Timothy and the Lion Boy

Published on Aug 21, 2022


Timothy and the Lion Boys Chapter 6

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Works of fiction are all fantasies about other people's lives. Those lives have their own trajectory of wants and needs, actions and reactions, hopes and despairs. Fiction allows us, the reader, to share their paths, vicariously. without personal consequence. We do not need to approve or disapprove of their actions because it is their lives. Our role is to bare witness and take what we find relevant to ourselves.

This story is intended for adults who like homotropic erotica. Erotica is more about the journey to sexual fulfillment than the event itself. All erotica is aimed for those 18 and older.

© 2020 Boethius Cell


Timothy and the Lion Boy--6 Freshmen

        The first week of college I never heard from Danny, which was fine since I was busy too: lunch with Bruce and Martin at a pizza place just off campus, new textbooks to preview, and three assignments, two for my English Comp class. I knew Mr. Finkleburg would kill us with all the writing assignments. My algebra class, with Martin but different T.A.s was starting easy, but I knew better for the latter. And my final class was an Introduction to Accounting with 250 students and 10 TA. It was so boring that I almost considered changing majors, but my TA, Trish, said to hold out this term. It would get better. I hoped so.

Saturday, Danny and I agreed to Skype. At 6:30 my computer pinged a call and there was Danny, bright and happy. “Hey Timothy, everything good there? Things are great here.” I told Danny about my week, lunch with Bruce and Martin, and mind numbing accounting. “You getting laid?” he asked. I told him no, didn’t have time. As a courtesy I asked if he was. “Being in a dorm,” he said, “is much better than I thought. I was a little afraid, since I am gay, but I took the bull by the horns and called a floor meeting and told everyone I was gay.”

A head popped up next to Danny’s--a freckled strawberry blond. “Hey Timothy nice to see yea. I’m Sean, Danny’s roommate. From the way Danny talks about you, you are one hell’va boyfriend. I mean so open.”

Danny shove Sean’s face out of view. “Like I said, I told everyone that I was gay.”

“And open” came Sean’s voice.

“Yeah,” Danny looked a little bashful. “I told them that I had no problems with blowing any of them under my rules.”

“That was a genius stroke Danny.” Sean poked his head under Danny’s arm.

“What rules?” I was worried after what happened at the farm.

“First, I consent, study and grades come first. Second, not when drunk. Third, always with condoms, they provide. Fourth, I’m not a party favor. Fifth, I need to be treated with respect, no gay slurs or gay bashing.”

“How are you going to enforce the rules?”

“One of them breaks the rules, the entire floor is on lock down for my goods and I tell their girlfriends.” Danny’s camera must be unbalanced because his face was bouncing up and back into frame.

Sean’s face came back into view. “Everyone is respecting Danny’s rules.” I thought Sean’s face was redder, like he was holding his breath. “Your boyfriend is an expert cocksucker and has a great ass.” Sean’s face disappeared again.

I watched Danny for a second. “Is Sean fucking you now?” Danny’s camera blurred as he moved it to focus on strawberry pubes and balls driving into Danny’s shaved ass. The camera flashed around the room and back onto Danny’s face.

“Yeah, hot.” Danny said with a large grin, sweat starting form on his forehead. “Want to watch. I’ll watch you jack at the same time.” I did a slow striptease while Danny’s camera gave me the ass action. It was a real turn on; my cock expanded and my hand found pay dirt. Danny started jerking at the same time as I. Sean was moaning and swearing “Fuck, oh fuck, fuck,fuck fuck.” Sean screamed and I knew he just blew inside Danny. Danny was close and shot over the camera lens, cum dripped down like melting wax. I shot a volcano of hot cum over my chest. Danny licked clean the camera lens and positioned it back on his face.

Sean’s face popped up in front of Danny’s. “Shit Timothy, you’re one hot dude. I might even let you fuck me. Nice load too, Timothy.” Danny shoved Sean out of the way, Sean laughing the whole time. I heard Sean yell in the background, “Com’on in Danny’s talking to his boyfriend.”

Danny was suddenly shoved out of view and three faces popped in. “Hey Timothy, nice to meet you,” said a dark haired boy with five-o’clock shadow grinning at the front of the trio, who introduced himself as Hort, no explanation for the name. “Hot bod man, nice spunk trail too,” said a brown haired boy behind Hort, Cliff. “Thanks, man for being cool with your boyfriend,” added the third, a dark skinned muscle god, Marvin, “wish my girlfriend was so agreeable.” “We’re going to take good care of Danny and make sure that he does not get into any trouble,” the first guy said.

I had to laugh at that. “Oh I am sure that you will.” I smiled thinly. “I know a couple of biker bears in Detroit who would be more than happy to extract retribution if I am unhappy.” Danny chimed in the back confirmation.

All three sat up a little straighter. “You can be assured, sir, that Danny will be treated with the utmost respect.” Then they looked at each other. “You OK with us fucking him?”

“Danny and I are eighteen soon to be nineteen and always horny. So please keep him happy for me.”

“Sure will dude. And thanks, we will not abuse the privilege,” Hort said. “At least not too much.” added Marvin. “Yea,” broke in the Cliff, ‘you’re one very cool dude. I’m sure we will be chatting more.” They dispersed; Sean said, “Nice to meet you goodbye,” and Danny was back.

“What you think?” Danny was nervous that I would not approve. I was not sure that I did, but Danny was far away and needed to make his own decisions.

“They all seem like cool dudes.” I gave Danny my most lecherous smile. “I might be a bit envious with only Martin, Armand and Bruce to keep my dick from shriveling.” Danny gave me a thumbs up. “When will you be home?”

“Likely around Halloween, if not then Thanksgiving.”  I was not happy about the time apart but there was nothing that I could do. “Brad would like to see you. He texted me yesterday. You impress the shit out of him.”

“He more than scares the shit out of me.” I laughed back. “Danny, want to join us for pizza and a beer,” I heard in the background. “Our treat.” Danny turned and yelled a sure. I did not ask how Danny at eighteen would get beer. It was college, I grinned.

“I’ll let you go. We’ll Skype next week.”

“Let me know when you're the one with the active social life.”

“Yeah,” the grin on Danny’s face was sinful. “‘Till next week. Love you.” “Love you,” came a chorus of voices in the background. I logged off uncertain how I felt. I knew that Danny and I agreed to explore all aspects of college, but he was getting fucked by four if not more guys on a regular basis. Even worse was that I was not one of those guys. Danny had the best ass.

The next week Danny had two of his floormates, Hort and Cliff, in his room. Both thanked me for allowing them to use Danny’s ass. Both were studs.

So the term started.  I felt a bit envious; Danny was more than sexually satisfied by a bevy of hot men. I had Bruce, and occasionally Armand and Martin, who invited me to a couple of group romps. The group scenes were fun but not satisfying; an all you can eat buffet is more about tasting everything than savoring a well prepared steak. I met a couple of guys at school that might be fun, but academics were more important to me.

I kept Danny up to date on Taf, Danny’s nephew. I was seeing him once a week. He was now thirteen and puberty was starting. He had grown two inches in two months, hair was meager but present around his genitals. His voice was uncertain as to what range to settle. He was embarrassed, excited, and horny. I firmly refused to have sex with him. So instead, we worked on self-image, self-control, and self-determination. I was proud of how confident he was becoming. He hinted that there was a boy at school he liked but was not sure if the attraction was mutual. His grandmother, Crystal and I offered some advice. It was amusing to see him blush when Crystal handed him a pack of condoms. We practiced using them on  bananas and cucumbers, but on him they were too baggy. I assured Taf that his penis would get larger as his body matured and that might be after he was 20. I bought a small didlo for him to practice with. I promised him that at a future time he would use it for more than condom practice. That brought his little pecker up a few inches. We also watched anatomy videos and gay themed movies involving young men. I felt very proud of how I was training Taf. I wished someone had trained me when I was younger. I wish someone would train me now. Just not Brad.

Brad had stayed in contact, and he and I met once or twice for supper, no sex. He was also in contact with Danny and was worried. Danny was taking too many risks at school and at a private club, which Brad had told him about. It was the same issue as I saw when we went to the farm. His macho need to prove how tough he was was leading to more dangerous, painful, scenes. We met mid October to discuss Danny.

Danny was coming home for Halloween. He told me he would be home Thursday night, since Halloween was on Friday. Danny informed me that we were attending Brad’s halloween party and he had the costumes ready. I did not argue. I felt it important that Danny take some initiative and not allow others to totally control his life.

I received a disturbing email from Sean, Danny’s roommate. Danny came back to the dorm after a weekend out with a blackeye and bruises to his wrists and chest. He was also skipping classes. The gang on the floor really liked Danny and were trying to help, but he was in a death spiral.

Crystal and Horse were always asking me about Danny. Apparently he was not responding to emails or returning calls. I had little to say, and I was not going to say what I suspected until I talked to Danny. Although I minimized the behavior, they knew I was concerned too. I looked at biology programs and animal husbandry courses in the Chicago area. I wanted to encourage Danny to transfer closer so I could watch him. But I hesitated because I did not want to be Danny’s keeper. I was only eighteen; it was too much responsibility. I talked to Brad about it. He traveled too much and flatly told me that Danny needed to take responsibility for his actions. If the outcome was bad, it was Danny’s choice and we should not feel guilty. He was an adult. But, Danny was eighteen and not an adult when it came to risk. I thought about age and good decision making. I was eighteen, could I make good decisions? Could I take responsibility for Danny when I could not make sound decisions for myself. I relied on my mother and father still for advice. I didn’t always take it, but I needed that sounding board. Shit, I was fucked when it came to Danny.

Next: Chapter 14

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