Time Warrior

Published on Aug 24, 2001



Time Warrior or Prof.Txt by Waldo

A portly, elder History Professor has regular lunchtime discussions with a colleague over "What if" scenarios about historical events. The Professor is drawn into a government investigation when the colleague suddenly disappears. The colleague was working on a time machine and the government thinks that he went back in time, to change history. More precisely, to assassinate Theodore Roosevelt before he became President.

The single Professor is the best candidate to chase and dispose of his former friend, because of his knowledge of that era's history. And because he is single. The time machine only transmits the memory/psyche and not the body. The time traveler will have to take over the body of a direct ancestor. And there is no choice as to male or female. Young or old.

The Professor winds up in the body of possibly his great-grandmother, a teenage girl working to support her family. In a job that a lot of young women had to take, during those eras. As a whore in a whorehouse.

But business before pleasure causes the former Professor to seek out Police Commissioner Roosevelt, knowing that the former colleague will also have to come to Roosevelt.

Time Warrior Chapter 1 - The Request Chapter 2 - Time Travel Chapter 3 - Bertha Chapter 4 - Is it Earl? Chapter 5 - Or is it Harlan? Chapter 6 - Has to be Ethel

Time Warrior Chapter 1 - The Request

Professor James B. Thorton had just settled down to read his evening newspaper, just as he did every weekday at precisely 6:15 p.m. It would take him exactly twenty-two minutes to read all of the salient articles and to answer the crossword puzzle.

Although he was alone in his apartment and was not going out any place that evening, he was still wearing his vest and tie; but he had removed his coat. After all, a person should be able to unwind in the privacy of their own home. As he adjusted his portly body into the large chair that was most comfortable for his late middle-aged body, he absently-minded rubbed his goatee. That was a habit that he usually did whenever he was thinking or wanted to emphasis a point as he was teaching. Then he reached for the half-full glass of brandy that he sipped every night as he read the paper.

He skimmed through the editorials, pausing only long enough to read one editorial where he recognized the writer's name as being someone that he knew. He didn't agree with the writer's argument and would remember to discuss it with the writer at the next literary meeting.

He turned to the obituary column to see if any of his colleagues had passed on. At age 62, he had seen a lot of good friends and acquaintances pass on. He felt slightly relieved when he did not recognize any of the names. Or see his name. As he turned to the crossword section, there was a loud knock on his apartment door.

"Coming." he grumbled, angry that someone dared disturbed his daily ritual. Probably the Widow Johnson from downstairs again with another piece of chocolate cake. That woman would not give up on any single man.

He opened the door and said "Yes?" to the two men wearing business suits, standing in his doorway.

One of them held up a badge and said "Professor Thorton. I am Agent Ware and this is Agent Cardin from the FBI. We have been asked to escort you to our headquarters to meet someone."

"Am I under arrest?" he responded as he puffed out his chest in an indignant manner, knowing full well that he had never done anything illegal in his lifetime.

"No Sir, we just need to talk to you."

"Why don't you have this someone make an appointment to see me in my office? I am not interested in going anywhere to see someone that I have never met. Especially not tonight. I have things to do. Can't this wait?", he grumbled, knowing full well that tonight was just a normal stay-at-home night. It was not even the night that he scheduled for reading his mail.

"Sir. It is a national emergency and we have been requested to bring you downtown. I can't say anymore, but if we have to arrest you to get you down to our office, I am quite prepared to take that course."

"National Emergency. I haven't had that used on me in years. Well, since you are here and are an authorized representative of the law, I suppose that I can cooperate."

Professor Thorton was driven to the main building at the Washington FBI Headquarters and escorted to an office suite on the top floor. He didn't know whose office it was, but it was quite huge, so the person must have a responsible position within the Agency.

The two agents stood until the door opened, while the professor sat down in a comfortable chair. A middle- aged man walked in, with a smile on his face as he held his hand out in greeting. "Professor Thorton, I am Special Agent Kingsly. Thank you for coming down with such short notice and at such late hours."

"I did not have much choice. Why was I dragged down here?"

Kingsly looked at the other two agents, who took the hint, shutting the door as they left the room. Kingsly sat down on the couch before he said "How well do you know Tom Bailey?"

"Doctor Bailey is a casual acquaintance that I have met a couple of times for lunch."

"In the last three years, you have had lunch with him twenty-two times. That appears to be more than just casual."

"As I said, he is a casual acquaintance. I met him at a party given by my publisher, when one of my books was published. We had some similar interests in history and Doctor Bailey wanted to discuss some of my viewpoints that I presented in my books. I assure you that nothing was said at our lunches that could result in the overthrow of this country."

"What viewpoints did he want to discuss?" asked Kingsly as he crossed his legs and leaned back on the couch.

"Why do you need to know? Why does the FBI want to know about my private discussions?"

"Your discussions with Doctor Bailey may hold the clue to a very sensitive national emergency. What I am getting ready to tell you is classified. It can not be discussed with anyone. Doctor Bailey disappeared three days ago and we only have two days left, to try to find out why he disappeared. He was working on some very classified projects which required a constant surveillance of him. That is why we were aware of your lunches with him. We are currently investigating all of his contacts to determine why he disappeared."

Professor Thorton leaned back, stroking his graying goatee as he mused "Dear me. Disappeared, has he? I suppose that means that we won't be having lunch next month. Well, if you know that we had lunch and he was under surveillance, why don't you know what we discussed?"

"Professor, I don't have much time to waste. There are a lot of things that I can't discuss with you. Are you going to privately provide me, right now with what I need to know, or do I hold you here, while we get a summons requiring you to respond to our questions?"

Taking a deep breath before he answered, he responded "Doctor Bailey is a physicist by trade, but is an amateur historian. He is deeply interested in the history of the United States in the late 1890s to mid 1920s, where I have conducted some extensive reviews of the political and socio-economic history. My area of expertise is the history of the United States from 1880 to 1920."

"Go on. What did he want to know?"

"I really don't know how to say this, but he had a pet theory that he liked to talk about. We discussed a lot of topics, but it kept coming back to one basic concept. What would have happened if Theodore Roosevelt had been assassinated prior to become President of the United States?"

"You discussed anarchy? The death of a President?"

"No. Anarchy is the demise of the present leadership. Because we were discussing already dead historical leaders, it was only an exercise in creative thinking. We discussed what could have happened to the political structure of the country if Roosevelt had never been available to become the 26th President upon McKinley's assassination. We both agreed that Roosevelt was enough of a influence to be the major catalysis for our current government and social programs. However, we also thought that some of the historical events would have occurred anyway within a twenty to thirty year timeframe. An example of our very spirited discussions would be the day that we discussed the first World War. His assassination prior to him obtaining national prominence with the Rough Riders, could have delayed or even deferred any US involvement in the first World War. Why are you sweating?"

Kingsly didn't answer. He just sat there, staring at some spot on the floor, as small beads of sweat began to form on his forehead. Then he responded "Sorry, please go on."

"A lot of people don't know that Roosevelt dominated the United States political system from 1900 to World War I. Not only was he our president and political leader, but he was an articulate spokesman for the aspirations and values of progressivism. He used his high office to curb private greed and power in a day when Americans were disturbed by the abuses of big business. He elevated the presidency to a level it had not reached since the time of Abraham Lincoln. Without him, our government would not be what it is today."

Kingsly stood and said "Professor, please let me get some of my staff in here, so that we can discuss this further. I think that you have some insight into Doctor Bailey's thinking that we need to share with my experts."

Professor Thorton quickly finished his morning discussion with his students. He was very happy that the planned topic was a class that he had given several times before, because he was very tired. He had stayed down at the FBI building until almost midnight, talking to those FBI agents before they finally allowed him to go home. He still didn't know what was going on, or cared. While it was an interesting diversion at first, after awhile, it became quite boring to answer the FBI agent's detailed questions about that period and his discussions with Doctor Bailey.

As he exited the elevator at his office floor, he saw Agents Ware and Cardin standing outside his door. The imputatance of those people. Don't they have better things to do, than to bother him.

As he approached them, one of them opened his office door so that he could see Special Agent Kingsly sitting inside. As he entered his office, determined to throw Kingsly out, he saw that he had another visitor. The Chancellor of his university.

Kingsly stood up and said "Professor Thorton, I hope that you don't mind, but your expert assistance is needed on a very sensitive project. I took the liberty of clearing your schedule and participation through your official channels."

Professor Thorton and Kingsly were driven to downtown Washington. Instead of going to the FBI Building, they were driven to the White House, where they were admitted to a side entrance. They were escorted into the building to a small conference room. As soon as they sat down, another door opened as President Bole strode into the room by himself, with his shirt sleeves rolled up and carrying a folder.

"Glad to meet you." he said looking at the Professor, as he offered the customary handshake. "Sorry, but I was in the middle of some budget meetings and have to get back to them. I just came in here to meet you and to make sure that you are aware of the importance of your participation. Kingsly, why don't you brief the Professor. I will come back in a couple of minutes for his answer."

Without saying another word, he turned and walked back out of the room. Kingsly said "Doctor Thomas Bailey is a research physicist, whose theory of time distortion attracted the attention of a classified research project. About six years ago, Doctor Bailey started working for us, on developing the concepts of his theory. Because of the sensitive nature of his project, we kept him under almost constant scrutiny. That is how we became aware of your involvement. About six weeks ago, Doctor Bailey became very agitated and upset over something. He threw himself headfirst into his project, adding components that had not been tested or documented as to it's function. Then without warning, four days ago, he activated his Time Distortion machine. His fellow researchers saw him working within the phaseline field only minutes before he disappeared. We discovered a remote control module attached to the control panel so that he was able to activate it, without assistance. The panel was set for June 12, 1896 with the destination of New York City."

"I don't understand what time distortion is. My background is in history, not mechanics."

"Simply said, it is time travel. He went back in time to the New York City of June 12, 1896."

"Bully for him. But why did he pick that date? There are a lot of dates and places that would make more sense."

"We don't know, but we have to find out. Found in Doctor Bailey's notes were three references to July 26, 1896, with all three references circled. One of the circles also had the initials TR included in the circle. We think that whatever he is going to do, is going to be on July 26. Someone has to go back there and we need someone that is very familiar with that era. Someone that can find him and bring him back. We don't have the time to train or look for someone to go back. You are the only person that is qualified. We want you to go back in time and find him. And to stop him from whatever he went back to do."

Chapter 2 - Time Travel

There were several moments of awkward silence as Professor Thorton thought about what he had just heard. If he was not sitting in a private conference room within the White House, he would not believe any of the statements were true. Then he said "Why me? Why not one of your researchers?"

"You know history. You would recognize some minor change and know what would be needed to correct it. Think about why he went back! The only plausible answer as to why he went back, is that he wants to change history. All he has to do, is make a minor change and it could result in you and I not existing. Or make a major change and a lot of the things that we know today would not exist. Think about how far back our civil rights programs would be, if Martin Luthor King had died when he was an unknown teenager. Think about what would happen to our government if Teddy Roosevelt was not available to step up to the presidency. On the date that Bailey selected, Roosevelt was working as the President of the New York City Police Commissioners. It appears that Bailey might try to kill him. While some of those changes might be good, there might be more changes that are bad. We can't take the risk with anyone fooling with history. That's why you were chosen. Not only do you know Bailey, but you also know your history. We have people that know Bailey inside out, but they don't know the history. You are our only chance of making sure that events occur as they should."

"I suppose that after I come back, that you will classify this so that I can never write about it."

Kingsly took a deep breath and flinched as he softly said "You won't be back. Our experience with time travel is limited. We can only send you there and can't bring you back. That is another reason that you are an ideal candidate. You have no family."

Thorton banged his fist on the desk as he roared "Can't bring me back. That, my dear man, is a death sentence. Why can't we wait until we can train someone else or develop a means for returning? Why does it have to be done now? After all, if we are able to go back into time, then we could go just as well next year instead of tomorrow."

"It's not that simple. There are some complex formulas that allow a window of opportunity. Our window is only six days and this is day number five. At the completion of that sixth day, our history will change to comply with whatever changes he causes. One moment, it will be as we remember it now. The next moment, it will be whatever it becomes, from whatever changes he makes. One moment I could be working in my office and the next moment could find me as a farmer back in Kansas, working on my father's farm because the government program that sent me to school never existed. The potential for changes are too great."

Thorton thought for a moment and said "What do you expect me to do to him? Find and kill him before he makes any changes?"

"No, because then he would never exist and we would not have his theory to work with. We will give you a simple formula to memorize and all you have to do, is to inject the formula into his body. Then his host will re-assume control of his body."


Kingsly fidgeted a moment and then said "There is another limitation that I have to discuss with you. Your body can not time travel. Only your memory and psyche can cross the time barrier. Your memory will be transported back in time to some direct line ancestor that is near the destination location. You will become that ancestor, living the rest of their natural life."

"That's murder. I would replace my own great- grandfather."

"Or great-grandmother. Or great-great-grandmother. There is no way to narrow the selection or absolutely determine who you will become."

"Great horned bullfrogs. If I become my ancestor, and don't do exactly what they did, then I might not exist. If my great-grandfather had gone off hunting Bailey, he might not be where ever he has to be, to meet my great-grandmother. If he didn't meet her, then someone else would become my great grandmother and I would not be me."

"Correct. We have our agents researching your family now, to collect all of the available facts. You will have to risk having your own history changed. Just as you will become someone from your past, Bailey also became someone from his past. You will have to know his complete family tree and where to find his relatives. You will have to find him without him realizing that you are also from our time. When you find him and are sure that it is him, you will inject our formula into his body. If you are correct, his host will recover control of his body. If you are wrong, you will kill that body. He will be looking for someone to come after him, but he won't know who. If he uses the formula on you, it will do the same damage to you."

"What happens if I fail?"

"We won't know that you even existed because history will change. You should also be aware that you have to become the person of your host body. If they lived all of their lives as a farmer, then you can't change your own history by working at a university. Or by using your knowledge of the future to buy stocks to enrich your family. You have to live the rest of that life as they would have lived it. You will not have your host's memory, so you will have to quickly learn everything that you can about your host."

"Do we know that his machine works? Or that he didn't just turn into vapor."

"No. But we can't take the risk that it doesn't. Someone will have to make the attempt, just in case it does work."

The President came back for five minutes, repeated to the Professor that this was an extremely important project before running back out; and shaking his hand for volunteering. The Professor did not remember that he had volunteered yet. It was only assumed that he would volunteer.

Kingsly took Professor Thorton out to Silver Springs to the research facility. At the facility, several genealogy experts questioned him about his ancestors. Then other genealogists started discussing what they had been able to find about the Bailey clan around New York City.

There were about 120 different people that Doctor Bailey could claim as a direct ancestor at that time. Because of his age and his parent's age, the youngest generation would be his 8 great-grandparents. However, the 16 great-great grandparents or the 32 great-great-great grandparents could also be possible. And the 64 great-great-great-great grandparents could also be alive. Adding them all up, there was somewhere around 120 people that could be alive on that specified date; that would qualify as direct ancestors.

The genealogists had been able to identify only sixty- seven of Bailey's ancestors. Professor Thorton would have to memorize each and every one of them, and the available facts.

A clock had been set up that counted down the time, until the theoretical zero minute when history would supposedly change. When the clock only had one hundred and twenty minutes left on it, Kingsly said "Professor. It is time. We should not push our luck. We need to make sure that we have enough time to complete this before our equipment possibly disappears. Are you ready?"

"I haven't volunteered." he grunted as he skimmed through the notes that he had taken over the last thirty hours.

"I know. Our backup plan, in the event of your refusal, was that I would go back."

Thorton stood up, adjusted his tie and said "I saw the pictures of your wife and children on your desk. You were right when you said that I was the most qualified person to determine what changes in history were being made. Let's get this over with."

They walked down the hall to a small room. In the room, was only a metal bed. Overlooking the bed was a small window, where some of the technicians were standing.

As they entered the room, one of the technicians handed Kingsly a clipboard. Kingsly looked at it and said "There was one fact that you did not ask me about. You did not ask what would happen to your body when your memory and psyche was sent back into time."

"Good lord, man. I am not a fool. I know that my body will probably die or go into a unrecoverable coma."

Kingsly handed the Professor a clipboard and said "Our one experience was with Bailey, whose body died. We have not announced his death yet for obvious reasons. Please review this. It is your draft death announcement that will be released for publication."

The Professor laughed a hearty laugh before saying "You don't know how many times I reviewed the obituary column, and felt relief when I did not see my name there. Reading my obituary is a honor, as gross as it sounds. I want to make sure that my peers are aware of my every accomplishment."

He looked at the half page of typed material before making a note in the column. Then nodded as he handed the clipboard back to Kingsly.

One of the technicians helped the Professor lie down on the bed and fastened a metal headband around his head. Then the technician left the room. Kingsly nodded and walked out of the room, shutting the door. As the Professor laid on the cold metal, he began to feel a mild terror as he thought about what was getting ready to occur to him.

The overhead bare lightbulb was what he concentrated on. He stated at it, trying to read the wattage, trying to concentrate on anything but what could go wrong. He heard a slight hum as the equipment started building up it's electrical charge and felt a slight copper taste on his tongue as a mild electrical voltage started pouring through his body. But there was no shock or burn, just a dim fading of the light.

He felt his breathing return to normal but did not see the light. He determined that somehow, he had shut his eyes. Lying on his back, he tried to sense his body and determine what was occurring before he risked opening his eyes. The first variance observed was that the air smelled different. It had lost it's stale conditioned smell; smelling somewhat fresh and green now. There was a slight breeze flowing through the room. And then he noticed that he was resting on a soft bed, not a metal table.

So it either worked or he was in a hospital. Slowly opening his eyes, he saw a green painted ceiling. Turning his head slowly to the right, there was one of the old fashioned wooden dressers with mirror placed against the wall. On top of the dresser was a porcelain pitcher. Turning his head slowly to the left, there was a young woman in bed with him. He couldn't see her face, only her mass of dark hair resting on the pillow, with the sound of very soft deep breathing of a light sleep.

Taking a deep breath, he realized that the time travel machine must have worked. He had not been in bed with a woman in years. Seeing her beside him was proof that he was not back in his time.

As he sat up, he recognized two other facts quickly. He was in a much younger, more in shape, lighter body; and something moved on his chest. There was a jiggle on his chest as his body adjusted to his sitting up position.

He pushed the bedcover down, looking at a pair of slender legs sticking out of a cheap cotton nightgown. Slowly he rotated his legs out of the bed until they were resting on the floor. Then he stood up and walked slowly staring at the dresser mirror as he approached it.

Staring back at him was the face of a very young girl, perhaps about sixteen or seventeen years old. A young girl's face framed with long auburn hair tied up, by a simple blue ribbon into a ponytail. He stared at the hypnotically deep green eyes staring back at him from the mirror. Her lips have a slight trace of fire red lipstick, otherwise there is no make-up on the face. Her looks are the well-defined and classic high cheekbones, small straight nose looks which do not require much makeup. A natural beauty that reminded him of some of his Ivy League coed students. A beautiful face that he had never seen before; hoping to recognize one of his relative's face.

She was wearing a full-length old cotton nightgown that has been patched at a rip. Pulling it up slightly, he could see the long slender, smooth legs hidden under it. The long ponytail rests high on her head and cascades down her shoulders. Her little bumps of firm teenage breasts press against the nightgown, with the nipples poking hard against the soft fabric. Slowly he turns as he watches her spin around in the mirror as he examines her rounded backside.

The face was pretty. Looking at the body and face, he guessed that whoever this was, she was only a teenager. Because of her young age, it had to be one of his eight great-grandmothers.

The genealogy experts had discussed the possibility of him landing in a female body. The younger the body, the more risk existed that he would not be able to duplicate her life. The best female would have been one of the older women who would already be married and their children born.

He stares at the face again and almost jumps when there is a muffled female voice from the bed. "Bertha, please don't breath so loudly. You may be off today, but I have to work."

"It's ok. Go back to sleep." he said in what sounded like a high pitched voice, slightly scared with tension.

Within seconds, there was a deep breathing from the woman under the covers, allowing him the opportunity to look at his new body again in the mirror. As he looked at himself, he mouthed the name "Bertha" to himself as he tried to recall any relative by that name.

Chapter 3 - Bertha

I felt very strange in this new body. I stared at my new image for several minutes, wanting to memorize every inch of exposed skin, wanting to look at the rest of the body. Trying to find some facial feature that looked familiar. Perhaps this nose looks like my aunt's nose?

Then with one motion, I slid the cotton nightgown off, letting it drop to the floor as I stared at the rest of the female body reflected in the mirror. It was a female body such as I had not seen in years. My sexual flirtations had almost ceased during the last twenty years as I settled into the habits acceptable with my teaching position. I was really too shy and nervous around women to ever have stood a chance with someone that looked this attractive; so I reacted by developing a pompous teaching personality. My remembrance of naked female bodies did not include a body as shapely as this. Most of my women had been overweight, pleasing plump and all the other adjectives used to describe a fat woman.

This body was slender, on a narrow frame, with nice, small, firm compact, half-moon youthful breasts, rising from the chest in a pouty perfect manner. The breast flesh was a creamy-white color where the sun had never tanned the flesh. In the middle of each breast was a dark pink circle with a small, dark nipple in the middle.

Below the breast was a taut stomach, without a trace of love handles on the very slim, trim waist. The waist narrowed before flowing out over the shapely hips. Turning slowly, I observed that the hips flowed in the nicest set of rounded butt cheeks that I had ever seen.

Facing the mirror again, my eyes focused on the plump, protruding mound between the shapely legs. The mound was hidden behind a mass of dark curly pubic hair.

"God damn it, Bertha! Can't a working girl get any sleep around here?" jarred me from my review of my new body. I picked up the nightgown and held it in front of me as I turned around.

The other woman was sitting up, with her feet hanging over the bed. She was also dressed in a cotton nightgown. As she sat up, she stretched her arms, causing the nightgown to pull tight across her chest. From my position, I could see that she had a very full breast.

She slowly rotated her head, exposing a young face, but not a teen-aged face to me. She would be beautiful except that her nose was much too large, which a good plastic surgeon could fix easily. But then plastic surgeons would not exist for another half century.

As she stood up, she said "For a payroll Saturday night, there were not as many John's here as I expected. I only got fucked by five different men last night; and only one of them did me twice. It's all because the preachers are making the law close down whorehouses. That damn new Police Commissioner has to go. How many Johns did you do?"

Shit. She's a whore. If she is a whore, then there is a good possibility that I am a whore also. Before I could answer she continued "You were busy with someone else when Ralph Thorton asked for you, early in the evening. He spends a lot of money here and is a good fuck. If his wife only knew how much money he spent here every month, she would kill him. Ralph used to be one of my regulars. Damn, my breath still smells like cum."

Ralph Thorton was one of my identified ancestors but there was no record of his wife's name. This must be where Ralph meets me, but he is already married. And I am a whore. I live in a whorehouse. And my ancestor frequents a whorehouse. Maybe he will introduce me to the person that this body eventually marries. Maybe he will just get me pregnant. Damn, there are so many potential solutions and only one of them is correct.

Oh, shit. What did I get myself into?

The woman took the empty water pitcher down the hallway and returned with a full pitcher of warm water. I crawled back under the bed covers, wanting to stay there until I figured out what my first step should be.

The woman returned carrying the water with a smoking cigarette hanging from her mouth. She poured a little water into the bowl and dropped her nightgown; revealing her naked body. She picked up a washcloth, soaped it, and then began washing her face. Looking at her from the rear, I could see that the insides of her thighs were bruised as well as what appeared to be a hickey on her neck. Her butt was jiggling as she washed, but it was also covered with what appeared to scratch marks made by someone's fingernails.

She looked in the mirror at me as she said "If you are going to be a whore, you need to learn how to smoke cigarettes. Having a cigarette breath in the morning is a lot better than having a cum breath. For someone that has her one day off this month, you sure are wasting time hanging around here. I thought that you were going to go home to see your mama to give her some of that money that you have been earning."

It was time to use one of the excuses that the FBI research team had given me. There was no way to find out the facts except by asking.

"What is my name?"

She paused to glare at me in the mirror, with her cigarette hanging out of her mouth, with soap all over her face as she responded "How the fuck should I know? Five weeks ago, you told everyone to call you Bertha. A lot of women here have phony names and I don't know any of them either."

She continued staring at me through the mirror as she scrubbed under her hairy armpit. I was sitting on the bed, with my knees drawled up and my arms around my knees as I said "I don't know who I am. I woke up this morning with amnesia."

"With Amy who? Don't fuck with me. You were in bed with me when I woke up."

"No, I don't have any memory of my past life. I don't remember who I am or what I am doing here. I have amnesia, which is a medical term for memory loss."

She put her cigarette on the corner of the dresser, laying it on one of the existing blacken burnt areas from previous cigarettes, as she turned to face me. She said "Look girl. We share a sleeping bed because there are more whores working here than there are rooms. I don't really know you and don't like for people to fuck with my mind. You tell me the truth now."

"I don't know who I am. I woke up this morning, without any memories."

She stared at me before she softly replied "Somehow, I believe you. Shit, let me send someone to get Doc Brown for you. He should be over at his dentist office by now."

"No, he can't help me. I don't know why, but I must keep it secret that I lost my memory. If you tell me what I need to know, then I will try to get my memory back."

She turned back around, watching me in the mirror as she rinsed out her washcloth before using the washcloth to wipe the drying soap from her body. Looking into the mirror, her voice turned soft as she said "No one uses their real name here. You wanted to be called Bertha. You just showed up here on the doorsteps about five weeks ago, looking for work. You were almost a virgin, but you caught on quickly. Because of your youth and willingness to learn, some of the regulars started asking for you. You never said where you were from or anything about your family. All of your belongings are in that little suitcase in the closet. The clothes on the left belong to you and also the clothes in this top drawer. Aside from that, you never said anything about your life."

"Thanks. What is your name?"

"Call me Agnes. I gotta go down to the kitchen to get me something to eat before I go to work. Got the afternoon shift today. Sure that you don't want me to send someone after Doc Brown?"

"No, I will be all right."

We talked some more before she dressed and left me alone. I didn't learn anything more, except that this whore house was almost in downtown New York City. She didn't know the date, but thought it was sometime in June.

I put my nightgown back on before I opened the hallway door. Looking down the hallway, I could see what appeared to be a bathroom. I carried the pitcher down to that room and discovered a big container of hot water. There was also a big chamber pot that smelled of stale pee and shit. I sat down on it and peed, not knowing when I would find another bathroom. There was no toilet paper, just a Sears catalog with half of the pages ripped out.

I returned to the bedroom with the warm water and washed my body; and brushed my hair. I don't know how she wears it, but I put a simple part in the middle and brushed it out. Then I opened the top drawer and looked at the clothes. There were some things that I recognized as a bustle, a bustier, and a corset. Remembering my history, I remembered that proper women wore corsets until about 1910. While this body did not need the reinforcement of a corset, no self- respecting woman would be seen in public without one of the damn things on. If I was going to do what I was planning, I would have to pretend to be a proper woman.

There was only one dress in the closet that would fit me. The three other dresses were too big so they had to belong to Agnes. After I dressed, I looked at myself in the mirror.

I saw a beautiful teenage girl, with shoulder-length, dark hair and a very sexy slim body. I was five foot three inches tall and probably weighed around ninety pounds. My dress had a bell-shaped skirt long enough to cover my ankles, a tight-corseted waist, and a multi-button blouse that went to my neck, with balloon long sleeves. There was a matching feather and ribbon trimmed hat to go with my dress; and a umbrella to keep the sun from my delicate flesh. I had a small cloth purse that had almost three hundred dollars in it, enough to last for a good while in this much cheaper economy.

I applied a small touch of red make-up to my lips and to my cheeks; but not as much as I observed Agnes apply as she was getting ready to go to work.

I walked downstairs and saw Agnes sitting in the lobby talking to a man as he looked in his billfold, seeing how much money he had. She winked at me as I walked by.

The streets were dirty. Garbage was simply dumped out on the streets. The sidewalks smelled like pee and just walking through the brownstones streets was enough to make me sick. While I had studied the differences in lifestyles, I had become so used to the sanitary guidelines of my time, that this made me sick to see all of this filth.

When I got on the trolley, some man stood as he offered me his seat. When the trolley got to the end of the line, someone else pointed out the Police Commissioner building to me. I entered the building and asked someone for directions. After he told me that it was on the fourth floor, I discovered that this building did not have an elevator in it yet; although the first elevator had been installed in a New York City store in 1857.

It is no fun to walk up four flights of stairs with a corset on and two inch high heels. I opened the door and walked into a hot office. Although the windows were open, there was not much breeze blowing through. New York City can be miserable in the summertime with no air conditioning.

A man at a desk said "May I assist you?"

"Yes, I am looking for Mr. Roosevelt. Is he in?"

"Whom shall I say is calling?"

"Bertha Roosevelt. I am a relative."

"Sorry, why didn't you say so. We have so many people trying to get in to see him to get a job."

He had me wait for about five minutes, then escorted me down a hallway that creaked with every step on the old wooden floor. He opened a door, motioning me in. As I entered the room, a deep voice said "I don't have any relative name Bertha. Who are you?"

I turned and saw him sitting at a table in front of an antique typewriter. He had his coat off and his sleeves rolled up, but it was undoubtedly Theodore Roosevelt, future President of the United States. That is, if he lives long enough.

"I am Bertha Roosevelt, only I am not really related to you. I came here because I need a job and you need my skills. I am here to help you prepare for your next job."

"My next job? I need help with this job. Can you type?"

"Of course."

"Bully, because none of those male secretaries can figure this damn machine out. The job is yours. You work in my private office at one of the tables. From now on, you are now my personal secretary."

It took me the rest of the day to get used to that damn typewriter. It was called a Remington, had a cylinder to hold the paper, an escapement that moved the carriage after each letter was struck; type-holding rods that strike the paper; and a keyboard similar to that of present-day typewriters. But it was so damn slow and whenever I made a mistake, I had to use an eraser to correct my mistake.

Teddy was happy with my work and within three days, I had him caught up in all of his correspondence. At the same time, I was trying to offer him advice on how to improve his police departments. Although he listened to me, he also ignored me because I was only a woman. What did a mere woman know?

I rented a room in a nearby rooming house because I did not want to go back to that whorehouse. I also bought another dress so that I now had two dresses. After wearing the same dress three days in a row, I needed something that was clean. While my co- workers could wear the same clothes two weeks straight and cover up their body odor with very cheap cologne, I could not live like that.

I had adopted an outgoing but not flirtatious personality for this new identity. I discovered that being a woman was almost the same as being a man. I got up in the morning, ate breakfast, dressed and went to work. Because I was so busy with my 12 hour workdays, I almost forgot that I had changed sexes.

Except that I did not like being treated as a second class citizen by most of the men in the office. The male Negro janitors got more respect than I did from some of my co-workers. I wanted to stand up and scream that I was a Professor of History sometimes when someone looked at me as if I was just a dumb woman. As soon as I resolve this Bailey problem, I think that I will get very involved in the Women's Rights Movement and help insure that they get the right to vote in 1918.

I had just revised a document that Teddy gave me to type, except that I added a couple of line items that were in line with his thinking. As I studied the finished paper, someone interrupted my thinking "Excuse me, ma'am. I am Harlan Bailey. Is Mr. Roosevelt in?"

I turned around quickly because Harlan was one of the ancestors on the list. Standing just inside the door, was a man in his late forties, wearing patched bib overalls and a flannel shirt. His hair was greased down, he hadn't shaved in a week, and his hat was covered with sweat stains.

I gave a big smile as I replied "He went to a meeting. May I help you?"

He shuffled his feet a little as he replied "I am here for the job of carriage driver. Luke over at the livery stable sent me over here."

"I see. I was not aware that we were looking for someone. Tell me about yourself."

"Shucks, ma'am. There ain't nothing I can't do. My boy Earl and I used to work a farm up near Mount Marcy. We came down to the city to find work. I need to help Earl get a city job so that he won't have to live the rest of his life as a farmer."

"Where is Earl?"

"He's right here. Come on in Earl. The young lady wants to meet you."

A six foot four inch tall young man walked into the office. He was very handsome and looked to be about twenty to twenty-five years old. As I looked at the father and son, I recognized that this was too much of a coincidence and that one of them was probably Tom Bailey. If I let them get out of my sight, then it will be difficult to follow them.

It is only June 18th. I have been here six days. I have until July 26th to find out which one is really my fellow time traveler. I had my formula prepared but could not inject it into just anyone, because it could be fatal to some people. So I had to be sure who I injected it into.

"You are hired. In fact, you are both hired. I need an assistant. Earl looks like a bright young man and I can teach him how to type."

Chapter 4 - Is it Earl?

Teddy gave me hell but finally gave in because I volunteered to pay Earl from my own meager salary. The first day convinced me that Earl had never seen a typewriter keyboard before. While I could push the Remington at a respectful 30 words per minute, his speed was something like one word per minute. Teddy just looked over his glasses at me, but left it up to me, to get the work out on schedule.

Very early in the first morning, I discovered that Earl liked to stare at me. He would try to be discreet, but some of the time he would just stare at me as if he had never seen a woman before. Although his actions were subtle, it was impossible to ignore the frequent bulge under his trousers from an erection.

I supposed if I had been born a woman, I would have enjoyed his attraction for me. But I gave up on sex almost twenty years ago. Somehow, the thought of allowing a man to stick his cock into me, was not a very appealing thought.

By lunchtime, Earl was becoming more aggressive in his actions and comments to me. This made me nervous. As I reviewed the single page that he had worked on all morning, he said "I must admit that I have a hard time thinking of any woman as being my boss; especially someone as attractive and young as you. It's so much easier to think sexy thoughts about you than to think about taking orders from you."

I felt a wave of surprise, even though I had ignored very similar comments from some of the other men office workers. I also felt something else. I felt aroused. Covering up my surprise at my reaction and embarrassment, I answered "That is a topic that we must not discuss within this office."

About six thirty, I finished my filing and turned around to see Earl turning the key to Teddy's office door, locking just me and him in; and anyone else out. The last person in the outer office had just left and only the two of us were left in the office.

I was speechless and must have looked like an idiot with my mouth hanging open. After a few long seconds of him staring at me intently, I said, "It's time to go home" and got up.

He shook his head and softly said "Sit back down. We need to have a talk about personal needs. We also need to develop a better working relationship."

I was dumbfounded. I knew what was going on, and didn't like it. Or did I? Although I was nervous and scared of what he could do to me, I found that I was feeling new emotions that could only be described as sexual excitement.

While I wanted to get angry at his assumptions, I decided that maybe this was my golden opportunity. My objective was to get close enough to Earl and Harlan to determine which one of them was really Tom. If I let Earl become my boyfriend, then I can spend more time with him and his family.

I admitted to myself, that I was attracted to him and I did have a woman's body. A woman's body that had survived six weeks in a whorehouse. Granted, I was not in it at the time. I became quite scared as I realized that I really wanted him to seduce me. I felt confused as I realized that I felt a sexual desire for a man. For a moment a strong fear cursed through my body making me feel so naked and scared.

Earl gave me a lewd smile as he sat down on the table edge next to me. I felt flustered when he winked at me. I felt weak and powerless, as I tried to hide my trembling. He stared at me while I prepared myself to let him do whatever he wanted to do to me.

"How come an attractive woman like you, ain't married?"

"Never met a man that interested me."

"Is that so? Does that include me? I know it can't because we just met. I get along good with women. All women. Say, is it true, what Hodkins is saying about you?"

"I don't know what Hodkins is saying about anything. We just pass each other in the hall and don't talk."

"Hodkins likes to .... shall I say, play around a little. He visits some of the bawdy houses and thinks that he saw you working in one of the big ones over near Fourteenth."

"I have too much respect for myself to ever do that." I honestly replied.

He smiled. Speaking slowly, softly, and deliberately, "Yep, I could tell that you are a lady of respect. But there are some other things that I can tell about you too. I know what you want, and I know that you want me. I saw it in your eyes. You stared at my erection as if you had never seen a boner before. Yes, ma'am, I know what you want and need. You turn me on. And I know that I can turn you on. I am a big man in many ways and I can make you feel so good inside."

He stared into my eyes for a moment before he stood up and walked behind me, placing his large farmer's hands on my shoulders. I felt a wave of sexual arousal flow through me, with that sensitive touch.

As he rubbed my shoulders, he whispered "I want to see your naked breasts, Bertha. I want to taste your nipples."

One of his hands continued rubbing my shoulder, but the other one drifted down to where it was rubbing the area just above the breasts. I did not react and pretended not to have noticed it, as he continued his gentle rubbing motion. Under my corset, I could feel a sensation that I could only attribute to my nipples becoming erect under the very confining garment.

Earl made a slow, subtle motion, shifting his body slightly so that he was standing beside me, with his legs spread apart. I found myself looking at the bulge of his erection in his pants.

Slowly he pulled me up to a standing position as he bent over to kiss me. For a moment our lips met, then our tongues intertwined as we shared our passion for each other.

With one motion, he pushed all the paperwork off the desk as he said "I wants you to take out my big, long cock and hold it in your warm hands. I want you feel how big it is. How warm it is. I want you to think about how nice it will feel inside you. You want me to fuck you, don't you. You want my big cock to slide up your pretty, tight pussy as I play with your ass with my fingers. Have you ever been finger fucked in your asshole, Bertha. You will like it because I will be stroking my hot cock in your wet pussy at the same time."

I groaned as a shudder shook my body and a warm wet sensation filled some secret spot deep inside me. I stepped closer to him and tried to put my leg around his leg, but my tight skirt prevented me from climbing on top of him.

At that moment, I knew that I had just let him know that he could do anything that he wanted to do to me. He pushed me down on the table with him on top of me. He was squirming all over me as he pushed his tongue down my throat and passionately kissed me for a minute. I could not resist, and embraced him as he fondled my ass through my clothes as he ground his cock against my hungry body.

"I like you. And you like me if you won't admit it now. You know what you want and go after it, don't you. You want me to fuck you. You want me to stick my cock as far up your pussy as I can get it, don't you. Tell me you want me. Talk dirty to me. Tell me to fuck you, my young firm titty Bertha." he commanded, using a mixture of heavy grunts mingled with the words.

I was sucking on his neck and ignored him. He pulled himself loose and stood up as he angrily said "Listen, woman. If you want me, you have play the game. I don't want a lady in my bedroom. I want a woman that let's it all hang out. A woman that shows me that she wants it too. Now, you can be your little polite, virgin child at work, but when you are in bed with me, you have to be a woman. Understand."

I looked him straight in the eyes, knowing that my green eyes must be flashing as I said in my most seductive, husky voice "Fuck me. Fuck me now with that big cock. I want you. I want to feel your cock slide into my wet pussy. I want to feel that big, slippery shaft slide into me as you hump me."

He ripped a couple of buttons on my blouse as he helped me undress. Or rather as he pulled my clothes off of me. Within seconds, he had me down to my knee high sockings, which he left on me as I helped him get out of his suit. It was very easy to undress him, because he didn't wear any underwear under his wool suit.

He picked me up and placed me on Teddy's big desk after knocking everything off of it. His cock was fully hard and sticking straight out from his body as he whispered "Yeah, you love my cock. It get hard when you stroke it. Yeah, like that. Put your other hands down on my balls and tickle them. Oh, god, that feels so good. You are making me so hard. Stroke me slower. Yeah, let me feel your soft palm as you slide your hand up and down my hard shaft. Talk to me, Bertha."

"I need you to fuck me. I can't wait to feel it as you pump your wet, spurting cum all over my boobs. I want to watch it shoot out all over my body. I will watch your hard cock jerk as the creamy, white semen spurts out. I will let it ooze down my body. My body will be coated with your creamy, white, thick sperm all over it. I will rub it with my hands, smearing your slippery jism onto my body."

I felt drunk with desire for him. As I stroked his cock, he put his hands on my breasts and slowly pushed me down so that I was lying back on the big, hard desktop. I slowly spread my legs, exposing my naked crotch, hoping that he was ready to explore that hungry area. Instead, he placed his hands on my breasts as he slowly began to caress and tease the very sensitive mounds of female flesh bouncing on my chest.

I felt him climb up on the desktop and straddle me as he rubbed my breasts with his rough hands. Then I felt something quite strange but very wonderful as the most intense orgasm that I had ever experience roared through my body, causing me to shake and shudder as it ripped through me. I could faintly hear myself moan.

He gave me a couple of seconds to enjoy that wonderful feeling and then he shifted his body as he rubbed his hard cock against my breasts and nipples. Then with his hands, he pushed my breasts together, forming a tunnel of my breast flesh that he used to stroked his cock with. I started shaking again and he dragged his cock down my stomach, where he paused as he pressed it into my belly button. Then he changed position so that his big cock was swinging only inches above my pussy.

I spread my legs allowing him to put his muscular legs between mine; then I slightly shifted position so that my legs were raised and bent. He positioned his cock between my legs, before he pushed that rock hard shaft inside me. At the first touch of it against my vagina, I jerked as I felt that now familiar wetness flow through me. He slowly pushed it, causing just a moment of friction that was quickly replaced with the most wonderful sensation.

I just laid there, as he began to slowly and deliberately fuck me. I could feel his big and I do mean big, cock push deep into me and then try to withdraw as my grasping pussy tried to hold onto his cock. It didn't take too many of those push/pull motions, until we both increased the pace of our humping. As he stroked it in me, my hips moved up to meet him. As he withdrew, I would pull back somewhat before I would quickly rise to meet him again. He would lift himself up slightly so that only the cockhead was in me, and I would rotate my hips as he re-entered me, making his cock bend and squirm as it forced itself back deep inside me. And then I wanted to scream as another intense orgasm exploded inside me.

He shifted into a pushup position so I could see his large, purple cock slide in and out of my wet pussy. His cock was wet with my juices. My pubic hair was glistening wet from my secretions that had dripped from his dick.

He dropped down from his pushup position so that he was resting on his elbows and his hairy chest was rubbing against my tender nipples. He put his hands in my hair and started giving me hard and long strokes as his tongue forced it's way into my mouth. I started matching his rhythm but he dropped more of his weight on my body so that I was not able to move much as he increased his stroke power. With each deep stroke, I could feel his ball sac slap against my ass.

Then I felt him tense. As the first hot, burning load of semen pumped into my body, I felt another orgasm coming on. I started to scream but his hand muffled me as the spasm after spasm of cum gushed deep into me. Chapter 5 - Or is it Harlan?

After we dressed, we cleaned up our mess. It was easy to put everything back on the desk, but there were pussy juice stains on Teddy's leather desk blotter that would not come out. Finally we got it as clean as it was going to get and left it. Earl escorted me to my boarding house room, where I fell into the most relaxed sleep that I have had since I time jumped back to this time.

I had the most wonderful dream. I dreamed that Earl had two big cocks and somehow he was able to fuck me as I sucked the other one. I don't remember how it was done, only that I woke up remembering how realistic the dream seemed.

My vagina still smelled musky and I had to wash twice until I was comfortable with the smell. I needed a douche, but didn't know where to buy one or how to make one. My inner legs were tender and had just one little spot that came close to being called a bruise. And my vagina was very tender, as were my breasts from his rough face.

I put on my other suit, knowing that I would have to come home tonight to repair the one that Earl ripped as he undressed me. I quickly dressed and walked to work, wanting to get there before Teddy came in.

When I walked into his office, he was already sitting at his desk, reading something. "Good morning. That young man may just learn how to type after all. That was a good decision to hire him. After he gets trained, I will find some other duties for you. I like the way that you write and some of your ideals. Only we can't let anyone know that you are assisting me with my writings. Too many people think that this is a man's world."

Earl and I didn't say much to each other all day. I would look up and find him staring at me. As soon as he would catch my eye, he would smile at me. About 10 am, Teddy said "Bertha, I need you to take this paper up to my cousin's country house. Let him look at it. While he is looking at it, you can go over to my nearby weekend house and relax for a couple of hours. I will have Harlan drive you in my carriage up there."

"I don't mind driving her." quickly said Earl.

Teddy adjusted his glasses on his nose and frowned as he answered "You need to learn how to type."

The carriage ride out to the country was uneventful. I tried to talk to Harlan but only got "Un-hun" or "Un- Un" from him. It was almost as if I was talking to a stone wall. We were in a small horse carriage and I was on the front seat with Harlan, which was very uncomfortable. Not only was there the frequent strong smell from very fresh horse droppings, but Harlan liked to chew a big wad of tobacco. I think that he didn't talk much because he couldn't move his tongue around the big wad of tobacco in his mouth. About every four or five hundred feet, he would spit a big thick stream of tobacco juice at something on the side of the road.

We got out to Teddy's cousin's place about 11:30. He looked at Teddy's paper; as he told me that he would bring an answer over by 4 PM to Teddy's house. He gave me the key as he gave directions to Harlan.

This was not Teddy's main country house, but was one that he used for a quick weekend in the country. No one was there, but we found some food in the kitchen and I made us some sandwiches. While I was fixing the food, Harlan pulled out a bottle of whisky that he had brought with him. We went out onto the front porch and sat in the swing, feeling the refreshing summer breeze as we ate our lunch. He offered me a drink of the whisky but I did not want any.

"How's my boy doing?" suddenly asked Harlan, saying something for the first time. Must be the whiskey talking.

"Good. He should be a good typist by the end of the week. He learns quickly."

"I want to thank you for giving us a job. My wife is very happy that you are helping us."

"I didn't know that you were married. I assumed it was just you and Earl."

"No. It was my wife's ideal that we move down here. She had enough of the farm life and wanted to see our boy where he could make something of himself. Ever since she talked to that preacher last week, she has been after me, to move down here. I love my wife, even with her curse."

I looked at him with a puzzled look and asked "Curse?"

A flash of embarrassment crossed his unshaven face as he said "Yes ma'am. I calls it a curse; she calls it a blessing. About two years ago, she got religion mighty bad, refusing to let me sleep in the same bed with her. Calls it a sin because it permits fornication. The preacher convienced her it was a bad thing to do, even with her own husband. She sits at night in her bedroom, praying as I sleep in the barn."

The summer breeze, the full belly, and the fact that I had a long previous night, was enough for me to go upstairs and find a cool bedroom. I opened the windows and let the refreshing breeze blow through as I stripped down to my panties. You cannot sleep with a corset on. Then I pulled a sheet over me and went to sleep.

It was another wild and realistic dream about Earl fucking me. He was rubbing his cock around my face and I was trying to catch it with my mouth but couldn't. Then he grabbed my wrist, pulled my arms up and....

I woke up. Not from the dream, but because my arms were being pulled up. I looked up to see Earl pulling a rope tight against the bed and I felt a pain as the rope tightened against my wrist. I struggled, but he pulled harder. I tried to kick him, but my feet had already been tied. I trashed on the bed but couldn't move because of the way that his ropes pulled me spread- eagled on the bed.

"Harlan, let me go now and I will forget this. I promise."

He finished tying the knot that he wanted on the headboard before he picked up his whiskey bottle. He turned it up, taking a big drink, letting some of the whiskey dribble down his chin. Then he threw the empty bottle to the floor, wiping his chin as he looked at me, with a wild look in his eyes.

"Harlan, don't do this to me."

"It ain't right, even if it is God's word. A man needs a woman. The woman has to take care of her man's needs. I got a woman, but she don't take care of me. She refuses to let me touch her. It ain't right. I need a woman to take care of me."

"Harlan, cut me free. Now." I screamed as I pulled at my bonds.

"Fucking woman needs to be taught her rightful place. I give her everything and get nothing back." he grumbled as he removed his boots.

"You can go to jail for this. Do you know that? Harlan, are you listening to me." I tried to say in a calm, cool, collected voice as he kicked his boots across the room. I watched as he pulled down his bib overalls, revealing a very dirty pair of long underwear. I could see numerous pee stains on the once white cotton underwear that he wears for weeks before washing.

He ignored me as he pulled off his underwear. Then he picked up a knife and cut my panties at the side so that they fell off of me. He threw the knife into the floor, causing it to vibrate as it stuck into the wooden floor.

He took the wad of tobacco out of his mouth and laid it on the bedside stand as he climbed on the bed and straddled my stretched body. He looked down at me, with a mad glaze to his eyes as he whispered "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. I need this. I need this bad. I wanted to do this to you when I first saw you sitting so pretty at that desk. You don't know what it felt like, to ride up here beside you. With the wind blowing your hair. Smelling that good perfume that you use. Looking at your calves as you lifted your skirt to climb in the buggy. You don't know what you did to me. I am a man. No matter what my wife says or doesn't do. I have to have a woman. I got these strong desires that I can't control. You don't know what it is like to be a man and to see a fine young filly like you. To look at your slender waist and to watch your bosom heave as you breath. To see you naked like this and to know that I can have you. No, I know what I am doing."

He put his hand on my naked breast. But it was a soft touch, a very gentle touch. Then he slowly bent over, forming an "O" with his mouth as he stared at one of my nipples. He slowly approached it, letting his breath blow against the nipple long before his lip gently touched the nipple. Then he slowly wrapped his lips around the nipple, not sucking, just holding my nipple in his wet mouth as his warm breath flowed around my breast from his nose. For almost thirty seconds, he sat like that, with just my nipple in his mouth.

Then he fell on me as his body collapsed. The dead weight wasn't that much but the sudden shock almost knocked the breath out of me. As I gasped for breath, I could hear him sobbing. He was lying on my breast and crying. I said "Shh. It's all right. Untie me and talk to me."

He laid on me for over a minute, crying. Then he rolled off the bed, picking up his empty whisky bottle. He dropped it to the floor with a clank as he said "I am out of courage. I can't get it up and the bottle is empty."

He picked up the knife, slicing through a rope, which released me. He dropped the knife to the floor, then stumbled over to a chair. After I untied myself, I looked at him. He was sitting naked in the chair, sobbing to himself.

I walked over to the chair, sitting on the big armrest. I pulled his head up and buried his dirty head between my bare breasts as he sobbed "I didn't mean it. I wouldn't hurt you for nothing. It was the whisky. And my wife's curse. Please forgive me."

"I know that you wouldn't rape anyone. You and your wife need help." as I looked at his very soft and small cock. Earl might want to look into his parentage because he surely did not inherit his very large cock from Harlan's side of the family.

As I slid down the chair so that I was looking into his eyes, I said "I know what you need. I know the strong feelings that you have but can't find release. I understand your male needs so well that I don't have to ask you what you want. I understand why you tried to rape me and I forgive you. I also have desires. I will help you, but you must let me take control of you. I will do to you what you want, but I will do it when I want to. For the next hour, you must yield totally to my sexual simulation. I'll keep you hot, hard, and throbbing for a long, long time; as I delay your orgasm so that your ecstasy builds beyond anything you've ever had before. It will be the best orgasm you've ever experienced."

He didn't say a word as I slowly moved around to the front of the chair so that my breasts were touching his bare knees as I kneeled down. I wasn't sure exactly what I was going to do. Then I remembered that night years ago when I hired the prostitute for an all-nighter. I couldn't get it up at first. She found a way to get my cock hard.

I started tickling the insides of his legs, with my fingernails, knowing that simple motion would cause him to spread his legs as wide as I needed. I blew with my breath on his inside leg hair as my fingers slowly snaked up his legs before I slowly eased them back down again.

As my fingers came back up, I allowed one finger to barely touched the bottom of one of his balls. He jerked as if an electric shock shot through him. I noticed that his cock twitched and slightly changed position. I slid my fingers back down as I lightly blew my warm breath on his groin area.

"Do you like for me to do this?" I whispered "Feel my warm breath flow across your naked body. Feel my warmth sink into your groin. Feel your cock get hard as it absorbs the warmth from my breath. Do you want me to get you hot? I warn you that I will have to get your cock wet if I get you any hotter. Wet from my salvia. Do you mind if I let some of my salvia drool on you, Harlan?"

"God, no. Do it. Do it. Just do it."

As he watched me, I stuck one of my fingers deep into my mouth, then twirled it as I made sure it was coated with my salvia. Then I ran my hand up the fronts of his thighs all the way up to his groin, saving my wet finger for one of his balls. As I caressed the hairy sac with my wet finger, he jerked, then reached his hands for me. I used my other hand to stop him from moving."

Between his spread legs, I could see his cock beginning to stand straight up. I wet another finger which I used to attack his belly button. I straightened my legs so that instead of sitting on my legs, I was now on my knees.

I moved my hand up his belly button, up his chest, to his open mouth. I let my finger slide into his open mouth, feeling him suck on it, as I gently probed his tongue. Then I formed my finger into a hook and pulled his head forward until it was almost at my breast. I pulled my finger out and put my hands in his hair, pulling his face to my nipple. Harlan tilted his head forward and kissed the side of my breast. Then he slowly opened his mouth to take the entire nipple into his mouth; as he put his free hand on my other breast. He gently squeezed one breast as he slowly drew my nipple into his mouth. With one slow movement, he sucked the entire nipple into his mouth. He began to suck and suck on the nipple as if he was nursing from my breast. I stroked the side of his face as he lovingly sucking my nipple but I had more in store for him.

As he sucked on my turgid nipple, I wet another finger and stuck it in his ear. I felt a deep growl from his throat, which was his signal that he was almost ready for me.

But was I ready? I dropped one hand down between my legs and felt a damp area, which had slipped up on me as I concentrated on Harlan. I moaned from my own intense desire as I began to rub my pussy with my hand.

I moved his mouth to my other nipple as I whispered in his ear "Are you getting hard? I am. I want you. I want to feel you cock. To taste your cock. To feel your cock slide down my waiting throat. I want to suck on your hard cock. I want to feel your cum as it shoots into my mouth. Then if you do a good job, I will let you eat me. I am so wet. So wet and so warm. Do you like to eat pussy, Harlan? Would you like to eat my pussy, Harlan?"

I looked down at his cock as I continued fingering myself. Then I pulled his mouth from my breast and pushed him back into his chair as I dropped back down on my legs as I spread his legs. His cock was standing straight up. I skinned it down so that the exposed cockhead was straining. I leaned over his lap and let a little salvia drool from my mouth on the cockhead.

He jerked as my salvia landed on his cockhead. I slowly stroked his foreskin up and down the shaft as I whispered "Look at your pretty cock. It is so huge. It wants me and I want it. You know what I want to do to it? I want to suck that big, hard thing of yours deep into my wet, hot mouth. Will you let me suck you dry, Harlan?"

He groaned something that sounded like "YYYYEEESSSSS."

I began to rub his cockhead against my lips as I slowly stroked his cock. He jerked and had an involuntary thrust of his hips as my wet tongue licked his cockhead. I kept sliding his throbbing cockhead around my lips, with my tongue flicking out to lick him.

He moaned, jerking his hips up to face fuck me but I pulled back as I whispered "No. I will stop. You must remain still and let me play. Your turn comes later, much later. Remember that you get to do to me, whatever you can do, with your tongue."

He stopped moving as I knew he would. I could take a knife and cut off one ball right now; knowing that he would not move until he shot his load off.

The floor creaked as I positioned myself. I looked up into his very happy, glazed over eyes. I opened my mouth letting his cock drag across my face. I licked his cock; tasting his precum. I rolled my tongue along the side of the shaft, licking it as I slid my tongue along the underside. Then I took his cock into my mouth and sucked the head. I ran my tongue along the bottom of his cock. I felt his hands on my head guiding my movements. I faintly heard him ask me to take the whole thing down my throat. I widened my lips to take it all as he eased it deeper and deeper into my throat. I was no expert at sucking cock but I managed to ease all six inches of his cock down my throat without gagging. With my fingers, I was stroking his balls as they bounced. I continued to suck and lick his cock for several minutes. I could feel my own orgasm building which was driving me over the edge. As my orgasm exploded inside me, I plunged his cock deep into my mouth, sucking for everything that I could. Harlan let out a low moan as my sucking triggered his own explosion that rocked his body. His cock started jerking and pumping inside my mouth, filling me with his warm, salty cum.

Chapter 6 - Has to be Ethel

It was 7 p.m. Harlan was driving us back to the city. I had the paperwork that I was supposed to bring back to Teddy, finding it acceptable. I felt the most relaxed that I had felt in years.

Every time I watched Harlan split out a big splatter of that tobacco juice, I thought about how strong his tongue muscle was. Moving that tobacco wad around his mouth all day long, had caused his tongue muscle to become extremely strong and to have a very long endurance. Feeling that strong, soft muscle, probe and tease my very tender vagina had been a treat that I will never forget. His wife doesn't know what she is missing.

I didn't know how I knew, but I was some how sure that neither Harlan or Earl was really Thomas Bailey. It had to be coincidence that they showed up in Teddy's office.

As for myself, I didn't know who I was anymore. When I jumped time, I managed to retain most of my self- image, even thought I found myself in a teenage girl's body. I ignored the sexual differences, the clothes differences, the enjoyment of being in a young body again, as I concentrated on why I was here. But after the last two days of sex with the Baileys, I had been turned into a horny little female. All I wanted to do, was to fuck. I didn't feel like a stuffy old college professor anymore.

Part of it might be because I could not enjoy sex as a man. I always came too soon and didn't have too much luck at picking up women. I diverted my sexual drive into my studies as I turned myself into an almost monk. And now, this body enjoys sex. Oh lord, does it ever enjoy sex.

I thought about the changes in my personality as I adapted to my new gender. I was more outgoing, more friendly and not so damn arrogant. For the first time in my life, I was happy with myself. I had to attribute part of it to my fascination with this time period. After all, I had studied this era for years. And now I was here, living among surroundings that I found very comfortable.

Teddy was happy with the paperwork that I brought him. Sometime about mid-morning, Harlan stuck his head in the door, leaving a small bag on my desk. I looked inside and discovered two pairs of panties to replace the one he destroyed yesterday.

About lunchtime, there was a knock on the door. I opened it and a woman dressed completely in black that I had never seen before was standing there. She was tall, had broad shoulders and from her facial structure, could only be Ethel Bailey. Harlan's wife and Earl's mother. She was holding a pie and said "Hello. I am Mrs. Bailey. You must be Bertha. Both of my men have told me so much about you."

I looked at her black bonnet, her black shawl, her black, flowing, full-length dress and her overall huge size as I felt a little intimidated for the first time in my life.

"Yes. Please come in. I am so glad to meet you."

She walked into the room and looked at Teddy behind his desk as she said "You must be the famous Theodore Roosevelt. If you ever decide to run for President, you have my vote."

He stood as he bowed, replying "My studies of the Presidency indicate that it is no place for a man that enjoys the outdoors. I have no plans to ever run for that office, but I appreciate your support."

"I want to thank you for helping my family. I baked this pie especially for you. We would be honored if you would join us for supper on Sunday." she said with a smile. Then she turned to me, dropping the smile as she said "You are also welcome."

I looked at her and the pie. She is a direct ancestor of Thomas. That pie could be poisoned. As Teddy and she talked, I knew that it had to be her. Just as I wound up in a female's body, so could Tom. She had been the reason for them to move out of the mountains to the city. It was almost as if she was stalking Teddy.

I stepped forward, picking up the pie from Teddy's desk as I said "Let me cut everyone a slice."

As I walked over to my desk, I stumbled as if I caught my dress on my heel, falling so that the pie was smashed on the floor. I rolled over and looked up at her, to see her glaring at me. Then she hid her anger and smiled "That's all right, dear. Accidents happen. I can bake another pie."

The next day, Earl said "Maw wants you to come home with me tonight for supper. You can spend the night and come back in with me tomorrow. She wants to meet you and to talk to you. Be prepared that she will read some of the good book to you, trying to save your soul."

All day long, I worried about going out there. Facing her in her own home. Eating food that she prepared for me. Knowing that if she was really Thomas, that he would be aware that the FBI would send someone to find him. I went home at lunch and got my overnight bag. Inside was one needle, filled with the formula that would stop Thomas Bailey.

Their modest country house had a front porch. On the porch, a little old woman in a recliner was slowly rocking. Earl stopped me "Granny, this is Bertha. She is my friend."

The woman held out a shrunken, frail hand. Earl whispered in my ear "She is dying. Cancer. Doc says she won't last till Fall. We keep her doped up with a cocaine mixture that he gives us. She don't say much."

I shook her frail hand. She placed it back in her lap and stared across the street. Earl escorted me inside the house.

"Welcome to my home. Please call me Ethel." said Mrs. Bailey as I entered the house.

"Thank you. That is a very pretty quilt. Did you make it?"

"No, it was a gift from someone."

"Maw, you know that you made that quilt. Your memory is not working again."

"Earl, don't correct your mother. Especially not in front of strangers. I mean, not in front of friends. I am sorry. Your given name is Bertha? That is a pretty name. How are you related to Mr. Roosevelt?"

"We just have the same last name."

"Oh. I understand that you just started working for Mr. Roosevelt. On June 12th to be exact. What did you do before that?"

"I went to school. My whole life revolved around learning. So I was a student."

"You went from being a student to being the Personal Assistant to a man destined to be President someday. I find it hard to believe that he would hire a female, especially such a young, inexperienced one, to fill such a vital position. You are among friends and can tell me the truth."

"It is the truth, Ethel."

"Oh. I see. Well, dinner is ready. Earl, bring Granny in. Harlan, please say the prayer tonight."

After dinner, I helped Ethel wash the dishes. As the men did their evening chores in the barn, she invited me out on the porch. To talk, was her phrase.

I sat down in the swing with her after she adjusted her mother's rocker so that it was facing us. She filled her corncob pipe and offered her spare pipe to me, which I declined. We sat in the swing, enjoying the breeze for a few minutes as she questioned me about my life. After a few minutes, she said "There are a lot of things in life, that are not what they appear to be. You know that I am not from here and I know that you are not from here, either. Let's put the facts on the table to see if we can work together."

"What do you have in mind?"

She took a puff on her pipe "I am a poor woman. I don't have much except for my family. I want my boy to be somebody someday. It's too late for him to become a doctor, but his son can become one. I would not want anything to happen that could prevent that."

"Sounds like a nice dream. Go on."

"Both of us have to do some talking. I don't know how to say this, but I know that you are not who you say you are."

"For all practical purposes, I am who I say I am."

She looked at me with an angry look. "You are about to make me angry enough to take the Lord's name in vain. I know that you used to work in a whorehouse. I heard Earl whisper it to Harlan after that first day they met you. I couldn't believe it so I went to that horrible place and asked. Agnes wants to know if you are coming back. She wants to move someone else into the room with her. I only did it because my boy is interested in you. I have to protect him."

I looked at her and laughed. Before she could respond, Granny said "Ethel. I need my medicine. Now, please."

Ethel walked into the house, leaving me still amused at her declaration. As soon as the screen door slammed shut behind her, Granny said "I am the one that you are looking for. Fate dealt me a cruel card and imprisoned me in this frail and dying body. I have dropped all plans to change the course of history, because I will not live until the optimum date. I also don't have the strength to carry out my original plans. Who are you?"

I looked at the old woman staring at me through eyes coated with cataracts. "James Thorton." I replied.

For a moment, the only sound was the crickets. Then she burst out laughing in a high pitched cackle. For several seconds, she laughed before she said "Professor Thorton. You arrogant ass. You were the last person that I would have thought of selecting for this, but at the same time, you were the only person qualified to survive here. That's the name of the game. Survival and I have lost. You have a beautiful body. I wish you luck in living her life. Well, my old friend, what are you going to do to me?"

"I have a needle with me."

"The Triamisu formula, I assume. Good. I can use it. Listen to me. This body is dying. It is in constant pain. If it wasn't for the frequent doses of codeine, I would commit suicide. Give me the needle and walk away from here. Tonight after the big cow puts me to bed, I will inject myself with it. I will either die returning control to the host or this body will die. Either way, by morning, there will be no threat to history."

"Why did you pick July 26? I think I know why you picked Teddy."

"Instead of letting me work on my project, they gave me a damn report to write. The due date was July 26. I became determined to not write the report, so I pushed my experiments greatly above the schedule. The date has no importance here."

I stood up and looked her directly in the eyes. I could see pain in those milky eyes. I dropped the needle into her hand. She put it in her pocket as Ethel came out with some medicine. As Ethel gave her the codeine, I said "I must go back to the city. Can Earl take me to the train?"

Teddy was already at his desk reading the paper. He said "Earl won't be in today. His grandmother died during the night. The funeral is today if you desire to attend."

I looked at the future President, knowing that he was safe now. Then I replied "Yes. I do want to attend the funeral. It's a small world, but I used to know his grandmother quite well. I do want to attend her funeral. Then I will go back to my room to pack. I have to quit working for you. Earl can type whatever you need. Please don't ask me to stay, because I can't."

He adjusted his glasses as he said "Somehow, I knew that you wouldn't be around long. If you ever need my assistance, please let me know. Good luck."

I placed one rose in her casket. As they lowered it into the ground, I walked away.

I returned to my room, picked up my suitcase, paying my bill. I caught a trolley to Fourteenth Street and walked the six blocks to the brownstone whorehouse. Agnes was sitting on the front stoop smoking a cigarette as I walked up. I looked at her, smiled and said "I came back. There are some things that I can only accomplish here. Does Ralph Thorton still drop by here every couple of weeks? I need to find some way to meet him."

She snubbed her cigarette out on the step as she said "He was here last night. Margaret got him. Did you ever get your memory back?"

I picked up her cigarettes pack and lit one, remembering her last advice to me. I coughed as the warm smoke filled my lungs. I said "Last night, so I have two weeks until he shows up again. I have a lot to learn and a short time to learn it. I need your help with Ralph. He doesn't know it, but he is the key to my memory. And the key to who I become. By the way, do you know if Ralph chews tobacco?"

The End.

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