes and despairs. Fiction allows us, the reader, to share their paths vicariously without personal consequence. We do not need to approve or disapprove of their actions because it is their lives. Our role is to bare witness and take what we find relevant to ourselves.

Timothy and the Lion Tamer--2 Weekend Play

Scene 4

We sat on the bed with the toy box, a third person, and open space between us. Danny was giddy and bounced on the bed in anticipation of exploring the toys with me. “We sort then by function: ass, balls, prick, nipple, discipline, and whatever.” I nodded because I had little clue. I was a pleasure toy novice. “This is a small selection. Brad has a lot more, some of it scary, even to me.” Danny stated.

As Danny pulled items out of the box, I kept picking them up and examining them and asking questions, which frustrated Danny. He constantly slapped my hands away and chastised me to wait. This only encouraged me to distract him. Danny’s best effort devolved to horseplay and giddy, high pitched laughter. “Fuck it,” Danny said in total exasperation, “I give up trying to educate you. Were you always this difficult in school.” I grinned and nodded yes. “Fine, want some coffee?”

“Yeah, that’s good, lots of sugar.” I answered while fingerering a ridged dildo.

“Be back in a bit, find a few items that interest you.” Danny ran off to the kitchen.

I almost felt bad about distracting Danny, but he was so cute when he was distracted. I started sorting items. I was stunned by the number and variety of dildos, most penis shaped, butt plugs, cock rings, vibrators, flagellators, nipple clamps and a small pile of what I was afraid to know.

Danny returned and handed me the coffee. “Coffee with sugar, sir,” his voice held humor. The coffee was sludge with sugar.

I looked at the coffee and smiled sweetly, “Just the way I like it.” The coffee was so thick that I spooned it to my mouth. Licking my lips, “Damn this is good.” I was not lying.

Danny looked down at the piles, “Oh,” he smiled. “Where do you want to start.”

“This pile,” I pointed. “Not sure what all this is.”

“Don’t know all of it either,” Danny laughed as he picked up what looked like a plastic joystick with an antenna. “obviously, the stick goes up the ass,” I nodded. “Present your ass and we’ll see.” I rolled onto my back and grabbed my knees like a pro. “You’ve got one fucking hot ass. Timothy.” Danny said as he rubbed lube on my sphincter and inside. He slid the device in, and my ass barely resisted; it was too exhausted to complain. He maneuvered the device around until one of the antenna nestle in to my crack and the other pushed against the base of my ballsack. “How’s it feel?” Danny asked after I jumped off the bed and strutted for his pleasure around the room.

“Pretty good,” I replied, tightening and loosening and twisting and turning my ass. “Feels nice in the ass, not so large to be uncomfortable, but you definitely notice it as you move. Love the pressure on the balls, makes them stand out and the one part between my cheeks feels weird, in a good way. The whole thing is secure,”

“Bet it would be good under a tight pair of jeans.” Danny said thoughtfully.

I plopped back on the bed. “More toys.” I said as I pulled the device out and pointed to a pile of coils, leather bands, and metal rings.
“Ball stretchers.” Danny said.

 I picked up one and examined the eye hooks. “You can attach weights” Danny grinned at my surprised expression.

“Got to hurt.”

“Some guys like it. Whole fetish for CBT.” I slightly tilted my head. “Cock and Ball Torture.”

“Pickle, pickle, pickle.” I laughed. “I like my balls too much to damage them; their barely broke in.” I laughed as I put the thing back into the pile and then shoved the whole pile away. “Not me.”

Danny laughed, “You had a ball stretcher on.”

“The cock ring had a baby stretcher.” I looked at the pile again. “Got to do the stretching over time, but it will give you low riders. Told it extends your orgasim and makes the balls more sensitive.”

“Might try a little.” I tentatively responded, picking up a thin metal ring and set it next to me.

Danny laughed and handed me a clear plastic tube with a hose and bulb attached like one sees with blood pressure. Danny slid it on my semi-hard prick. “Penis pump” he stated nonchalantly as he started compressing the bulb at the end of the pump. My peter responded and grew, slowly filling the chamber. “It creates a vacuum and enlarges the penis.” I looked in disbelief as my member flowed like a thick fluid to fill the tube. “Doctor recommended,” Danny added, “for erectile dysfunction.”

“Haven't had that problem this weekend,” I laughed, still mesmerized by the moving slug in the bottle. Danny released the vacuum and the chill air rushed around the head and shaft. I sighed with pleasure.

I looked at my inflated shaft, looking like puffed rice. “Sure grew me.” I wagged the floppy eel around. “Felt good too. I can see the value, but not high on my list of toys.”

“When you get to thirty and old age sets in,” Danny laughed. “This will be a staple.” He and I giggled like teenagers, but hey we were. Danny took another tube out, clear plastic . “Fleshjack.” Danny said as he squeezed my plumped up prick inside.

“Feels like your ass.” I garbled in surprise.

“Yeah, but mine is better.” Danny smirked as he slowly slid the FJ up and down my penis.

“Keep that up and I’m going to cum.” I exhaled a laugh.

“That’s the idea. Perfect for when my ass isn’t around.” Danny abruptly pulled the device off.

“Hey, I was just getting into it.”

“I know, Don’t want you spent, yet.” Danny put it in a pile of toys that we have used. “Need to clean these latter.” Danny explained.

I was enjoying myself. While the sex was mind blowing, the time with Danny, the person, was actually the best. I realized it was him that made everything we did special, erotic, sexual, intimate. A smile hit my face like a cream pie, and I could not get rid of it. Danny was my boyfriend. My first real boyfriend. And he was to meet my parents. I gasped at the thought only briefly because I wanted him to meet my parents and I meet his, Danny was my boyfriend and I wanted to show him off. I was 18, horny and had a boyfriend that was 18 and horny, what could be better. The time slipped by with laughter, silly conversation, giggles, and dildos up our asses. Nothing could be better.

After constant nagging Danny agreed to the double dildo. I slipped one end into me, then Danny bent his end up to insert it into his hole. My end wriggled in me--happy ass me. Danny slid down as he gobbled his half, pushing more into me at the same time. Danny jostled and squirmed until his legs were over mine and our genitals touched like new loverers. Danny caressed the outside of my right  leg with his left hand while running his right hand between our balls. I move to take more of the dildo, which then moved into Danny, who responded, creating a feedback loop. Danny started fisting both firm erections.

I glanced up at the TV and saw waves of pleasure on Danny’s face. After a little practice, I knew if I moved a certain way, Danny’s would gasp and his eyelids would flutter. I loved the power to give Danny pleasure. Of course Danny reciprocated; our competitive nature asserted itself.

“Fuck, this is amazing,” I blurted after a particularly effect move by Danny.

“Fuck, yes.” Danny stammered back between gulps of air. “Done this before, but never like this.”

“Don’t want to cum,” I mumbled almost inarticulate.

“Me neither,” Danny sputtered to a stop as I did a bob with my hips that I knew would “Woow,” Danny said, forcefully exhaling. “Want to cum inside you again.”

“Me too.” I said. “Maybe more toys.”

Danny chuckled, “I’ve created a monster.”  He gyrated his hips causing the tip of my didlo’s end to spasm. “A monster that I can play with all I want.” We slipped into silence as we each bounced, thrust, and twirled the dildo between us.

“Hey Danny, I’m home,” came a voice with the front door closing.

“”Hey Brad,” Danny yelled, “In the bedroom. Danny did not try to extract us from the dildo so I lay still. I’d never been walked in on while doing the dirty, so I tried not to be embarrassed. Danny did a quick ass sashay and my mind returned to us.

“Hey guys,” came a rich voice. I looked up surprised. I expected Brad to be short, slightly overweight, wearing khaki cargo pants, and a grungy ripped T-shirt, And of course argyle socks with sandals. So much for stereotypes.  Brad was tallish and lean, muscular lean, swimmer or runner lean. Crisp designer jeans were paired with a Dr. Who graphic T-shirt. OK, he’s a geek. I pegged him in his late twenties with stylish brown hair with blond streaks. His face was firm but not angular and dark, dark brown eyes matched the warm smile. Maybe not warm as in friendly but warm as in interested, pleased, intrigued.

“The guy at the other end of my dildo is Timothy.” Danny said with a wide smile.

“Hi Timothy. nice to meet you.” Brad’s eyes enjoyed all of me.

“I’d get up,” I said, extending a hand. “But my butt is nailed to the bed.”

Brad laughed, “Yeah sort of guessed it man.” He walked over to the bed, but instead of shaking my hand he shook my dick. “Nice meeting you too buddy.”

“Both our pleasure.” I grinned back. Danny was sitting, his torso resting on bent arms cast a quick look at me and Brad.

He noticed the camera and then the TV. “You taping?” he asked as if it was a normal activity. Then I realized that it might be a normal activity.

“No, didn’t want any evidence that we might be blackmailed with later.”

“Ah,” It was almost disappointment. “I haven’t gotten off in over 24 hours, and a hot vid would help release the tension.”

“Good trip?” Danny asked as he continued to stroke us.

“OK, the client is happy, so that is always good. Got a little fucking--always good.” Brad smiled at me. If I were a bratwurst, all I needed to add was mustard. I smiled back letting him know I thought he was hot. I drove my ass down causing Danny to yelp, but my smile never left Brad. Hell I’m 18 and horny and while Danny was my boyfriend now, I knew that Brad and Danny would fuck once I was gone. So I want some of Brad too.

The tip of Brad’s tongue touched his top lip. “Found some new toys, Danny.”

“God Brad, you and toys.”
“Hey, a boy’s got to have toys. I’ll show them to you when you are done. Right now I need a shower and change into something more appropriate.” Brad stared at me then left the room.

“He is nothing like I imagined.” I told Danny.

“I know he is hot. Fine ass and cock too.” Danny said. “knows how to use both.”

“And the toys?” I asked, trying not to sound too excited.

“Timothy, my dear boy. will you be spending all your college funds at Boyzshop or AdamMale?”

“Not familiar with those place, but thanks for the tip. I’ve never used toys before. They are so much better than Xbox.” I sat up a bit. “But then a good toy needs a good partner to play with.”

“Ah you’re such a douche, but I still like you.” Danny slid himself away from me. “Need to get this out before it grafts” The deinsertion was almost as much fun as the insertion. As I removed my end of the dildo, my ass complained of the void..

“Let’s shower and get something to drink.”

As Danny was toweling me off he asked, “Know you’re ready for a threesome with Brad.” A choking stutter came out of me. “I saw you looking at him, and I know Brad would like it.” Then Danny kissed me; I felt it pulse through my body. “I would like it too.” he finished the kiss.

“I always like three-ways, but have had only a couple. So yea, I would like it alot.”

“You are a first class slut.” Danny laughed, rummaging through a dresser drawer in the bedroom

“Yes, and proud of it,” I said. “But then so is my boyfriend.”

Danny laughed and threw something at me. I grabbed it. “What is this?”

“Underwear, silly”

“This is not underwear. This is a hanky on a string.” I unfolded it. “How do I even put it on?”

Danny pulled another thong out of the drawer similar to mine, different color. “Brad will be drooling if we wear these.” Danny’s smile was wicked, and I was suddenly his co conspirator in seduction.  The challenge in my eye matched Danny’s. “But we need to have appropriate accessories.” Danny added a cock ring, which pushed my entire package forward. Then he had me bend over and inserted an anal plug.
Danny added a slightly larger cock ring and butt plug. He finished off with nipple clamps connected by a chain.

I stood looking at myself in the dresser mirror, uncertain. I glanced up at the TV, turned to see my ass and liked what I saw. At the door to the bedroom Danny paused to do one last adjustment on my thong, making sure everything was properly highlighted. “See this,” he said holding up what looked like a small remote. “This,” he grinned “is just for you.” He pushed a button and I yelped. The inside of my ass vibrated. “Your butt plug has a remote control vibrator setting. Anytime I want.” He pushed the button and the plug rubbed my prostate. Danny did not laugh as I jumped; he just grabbed my hand, “Let’s go play.

Interlude 4

Danny pinched my ass as we walked to the counter th the kitchen. Brad turned from behind the counter toward us. “Fucking shit dudes,” Brad whistled out. “I am over dresses.” He was in pajama pants and no shirt. His chest had hair trailing down the center, but two large russet nipples with bar piercing caught my attention. While Brad did not have a six pack, he was definitely toned.

        Danny hit the remote and I jumped. “It’s not polite to drool over the host,” he whispered in my ear. We slung yourselves onto the bar stools by the counter. I needed to adjust several times to have the plug aimed right.

        “I’m making a big pitcher mexican chocolate martini’s, want one?

        “Fucking yes.” Danny promptly replied. Turning to me he said, “They are amazing and make you very horny.”

        “Usually don’t have a problem in the horny department.” I casually replied, which earned a laugh from Brad. I smiled sweetly at Brad, but the martini sounds decedent. I’m a succker for decadant.”

“I bet you are a sucker,” Brad smiled back. “You the guy Danny met at the zoo?”

“Ce moi.” I flecked my head to toss my hair around. The effect was pathetic with short hair.

“You had Danny in near bliss for a week.” Then Brad looked directly at me. “Had to tie him down to keep him from floating/” I jumped--Danny and the remote. Brad paused to look at me and then Danny, who was restraining a giggle. “But then,” Brad continued, “Danny does like to be tied down.

“I did notice that.” I looked at Danny daring him to zap me again. So he did with a barely restraint chortle.

“So when did you come over Tim?”

“I prefere Timothy,” Brad nodded. “Friday night.

“You’ve been at it for over 24 hours?”

“Yeah,” Danny smirked at Brad. “He has stamina, unlike some older men I know.”

“But who does the begging?” Brad coolly said, looking at Danny. ‘I see you got into the toy box. Find anything you like?” This was directed at  me.

“Several things were fun. Liked the dildos and

Danny interrupted, “Timothy is still exploring his limits.” Danny smiled proudly at me. “He loved watching himself and us on the TV.”

“Yeah that is very hot. Give a whole new perspective on fucking.” I said with a sharp rise in the pitch of my voice as Danny hit the button.

Brad laughed, I jumped again as my prostate spasmed. Brad looked at Danny, “Hand it over.”

“What?” Danny asked with fake confusion.”

“Do it now boy,” Danny slid the remote across the counter to Brad. “I am sorry Timothy that Danny is using this on you.”

“I really don’t mind, It feels good, but the surprise.”

“It is designed to surprise the wearer. It lets him know that he has no control. I have a friend who likes to wear it when we go shopping and I tickle his fancy at very inappropriate moments. What I do object to is Danny using it on you. He is a total neophyte in how to use it.” Brad leaned over to show me the remote close up. “This little wheel on the side controls the intensity” He thumbed the wheel as my ass went from zero to full thrumbing base. The button under the wheel sets the pulse frequency.” Suddenly my insides were doing a samba. Then it all stopped, like a CD stopped mid song. I wanted the rest of the song.

“You never told me that.” Danny whined at Brad.

“Grasshopper, you are not ready for that power.” Danny blushed. “Finally, my favorite feature, is this button on right side.” He showed it to me, a small red circle. “Push it.”  Stupid me did and my cock jumped further than I did at the zap of electricity. Brad was laughing, “First lesson Timothy, never push a red button unless you know what it does.” He laughed kindly. “It gives a small electric shock right to the prostate. You combine this with the shock at the moment of ejaculation--cannon  fire.” Brad palmed the remote, which made me nervous, very nervous. “You OK with it in place.”

“Yeah, just wish I had one during Ms. Beauchamp’s chemistry class. I would have stayed awake. God she was so boring.” Everyone laughed.

Brad finished rimming the glasses with cocoa powder and poured the drinks. “Let’s adjourn to the living room.”

 We all sat on the sofa, with Brad forcing himself between Danny and me. I did not mind because Brad was sexy and quietly dangerous. He bent forward and grabbed his glass from the coffee table, we grabbed ours. To a night of decadence and debauchery.”

“Will I be the debauched?” I said raising my glass to Brad. I slowly licked the chocolate from the rim of his glass and tongued it over my lips into my mouth. “Hot and spicy , like I like it.” Brad nearly choked while Danny’s eyes widened with humor.

Recovering quickly, Brad turned to Danny, “Can we debauch your friend?” The question was not for permission but for degree.

“He is amenable to experimentation and exploration, but I am afraid that he is now so old that his senses are jaded. He will need a skillful master to teach him the finer arts of debauchery.” I sat silently listening faintly aware that there were subtones to the conversation that I was missing.

Brad turned abruptly back to me. “So you are 18 and just graduated high school. Plans?”

“College for accounting.”

“So boring, but you're not boring?” Brad asked puzzled.

“And computer geeks are socially awkward.” I replied.With a laugh he conceded my point.

We spent the next hour just talking about school, video games, music, sex, and life in general. Our confab was interrupted by a knock at the door. Danny and Brad were on the floor looking through videos. “Can you get that Timothy, I ordered food for us. Mexican OK.”

I looked down at myself and then at Brad and Danny engrossed in the videos. What the fuck I though it’s not like I’m totally naked. The response was not what I expected when I opened the door. Standing there was an attractive young man of about 16 or 17 in a crisp uniform of the Mexican restaurant. He gave me a quick look over, his eyes widening slightly at my thong, but otherwise acting as if this were normal. “Where do you want me to put this, Sir,” he yelled to Brad.

“On the counter is fine, Bobby. Timothy will help you.”

I grabbed one of the bags and placed it on the counter. Bobby stood next to me helping pull items out and identifying the content. I let out a sudden yelp. I glared at Brad who was waving the remote. Danny was rolling on the floor laughing hysterically. “It is all about surprise”  yelled Brad. Bobby was next to me totally befuddled. If Booby didn’t react to my thong then he deserves an explanation. “I’ve got this thing stuck in my ass.” I turned my backside slightly toward Bobby. and gave my ass a good slap. “It vibrated when the ass hole overthere,” I pointed to Brad, who was thoroughly enjoying the scene. “Presses the remote. it either vibrates or gives me a small electrical shock.” I then offered my biggest grin. “It feels very good.”

Bobby eyed me for a few seconds, “That’s very cool man.” He went back to unloading the bags. I felt vaguely hurt and disappointed that the reaction was not one of abject horror. Kids today.

Bobby finished and stood at the door. “Is there anything else sir?” he yelled to Brad.

“No, were good. I should be home Thursday if you want to work more on Java.”

“I get off work at 9 after that OK.”

“Sure, bring your book, notes and flash drive.”

“Will do.” Bobby said and left.

 The food was good and spicy, the conversation convivial. And the drinks switched to soda. Brad did not want us drunk. He said sex with a drunk was an act of desperation and always disappointing.

We returned to the living room and settled as before onto the sofa. Brad clicked the TV remote; I kept a close eye on if the other remote was in his hand. Of course the video was porn--hot three-way porn. It was inventive and sometimes disturbing, but it was effective in raising my libedo, which Brad carefully noticed. Brad got up to get us more drinks and disappeared into his room. He returned several minutes later wearing a thick leather belt and a dongle of leather going to his genitals and a ring. Brad's cock and balls were stuffed through the ring. I found it both disturbing and hot. On Brad it was more toward the hot side.

‘Nice”” I whispered as he sat again between us. His hand casually fondling me. The next video was of a man in a sling and two other men enjoying and exploring. I squirmed. “You like that?” Brad offhandedly asked.

“Yeah, I think I do. but he is getting abused.”

“Does he seem to enjoy the abuse?” Brad contoured.

“Hell yes. But not sure I could do it.”

“Why?” Brad turned toward me for an answer.

“Not sure,” I paused, “Maybe just fear.”

“Why fear?”

“Fear I would be hurt, hurt bad, or left in the sling.”

“Valid fears if you are not with someone you trust.” His fingers were playing with my butt plug. “You trusted Danny to restrain you today. Do you trust Danny?”

I thought about that for a few seconds. “Yes, I trust Danny, and by extension you.”

“Danny and I want to do all that to you, up to the limit you say.”

Brad’s eyes were so dark--a well that hid strength and life. “Sure.” I swallowed hard, “Need to explore my limits.”

 “Now for the hard question. You can say no and everything is cool. Danny and I want to come inside you, no condom.” I shifted uncomfortably. “He and I get tested very frequently, we are both negative. Danny says you are too. We both take PREP, which reduces the risks to almost zero. Don’t give me an answer right now. Just relax and enjoy the videos.”

“God I’ve never had sex without a condom. I’d been told it was the best, but one mistake and it is my life. I had researched and was taking PreP too, my dad insisted, but.” I sighed and leaned against Brad, but…

As I was considering Brad’s suggestion, I turned horrified to the TV. Playing was me strapped to the bed and Danny flogging me. At first I was horrified, but as I objectively watched, it was really hot. Brad adjusted his cock ring and looked respectfully at me. The initial shock wore off and I was pissed. I rounded on Danny, “I thought you said we were not taping.” Danny’s face was shocked as he stared at himself.

“I didn’t,” Danny stammered.

Brad laughed. “My system copies everything on camera and saves it automatically.”

“That gets out and I’ll never get into any college or find any job.” I raged at Brad.

“Don’t worry, the system erases everything at midnight, unless I ask it to be saved.” Danny looked like he was ready to pummel Brad. “If you are both good boys tonight, I will let it fade away.”


“Of course, but quiet. I want to watch the movie.” So we watched, me occasionally embarrassed by my high pitched screams, but more often totally turned on. Brad nudged me, “Nice move at the end making Danny beg.”

“I enjoyed that too.” I nudged Brad back to encourage his interest. It was not necessary.

“Well gentlemen, I am as videoed out as I can get. One more and I’ll pop on the sofa. I would far rather pop with you. Shall we go to my bedroom?”

Brad rose and grabbed Danny and my hand leading us. My ass suddenly zinged. Damn Brad.

Next: Chapter 6

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