Timmy & Joel

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Jan 2, 2008



Timmy and Joel, by justjames17

Timmy and Joel grew up next door to each other, they were born a month apart and their families were best friends, it was understandable their development was almost identical. The only difference was Timmy was born a Catholic while Joel's parents were agnostics, so Timmy went to a Catholic primary school while Joel attended a State school. Timmy was slightly shorter than his mate, his hair was dark brown while Joel's was dirty blond, both lads still had a little puppy fat on their growing frames while Timmy's dick was a little longer and fatter than Joel's. Their sexual experimentation began not long after Timmy was enticed into the band room under the school by the cadet drum major.

The drum major, John was a year older and a year ahead of Timmy and had fancied him since he'd first seen him in his football gear, the sight of Timmy's smooth legs had attracted his attention first then as his greedy eyes crept up those fair thighs he's seen Timmy's bulbous bum cheeks stretching the tight shorts. The second view that turned John on was the well-packaged bulge in the front of his shorts, the lad's mouth watered to taste that hidden fruit. John loved sex with other lads and had wanked and sucked a fair number of his schoolmates, particularly those in the junior classes. He now desired to drain Timmy's balls and maybe even dig into the depths of that incredible bubble bum, John had recently been fucked by a guy who lived nearby, an older bloke who attended university.

The experience had turned him on no ends and while the bloke was rooting him his climax had raged through his body causing the biggest cum he could ever remember, he now wanted to feel his own cock stuffed inside a boy's hot tight bum. Timmy was the subject he desired to try it on with, he approached Timmy after the cadet training finished on the Friday afternoon, the platoons had been dismissed and most the lads had left for home. Timmy had been finishing up in the armoury putting the rifles in their racks and locking them there with the long chain threaded through the trigger guards. He heard John enter the armoury and turned his head to see the drum major resplendent in his uniform, he nodded and smiled at him and finished threading the chain through the last few rifles snapping closed the padlock to finish the task.

John leaned on the doorjamb watching the cute cadet's sweet bum as he squatted there locking the chain to the steel rack, the armoury smelt of rifle oil, not unpleasant aroma but the sight of Timmy was more exciting. Timmy finished and stood up as he turned to look at the heavily built John, he raised an eyebrow as he asked, "What's up mate?"

John smiled at him but Timmy felt uncomfortable, he sensed something weird about the drum major hanging back to talk to him, why had he done it they had hardly spoken more than half a dozen sentences before today. John spoke softly, "Timmy could you come and give me a hand with stowing some equipment in the band room please, my guys pissed off and left me to do it alone but it needs two pairs of hands."

Timmy looked at his watch and decided he had time to spare before the next bus arrived so he nodded and they left the armoury after locking the door and walked to the band room under the stairs leading to the brothers' residence section of the school building. The two lads entered an John closed the exterior door then flicked on the lights, Timmy looked at him quizzically but didn't say anything until John came very close, so close he could feel the lad's body heat and his warm moist breath on his face as John looked down at him.

Timmy tried to move back away but the racking behind him halted the movement, John smirked at the now worried lad and said softly, "You are so bloody sexy do you know that Timmy? I want to have some hot fun with you."

Timmy put his hands on John's chest trying to push him back but he wasn't strong enough as John's face pushed to his and his full wet lips pressed to Timmy's. Timmy tried to pull away as he felt John's tongue slurp across his tight pressed lips, John's crotch pushed into his and he felt the lad's big hard on squashing against his tensed belly while the guy's big balls rubbed on his flaccid genitals. Timmy whimpered and squirmed trying to escape from the insistent bigger lad without success, slowly his resistance ebbed away and he felt his own cock responding to the situation as his initial fright dissipated, he stopped struggling and felt a hot flush race through him. Sweat broke out on his smooth face and body as his excitement increased, he was feeling more and more aroused and his lips opened to John's questing appendage. The wet tongue slid quickly into Timmy's mouth and he started sucking on it avidly, John now knew Timmy was open for playing as the excited boy damn near sucked his tongue out by the roots.

Tongues writhing like randy reptiles both lads were moaning while their hands roamed frantically over their uniform clad bodies slurping and drinking each other's saliva. John's hands began undoing Timmy's shirt and soon stripped it off his shoulders dragging it down his slim arms before dropping it to the floor. Timmy's bare chest beckoned John who broke off the long frantic kiss to lick his way down Timmy's straining throat as the boy arched his head back delighting in the slick sensation. John worked his way down the smooth taut skin over the pronounced collarbone then to Timmy's small excitedly hard nipples, he darted from left to right sucking and licking dabbling his tongue tip on the hard little nubs.

Timmy was squirming about his breath gasping panting in his arousal, his steel stiff dick screaming for freedom in his restraining trousers and briefs. John sucked and licked teasing his excited nipples the sensation shooting straight through his taut body to his throbbing stiffy, Timmy felt his briefs damp with his pre cum as his cock pulsed and jerked. He was mentally begging John to get his dick out and do something with it, wank him off to ease the ache in his tight balls. He hadn't felt this molten except when he and Joel were messing about wrestling, a game Timmy loved because he could grope and rub himself on his best mate's sexy body especially when they were in the Timmy's swimming pool.

Timmy's whirring brain was out of control as John sucked and licked his tits then began working his way South while his fingers tweaked and twisted his saliva slick nipples. The feel of that warm wet muscle slobbering on his tense belly rubbing about his still immature but forming abdominals. Suddenly John's tongue delved into Timmy's tiny little belly button making him giggle and almost double over with delight, the tickling sexy feelings overwhelming him as he straightened out and began humping and twisting about while John held onto his gyrating hips.

Timmy's gasping gurgles of pleasure echoed around the silent storage room, the two lad's bodies reflecting on the highly polished brass of the instruments. Timmy's excitement ebbed to a degree as John licked across the smooth curve of his lower abdomen just above his waist band of his trousers, John fumbling in his eagerness to undo the buttons and slide down the zipper to bare his young friends hidden wonders. Timmy arched his hips up to assist him as he finally slid the zipper down exposing Timmy's red briefs, John's eyes gleamed with lust as he saw the wet patch where the sweet cock head poked provocatively up stretching the already straining material.

Timmy wriggled as John tugged down the trousers and bent his face down to kiss his trembling tool, he gasped and strained up trying to poke his wand into John's mouth, John gurgled with mirth at Timmy's eagerness. Timmy was raging hard and eager to experience anything John wished to do with him, his brain no longer conscious of right or wrong it was just stuffed full of naughtiness. John rubbed the pulsing prong with his hand loving how it throbbed and jerked under his fingers while the damp patch grew in size. He could smell hot boy filling his nostrils as Timmy wriggled and humped, whimpering, frantic to get satisfaction, John teased him as he licked his smooth rounded belly then his soft inner thighs rubbing his cheek on the boy's soft cotton covered bulging crotch.

Timmy was totally frustrated by John's teasing he was almost growling gutturally as he strained to find john's hot mouth, his gyrating hips and raised bum showed his eagerness and John slipped his hands under the frantic youth to clasp those sweet chubby buttocks. John raised Timmy's hips higher as his muscles strained under the boy's weight until the lad's hips were stretching his lower belly smoothed and flattened making his sexy bulge look even bigger. John couldn't resist any longer and he kissed the moist briefs then took Timmy's cotton covered knob into his mouth sucking the juice straight from the stiff hot spigot.

Timmy was moaning and still flexing his muscles, those delicious buttocks firmed and relaxed in John's grasping hands as he used his teeth to grasp Timmy's royal blue waist band and tug those undies up an down under the lads tight boy jewels. Timmy squealed happily as he felt his cock bounce free and slap onto his taut belly, John immediately released the elastic waistband letting it snap tight under those cute cum producers in their brown wrinkled velvet sack. He sucked Timmy's delectable dick into his hungry mouth and wrapped his agile tongue about the wonderful wand. Timmy thought all his Christmases and birthdays had come at once, the sensation of John's moist slobbering tongue swabbing his incredibly stiff hard dick was driving him up the wall.

Timmy writhed about deliriously his head flopping about on his slender neck as he hunched his hips and moaned loudly to the low ceiling above them. John's fingers found and pressed into the clenched crack between Timmy's plump arse cheeks dabbling and delving against Timmy's tightly clenched anal muscle. This new addition to the game was sending extra jolts of blissful pleasure raging throughout Timmy's teen body. His mind obliterated all thoughts of right and wrong all he wanted was this incredible mind blowing experience to continue, his anus was on fire as John's fingers explored him stirring and tweaking his virginal rectum.

He was breathless and gasping as John stopped sucking him and began licking his tight scrotum then beneath the wrinkled little sack to taste his sweaty aroused tween. Timmy spread his long sleek thighs opening himself to John's ministrations as his tongue delved deeper into that musky crevice till with a squeal of delight he licked across the flexing puckered muscle. John's tongue drilled and poked until Timmy opened eagerly to let his moist member slide up his quivering quim, John relished the muskiness and tart taste as his tongue writhed about inside the deliriously panting lad.

Timmy wanted more he wasn't sure what he wanted but his arse was burning with an unquenchable fire as John made oral love to him, his dick was bouncing and dripping on his tensed belly while his legs were moving and jerking spastically. John stood upright and spat on his hand rubbing the saliva on his rock hard rod before pressing his fat cock head into Timmy's pliant portal. Timmy moaned as he felt his ring stretching to accept John into his arse, the sensation while not overly painful was strange in the excess. He'd never felt anything quite like it something large and hot going the wrong way up his one-way avenue.

John was enjoying Timmy's tight burning hot flesh enfolding about his tool as he gently worked it deeper and deeper into the deep virginal vent. He bottomed out as his pubes crammed against Timmy's smooth bum and he bent down and kissed the panting drooling lips of the delirious lad. The deflowering took only minutes so tight and exciting was Timmy's tunnel, John humped and slammed into him until with a gurgling groan he blew his heavy load as far up inside Timmy as he could. Timmy's dick responded by exploding a massive corresponding discharge all over both they're heaving chests, cum spurted and drooled until they both were reduced to dry spasms and quivers.

John's cock deflated and slipped from inside Timmy followed by a long streamer of spent sperm that slid down Timmy's crack onto his thigh, both lad's moaned sadly at the cessation and Timmy had to be held up to stop him collapsing in a jelly like heap on the floor. Once their equilibrium returned John asked Timmy if he'd enjoyed what they did, the lad nodded eagerly and his quick mind was making a New Year's resolution. He was going to get Joel into the same position as he'd just been in; he decided that he would take Joel's cherry before the year was out. He only had two days to implement his plan so he knew he had to act fast.

John and Timmy cleaned themselves up with some paper towels before Timmy left the band room walking strangely due to his slightly aching arse. On the way home his bum leaked into his briefs and he was glad his uniform jacket covered his bum as he stood strap hanging in the bus. He waddled off the bus and hurried home to shower and clean him self up, after showering and washing his still puffy pursed arse lips he gently dried himself and went to his room pulling on clean briefs before lying on his bed day dreaming about his exciting afternoon. His cock stiffened automatically and he had to stroke it like a kitten as he reminisced about the feeling of being sucked and then fucked, he was so engrossed he didn't hear Joel call from the back door and suddenly there was his mate standing in the entrance top his room with his eyes popping out while his chin hit the floor.

Joel's mouth began to work but at first nothing came out until finally a burst of words erupted, "What the fuck! Timmy your wanking your cock in front of me."

Timmy shocked by the sudden apparition blushed and dropped his dick and covered it with his hands before mumbling, "What the fuck yourself Joel! How come you didn't knock or call out like you always do?"

Joel still in shock but with his eyes locked on Timmy's covered crotch replied, "I did I knocked and yelled out didn't you hear me?"

Timmy looked at him red faced and mumbled, "No I was concentrating on something."

Joel gurgled as he began laughing, "Hahaha I know what you were cumcentrating on too mate, jacking your dick eh? You pervert."

Timmy giggled at Joel's pun and then grumbled, "Well don't try to tell me you never wank your cock, all guys our age jack off all day."

Joel made out he didn't but Timmy noticed how his mate's shorts were beginning to bulge, Joel was cracking a bar looking at him. Timmy's mind was racing how could he convert this encounter to his advantage? Could he get Joel to join him on the bed jacking off? If so things could be pushed further with a little courage. He beckoned Joel to come closer lifting one hand off his still stiff dick, Joel could see some of his mate's erection as he moved slowly trance like towards Timmy's bed his eyes locked on the bulging briefs as Timmy took his other hand off his boner.

Joel thought to himself, "Gees Timmy's bigger than me I reckon, it looks awesome in those tight underies."

As he neared the bed he saw Timmy's discarded briefs on the floor beside the bed, he saw the strange stain on the white material where his mate's bum would have been and even the front was stained with dried spoof. Joel's confused brain tried to get everything sorted out while his hormones were beginning to tear about his system making his cock raging hard. He reached the bed and stood looking down at Timmy who looked so sexy with his big boner and a sexy grin on his face, Joel couldn't believe he was actually getting horny looking at his lifelong best friend, but it was happening. He reached down and squeezed his hard on in his shorts and he knew Timmy was looking up the leg of his shorts as he moved his head on the bed, the thought of his mate trying to perv on his cock was a big turn on.

Joel trembled as his excitement increased and his hand fumbled at his dick, Timmy raised his hand and gently began caressing his mate's smooth thigh starting at his knee and gently slowly moving up his warm trembling flesh. Joel couldn't breath his throat seemed to be blocked as he felt Timmy fondling his thigh he froze in place looking down at Timmy's hand slowly creeping spider like up his leg, his nervous system was going totally haywire as he shook and shivered.

Timmy was relishing his new adventure as he slipped up under Joel's shorts leg nearing his bulging brief covered cock, he used his forearm to lift the material out giving him a good view of Joel's bulging bone and tight sack. Joel's hands dropped to his sides as he stared mesmerized at the hand bulging out his shorts then with a huge gasp of inhaled air he felt Timmy touch him. Joel's brain registered, 'He's touching me there. Nobody's touched me there since I can remember.'

Timmy now had Joel's burning hot pulsating prick in his grasp, he squeezed it, rubbed it, felt it now he wanted to see it in the flesh. Joel swaying hypnotically watched Timmy pull his groping hand out and sniff it before grasping his elastic waisted shorts and began gently tugging them down uncovering his red and white briefs where his dick bulged obscenely leaking juice. Timmy giggled at Joel's briefs they were similar to his only difference was Timmy's were blue and white with a different motive on the pouch. Joel was nearly passing out as he watched his whole body was flushed and burning hot as Timmy grasped his hips pulling him closer and then to Joel's utter amazement he kissed his briefs then eyes closed he rubbed his cute face up and down Joel's hidden boner.

Joel automatically clutched Timmy's tousled hair holding him to his crotch as he felt the hot moist breath through his briefs on his hard on. His cock loved the sensation and seemed to stiffen even more as he started humping against Timmy's face his fever rising with each thrust. Timmy now pulled off Joel's underpants baring his throbbing boner before ingesting that awesome stiff muscle into his mouth. He tasted his mate's cock for the first time and found it sweet and succulent, he suckled on it drawing out Joel's sweet nectar and drinking him down after rolling it on his tongue.

Joel humped and ground his dick into his mate's mouth, rubbing his soft fragrant silken pubes into Timmy's nostrils as he sucked air his mouth blocked with cock. Joel was close oh so close the feel of his best friends mouth and tongue around his hot excited member was too much for a virgin boy. His balls were so tight and aching as he humped and hunched hard driving his spike into Timmy's soft silky clutching throat. Joel whimpered and squirmed, "I'm cumming. Oh geez Timmy I'm goin to cum so hard."

He didn't know if he should pull out or let it go straight down his gulping sucking mates throat, Timmy clutched his tight clamped arse muscles pulling him into his mouth to stop him moving as he grunted and felt his balls explode flooding his sperm into his mate's gullet. His whole being seemed to be exiting through his pulsating prick, he felt weak and totally wasted as his balls drained, he knees turned to jelly and his top half folded slowly onto Timmy's head an back.

Timmy held tight and rolled the languid lad onto the bed where Joel flopped as if unconscious only his heaving chest showed he was still alive, his half naked body limp beside him Timmy sucked the dregs from Joel's deflating dick then he sat up staring at his gasping ruddy faced mate. He grasped Joel's t-shirt and began tugging it off his mate's limp torso, it was a struggle but eventually he succeeded and now had his mate all but naked except for his trainers and puddle shorts and briefs. He began to lick Joel's sweat salty chest then licked and sucked his nipples eliciting faint moans from the tired lad, Joel was exhausted but again his dick rose to the challenge creeping up on his flat smooth belly.

Timmy was now burning hot to complete his plan to totally enjoy Joel, he quickly licked his way down the heaving quivering expanse that was Joel's so sexy smooth torso he dodged the pulsing penis to swallow the tight balls and pull them gently away from where they nestled in his tight encircling lips, Joel moaned and squirmed. He let the nuggets drop and pushed the soft smooth thighs apart gently lifting them up rolling Joel's knees up towards his red face. His best friends sexy pale arse globes now in full view he just stared at the pink muscle in his smooth crack, how delicate it looked just like a rose bud.

Timmy's tongue ached to taste it and he bent to the task slurping up and down eating the salty sweat before dabbling into Joel's twitching muscle, Joel was whining and squirming as he watched his mate actually licking his bum, how disgusting he thought but still was enjoying the sensations it created. He wondered where Timmy had learned this dirty act but was soon happy he had as that wet muscle worked its way into his nerve laden ring and wriggled about seductively in his rectum.

Timmy now on fire desperately needed to cool his lust by rooting his mates sweet bum, he began sliding his middle finger into the now wet relaxed ring of muscle, Joel grunted and groaned, huffed and puffed as he felt Timmy stuffing his finger up his hole. He watched through slitted eyes his mate's face, seeing the strange expression there a fiendish smirk as he moved his digit in and out curving and rolling on the tingling muscle. Joel was feeling weird he had the strangest sensations surging inside him, he knew Timmy was wanting to stick his big fat cock inside him, he was scared but at the same time wanted to feel what it was like. He couldn't believe where and what was happening instead of them playing on Timmy's Wii they were entangled on his bed doing sex stuff.

Timmy now had two fingers stretching Joel's tightness and his mate was groaning and flexing on them so sexily, he felt Joel was ready and wanting to go further with the game and he wanted to do him while he was still accepting. Timmy plucked out his fingers watching the greasy muscle clinging to his digits as he slowly removed them. The sphincter remained partly open allowing him to see the crimson inner lining as he grasped his precum slick dick in his hand pointing at the winking portal. Joel's eyes widened when he saw how big and thick Timmy was, he suddenly had second thoughts about that big bone poking into his innards he was scared it would hurt like hell and tear his bum hole apart. He tried to struggle but being doubled over he was at a huge disadvantage as his friend pressed in to the attack.

Joel bleated, "Noooo! Timmy, please no you'll rip me apart."

Timmy grinned demonically at him as he pushed his prong into his rectum, "It won't split you mate you're going to love this mate once I get it inside you."

Joel looked up at him and asked, "How do you know it won't have you had a biog hard bone stuffed up your bum?"

Timmy cackled evilly and replied, "Yeah of course I have and it was much bigger than mine so don't be a wimp and just enjoy what I'm giving you."

Joel gritted his teeth as Timmy entered him, "Cripes, aaaaaargh that hurts!"

Timmy growled, "Relax and let it slide in then it won't hurt you wombat."

Joel looked up tears in his blue eyes, "Its easy for you to say I'm the one in pain here."

Timmy began tickling him and he squirmed gasping, Timmy slipped deep inside taking advantage of Joel's gyrations, Joel gasped and grunted then pushed up onto Timmy who grinned down at him and said, "There you go, now do you believe me?"

Joel breathing hard and sweating nodded back at him unable to speak as Timmy gyrated his hips stirring his lance about deep in his guts. The breach accomplished Timmy now prepared to root his mates clinging tight arse, he began withdrawing and reentering gently making Joel see stars and rockets. Joel learned to tense up his ring on the withdrawal and relax on the inward lunge until both lads were moaning a chorus of lust and pleasure. Timmy lunged deep as his climax raged through him he ground into Joel's arse emptying his full nuts, Joel felt his mate flooding him and he moaned gurgling, "Geeeees Timmyyyyyyy!"

Timmy's New Year wish completed he lay on top of Joel kissing him. The two mates now more united than ever stayed best friends, both enjoyed each other's bodies as often as they could.

The end

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