Timothy and the Lion Boy

Published on Aug 2, 2022


Timothy and the Lion Boy Chapter 2B

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Works of fiction are all fantasies about other people's lives. Those lives have their own trajectory of wants and needs, actions and reactions, hopes and despairs. Fiction allows us, the reader, to share their paths vicariously without personal consequence. We do not need to approve or disapprove of their actions because it is their lives. Our role is to bare witness and take what we find relevant to ourselves.

Timothy and the Lion Tamer--2 Weekend Play

Scene 2

        I woke alone in the bed...almost alone. The TV played me in bed, supine under crumples sheets, the edges of my dick molded by the sheet. I ran a hand over my nipples, still sensitive from yesterday, and down my chest. Throwing  the sheet off to fully expose myself, I ran my finger along my dick. I turned on my stomach and, using the mirror in the headboard, watched my ass pulse as I contracted and released. Nice I thought, I’d fuck me. I raised myself onto my knees; ass held high, I spread my ass cheeks. I saw my own pucker hole, love, shute; I fingered it and quivered with pleasure. This is what Danny sees. I smiled at the thought. Suddenly very hard, I rolled over and started stroking.

“Don’t you dare,” Danny yelled from the otherside of the condo. “Your body is mine and I will not have you come until I say.” I jerked my hand free, embarrassed; I heard Danny laugh--sneaky bastard.

I lay there, hands at my side--frustrated. “Good morning sunshine,” Danny said, all flowers and soft breezes, as he entered the room carrying a large tray. “Brought us breakfast. You will need the energy for what I have planned?” His smile was diabolical.

“Oh, OJ and an omelette, yum,” I squealed as I sat up in bed, sipping some juice then frowned.

“Mimosas,” Danny winkeded as he dug into his omelete. “Make you relaxed before I....” Danny did not continue the sentence, like the axeman to Marie Antoinette. “You do remember that I get to do what I want today?” I nodded now apprehensive. “I won’t do anything that you object to, but I want to explore your limits.” I nodded, “You trust me?”

The question was a very serious question from Danny. I knew he wanted an honest answer. I was not sure, not that I didn’t trust Danny, but I was not sure I could live up to his expectations. I said I wanted to discover my limits; Danny was the best person to do that with. “I trust you completely.” I finally replied looking him dead in the eyes.

“Good, very good,” Danny bounced, almost tipping the OJ, but I caught the glass first. Danny pulled a remote from a drawer in the bedside table and porn replaced us on the screen. I was disappointed because I liked the view of us together in bed, but then the porn was very hot. Between bites of food, we criticized the actors, the positions, the size of penises, the amount of ejaculant and possible activities we might try. The porn was a basic playlist of a wide variety of scenarios, from a pair of twinks barebacking, to a gangbang, and heavy BDSM. I caught Danny’s eyes watching my reactions, assessing where he might go. Most of it was enticing and titillating, some of it bizarre, a few scary. But none of it pushed a Stop and Run button. While a particularly bland scene was playing Danny hopped out of bed and grabbed the tray. “Take this to the kitchen, be right back.”

Danny was soon back carrying a child’s toy box. He set it infront of me grinning broadly. “Humpty Dumpty?” I asked as I looked at the design.

“Yeah,” he grinned wider.

I opened the box and what to my wondering eyes should appear--sex toys. Lots of sex toys. I recognized several varieties of dildos, a few cock rings, butt plugs from pinkie size to elephant dong size, some cuffs and collars. disturbingly paddles and whips. I then shrugged a what-the-hell. Several things I did not identify a use for.  I pulled out a candle showing it to Danny.

“Hot wax.”

“For waxing away hair?”

Danny found that funny and laughed. “For dripping on the body.” I gave Danny a dubious look, “Yeah it hurts some, but as it cools.”

I took out a rod that looked like a lightsaber.  Danny grabbed it, “Yes definitely you’ll like this.”  Danny pulled the box away from me and rummaged through it. “It goes with this,” he said as he put what looked like the handle for an electric knife next to the wand.

“Is this a mouse cage?” I asked.

Danny rolled over in a fit of laughter. “That’s a cock cage.” I still did not understand. “It’s a chastity belt for the penis. It prevents an erection and mastrubation.”

“Why in hell would anyone want that?” I was completely perplexed by the notion.

“It enforces celibacy. You see the padlock?” I nodded. “Your partner holds the key. He or she controls your coming. If your partner is very good at it. The torment of sexual stimulation without an erection or ejaculation is intense when you are finally allowed release, in both senses. It is mind blowing.”

“You ever wear one?” I asked, not clear of its value.

“Yeah, once for three days. Brad,  Over a long weekend, he tormented the hell out of me with this one. When he took it off, I shot cum for five minutes and hit the ceiling.” Danny shivered at the thought. “One of my best orgasims.”

“Doesn’t it hurt?”

“No, not if it’s put on right. It is uncomfortable. And when you cock struggles for an erection, the penis can chaff or blister. want to try it on?”

“Sure, as long as I can take it off when I want.” Danny grabbed my junk and manipulated them into the cold metal contraption. It was not comfortable, but then I guessed it was not meant to be.

“Looks nice on you,” Danny said. “But I would not wear it too long.

“It feels odd, and cold.”

“Believe me the metal will warm.” Danny smiled knowingly. “Is there anything in the toy box you want me to use with you?”

I looked through the box mostly confused and uncertain what each item was and how it might be used, but I finally chose two butt plugs, two interesting dildo vibrators, a pair of cuffs and a paddle. The last surprised Danny, but he said nothing.

“My turn.” He gave an evil smile. He first pulled out another pair of cuffs. “Need four.” he smiled and put them next to mine. Next he pulled out clamps and chains, the candle, a feather tickler, a couple of dildos, and a small box that said “Stimulants”. Once he had a small pile, next to mine. Danny asked, “Ready,” I nodded yes, intrigued, excited and scared. “If I do anything that alarms you, your safe word is “Pickle”, if you want me to continue exploring say “Rocket.” I repeated the words. “Anything else you say like ‘Danny, please stop,’ I will take it to mean continue.”

“I’m ready and eager.” I responded, although the cock cage was getting uncomfortable.

“Stand.” I did and he put a pair of padded cuffs on my wrists. “Hand behind your back.” I did and he clipped the cuffs together. “We are going to shower first.” He took the paddle I had chosen and smacked my ass hard enough that it quivered my dick in its cage. I saw my ass slowly redden on the TV. My cock wanted to grow, but was frustrated as was I.

The shower was warm enough to pink my skin but not scald. “Don’t think you will need this,” Danny said as he removed the cock cage. My cock felt like a bird as it spreads it wings. “Any pleasure to your cock is for me to give,” smile, “or not give.” he said as he rubbed lotions soap along the length of the penis.. “You touch your cock in any way, the cage goes back on until I’ve fucked you so hard my cum squirts out your nose.” I nodded, both appalled by have the cage on while being fucked, but also entranced by the Danny’s demands.

“You better stop that,” I said as his hand roamed my shaft. “I am close to coming.”

“Don’t worry, you won’t until I allow it.”  Danny squeezed the base of my cock and I slowly deflated. He continued lathering and rinsing me. The shower nozzle in his hand pulsed against my skin, my nipples, and the head of my penis. He spun me around and the shower head played with my ass, Whack, the paddle hit, but Danny gently massaged the sting away. Of course I was raging hard again. “Bend at the waist.” I did, jumping as a shower entered my rectum. A steady stream of water flowed inside me. “I want you spanking clean outside and in,” he whispered. “Hold the water as long as you can then run to the toilet.” I nodded and clamped my ass tight. He continued play with me with the shower head. It was not cleaning; it was tormenting.

“I have to go now,” I said.

“Not yet,” He held my ass while he brought a vibrtator into use on my nipples.

“Got to go bad.”

“Hold on a bit more.” The vibrator was circling around the base of my scrotum and my anus. I shoved Danny aside with my shoulder and ran. I barely made it before my insided gushed into the toilet bowl.

Danny was laughing from inside the shower. “Come back in and I will finish.” Returning, Danny quickly cleaned my hole again and then kneeling started rimming me. “Yes, it's very tasty now.” He smirked. “Out now, I’ll dry you off.” This made sense since my hands were still cuffed. The towel was soft and thick, sucking water away like desert sand.

“Keep that up,” I muttered, “I might come right here.” Danny put two fingers at the base of my penis and I deflated.

“Not until I am I have satisfied myself.”
“You’re enjoying tormenting me.” I mockingly said.

“Very much.” He grabbed a bottle of lotion sitting on the tank to the toilet. “You’ll like this. It will make everything slick and warm.”

Starting with my shoulders and back he rubbed. The lotion was slickery and warm. It made my skin tingle. As he continued on my chest, my nipples burned slightly; I swear I felt the ridges of his fingerprints as he massaged the oil around and into my nipples. “Intense,” I moaned. Danny silently continued down my legs. He had me sit on the toilet seat so he could lotions the soles of my feet. The space between my toes became erogenous zones. He helped me stand, with a warning about slippery feet. Danny squirted a mountain of oil onto my ass, rubbing it into the crevice between my mounds and far into my hole. It burned like hot ash, but it also made every movement of his fingers as he probed for my prostate exquisite. Finally, his attention focused on my cock, now again very hard, and balls burned-the heat from his hands and lotion burned like too long in the sun. I glanced at the bathroom mirror. I glowed, a russet sunrise. “What is in that lotion? My body feels like it’s eaten a jalapeno pepper.”

Danny gave a laugh. “It has, the lotion has the same ingredient that makes a pepper hot--more diluted. It enhances your skin’s sensitivity to touch.” Danny smiled as he added more lotion to my dick. I almost screamed because it burned. “Just one more thing, then we will return to the bedroom and I will have my way with you.” He produced, from where I didn’t see, a long fat butt plug with a ball at the end. He generously lotioned it, “Bend over,” I was not sure it would fit, but I bent. With one quick move Danny jammed the plug in, I whimpered at first contact, but then the pleasure exploded.

Danny carefully assisted me back to the bedroom until we were at the bed. He shoved my shoulder and I went face down onto the mattress. Danny grabbed my legs and swung then onto the bed, positioning me in the middle of the bed. He took a pillow and snugged it under my chin. “I want you to watch what I will do--to anticipate and to dread.” Danny’s voice had an edge of menace and demonic glee. My arms were uncoupled and strapped to the side of the bed, as were my legs. I looked like a starfish stranded on the beach. My chest and cock felt every thread count of the sheet. Each thread a delicate finger.

Danny sat in front of my head, offering his cock to suck, which I did. “Like my dick in your mouth?” I could only mumble around the object playing tag with my tonsils. He played with my throat pulling all the way out and then in; his Albert sliding hot across my pallet. “I am not going to cum in your throat. Timothy, mon amour. I am going to come in your ass, but not until you are ready and begging for it,” he said, pulling my hair so my face arched up to face his glinting eyes.

“I never beg,” I said with bravora. From behind Danny’s back the paddle flashed out and onto my rump, sending jolts through the plug and my cock against the silk sheets.

“You will not cum until I am fully sated and I’ve fucked you so well tha cum will ooze out your ears.”  Danny moved to my side positioning himself by my hips. “You will beg, and beg, until I release you.” This was said with all the surety of Newton’s Laws of Thermodynamics. “Now your ass needs some affection.” He hit me hard with the paddle. I saw redden like a virgin on her wedding night. He rubbed my sore ass, soothing away some of the sting, jostling the plut at the same time. “I have smacked that red ass twice. I will do five more, Seven is a good number for Wonders. You can count aloud to ensure that I don’t short change you.

” Whack, “One,” Whack, “Two”  Wack “Three” Wack. “Four” Whack, “Five” Whack “I thought you were only doing seven.” I sputtered.
“Yes,” Danny smiled. I was not happy with the smugness of it. “But you started counting at one and not three.” He smacked me again. By now my ass was a ripe tomato but mostly numb. Another whack.

“But.” I whimpered.

“You are not counting.” Whack

“Six,” Whack. “Seven”

“Very good Timothy,” He leaned over and kissed me deep while gently rubbing circulation into my flaming rump. “Did you like watching? Did you like how it felt? I expect you to be honest.” He held the paddle menacingly.

Yeah, I really liked watching, And I liked very much how the butt plug quivered, when you hit. I did not like how you tricked me into eleven hits. The fourth and fifth hit really hurt but after that the pain sensation went numb but the sound and my flesh moving was very erotic.

“Ready for more?” Danny sincerely asked. His eyes were both excited and gentle. I saw that he cared for me.

I knew he was testing my limits, and I was too stubborn to yield. “Lead on Macduff. Just no beating the ass, I would like it to recover.”
Danny laughed and moved to the toy box, removing a large headed vibrator. He used the vibrator randomly across my body. But I truly doubt that it was really random. He particularly enjoyed using it on the soles of my feet. It tickled and I squirmed, but could not escape because of the cuffs. I begged Danny to stop, He just laughed and continued more commenting on how I was already begging. So I shut my mouth and choked on my words. Then Danny became diabolical. He reached under me and pulled my semi-hard cock down between my legs. The vibratro skipped, hoovered, and lingered on my plug, cock, and balls. I wanted to scream and beg Danny to stop, but I wouldn’t. Danny giggled like a kid at the beach as he tried to break my silence

Danny put the vibrator away and moved to my head offerein his cock to suck. “Are you enjoying this as much as I am?” I could only grunt with my mouth full. “Good, me too.” He pulled his cock out my mouth and kissed me. It was sweet and gentle. I remember watching a show on the discovery channel about lions and how tender they were at time and yet how aggressive and wild at others, This was my Danny. Strangely even though I was the one tied, I felt ownership of this man. The feeling dissolved when Danny showed me a new toy.

“This is a tickler,” Danny explained as he showed me a rod with a few feathers at the end. I looked like Foghorn Leghorn after an explosion. “Do not be deceived by its innocent look. It had brought many a strong men begging with tears.” I knew Danny was baiting me, and I bit.. The feathers brushed against the side of my head. He played with my ear because it annoyed me, The thing felt like an insect as he tickled and flirted with my ear, The feathers floated down my spine, hovered like a bee around my ass and then down a leg to tickle the soles of my feet. I refused to satisfy Danny by squirming.

“Think you're in control because you will not succumb to the tickles.” Danny laughed,  “You must resign yourself that you are mine to do with as I want. You agreed.” I yelped as my ass flared with pain. “You are mine to do with as I please and I will not be thwarted in pursuit of my pleasure.” He used the thin rod of the tickler to smack my ass again. It hurt so much that tears started to run. “You can use your safe word any time.” He gently whispered in my ear, “Pickle, pickle, pickle.”  I mumbled out a fuck you between gritted teeth. “Timothy, you have it wrong, I am going to fuck you.” He rubbed my ass soothing away the pain while feathers tickled my ass crack, balls and the tip of my cock.  I squrmed and bucked trying to give Danny what he wanted. That earned me another, lighter smack.  “I play the games here. You are mine, totally.” Danny admonished.

Danny moved away from me to rummage through the toy box. I looked at myself prone on the bed on the TV. Three red welts marked my derriere, begging for companions.

“This is for your ass.” He laid an eighteen inch dildo by my head. It must have been at least four inches thick.

I laughed nervously. “Don’t think that will fit.”

“It will.” Danny assured me.

“Think it will stretch my ass so much that I will never be tight again.” I said trying another tack to avoid what I anticipated would hurt like hell.

“The ass recovers,” Danny said as he ran the dildo over my lips and down my spine to lie in the valley of my ass. “Want to use your safe word?”

I did not answer; Danny waited. Did Danny want to stop? Did I want to stop? “No.” I firmly said. “I trust you not to damage your property.”

Danny stopped and stared at me for a long time; I started to worry. “You are right Timothy,” Danny leaned across my back to give me a very gentle kiss. “I want to play with you for a very long time. I will never hurt you.”

“What about my sore ass?” I shot back.

“That was pain; it is fleeting. It is the balance to pleasure. If you are always happy, how would you know you are happy?  The pain will help you appreciate the pleasure. It is a brief reminder to enjoy all the pleasures in life.”

Danny lay across my back, gently kissing my lips, for a very long time. I felt so safe and protected. Danny’s kisses were reassurances that Danny cared. I was not just casual weekend fuck. And I also knew that Danny was not some casual weekend fuck. “I think I need to pee,” I said breaking the mood.

“Just hold it until I say.” Danny commanded as he moved between my legs. Danny’s tongue licked me; I suddenly remembered the giraffes at the zoo extending their long prehensile tongue delicately around a branch and extracting all the leaves. “Like that?”  Danny said, lifting his head to rest his chin on my tailbone.

“Fuck, yes.” I tried to keep my voice from sounding needy, “more please. Rocket.”

“I want you to feel good.” He slid a finger into me, then two, three, four. My ass whined for more as he extracted the fingers. I drove my ass up to cling like lovers at a departing car. He replaced his fingers with his dick.  It was warm and warming, It was thick and textured. His motion was glacial, sliding in and out. He laid his chest full on my back. The  movement dragged each sensation out of my gut and ass. The movement had no urgency, but Danny’s cock throbbed in time to his rapid heart beating against my back. Love nips on my neck had my body demanding deep vigorous thrust. Muscles around my rectum and my abdomen, would spasm in an anticipation that never was fully filled. The angle of my cock and Danny’s body on my pelvis eliminated the ability but not the need of a full erection. I wanted to beg, and Danny knew it. Suddenly, Danny lifted himself off me to plunge three times deep inside me, hitting my bladder forcefully. Then he pulled out taking my body with the vacuum of his exit. I fell back into the mattress forlorn. He rolled next to me, happy but not saited. “I’m going to untie you and then you can pee. I’ll meet you in the living room”

“Are we done?” I asked “I mean, you have not come yet.” I added not wanting to sound selfish.

“Barely begun.” Danny’s eyes sparkled with mayhem. “I will fuck you. You will be begging to come.” He gave my ass a firm slap as I jogged to the bathroom, bladder too full.

Interlude 2

        Danny was sitting on the sofa. Two glasses of OJ, a bowl of yogurt with fresh fruit, and an English muffin slathered with Nutella were placed on the coffee table. I sat. Danny sat casually on the sofa, one leg on the sofa bent under the one still on the floor. His body was angled toward me. God he was gorgeous: Hair wild like the sheets in the bed, eyes mid-ocean blue and warm and alive, smooth chest with cinnamon areolas as background to silver nipple bars. My eyeses stuttered at his cock, soft and peaceful--a panther resting between the branches of his legs.

        “I thought we needed some sustenance before my final push.” He handed me an English muffin, while he lapped with the tip of his tongue Nutella off his. I grabbed juice to prevent myself from grabbing him, then I imitated him with my muffin. He laughed and took the soup spoon in his hand and dipped it into the yogurt and fruit. I looked for my spoon but saw none. Danny plucked a raspberry off the spoon with the edges of his lips. The berry dangled precariously and then was sucked in. I was getting hard. “Here,” Danny extended the bowl of the spoon toward me. “I always feed my victims before I eat them.” I gulped; Danny laughed.

Danny sifted the conversation to family, school plans, friends--the mundane things friends discuss. The sexual tension was on a low simmer and I learned more about the person behind the passion. As I swallowed a fourth spoon of yogurt and fruit, Danny paused, eyes drifting from crotch to eyes, “I like you.” he stated simply. “I like you a lot.” My head tilted slightly. “It is not just the sex, which is great.”

“Just great,” I interjected with a small laugh.

“Yeah, great,” He gave a smile that was enticing and dangerous, “but we are not done everything...yet.”

“Yeah, room to grow.” I patted my cock.

“Definitely, which is one of the reasons I like you. You are not afraid to push sensations. You are gorgeous, funny and smart. Smart is important to me. I want to see more of you, not just for sex, but as a boyfriend.”

“You want to date?” I asked incredulously.

“Yeah, that and more. I want to meet your parents and you meet mine. I want to start a relationship.”

I grew serious about the prospect. “But we are eighteen and by nature horny.”

“Yeah, and I plan on enjoying every day of it.”

“I am not sure about a relationship. I mean, I like the phrase ‘so many men, so little time.”

Danny nodded with a laugh, “Hell, I agree. I do not mean that we are exclusive. I want you to explore other men. I want to explore other men. I want us then to talk about it; what we liked or did not like, what we learned about sex and ourselves. We are eighteen and horny and need lots of sex. I would love to see us with others, me watching you get fucked.” Danny’s cock bounced rigid as he spoke.  “I want to hit ninety, maybe with you, and tell stories of our wild youth that will make eighteen year olds blush while they give me blow jobs.”

The image of me with wrinkles, hair wispy white  and liver spot having a dark haired young man slurping my wanger was ludicrous and I burst out with a full laugh that grew and gathered Danny into it until we were both played out on the sofa gasping for breath. Still panting. “Yeah, I like the idea of you as my boyfriend with benefits on the side.” Danny gulped a large drink of juice and shared it with a kiss.  I choked as it ran down my throat faster than I could swallow.  Danny pulled away while I regained control. My voice, still a little horse, I said, “Yeah, we do need to work on this relationship thing, but I am a game if you are.”

Danny beamed, “Never more so, now get your delectable ass into the bedroom, while I clean up.” I stood up prancing my ass as I headed to the bedroom. “No playing with yourself. You are mine and I’m going to fuck you so well that you’ll scream like a banshee.” I jiggled my ass and disappeared into the bedroom.

Next: Chapter 4

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