Timmy Backman Meets Mr. Eltekel

By moc.loa@skcoscexe

Published on Nov 4, 2018



Title: Timmy Backman meets Mr. Eltekel

Author: Christopher Trevor and Inspired by the pics Included...

It was a hot and humid Saturday morning when the phone rang while Timmy Backman was home relaxing.

Sitting stretched out on a recliner in his comfortably air-conditioned living room and dressed in just his usual trademark kangaroo pouch style frosty white underpants and a pair of black calf-length nylon socks, Timmy was tranquil with the newspaper, a cup of coffee on the small table next to the recliner...and a semi woody in his characteristic underpants.

When the phone rang Timmy figured it would be his wife Stephanie, calling to tell him that she had arrived safely in Chicago with Valerie Levi for Ms. Levi's latest business meeting with a new company that had recently approached her.

Picking up the cordless phone from the small table next to him Timmy put it to his ear and said, "Hello?"

"Timmy, it's Bruce," Timmy heard his older brother's voice say, sounding frantic.

"Bruce, hey big brother, what's up?" Timmy asked. "I thought this would have been Stephanie calling to tell me that..."

"Timmy, listen bro, I'm in a real bind and I need your help," Bruce cut in, halting his younger brother in mid-sentence. "Actually, it's a buddy of mine who lives near you that's in a real bind."

"Okay Bruce, slow down and tell me what all is going on," Timmy said, sounding concerned.

"Well, you know that house three blocks away from you that's been up for sale for the last three months?" Bruce asked.

"Sure, the old Munro place," Timmy said, picked up his coffee cup and took a long sip.

"Well, my buddy Conrad Williams, the real estate broker has a potential buyer that he was going to show the house to today..." Bruce said.

"And what does that have to do with me?" Timmy asked placing his coffee cup back on the small table beside him and absent-mindedly reached down to adjust one of his black socks around his curvaceous and shapely muscular calves.

"Everything bro, it has everything to do with you," Bruce went on, sounding more and more frantic with each passing second of the conversation. "You see, my buddy Conrad is home sick with the flu and he can't get there to show the potential buyer the house and..."

"And he's afraid he'll lose the potential sale," Timmy said, him this time cutting Bruce off in mid-sentence.

"Exactly little bro, exactly," Bruce said. "And I know that Mr. Munro left an extra set of keys in a secret place in the house's mailbox in front of the place...but Conrad doesn't want the potential buyer to know that. He doesn't want someone he doesn't really know to have access to the place."

Stretching his muscular legs out in front of him on the recliner and wiggling his toes under his black socks Timmy grinned and said, "Don't tell me, let me guess, you want good old me, good old reliable, good old dependable Timmy to dash over there on my Saturday of no work and relaxation and show the potential buyer the house...right big bro?"

"Yes, yes Timmy, please..." Bruce pleaded. "My buddy Conrad would be so grateful if you could do that for him. He even agreed to give you part of his commission if the house sells."

"Oh dang it all Bruce," Timmy said irritably. "Why can't you do this for Conrad?"

"I would, but I'm out of town on business," Bruce said. "That's why I called you..."

"Bruce, like I said, it's my day off, gosh darn it man, it's Saturday, I'm at home relaxing, Stephanie is out on business as well, with Valerie Levi of all people, Timmy Junior is out with his present girlfriend, and I'm in just my danged briefs and socks here," Timmy said.

"HEH, let me guess, white kangaroo pouch style briefs and black nylon dress socks, your usual look lately when you're alone," Bruce said teasingly as Timmy looked down at the way he was scantily clad...and his semi hardness churned in his briefs.

"Never mind my briefs and socks Bruce," Timmy retorted. "Like I said this is my day off. Do I really have to go show some stranger the Munro house?"

"Listen little bro, Just throw on a pair of khaki shorts, a pair of Dockers, a button down white summer shirt and you'll be golden, it'll be the look of Saturday business casual. After all, it's hot as hell out, no need to even get all suited up and neck tied. This potential buyer is very informal..." Bruce went on and on. "Please Timmy, please, if Conrad gets this sale it could mean a HUGE commission for him...please little bro... And you know how much that house is going for; just think of what Conrad will grease your palm with if it sells this time..."

"Grease my palm..." Timmy murmured and glanced down at his crotch. "Grease my palm indeed...wouldn't mind something else of mine being greased."

"What was that Timmy?" Bruce asked. "I didn't quite hear you little bro."

"Nothing, nothing Bruce, nothing important," Timmy said and fleetingly thought of Master Doug.

"So will you do it Timmy? "Bruce asked, sounding beyond desperate at that point.

"Oh okay, why not? What'll it take, maybe just an hour of my time?" And like you said, at least I don't have to get all suited up on such on a hot day." Timmy said, finally giving in. "And I wouldn't mind at all having my palm greased if the house sells. Maybe I could use the money for me and Stephanie to go on a trip of our own...minus that danged Valerie Levi."

"Oh thank you Timmy, thank you little bro, I promise you won't regret it," Bruce said.

"Yeah, famous last words," Timmy said. "Okay, it's only three blocks from here. What time should I meet the potential buyer there?"

"I'll call him and tell Mr. Eltekel that you'll be there at eleven," Bruce said.

Timmy glanced at the clock on the wall and said, "Okay, that gives me more than enough time."

"Thank you again little bro, thank you, and Conrad thanks you too, Bruce said and the two brothers hung up.

Timmy chugged down the rest of his coffee, climbed out of the recliner, pulled his calf length black socks up straight and headed up to his and Stephanie's bedroom to don a pair of khaki shorts, a white short-sleeved button down shirt and his brown Dockers...

As Timmy was preparing for his meeting with the potential house buyer, Mr. Eltekel, his brother, Bruce, was again on the phone, saying to Mr. Eltekel, "My brother is on his way Sir, he's on his way...he'll be there at eleven."

Mr. Eltekel held up a long sharp-edged goose feather and said, "Then I best be on my way as well. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity Bruce...

"Oh you're welcome buddy, you are so welcome," Bruce said, sounding totally sinister...

...and the two men hung up...

Timmy arrived promptly at the old Munro house at precisely eleven AM, sweating a bit due to having walked to the place from his house in the intense heat of the day. He saw a young man dressed in jeans, sneakers and a short-sleeved polo shirt sitting on the porch.

As Timmy reached as inconspicuously as possible into the mailbox in front of the house for the key, he called out, "Mr. Eltekel?"

"That would be me!" the young man called back as he got to his feet and Timmy approached him. "Mr. Timothy Backman?"

"Yep, that would be me," Timmy said as he and the potential buyer shook hands. "But please, call me Timmy, everyone does."

"Timmy it is then," Mr. Eltekel said as he pumped Timmy's hand, Timmy realizing that the man had a grip like iron and was pumping his arm hard enough to pull his shoulder out of its socket, if he chose to that was...

Timmy was able to also tell from the way the brown haired brown eyed young man's arms were bulging and bloated with enormous muscles in the short sleeves of his polo shirt that the potential buyer was built, as the saying goes, like a brick shit house...

...and from the way his hair was cut in what was called a high and tight military style, Timmy surmised that Mr. Etekel was either military or perhaps ex-military.

After the two men ceased shaking hands Timmy said, "Well then, shall we go and see what there is to see?" as he held up the key to the house.

"Sure thing Timmy," Mr. Eltekel said. "I really do appreciate you taking the time to show me this place. Your brother Bruce told me of how Mr. Williams is home sick with the flu."

"Yes, so I heard as well," Timmy said, stepping in front of the muscular young man to open the front door. "And it's really no trouble at all Mr. Etekel."

"Thank you so much Mr. Backman, er, Timmy," the young man said, standing behind the banker lawyer and glancing down hungrily at Timmy's feet in his brown Dockers and black nylon socks.

As Timmy pushed the door to the house open and pocketed the key Mr. Eltekel licked his lips a few times...

The two men entered the house and Timmy closed and locked the door behind them.

"I'm glad the electricity is working," Timmy said as he flipped a switch on the wall and the living room lights came on.

Timmy flipped another switch on the wall and said, "This switch is for the central air conditioning."

"Ah good, good," Mr. Eltekel said.

"Now, the house has three levels, the top floor, the main floor, where we are now, obviously, and a basement as well," Timmy said, going instantly into salesman mode.

Timmy was proud of himself career-wise, seeing as over the years he had mastered the art of being a banker lawyer and even seemed to have the blood of a good salesman in him.

Looking around the spacious living room Mr. Eltekel said, "So far it sounds exactly like what we're, me and my wife that is, are looking for."

"I'm glad to hear that," Timmy said. "Now, if you'll follow me I'll show you the kitchen and dining room."

"Wow, a separate dining room," Mr. Eltekel exclaimed. "Now that I really like the sound of..."

"As I'm sure your wife will as well," Timmy said.

"Yes she will," Mr. Eltekel said. "She would have joined me today but she had personal stuff to attend to."

"No worries Mr. Eltekel," Timmy said as they stepped into the spacious dining room. "Now, this would be your dining room. As you can see you would be able to fit a very large table and chairs in here along with decorative furniture on the sides of the table and chairs...perhaps a breakfront."

"My goodness, I've never seen a dining room this large...I can't imagine why the previous owners left here...is this house haunted or something Timmy?" the young man asked and chuckled a bit.

"Ha, ha, that is very funny indeed Mr. Eltekel," Timmy said, stepping toward the kitchen next, totally oblivious to the fact that Mr. Eltekel was now glancing downward and literally drinking in the sight of Timmy's feet dressed in his brown Dockers and black socks. "But no, I don't think the house is haunted...I think the owners just grew rather old and needed a smaller place, a condo I heard...now then, this is the kitchen, and as you can see, like the dining room and living room it's rather on the large side."

"Yes, very large, very large, that is for sure," the young man said, stealing yet another glance down at the banker lawyer's feet, and licking his lips. "Very large..."

"Okay, moving on, would you like to see the upstairs or the basement next?" Timmy asked, facing the young man...and realizing at that moment just how VERY handsome he really was.

The banker lawyer felt his cock tingle in his shorts and his big cum filled testicles churned. Pushing his feelings aside as best he could Timmy listened to the prospective buyer's response.

"UH, let's go see the basement," Mr. Eltekel said. "I and my wife have a lot of stuff and I'm hoping there'll be plenty of storage space down there."

"Oh I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised, Sir," Timmy said. "Please follow me..."

"Delighted to Timmy," Mr. Eltekel said and did just that, followed Timmy through the kitchen, which led to a door, which led down to the basement, the young man now watching Timmy's feet from behind as he walked.

Timmy opened the basement door, said, "Right down these stairs," and led the way down to the basement, flipping a light switch on a wall as he went.

Mr. Eltekel silently closed the basement door behind him...

"Central air conditioning down here as well Timmy?" Mr. Eltekel asked as he and Timmy descended the stairs.

"Yes Sir," Timmy said. "Central air conditioning all throughout the entire house...even though it's a rather old house the Munro's did equip it with central air."

"Nice, very nice," Mr. Eltekel said when he and Timmy had reached the bottom of the flight of stairs, the potential buyer practically salivating as he more and more took in the sight of Timmy's nerdy-style dressed feet.

"Now, as you can see it's a completely finished basement. Nice and neat, it can even be used as a guest room if you and your wife so choose to," Timmy said. "And don't worry about any fire laws; it has its own separate entrance over there, along with a flight of stairs that leads directly outside. And as you can feel right now, it's nice and cool down here so the central air conditioning is working well."

"Yes, it sure could be used as a guest room at that, or perhaps a party room," Mr. Eltekel exclaimed happily and pointed to the other end of the basement. "And look at that, there's already a bed and a storage closet down here, along with whatever that round metal thing on the floor next to the bed is. Does all that come with the house?"

Timmy looked to where Mr. Eltekel was pointing. A look of bewilderment came over the banker lawyer's handsome face and he said, "Now where in tarnation did that bed and storage closet come from? And you're correct, what is that round metal device next to the bed? I think this bears investigating Mr. Eltekel, seeing as I know nothing about it. And I doubt that any of it comes with the house."

With the look of bewilderment still on his face Timmy walked across the basement to where the bed, storage closet and strange looking round metal device were.

"This is mighty strange because it was told to me that the Munro's had taken all of their stuff with them when they moved out," Timmy mused softly as he approached the bed, storage closet and round metal device...

...with Mr. Eltekel directly behind him...on his heels as it were...

When Timmy reached the bed and the large round metal device, he looked at the bed first....

...and saw...

...to his horror and at the same time, kinky excitement, that there were black leather restraints fastened to all four corners of it...

"Oh my," Timmy said, at first thinking that perhaps the house's previous owners had been a kinky couple...like him and Stephanie...

Next, Timmy stepped over to the round metal device, which was situated next to the bed.

The banker lawyer, still with a look of bewilderment on his face, looked downward into the round device, which to him looked a bit like a garbage pail, an oversized garbage pail, but a garbage pail nonetheless. Standing next to it Timmy saw that it came up to just below his waist.

As he looked down into the round metal device the banker lawyer murmured, "Now what all do you suppose this thing is?" and as he looked down into the abyss of the device he saw at the bottom of it two feet shaped openings...

"My word, I can't imagine what all the Munro's used this danged thing for," Timmy said, his back, sadly for him, turned to Mr. Eltekel.

Then, from behind him, Timmy heard Mr. Eltekel say, "Timmy? That device is Valerie Levi's latest product..."

At the sound of the name Valerie Levi Timmy's heart pounded in sudden fear mixed with excitement and his cock and huge testicles seemed to shift in his khaki shorts...

"Huh?" Timmy said, and before he could turn around to face the potential house buyer to ask what in all hell he was talking about, the muscular man grabbed the banker lawyer from behind by the back of the belt on his khaki shorts and the back of his big neck...

The next sound Timmy made was a very loud "ULLLLPPPPPPPP!!!!" as the boy found himself suddenly hoisted and leaving the floor...

As Mr. Eltekel then held the banker lawyer high and above himself in a stretched out prone position, Timmy now found that he was looking straight up at the celling.

"OH MY WORD!!!!" Timmy clamored loudly. "What all is this Mr. Eltekel???How do you know Valerie Levi???And why is her latest device here in the Munro house that's up for sale??? And I can only imagine why that danged bed has restraints attached to its four corners!! OH MY!! Put me down you mountainous stack of muscles!!!"

Holding Timmy in elevation above himself by the boy's belt and the back of his big neck, Mr. Eltekel said, "To answer all your questions Timmy, what this is, is your latest appointment for ticklish trials. I met the incredible Valerie Levi through your brother Bruce when he and I met at a business convention. And, AND Ms. Levi's latest device is here in the Munro house because you, YOU handsome, fetching ticklish devil, are going to be its first passenger for its maiden voyage you can say...and as for the bed with the restraints attached to its four corners...well, where else better to subject the infamous Timmy Backman to new ticklish trials?"

"OH NO, NO!!! NO Mr. Eltekel!!!" Timmy panted from his helpless and upraised position, his Dockers and black socked feet swinging sexily up and down and his arms flailing uselessly. "Put me down I say!!" Timmy panted crazily. "Put me down and make it pronto Mr. Eltekel!!"

"How about a few airplane spins instead Timmy, to REALLY get this tickle party started right?" Mr. Eltekel asked the hoisted boy in a merry tone of voice.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!" Timmy pleaded upwards at the ceiling...

...and suddenly, like an expert juggler, Mr. Eltekel began airplane spinning poor Timmy round and round and round and round above him...

...at what felt to Timmy like hundreds of miles per hour...

"OOOOOHHHHHHH...OHHHHHH...oh my word!!!" Timmy cried as he was spun and spun in a clockwise direction.

"I used to do this to my buddies in the air force all the time Timmy, it was a really great way to work out, let me tell you!" Mr. Eltekel laughed as he did his dirty work, and confirming the boy's suspicion that the potential house buyer was indeed ex-military. "It really made my arms very muscular and powerful. Spinning my air force buds, very apropos wouldn't you say?"

"NO, no, I would not say!" Timmy hollered, his Southern accent having set in thick and heavy at that point. "Please Mr. Eltekel; stop this, stop this now!!! MY WORD, I'm getting so danged dizzy!"

"Oh come on now Timmy, you have to admit that spinning dudes in the air force is such fun. Those buds of mine never knew when I was going to sneak up on them, pick them up, and give them a good airplane spin," Mr. Eltekel stated happily as he continued spinning Timmy round and round and round in a clockwise direction.

"Fun for your air force buds maybe, but not for me!" Timmy called out. "Please Mr. Eltekel, stop this tomfoolery now and put me down!"

But instead of stopping the muscular potential house buyer reversed Timmy's direction and began spinning the hapless boy in a counter clockwise direction...

"YULLLPPPPPP!!!!" Timmy bantered. "OH MY WORD!!!"

"HEH, always loved doing this to unsuspecting dudes, and now I get to do it to an unsuspecting hyper ticklish dude," Mr. Eltekel mused as he spun Timmy round and round in the counter clockwise direction above him. "And of course none of my air force buds were tickle tortured after I had spun them... What a waste that was, now that I think about it. But it sure was fun watching them stumble and stagger off after I had gotten done with them...HA!!!"

"OH MY, OH MEEEEEEE..." Timmy shrieked as the ceiling above him seemed to be spinning now, along with him...


Mr. Eltekel literally tossed Timmy in the air, the boy literally spinning round and round in the air for a few seconds, and unbeknownst to how he had accomplished it, the boy landed in a position of Mr. Eltekel now holding him still hoisted above him, but with Timmy now looking downward, at the floor, which appeared to the banker lawyer to be spinning as well...even though he was no longer being spun...

"I'm being manhandled here..." Timmy moaned miserably.

As Timmy looked down at the floor Mr. Eltekel gave the boy a few last spins, both in a clockwise and then counter clockwise direction... ...and then deposited him into the round metal device next to the bed, Timmy's Dockers and black socked feet landing point blank in the feet shaped bottom of the device...

And as his feet landed in the openings those openings suddenly closed tight around the boy's black socked muscular and shapely calves, literally trapping and securing him in the device.

"OH, OH MY, what-what trickery is this now???" Timmy asked Mr. Eltekel, as his head continued spinning from dizziness.

Timmy gripped the sides of the device he had been planted in with two hands and looked angrily at Mr. Eltekel, seeming to see the man floating in front of him as his head continued spinning.

"This trickery, or should I say, this device of Ms. Levi's is sort of, SORT OF like the Spinning Chinaman Timmy, or should I say Ticklish Timmy?" Mr. Eltekel chuckled and ruffled Timmy's hair.

"The Spinning Chinaman???" Timmy asked. "Oh woe is me..."

"Precisely Ticklish Timmy, ticklish as hell Timmy..." Mr. Eltekel replied and took a square shaped remote control from his jeans pocket. "Now Ticklish Timmy, how about some more spins before we really get this tickle party started?"

"NO, NO, please Mr. Eltekel," Timmy pleaded. "Have you no sense of mercy or decency?"

"Not a shred," Mr. Eltekel laughed and pressed a button on the remote control he was holding.

Suddenly, Timmy found himself spinning round and round in a clockwise direction in the device that Mr. Etekel had placed him in.

"Oh my, oh no, oh tarnation!" Timmy bantered holding tighter yet to the side of the device.

"Round and round you go Ticklish Timmy," Mr. Eltekel laughed and pressed another button on his remote control, sending Timmy spinning a tad faster then... "As you can now see, that device really is sort of like the spinning Chinaman."

"Mr. Eltekel, I came here today on my Saturday, MY DANGED SATURDAY, my day off at that, to show you this house!!" Timmy cried as he was spun. "I did not come here to be spun like a top and then be subjected to more danged ticklish trials..."

"No Ticklish Timmy?" Mr. Etekel laughed again. "Where do you usually go for those things?"

As Timmy spun and spun he barked, "Ha, ha, ha for me, how funny you are Mr. Eltekel, how very sinister and funny you are indeed...oh my word...I'm spinning here...I'm really spinning..."

"Very soon Ticklish Timmy you're going to learn just how very funny I really am..." Mr. Eltekel said, pressed a button on his remote control and sent Timmy spinning then in the opposite direction within the device he was literally ensnared in via his feet. "Because very soon you will be once more laughing that handsome head of yours off..."

"Oh my word, ticklish trials again..." Timmy said, nearly crying as he spun round and round.

After spinning the boy back and forth in the device for a good half hour Mr. Eltekel pressed a button on his remote control and Timmy ceased going round and round...

"UHHHHHHHHH...oh my, oh me," the banker lawyer swooned as he felt the devices holding his feet in place loosen a bit...

Then, with his head spinning in what felt like a reverse orbit, the basement spinning in front of him, the banker lawyer felt his upper body grabbed in a bear hug by Mr. Eltekel...

...and the overly muscular man hoisted Timmy out of the spin device...

"UHHHHHHHH...oh my word..." Timmy groaned as he was lifted out of the devilish contraption...

...minus his brown Dockers...

...his nylon black socks matted to his now VERY sweaty and perspiring feet...

"Would you look at that, that danged device ate my shoes," Timmy said in a silly sounding tone of voice as Mr. Eltekel worked him into the position of a groom carrying his bride over the threshold on their wedding night in his huge arms...

"What a way you have with words Ticklish AND dizzy Timmy," Mr. Etekel said and lovingly kissed Timmy on the cheek.

"So glad you approve of my vernacular you trickster," Timmy said irritably, as the man carried him to the bed...

...the bed with the leather restraints fastened to all four corners of it...

"I always seem to have a unique vernacular when it comes to being shanghaied into ticklish trials," Timmy stated glumly.

Mr. Etekel unceremoniously set Timmy down on the bed on his back and as his head spun some more Timmy felt his very being spin away into a sleepy stupor...

When Timmy climbed out of the stupor a short while later, and the dizziness he had been subjected to via being airplane spun like a top by Mr. Eltekel and being spun round and round in Valerie Levis' latest device of erotic torture, had thankfully subsided he found himself stripped to his trademark black nylon socks. He was lying on the bed in a spread eagle position, his wrists and ankles locked tightly in the leather restraints. He saw his white shirt; his khaki shorts and his briefs folded up and piled neatly on the floor a few feet from the bed.

However, he didn't see his brown Dockers in attendance with the rest of his clothing and he quickly figured they were still in the entrails of the spin device. Being restrained to the bed the way Mr. Eltekel now had him the banker lawyer didn't need three guesses to know what would soon be happening next...yet again...

"UHHHHHHHH....ohhhhhhhhh...oh my, oh my!!" Timmy blurted loudly, thrashing helplessly in his bonds, his big semi-hard cock and chock filled testicles flopping around most provocatively between his muscular legs. "Mr. Eltekel, what is this??? What goes on here??? Oh my, TARNATION, I'm naked in my socks and tied down!!"

"Come now Timmy," Mr. Eltekel said, grinning down at Timmy from the foot of the bed. "You should know EXACTLY what this is and what goes on here..."

With his eyes then opened wide as saucers Timmy watched as the handsome young man hunkered down at his sweaty, moist black socked feet, gripped the right one in two hands around the ankles, leaned his head down and began sucking Timmy's socked toes...REALLY drinking and downing the musky sent out of them...

"OOOOOOO...OH ME...always gets me so worked up in the cock to have that done to me..." Timmy panted breathlessly...and his semi hardness began to go from semi hard to full-blown erection...

"MMMMM...sweet...so tangy and pungent...tastes so good," Mr. Eltekel said softly and then began sucking the toes on Timmy's other black socked foot. "Just as your brother said they would be...so tasty..."

"MY, my brother..." Timmy said dejectedly. "You mean to say that Bruce is behind this???"

"Who else Timmy?" Mr. Eltekel asked, held Timmy's right black socked foot again by the ankle, sniffed it and then licked and licked and licked the bottom of it in earnest, even kissing it in an up and down direction as he went. "MMMM, so wonderful, so delicious, you should market your feet and sock stink..."

"OH MY, this could only mean one thing then," Timmy said woefully. "...one thing..."

"And what would that be Timmy?" Mr. Eltekel asked the poor hapless boy. "Say it for me please...say it ticklish Timmy Backman..."

"T-ticklish trials...most definitely more ticklish trials for poor me..." Timmy said, tears almost forming in his eyes. "That danged brother of mine...he tricked me again... ...and of course gullible me, I fell for it. Why, I would even bet that Conrad Williams doesn't have the danged flu. Why, I would even bet that Conrad Williams has no idea that poor me was duped into coming here...and wound up tickle captured for the umpteenth time in my life...MY WORD!"

As Mr. Eltekel then kissed Timmy's black socked calves Timmy said, "All my life Mr. Eltekel, all my life my brother has tricked me into ticklish trials...oh my..."

Timmy watched then as his cock engorged to full-mast as Mr. Eltekel went on licking, kissing and sucking at his black socked feet, really, REALLY getting the boy worked up in his manhood...

"So Bruce told me..." Mr. Eltekel said with a devilish looking grin on his face as he then held both of Timmy's socked feet tight. "And I must tell you, besides hoisting a dude and spinning him into utter dizziness, I also love tickling a dude till he is crazy and senseless with laughter...the combination of my fetishes really works well for me eh?"

"Mr. Eltekel..." Timmy began, but then stopped, looked at the man at his trapped black socked feet and... "Eltekel... E Tekel... E Tickle... OH MY WORD, when Bruce told me your name I should have known... I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN... Oh my, why oh why am I so danged susceptible...oh the twisted irony, captured by a man named E Tickle for more demonic ticklish trials..."

As Mr. Eltekel was then licking the balls of Timmy's socked feet he said, "Maybe it's that you really do enjoy being made to laugh your handsome head off...for hours on end... I mean, just look at how hard and erect your cock already is Timmy. As you would say, and I quote, my word, you're dribbling pre cum like crazy...and you're not even laughing yet..."

With that Mr. Eltekel stopped licking Timmy's socked feet, slid the boy's socks slowly off his feet through the leather restraints and stood up straight, Timmy's socks dangling in his hand.

"My cock is hard because you just sucked my toes and licked my danged smelly socked feet.

That always gets me hard in the cock, PLUS, I haven't cum in months," Timmy exclaimed, looking helplessly up at his latest tickle captor. "At this point I'm proud to say I'm entering my fifth month of cumlessness..."

Looking at his impending tickle captive, Mr. Eltekel scrunched Timmy's trademark prized black socks up in his hands, pocketed them, and said, "YOU, you haven't cum in nearly five entire months Timmy??? That's nearly one and hundred and fifty days of not shooting your loads. WHY??? Why would any man stay cumless for that length of time???"

Curling his now naked toes back and curling his fingers into fists Timmy said, "Well, if you must know, and if it will save me from being tickle tortured here today, and if it'll get me my socks back that you just pilfered, seeing as I lose more pairs of socks that way, I will tell you Mr. Eltekel..."

"HEH, nothing is going to save you from being tickle tortured here today Timmy, I worked too hard to get you into the position you're now in...and your trademark black socks will make a real nice trophy of my having tickle captured you today...

...and I'm dying to hear that laughter of yours I've heard so much about," Mr. Eltekel said gleefully. "But I will hear why someone as handsome as you, someone who, like me, who is married but can have any woman OR MAN that he wants at that has been cumless for nearly five months...one hundred and fifty days...DAMN, I couldn't not cum for two days, let alone one hundred and fifty..."

"YOU'RE dying to hear me laugh??? Chances are I'll die laughing this time Mr. Eltekel! You have no idea how many times in my life I've been subjected to ticklish trials and laughed till I thought I would breathe my last. DANG, I was even kidnapped once, KIDNAPPED right out of my own home in the wee hours of the night... and held captive by a so-called buddy of mine named Ronald Greene for three days...THREE DAYS...and for those three days Ronald Greene tickled me like never before in all my life!" Timmy exclaimed miserably. "Woe is me but I laughed like a loon that time...AND...it amazed me that I didn't wind up in the nut hatch. Being kidnapped and subjected to three whole days of tickle tortures via devilish devices can really make a guy into a nut. I mean what kind of buddy kidnaps a guy out of his own home and tickle tortures him for three whole days???"

"Oh come now Timmy, don't be such a ticklish drama queen, just as you survived all your previous ticklish trials you'll survive your upcoming one today...although I'm not going to make it easy on you, that is for sure," Mr. Eltekel chuckled. "Now, again, I will hear the reason why you've been cumless for nearly five months..."

And with that Mr. Eltekel reached down and gave one of Timmy's big nipples a fast squeeze.

"OOOOOOOO...dang, but my man tits are even more sensitive than my feet it can be said," Timmy bantered, then took a deep breath. "Okay, why have I been cumless for five months you ask? Why have I been cumless for nearly one hundred and fifty days? Well, as I've told others before you who have tricked me into new ticklish trials, I have an online Master, his name is Doug, and I've been made to call him Master Doug..."

"An online Master?" Mr. Eltekel asked.

"Yes, I met him in a chat room for men who can't leave their cocks alone, men, like me, who even though they have no shortage of sex in their lives, when alone they masturbate, and masturbate all the time..." Timmy said. "I was one of those men. I masturbated endlessly.

I masturbated till my big cock was sore as hell. I masturbated into my kangaroo style pouch briefs, the feeling of that always being electric to me. I masturbated every time I was alone.

There were days I masturbated a few times, once in the morning, once in the afternoon and then before bed in the night. Sometimes when I woke up during the night to take a leak I would masturbate first, shoot my load into the toilet...and then piss... It felt amazing to piss after I had cum. I think that's true for most men.

Whenever Stephanie was away I would sit at the computer and look at online porn, mostly online tickle porn, tickle porn where submissive men were tickled by women mind you...and I would watch that and masturbate...and masturbate...and masturbate till it felt like my cock would fall off. And then, as time went on I stumbled upon a website that catered to men in bondage and being tickle tortured...by other men...and I found that even though I am essentially a straight mulligan, being tickle tortured myself, and by men at that aroused me as well...so then I would watch online porn of men being tickle tortured by other men and would masturbate some more...and more...and more... I mean, over the years Bruce had tricked me into being tickle tortured mostly by males...

...seeing as that brother of mine is gay, but I never thought about it on a sexual level at that time...at that time it was just danged torturous laughter that was extracted from me via tickling...

So, while I was in the chat room for men like me who constantly masturbate I told, anonymously of course, how even though I had an unending amount of sexual experiences in my life I still masturbated on a daily basis when alone... I also responded very defensively to various men in the chat room that I didn't think I had a problem, when they told me that masturbating all the time was a definite problem. I saw it all as a joke. We're men, we're meant to cum right? And then, oh my word, then, it was Master Doug who responded to me and took a very intense interest in me...and totally took control of me and my cock..."

"And how did he do that Timmy?" Mr. Eltekel asked his tied down tickle captive.

"He presented me with challenges that for whatever the reason I could not resist, a lot of men can't resist challenges, and there was just something about the way the things that the man said to me in his instant messages that totally appealed to my submissive nature," Timmy went on. "And so...in the end...I permitted him to take control of my cock...and was only permitted to cum when he would grant me permission... ...and as I told you I'm heading into my fifth month of cumlessness, and that's because Master Doug has ordered me to stay that way until he deems otherwise..."

Looking down at Timmy in wonderment Mr. Eltekel said, "But five months Timmy?"

Timmy pursed his lips before responding again...

"You see, after I had reached two months of cumlessness Master Doug was ready to grant me permission to finally cum, and after two months of having not shot a load you can imagine what a case of blue balls I had Mr. Eltekel..." Timmy said breathlessly as he squirmed in his bonds on the bed. "But then, I was tickle-napped, just as you've done to me here today... ...and I nearly came while I was being tickle tortured...much as I hate being tickle tortured it also gets me all worked up in my cock...and after I was released from those ticklish trials I had to report it to Master Doug that I had been tickle captured yet again and tickle tortured...and that I nearly blew my load from it... ...you have to understand, anything that happens to me of a sexual nature, up to and including tickling, I HAVE TO report to Master Doug...that's how strong and powerful his hold on me...and my cock is...and the very submissive part of me can't resist that hold that he has on me...and my cock...so when Master Doug learned of the ticklish trials I had endured and how I had nearly shot my load during them, well, instead of granting me permission to cum he decided to test me further and keep me cumless even longer...you can't imagine the agony Mr. Eltekel..."

"Amazing, totally amazing," Mr. Eltekel said in a whispering, almost breathless tone of voice, and then looked down at the tied up Timmy. "So after I tickle torture you here today you'll obviously have to report it to your Master Doug..."

Timmy licked his lips and said, "As soon as I'm out of here and back at home...which somehow I get the feeling won't be for quite a while...oh me..."

"Amazing," Mr. Eltekel said again, gave one of Timmy's nipples another good squeeze and watched as dollops of pre cum oozed from his twitching pulsing erection. "But enough talk Timmy, the time has come...and for your sake I do hope you don't cum...you do want to keep your online Master happy after all I'm sure..."

Timmy then pursed his lips in trepidation, held back his tears of agony and watched as Mr. Eltekel stepped over to the storage closet....

...and then Timmy's tears flowed when he saw his latest tickle captor approach the bed he was lashed to, and that Mr. Eltekel was holding a large sharp-edged goose feather...the same goose feather he had been holding when Timmy's brother, Bruce, had called the man to let him know that his ticklish brother was on his way over to the house...

A few scant seconds later Timmy was singing his high C's of laughter...the sound of that laughter filling the basement...and echoing off the walls as Mr. Eltekel was hunkered down at the ticklish boy's naked feet...and alternately tickling the bottoms of them with the sharp tip of his goose feather...

"YAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! OH MY, OH ME, HAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAA, AAAAAAA, Mr. Eltekel!!!" Timmy screamed as he laughed and laughed and thrashed in his bonds on the bed. "OH that feather is torturous, so evilly torturous indeed!!!! HAAAAAAAAA, HAAAAAAAAA, HEEEEEEE, oh me, oh my!!!!"

And, as Mr. Eltekel alternated back and forth tickling the bottoms of Timmy's naked feet, tickling the balls of his feet, tickling his toes, and in between his toes as well, his heels, and really sending the ticklish boy into LOUDER yet peals of tickle laughter, the scent of musty sweat emanating from the laughing boy's naked feet was intoxicating to the tickler...and caused him to tickle Timmy's naked tootsies all the faster...at what seemed like bionic speed to Timmy Backman...

"HARRRRRRRRRRRR, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, MEEEEEEEEEEE, HEEEEEEE, HEEEEEEEE!!!! OH please Mr. Eltekel, PLEASE!!!!" Timmy screeched and arched his handsome head back...and Mr. Eltekel quickly took full advantage of that...

...by moving quickly to Timmy's arched back head...and began using his goose feather to tickle poor Timmy's very paramount Adam's apple...

"NYAAAAAAAHHHHHH, OOOOOOOOO dirty pool Mr. Eltekel, dirty danged pool indeed!!!!" Timmy ranted through his laughter, and found, to his dismay that while his Adam's apple was being tickled he was forced to keep his head arched back. "HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"

Mr. Eltekel swirled his goose feather round and round over Timmy's Adam's apple...and then switched to tickling the boy behind his earlobes AND even inside his ears...

"YAHHHHHHHHHH, HARRRRRRRRRR!!!!" Timmy laughed like a loon.

"Dear me Timmy, it seems the more you're tickled the more ticklish you become," Mr. Eltekel remarked and then began moving his goose feather faster and faster against Timmy's Adam's apple, behind his ears...and inside his ears.

"B-BRILLIANT deduction you tickle villain, HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Timmy managed to say with sarcasm in between his uncontrollable bouts of laughter. "OOOOOOOOOOOO...please...please Mr. Eltekel, PLEASE, find some shreds of mercy inside you and stop this, PLEASE STOP, HEEEEEEEEEEE, oh me..."

"Stop Timmy? Are you kidding? We've only just gotten started here today, and we have all day ahead of us," Mr. Eltekel said, sounding like he could not believe what his tickle captive had just said...

...and with that he dashed back to the foot of the bed Timmy was trapped on, licked the bottoms of the ticklish boy's sweaty feet a few times and as Timmy straightened his head back out he was suddenly laughing once more...as Mr. Eltekel resumed the goose feather tickling of his poor tootsies.

"OH MY WORD!!!!" All day ticklish trials!!!" Timmy ranted as he laughed and laughed...

...and as the bottoms of his feet were tickled and tickled Timmy's cock had turned into a HARD stalk between his legs and was pointing straight up at the ceiling...and his testicles literally felt like they would explode his juices, rather than spurt those juices from his cock slit...

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEE, HEEEEEEEEE, HEEEEEEE," was the sound Timmy was making a half hour later as Mr. Eltekel went on and on tickling the bottoms of his naked feet...

...and to add to the hapless boy's ticklish misery Mr. Eltekel was now finger tickling one of Timmy's feet while at the same time he goose feather tickled the boy's other foot...and being that Timmy's naked feet were VERY moist with sweat they were all the more ticklish...

"OH WOE IS ME, woe is fucking me!!!" Timmy cackled. "HAAAAAAHAHHHHHHAHHHHHHH, and damn my tricky brother!!!"

Timmy laughed and laughed harder and harder as Mr. Eltekel turned even more evil and alternated finger tickling one of Timmy's feet and then goose feather tickling the other, back and forth and back and forth...over and over again...

Another half hour later a sweaty and nearly tickle-insane Timmy managed to rant, "MR. ETEKEL, I can feel the juices in my balls boiling. HEEEEEEEEEEE...I'm afraid I'm going to lose my loads!!! PLEASE, my Master, Master Doug is very strict with me not cumming unless he grants me specific permission to do so...and if I cum now I'll have to report it to him...and my punishment would be that he would keep me cumless for even longer than five months going forward, HEEEEEEEEEEE, OH WOE IS ME again please Mr. Eltekel...PLLLLEEEEEASE...and I just can't, I just CAN'T bear the thought of that, EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!"

But, as the prospective home owner tickled Timmy's sweat sopped feet in even more earnest he said, "Willpower Timmy, willpower, my belief is that your online Master would not have kept you cumless this long if he didn't think you could manage it...AND...he knows the tickle predicaments you get into I'm sure, and when you tell him about your predicament today, which I am sure you will tell him about, and how you didn't lose your loads he may grant you permission to cum...as a reward..."

"What a way of looking at my predicaments!!! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..." Timmy reeled, curled his toes back, clenched his teeth and shrilled his laughter more and more...

An hour later Mr. Eltekel finally, FINALLY to Timmy's joy, stopped tickling the boy's feet...

"OH thank you Mr. Eltekel, thank you," Timmy panted as he lay on the bed a muscular sweating heaving mess.

"Don't thank me just yet Timmy," Mr. Eltekel said and put his goose feather down between Timmy's splayed legs on the bed. "I just want to give you a quick break to catch your breath and give you some hydration... You look like you can definitely use it..."

With that Timmy watched as Mr. Eltekel stepped again to the storage closet and brought out a medium-sized cooler...which when the man opened it Timmy saw was filled with ice and plastic bottles of cold mineral water..

A few seconds later, Mr. Eltekel was hunkered down next to Timmy's bed prison. He was cradling the banker lawyer's head raised by the back of his big neck and holding a bottle of water to the ticklish boy's lips. Timmy chugged the cool water down...gratefully.

"MMMMM..." Timmy crooned around the top of the bottle, scoffing down the water at practically superhuman speed.

"Thirsty huh Timmy?" Mr. Eltekel asked his tickle captive as he held the back of his neck tighter, squeezing and kneading it almost lovingly...causing Timmy's erection to ooze more and more dollops of pre cum...causing his testicles to churn and seem to again shift in their sac...

In response Timmy nodded "yes" and sucked down more of the water...realizing just how great it tasted...realizing (too late at that) that the water tasted not just great, but sort of different from any other water he had ever drunk.

But thirsty and sweaty as he was Timmy continued sipping and slugging down the refreshing cool liquid...

When the bottle was empty Mr. Eltekel extracted it from between Timmy's lips, leaned down, and gently kissed the ticklish boy on the lips.

"Feels like I was just given the kiss of ticklish death," Timmy said sarcastically as Mr. Eltekel stood back up straight, tossed the empty water aside and looked down at the restrained banker lawyer.

"Very funny you are Timmy, what a way with words you do have," Mr. Eltekel chuckled. "So tell me, how are you feeling?"

"Tickled you cad, I'm feeling like I've been and am going to be even further tickled," Timmy replied, just as sarcastically as a few seconds ago.

"HEH, no, I mean, how are you feeling?" Mr. Eltekel asked and pointed at Timmy's pre cum dripping erection.

Suddenly, Timmy leaned his head back a bit, his body broke out in goosebumps and his hard crust of a cock dribbled an astronomical amount of pre cum...and this time it did indeed feel to the boy that his testicles, his cum chock filled testicles at that, definitely shifted in their sac...

"OOOOOOO, oh my word, WH-what all was in that water you just fed me you villain?" Timmy asked, sounding desperate, and realizing that he had been had...AGAIN...

"A goodly mixture Timmy my ticklish, my VERY ticklish tickle trials captive," Mr. Eltekel laughed, looking lustfully down at the trapped banker lawyer. "It was of course water, but mixed in were three different very potent vitamins from the orient, which are male enhancers, some of what Ronald Greene used on you to keep you docile yet hornier than a female cat in heat when he kidnapped you, and yes, just like I know Valerie Levi and your brother Bruce, I know Ronald Greene, and a double dose of Viagra...but nothing that would be harmful to your life. I just want you horned up all the more as I commence with your tickle trials today."

Clenching his teeth Timmy watched then as his latest tickle captor stepped over the closet once more.

"Y-you tricked me, you and that danged brother of mine...you tricked me...and wherever he may be Ronald Greene tricked me!" Timmy bantered as he saw what Mr. Eltekel was carrying, one in each hand as he returned from his closet...a pair of nipple suction cups, or, to be precise, a pair of electronic nipple suction cups. "OH NO, no, that closet of yours is your closet of curiosities Mr. Eltekel..."

A few moments later Mr. Eltekel had affixed the suction cups to Timmy's nipples and they were doing exactly what they had been designed for...sucking the ticklish boy's big nubs...

"OOOOOOOOOO, OOOOOOOOEEEEEEEE, oh my word, oh my fucking word," Timmy panted, his head raised as he looked at the erotic devices on his nipples. "OH Mr. Eltekel, you have no idea how having my man tits worked on in any fashion gets me even MORE worked up in my cock. Much as I love the feeling of my man tits being treated the way they are right now I must rightly ask you to take those danged suction cups off them and..."

But in response and to poor Timmy's dismay he saw that Mr. Eltekel once more had his goose feather in hand...and it was this time aimed at the ticklish boy's erection...and his testicles...

"Now Timmy, with the way I have you horned up beyond reason thanks to my water elixir mixture and with those electronic suction cups feasting on what you call your man tits, let's see just how long you can last..." Mr. Eltekel said and began tickling Timmy's testicles with the tip of his goose feather...

"WHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" was Timmy's instantaneous response. "OH NO, NO Mr. Eltekel, not my balls!! OH HORRORS, not my balls, HARRRRR, HARRRRRRR!!!!"

As his testicles were goose feather tickled Timmy screamed, as his head spun now, and not just from the hyper ticklish sensations coursing through him, but also from the aphrodisiac that he had been tricked into scoffing down...and the suction cups suckling at his nipples were of course adding to the boy's frenzied need to shoot his load...loads...his mounds and mounds of five months' worth of loads...

"PLEASE MR. ELTEKEL, MERCY, mercy, oh please!!!" Timmy pleaded.

But instead of heeding Timmy's desperate request Mr. Eltekel slid and glided the tip and sides of his goose feather faster and more speedily over the ticklish banker lawyer's cum filled testicles...

"YAHHHHHHH, HEEEEEEEE!!!" Timmy crowed loudly, the sounds of his raucous laughter filling the basement he was trapped in. "OH MY, I'm gonna lose my loads!! And it won't be my fault!!! HEEEEEEEEEE!!!! But Master Doug will punish me anyway!! Please Mr. Eltekel, oh please!!! HARRRRRRR, HARRRRRRR!!!!!"

With his head raised a bit more Timmy watched through laughter and tear filled eyes as his wide sexy slit emanated still more thick big dollops of his pre cum...

...and as the sensations of having his testicles tickled with the goose feather the boy could feel his nipples engorging and growing erect under the suction cups as they seemed to be sucking at his nubs as if things alive...

"HOOOOOWWWWEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Timmy screeched. "I can feel my danged man tits growing under those nipple hungry monstrosities of yours Mr. Eltekel, or, to be more precise here, Mr. Tickle!!!"

"Well said Timmy," Mr. Eltekel replied and tickled the boys testicles all the more with his goose feather.

Timmy was laughing crazily and squirming helplessly in the bondage on the bed and his erection at that point was so hard, so steely and so profusely emanating dollops of pre cum that were astronomically sized that it was almost painful for the boy...

...as never before in his life had he been five months cumless...and never before in his life had he wanted...AND NEEDED to cum more...

"HOOOOOOWWWWWEEEEE, HARRRRRRRR, HAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!" Timmy screamed. "PLEASE MR. ELTEKEL, what all do I have to say to make you realize how awful this really is for me???"

"Just keep laughing Ticklish Timmy, that's all you really have to do..." Mr. Eltekel replied and then...to Timmy's further dismay the potential house buyer moved his goose feather from Timmy's bloated testicles to the pre cum slicked shaft of the boy's erection, and glided it up and down and up and down the sides of it and swirled it round and round on it as well...

"ARRRRRRRHHHHHHH, of all things...WHEEEEEEEEEEE..." was Timmy's reaction and once again the poor boy arched his head back.

As his cock shaft was then being tickle tortured it suddenly felt to the tickle captive that the suction cups on his nipples were sucking harder at his nubs...if that were possible...

"ERRRRRHHHHH, what a feeling of frustration...EEEEEEEEEE, HAAAAAAAA, tickling my danged shaft..." Timmy crazily catcalled and his slit dribbled out more and more pre cum, drenching his shaft all the more... "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...I can feel the veins in my cock shaft throbbing Mr. Eltekel...Mr. Tickle...HEEEEEEEEE, HEEEEEEEEE, MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

"Proof Timmy, proof Ticklish Timmy Backman that I'm doing my job properly here today," Mr. Eltekel replied mockingly. "And this is one job that I truly love!"

As he cackled and hyena laughed Timmy managed again to straighten his handsome head out and looked down and watched as the man swirled his goose feather all over his gleaming cock shaft...and when Mr. Eltekel slid the very tip of the feather up and down the sides of Timmy's shaft the boy exploded into still more LOUD peals of laughter...

"YAYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Timmy cried out.

The banker lawyer's eyes then opened wider yet...as he watched Mr. Eltekel direct the tip of his goose feather to his pre cum dribbling cock slit...

"OOOOOO NO, NO, NOOOOO Mr. Eltekel, you couldn't be that cruel...COULD YOU???" Timmy pleaded...

...and then found in the next instant that the man could be that cruel...

...as Mr. Eltekel slid the tip of his goose feather into Timmy's pre cum drenched slit and began rotating it back and forth...

"OH HOOOOO, HOOOO, HOOOOOO, HOOOOO Mr. Eltekel," Timmy razzed like a nut. "Tickling my slit could indeed cause me to lose my loads of loads!!! PLLEEEEEEAAASE!!!!!!"

But instead Mr. Eltekel increased the speed of his rotation of the goose feather in Timmy's slit...and under the suction cups on his tits it felt to the hapless boy that his nipples had engorged to a size of erect and outright enormity...

"OH dear me, when oh when will my ticklish trials of today be done???" Timmy asked no one in particular, causing Mr. Eltekel to laugh out loud then.

Timmy clenched his teeth and did his best to use his willpower to keep himself from cumming and losing his loads...and displeasing his online Master...

As Timmy watched his cock slit being tickle tortured, and as he felt chilling sensations coursing through his being, he felt his nipples being sucked and suckled harder yet it seemed by the electronic suction cups affixed to them...

"AARRRRRRRRHHHHH, HEEEEEEEEEEE, oh my word, OH MY FUCKING WORD, never before in all my ticklish trials have I wanted to shoot my loads more!!!" Timmy practically sobbed. "OH Master Doug, wherever you are, have mercy on your boy's cock this time...HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Five months cumless...oh my, my, my!!!!"

"My, my, my indeed Ticklish Timmy, what a way with words you truly do have," Mr. Eltekel giggled and plunged the tip of his goose feather further yet into the hapless boy's slit and whirled it faster and faster back and forth.

"AYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEE, HEEEEEEEEEE, what a dastardly thing to do to a man's cock slit, to tickle torture it!!" Timmy laughed helplessly.

"And your unique verbiage just goes on and on Ticklish Timmy Backman..." Mr. Eltekel chuckled and spun his goose feather faster and faster and round and round in Timmy's cock slit... "And just wait till I take those suction cups off your tits, I'm sure that those nebular nubs of yours will be beyond ticklish, eh?"

"OH NO, NO, not my man tits too Mr. Eltekel!!!" Timmy pleaded. "HEEEEEEEEEEE, OOOOOOOHHH MEEEEEEEEE, HEEEEEEEEE!!!! "OHHHH MYYYYYY, not my man tits!!!"

"Of course your man tits Ticklish Timmy Backman, why, what would ticklish trials for you be if we didn't include tickling those famous man tits of yours?" Mr. Eltekel teased his prize. "THOSE TICKLISH MAN TITS at that...Ticklish Timmy Backman..."

"EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" was Timmy's response as Mr. Eltekel continued his relentless tickling of Timmy's cock slit. "Dastardly man you are Mr. Eltekel!!!"

"HEH, you sound like a cartoon character I used to enjoy watching when I was a kid," Mr. Eltekel said. "Just love the verbiage you spew when you're being subjected to ticklish trials Timmy Backman..."

And with that Mr. Eltekel spun the feather FASTER in Timmy's cock slit...

"RRRREEEEEEEEEEE, when I'm being tickle tortured is when that nutty verbiage comes out of me, HEEEEEEEEEEEE, HEEEEEEEEEEE, along with my Southern accent and my helpless laughter!!!" Timmy replied...and then to the ticklish banker lawyer's further horror he watched as Mr. Eltekel, with one hand worked the tip of his goose feather round and round in his cock slit...and began to use the fingers of his other hand to attack one of Timmy's very exposed, sweaty, hairy armpits, digging in deep and whirling his fingers in the boy's depths.

"ARRRRRRRHHHHHHH, OOOOOOOOOO, WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..." Timmy screeched. "Oh heaven forbid you should forget about tickling my poor pits eh Mr. Eltekel???"

"Wouldn't want them to feel left out Ticklish Timmy Backman," Mr. Eltekel replied.

And so, as his cock slit was goose feather tickled and one of his armpits were tickled by the speedy, dexterous and digging for gold fingers of Mr. Eltekel all Timmy could do was squirm on the bed in his bonds and laugh and laugh his head off as he endured his latest ticklish trials...

FINALLY, finally, after what felt to the ill-fated ticklish banker lawyer an eternity, Mr. Eltekel ceased tickling his cock slit and his armpit.

"OH thank you, thank you Mr. Eltekel, that was truly torturous," Timmy panted as he lay there sweating profusely, his erection twitching back and forth.

"And I'm not done with you yet Timmy Backman," Mr. Eltekel said and pointed at the banker lawyer's suction cupped nipples.

"OH my, haven't you heard me laugh enough today Mr. Eltekel?" Timmy asked miserably.

"Hardly enough Timmy Backman, ticklish Timmy Backman," Mr. Eltekel said and hunkered down next to the bed Timmy laid trapped upon.

As Timmy heaved his breaths Mr. Eltekel leaned forward and gently kissed the boy on the cheek...

"Another kiss of ticklish death," Timmy murmured, turned his face toward Mr. Eltekel and the two men then kissed passionately and hard on the mouths, their tongues exploring each other's holes in their faces, both of them making crooning-like sounds...and as they kissed and kissed Timmy's erection dribbled more huge dollops of pre cum.

Then, Mr. Eltekel peeled his lips off his tickle captive's and before Timmy could comment further on the forced kiss he had just given him, the tickle captor, in a sweeping fast motion took the suction cups off the boy's nipples...causing Timmy to...

"AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, AWWWWWWWWWWW, OOOOOOOHHHH MYYYYYYY, oh my word!!!!" Timmy screeched his high C's now like an opera singer...writhing helplessly on the bed. "AWWWWWWWWW OH MY, OH ME..."

"Yeah I know, when the blood rushes back into your sucked up tits it can really cause a monstrous feeling eh Ticklish Timmy?" Mr. Eltekel asked his screaming ticklish captive.

"OOOOOOOOOWWWEEEE Mr. Eltekel, those are the truest words you've said so far today!!" Timmy reeled through clenched teeth...and when he and his hijacker looked at his nipples both men saw how jutted up, totally hard as pebbles and erect they were...like two oversized pencil erasers...the tips of them a crimson-like color.

"AH, nice, nice," Mr. Eltekel exclaimed, leaned closer over to the restrained to the bed Timmy and slurped one of the boy's astronomically erect nipples into his mouth...and grabbed the other one with his thumb and first two fingers of one hand...AND squeezed it hard, as he sucked the one in his mouth as if his very life depended upon it.

"AWWWWWWWHHHHH, OH MY, like that old song said, "What a feeling!" Timmy blurted and once more arched his handsome head back...the feelings of his tits being sucked, chewed on, suckled on, tweaked and squeezed by the villainous Mr. Eltekel sending chills through the boy's being...and causing his muscular sweaty body to now break out in large goosebumps.

Mr. Eltekel then switched his action by slurping Timmy's other nipple into his greedy mouth and squeezing and tweaking the one he had just sucked and chewed on...

"OOOOOOOOOOO...Mr. Eltekel, I'm in the danger zone here now for sure," Timmy panted as he straightened his head back out on the bed. "I've been known to cum just from having my tits worked the way you're doing to them now...FUUUUCCCKKK...I could lose my loads for sure now...PLEASE...remember Master Doug and his punishments..."

As Timmy's pleas seemed to fall on deaf ears Mr. Eltekel sucked harder at Timmy's nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue round and round it, really sending the boy into a tailspin, and squeezed and now twisted the other one with his fingers and thumb...

"OH MY," Timmy gasped and curled his toes back as once more huge dollops of his pre cum erupted from his cock slit. "It would seem that your water elixir is still working its magic in me as well as what you're doing to my poor sucked up tits Mr. Eltekel...HUUUUHHHHHHHH!!!!"

For a few brief seconds Mr. Eltekel stopped sucking one of Timmy's nipples, held the other one tight in his fingers and thumb and said, "OH man, I love sucking a set of hard tits Ticklish Timmy Backman...my wife's tits never, ever get this hard...no matter how much I suck on them..." and with that Timmy's captor resumed sucking the boy's nipple that had been in his mouth and squeezed and twisted the banker lawyer's other nipple harder and harder...

"SO, so glad I could accommodate you here today, you heathen," Timmy seethed.

Finally, after approximately fifteen minutes of sucking, chewing on and squeezing and twisting Timmy's nipples Mr. Eltekel ceased the erotically torturous action and stood up straight over the trapped ticklish boy...his goose feather once more in hand.

"OH MY WORD, I have to say Mr. Eltekel that I've just about had enough of you tickling me with that danged goose feather!" Timmy seethed at that point, his nipples literally tingling and jingling on his chest...his enormous erection once more dribbling and leaking huge dollops of pre cum.

"Yes, I suppose you are correct on that assessment Ticklish Timmy Backman," Mr. Eltekel said and dropped his goose feather to the floor.

"AH, good, good, you're finally seeing the light, being understanding that goose feather tickling me while I have five months' worth of cum stored up in my balls and while your elixir is still doing its work on me is just a most nefarious thing to have done to me," Timmy said as Mr. Eltekel shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans, taking on a pose that looked to Timmy of one of defeat. "Now then, if you'll just release me from these bonds I'll get dressed, I'll show you the top floor of this house; I'll try to forget this ever happened and be on my way and..."

But then, Timmy's eyes opened wide in horror when he saw Mr. Eltekel extract from the pockets of his jeans, two, not one, but TWO battery powered toothbrushes...and the poor ticklish boy saw that the bristles on those electronic toothbrushes were oversized...

"OH NO, NO Mr. Eltekel, OH WOE is me, woe is ticklish me!!!" Timmy crowed as Mr. Eltekel flicked the toothbrushes on to high speed...and the whirring and buzzing sounds they made were definitely not music to the ticklish Timmy's ears.

"Ready Ticklish Timmy Backman?" Mr. Eltekel asked Timmy, an evil glint in his eyes.

"OH NO!!! NO!!!! Mr. Eltekel!!" Timmy pleaded. "Switching your goose feather for electronic toothbrushes WAS NOT what I meant when I said I had had enough of being tickled by your goose feather!!!"

But then, Timmy Backman, banker lawyer and once again tickle captive was laughing his head off, singing his LOUD opera of high C's yet again...

...as Mr. Eltekel pressed the high speed vibrating bristles of his two electronic toothbrushes one each against Timmy's jutted up HARD nipples...

"EEEEEEEEEE!!!!! HEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Timmy keened through clenched teeth, his head once again raised as he watched helplessly as he was once more being tickle tortured...

...or, to be more precise, he was now being nipple tickle tortured...

"EEEEERRRRRRR!!!!" Timmy screamed as Mr. Eltekel swirled his two electronic toothbrushes round and round the beefy sides of the boy's nipples, tickling the bejesus out of them...

...sending hyper sensations of chills and thrills through the banker lawyer, causing his ticklish captive to break out all over in even bigger goosebumps at that point...

"OH for the love of humanity, HEEEEEEEEEE, HEEEEEEEEE, please stop Mr. Eltekel, PLEASE stop tickling my danged man tits!!!" Timmy pleaded...once more to deaf ears it seemed...

...as his latest tickle captor went on and on swirling the vibrating oversized bristles of the two toothbrushes over and over the sides of his huge nipples...

Timmy watched in a mixture of ecstasy and fiery anger as the flagpole sized erection between his muscular legs emanated now EVER BIGGER dollops of his pre cum...

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Timmy cackled crazily. "Mr. Eltekel, I'm begging you now! I truly feel like I'm dangling by a thread on the edge of losing my loads and cumming!!!"

In response Mr. Eltekel moved his electronic toothbrushes from tickling the beefy sides of Timmy's nipples...

...to tickling the VERY sensitive tips of them...

"OH MYYYYYYYYY OH MEEEEEEE, OH NO!!!" Timmy cried/laughed as Mr. Eltekel proceeded to swirl his electronic toothbrush bristles over and over the tips of his poor nipples...

...his jutted up hard as pebbles nipples...

"And just look at that Ticklish Timmy Backman," Mr. Eltekel said through a villainous looking grin. "The more I toothbrush tickle your man tits the more and more erect and engorged they become!"

"OHHHHHHHH MY, EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Tell me something I don't know Mr. Eltekel! You think you're the first scoundrel to tickle torture my poor man tits with electronic toothbrushes??? HEEEEEEEEEEEE, as the saying goes this isn't my first time at the rodeo, the tickle rodeo that is...MR. ELTEKEL...REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Timmy laughingly responded.

"And there's that clever ticklish verbiage yet again," Mr. Eltekel said, still grinning and then began alternating using his electronic toothbrushes to tickle the beefy sides of Timmy's nipples and then the tips of them again, then the sides of them, then the tips...

"OOOOOOOWWWWEEEEEEEEEE, HEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Timmy reeled laughingly. "Mr. Eltekel, a break, at least a break... It's become more than obvious that you're not going to cease subjecting me to ticklish trials any time soon...but please...PLEEEEEAAASE...HEEEEEEEE...even a short break...PLEASE Mr. Eltekel, a short break..."

As he worked his electronic toothbrushes over and over all the areas of Timmy's swollen and tingling nipples Mr. Eltekel seemed to be mulling over Timmy's break request.

"HUUUUUHHHHEEEEEEE...even when that so-called bud of mine Ronald Greene had the audacity to kidnap me for three days of constant tickle tortures and ticklish trials he gave me breaks in between tickling me, and he nearly tickled me into permanent senselessness, EEEEEEEEE, HEEEEEEEE, oh my man tits, my poor man tits...HEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Timmy went on with his pleading...

...and then, to the boy's astonishment, Mr. Eltekel turned off his electronic toothbrushes and ceased tickling Timmy's inflated nipples...

"OH THANK YOU, thank you, and bless you Mr. Eltekel," Timmy said in between crying and gasping for breath as he lay there sweating, small bouts of laughter still escaping him.

"Yes Timmy, a break, I did give you a break earlier that is true..." Mr. Eltekel mused.

"Yes, yes you did, but that break was so that you could cause me to become even more sex crazed," Timmy commented and then to the boy's utter dismay he saw Mr. Eltekel glance toward his cooler of bottles of aphrodisiac laced water. "OH NO, NO, you wouldn't, you couldn't Mr. Eltekel..."

"HEH, break time indeed Ticklish Timmy Backman," Mr. Eltekel said as he took a bottle of water from his cooler.

"I won't, I won't drink anymore of that danged sexy water Mr. Eltekel, I won't...I just won't..." Timmy said, tears of laughter and agony flowing from his eyes.

"Oh now Timmy, you know I have my ways to persuade you, and one of those ways is right here in my cabinet of curiosities, as you coined it," Mr. Eltekel said as he once more stepped over to the storage closet...and when Timmy saw what the man produced this time from that closet he knew that he would indeed be soon scoffing down another bottle of the Spanish Fly laced water.

A few moments later, Mr. Eltekel had strapped a black plastic funnel-device over Timmy's mouth, the stem of the funnel filling the boy's craw as he did up the straps in the back of Timmy's neck to fasten the device snugly in place.

Poor Timmy writhed on the bed in his bonds, a look of impending sexual misery in his eyes...

"RRRRRRRHHHHHHH..." Timmy resounded around the funnel in his mouth.

"There we go," Mr. Eltekel said once the funnel was secured over Timmy's mouth...

...and picked up the bottle of sexy elixir...

Timmy pleaded by shaking his head "NO" back and forth...

...but then, Mr. Eltekel hefted the boy's head up by the back of his neck...

...and began pouring the water into the funnel, force-feeding it to the hyper ticklish boy...

"RRRRRRHHHGGHHHH..." Timmy squabbled as he swallowed and swallowed.

"Good boy Timmy, good boy," Mr. Eltekel said and kissed Timmy on the forehead.

With no choice in the matter Timmy guzzled down the elixir...his Adam's apple bobbing up and down in his throat as he swallowed...

When the bottle was half empty Mr. Eltekel ceased feeding the water to Timmy through the funnel, to allow the boy to catch his breath.

"Okay Timmy, almost done with dosing you again, then we'll get back to your ticklish trials for today," Mr. Eltekel said...and in response Timmy cried all the more...and his cock slit jettisoned out more colossal sized dollops of his pre cum...

When Mr. Eltekel saw that Timmy had again caught his breath he resumed pouring the water into the funnel...

"RRRRRRRHHHGGGHHHHH..." Timmy helplessly gurgled.

"AH, hornier and hornier Ticklish Timmy Backman," Mr. Eltekel chuckled as he fed the hapless boy the water and watched as Timmy's cock engorged all the more...twitched and pulsed between his legs...and his balls shifted round in their sac...

"RRRRRRRRHHHHGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!" Timmy gurgled again as he swallowed the sexy enhancing elixir.

Once the bottle of water was empty Mr. Eltekel wasted no time in his resumption of tickling the hapless banker lawyer...

He quickly undid the funnel from Timmy's mouth and stepped once more to his closet of curiosities...

With his head raised again off the bed he was tethered to Timmy looked down at his enormously erect pre cum leaking cock and said, "OH MY WORD, am I going to give that brother of mine some talking to when this is over!"

But then, Timmy saw Mr. Eltekel approaching the bed with the latest product from his closet, this time a black silky looking hood that had only an opening for someone's mouth...an opening for someone's mouth so that they would be able to safely laugh their head off while suffering in the throes of STILL MORE upcoming ticklish trials...

Without having to be told to do so Timmy kept his handsome head hefted upwards so that his tickle captor could slide the hood over his noggin...plunging the poor boy now into total darkness and Timmy knowing that being sightless would make the tickle sensations he would soon be suffering again all the more intense...

"OH MY, what now Mr. Eltekel?" Timmy asked, sounding ridiculous as the second helping of the elixir he had drunk seemed to be making his head spin and clouding his thought processes.

In his mind Timmy had decided that after all he had endured this Saturday that he would take the day off from work that coming Monday...he felt he had earned it after all...JEEZ...

"As if you didn't know what now Ticklish Timmy Backman," Mr. Eltekel said after hooding his tickle captive...

...stepped behind Timmy and went to work finger tickling the boy's BOTH armpits this time...

"AYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!" Timmy belted out in his high C's once more. "OHHHHHH, NOOOO, noooo Mr. Eltekel..."

"These sweaty pits of yours are pretty ticklish at this point eh Timmy?" Mr. Eltekel asked.

"Oh me and oh my and oh fucking fucks, EEEEEEEEEEEEE, HEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Timmy blathered. "If there were awards given for stupid questions that last one of yours would win the prize hands down Mr. Eltekel!!!"

In response Mr. Eltekel trailed his speedily moving fingertips from Timmy's armpits, down the sides of his ribs and stomach areas and back up again to his armpits...repeating the action over and over...while under the hood Timmy's head spun away in tickle darkness...

...and all Timmy heard at that point was the sounds of his raucous laughter...

...and all he felt was Mr. Eltekel's fingers as they did their dirty work of tickling the bejesus out of him...out his hornier than horned up self at that point...


And then...

...as if time had stopped Timmy realized that he was no longer being tickled...

...he also realized that he was no longer tethered to the bed...but that he was still hooded...

Licking his lips a few times Timmy listened to the silence of the basement.

"M-Mr. Eltekel?" Timmy asked as he slowly sat up on the bed, expecting at any second to be pushed back down and refastened into the restraints for still more ticklish trials. "Mr. Eltekel?"

With his hands trembling Timmy reached up and slowly slid upwards and away from over his eyes the blindfold, folding it back over the top of his head...

He looked around the basement and didn't see Mr. Eltekel anywhere...but when he looked over at the storage closet, what he had coined Mr. Eltekel's closet of curiosities the banker lawyer saw a note tacked to the door of it...

Shaking a bit and still having slight bouts of giggles escape from him Timmy climbed off the bed and slowly to his bare feet. He stretched his aching tickled limbs a bit and then slowly walked over to the closet, his HUGE erect, still pre cum dribbling cock and jutted up nipples leading the way for him it seemed.

When he reached the closet he read the note tacked to it.

"Dear Ticklish Timmy Backman," Timmy began, reading out loud in a voice that was filled with anger and giggles at the same time. "Let me just offer you a big Thank You for enduring the ticklish trials I subjected you to today. I have to say your reputation truly precedes you, in that you really can take it. Your song of laughter was music to my ears. Having subjected the infamous Ticklish Timmy Backman to new ticklish trials was a true dream come true for me, although I'm sure it was a nightmare for you. You'll be happy to know that I decided that I and my wife will purchase the house. Thank you for showing it to me. I did look over the top floor while you were sleeping off your exhaustion due to laughter, ha, ha for you bud, and I was very happy with the fact that there were three bedrooms up there. At some point my wife and I do intend to have children. I called her and told her all about the house and she instantly agreed to it. So it looks like we will be neighbors, and I'm sure you know what that could mean for us Timmy. As you can see I left your shirt, shorts and famous kangaroo pouch undershorts by the bed I tickled you on. Your brown Dockers are still at the bottom of Valerie Levis' newest invention. You black dress socks however I will be keeping as a souvenir of my first conquest of you. Oh yes Ticklish Timmy Backman, I do intend to subject you to still more ticklish trials in time. So please do enjoy the rest of your weekend...and I would be most interested to know of your Master Doug's decision of whether or not to allow you to finally spurt your five months' worth of stored up cum. OH, and congratulations on not losing those five months' worth of cum. If I were your Master Doug I would be most proud of you.

Till we meet again Ticklish Timmy Backman, your new neighbor, Elon Eltekel

PS: Eltekel is my real last name. Most fitting wouldn't you think bud?"

In anger Timmy ripped the note off the closet door, crumpled it up and flung it across the room.

"Neighbors, NEIGHBORS, fucking neighbors indeed," Timmy ranted angrily, his pre cum dribbling erection and jutted up nipples tingling madly, his big chock filled testicles hanging lower and feeling heavier than he could ever recall. To think I had to suffer more ticklish trials to get this danged house sold, MY WORD!!! Conrad Williams better do more than just grease my palm for what I endured here today! And what sort of neighbor is it that steals a guy's socks???"

Timmy caught his breath, the giggles ceased escaping him and he quickly reached for his clothing and got dressed. He reached into the spin device, extracted his brown Dockers, slipped his bare feet into them and laced them up.

As he was bent over and lacing up his Dockers Timmy heard, "Hello? Is anyone down here?" and then the sound of footsteps descending the basement stairs.

Timmy stood straight up, looked over at the stairs and to his surprise saw Mr. Conrad Williams, the real estate broker descending the stairs. The brown haired forty-something year old distinguished gentleman with brown hair graying at the temples, clad in shorts, tee shirt, white sweat socks and sneakers saw Timmy standing there and exclaimed, "Mr. Backman, Timmy, what are you doing here?"

"I might ask you the same thing Conrad," Timmy said as the broker stepped over to him. "I was told you have the flu."

"The flu?" Conrad Williams asked, sounding surprised. "Flu my foot. I came by to look the place over one last time. I have to show it to a prospective buyer tomorrow."

Timmy took a deep breath and said, "Well, that won't be necessary Conrad, because you see, the house has been sold. A Mr. Eltekel and his wife have purchased it and..."

"What in hell is this?" the broker asked, cutting Timmy off in mid-sentence and stepped over to Valerie Levis' devilish spin device. "And what do you mean the house has been sold to a Mr. Eltekel and his wife? That's the name of the gentleman I'm supposed to meet with tomorrow. Your brother Bruce just called me to arrange it and thought it would be a good idea for me to come over here and make one last inspection of the house...just to be sure it was presentable."

An involuntarily giggle escaped Timmy and Conrad Williams turned and looked at him, anger showing on his face.

"You seem to think something is funny Mr. Backman, Timmy?" the broker seethed.

Not about to put up with the man's anger and insolence Timmy dug his heels in and said, "No Conrad, I do not think anything is funny. Nor do I think that what befell me here today in this basement, in that danged machine and on that bed was funny... ...even though I laughed my fall guy of a head off AND, for your information, my brother Bruce is playing both me AND YOU for fools here today."

The broker turned his attention to the bed then, took in the sight of it with the restraints attached to the four corners of it, a look of total misunderstanding came over his chiseled features, he looked back at Timmy and said, "What in all hell is this?"

Timmy licked his lips a few times and then said, "My brother Bruce tricked me into coming here today to show the old Munro place to a Mr. Eltekel. The man's name defines properly to Mr. Tickle. Anyway, my brother told me that you had the flu and that you would appreciate it if I would come here and show the house to Mr. Tickle...er, Mr. Eltekel that is. Being the reliable and gullible person I am I did as my brother asked. He even told me that if I were to get Mr. Eltekel to buy the house that you would grease my palm. So anyway, here I come to show Mr. Eltekel the house and everything is going along quite normally...until we come down here and see the round metal device and that danged bed with the restraints attached to its four corners. And just wait till you see what that storage closet is filled with."

"So what exactly is that round metal device and why is there a bed down here with restraints attached to it?" Conrad Williams asked next. "This is all most unusual Mr. Backman, Timmy..."

"Yes, I would be inclined to agree, except the only way to explain it to you is to tell you that I am one very hyper and overly ticklish guy," Timmy said. "And my brother and Mr. Eltekel took full advantage of that today and..."

"Everyone is ticklish Mr. Backman, Timmy," the broker snapped, again cutting Timmy off in mid-sentence. "What does you being ticklish have to do with you coming here to show this house?"

"Everything Conrad, my being ticklish has everything, every fucking thing to do with me coming here today to show this house, or, to be more precise, my being ticklish has everything to do with me having been tricked to come here today to show this house..." Timmy ranted at that point. "Because you see, that is exactly what happened to me here today, I was tickle tortured! I was tickle tortured for hours! Mr. Eltekel managed to capture me and subject me to ticklish trials...WHILE I was restrained to that danged bed of laughter there...and believe me Conrad, with the way that guy tickled me that was indeed a bed of laughter..."

"You mean he..." Conrad began, glancing down at Timmy's Docker dressed feet.

"No, no, I was stripped...so every part of me was available to him for tickle tortures," Timmy went on. "It was humiliating Conrad..."

"But how did this Mr. Eltekel manage to, as you said, capture you?" the broker asked.

Stepping over to Valerie Levis' spin device Timmy said, "He used this device Conrad. He used this danged SPIN device to subdue me. While my back was turned he managed to very cleverly hoist me above his head and he spun me like a top up there till I was in a dizzy tizzy..."

"My goodness, you poor man," Conrad said, looking intently at the handsome Timmy Backman.

"And that was just the beginning, because you see, this device here is a spin device," Timmy went on, gesturing for Conrad to step over to the round device with him.

When Conrad was standing next to Timmy at the device and looking down into it Timmy went on, "Mr. Eltekel proceeded to place me into this horrendous spinner. You see those feet shaped openings at the bottom? Well, once my danged feet were in those openings they locked around my feet, ankles and calves and the next thing I knew I was spinning round and round in that horrid contraption...spun so much to the point that I couldn't see straight anymore and so that Mr. Eltekel was able to get me restrained to the bed...but not before stripping me to my socks and then once I wasn't a dizzy anymore he proceeded to tickle torture the tar out of me...for hours on end Conrad..."

Looking at Timmy in disbelief over what he had just heard Conrad looked down at Timmy's brown Dockers clad feet.

"You said he had stripped you to your socks..." Conrad began.

"The deranged tickler stole them from me, he kept my damned socks as a souvenir of all that I just told you," Timmy said, sounding exasperated, but then took a deep calming and cleansing breath. "But in the end I did manage to get the house sold for you Conrad..."

"Yes, yes, that you did, Timmy, Mr. Backman, and yes, as your brother said I will grease your palm," Conrad said and held out a big paw-like looking hand for Timmy to shake. "I am sorry though for this Mr. Eltekel subjected you to...I myself have never tickle tortured anyone, male or female..."

Timmy took the man's hand in his, shook, grinned and said, "Well, let's just say it wasn't my first time being tickle tortured...and sadly I doubt it's going to be my last...I'll just have to be more careful from now on where being shanghaied is concerned...and as for you never having tickle tortured someone...well, if you ever get to be on either end of it you'll find that it can wind up turning sexual..."

As Conrad Williams shook Timmy's hand he grinned devilishly at the handsome banker lawyer, gripped his hand tighter and said, "You don't say Timmy, Mr. Backman..."

Suddenly, and without warning, Conrad yanked Timmy mightily forward, bent over and the next thing the poor boy knew he had been slung up over the real estate broker's shoulder...

"OH MY, Conrad, CONRAD, what all are you doing???" Timmy barked as the man proceeded to drop him into Valerie Levis' spin device...his Docker clad feet once more landing in the feet shaped devices at the bottom of it... "OH MY WORD, oh my fucking, FUCKING WORD!!!!"

As the devices his feet were once more in locked around his feet, ankles and calves, Timmy watched in horror as Conrad took the remote control that controlled the spin device from his shorts pocket...

"I found this upstairs on the kitchen table along with a note from your Mr. Eltekel Mr. Backman, Timmy..." Conrad said and pressed a button on the remote control...starting poor Timmy spinning in a clockwise direction in the spin device.

"OH NO, NO, Conrad...NO..." Timmy pleaded. "And for your information Conrad, HE IS NOT my Mr. Eltekel!!!! Turn this danged thing off now, I demand it! I've had enough of being spun and subjected to ticklish trials for one day I thank you very much!!"

Still smiling his evil grin Conrad reached into his other shorts pocket and brought out Mr. Eltekel's sharp-ended goose feather...and said, "Never enough Mr. Backman, Timmy, never will you be subjected to enough ticklish trials..."

And with that Conrad pressed another button on the remote control and Timmy spun faster in the spin device...

Not the end... (obviously...LOL)

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