Timothy and the Lion Boy

Published on Aug 23, 2022


Timothy and the Lion Boy Chapter 9

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Works of fiction are all fantasies about other people's lives. Those lives have their own trajectory of wants and needs, actions and reactions, hopes and despairs. Fiction allows us, the reader, to share their paths, vicariously, without personal consequence. We do not need to approve or disapprove of their actions because it is their lives. Our role is to bare witness and take what we find relevant to ourselves.

This story is intended for adults who like homotropic erotica. Erotica is more about the journey to sexual fulfillment than the event itself. All erotica is aimed for those 18 and older.

© 2020 Boethius Cell


Timothy and the Lion Boy--9 New Years Tears

“Colder than a witch’s tit.” I turned to look at the voice in the elevator that Danny and I just entered. It was the last day of December in Chicago so that statement was more than obvious. The speaker was an attractive black man in his mid twenties. Next to him was a pale blonde, maybe an inch or two shorter at likely 6 feet.

“Can’t rightly say,” I grinned at the man, “Never had a tit much less a witch’s tit.”

The man looked at me and laughed, “Yeah me too, name’s Ezekial or Zek. My friend is Grant.”

“Hi I’m Timothy and this is my boyfriend Danny.” We shook hands and bro hugs. Zek was eyeing us like he was at a pastry counter. I was no one’s snack. “Danny is my bitch.”

Zek looked at me and laughed. It was loud, pleasant, and from deep in his lungs. “Good for you Timothy, Grant’s my bitch.” He moved closer to me, put one arm on my shoulder, and grinned. “Got to keep our bitches in line at Brad’s parties.” Zek gave a knowing wink. “I’ve heard about Danny.” Zek gave a smile like he was biting the inside of his check. “You have your hands full.” He took his hand off my shoulder and snapped his fingers. “Bitch strip.” Grant hesitated for a moment and then undressed. His very pale skin was devoid of any hair. His niples were pierced and he had a black leather cock ring that displayed his more than adequate equipment. Zek looked at me in challenge.

“Slave display.” Danny grinned at me, up for the challenge, and immediately undressed. After folding his clothes, he knelt and kissed my feet, “Thank you master. I am yours to command.” He stood, chest out and hands behind his back. His nipples rings glinted in the elevator light as did his Prince Albert through the cock cage. He looked straight ahead toward the door; no smile on his face, but I could feel his inward grin.

“Shit,” Zek said, “I’m impressed. I think Grant needs to learn a few more tricks.” Zek looked at me for permission before he gently fingered the cage. “How long has been locked up?”

“Five days.” I smiled with a full set of teeth, “Because of the holidays and visiting his parents, I have been kind and let him out.” I looked at Grant, who was half hard. “With your permission Zek, my slave would like to edge your boy.” I continue in a softer voice. “Get them both into the party spirit.”

“Like your thinking.” Zek laughed as I flicked a finger from Danny to Grant. “I think we will be friends.” Zek placed his arm back on my shoulder, watching Danny’s mouth ball deep on Grant.

The elevator door opened, Danny did not stop sucking but Grant pulled away.  Zek and I stepped out of the elevator; Grant followed, then Danny still on his knees. “Stand.” Danny stood. I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out a thick black collar, snapped it around Danny’s neck, and then padlocked it. “If you are good, I may take your cage off tonight.” I snapped a leash on Danny’s collar and we strolled down the hallway to Brad’s condo.

Grant was whining at Zek to let him dress. I heard Zek snap, “Shut up bitch, you’re making me look bad. Danny and I waited at Brad’s door for Zek and a pissed off Grant. I rang the bell.

I rang the bell again. Brad answered. “Timothy, Danny, so happy you made it.” He gave us both a hug, and then looked at Zek. “Hey man, see you’re here with your bitch. Nice to see you Grant.” Brad eyed the naked Grant. “Looking good man. Almost as good as my man Danny.” Brad ushered us in. The noise of conversation stopped as several men stopped to look at the new arrivals. “Whose idea was this?” Brad said as he grabbed both Danny and Grant’s cocks.

“Zek’s. He wanted to show how obedient Grant was.” I gave Zek a friendly punch on the shoulder. “I could not refuse the challenge.”

“Timothy won that round,” Zek said as he punched my shoulder back. “Had his bitch naked and deep throating mine in the elevator and then walked proud and nude down the hallway.”

Brad’s grin at me told me that I did well. I was sure that there was a story between Zek and Brad. “Never underestimate my man Timothy. He may be young, but he has the balls of a man thrice his age.” He gave me a hug. “Let me take your coats.” He twitched his eyebrows, “and anything else you want to shed. I have something just perfect for the bare assed boys.”  He slapped Grant on the ass. Grant jumped and scowled. “Make yourself at home. Beer in fridge, mixed drinks in the kitchen.”

I saw Lance and headed toward him. “Danny, get me a scotch and soda, light on the scotch and you a soda.” Danny trotted off to the kitchen.

Zek turned to Grant, “Get me a beer and you water.”

“Fuck you Zek.” Grant said as he left for the kitchen.

“Fucking damn Timothy, how’d you train your bitch. Mine still is rebellious. Although the punishment part is fun.”

“Didn’t need to train him. Have a Master doing it for me. Danny is in college in Michigan. Found a Master who is helping Danny find his limits.”

“Maybe I need one of those to help. But I am enjoying the training.”  He pulled me closer as we walked into the room. “For Grant this is just a game. For me it is too. It is not a lifestyle like for you and Danny.” If only Zek knew the warped dynamics of our relationship.

“Danny is special to me; he is my boyfriend first. I try to keep him happy.” I could not help but keep the bitterness out of my tone. Danny giving blowjobs in elevators to strangers is not my ideal of an equal caring relationship. But for Danny’s well-being, I will do what I must.

“Hey Timothy,” Lance said as he hugged and french kissed me. “No leathers tonight.” I was in new skinny jeans, which accented my butt and package, and a yellow, red and black print shirt. I left two buttons open. “It’s been awhile.” Zek wandered off to greet friends.

“Our schedules have been so opposite. But I would like to after the first of the year.”

“Dinner, movie and fuck?”

I ran my finger along his lips. “Maybe just a fuck.” Danny handed me my drink. “Danny, this is Lance, Brad’s cousin. You might remember him from Halloween.” Danny nodded but said nothing. “Lance and I have fucked around a bit.”

“Toured the world in less than eight minutes. You are one of the best fuckers I’ve ever had. But,” Lance looked me in the eyes. “You are one of the smartest and nicest people I know. I really want to get to know you better and see what develops.” Lance totally ignored Danny. I leaned closer to Lance. I might have wanted to pursue that possibility if my heart were not tethered to Danny.

“This is for Dans.” Brad interrupted and put a black bowtie around Danny’s neck. “And this is for you.” He handed me a hat and party blower tickler. I blew and the tip expanded to barely hit Danny’s right nipple. “This might be fun.” We all needed to experiment, using Danny’s nipples as targets. “You going to let Danny use the sling? A few guys have asked.”

“If Danny is a good boy, I told him that I would uncage him. If he is even better, he can use the sling.” Our entire conversation was as if Danny were not present. It hurt me to exclude him but this is the life that Danny wanted. But not the life I wanted. I shivered at the thought. Was I willing to let Danny go for my own happiness if it meant Danny spiraling down a deep hole. Would love be enough? I looked at Lance. Was he the man that I deserved, that I could love, that could love me back, that I could build a true relationship with. I shivered again. Lance put his arm around me thinking I was cold. I wanted to melt into him, but I had Danny’s leash still in my hand. I knew I loved Danny, and in his warped way he did me. I pulled Danny to my side. Whispering in his ear, I said, “I love you.” Danny smiled. No winter wind, not pelting snow, no treacherous ice could withstand that smile. This was the Danny I love, the Danny free from the need to find his limits, the limits to his quest to prove he could take the pain and humiliation.  I took off Danny’s collar and unlocked his cage. “Can you be my boyfriend tonight, not my slave?” Danny looked at me and nodded shyly, then blushed when he realized he was naked. Slave Danny had no problems being naked anywhere, but free Danny had pride and self-esteem. A slave was never humiliated by the request of his master because his being was to serve the master, there was no room for ego. I told Danny to find his clothes.

“You and Danny have one of the most fucked up relationships I have ever seen,” Lance said. The comment was not condemning but sympathetic. “I can tell that you are not into the master/slave scene like Danny is.” He pulled me close to his chest. “I know that you love him but you cannot destroy your own soul for him.” I wanted to cry. “Just know that I am here, as a friend when you need me.”

“Sir,” It was Grant. “Can I talk to you in private?”

Lance released me from the warmth of his embrace. I wanted to cling to him, but Lance pushed me away. “Envious that hot naked man wants you.”

I led Grant to the spare bedroom, which was not occupied with men fucking, yet. “What can I do for you?” I sat on the bed. Grant sat next to me. He was one nice looking man that I might like to fuck.

“Zek, wants you to train me to be obedient like Danny.” Grant did not look at me when he said this, his hand balled and unballed.

“Do you want to be a slave like Danny?”

“Yes, Zek wants it.”

“I asked if you want it. Danny wants to be my slave. He is my slave by his choice.” I grabbed Grant’s hands, the nervous movement annoyed me. “Is this what you want?”

Grant looked up at me, searching my face for a trick answer. “No,” he said, uncertain if I would be mad. “I mean I like the bondage, sometimes, and the fucking is out of the world, but I don’t want to give up myself.”

“Have you discussed your limits with Zek?” I felt that what Zek wanted was not what Grant wanted from the relationship. “Are you in Zek fuck buddies, friends, or lovers?” I asked, suddenly needing to know that dynamic. Danny and I were lovers; I would never allow myself to harm Danny, but would Zek respect limits.

“I don’t know,” Grant answered. “Zek is great in my ass; he knows how to fuck. But we don’t kiss except after he has cum.” Grant sat still evaluating his relationship with Zek. “I think that I am a good hole for him. Which is not bad because I enjoy being his hole. But I do not want to be his bitch. What happened in the elevator was way out of my comfort level. But that is what Zek wants--total obedience like Danny does for you.”

“You are not Danny. Danny obeys me because he wants to. If he would tell me no. I would respect that and I would stop. I love Danny and being my slave makes Danny happy.” Grant nodded in understanding. “You are not Danny. Be yourself. Know your limits. It is good to experiment to learn what you like, but do not go beyond your limits for anyone else.”

“Thanks,” Grant said as he stood, “this helps a lot. I’m going to dress, talk to Zek.” At the door he turned to me and with a small laugh added. “I may need a ride home.”

I sat morosely on the bed, Why is it easier to give advice than to take it? I returned to the party. I spotted Danny talking to Brad and a man I had never met. Danny was fully dressed in tight black jeans that supported his succulent ass and a tight leather shirt. He was definitely the hottest man in the room. I joined them. Danny was talking to Brad and Gus, a solidly built Hispanic man who was barely 5’ 7” and 120 pounds. Danny was discussing his work at the Lincoln Park Zoo. He was animated, confident, and my boyfriend. I joined them, put an arm around Danny’s hip and pulled him close to me. He smiled at me but kept talking.

“What did you say to my bitch?” I looked up to find Zek staring at me, chest to chest.  I firmly took the palm of my hand and pushed him away. “You were to convince him to be my bitch like Danny is yours.” Little of the anger fled from Zek, but he was out of my personal space.

“Danny is my bitch, when he wants to be my bitch. He decides if he will obey me or not. He decides what limits our play when he is my slave. I respect his limits and he controls what we do.” Zek took another step forward. I pushed him back. “Grant does not want to be a slave. He does not trust you to respect his limits.”

“Danny did what you commanded in the elevator. He did not even hesitate, so don’t tell me that he is in control.”

“Dude,” Danny spoke up, “I trust Timothy 100 percent. He would never order me to do something I would be uncomfortable doing. And you man set the challenge when you told Grant to strip. I was not going to let some what-to-be  master show us what true obedience is. Timothy knows that about me, so he commanded what I wanted. And sucking Grant’s cock was just a bonus.” Danny had moved himself in front of me ready to protect me. “Timothy and my relationship comes from love and respect, not power. Yours and Grant’s comes from you wanting power. If Grant does not want to be your bitch, he is free to walk away.” I was so proud of my Danny at that moment.

Zek huffed and stormed off. Brad met Zek at the door to the condo with Zek’s coat. The room was silent as everybody watched the heated exchange. After Zek left, everybody burst into applause. Grant came over. “Thank you guys.” Grant hugged both of us. “I want to finish what we started in the elevator. Danny does good head.” Danny grinned assent. “I guess I need to find a ride home.” Grant stepped away from us “I will need a ride home to Hinsdale. If anyone is heading that way later, let me know.” Several hands went up, Grant went off to meet them. I was certain that a few would drive miles out of the way to spend time with Grant.

At 10:30, Brad turned on the TV so everyone could watch the ball drop in New York, which is an hour ahead of Chicago. The local station was to broadcast live fireworks when New Years hit in Chicago, but it allowed us an extra hour of celebration. A couple of guys, shirtless or nude, joined the group in the living room. They had been enjoying Brad’s sling. Brad and Danny passed out party hats, rather ghastly tiaras, noise makers and sparkling wine. We counted down with Ryan Seacrest and Dick Clark in New York’s Time Square as the ball fell. At the New York midnight, Danny kissed me, said he loved me and we blew our horns like everyone else. After a commercial the local station started the Chicago celebration. A knock at the door ushered in a man dressed in a diaper and another in a long robe and a very fake beard. Brad was pleased they could make the party in time, he kissed both on the lips. The one dressed as the Old Year quipped that they were time. Again we counted down with more sparkling wine. Midnight sounded. Like swirling glitter, everyone kissed and groped everyone ready to fuck in the New Year.

Danny grabbed my hand and pulled me urgently into Brad’s bedroom closet and his sling. “I want you to fuck me bare, fill me with cum.” How could I refuse the offer. “Then let me be fucked by any and all.” What could I say; how could I refuse Danny when I had my eye on Grant, Lance, and a few others for play time. Since New Years fell on Saturday and we would spend the night at Brad’s, I felt no need for restraint. I was nineteen and horny.

Danny had well lubed himself after removing the large butt plug he wore. I slid in, whispering that I loved him and for a happy New Year. Fucking Danny in a sling was intense because the sling’s movement gave me greater control of my orgasm. I edged myself, pulled on Danny’s nipple, played with his Prince Albert, while hitting his P spot every chance I got. Guys had gathered around to watch, but refrained from joining, knowing that this was not a simple fuck. Danny had cuffed his arms to the chain by his head and was unable to pump his cock. Taking that responsibility as mine, my hand slid up and down Danny’s shaft in time to my pumping, stopping when I did, prolonging the sensations and the anticipation. At full stride, I plowed Danny’s golden canal, banging his ass until the sling and Danny’s head hit the wall, which was padded (Brad learned the practicality the hard way). Screaming obscenities amidst I love you Danny, I climaxed. Hoover Dam collapsing with turbulent cascades of spunk. Danny came when I did, much to the appreciation of the audience, to a string of obscenities that counterpointed mine. Licking the last few drops of cum from Danny’s pizzle, I pulled out breathless from the exertion.  

“He is all yours.” I grinned at Brad who was standing behind me. “Just leave enough ass so that I can have breakfast in the morning.”

Brad moved into position right after me, host’s privilege, placed a box of condoms on Danny’s cum covered chest, and entered Danny enthusiastically.  “Second best ass in town.” He said. I wondered who was the first best.

I moved into the living room where three guys were fucking on the floor and Lance and Grant were sixty-nining on the sofa. I went to the kitchen and fixed myself a drink. Returning to the living room, the three guys were taking a break and smoking pot. I joined them, took a few hits, but had to pee. In the bathroom, Gabriel, whom I meet at a few of Brad’s parties. Was naked in the bathtub covered in piss. What the hell, I thought, so I pissed on him, which he drank and reveled in. Not my scene but who am I to judge considering what Danny and I have done.

I glanced in at Danny, who was loving every second his ass was plundered. I nodded to Brad, who was keeping an eye on my man. I returned to the living room and Grant and Lance had me join them on the sofa. We explored the multiple ways that three can fuck, with the occational addition of a forth or fifth.

By 3:30 I was tapped out and dozing ass up on Lance’s chest and dick across Grant’s face. Barely aware, I was entered, the cock felt familiar in my fuzzy head. I could feel the cock was barebacking me. I turned in alarm to see Danny huffing himself in my posterior. A laid back on Lance’s chest and enjoyed the best fuck of the night.

Muddled and slightly hungover, I awoke in bed between Brad and Danny. “The best ass ever,” Brad said as he wormed inside me. I groaned as he filled me and started pumping, not frantic, but like a lazy stream heading toward a waterfall. Danny woke, glanced over his shoulder at Brad and me, and grinned. I found Danny’s wet spot, or rather he found my faucet, and moved onto my spigot. Brad picked up his pace, forcing me into Danny, who pushed back in counter rhythm. What a great way to start the new year. Brad turned frantic, Danny turned maniacal as he forced my cock against his prostate. Three screams ripped through the air. “Fuck”, “Fuck”, “Fuck,” we harmonized as we climaxed. Both collapsed in a puddle against me. Brad nuzzled my neck. “Shower time then brunch.” We weakly tumbled out of bed, shuffling toward the shower like elephants trunk to tail.

In the shower, we languorously washed each other, in no hurry to clean. Brad’s soap, a mix of mint and musk lathering our nether regions, brought us hard again. Brad’s shower had multiple heads and settings. He set the two handhelds to pulse to bring Danny and me to a climax. Brad fucked us both, leaving a token deposit in Danny. With the pulse still on he washed the spunk off of us and down the drain--a total waste of spunk. Once out we toweled each other off, dressed and went to a massive brunch at a local restaurant. We all ate enough for three.

Back at Brad’s condo, we watched a little of the parade, but I and Danny needed to head home. So we said our goodbyes. I promised Brad I would text him during the week to make plans. Danny said he was not sure when he would be back to Chicago. So we parted, sated, sober, and sore.

Once out of the parking area for Brad’s condo, Danny became very quiet. I saw a slight tremor in his hand. “What is wrong, Danny Boy?” I asked with concern.

“I saw you and Lance together.” Danny said quietly. I said nothing waiting for a bout of jealousy. “He is really into you. He would like to try to make a relationship with you.”

“No way.” I snorted.

“No, I think you should. I am not good enough for you. You are too kind and try to make me happy when it makes you miserable. I know the relationship we have now is not what you want.”

“True,” I did not feel I could lie, “but that does not make me love you less. You are the only person that I think I will ever love.”

Danny gave a derisive laugh, “You are an idiot Timothy. Your heart's too big for you not to find love. I do not know why I crave the pain, humiliation and abuse. Last night, as I was gang fucked, I hated every moment but could not say stop. Something in me wanted to prove I was strong enough to take it. So I did.”

“If I had known, I would not have allowed it.” Deep waves of guilt flooded me like a monsoon rain. “I am so sorry that I did not stop it. Every time I checked you were moaning in pleasure, that you now say was pain. You need psychological help.”

“I was seeing a therapist at the school’s health center, but the idiot would only believe that my desire for self-immolation was repressed abuse suffered as a child.”

“Yes, an idiot. You can find another. Don’t return to school. Stay here with your parents and get help. I will not abandon you.”

“I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to lose you, but I also want to set you free before I self-destruct the both of us.”
“Please, Danny stay here. School will wait. Please.” I was in tears pleading with Danny to stay, but I was sure I was crying for naught.

“I’ll think about it. I will need to head back by tomorrow morning since I have a late afternoon class.” Danny pulled up to my house; I got out. Danny did not, so I walked over to the driver’s window, forcing him to roll it down. “I love Danny, please stay.” I kissed him. He did not respond. Reluctantly, I went inside, where I watched Danny pull away.

Monday, Danny texted me that he made it safe back to school. I texted his roommate, Sean asking him to keep a close eye on Danny.

Next: Chapter 17

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