Timothy and the Lion Boy

Published on Aug 2, 2022


Timothy and the Lion Boy Chapter 2

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Works of fiction are all fantasies about other people's lives. Those lives have their own trajectory of wants and needs, actions and reactions, hopes and despairs. Fiction allows us, the reader, to share their paths vicariously without personal consequence. We do not need to approve or disapprove of their actions because it is their lives. Our role is to bare witness and take what we find relevant to ourselves.

Timothy and the Lion Tamer--2 Weekend Play

Scene 1

I am horny and 18--that’s 1-h. o. r. n. y.-8. It seems to be a perpetual state. That statement was still true though my encounter with Danny satisfied me for several days. I waited for him to call, trying to save myself for another mind-blower. But after four days and no call, my balls called loudly for action, so I found a couple of guys who had a nice apartment and we bonged until the wee hours. It was a frozen diner to Danny’s feast. By hey, a guy’s gotta eat, and I was now on a fast food diet.

My phone rang with an unrecognized number. I do not have that many phone calls, mostly texting, and I seldom give my tricks my number. I slid my finger across the screen to answer. “Hello,” I was tentative that it might be some roofing sales pitch. I get those sometimes.

“Hey, Timothy, it’s Danny.”

“Danny who?” I made my voice cold, but my dick was suddenly hot.

“Come on man, I know you remember, grrrr.” His voice rumbled inside my sack. “Sorry did call sooner, but the zoo's been crazy with people on vacation and me finishing details for starting college in September. Hope you haven’t been saving yourself for me?” The question was asked with sincerity. “I’ve had several encounters. Most delightful, but nowhere near what we did.”

“Nay, I’ve kept my little friend occupied. But it filled but did not satisfy.”

“Want to get together and compare notes?”

“Not really.” I was not going to jump because he said so

“No,” Danny’s voice sounded hurt and confused. “You don’t want to see me again.”

I gave a small laugh, “Danny, you asked if I wanted to compare notes. I want more. I want to fuck and fuck again.”

“Me too,” he laughed with giddy enthusiasm.

“Want to go out Friday, say supper and we decide on what ever may come up?”

“Sure, 7:30, where?”

“Burgers good?”

“Always, with fries?”

“Yeah, know a great place—Beefy Burgers. Know the place?”
“Love it.” See you Friday at 7:30. “Come horny.”

“Never a problem man, I’m 18.”

“Yeah, me too.” The conversation ended.

Beefy Burgers was mostly a dive, but it served the best burgers--thick and juicy. Just the way I like my men. The meal conversation was mostly innocent. We talked about our parents, and high school; we shared a couple of guys, which made us laugh. We talked about plans. I was starting at Northwestern in accounting and finance--not decided which. Danny was heading to MIchigan State, full scholarship (I had only a partial) for large animal science. His work at the zoo and the recommendations secured his entry. Then the conversation turned more serious; we started talking about sex, particularly what I liked, which when I explained sounded very vanilla and boring. I told Danny so; an enigmatic smile returned to me.

I kept watching Danny’s lips, full and sensuous, Then I noticed he was playing with his knife, slowly sliding in and out of a ring made by his thumb and forefinger. “Is that intentional?” I asked, pointing to the knife.

“Thought you would never notice. If I could, I would fork you on this table with my blade until you are pudding to eat with a spoon.
“Want to get out of here before you make me cream in my coffee,”

“Yeah, now!” Danny waved the waitress over and he paid.

“Is this a date?” I asked.

“Positively, and now I expect you to put out.”

“Oh woe is me,” I raise the back of my hand to my forehead in a dramatic gesture. “Where to, your car?”

“No, a friend lets me have a bedroom in his condo for debauching my victims. He is out of town for a few weeks, and I house sit.”

“He doesn’t mind you bringing guys over?”

“Nay, we have an understanding.”

“Shoes by the door,” Danny said as we entered, “He’s a bit of a nit-nik and doesn’t want dirt in the house. Our shoes came off, and I decided to shuck my sock at the same time. I had lost a sock at a one-nighter and was never able to retrieve it.

The condo was on the fourth floor, modest but tasteful. It had sliding glass doors to a small patio overlooking a park. It was obviously a gay man’s place: the kitchen was spotless with an array of utensils and gadgets; the sofa and two chairs were black leather (easier to clean); the floors were light wood with on plush rug in front of a gas fireplace. It was the artwork that was telling. While there was no statue of David, there was a large copy of Eakins The Swimming Hole and English The Nude Sunbather. And of course, there was the huge phallus ashtray on the coffee table.

“Nice place,”  I said as I sat, surprisingly nervous on the black leather sofa. It squeaked softly as I settled into it.

“Yea, it's a nice place. The owner is real cool. He’s very adventurous when it comes to sex. He’s taught me a lot.”

“Friend with benefits?”

“Yea, but I reap the rewards. Want something to drink?”

“What’s available?”
“Anything, Soda, coffee, water, of course, beer, wine, hard stuff.”

“I told my parents I was staying with a friend, so I don’t need to drive.”

“Cool, let me fix you something special.” The side of Danny’s lip pulled up into a smile. He was off into the kitchen opening doors and drawers and clinking ice into glasses. Returning he handed me one of two glasses. Long Island Ice Tea he said as he sat and put coasters under the beverages. “This will loosen you up.”
I took a sip, “Not bad, can hardly taste any alcohol.”
Danny laughed, “Say that after two.” He put a hand on my leg. “Want to watch some porn. Maybe some action you like to try?” He got up and found some DVDs in a cabinet under a large TV. “He has a killer system” He returned to snuggle in beside me and hit the remote.

The first was of two hot guys just the usual sucking and fucking. After five minutes he stopped it. “Boring,” Danny said and inserted a new DVD. Again two hot guys but with some toys. I had played with a dildo once so this was entertaining. Danny ran a hand across the front of my jeans; I was just starting to get hard. Then the video step up a notch when a third man joined the scene and the fucking started. Danny removed my shirt and tweaked a nipple.

At the point where one was being double fuck, I squirmed, “That got to hurt.”

“Depends upon your position,” Danny said evaluating my facial expressions. “Bottom can be uncomfortable unless you are suitably prepared.”

“Right, with very large dildos.”

“Very large.” Danny laughed, “but porn is not real sex.” he added. Danny added a third video of a birthday party and guys were fucking everyone.

“Your friend has an interesting collection of porn,” I said as I helped Danny out of his shirt.

“You have not seen any of it.” he smiled and kissed me, “Some of it is mind blowing, pushes the limits.”

“I have no limits,” I smiled and pulled one of his pierced nipples with my teeth. “Yet.” The nice ice tea was making me warm and very horny. “Let’s leave the video and make our own porn.”

“You want to tape us?” Danny asked seriously.


Danny took my hand and led me to the bedroom. It has a king size bed with a comforter folded at the bottom and black satin sheets.

I threw myself halfway on the bed so that my bare back was on the bed and feet on the floor. “God , this is slick.” Danny came over and undid the buttons on my jeans, slowly rolling them off my body. Once off he stood between my legs while I undid his jeans and let them slide to the floor. His dick was in my face, so I took a quick taste.

“Not so fast,” Danny moved out of reach. “We have plenty of time. I want to go slow and drive you wild.” He lifted my legs and put my whole body on the sheets. “Be right back.” He said and then ran to the en suite.

I looked around the room. It was tastefully done in dark wood. On one nightstand was a ceramic jar that said condoms. The other nightstand gave me a surprise because it had a double headed dildo. I said no limits, so I was prepared for fun. I trusted Danny.

Danny quickly returned with a camera and tripod. “Said you want to be porn. I can tape us.”

I gave a nervous laugh, “I don’t think we are professional enough for video. Besides, neither of us can afford a video getting into the wrong hands. You know what’s her name, whose boyfriend posted them on the Internet.”
“Several of them. Good point, but I can stream us to the TV.” Danny continues setting up the camera. The TV was high on the wall opposite the bed; perfect for nighttime viewing. The TV flickered on and there I was stretched on the bed, pale--the Irsih in me-- against the dark sheets. Seeing yourself naked on TV can destroy your self-image. I knew I needed to work out more. I was trim and fit, but not ripped. “Roll over,” Danny barked, “want an ass shot.” I did, craning my neck to see my ass. It actually looked good, I’d fuck it. Danny crawled into bed beside me. He’d look at the TV, try different positions and then run back to the camera to adjust the angle and increase the zoom. I had to admit that we made one hot couple lying on that bed, dicks hard and ready for sex.

Danny kissed me gently and then slowly kissed his way down my chest. It was odd, watching his black hair slide down my body and then to look at the TV and see the whole action. It was most out-of-body. I was very turned on, especially by Danny’s ass as it moved. I gasped a little as Danny found a sensitive spot and his ass jiggled with me.

“That dildo on the nightstand,” I asked, “that for tonight?”

“Thought maybe later, if you’re game?”

I was definitely buzzed from the drink, but still rational. “Sure,” I decided, “You bought supper, how can I refuse to put out.” Danny pinched my nipple hard. I jumped, landing Danny on the floor. Of course, I  burst out laughing, which caused Danny to laugh. It was a little surreal watching Danny and me laughing our asses off on the TV.

I helped Danny crawl back into bed, and he started kissing, sweat and hungry. He started at my forehead, slipped to my earlobes and neck, lingered on my lips, tongues  dueling for mastery, licking from jaw to throat. where he left a pomegranate kiss. I watched him glide, ice on glass down my body. When I moaned at particularly sensitive areas, he lingered. I watched Danny’s melon ass on TV as it descended my prone body. It was a feedback loop;  I saw Danny’s full naked body while he explored not me but me: me on the bed and me on the screen. The watching was both distracting and arousing.

Danny continued silent and intent. He continued around my navel, and then like a minnow, darted for each of my nipples, tugging on them with his teeth, then homing back to where he was. My cock struck the underside of his chin, which surprised him, but it now became the target of his attention. I squirmed as lips, tongue and teeth tap danced on my dick. Too soon, way too soon, my ready rod was abandoned for the twins below. I was happy that I had shaved before the date because Danny slurped each nut into his mouth like fresh oysters. I looked up at the TV; I was flushed from face to upper chest, which glistened under a sheen of perspiration. I had seen in porn movies the flush of sex, but this was the first I saw it on me.

Danny abandoned the scrotum with a pull from his teeth. for my thighs and my anal ring in a waltz of ¾ time. I screamed “Fuck me” Danny casually raised his head, licking from hole to glans, and smiled slightly. He resumed his journey on my body, kissing the hollow behind the knee--the pleasure surprised me. Downward went my intrepid traveler, around an ankle, and ending with my big toe in his mouth.  Danny slid to kneeling, my toes still in his mouth. His face had all the charm and seduction of the snake’s when talking to Eve. “Are you feeling good?” Danny asked.

My mind had to refocus on language, “Shit, yes. I want you in me so bad.”

“Not bad enough.” He jumped off the bed, saying “Not bad enough. You will be pleading.” From the drawer of the nightstand with the didlo on it he pulled out what looked like a microphone, until he turned it on. “On your stomach, arms and legs spread out.”  I turned my chest down. I realized that there was a mirror in the headboard angled to see the TV. Danny sat on my buttock, his balls and cock lay against my back as he gently ran the vibrator across the top of my head and the down my spine, lingering on each muscle of my back. “Keep doing this,” I said, “I will be too relaxed to get hard.”

“Don’t fret, this is the calm before the storm.” Danny slid the vibrator into my armpit as he whispered in my ear. “I’ll create lighting.”

He massaged both buttocks until they quivered like a fat man’s belly at a dirty joke. He guided the vibrater down the back of one leg and onto the sole of my foot. I giggled and tried to pull my foot away because it tickled. He moved the vibrator to the other foot starting to ascend, singing softly

Hush, little Timmy, don't say a word,

Danny’s gonna buy you a Mockingbird.

And if that mockingbird don't sing,

Danny's gonna buy you a penis ring.

And if that penis ring turns to brass,

Danny's gonna buy you a dildo for your ass.

And if that dildo gets all bent,

Danny's gonna buy you an electro set

And if that electro set won't chug,

Danny's gonna buy you anal plug.

And if that anaus plug will not hold,

Danny's gonna buy cuffs of solid gold.

And if those cuffs begin to chaff,

Danny's gonna buy you a nobby shaft.

And if that shafts does not the trick,

Danny’s going to give you his hungry dick.

I wanted to laugh but the vibrator was now between my sack and my hole. “Fuck, that feels like Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. I might cum.”

“Not allowed,” Danny said, as he moved the vibrator back to my butt with exploratory missions to my hole. He crawled off me. “Turn over, don’t want the nipples complaining of neglect to the ass.” He positioned himself between my legs, his dick as hard as mine. He leaned in to kiss me softly on  the lips, aggressively on the nipples. “Having fun yet?” The smile was wicked.

“God yeah, …” but it was stopped by the vibrator gently brushing my lips.

“No more words. I want only gasps of pleasure.” Danny said as the vibrator moved along side my throat across my chest to my left nipple going around and then teasing the tip. I thought I would shoot right then, but I had forgotten my right nipple, which is even more sensitive. He stopped to kiss me again and reached into the drawer taking out what looked like yellow rubber bottle caps. I started to ask, but he held a gentle finger against my lips. “Snake bite suckers,” Danny laughed as he squeezed on and placed it on my left nipple, then my right. I swear they pulled my nippled into a black hole. “Gonna make your nipples extra sensitive for later.” he said as the vibrator moved down my chest onto my cock. Danny was a master cock teaser: played around my crown, up and down my shaft, against my balls. Then he took both our penises and held them tight, his only slightly longer. He ran the vibrator along both. I was sure he had a third hand because he was able to massage our balls too. Honey dew beaded on the tip of my cock. Danny stopped everything to lay beside me.

I gasped as I began to deflate. “What the fuck. You stop now!”

Danny just laughed, “First course.” flicking one the snake bite suckers. “How does that feel?”

“What feel, the ping on those suckers?”


“I didn’t like it at first it hurt, but now my nips feel like Pamela Anderson’s”

“How would you know how women’s nipple feels like?” It was asked as a curiosity.

I laughed into Danny’s neck, “Don’t, gold star here.”

“I tried it,” Danny replied, “Far prefer men. If I were sent to a female prison, guess I’d fuck women. Far more fun to play with guys. More fun to play with you.”
“Yeay, desperate and very, very hony might do a woman.” I paused, “in the dark and she had a strap-on.”

“Met your limits yet?” Danny sincerely asked.

“Hell no, bring it on.” I was hard, horny and willing to explore.

Danny laughed. “Ready for the main course?”

“First course made me damn hungry.”

Danny just smiled and put the vibrator away and pulled out anal beads, three sets, and a purple clear plastic ring. He lubed the first and smallest anal bead and slide in me like slicing water. I moaned as it hit pleasure spots inside. Danny smiled at my pleasure and asked if I wanted more. I was no fool and nodded yes as he slipped the second size in. I squirmed to jostle the beads inside around. Then came the third, which he left inside while he threw the two used ones in a large ashtray on the bedside stand, reaching in the drawer, pulling out a cock shaped dildo, with enlarged head and prominent veins. He greased and gently inserted it to join the anal beads. I moaned at the dual sensations then gasp as the dildo slowly vibrated.

“Fucking shit,” I screamed as multiple sensations shot through me. But Danny was not done because he took the purple cockring and wraped it around the base of my ball sack and my penis. He leaned over my now blood filled cock, making sure his chest scraped along cock and chest, to kiss me.  Sensory overload.

Danny sat back up and laid his head by my hips. We watched the dildo slide in and out and my small quakes of pleasure. He tilted his head over me and started deep throating my dick, pre-cum oozing like an overripe pear. “I’m going to cum.”

Danny stopped, “Not yet, Timothy. Not just yet.”

“You're a sick sadistic bastard,” I yelled. He pulled me askant on the bed

“So true,” he acknowledged with a smirk. He turned up the tempo of the dildo, grabbed a condom, and slid it on my dick. “No limits Timothy.” he said as he lowered himself onto me. “Now watch us fuck.” he demanded and pointed to the TV. It was the hottest porn video I had ever seen: The dildo shaking, my balls quivering, and amazingly Danny jerking himself as he matched the vibrations of the dildo.

“Cumming soon,” Danny said as I watched perspiration drip from his forehead to run down his smooth chest and gather in a wet sponge of pubic hair. Quickly, he pulled out the anal balls causing me to gasp and reflex my hips into his ass causing him to gasp. I watched it all, like a ballet. I even thought I heard Daphne and Chloe orgasmic strains playing to the action. Danny did a quick pivot to face me, torquing the head of my cock. He deftly released the cockring and blood and sperm flowed freely from the dam. I arched repeatedly, Danny riding like a rodeo start. I spasmed repeatedly; Danny spasmed repeatedly, cum flying like bees from a hive. It went everywhere. Some landed on my lips, which I enjoyed licking, frosting from a birthday cake. Danny turned off the vibrattor and pulled it out--I had lost a friend--and he collapsed on top of me, my dick still inside, and his ejaculate leaking down my side. He was breathing heavily, but then so was I. We rested, the picture of spent love. I glanced at the TV, regretting that we did not tape it.

Danny pulled himself up off of me, sperm creating threaded links between us. He rolled off me and removed the condom from my limp penis. “Dessert,” he smiled. He drizzled some of my cum into my mouth and the rest into his. “Tre leche,” he said, licking his lips. I was too exhausted to reply; just content to let Danny nuzzle into my neck.

Interlude 1

Although I was still drained from the sex with Danny, I slide down and started to mouth his dick. “No not yet.” He smiled gently when he pulled me up for a kiss, His smiles were enticing and mysterious, like he knew the secrets of the universe and was waiting for me to discover them. I think I discovered some of them with our last episode--sex can be mind blowing if you let another who cares be in control. I mean the toys were very nice, they sure intensified the pleasure, but it was Danny who managed their use to give me the pleasure. It was not selfish, although he did bang out a good one at the end. Sex is about people connecting.

I did a quick glance at the TV, I was held protectively by one of Danny’s arms while the other gently stroked mine. My head was on his shoulder while his head was resting in my hair. I saw our bodies fully exposed and vulnerable, him full prone, me on my side, flakes of dried white cum on our chests. Out penises lay soft and sated facing each other, almost touching like God and Adam’s fingers in the Sistine Chapel. It was beautiful. I smiled; we were beautiful. I dozed off.

“Wake up,” Danny gently whispered in my ear. “Let’s shower, grab something to eat and drink before you pleasure me.” He slapped my ass hard as he rolled out of bed running toward the bathroom. I ran after him, trying to grab his butt, but he was lithe and quick. We just laughed like giddy schoolboys.

While the shower came to temp, I carefully examined his Prince Albert with my tongue. The shower had a thermostat that Danny set to high. When we first entered, steam billowed out like early morning fog. The shower had a steam setting, and a bench long enough to lay on. We lay side by side on the narrow bench, hand slipping over our perspiration drenched bodies. Sometime I wanted sex in a steam sauna. Danny grunted as we jostled to get off the bench without one or both of us on the floor. It ended up I was ass down on the floor. Danny apologized and standing we kissed, our sweat mingling into a river at our feet. Danny turned off the steam and on the shower, It was a cool shock against my skin, but restorative. The shower was decadent with a rainforest heat, three directional jets and a handheld massager. Danny knew how to use them for more than just a simple shower. Danny forced me to sit on the bench. He took out shampoo and gently washed my hair, every so often using the handheld to massage my body. It was heaven; it was sensual; it was foreplay. The bodywash lathered in a cloth, soft on one side, rough on the other, Danny had me stand while he washed, more played with cleaning me, rough soft interplayed on my niples and groin. The scent was the same as Danny always smelled, I was being bathed in him, we shared the same, not just bodies but smell. I felt like he and I were one as we wove our bodies in falling water,, lubricating lather, and scents of musk and sandalwood. Danny kissed me gently on my neck. “Time to get out before we turn into salmon.”  I pulled Danny in closer to delay, but he slipped away to rinse us one last time and stepped from the shower  pulling me with him. I was curiously aroused but also sated. Danny dried me off, as I him. Danny pulled a bottle of lotion from the cabinet, putting some in both our hands. He spread it slowly across my chest, back, and all my entire body. I did the same for him. The lotion was warming and tasted like Christmas; it created a thin sheen on our bodies; it

He knelt and rimmed me. “I always like the taste of a just showered man,” he said, talking into my posterior.

I laughed and then moaned as his tongue hit delicate spots. “Ready to have me?” I asked eagerly. “I am yours to do with as you want.”

“I know,” he quietly replied, “All of you is mine for the taking as I wish.” He stood up and kissed me gently, The damp flavor of my ass lingered on his lips. “I will, but first I need something to eat..” He slapped my ass harder than necessary. “Living room now and sit.”

“”Yes sir,” I snapped back.

“We’ll repast on wine and cheese.”

I sat on the black leather sofa and slid because of the lotion; it felt like quicksilver. Danny placed a tray of assorted cheeses, crackers and a bottle of red wine with two glasses on the coffee table. He grabbed the remote and soft music enveloped the room; he pushed another button and fireplace flickered to life, and then he hit a third, lights dimmed to faint glows. He handed me a glass of wine as he sat nexts to me, pulling me close. “To us and further delights.” We clinked glasses and kissed.

“The guy who owns this place, doesn’t mind you raiding for food and wine?” It broke the mood, but I was very curious.

“Nay, Brad’s l cool, He’s a tech guy, hence all the remotes and sound system. The wine is mine, My mom buys it for me as a gift to Brad, when I stay over.”

“How often do you stay over?” I had a faint fear that Brad and Danny were a couple and since Brad was out of town, Danny played. I was not sure I liked that.

“Few times a month.” Danny looked at me. “And no, we are not a couple. I mean we do enjoy sex together, but it is not often. He brings guys home all the time to play.”

“Do you play with them?” I asked, more curious than worried.

“Yeah sometimes, usually not.” Danny kissed me. “We respect each other’s space.” Danny kissed me again on my right nipple. “I like the taste of you Timothy.” He said as he licked from navel to throat. He took a small sip of wine and then leaned into a kiss. His wine flowed into my mouth, where he swirled it around with his tongue until I swallowed. “Want to dance,” Danny asked, placing our wine glass on the table and pulling me up.

He gathered me into a tight embrace so our lotioned skin slipped against each other frictionless but firing contact nerve endings. Our penises were both erect against each other's abdomen, Danny smiled and leaned back, grinding our pelvises into each other, sending flames between our torches. We did not really dance as much as  sway together.

“I like this,” I whispered, “I like this alot.”

“Good, I do too.” Danny pulled away. “Let’s go to bed.” I nodded.

Danny hit one button on the remote and the living room went dark and silent. Danny grabbed my hand leading me in the dark. I banged my shin on the coffee table and swore.

The TV was still on in the bedroom displaying an empty bed with crumpled sheets--untold story of what happened or a promise for more. I threw myself on the bed and rolled to the center, splaying myself out for the camera and for Danny. Danny did not crawl into bed. He stood on the bed, his legs each side of my hips like the Colossus of Rhodes--divine Apollo. He slowly lowered himself until he was kneeling, his ass a bun to my hotdog. He pulled my legs together and my arms to my side. He bent to cover me with his body, moving in a slow frottage.

“I need you to fuck me,” I said. “You promised to use me for your pleasure. I mean after what you did to me.”

“Do not worry,” Danny licked my earlobe. God I loved that. “I want you to bring me to the seventh heaven.” He rolled off of me, pulling a sheet over both of us. “But now we sleep.”

“You’re fucking kidding me.” I hit him in the shoulder. “I got a hard on that could split rock.” I was pissed.

“I know,” he whispered in my ear. “I do too.” He nipped at my neck. “But what I want from you will require you rested, sweet Timothy, mon paramour,” Danny rolled onto his side, butt toward me. His last words as he turned off the lights in the room, leaving only the TV on showing us as shadows in the sheets.

I was so horny and frustrated that I was three breathes from raping Danny, but I turned onto my side, My butt against Danny’s. Danny gave a small chuckle. Damn him.

Next: Chapter 3

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