Timothy and the Lion Boy

Published on Aug 8, 2022


Timothy and the Lion Boys Chapter 2C

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Works of fiction are all fantasies about other people's lives. Those lives have their own trajectory of wants and needs, actions and reactions, hopes and despairs. Fiction allows us, the reader, to share their paths vicariously without personal consequence. We do not need to approve or disapprove of their actions because it is their lives. Our role is to bare witness and take what we find relevant to ourselves.

Timothy and the Lion Tamer--2 Weekend Play

Scene 3

        I lay supine on the bed, a beached starfish ready for the next wave to wash over. I’m in a relationship, my first. I would meet Danny’s parents; him mine. I was nervous about the whole prospect but excited too. I watched myself on the TV fidget in the bed in sudden anticipation of Danny’s return. My bossy member took notice and responded. I gently stroked myself.

“Hands off,” Danny yelled from beyond the bedroom door. “Your body is mine to use as I want. Hands to side. I jerk my my arms rigid to my sides. I heard Danny laugh.

After many minute lying wooden soldier, Danny entered the room laughing. “The place has closed circuit, I was watching you from a small TV in the kitchen.” Danny straddled me on the bed; his naked ass over my penis. “I am going to have so much fun with you” He leaned into my lips with a gentle kiss. Then he quickly hopped off the bed to rummage through the toy box. “I’m going to blindfold you, if it is OK?” I nodded assent. “The lack of sight heightens the other senses. I may or may not tell you what I am going to do. If you do not like it and want to stop, it’s ‘pickle’. If you want more, just say ‘rocket’” I repeated back both words hoping that the first would not be needed. “Good. put on the blindfold.

I slide the blindfold on. it was padded felt on the inside and felt comfortable, but effectively blocked light.

“Things tight?” Danny said by my ear, startling me. I jumped, which prompted a quick laugh from Danny. “I’m now going to restrain your arms and legs.” My limbs had little range of motion but the cuffs themselves did not bind. “Are they too tight?” Danny asked. “Good,” he said after I affirmed no discomfort. “I believe in yin and yang, dark and light, soft and hard, sweet and sour, “ Danny said as straddled my hips again. “The yin and yang also included pain and pleasure. This room is soundproof and like space no one can hear you scream. You have my permission to scream and yell all you want.” The pressure in the mattress changed as Danny leaned forward and whispered, “I want to hear you scream.” I gulped and took a deep breath chanting to myself that i would not say “pickle.”

The mattress dipped and rose as Danny crawled off the bed. Silence--deep foreboding silence. I waited patiently for a while, then became nervous when the silence continued. I tried my bonds, but they held secure. I found myself listening to my breathing; it was ragged and desperate. I forced myself to calm down. I needed to trust Danny. But why should I trust Danny; I’ve only just met him. But I did. I did trust Danny.

My thoughts scattered as my mind headed due south. Danny plunged his mouth on my joystick to its base. His mount a perfect seal; his tongue a flame flickering along the length. He sucked most of the air from his mouth creating a vacuum that my cock tried to fill. Slowly, with an edge of teeth on the topside of my penis, he moved up, tongue finding my glans and its slit. I erupted from Danny’s mouth with a pop. “Shit,” I tried to calmly said. Danny was silent since his mouth and damnable tongue were worrying my member. “I’m going to cum,” I yelled.

“I have not given you permission.” Danny simply replied, removing his mouth. The sudden release air cooled my penis, but did nothing to reduce the blood thick member. Danny straddled my chest, knees into my armpits. He grabbed the sides of my head and forces a deep kiss that lingered. “I will not give you release until you are well fucked and begging.” His voice was harsh and demanding.

I attempted a feeble laugh. “I never beg.”

Danny just laughed, lifting his weight, “Good, I love defiance. It is now a challenge.” Slowly he slid his body down my chest, pinching me as he went, particularly my nipples. He stopped moving at my hips, my cock forced 180 from natural erect. He reached behind and massaged it to keep it painfully firm.

Silence and stillness.

Danny’s fingernails scrapped the nape of my neck, drawing a path down around and over my nipples. Then nothing. I was breathing heavy, waiting. He struck the sides of my rib cage with nail, scraping and tickling. I squirmed and bucked almost begging him to stop. But now it was a contest of wills. Danny moved off me and the bed.

Silence and stillness.

Cold on nipple caught me by surprise; then on the other. Cold water dripping, running down the side of my chest. The water drops, like an annoying faucet, created a trail to my genitals where drops hit the tip of my penis; it jumped with each drip. The drips, a little faster, hit my sack like fat raindrops. Then nothing--silence. Ice crashed into both nipples. I gasp at the shock arching up trying to dislodge the assault. My nipples still were locked in the numbing cold. The two blocks of ice meandered down my chest and along my ribs and the sides of my abdomen until they met to duel over my cock and balls.  My balls, I was sure retreated to hide inside me. Winter’s kiss now frosted my ass hole. I jumped as ice was shoved deep inside to slowly melt at my raised temperature. “Open,” Danny said. I did and two ice cubes slipped into my mouth. I welcomed the liquid.

“You doing OK,” Danny asked.

“Yeah, but ice on the balls is a sure cum killer.” I tried to laugh out. I could feel the warming water as it trickled off my perspiring body and out of my ass onto the sheets.

“I just need to warm you up a bit.” Danny’s voice carried no emotion.

“Oh fuck,” I screamed as the fist glob of hot wax hit me. “Fuck, fuck , fuck” I yelled and arched at the wax hit my nipples and flowed down the side of my chest. I gasp for air “Shit that hurt Danny,”

“Pain is only temporary,” Danny said as he gently kissed my lips. “Feel how the wax hardens as it cools, how it pulls your nipples into its embrace.” My breathing calmed. “embrace the sensations,” Danny whispered next to my ear, pouring wax onto my cock and balls.  I screamed again and thrashed in my restraints.  “You can always give your safe word. I tightened my lips, so Danny proceeded until I felt like the candlewick. Silence while Danny gently removed all the wax, more than occasionally pulling hairs. “Now you can appreciate your shaved balls,” Danny laughed. I did.

Soft and fuzzy tickled my left nipple then my left. It brushed gently over my lips then leap to the tops of my feet. It was dandelion fluff assaulting me. The randomness and lightness of touch while gentle was more unnerving than the wax. It was the tenuousness of the sensation. Tha almostness of it, the start of a sneeze that never matures. “Like my puff?” Danny purred next to my ear.

His voice surprised me as did the question. “No, it is … it tickles,”

He laughed softly and applied the puff gently to my genitals. “I need to be more aggressive in my pleasure.”

Silence and stillness.

Pain as clamps were applied to my nipples. The clamps were connected by a chain, which Danny enjoyed yanking. “Fucking shit, Jesus , Mary, Joseph.” I yelled.

        “Just giving you what you want. Didn’t like soft.” He pulled firmly on the chain, my nipples pulled out.

        “Fuck,” I yelled as he added clamps to my balls. I went soft.

        “Can’t have you limp.” Danny said firmly. His mouth quickly recovered my loss. “Need to keep you very hard until we finish.”  I could feel him move toward my head. “I’m going to replace your blindfold. I want you to be able to watch.” My blindfold was removed but replaced with soft goggles that only had a small hole to see through. My vision was tunneled. I needed to move my head extensively to see more than Danny’s nose. I quickly decided that blind was better than limited when it came to Danny’s activities,

        Danny wave an item before my eyes, but the observation was limited by the goggles. “This,” Danny laid it on my lips. “is a cock and ball ring, or more accurately a cock and ball stretcher. It will enhance your erection. Make you real hard and keep the balls from contracting during ejaculation.” His tongue flicked the tip of my penis. He slipped the device on and my cock grew very hard. I could feel the blood pulse in my rod. My balls separated from my penis; no longer a unit but divided zones. “Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this vibrates.

        “Shit,” I panted out. “Think I’ll cum.”

        “Not until you beg for it.” Danny put his grin just where my eyes could see him. “Now for some fun.”

        “We haven't got to the fun yet?”

        “No Timothy, not yet.” Danny waved a dildo in front of my eyes. “Cock’s caged now something for the ass. He lubed the dildo and gently slide it in; damn it was long but not uncomfortable. That changed as it grew. “This didlo is special.” Danny smirked. “I can inflate it to the size of a house. Danny pumped and my insides adjusted to the change in size. I squirmed as I felt like I was holding a five day poop. “Ready for your word. Ready to yell pickle.”

        “Bring it on,” I gritted back to him. That earned me another size increase. It was starting to feel good inside. Danny disappeared and I heard a whosh like air leaking from a tire. A towel was thrown over my face, only faint light came through. “Open,” Danny demanded as he touched my jaw.

        I did and my mouth was flooded with sweet, sticky and creamy flavor. whip cream from a can I realized and smiled.

        “Enjoy that and more because my ass is covered in it. You mission, if you are willing to accept it is to lick every bit of it off me. You fail in this mission, you will be punished.”

        I finished licking and swallowing what Danny had mounded in my mouth and smiled, wagging my tongue to taunt him. His ass was over my lips and my tongue went to work. This is fun I thought until I hit something hard and vinegar protruding from his ass hole. “What the hell,” I sputtered.

“It’s a pickle for you to eat”

“You shoved a damn p…” I stopped myself, “gerkin up you ass?”

Danny laughed and his ass bobbed smashing whipping cream all over my face and a fucking pickle into my nose. “Gerkins to small for my ass buddy. A monster dill.”

“Size queen” I sneered back.

“Got that right bitch. now eat eat.”

So I did nibbling and pulling a bit more out. It was slow going, intentionally. Danny got frustrated at the pace and pulled it out himself and feed me three bits from the part furthest in his ass. “Interesting flavor combination, whipping cream and pic...dill. I may try it on apple pie.”

“Smart ass,” Danny laughed. He inflated the didle more. “Done eating my ass? Got all the whip cream?” The comment was snide and provocative.

“You’re ass should be clean?” I smiled confidently.

“My dear, dear Timothy, you have way too much cream on your face. I am disappointed at how messy you ate. You need to clean it up.” I struggles with my tongue to reach everything on my face, but Danny knew I could not reach it all. “Guess I need to teach you cleanliness.” Danny took the towel and wiped my face off. “See how much you left.” He showed me the towel with pockets of whipping cream. “Now things will be fun.”

“You set me up to fail.” I wailed.

“Of course,” Danny smiled serenely, “What would be the fun if I did not cheat.” Danny flourished the lightsaber object in front of me. “This is a violet wand.”

“Does it come with pixie dust?” I was feeling brave.

Danny gave a maniacal laugh out of a horror movie, “No darling Timothy. This is more from Frankenstein than My Little Pony.” Danny turned the device on. The end looked like a comb and  glowed a bight blue. Danny ran it from my armpit to my elbow.

        I jerked, but could not escape because of my restraints. “Fuck, that think gave me an electric shock. You need to get it fixed.”

        “It is working just fine. It is meant to give a mild to intense shock. I have it set on wimp but it does go up to…” Danny smiled. “I want you to watch each stroke and each tool in anticipation.” He removed my goggles. “At any time that it gets to intense you can just yell pickle.”

        “I refuse to utter anything about preserve cucumbers, so do your best.” I was definitely not sure that my bravado was true.

        He started on the muscles of my upper arm. It always cause me to jump but not scream. The nipples were another story. I screamed, My nipples with the clamps conducted from one to the other. Danny casually wandered down my stomach; my abdomen spasmed. Down my legs to the soles of my feet. There he lingered because it felt like thousands of ants and I tried to jerk away.

        “Very good Timothy,” Danny purred to himself. “Ready for more. something more intense.” Danny waited for me to say my word, but I refused. Danny deflated the dildo and removed it from my butt. He rested it on my lips,” Every smell your own ass?”

        I stuck my tongue out and deliberately licked the dildo. “Always wanted to taste myself.” I glibly replied.

        “Timothy, I am very happy to be your boyfriend. We are very compatible.” He replaced the comb tip with one with a much smaller tip. “This tip gives a more concentrated jolt. I think yu want me to up the power a bit.” Danny did not bother looking at me. The wand glowed red. I bolted up only to flung back down by the restraints. Danny was smiling, obviously having too much fun. Next was my navel and two nipples in quick succession. I screamed and my eyes started to water.

        “Safe word?” I shook my head no. It was a matter of pride. “Very well. I am pleased.” Danny took squeezed lotion into his hand and slowly started jacking me off. My dick, with the veins thick and ropey, responded like a baby bird at feeding time. I was sooo close, but Danny stopped. “The lotion makes you more sensitive but delays ejaculation. I want you screaming and begging for release.” Danny smiled and touched the want to the inside of my thigh. He then ran it around my ass, up my balls all the way to the end of my penis. “This wand, if used in the right hands, can make a man cum.” The statement was a td then right to my pucease. He continued to dragonfly my balls and cock, and then to my pucker hole. I screamed and thrashed the pain, while brief, was exquisite. I knew he could, if he wanted make me come. “Now,” Danny smiled, his canine’s showing. “I am going to fuck you.”

        Danny slipped on a condom and plugged directly and hard all the way in. My whole ass responded and spasmed. Jism pooled at the bass of my cock ring ready for ejacualtion. I saw the head of my rod leaking dew. The TV was still on, I realized; I became mesmerized by Danny’s beautiful ass sliding in and out of me. He pulled out and stopped. He released my ankle cuffs from the bed. “Legs up.” I gladly complied. Then I became confused. He took black sting and tied it to the chain of my nipple clamps and ran it to wrap around my big toe. Then back and then to the other toe. “Now, if you move your legs too much, you will pull on the clamps.”

        “You are diabolical,” I growled, trying to position my legs to reduce tension on the string.

        Danny just smiled and slowly fucked me. He was in no hurry. He would stop to rim me or play with my balls. It was shere torment. “Going to take all day,” I muttered.

        “Maybe,” Danny grinned, “You agreed to let me have my pleasure with you. And I am. I believed fine wine should be sipped and not gulped.”

“Take long enough this wine will turn to vinegar.” I retorted. Danny just slapped my ass very hard. He looked at the reddened area. “You need some tenderizing.”  He grabbed a paddle, “Count ten” Whack.

Every hit forced my legs to kick a little and pull on the nipple clamps. I just kept counting. Whack, “Ten.” I sighed relieved.

Danny rubbed my ass, “Much nicer, more receptive,” he said as he slide into me and started slowly pumping. His actions became faster and more focused. “Going to come soon.” I felt him, his balls tight against my ass with each forward stroke, His dick enlarging. He slammed into me screaming, pulling my legs and ripping the clamps. I screamed. He panted heavily continuing with several lazy strokes. He looked at my red nipples. “Sorry about that.” He leaned forward and gently rubbed my  stretched nipples. “No serious damage.” I was not so sure about that. He slowly pulled himself out and removed the condom.

Moving up to my head he softly kissed me. “Open for your reward.” He emptied the content of his condom in my mouth. “Your tits look like they are ready to nurse a mouse.” He said and then licked each. “I like how they look.”

“I don’t like how they feel,”  I commented. “Almost ripped them off.”

“Naw, the clamps aren’t that tight. Hurts like hell, but no damage.” Danny climbed off the bed and reattached my legs to the bed restraints.  After puttering around putting object back into the toy box, he snuggled into my shoulder, his head resting on my chest.

“Sated?” I asked, enjoying his warmth on my body, wanting to wrap my arms around him but still restrained. He only rumbled in contentment. “Do you think you can finish me?”

He raised his head to look at me. Smiled. “Are you begging?”

“No,” I evenly replied., tipping my head toward my crotch, “But my balls are turning blue and my cock is so swollen that it is about to blow like a tire. Do you really want the mess?”

Danny laughed softly. “Do not want to damage mighty fine meat.” He scuttled down to my hips, crablike. His mouth eased over my raging red rod  and he started worrying it like a happy dog with an old bone.

“Keep that up and I’ll shoot your head off with coming.”


“No just informing. If I cum. your fault, not mine,” I said smugly. He stopped sucking.

He extracted the cock ring from my penis, but the damed blood only slowly sluiced back. With painful effort, he extracted my balls. He took both balls into his mouth massaging feeling back with his tongue. A finger went into my ravaged ass finding my prostate, He gently massaged. MY balls started to ascend prelude to ejaculation; he firmly held the sack with his teeth pulling to prevent contraction. His finger exited my butt.  Danny released my balls and returned to cuddle. My cock clambered for relief, but I would outlast Danny on this. He hummed against my chest, the sound vibrating, Perry’s “Roar:. His hand spidered south to play with my snake. His lips and tongue lapped my nipples like a cat liking fur. I needed to blow and blow big and blow soon. I was sweating, my breathing was erratic, my heart stuttered like a jaybird.

“Damn you Danny,” I gasp as he again swallowed my cock to the base  His throat began to vibrate like was trying to yodel. “Fucking damn you I need to cum!” I wanted my hand and to give true meaning to choking the chicken, but they could not move.

“Going to beg?” I sucked my lips between my teeth and bit. “I am in no hurry,” Danny sighed as he returned his head to my chest, doing donuts around my right nipple with his index finger. “I’m impressed, Timothy.” Danny said raising his head slightly. “Most men would be whimpering for release.” He frowned. “Am I inadequate?” The last was said with a dejected sigh. He uncuffed my arms. “I’m truly sorry that I could not please you enough to want to cum for me.”

“Danny.” He kissed me gently before I could continue. “This was the best sex I have ever had, but you made it a competition.” Danny sat to stare at me. “I do not like to loose!” A slow grin spread across my face. I grabbed his shoulder and spun him until his face was inches from my dick. “You are going to suck me off now and swallow every last drop. You are going to be begging to take me all the way to the back of your through. You are going to beg to swallow every drop.”

“Your cock looks more in need than my mouth,” Gasped out. His breath brushing across my glans causing my whole penis to quiver. Danny extended his tongue to touch the tip.

“You know you want my prick all the way in to my balls. The taste of my cum on your tongue.”
“You do taste good.”

“It is all there, ready for you, just waiting for your lips.”

Danny twisted his head back to almost face me. “I was the one that got it ready.”

“Shame you may not reap the reward.” I moved my hips so my cock waggled in front of Fanny’s eyes. “I can always just jack myself off. All my creamy cum wasted on the sheets,”

“I hate waste.” Danny’s head lurched forward like a fish toward a lure.

“Your of you beg>” I felt smug and in control.

“If I don’t beg, what will you do?” Danny tried to match my smugness but failed.

“ I will whoop your ass so hard until you beg”

Danny started to laugh, “You think spanking me is a threat. Reddening my ass is a turn on.” I drew back my hand and slapped so hard that the skin in my hand quivered. Danny jerked in surprise and pain, but I held him so tight with my forearm his head barely bobbed in front of my dick.

“Would you like to count?” I asked. “I will stop when you beg to pleasure my cock. I hit him hard.

Whack. “One.” Wack. “Two.” Wack “Three” Wack. “Four” Wack. Danny’s bottom started to glow like a stop light. Heat radiated. I saw impressions of my hand.  “Five” Whack.

“Please sir,” Danny’s voice was hesitant. “My I please feed on your fine member,”

“That was not very sincerely,” I laughed lightly. I pushed Danny flat against me and with my free hand began pumping until a slight drop of precum fell on my stomach. “Unless you sincerely beg. YOu will lay there and watch what you cannot have.”

Danny was panting heavily,”Fucj you Timothy. I can't be this close and just watch, Please let me suck your cock. I want the whole thing in me. I do not want your wasting any fluids anywhere but against my uvula. Now damn it let me go for I hunger.” I released him.

Danny’s lips greedly inhaled my prick. I was suddenly lost as waves of intense pleasure wracked my body. Far too soon I gushed. Danny struggling at the force. I melted into the bed, enervated, Danny finished lapping up the last little bits of juice that escaped his mouth.

Danny curled into my side; I wrapped my arms around him. “Thank you,” he said. And we rested.

Interlude 3

        My muscle started to solidify. The aftershocks of orgasms subsided. “That was amazing.” I whispered to Danny’s ear. I was not sure, however, that he was awake.

        “Intense.” Danny replied so softly that I barely heard him. We did not speak for another ten or so minutes. “I need a shower.” He said as he bounced off me and headed into the en suite. I tried to follow but was thwarted by my still bound legs. Struggling, I was able to unencumber my legs and race the the shower. Danny was already lathered and grinning at me. I opened the door to be greeted by the handheld aimed at me. Water hit me and a good portion of the bathroom. I closed the door and looked at Danny like my father looked at me when he was not happy.  Danny pulled me under the shower head and we were soon frothy with soap.  The drain was a snow drift of suds. We dried each other off,  going in deep with the towel in the nether regions.

        Danny gently shoved me into a kitchen stool the was on the living room side of the a kitchen peninsula. He quickly filled two bowls from a large container in the fridge and shoved them in the microwave. “What you want to drink?”


        “Not good for you, You’ll get juice.”

        “Then why did you ask?”

        “Habit,” he laughed. He poured me a glass of red liquid and placed it in front of me. “Cranberry pomegranate. Healthy antioxidants.”

        “Thank you Caleb Marshall”

Danny laughed, “He drinks this stuff and you’ve seen his body.”

“More interested in his ass. Sweet and tight.” I oozed out. “I’d let him do anything.”

“More than me?”

“No, you get first dibs. Might like to share though.” The microwave dinged and Danny set two bowls on the counter. The aroma reminded me that I was ravenous. Danny came around the counter to sit in a stool next to me. “He’s gay.” I said between bits.


“Caleb Marshall. I figure we can seduce him and spend a rapturous night fucking.
“And pray tell do we do that?” Danny asked humerously.

“We do a very sexy workout video. Tight body workout suits, suggestive weight routines and dance exercises. You know he was a dancer.”  

“Sure he gets dozens of videos like that a day.” Danny said, throwing a wet blanket on my fantasy.

“Yeay, but not with two hot guys like us.”

“We are hot.” Danny nodded in confirmation.

“Did you enjoy this morning?” Danny asked. “Now be honest because you are finding limits.”

“There was nothing that I would not do again. The electro was shocking at first.” I gave Danny a quick glance as he groaned. “But I would do it again. I would like to do some of it to you. See how long you would go before you beg.”

“Hon,” Danny smiled. “I’m willing to beg right now. Don’t need to be tormented for me to want to beg for all of you and everything you do.”

“Aaw,” I tilted forward and kissed him. “You are sweet. But that is what a boyfriend is supposed to say. What do you really want me do do. What level of pleasure can I take you?”

I finished my bowl of stew, a few drops of liquid at the corner of my mouth. Danny leaned forward, his tongue capturing the drops, and then it slide into my mouth to capture orts. “Let’s watch a movie before we return to the bed and continue exploring limits.”

I spread out on the sofa while Danny started a DVD. He crawled between my legs; his ass to my cock, and his back to my chest. I pulled him closer into a hug. My arms rose and fell to the rising and falling of his chest  as he breathed. It was a comfortable intimacy that was more profound than any sex we had had. I suddenly realized that Danny and I were have great sex but we were not making love. I wanted that kind of sex too.

“This is one of my favorite movies,” Danny said, breaking my ruminations. “It and oldie, but I still love it.” The music for Singing in the Rain filled the room.

“Great sound system.” I blurted.

“Shut up and watch,” Danny said slapping my leg. So I did with Danny laughing and crying against my chest.

THe movie ended with Danny’s soft sniffles subsiding. “I love that movie because it is so full of hope about love. Do you think we are capable of that love?”

I gently pulled Danny’s chin back into a kiss. “Maybe.” He settled back into my arms not moving.

“Got to pee,” Danny hopped up and ran toward the bathroom.  I got up and started looking through the very large collection of porn. I selected three whose titles sounded interesting and set them on the coffee table.

“My turn,” I yelled and dashed off. Danny saw the DVD and smiled after me,

I returned and we reversed positions, I was now resting between Danny’s legs with my back on his chest. His Prince Albert pressed into my tailbone while his fingers played with my nipple. I was contented. The first was a Sean Cody “story” with very hot men in a cabin during winter. The fucking was intense, particularly the group scenes. Danny shifted to accommodate his growing cock. The second was a Helios gangbang film. “Do I see a trend here?” Danny asked while nibbling on my ear.

“No trend,” I chuckled, “just exploration.” I leaned my head back and kissed the bottom of his chin.

“How many men have you been with at once. Have you ever been to an orgy?” Danny asked while poking my belly button.

“Did a three way once. Orgies, at least in flixs, seems too distracting. All those asses and cocks everywhere, I can not focus on any one man or men. You? the most?”

“Five guys all for me,” he said as he stroked my inner thigh.

“No shit? gangbang?”

“Might call it that, but all the attention was on my pleasure. Brad’s birthday present to me.”

“Nice present.”
“Very nice present,” Danny chest heaved against me with a sigh. “This is boring,” Danny said as he started the last porn. “You selected a Bound Gods. You are a kinky bastard.”

“Yeah, just don’t know how kinky,” I ran my hand lightly up the inside of Danny’s leg. “I liked what we did this morning and want to do more, be more daring.” My eyes popped, “Did he just shove that ginormous didlo up his ass?”

“Yeah, Did you like that? Want that to be you?”

“No way I could do that.” I pulled Danny’s arms around my chest.

“Their professionals and properly stretched.”

“It’s got to fucking hurt. And stretch your hole so wide that will never be tight.”  I shuddered, “I want my ass tight. I want to feel you going in, the slide of you as you enter all the way. I want to clamp you so tight that is is a struggle for you to move.”

        “I like that too.” Danny said while pulling our faces together in a kiss.

        We watched the entire DVD. I groaned at some of the scenes. Yelled no fucking way and that’s gross and that hurts. But I did not look away nor ask Danny to stop. “Liked that” Danny stated has he patted my erection.

“Yeah, mostly, some of it was weird, most of it bordered extremely painful, but most of it was very hot.”

“Which was hotter, giving or receiving--the whipper or the whipped?”

“Both really. I could see me doing some of it to you and you doing some of it to me.” I cringed a little at the thought, then said, “More me the object of your attention.”

“Your a very bad boy Timothy,” Danny chuckled. “And bad boys” He licked inside my ear. “bad boys get punished.”

I sat up quickly swiveling to sit cross legged facing him. “Tell me about the toy box?”

“The Humpty Dumpty is obvious. Everything in the box is designed to either help you fall apart with pain or put you back together with pleasure. The balance of existence, controlled far more than in real life.”

“I get the zen of it, but that video had no zen moments.”

“That video is intended to make you horney. And judging by your woody, it succeeded.”

“I’m 18 and always horny,” I shot back. And then I added, “so are you.”

“Did you read Fifty Shades of Grey?” I shook my head no. “The book explored the erotic side of bondage and pain. But most of the guys I know who are really into it are more about the control or lack of control. More about pushing individual limits of what can be endured. Like a Marine on steroids. It is about trust, on both sides. Respect and concern because Humpty needs to be put back together.”

“Can you show me the toys and maybe demonstrate, without tying me.” Danny smiled broadly as he shifted his legs up to his chest. “I do want to try the double dildo.” I added with an eyebrow waggle.

Danny shoved me back so he could extract his legs and stood. He rose grabbing my hand and pulled me off the sofa, not too gently, “Let the games begin.” he said as he pulled me toward the bedroom.

Next: Chapter 5

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