Timothy and the Lion Boy

Published on Aug 22, 2022


Timothy and the Lion Boy Chapter 7

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Works of fiction are all fantasies about other people's lives. Those lives have their own trajectory of wants and needs, actions and reactions, hopes and despairs. Fiction allows us, the reader, to share their paths, vicariously, without personal consequence. We do not need to approve or disapprove of their actions because it is their lives. Our role is to bare witness and take what we find relevant to ourselves.

This story is intended for adults who like homotropic erotica. Erotica is more about the journey to sexual fulfillment than the event itself. All erotica is aimed for those 18 and older.

© 2020 Boethius Cell


Timothy and the Lion Boy--7 Collared

The Friday morning of Halloween, I received a text message from Danny saying he was staying with Brad. I wondered why he was not staying with his parents. He said he would pick me up in his car at 8:00 PM. Be waiting. I discussed the party with my dad. We both thought it odd, but then maybe Danny had a costume that my mother might find too risque. Knowing Danny, it could be a wrapping paper jock strap with a red bow up his ass.

Danny pulled up, honked, I ran out and jumped into the car. My eyes fell on Danny and they wanted to flee. He was gaunt and his coloring was off. “Hi, Timothy.” He leaned over and tentatively offered his lips. I kissed him. The emotions rushed through me of love, concern, and back to concern and love. I decided not to say anything about how Danny looked.

“Brad has a great party planned.” Danny was cheerful and relaxed. Did he not realize how ill he looked? “I have a costume for you. I hope you don’t mind. It matches mine.” I told him that I would love being seen as a couple. “It’s in the trunk. You can change in the parking lot at Brad’s place.” I was not comfortable stripping in public, but I had done it at the beach with the car door open so this would not be bad. “Mine is already on under the pants and jacket.” He glanced over at me. “It is a tad revealing.”

I found energy to finally laugh. “Ass and dick hanging out, you perv?”

“Just ass.” The way he said that made me uncomfortable. He asked if I liked the car. His parents sent him money to buy a vehicle. It was a Nissan with 63,000 miles but in great shape. The conversation turned to school. I gently probed about his classes. I asked about papers, since I knew he was also taking an English class. His responses were positive and glowing, too glowing. I asked if he had seen Brad yet. Not yet. He arrived after Brad left for work. We did not discuss his parents. I was unwilling to bring it up.

Danny found a parking space near the entrance to Brad’s condo. I stood by the open car door. Danny went and opened the trunk and threw me a bag labeled Men’s Room. I was not sure about this but looked in the bag: black leather vest, chaps with open ass, and skimpy leather jock. “How am I to wear these?” I shouted loud enough for just Danny to hear.

“Just the vest, chaps, jock and shoes.”

“No way in hell am I going bare assed.”

“But it is part of the ensemble.” Danny came over to me. I winced. Slave collar, leather vest, studded jock, and boots with the tops of red socks showing. “Master and slave.” He chortled with delight at the concept.

I wanted to shove Danny back into the car and dress, but he was really enjoying the exposure, so I decided it was Halloween and anything was permissible. “As you master, I will not show my ass. My jeans are nice, tight, and just fine. Chaps over jeans, vest with no shirt. Jock in car.”

“Please wear the jock.” Danny was pleading. How could I refuse. I stripped my jeans, put the jock on and then the jeans. The jock did make my package hot. Danny walked behind me and pulled the jock strap up so it was showing above my jeans.

“You were right, Master,” Danny smirked at the “master”. “Chaps over jeans is a better look. Exposed ass is an invitation. As a master you give invitations but do not receive them.”  Danny handed me a riding crop, whip, and the end of a leash--the other end was attached to his collar.

“Are you prepared to do everything I say tonight?”

“Yes, Master.” Danny giggled.

“You will serve my every wish tonight.” If this was what Danny needed, I would do it.

“Yes, master.” Danny knelt at my feet. I looked around embarrassed. “My body is yours to use as you want. My desire and my pleasure is to serve you and your desire and pleasure. Master.”

“No sex with anyone unless I give you permission.”

“Yes, master.” Danny gave a crooked grin and pulled down the front of his jock strap exposing a chastity cage. “Here is the key master.”

I put the key in the coin pocket of my jeans. “I may not give this back at the end of the night.” I patted the location of the key.

“As you wish, master.” I looked closely at Danny. He was serious about me keeping the key if I wanted. Maybe he wanted it too, to protect himself from himself.

As we entered the elevator, I was startled. On Danny’s butt was “FUCK ME” and above the jock strap was a tramp stamp tatoo of intertwining penis with the head convergeing in the anal cleavage. “Does that wash off?” I pointed to the words.

“No, a tattoo.”

“Why?” was all I could ask.

“A friend.” was all Danny would say.

“A master?”

“Yes, but he is very nice and gentle.”

“Your hole open for anyone he wants? Takes you to bars as a party favor?”

“I can always say no. He respects me.”

What was Danny into? It was worse than I thought. “Who is your master?” I glared at Danny, backing him into the corner. Danny looked lost and cowed. He fell to his knees and kissed my feet. “Who is your master? Answer me.”

“I don’t know.”

“A slave must have a master. Who is he.” I kick Danny into a sitting position.

“Tank, wants me to be his, but I have not committed.”

“Who is your master.” I took the riding crop and tilted his head up to meet my eyes. “Who did you first pledge yourself too?”

“You master.”

“Did I release you from my service?”

Danny did a triple blink at that. “No master.”

I was furious not so much at Danny but the situation he was forcing me into. “Just because you are away at school and out of my direct supervision does not give you the freedom to find a new master. You are a slave and have no freedom.”

“Yes, master.” Danny was starting to cry. “I want you to be my master, always.”

“Once we are inside Brad’s, you will call Tank, and I will set him right.  Then you will find a suitable paddle and you will be punished.” The elevator door opened and I pulled Danny out by the leash.

I knock at Brad’s door. He started to greet us and then looked at Danny crying and my face ready to ripe the hair out of Medusa; he said nothing. “Danny call now,” I demanded.

Danny retrieved his phone from his jacket. Dialing, he quietly talked to Tank. “Sir, I’m sorry to call you but my master wants to talk to you. Yes sir. I know sir. I was not honest sir. Sorry sir.”

Danny handed the phone to me. “Hello, Master Tank.” I put on my most pleasant voice, “This is Master Timothy. My slave seems to be under the impression that since he is off to school that he can find a new master. You have my deepest apologies for his behavior and the distress this affair is causing you.” I laughed at Tank's comment about horny slaves. “I totally agree that my slave needs to be punished. I have him now picking out the implements. Yes, he is caged and will be until he returns to Chicago at Christmas. Then depending upon his behavior, I might free him.” We both laughed. “Yes that is a great idea, and I appreciate your offer of assistance. Give me your email and I will send over my stipulation. The first and firmest is no sex of any type; oral, anal, stimulation, until I see him again. Two months of enforced celibacy should weigh heavily on that randy fucker. Don’t worry, the next time you see my slave, he will be recovering from a good beating. No I don’t use the bullwhip, he is too pretty to accidentally damage. I find electro and psychological methods more effective. Yes, you have my permission to punish him, just no permanent damage and no scars.” I chuckled, “That is devious, I need to remember that for next time. You have a great evening and I’m sorry that I had to disturb your games.” I nodded. “Yes, slaves are a challenge, but when fully trained a real blessing for a man.” I waited while Tank rambled “Yes, so right. Have a good evening Master Tank.”

Danny was kneeling wide eyed and pale at my feet. “You heard Danny. No sex until I see you at Chritmas break. Master Tank, will continue to train you per my instructions. He and I are thinking the same about you. You manipulated him and lied to him. He is not happy and will not be gentle in correcting your errors of honesty. Do you understand?”

“Yes. Master,” Danny paused. “What about the guys on my floor? I promised to service them.”

“Yes, and I did agree to it. Have Sean call me Monday when you are back. I need to add stipulations to using my slave.” Danny nodded. “Now to Brad’s play room and pick your punishment.” Danny trudged off to the playroom.

“Fucking shit.” Brad smiled at me, mostly finding the situation humorous. “You have some strong balls on you kid. Who knew. I liked what I saw. So what’s the skinny?”

“How do you think Danny looks?”

“Like shit.”

“He has some guy near school that is pushing Danny into dangerous areas.”


“I don’t think it is him, but I think that issue is resolved. Another set of eyes on Danny who will help curb Danny’s masochistic urges.”

“I was impressed by the conversation. You turned someone who could have been hostile into an accomplice.”

 “We will see, Danny’s grades are crap, according to his roommate. Did you see his ass?”


“Yeah, FUCK ME, cute for a party.”

“Not fake, a tattoo.” Brad whistled softly. “And the tramp stamp could not be shown anywhere in public. “I don’t want to be Danny’s master, but if it will save him, I will be the meanest, bad assed mother fucker Danny will ever meet.” Brad handed me a scotch neat; I downed it in one gulp. “I love him.”

I was on the edge of tears when Brad put has arms around my shoulder. “Timothy, Danny loves you too, but he needs to serve now. He needs to prove that he is tough and can take anything. The pain and the euphoria with it is an addiction. I just hope he does not need to hit bottom to find a way out.”

“Now to punish him. Do you have a red magic marker?”

I walked into the playroom, a converted walk-in closet, and looked at Danny submissive in the sling. “Ass up,” I barked at him. I looked at the tattoos with disgust. “You altered your body without my permission. You will fix it.” I took the red markers and drew circles around the “FUCK” and the “ME”. Then I drew a diagonal line through the circle, the universal sign for don’t. “Now for punishment. What do you think you deserve?”

“Thirty smacks with the paddle, Master.”

I looked at Danny and laughed. The small room amplified the sound. “Thirty. No fucking way. You alltered your body without permission and you are fucking with another master without permission.” A terrible thought hit me. Tank seemed like a caring master. He would never allow Danny’s physical condition to decline. “What other masters have you been playing with besides Tank.” I had the riding crop against his throat.

“Just Tank, Master.” I took the riding crop and lashed his left nipple. He screamed in pain. “Don’t lie,” I snarled. Danny started to sob. “I am sorry Master. I am sorry Timothy, but there is a couple I see.” Danny continued to sob. “I am at their disposal when they want me.”

I looked at Brad who frowned in anger. “Do you have their number?”

Danny looked at me in a panic. “Please don’t call them. They don’t know I’m not in town. They will punish me.” Danny’s composure totally broke. “They are blackmailing me. They have pictures and videos of me doing disgusting things.” Danny continued to tell me everything he was forced to do. It was not only degrading but sadistic and dangerous. I needed to stop them.

Brad had slipped out while Danny was confessing and returned with Danny’s phone. He handed it to me. “What is their contact?”

“I don’t have it. They always message me by text.”

I scrolled through the texts and found one for today. I showed it to Brad. Brad took the information. I responded to the text. “Sirs, I realize now that you are a pair of twisted fuckers. I am done playing.” I sent.

The response was almost immediate. “Slave, you be here at midnight, naked and clean, or we will send the videos to your family.”

“Sirs are you blackmailing me to use me?”

“You are a fucking idiot slave, and we will do what we want. If you don’t show up, the videos go public.”

“I don’t believe you have any videos.”

“Are you questioning me? For this back talk, you lose a nut tonight.” I smiled as an attachment arrived. Proof. Brad returned with names and a phone number. Nice having a top notch IT guy as a friend. I called. “Is this Vic or Max.”  “Hi Max….It is not important that you know who I am, just say I am the person you have been texting for the last fifteen minutes.” That prompted some cursing. “No I am not the slave. I am that slave’s master.” They blustered about Danny being old enough to do what he wanted. “I am his master, and I did not give him permission to play.” They were arguing with each other and then back to me. “No. This is how it is going down. You will leave my slave alone, delete any videos and images. If you do not, I will go to the police with the evidence of blackmail, which is a felony, and send your asses to jail.” I was enjoying the consternation between the two. “I will know if you have the images or not. I have the resources to scour your systems. If you doubt me, let me give you some information.” Brad was a genius and handed me a printout of personal information, including a skinhead group they belonged to and their places of employment. One was an attorney so I wave the threat of disbarment. They collapsed like a sandcastle at high tide with groveling adding a few yes sirs.  “I think we understand each other, but I will be watching.” I hung up. The release of tense weakened me and I grabbed the sling chains for support. Danny was looking up at me eyes wide, “Thank you master.” I looked at Brad and said I needed a drink. “I will be back to extract your penance.”

With Brad’s full approval, Danny was the greeter. He was at the door laying naked over a chair, the jockstrap on his head, the chastity device in his mouth, his leash in one hand connected to his Prince Albert and a paddle in the other. He was to tell each guest that he was a bad boy and needed to be paddled. Each guest could give him two swats according to the message written on his back. Brad was expecting about fifteen guests so 30 spanks was not beyond Danny’s limit, but the twenty-five strips neatly laddering his backside from my caning was going to be his challenge.

If I thought our costumes were extreme, I was very wrong. I sorely underestimated gay inventive genius. Lonny was a bird: a large feathered tail, and feathers glued to his nipples and ball sack. He lamented that the feathers were an unintended chastity device. No one likes to lick feathers. Tom was the shower scene from Psycho. He had a Janet Leigh wig, dripping blood wounds and was bare ass naked enwrapped in a clear shower curtain. Brad’s long time friend, Andy, was Priapus with beach ball size balls and a cock that swept the floor. But Brad was not to be outdone by anyone. He wore a python whose tail was in his butt, body was weaving around his torso and the head was engulfing his weasel. I felt over dressed, so I slipped into the spare bedroom and removed my jeans. Danny noticed and smiled.

After about 90 minutes, I fetched Danny by the leash attached to his penis from door duty since most of the guests had arrived. We walked into the center of the living area, which was crowded. “Gentlemen,” That earned a few guffaws. “Loosely applied. My slave is being punished for gross insubordination.” Everyone’s attention was turned to me. “He has been whipped by me, paddled by you, and now I will administer the last punishments.” I few guys yelled whip him good. “There are two things gay guys most appriciate, ass and dick.” I took the cage, still between Danny’s lips. “He will be caged for two months.” Murmurs of “rough man” filtered among the crowd. I attached the cage and put the key in my vest pocket.  “and he will be plugged.” Brad handed me a large plug already greased. I shoved it in roughly; Danny winced but did not make a sound. He looked at me with both fear and adulation. “Now, he is only good for sucking cock.” I threw a decorative pillow on the floor by the fireplace. “Kneel.” I pointed Danny toward the pillow. “Back to the fireplace. I want that side to get toasty for later. Gentlemen, his mouth is all yours for the night. He is an excellent cocksucker and piss drinker.” I looked at Danny; he was all smiles. I held an object up in my hand. “One more thing guys. The plug is wired. I pushed the remote in my hand and Danny yelped. “Catch,” I threw the remote into the crowd of guys. “Have fun.” Two guys already had dicks out and ready for Danny’s mouth. He yelped as someone hit the remote. I handed Danny an empty cup. “You will remain here until I am ready to leave. If you need to piss, do it in the cup and then drink it.” Danny just looked at me; He jumped as the plug fired an electrical shock. I slapped Danny hard across the face. “What do you say when your master gives you cock to suck?” Danny’s head fell, “Thank you Master.” I walked away.

I found Brad in the kitchen getting ice. “I hate this, I hate being a bitch to Danny, but I don’t know what else to do.” Brad pulled me into his chest, more snake than chest. And I started to sob.

“Timothy, it is OK. Danny has not found his limits.”

“He thinks he has no limits, which worries me. I love him.”

“I know kid, but you are doing the right thing. He needs someone else to set his limits. Unfortunately that is you.”

“I don’t want to be his master. I want a boyfriend, someone I can share life with as an equal. I don’t think I can be both a master and boyfriend.” Brad held me while I regained control. “I really suck at being a master.”

“Timothy,” Brad pulled my head away from his chest so he could look me in the eyes. “You are one hell of a master. The way you handled Tank and the two creeps blackmailing Danny was down right bitch’n scary. You may look like a sweet and cuddly teddy bear but you have a grizzly under the skin.”

I smiled up at Brad, feeling better. “I just don’t know that I will be strong enough to get Danny back to safer ground.”

“I don’t either kid. Ultimately it is up to Danny where he goes with the fetishes.”

“Yeah, and that makes me feel helpless. Do you mind if Danny and I spend the night here?”

“Spare room is his.” Brad gave me a wicked grin. “You spend the night with me. Or better, Danny on the floor chained at the foot of the bed.” How perverse was I becoming since I liked that idea. Danny needed to learn there were consequences that included “us”. “Now you need a drink. Relax and enjoy the party. Danny will have his mouth full for some time. I chuckled. I will be the master Danny needs.

By midnight more than half the guests left to hit some of the Chicago bars. The handful left, chatted and chilled and used Danny’s mouth. By 2:00 everyone was gone. I walked over to Danny, who was curled like a cat asleep in front of the fireplace. I was tempted to use the remote to wake him, Instead, I nudged him with my foot. Danny popped up to sitting and opened his mouth like a little bird. “No more cock for you little man. Clean up the floor.” I pointed to splatters of cum on the wood floors. With no hesitation Danny licked up the offending puddles. This worried me that his first response was to lick it clean. “Once the floor is done, clean the mess from the party.” Danny quickly started gathering cups, plates, and napkins.

I sat with Brad on the sofa and heaved a sigh of relief. “I think everyone had a good time.” I took a sip of scotch. Brad was definitely corrupting me, and I like it.

“Yeah, think so.” He turned and watched Danny come from the bedrooms with trash. “Danny providing blow jobs sure helped. May need to make that standard along with the food, booze and pot.”

“He was definitely a hit.”

“Funny,” Brad winked at me. “So many meanings to ‘hit’”. The noise from the kitchen sounded like Danny was doing dishes. “Nice having a slave to clean up. Think I need to buy me one.”

“You can have Danny, he is cheap.”

“No way, too high maintenance. He is all yours with my blessing.”

“Are you guys talking about me?” Danny’s voice came from the kitchen.

“Who gave you permission to speak?” I growled. A “sorry, master.” was the response. “And yes we were talking about you and how much I might get if I sold you.” I heard silverware drop in the kitchen. Brad and I grinned at each other. “If you cannot follow my orders as your master, I might as well dump you as useless trash. Brad knows a guy on a pig farm in Iowa that needs a good slop boy.”

Danny ran out of the kitchen and stood in front of me, hands on his hips. “You wouldn’t do that to me,” I stared at Danny dumbfounded. He actually believed I had that much control of his life, that I was a slave master, that he was a true slave. What was happening in Michigan at school.

“Danny, sit.” He sat on the floor at my feet. “No Danny, sit on the sofa next to me.” I moved closer to Brad to make room. “Danny, I do not know where your head is at, but I am first and foremost your boyfriend. You are not a slave to anyone, even me.”

“I like being your slave, Master.”

“My name is Timothy, and you will use it from now on.”

“Yes mas...Timothy.”

“Do you love me and want to be my boyfriend?”

“Yes, absolutely. You are the most wonderfulest person in the world.”

“So you want to make me happy?”

“Absolutely,” Danny frowned. “How am I not doing that? I will try harder. You can beat me more.”

“Being a slave is not being a boyfriend. You cannot be both?” Danny moved slightly away from me. “Do you know the difference?”

“My opinion is worth shit. Tell me.”

“If you are my boyfriend, your opinion is important to me because we are equal. As my boyfriend, you can tell me to go to hell and that you will not do as I say, because that is what a boyfriend relationship is. We are together, side by side not above and below.” Danny frowned. “I don’t know what twisted scenes you have been into, what perverted relationships you have formed, but for you to be my boyfriend that needs to stop. Tonight was to get your attention, but I will not have our relationship a slave/master one. I can’t. It is not me.”

“Timothy, I understand that. I really do. But this is me, at least right now. I like, no I crave being ordered around and abused. It makes me feel stronger. I know that does not make sense, but stripping away my dignity and my ego, too completely abase myself to another tells me that I am strong enough to take it. And the pain, once endorphins kick in, is a high beyond any drug.”

“Strangely, I understand that, but you must then have a master who appreciates your gift and does not abuse your trust.”

“That is why I need you.” He kissed me on the cheek. “I do not want the life of a permanent slave. At some point I will reach my limit, reassert myself and my dignity. But I have not found my limit. You are the one that said we need to explore our limits.”

How could I argue that point. “Fine, I will continue to be your master. It is not what I want, but if this is what you need, I will do it.” He kissed me and slid to the floor to sit by my feet. “You have 45 minutes to finish cleaning the house to the way it was before the party. Not a glass, plate, scrap of food will be found.” I looked at Brad and shrugged in defeat.

That night Brad and I had wild sex. I threw all my frustrations into several orgasms. Danny lay chained on the floor in the bathroom. I could not have him in the same room.

We slept late. I unchained Danny and had him watch as Brad and I satisfied our morning woodies. I then told Danny to make us breakfast and have it on the table in fifteen while wBrad and I showered together. In the shower, Brad asked why I made Danny watch, not that he minded. I explained it was just spite and hoped that it would make Danny jealous.

After breakfast Brad and I leisurely dressed. I in jeans and a T. I hooked Danny’s leash around his collar and bid Brad have a good afternoon and that I would stop by later this evening. I opened the door to Brad’s condo and pulled Danny after, collared and caged. At first he was hesitant, but I just said slave come. The elevator was empty, but I was pissed enough at Danny that I didn’t care if it were full of lecherous old men. At Danny’s car I told Danny to dress and hand me the keys. Danny baulked. “Slaves don’t drive.” I scolded. He gave me the keys. I made him ride in the back. I would have preferred a trunk, but Danny’s car was a hatchback. He asked where we were going. I shouted at him that I did not give him fucking permission to speak.

About 10 minutes from my destination, Danny realized where I was taking him. “No, please not there. I don’t want them to see me.”

“Shut the fuck up.” I yelled. “You are a slave and have no right to tell me where to go.”


“Do you want me to pull over and spank you by the side of the road.” He was quiet but nervous. I parked in front of Danny’s house and opened the hatchback to let him out. He started to remove his collar. I slapped his hands. “You try that again and I will leash your dick and drag you to the door. I rang the doorbell; Danny tried to hide behind me.

“Hey, Timothy, this is a nice surprise.” Crystal was all smiles until she saw Danny hiding behind me. “Danny?” She stood in shock unable to speak.

“Crystal, can we talk in private with you and Horse?” I gave a weak smile and stepped aside so Danny was in full view.

“Sure,” she said. All her mother instinct wanted to pull Danny into a hug but she intuitively knew now was not the time.

I shove Danny inside and directed him toward the living room. Crystal went to find Horse. I sat on the sofa. When Danny tried to sit on the sofa I shoved him to the floor. “Slaves don’t sit on furniture.” Danny wanted to protest, but my glare cowed him.

Crystal and Horse entered, looked at me and then Danny sitting on the floor. But they said nothing and sat in two easy chairs. I took a deep breath. “I know that you are very concerned about your son, as you should be. He has not been dutiful in keeping you informed of his activities at college. He did not inform me until I cornered him yesterday.”

“He was in town yesterday and he didn’t…” Crystal was confused and hurt.

“No he didn’t. He was in town for a Halloween party at Brad's. There I found out what he has been up to and was forced to take drastic actions, much against my nature.” I looked at both. “Danny, stand.”  He did, looking nervous. “Now strip.” He started to complain. “You are the one that forced this situation on me. Now do as I say and strip.” Slowly he did, not looking at his parents.

“What is that?” Crystal pointed to the chastity device.

“That is a chastity device, sometimes called a cock cage. It prevents the wearer from having an erection. It is locked and I have the key.”

“Why?” Horse knew what he was looking at and the purpose.

“Danny, turn around and bend at the waist.” He stood still so I grabbed his waist and swung him around, then grabbed his hair forcing him to bend. Crystal gasped as she read his buttock. “The cage is for this. The red is magic marker I put on yesterday. Also notice the tattoo on his lower back.”

“Why Danny?” Crystal softly asked.

“Danny was involved with BDSM master. He was their slave and did whatever they wanted regardless of what it was. I spoke with them yesterday when I found out what Danny is up to. Danny, for some reason, needs to be dominated and used. One of the men I spoke to understands the responsibility of a slave master and will not hurt Danny beyond what he thinks appropriate. I trust him. He will give Danny what he needs without damage and with the encouragement to work hard at school, which he is currently failing. The other couple are sleazeballs and were blackmailing Danny to do unsafe, imprudent behavior. Hence the tattoos. I took care of them too. They will not see Danny again and they have destroyed all the evidence which might hurt Danny’s future.”

“How bad is the evidence?” Horse asked not sure he wanted to know. I pulled out my phone and showed him a video. “Shit Danny, where are your brains?”

“That brings us to where we are now.” I turned Danny back to face his parents. Danny’s head was hanging down. “Danny look at your parents.” Slowly he raised his head. “I convinced the masters in Michigan that I was his master, and Danny had no right to seek them out or play with them. I am also convinced and Danny agrees that he needs a stern hand. That is me because I care about him. That is why he has a collar and does what I say. It is not what I want, but for Danny’s safety, I will do it.”

“The welts on his back?” Crystal asked. “From those men in Michigan?”

“No, me.” I felt the revulsion from both. “At this point, pain is what Danny understands. I was so upset at what he had done that he needed to know the depth of my disappointment. It was not done in anger, it was controlled, calculated, and measured. Brad supervised so I would not go too far.” I started to tear. “I did not want to do it, but I saw no other way to assert that I was his master, which is what he needs.”

Crystal and Horse looked at each other. “Do you mind if we chat about this between the two of us.” Horse grabbed Crystal’s hand and left the room. About 15 minutes later they returned, Crystal dabbing her eyes with a tissue. “We are not happy about this at all, but see no other alternative to keep our son safe. We trust you implicitly. Your sessions with Taf are effective, so we know you have the best interest of Danny in mind.”

“What about when he is back at school?” Crystal asked.

“I will contact his roommate tomorrow. He alerted me last week that Danny was in a downward spiral, so I can count on his help. Since the entire floor is fucking Danny, I will enlist them to help for continued privildges.” I could tell the Crystal did not like the idea of Danny being the floor’s sex toy, but this was not a new situation.

“What about the cage?” Horse asked.

“It stays on until he comes home for Christmas.”

“Yes, wise move.” Horse smiled at me. “Timothy, may I talk to your slave?” Danny’s head popped up at that comment. I nodded. “Danny, your mother and I love you, never doubt that no matter what you do. That you are putting yourself in danger with unsafe practices, hurts us deeply.”

Danny started to say something, but I cut him short. “I did not give you permission to talk.” Danny glanced at me, but I said nothing.

“If Timothy, I or your Mother need to beat you to keep you safe, I have a good belt and know how to use it.”

“Danny we love you so much.” Crystal was crying. “You were always so proud and independent. We want you back that way. If this slave thing with Timothy will help get you there, we will support you.”

A car pulled into the driveway with his sister, her husband and the twins Taf and Tar. I told Danny he could dress, which he quickly did. He started to remove his collar; I said no. I instructed Danny that he could freely carry on with any conversation. He thanked me and went to greet his sister.

“How are you doing with all this?” Crystal asked.

“Managing. This is not what I want at all. All I wanted was Danny as my boyfriend. I fear that is no longer possible. I still care about him, but this change in our relationship is a romance killer.”

“Maybe this will let him find who are the important people in his life. He needs you Timothy. Hang strong.” Crystal hugged me. We clung to each other--two drowning souls.

“I hope so, but he is addicted to pain and humiliation. Like an alcoholic, he needs to hit bottom before he can climb up. I am truly afraid. I don’t know where the bottom is. And if he could survive it.”

“Timothy” yelled two young voices as they both threw themselves at me.

“Taf and Tar! My two favorite munchins.” I hugged them both. It felt so good. Withdrawing from the hug, Taf asked if he could talk to me today. I had been seeing Taf once or twice a week as a mentor. I helped with his homework and his sexual identity as gay. I was teaching him to respect himself and be proud of himself. His parents felt it important that he have a positive role model. I said sure he then looked over at Danny.

“Danny?” his voice was uncertain, Danny had changed that much. Danny nodded yes and Taf pitched himself over like a thrown ball. “Danny, I’ve missed you.” He and Danny hugged. Taf stepped slightly back. “Are you sick? Do you have AIDS?”

Danny was thrown by the bluntness of the question. He looked at me and then his parents and sister. “No, Taf, I do not have AIDS. I am tested frequently and am very careful.” He smiled at Taf, an almost old Danny smile. “School is just exhausting.”  He looked at me waiting for me to correct him, but I would not do that to Danny. Some lies are just necessary to prevent other people’s pain. His parents knew, needed to know. I did not want to embarrass Danny. I wanted him to realize that he needed help.

“OK,” Taf took everything at face value. “Want to go swimin’, naked. Timothy says I should be proud of my body.” He looked around and leaned in close to Danny’s ear. “I’ve got two pubc hairs, you know down there.”

Danny burst out laughing and then schooled himself with a serious face. He whispered back. “Good for you boy. Starting to be a man. That is wonderful.” I watched Danny’s face throughout his interaction with Taf. He missed his nephew and the family. He missed the love. I knew he was not getting it from his masters in Michigan.

“What are you learning in school?” Taf asked, sitting next to Danny. “Learning about animals?”

“No, I need to learn some basic stuff before I get to work with animals: like math, English, and biology. Most of it is pretty cool, especially the biology.”

“Not sure I want to go to college if I’ve got to do math, English and biology might be OK.”

“The math isn’t so bad.” Danny paused and looked at me. “Sometime you need to go through the bad stuff to get to the good stuff.” My heart fluttered at the possibility that Danny was on the road back to me.

“Want to go swimming, Unc.” Taf said with a mischievous smile. I knew Danny wanted that, but with the tattoos. Danny said no that we needed to wait until after lunch. I wondered what he would tell his nephew, who idolized him. I was not going to expose Danny to the rest of the family like I did with his parents. His parents needed to know, to be supportive and loving. For the rest of the family, it would be too painful for Danny. The meal went well, with general conversation avoiding the large elephant in the room--the collar around Danny’s neck. Danny sat next to me picking his food. I told him to eat everything on his plate. Both Taf and Tar giggled at that. I told Danny to help his mother in the kitchen with the desert. He just nodded, avoiding a yes sir. Finally it was Tar, who looked at Danny odd. She said that he was wearing an ugly necklace, it looked like a dog collar and needed some glitter and diamonds to make it pretty. I told her that it was an excellent idea. I took the collar off Danny and gave it to her to decorate. Danny glared at me, but said nothing.

Taf looked at me and said, “Timothy, could we talk somewhere private. I have a question that I need you to answer, And some other stuff too,” he quickly added.

“Can Danny come?” I asked. He looked at Danny and said sure. We went up to Danny’s old room. Taf told Danny to wait outside; that this was private. Danny did without hesitation. I knew I was in for an interesting conversation with Taf.

As we entered the room Taf closed the door, firmly shutting Danny out. I went and sat in the office chair, like I usually did when Taf and I were training. Taf was developing into a very independent young man of thirteen. Peace and Steve, were very happy at his confidence and self-awareness. I liked spending time with Taf, doing school work, talking about fashion, boys, and sex. I got the impression that many of the older boys at his school sought him out as an expert on hormones and the male body. “So Taf, what do you want to talk about?”

“First Timothy, I am in 10th grade and think that Taf needs to be retired to my given name of Benjamin. I’m not sure if I want to shorten it to Ben, Bennie, or Jam.”

“That is a big decision and I think you are right to reclaim your given name. Jam has a certain panache but are you ready for the peanut butter jokes.” He thought about that and discarded that choice. “Bennie is nice but do you want to be called that when you are thirty. It is still an adolescent name.” It was between Ben and Benjamin.We discussed the pros and cons of both for a good ten or fifteen minutes before he decided on Ben.

“Excellent choice. I like Ben too. It will take me awhile to adjust to the new monoker. Be patient.” He said I could always call him Taf. I asked if that was all he wanted to talk about. I knew there was more. He kept looking toward the door.

After assurances that I would keep the conversation private, and we could talk about anything, he blurted out. “Is Danny your slave. I mean the collar and how he minds you better than I do.”

I gave Ben a serious look and asked him to sit on my lap. “Yes, Danny is my slave because I love him and he needs this kind of control right now.”

“He doesn’t know how to control himself, like you have taught me?”

“Danny is doing some very dangerous stuff because he thinks it proves that he is tough. We both know that tough is a state of mind and not actions. The mind informs the actions. Yes? We also talked about finding personal limits. And how we sometimes need to weigh the risks against the exploration. I told you about my weekend with Brad and Danny and how my limits were pushed and some were found. Danny is still looking for his limits. He has not found them.”

“Isn’t that dangerous. I know we talked about it when we discussed bondage and whips.”

“It is very dangerous if you do not set limits. Danny does not know how to set those limits. So I am his breaks. I am setting those limits.”

“That’s a fearsome responsibility Timothy. You must really love Danny. Does he know that you love him so much?”

“Yes, but the allure of the dangerous behavior is stronger.” Ben snuggled into my chest letting me know of his love.

“I find it hard to think of my uncle as a slave. I looked up to him so much.”

“I think you need to tell him.” I had Ben retrieve Danny into his bedroom. After Ben had closed the door, Danny stood in front of me scared. I wanted him scared. “Strip,” I bellowed. Danny stood still, looking at the floor, Ben’s feet at the edge of his vision. I slowly stood and slapped Danny across the face, not hard but enough to shock him. “When I say strip, I mean  now.” Danny looked at me and glanced at Ben, who was in a state of shock from the slap I gave Danny. I hoped Danny would say no, but he slowly pulled his shirt off and dropped his shorts. Ben gasp. “Now Danny turn around and show your nephew your tattoos.” Danny, head down, slowly started turning. “Head up, display position. Look at Taf, who now thinks he is mature enough to go by his given name of Ben.” Danny put both hands behind his head and looked at Ben. “If you want to touch it you can. Slaves are not people, you know,” I directed the comment to Ben in a casual manner. “They give that up when they agree to be slaves.” I pulled Ben close to me and put my arms around him. He was having a difficult time seeing his uncle like this. “You have asked about how a cock and ball feels.” I smirked at Danny. “Except his are locked up. No playing with them unless I say.” I showed Ben the key. “Go ahead feel the cage, bat it around abit.” I grabbed Danny’s balls giving a firm squeeze. “Nice thing about a slave is you can do whatever you want and they have to obey.” I took Ben’s hand and gently placed it on the cock cage. As he felt the weight of it, I explained the purpose, both physical and psychological. “Turn around, Give Ben a good look at your ass.” Danny moved around so both of us could see. “This tattoo is called a tramp stamp. Notice how it points down toward the ass. It is an advertisment to fuck it. See the two words on his ass cheeks that say “‘FUCK Me’. Nothing subtle about that. The red marks are mine.` I rubbed Danny’s left buttock while Ben, with more confidence, rubbed the right. “Feels good.” I whispered to Ben. “Bend and display.” Danny reluctantly bent at the waist and pulled his gluteouses apart, removing the plug, to display an abused sphincter. “That is one ragged ass hole, Ben. Fucking can be glorious for both parties, but it needs to be done with love and caution. Anal penetration can be painful. I stuck a finger into Danny’s ass hole. He barely moved. “You usually prepare the person you are going to fuck with one finger, then two.” I slide a second, then a third and fourth. “You see that your Uncle Danny’s ass has been so well used that four fingers is like one. You want to put a finger in?” Moved Ben’s hand to Danys rectum and anal ring explaining the texture and the sensativity to caressing and licking.

Ben did a quick touch and pulled his hand away. “I don’t want to get poo on my hands.”

“You needn’t worry because Danny cleaned his insides out this morning. Smell your hand and mine.” Ben remarked how it smelled like leather and a forest. It was nice. That is the lube Danny applied inside his fuck chute. A slave always needs to be prepared to give his ass to whomever want to fuck it.” I knew I was being tough on Danny, but I hopped at some point he would refuse to comply. “Slave turn and knee before men.” Danny turned and knelt in front of us. “Thank your master Ben for the privilege of being touched by him. Danny gave a weak thank you. “Now kiss and clean Master Ben’s feet.” Danny gave a sidelong look at me. I thought I might have broken him, but he started licking Ben’s feet, which was difficult because Ben was ticklish. “Slave stand.” Danny stood. “Now Ben tell Danny what you told me earlier.”

“You know you were my hero. You were always so cool and laid back. I admired and wanted to grow up to be just like you.  You worked at the coolest place, the zoo. And you knew what you wanted to do with your life. And then you brought Timothy around. I saw the love and affection between you two. I had a model on how I want to live when I am older. A confident gay man in love with another confident gay man. Do you know how few role models there are for that.” Ben started to cry. “But now. What you have done to yourself. What you are forcing Timothy to do because he loves you. I do not know what to think of you.” Ben turned away from Danny and buried his face in my chest.  “Outside the room door, now slave.” Danny stood and started to dress. “Did I say dress? You may take the shorts and put them on if someone is coming up the stairs. Close the door as you leave.”

“I’m sorry Ben. I should not have done this.”

He pulled away from me and stood straighter. “This is what is called tough love. I knew what you were hoping for but Danny was always stubborn. It was one of the things I admire about him.” I pulled Ben into a hug and a quick kiss on the forehead. We left the room. I threw Danny his shirt and told him to get dressed, we were heading downstairs and would be leaving shortly. Until we left I told Danny that Ben was also a master and he needed to obey Ben just like me. Ben gave Danny an evil grin. Danny just said yes sir. Ben was careful about what he ordered Danny to do, but it still was embarrassing for Danny to grab sodas and snacks for Ben and his sister.

Peace called me aside. “I saw the collar. I assume that is a new development in your relationship.” I saw her obvious concern but not anger or disgust.

“Yes, unfortunately it was thrust upon me yesterday. I will do what I can to help Danny.”

She grabbed my hand and looked at me edging toward tears. “Do we need to have Danny move back to Chicago?” She gripped my hand harder. “This is not something you should do alone. We are family.” We sat silent for a bit. “Ben knows about it all?” It was between a question and a statement.

“Not it all, but enough” I broke out in sweats. “Did I do wrong?”

“No, not at all,” she calmly said, “Ben is very mature for his years. I think it might be good for him.” She patted my hand. “Danny too. Back to Chicago, do we need to bring him back?”

“My gut says yes very loudly, but I also want Danny to still have some choice. He is nineteen now and old enough to make bad decisions. I have his roommate and another man managing him.” She nodded more to say she understood than agreed. “We should give him the option.” I ran the hand she was not holding through my hair. “I could just tell him and he would comply.” She said nothing. “Yesterday, we went to a halloween party. Danny chose the customs.” I took a deep breath. “I was a leather master and he was my slave. That is when the shit hit the fan and I was compelled to extend the role to permanent.” Peace lived up to her name and nodded in empathy. No judgement. I was cracking, “I’m eighteen, I don’t want the responsibility, but I love Danny and don’t know what else to do.”

“I expect Crystal and Horse know everything.”

“Yes, all the sordid details.”

“I will talk to them because you are right that this is a burden you should not carry alone.”

“Hey, Timothy, Peace, mind if we join you?” Horse was loud even when he tried to be quiet. “You discussing our slut son?” I recoiled by the word “slut son”, but it was true; he had sucked twenty cocks all night--that is a slut. “Crystal and I love our son, but need to decide what to do before he is hurt.”

Crystal looked at Peace, “Did Timothy tell you about the tattoos?” Peace looked at me in surprise and said no. “‘Fuck me’ on the ass and a tramp stamp of penis dripping jizz into his ass crack. And just look how thin and emaciated he is.”

“He did that to himself?” horror tinged Peace’s voice.

“No, he found a couple of guys who ordered him to do it.” Peace’s eyes widened. “I took care of them yesterday. They were blackmailing Danny with pictures.” Everyone was somber. “I think Danny would have done the tattoos without the blackmail because that is where his head is at right now.”

“I and Timothy were discussing bringing Danny back to Chicago where we can watch him, get him help.” Peace looked at both of her parents for confirmation of the plan.

Horse grabbed Crystal into a hug. “Crys and I have discussed that option but Danny is nineteen and an adult. We think he needs to hit bottom before he finds his way back. I know it is painful for all of us to watch, but I see little choice.”

“And it is not fair to Timothy to become our son’s warden. That is what it is going to take control of Danny's needs.” Crystal gave me a slight smile and continued. “If Danny were in Chicago, what would he do that he would not do in Ann Arbor. He will seek out his needs unless we lock him up, which I am not willing to do.”

“Crys is right,” Horse was grime but resigned. “At least school might awaken his dreams again. And Timothy has people there to watch him.” Horse kissed Crystal’s hand. “I am afraid that we need to lose our son before he finds his way back to us. We just hope he survives.” Crystal whimpered, holding back tears.

“Timothy,” Crystal placed her hand on top of Peace’s holding mine. “I know you feel responsible for Danny’s safety, and we love you for that. But you are not. We are only responsible for ourselves. You are young, very young, and have a life in front of you. Don’t start it with guilt over someone else’s behavior. Don’t save yourself with the hope that Danny will return. Horse and I love you like a son and want you to live a full life not chained to a situation you hate.”

“What Crys is saying is we want you to be open for love besides Danny. Do not put your life on hold for him.”

I was confused and hurt. “Does that me you don’t want me around?”

Horse enighed a laugh. “Hell no. Yess we want you around. You are family. Ben would be devastated if he no longer saw you. He needs you. We need you. We want you to introduce us to new boyfriends, swim naked in the pool, and fuck like demented rabbits.”

“We love you Timothy, for yourself and not just as Danny’s boyfriend.” Crystal asserted too. She stood, we all stood. “We need to get back and see what mischief is afoot. Ben was having Danny entertain him and Sarah.” She pulled me into a side hug as we walked back to the pool area. “Gave Ben control?” I gave a sheepish nod. “You are just too smart Timothy. I love you to death.”

We returned to the patio to see Danny acting out the story of Pinocchio. He was having a blast doing voices and actions for each character. He was just at the part where Pinocchio was at the bad boys fair and turning into donkeys. The point was not lost on me. I hoped it was not on Danny. Horse brought me a double shot of scotch. “Thought you might need this. You are a good man Timothy. I’m proud to have you as part of the family.” I took a sip, choked, and took another sip. I loved the Danny that I saw entertaining his niece and nephew, but I knew that this was a brief respite. Was I willing to do as Crystal and Horse urged? Not yet.

Danny finished with the Blue Fairy turning Picocchio into a real boy. Everyone applauded and Danny bowed until his head was almost to the ground. He looked up and saw me smiling. “There is my Blue Fairy.” Danny rushed over to kiss me without any hesitation or subservience. I felt a glimmer of hope. I stood and said we needed to leave; Brad was expecting us for supper. We gave everyone hugs and kisses as we slowly made for the door. Ben gave me an extra hug. I asked if Pinocchio was his idea. He grinned a yes. I told him I would see him next week to discuss what happened today.

At the car, Danny was ready to open the passenger side door when I handed him the keys and said drive. He took them. “Thank you,” he said, but I knew it was not just for the car keys.

Next: Chapter 15

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