Timothy and the Lion Boy

Published on Jul 19, 2022


Timothy and the Lion Boy

This story is a prequel to Bag of Candy Weekend published on Nifty.

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Timothy and the Lion Boy--Chapter 1 At the Zoo

I am horny and 18--that’s one-horny-eight. It seems to be a perpetual state. I grasp a pen too tight and sprong, I spring one. A nice ass, a sweet smile or just a furtive glance and my buddy is  ready. My Captain Timmy is the boss, and I follow like an eager slave.

So started my descent into depravity, which I never regretted.

I threw on a pair of cut-off jeans, not so short or tight to be considered wanton but enough to be enticing.  A sleeveless T-shirt said Born Wild with a roaring lion center and a rip over my left nipple. A quick look in the mirror and a tussle of my hair, I was off to the zoo.

        The zoo was always an effective place to cruise. I had been rewarded before with a couple of hot guys, so today should be productive because I was horny and 18. I always found the zoo an erotic location with stands of bamboo--rigid, thruming as they knocked together in any wind. The sound of monkeys howling. Once I saw a monkey boner and considered the option of beastiaity (18 and horny).

The sun was out, warming my pectorals. My cock hung secure but obvious. It would be a good day to score, except the zoo was not busy. It was a weekday and the crowds were smaller--almost no families with brats in tow,  I needed a park full of horny men. I watched the elephants, leaning casually against the rail, my ass toward the public; their long thick flexible trunks squirting dirt over their strong backs. Did I say I was 18 and horny and everything reminded me of sex. The monkey house was quiet: two boy chimps grooming each other. I smiled at their devotion, but I wanted more than a guy to pick fleas. The penguin always attracted a crowd, but today the crowd was of the wrong flavor: hets. I saw two guys at a distance. One smiled at me but then was pulled back by his partner to continue to the serpent house. I considered following, but refrained, although a menage would be nice.

I had been out since I was 16, when I fell for the boy next door, yeah a cliche, but next door was NEXT DOOR, it was location, location and location. The neighbor kid was 18 and horny, so when I presented myself like cheese on a platter, the neighbor jumped, or rather jump me. It lasted two months until he went off to college. My mother found condoms in my jeans and so she and my father had a talk where I confessed to liking guys, that I was not a virgin, had not been since Sophomore year when I and my cousin Billy went behind the woodshed, metaphorically. My dad just handed me back the condoms and told me if I needed more to ask. My mother cried, not that I was gay, but that I had not confided earlier that I was gay. So my parents were cool with my lifestyle. I think that they started to suspect when at ten I got upset because my G. I. Joe didn’t have a penis. I mean how was the dude going to pee. And also the fact he slept naked next to me every night.

I had not brought anyone home yet. Most everything was a hook-up, very casual, very. I saw, I conquered, I came.  I didn’t take a guy to the prom, although his parents encouraged me to. My mother was always introducing me to “nice” young men. Some of whom I fucked because they were also horny. My parents knew that I was sexually active, they just did not realize how active. The horny train came into the station at 13 and has been grande vitesse ever since. I could not be accused of a timid libedo.

Oh, by the way, I am 18 and horny.

I wandered around, got trolled by an old geezer who must have been close to forty, and contemplated a jerk-off behind some bushes because the place was so dead. I mean, even the fucking lion enclosure was empty. The sign apologized for the inconvenience.  They were in an enjoining enclosure while this one was closed for cleaning. I chuckled at the image of a cleaner running around the cage with an oversized pooper scooper dodging lions.  I looked at the empty enclosure, but it wasn’t empty. A young man with dark hair and a brown zoo jumpsuit was hosing the place down. I was intrigued. He noticed me watching and he responded by arching the water high into the air from the hose. I responded by spreading my legs further apart and rubbing my thigh. The hose moved in front of my lion boy’s crotch; he did helicopters with the hose. I started laughing, which only encouraged him more. He motioned me to sit on the bench behind me and he would be out in ten. My day was looking up as was my bumbershoot.

I sat patient past the ten minutes, but at fifteen I was ready to leave. “Thank god, you waited.” a panting voice yelled from a few feet away. Approaching was a dark haired, bronze sinned demigod. This beauty stopped beside me panting. “Fucking zipper on the jumpsuit stuck.” I laughed and did a thorough evaluation of my next prospect. He was maybe 5’ 7” or 8”.  His hair was black, dyed I surmised.  And he was defined in his graphic T and nylon jogging shorts. I grinned when I realized he was commando and his captain was at the helm.  He sat beside me and stretched making sure I noticed his interest. “Sorry about the lion cage being closed,” He grinned at me while running a hand over his right nipple, which appeared pierced unter the T-shirt.

“No prob, man. One doesn’t need lions to be engrossed.” I smiled as I adjusted my shirt so he got a better view of my exposed nipple.

“Got time for a tour,” He smiled as he stared directly at my crotch, running a single finger along the inside of my cut-offs.

“Sure, always interested in what’s hidden behind the curtain,” I pulled lightly on his T, just where they met the front of his shorts.

Now that we had established our interest, he  said, “Follow”.  I followed him down the path to a large boulder  backed with shrubs. We slipped behind the boulder to a thin path that led toward the back of the enclosures. I put an arm on his shoulder. I had a good two inches in height over him. We entered a brightly lit room through a metal door stenciled Employees Only. I gave a curious look, but my bud only shrugged. “This is the food prep area,” he said. His voice was a low tenor with a baritone harmonics. It was very sexy and seductive. “Top or bottom?”

“I don’t like labels.” I gave him a sexy smile. “I like fun.”

“T right?” He pointed at my shirt.

“Within in limits.” I slide my hand seductively down my Born Wild shirt.

“What limits?’

“Haven’t found them yet.” I unbuttoned the top button of my shorts.

“Age?” he suddenly asked.

“18 and horny”

“Same,” he smile back, “to both” He grabbed my hand firmly, “Come” He led through a couple of doors to the actual lion enclosure. The place still was damp from washing. We were hidden from the general public walking by rock formations. He turned and pushed me against one of the formations and effortlessly pulled my T off and undid my cut-offs so they fell to the floor.  

I pulled down the zipper of his jumpsuit. The zipper went from nape to crotch. They pooled at his feet. I then slid both hands under his shirt and in one smooth move had it up and over his head and in a pile on the concrete. We each took a step back to appraise the goods. I ran my hand over his bare chest, two pierced nipples and a pierced navel. Even though I don’t have any piercings, I can appreciate them on others.

“Virgin.” This was a statement as he ran a delicate finger tracing my lips.

“Not since 13.”

“Me, 12 years and 9 months. Don’t like virgins. Don’t want to train. Don’t want to explain. Don’t want to hold back.”

I leaned in to nibble on his earlobe whispering, “What do you want?”

“You inside me, right here, right now, fucking me like a crazed hyena.” He handed me a lubed condom as he threw himself chest first against the rough stone.

I slid in gently.

”Don’t be a pussy,” he growled, “Slam me. Slam me hard.”
I was never one to deny a request so I complied and jack hammered him. Lost in a savage frenzy I bit his neck. He screamed with pleasure. “Like it rough, dude. I will give you rough.” I slapped his ass hard with every in thrust. Pulling all the way out preparing for another javelin thrust, I pulled his balls. He screamed, moaned and begged. I threw myself into him with more drive until I was close and then I gentled, letting him beg. Like a drag racer, I went from idle to 160 in 10 second. It gave new meaning to “Give a flying fuck.” I shot so much that a little backflow ran down my ball. I gave a few more quick hard thrusts to finish cleaning the pipe and slowly pulled out. He was panting. I gently spread his reddened ass and slowly licked his rosebud. He turned suddenly and his cock was in my face, slightly abraded from being pushed against the rocks.  I think the first taste of meat is best if unseen--my tongue and mouth exploring before the eyes, creating an image of taste and feel. I closed my eyes to eat, salivating.

“No,” he said, pulling my face away from his penis. “I want inside you.”

I opened my eyes to see his intense dark blue eyes almost to black. I smiled and stood, carefully peeking around the rock. Two older men stood investigating the enclosure. I suddenly realized that while we could not be seen, we might be heard. “I think we had an audience”  

My sex partner stuck his head around spying the two men, “I do love an appreciative audience” he murmured. “We should take a bow.” With that he gave me a good shove and suddenly I stumbled naked and flushed from sex into full view. Only the two men were visible, so I curtsied. That earned two thumbs up. I slipped gracefully out of view to hysterical laughter. “That was just too damn funny, man. You courstied.” He continued to laugh. I gently put my arms around him in a strong hug and threw him well beyond the rocks. He landed on his ass.  He quickly recovered from the surprise move and started to laugh. He saw the two men standing there laughing. He rose with exaggerated dignity, turned his butt toward the men, and dusted it off. Still laughing, he sauntered back to me, making sure his ass swayed like the pendulum on a grandfather clock.

“I don’t usually do this on a first fuck.” he said, his face light with humor. Gently he pulled me into a kiss. It was so gentle compared to what I did to his ass.

“I don’t usually kiss on a first fuck either, but since there will be a second,” I patted my ass, “it might be permissible.” I pushed him away from me, holding him at arm’s length, “Now young man,” I said with a stentorious voice, “Since you have taken liberties with this man, I need to know your future intentions regarding his ass. You will fulfill your promise and fill his ass.”

“Sir, I have every intention of uphold my end of the stick. I am not a Georgie Porgie. I have a firm resolve to stick it to him until he cries.”

I could not stop laughing, until I saw the damage to his chest and hips from my fucking him against the rocks. “Are you OK.” I pointed to the wide areas of rock-burn.

“No pain, no fun,” he smiled back, “By the way, I’m Danny.
“So much for quick anonymous sex,” I smirked, “I am Timothy.” I did a deep bow. “At your service.”

“Timothy?” I nodded, “not Tim or Timmy?”


“Not Mr. T, T-ball,” Danny gave me a teasing smile, “T-bag”

“I just prefer Timothy.” He shrugged agreement, “Although the last if permissible, if done right.”

He gave a laugh that was warm , seductive, and inviting. “Let’s go inside, I need to fulfil my promise to fuck that harlot ass” He gave my ass a serious slap.  

“Hey man, that hurt.”

“It was supposed to.” He nibbled on my neck as we walked. “I want you to never forget me.”

“Like I will forget fucking Daniel in the lion’s den.”

“Like your shirt, by the way. I love big cats,” Danny said as he dragged me back to the feeding area. He pinned my back against the feeding table; the cold metal in sharp contrast to the kiss, nips, and tugs he gave me as he moved from my neck to nipples to navel and then inside my thigh. His fingernails, filed to pointed ends, scraped my thigh and then my scrotum. “You need to shave.” he stated while nuzzling my stomach.

“Don’t like the scruffy face?” I said between moans. Danny knew how to play with his meat like any cat.

“No like the face fur, I meant the balls. Shave them.” He lifted his face up from tonguing my navel. “Want me to do it?”

“Now?” I said intrigued and a little worried as I looked around for a razor that wouldn’t remove my 18 year-old balls. I wanted at least another sixty years of good service from them.

“Now!” He reached into a drawer and pulled out a standard Gillette without stopping his tickling my ball sack. He gave his full attention to the drawer not, rummaging through it until he found shaving cream. “Sometimes the cats get aggressive with each other and we need to treat wounds.” I nodded but did not understand. “Need to shave the hair to get to the wound.”

“You used that razor on a lion?” I gulped and squirmed.

“No doofus, these are disposable.” he replied as he dispensed a large amount of shaving cream into his hand. “Shaved balls feel amazing, no pubs in the teeth, and it is very trendy. All the big Hollywood studs do it now.” He spread the cream around my balls and all around my penis.

“God this feels” I moaned as he slid his slick hand around and down my balls. “Be careful, this could make me cum.” He smiled and ran his lathered hand the entire length of my shaft. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” was my best response.

“Feel even better when I have you pruned proper. Timothy.”

It was evident by the look on his face that Danny was enjoying it as much as I. A stray thought caused a giggle,  “Will my barber do this to when I need a trim.”

“No, I’m your pubes dresser now.” Danny smiled up at me when he said this. His eyes sparkled with mischief and mirth. Teeth showed straight and bright--good dental care I thought as the razor glided like an ice skater across my jewel sack. “Nice to know that your cellar is the same auburn as the roof.” Danny gave me a toothy grin. Good teeth behind lips that were full, but not freakishly so, that were comfortable smiling, that were ruddy like a delicious apple, that were so, so kissable.

“Jesus H. Christ” I screamed and tried to jump back but was held by the table. “What the fuck are you doing. That was freaking cold, You could have warned me.”

Danny laughed with delight as he put the bottle of ice water that he used to rinse my sack on the floor. “You were off in lala land.” His smile drew a little more toward concern, but not much. “This is the best way to bring someone out of a comma.”

“God, I think I just swallowed my balls.” I laughed.

Danny slowly started massaging my pubic area. He grabbed my hand and guided it down to where he had shaved me, “Feel”  

My balls were soft and far more sensitive to touch. “I like,” I said. “I like it very much.”

“It is a good feeling. '' he said as he moved between my legs and licked me like a dripping ice cream cone. “I like too.” Suddenly he stood grabbing my legs; I was on my back on the table. My mind whirled as the room spun back and the cold touch of metal hit my back. “Now I’m going to fuck you--wild, deep and unbridled. I want you screaming, cursing, driven to distraction, brought to the edge and then pulled back. You are my toy tot, my catnip.” He reached under the lip of the table and pulled out a condom and lube.

“You got stuff stashed everywhere?” I laughed.

“Pretty much. Never know.”

“Do this often?” I went off track as he started fingering around my joy hole. “I mean how big a slut are you?”

“Yeah often. But no bigger slut than you.” He smiled as he slid a finger inside. “Look, you're on a stainless steel table with a dude you met just minutes ago. How big a slut is that.”

“Oh, that feels good.” I scooted down a little closer to the edge of the table. “I like being a slut.”

“Me too,” he said as he went and stood beside me. He laid the condom on my chest and said, “Open and slide it on me.”

I complied, ripping the  pink condom out of the packette, “Pink?”

“I like pink, makes skippy look pretty.”

“Your skippy’s plenty pretty without....” I said as I took my first good look at his tool. “Holy shit, a Prince Albert.” I had seen them on porn, but this was my first live one and that live one was soon to be up my ass.

“No, a reverse PA. Ball on top to stimulate the prostate.” I grinned,  “An 18th birthday present from my dad.”

“A present from your dad?”

“My parents are very cool about me being gay, and I mean I bring guys home all the time. My mom watches gay porn with me. She says its to learn new methods to use with Dad, but I think she just likes watching hot naked men. During one video there was this dude with an Albert and more. I was entranced. Voila, birthday present.”

“Did it hurt?”

“Jezz, yes.” Danny played with the ring. “But I love it?”

“Fucking OK?”

“Hell yes, great for my partner too, stimulates the old pleasure button.” Danny wagged the ring in front of Danny. “Suck it. Then we’ll fuck. You’ll see.”

I was hesitant until I discovered that I liked playing with the ring with my tongue. And Danny was enjoying the play too, very too.

My mouth held Danny’s dick firmly. With mild effort Danny extracted his  with a suction pop. Danny looked at the condom, which I placed carefully on Danny’s penis, uncertain about covering the piercing.

“You’re not going to rip it out.” Danny chuckled,  “Just stretch the top and slip it on and slide it down” Once on, I admired how the ball on the piercing shimmered under the pale pink condom--a pearl in a pink sea. “Thinking of getting one?”

“No way, not that much into pain, though it looks cool.”

“I’ve no regrets, except it took me a while to learn how to pee with it in.” Danny moved back between my legs, which Danny placed on his shoulders. Danny’s face moved into my thighs and he started licking. “Balls and pucker nice and tight” Danny said, stopping for a breath. Danny’s tongue was almost prehensile as it moved inside me.

“Oh, fucking shit.” I moaned, “Sooo gooood.”

“Just for you, but it will get better.” Danny slowly slid his pud inside me.

I felt the ball of the piercing slip through the anal ring. “Oh shit that ball feels like a finger on your cock.” I could barely pant out the words.

Danny started long smooth strokes, while matching it with hand stokes on my cock. Danny picked up his pace and began slapping my ass on every back stroke causing my ass to tighten. I could only moan. Soon Danny’s speed increased with long deep strokes interspersed with several quick jabs. “Close.”

I was not sure if that was a statement or a question but then realized it was both. Danny did one long slow push and that quick ones and screamed, “Now, fucking now.” As he came, his hand quicked on my erection, I arched up my back planting my ass firmly on the table and around Danny’s cock. Sound came out of my mouth, primal and inarticulate as I spewed my sperm across mine and Danny’s chest, lips, eyes, hair, and onto the table beyond. Danny collapsed on my chest; his dick still inside slowly going soft. Neither moved, as both regained breath and heart rate.

“Wow,” Danny said as he pulled out of me.

“Double wow,” I gave a quick gasp as the head of Danny’s cock slid from the rectum. “That is definitely the best fuck I’ve had in awhile”

Danny smiled coyly, “Don’t you mean ever?”

“Yeah, ever.” I smiled back, his face flush and beading perspiration.

Danny removed his condom and brought the filled condom for me to see. “You do bring out the best in me.” He said waving the deflated pink rubber in front of my eyes. “Open your mouth” Danny demand, which I immediately did. Danny placed the open end of the condom and squeezed the contents over my tongue. “Drink to me only with thine eyes” Danny recited while staring into my eyes.

“And I will pledge with mine.” I replied still savoring and swallowing Danny’s juice.

They were still with afterglow for a few seconds. Then both broke out into a raucous laugh.

“You took AP English too,” I gasped out.
“Yeah, Ms. Crenshaw.” managed to get out between the laughter.

“Mr. Orr.” I smiled and sat up. “Doubt they ever intended us to remember it after hot sex on a metal table.” I continued to laugh.

“With raw meat for feeding the lions.” Danny said, his laugh subsiding.

I looked over his shoulder at three tubs filled with meat and bones. He snickered at the irony: I was the raw meat for lion Danny. Danny hopped off the table, “Guess we need to clean up and I head home. I don’t want to get you fired.”

Danny pulled me to a hose and slowly washed the drying cum off them both. “I really enjoyed the sex and you too. I’d like to do it again.” He handed me a few cleaning clothes to dry.

I looked around, “Shit our clothes are still outside.”
“Be right back,” Danny sprinted through a door, returning with the bundles of clothing. I quickly dressed, but then he had only a shirt, jumpsuit and sneakers. “You never did say if you wanted to hook up again.”

“Yeah absolutely.” I said looking into Danny’s beautiful midnight eyes. “Maybe somewhere else exciting?”


“Yeah.” I firmly said. “I am still exploring limits.” I slowly petted the lion on my T-shirt.

Danny gave me an appraising look. “Sure, I have several places in mind. If you are game.”

“Game, interesting word choice, man.” I smiled back. “I like being game. I like being pursued.”

Numbers exchanged, Danny yelled to me, “I’ll call you soon.”

“Sure dude,” I yelled back as the door closed.

I returned to the bench across from the empty lion enclosure and sat. Danny was back washing down the enclosure. He waved at me. I sighed, “They always say they will call, but they don’t” He stood and walked toward the exit of the enclosure.

Next: Chapter 2

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