Timothy and the Lion Boy

Published on Aug 23, 2022


Timothy and the Lion Boy Chapter 8

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Works of fiction are all fantasies about other people's lives. Those lives have their own trajectory of wants and needs, actions and reactions, hopes and despairs. Fiction allows us, the reader, to share their paths, vicariously, without personal consequence. We do not need to approve or disapprove of their actions because it is their lives. Our role is to bare witness and take what we find relevant to ourselves.

This story is intended for adults who like homotropic erotica. Erotica is more about the journey to sexual fulfillment than the event itself. All erotica is aimed for those 18 and older.

© 2020 Boethius Cell


Timothy and the Lion Boy--8 Normal Quiet

Winter came blustering over Lake Michigan like it was the ghost of halloween. Snow had not yet piled at the door like uncollected mail. But the cold killed lazy conversations outside coffee shops. People walked brisker, heads tucked into parkas, seeking islands of warmth. A dust of snow came and went with the broom of morning sun. Yet no one overtly grumbled knowing worse was yet to come.

My life settled into the rhythm of the weather, running from class build to class building, visiting Ben, Crystal, and Horse. Staying occasionally at Brad’s for a party. Sleeping with Bruce, Robert (guy from school--hot but very casual) and Chris, a new friend, an artist and exotic. My weekly calls with Danny were good. His dorm mates were sexually satisfied; therefore, so was Danny. Master Tank was helping Danny explore the more aggresive side of sex within the limits Danny set. Actually, I set them and Danny agreed. He was doing well at college, excelling in the sciences. He was volunteering at a small petting zoo. The animals helped him focus on a future.

Thanksgiving rumbled in like a circus train. Danny was home looking healthy, the skin was not sallow, and he had gained weight. He seemed happy: smiling and laughing. More encouraging, he was telling me how the holiday would play out. He was telling me. Thanksgiving with my parents, the next two days with his. Saturday at Brad’s, for a party, and Sunday leisurely fucks before he headed back to school. He even scheduled morning study time at the library to work on papers due before the Christmas Break. The plan worked for me.

Before Brad’s party, I unlocked Danny from chastity. His room mate had a copy of the key and unlocked Danny on Saturday so that he could clean himself properly. Urine collected in the crevices. Then he was sent to Master Tank for training uncaged and returned caged. I handed the cage to Danny. “Here take this with you back to school. I am not going to cage you.” I looked at him sternly, “But if you feel the need, you can cage yourself. And Master Tank can cage you too. I trust him with your well-being.”

I was in weekly conversations with Dale Bledsoe, AKA Master Tank. He was a very nice guy. I liked him. He saw his relationship with Danny as Master/Boy not Master/Slave. He was not out to abuse and degrade but to help lost young men develop character, sexual awareness, and moral fiber. That he used a whip and paddles was just a perk of the job.

Danny took the cage, carefully inspecting it. “Thank you Timothy. I will honor your trust and love.” I received one of the best kisses of my life, not from a technical analysis but from the emotional force.

“I trust and love you Danny,” I whispered as I nibbled on his ear.

“Sir?” Danny asked hesitantly, “may I play in the sling tonight.”

“Danny, why are you asking me?”

“I,” Danny faltered looking for words. “I do not want you thinking that…” He looked at the ground, “Fuck, you know that I still yearn to be beaten and abused. Behaving and being vanilla is torture.” He looked at me. “But I also know that that behavior is self-destructive. And more important to me, hurts you. I love you and I want to make you proud, but it is so difficult. Master Tank understands and punishes me, severely, when I disrespect myself and you. But I so desperately need the abuse. I can't get hard anymore without the pain.” He heaved a couple of heavy sighs. “I know it is fucked up, but that is the way it is.”

At first I was furious at Danny, but it quickly changed to love. Danny was really trying to change. Change is hard; I knew that. From my psychology class I knew that alcoholics were to never have a drink once they swore sobriety, but reality was often pocked with setbacks and recidivism. Did I allow the return to this behavior? But Danny truly needed it; he was miserable. And here I could keep a careful eye on it. “Yes, you can play on the swing, but then the cock cage goes back on until I see you at Christmas. Your choice.” He rolled the metal contraption around in his hands and then handed the cage back to me without a word. I took it saying nothing.

It was the typical Brad party: lots of food, booze, drugs and sex. I threw myself into the maylay with more than usual vigor. Twenty hot naked men with suitable erections and pliable asses, mine one of them. Brad sat down next to me as a man, I think his name was Ralph or Dolph, jizzed down my gullet and then on my face. “Having fun?” Brad squeezed cum off my right cheek and fed it to me. I gathered more ready to drip of my chin and ate it.

“Yea, having a blast--a three times blast and ready for two more.” I pinched an ass that went by. I was well soused and horny.

“Saving some for me, latter?” Brad tweaked my nipple.

“How much later?” I giggled like a ten-year old. “Lots of men and so little time.”

“Danny seems to be a big hit in the sling.” Brad nodded toward the bedroom.

“Yup lots of hits. It’s his thing. He loves the abuse. The harsher, the more brutal the better.” I did not like the anger that came out with the comment.

“Yeah, and not much you can do to stop it or change him.” Brad patted my knee and slid his hand up inside my thigh to a few inches of my sack. “Timothy, you are not responsible for him or his actions. You do not need to prove that you can be just as dangerous and wild as he is. It is not a contest; it is not a game. I know you have had fun tonight. Almost everyone here has enjoyed your hospitality. You are a regular Comfort Inn. But this is not who you are. I love you Timothy, and it pains me to see you hurting. But fucking and sucking anything that moves will not change Danny. He will only think that you had fun and be happy for you. But are you happy for you?”

The alcohol and weed fuzzed my mind, but not enough. “I know what you are saying Brad. But at least tonight, mindless sex, coupius sex, raw animal sex, numbs the pain. Tomorrow I need to say goodbye to Danny not sure if he will ever come back or come back in a box. I need tonight, don’t take it away.” Brad nodded and stood. Another man took his place, turned me sideways and plowed my ass. Sex euphoria filled my hole but not my mind. Once the man was done, I made my way down the hallway to the guest bedroom, my room, and took a shower and dressed in my jeans and sweater. I made my way back into the living room and onto the balcony. It was empty; late November cold and wind swirled around me like the lovers in Dante’s hell. I sat embracing the cold and solitude. I stood at the railing looking down at the lights of the cars moving, jerking from stoplight to stoplight like toys with bad batteries. I looked up at the sky. One star audacious against the city lights, but I was that star alone in the ice air. I felt an arm on my shoulder; I thought it was Brad.

“I want to thank you for tonight,” I turned to see a young man, maybe 20 or 21. “You inspired me to be more open about my sexuality. I’ve been so afraid to be gay, but you showed me how to be proud and open.”

He had the most beautiful brown eyes with flecks of gold. I found myself giggling. “Yeah, enough alcohol and dope give lots of courage.”

He laughed, warming the frigid night air. “I don’t mean all the sex, though that was great too, and I’d like to do it again when we are both more aware. No I mean how confident you stand, how no one here intimidated you or forced you to do anything. You were always in control whether you topped or bottomed, rimed or were rimed, sucked or were sucked. You permitted others to enjoy your body; they did not take it.” His comment hit me strong. This was the difference between Danny and me. Even with Brad that first weekend when I explored my limits. I was always in control, always could say no. Danny has no control; he cannot say no. And there was nothing I could do about that. I could control Danny, but I could not give him control. He had to do it. I shivered.

“Hey, It’s colder than a witch’s tit out here. Let’s go sit by the fire.” He put his arm around my shoulder for guidance and warmth and led me inside.

The fire warmed me and so did the man. He was Evan, an art student at the Chicago Institute. He shared an apartment with two other gay men and one woman. He was twenty-one. His parents lived in Elgin. He was addicted to Ho Hos. He liked science fiction and fantasy. A Lord of the Rings nerd. And so we talked until 2 in the morning when he said he needed to leave. It was only when he stood that I appraised his looks. He was tall, thin to extreme but nicely proportioned, had dark black hair with pink highlights. His skin was pale, almost translucent. His hands were large, long fingered and elegant. His jeans fit loose and were well worn, and the T was graphic, his own design. I walked him to the door, mesmerized. His finger caressed my chin as he angled my head up for a kiss. We had a date for next Friday.

By 3:30 everyone had left. I was helping Brad do the necessary clean up: leftover food covered and in the fridge. “I see you met my cousin Evan” Brad said as he popped a lid on a container of guacamole. “Nice guy. A little shy, but a great heart. He told you he is an artist.” I nodded. “He did the painting in the guest bedroom.”

I knew which one he meant; it was almost an abstract of yellows, browns and a couple of splats of orange. It reminded me of summer and naked men in the sunlight. “I know which one you mean. I’ve always liked it.”

“And you like him too.” Brad gave me a little shove. “I know he likes you; he asked me about you, if you were single.” I stiffened. “I told him your status was undecided.” I glanced toward the bedroom where Danny was still in the sling waiting for someone to tell him to move.

“Yeah, undecided is accurate.” Brad gave me a hug. “Suppose I need to tell my boyfriend that the party is over.”

Brad and I found Danny in a popper haze still tied to the sling. His ass and torso was flaming red with a mass of welts. On top of that was a blanket of cum dried and crusty but some still turning liquid and sliding down his chest and out of his ass. “Thanks boyfriend for letting me have fun tonight.” The words were slurred. We made Danny stand, unsteady. He giggled. “Gona hurt in the morning.” He rubbed his inflamed buttocks , winced and then smiled. We managed to get him into a cool shower and then into the guest room where Brad applied cream to his rump and chest. He kissed me good night and was out. I slept with Brad; his penis inside my hole and his arm around my chest. I felt safe and cared for.

Sunday morning Danny and I did not make the languid, luxurious love he promised. He was in too much pain. By mid morning he was ready to head back to Ann Arbor and school. Brad said he would drive me home, so Danny had no excuse to stay longer. He stood before me and dropped his pants. “Thank you for last night, I needed it. I’m ready for the other part of the bargain. Cage me.”

I lost myself in a fugue. [After Halloween and what Danny forced me to do I became depressed. I was Danny’s master, but really I was Danny’s slave. In an ironic twist I was the one collared to Danny’s needs. While I had control of Danny’s body, he controlled my actions, my soul. I had spoken to my dad about it. His response was simple. “You want Danny to stop being a slave, but are unwilling to do it for yourself. Do you see the problem?”] I set my limits with Danny and looked at Danny.

He handed me the cage. I fingered it and removed the key to it from my neck. I handed both to Danny. “Here you take these and use them as you wish. I decided that I want more to be your boyfriend than your master. I do not want to control you or force you to behave. I do not want to be forced by you to do things I do not want. I want an equal in our relationship. I want someone to share my life with. When you want that let me know.”  Danny looked shocked, confused, and lost all at once. All he said was oh and left. I did not cry or break down. I turned to Brad and suggested we go out for Sunday brunch, my treat. When I got home and saw my mother, I broke and cried into her arms.

Sunday night Danny Skyped to say he made it back to school fine. He asked if I was mad at him for Saturday night. I did not answer at first because I did not know how I felt. I decided I was not mad, disappointed, or hurt. I was tired. “Danny, we are young and a whole future awaits us. This weekend made me realize that we cannot become for the other what we are not. You want and need a master. I cannot not be that for you. It goes against my very nature and my needs.” I want to cry, scream, throw things, but it was a wasted effort. Nothing would change.

“Do you want to break up with me?” Danny’s face spoke of the pain for both of us.

“No.” I shook my head slowly. I did not. “But we are on different trajectories. I care about you Danny, very, very much. It hurts me to watch you abuse yourself, to give yourself to others without regard for your personal safety.”

“Do you want us to be monogamous?”

I was not sure Danny was meant to be forever or that either of us would be a forever. “No, we both like sex too much.” Danny smirked at that. “No, I guess it is our limits. I have found most of mine; you are still searching.” An awkward silence ensued. “I cannot go where you are heading. I cannot . I just cannot.”

“Oh,” The simple sound from Danny said it all for both of us: despair, pain, confusion, anger, hurt and love.

“Need to log off, early class tomorrow. We’ll talk like usual Friday.” Danny was not willing to say good night, but I had said all I could. “I do want there to be an us. Love you.” I hit the close button and Danny flicked out. I should have been despondent over what I saw as the start of the end of our relationship. Danny was my first love. First implied others. I would survive.

Friday night, I connected with Danny on Skype. Sean was with Danny, almost on his lap. “Hey, Timothy.” Sean burbled--I thought he might be high. “Trying something new tonight.” Sean grinned. “Got Danny up my ass.  I mean he likes it so much, thought I would try it. Must admit it gets the sap in the wood flowing.”  Danny leaned from around Sean giving two thumbs up. “Not that it will replace Danny’s ass any time soon. But it sure amps up the juices when you cum.”

“Glad you are exploring your limits. You swearing off utters now and climbing over the fence to greener pastures.”

“No way man. Girls are just better at so many things. Sex with guys is great sex, but I doubt I’m built for any gay relationships.” He lost a moment's concentration as Danny hit a pleasure spot. “Shit that felt good. I just leaked all over the floor. A girl fills more in me than just a hole.”  His eyes lost focus. “Do you mind if I jerk off while we talk.” I could see his hand at the bottom of my screen playing peek-a-boo with the head of his dick.

“Go for it. I’ll enjoy the show.”

“First , Danny has been very good this week. He has made every class, has a study routine, and has refused to go out with us guys. Whatever happened over Thanksgiving is good.  Oh shit Danny right there, yeah that so gooood. Sorry about that. I and the guys want you to be proud of Danny and we are redoubling our efforts  to keep him in line. If he goes out, one of us is with him. Aubrey, Brey, is taking him to visit Mr. Bledsoe tomorrow and picking him up on Sunday. We got your back, Bro.”

“Thanks, I appreciate that. I know you guys do not want to lose booty privileges.” I laughed at that. Sean grinned an agreement.

“Hang on dude,” Sean was panting as his fist rapidly cocked his gun. “Not you Timothy, Danny.” That redhead turned crimson as he approached ejacualation was a new revelation. I moved my camera so Sean saw that I was jerking along with him. “Oh Fuck, fuck, yea man close, fuck fuck pound my ass bro. Make me scream, Fuck FUCK Yea , Yeas this is it, Fuck…. yea... heaven open your gates…. I’m a comin…..through. Shiiiiit.” I heard Danny echoing Sean’ orgasm as mine matched theirs. As my focus returned to the screen, I chuckled at the white spunk dripping down Sean’s face.

“You know there is a rule that any jizz on the face you need to eat.”

Sean looked at me, quirked the corner of his mouth in a grin. A middle finger came at me on the screen, then bent toward Sean’s face and hooked his juices and slid them into his mouth. “Mmmm, almost as good as ice cream.” He batted his eyelashes. “Didn’t think I would do it.” He laughed as he scooped up more. “Danny has insisted all us guys at least once taste our cream. I can take it or leave it as a flavor treat.”

“Uup, you are a straight boy.” We both laughed as Sean moved so Danny could undock.

“Be back in a bit.” Danny’s head zoomed close to the camera. “Getting washcloths and towels to clean us up.”

Danny out of the room, Sean turned serious. “What the fuck is up with you and Danny? He said you broke up with him. He has been a basket case all week. Even a small cheer you up orgy did not work.”

“Danny and I are still together, but I do not know for how long.” This was not a conversation I wanted to have with Danny’s roommate, but they cared about him too. “I saw the tattoos and came to a realization that what Danny needs is not what I can give him.” I started to pant to hold back tears. “He needs someone stronger than me. He needs someone who enjoys dominating him, abusing him, and humiliating him. I just can’t, I can’t. It is fun to role play for a night, but not 24/7. I want a boyfriend, someone that I can hold and love. Someone who gets mad at me and yells at me. Not a docile, please you over any of my needs, slave. That is where I see us going. And I can’t do it. I just can’t.”

“So is Danny on probation to mend his ways?”

I laughed at that image. “No, absolutely not, because then I am the probation officer and I am in control.” I wiped the moisture from below my eye, spreading the cum on my hand into the tears. Fuck this is so lame. “I want Danny to have whatever he wants and needs. No matter how painful it is for me. But there are just some paths I will not follow him on.” I slowly shook my head. “They say that love is unconditional, but it is not when self-preservation is at stake. My door is open, but Danny needs to enter.”
“This is some heavy shit man. Straight realtionships seem so much easier: you fuck ‘em, knock ‘em up, and then marry ‘em to live unhapply everafter.” We both laughed.

“I’ll enter you any time.” Danny yelled as he came back into view of the camera.

“I’ll skedaddle to let you two talk. I have a hot date tonight. Danny helped take the edge off so I can act civilized and not a horndog. Catch you next week Timothy.” I said my goodbyes and told Sean to behave himself, mostly. I heard a door close behind Danny.

Danny had put a shirt on and was sittning nervous. A truant in the principal’s waiting room. He finally spoke. “I was not sure you would call tonight.” Danny was nervous, the voice held fear and hesitancy. I felt the same.

“I told you Sunday that I would.”

“Yea, but.” Danny turned his head slightly from the camera. “But we did not leave things well. So I thought..you know..”

“I know.” was all I could say.

“I thought it was done between us, that I had fucked up so bad that you did not want me back.” Nineteen year olds do cry, but it is all on the inside where, unseen, it erodes feelings, it creates a sinkhole which will eventually collapse.

“Not yet. We’re not done yet.” I wanted to scream this at him, but it came out a whisper.

Danny looked down and then at the camera and me. “Not yet, but possible.”

“Yes possible.”

“Why.” Danny shuddered so hard that the camera shook. “Is it what I did Saturday...the sling.”

“Yes and no.” My response was so soft that I was almost talking to myself. “It was not the sling; it was not you in the sling; it was not even your bruised and battered body when Brad and I helped you from the sling…….No that  is not true. It was your bruised and battered body and how satisfied you were…..I cannot give you that satisfaction. I cannot give you that pain. I cannot batter and bruise your body like that. I just can’t.” I whispered one more “can’t”

“Do you want me to change? I can.”

“I do not want you to change. I want you to be what you want to be. This is your decision on how you want to live your life. Just know that how you choose may not include me. I am willing to accept that.” Danny started to speak but stopped. “I love you Danny. I will always love you, but I will not change myself to follow whatever path you need to follow. Nor do I ask you to change for me.”

“It sounds like I need to if I am going to keep you.” The words were belligerent and hurtful.

I was beyond being hurt. “We have choices in our lives Danny. And those choices change the future. We must decide what kind of future we want and make choices accordingly. But here is the hard part, each choice requires that we leave the other paths with those opportunities. I am not asking you to change for me. I am asking you to choose a future that includes me.”

“I see,” It was petulant and defensive. “You’re not the best boyfriend either. You can make a choice to explore the aspects of sex that I like. Your choice is to walk my path with me.”

“Yes it is. But I can’t”

“Can’t or I’m not worth getting out of your comfort zone for. It seems very selfish of you to demand that I change myself when you are not willing to change too.”

“I’ve tried Danny, I really have. That first weekend with Brad, Halloween, and even Saturday. But that is just not me. Every fibre in my body rebels at causing you pain. You may see it as a weakness, maybe it is, but it is fundamental to me. I change that; I change me. I do not know if I could live with myself then. My father always said that the first love of your life should be yourself, then you have love left in greater abundance to give to others because you know what love is. Do you love yourself Danny.” The camera went dead on Danny’s end. I felt terrible that I dumped on Danny, but I needed to be honest about how I felt. I closed the call.

Evan would be here in a few. I would not let Danny prevent me from having fun with Evan. We were to have dinner and a late movie. No pressure. It turned into one delightful and sexually charged night. While he only kissed me good night, which disappointed me that we did not fuck, the sexual tension was obvious. My mind and body was drawn to him, a gravity pull  of massive planets. There were now three men in my life that could fill my needs: Bruce, Evan, and Danny. Neither Bruce nor Evan offered the spontaneous rush of Danny. They also did not cause the despondency that Danny caused. They were safer. I contemplated the triad in my life. I wanted to feel anguished over three men wanting me. But then my father, god bless him, put things into perspective. “Hell, Timothy, you’re only nineteen. You don’t have the experience to know what you want. You are mostly hormones.” I did not need to decide or finally commit to anyone yet. I would enjoy the ride. I might get hurt but I would not break. I could, if needed, survive without any of the three--this included Danny. If Danny chose a path I could not follow, that is his choice and my choice. I could do it and survive; it would hurt, but I would survive.

Friday I Skyped Danny, as usual. I had not yet written him out of my life. I would see what he wanted. A perky dark skinned lass popped onto the screen. “Hi Timothy, I’m Keshia, Sean’s girlfriend.” I was surprised and delighted by her open welcome. “I know that you are expecting Danny, but he is with Turk. He needed some pointers before his date tonight.” She grinned, “He needed a blow job to take the edge off before a first date.” I saw no embarrassment in that statement. “I really appreciate you letting Danny sexually satisfy Sean. It takes some of the pressure off me to fuck him everytime he is horny.” She laughed freely, “which is several times a day. He is also a more considerate lover for my pleasure, more aggressive, and more open to explore. All the guys on the floor love Danny.”

“I thank you for the report. I think it is good for Danny to fulfill his sexual needs in a safe environment. You know what a horn dog he is.”

“Gotcha on that.” Her eyes roamed from the screen. “I wish Sean was as open. I might be willing to share him with a few select friends.” She winked at me. “He is so sexy with his red hair and tight body. My sorority sisters drool every time he stops by. I’d rather share him than have them undermine our relationship.”

“Have you told Sean this?” I thought only gay men were promiscuous.

“I’ve hinted, but he is too traditional to take it.” She rubbed her cheek. “Strange, because he sure is enjoying Danny. That is not traditional male relationships.”

“So true.” The longer I watched my friends and acquaintances in college the more I knew about less. What we say is taboo is only what we say and not what we do. It is not hypocrisy; it is more expediency. It is living with two constructs, opposite but equal. It is a balance. I have done many things with Danny, Armand, Bruce, Brad, and now Evan that a year ago would have been anathema, but today feel normal. It is really about finding limits. We like to see ourselves as solids but we are really liquids that with time crystalize. We become rigid and inflexible. We-- not everyone, Danny’s parents are a gas. And my parents are not too rigid. Maybe the two constructs are more balanced in them than most people. I wanted to have that balance. The structure of rules and the freedom to break them. “You know Danny is screwing Sean.” I was not sure I should have said that.

“Oh yea, no worry ‘bout that. I’ve watched them. I love how red Sean’s whole body gets as all the juices flow.”

“Yeah, I’ve watched too. Gotta love redheads.”

“You need to come visit. We’ll show you a good time.”

“Hey Boyfriend,” Danny’s head popped onto the screen.

“I’ll let you to Skype fuck. Sean’s out of the shower. I love seeing him still damp and hair wet. Gets my juices flowing.”

 “Nice to meet you Keshia and enjoyed the chat. Love to do it again.”

“Hey, Timothy,” Sean stepped in front of the camera, a towel around his waist and hair still wet. “Let the two of you have at it. Danny has been a good boy all week, just so you know.” He and Keshia wave and leave the room.

Danny and I stared at each other uncertain where to start. Last week’s chat had ended poorly. I finally smiled and pointed to my chin. “Got some cum here.”

Danny curled his index finger on it, scooped it up and licked it off. “Yum. fresh cum. Better than rum. You need to get you some.” Danny’s smile, which was a wicked grin, softened. “You are getting you some?”

“Yea, not as much as you but at least weekly.”

“Bruce, Brad and Armand providing sufficient servicing? Don’t want anything atrophy from lack of use.”

“What they cannot provide, old Righty does in a pinch.”

“You should not need to rely on your hand, dude. You’ve got one sexy body--flaunt it.”

“Well, I have met a new guy.” Danny’s eyebrows lifted. I was not sure if it was jealousy or concern. “Met him at Brads, while you were in the sling.” I was not sure if I added the last part of the comment to chastise Danny or justify myself. “Brad’s cousin, and art student. We’ve had one date--dinner and a movie. No sex.”

“You met Evan.” Danny was all grins. “He is one hot dude. And no sex. What is wrong with you boy. I’d climb his body like Jack on the beanstalk.” All the tension between us evaporated. It was the Danny I loved: funny, playful, and sexier than Antonio Banderas. We chatted, and jacked off twice over three hours. When we closed down for the night, I still had another load to release.  I loved Danny.

We both had ten days off school for Christmas Break. Ten days of family in the Chicago area and more family out of state--Iowa.  Danny had much the same with his family. Armand and Martin wanted some time with us, translation some sex. Evan wanted us for a day at a new art gallery and some sex. Danny wanted to visit the zoo, see some of his friends there, and I hoped some sex in the lion cages. And we both had major papers due shortly after we returned to school. Brad had a New Years party, of course. The dance card was full.

It was not until the Monday after Christmas that we got together. He picked me up at my parent’s home in the afternoon, shared an eggnog with rum and exchanged gifts with my parents. My parents gave him a nice sweater and received a coffee table book of African wildlife. At Danny’s home, Horse and Crystal gave me a bull -size vibrating dildo and a crochet cock warmer that looked like a caterpillar with a smile and legs. I gave them an illustrated Kama Sutra. Such was the differences in our parents, yet neither of them were pruds or uneasy about sex. I showed my parents the book from Danny’s folks, and they laughed at some positions lamenting that they were too old to move that way. Danny and I spent the night in his room with the gifts for each other: A flesh light from me and an electro stim for me. We shared, of course. Danny was in a great mood. He was playful, inventive, and domineering. I enjoyed the shift in roles and let him have free reign. By late morning, when we finally struggled out of bed, sex sated and messy, and toddled down to the kitchen, bare assed and cock free, Horse and Crystal could only laugh and offered us coffee and cream filled eclairs. “More cream for you to suck out.” Horse laughed. “since you both seem to be drained.” Danny just groaned at the joke.

I just grabbed an eclair, put my lips one end and sucked until the eclair shriveled like a deflated balloon. I licked some cream off my lips. “Mighty tasty but I prefer the real thing.”

“Damn, Timothy,” Horse bellowed, “I know why my boy loves you if you can inhale like that.”

“I am just a novice, but learning.” Danny was actually blushing, but I was enjoying the banter as a sexual equal to any adult. “I still need practice.” I took another eclair and bit into it. “Ouch” Danny said then we all laughed. “Just a warning mister.” I said as I turned to Danny. “Just a warning.” I wagged my finger and sat at the kitchen table. We had a pleasant morning discussion school and the plans for the week. Today was the zoo and then dinner with Armand and Martin. We would spend the night with them. The next three days were for working on our papers at the public library. We wanted them out of the way before Brad’s party, which I assumed would be total Brad. I was ready for fun with my boyfriend.

Next: Chapter 16

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