Time Traveling Teen

By Art Gibson

Published on Nov 22, 2021


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Remember, this story is fiction. The author does not recommend you try this stuff at home (Unless you absolutely must)

Time Traveling Teen C-3

Well, Alfie matched the description in my packet. He was almost six feet and slim. His face showed a ton of freckles. His hair was fiery red. I looked him up and down, staring at his bulge. He needed to get used to my doing this.

He wore shorts which revealed a smattering of freckles on his thighs. This boy would be interesting to see without those shorts. He wore high top tennis shoes of the period, just like mine.

"Want to come to my house?" I asked. My parents are home.

"You play monopoly?" He asked?

"Yeah, I got a board at home." I hoped this was true.

"Let's go," he said.

In the house, I called to Max. No way would I use his full name, stupid master who thought this would make dad fit into the period. "Dad, where did you put the monopoly game?"

"In the basement closet, Trevor."

Dad met us at the entry steps. "Who's this?"

"A new friend. His name is Alfie." I saw dad's eyes light up.

"Nice to meet you, sir," Trevor said.

"We'll be playing downstairs," I said.

"Have fun, boys."

Trevor surveyed the recreation room. "Wow. This is nice. You got a couch, card tables, chairs, even two beds. This is really nice."

I agreed with him but did not say so. The couch gave me ideas. I needed to move slowly, carefully.

"Do you know other kids around here?" I said as I set up the board and distributed the money.

"Mike and Paul. They are brothers who live across the alley from me. They like to have fun. We shoot hoops at their house."

"Anything else?"

"We go swimming at the YMCA a couple of days a week. You could come with us."

Now that had possibilities. Swimming at the Y in the 1950s meant no suits. Great.

Alfie and I played until his cash ran low.

"Well, looks like you win. I'll be bankrupt the next time I land on one of your high rent properties," he said dejectedly.

"I have a suggestion. How about when you land on one of my properties, you give me your shirt, or something? I will give you cash if I land on yours. When you get enough cash, you buy back your shirt or other clothes."

Alfie looked as if he thought this was an okay idea.

"Okay. How far would I have to go?

"Only as far as you want. You probably will earn enough money landing on my properties to buy back your clothes way before you get naked."

There, I had planted the seed. What would he do with it?

"What if I had to get naked?"

"Only if you wanted. You can always quit."

"Okay," and he swallowed. "Your parents won't come down?"

"No, they stay upstairs. The basement is my domain."

So we continued. Alfie had crap luck. At last, he was down to his white jockey briefs.

"I think we better quit," he said.

"Sure. Whatever you want." I scooped up his clothes, ready to return them.

"Trevor. If we continue, and I lose, you won't tell, will you?"

"Not a word. You are my friend. Besides, you swim nude at the Y, right?"

So our game continued. At last Alfie landed on Boardwalk. He said, "Do I have to take them off?"

"Only if you want," I said. "However, if you do, those pants are not enough to cover what you owe."

"So, what else?"

"Take your pants off and stroke yourself until you get hard. Or we can quit. It's up to you." I said this, looking at the hardness in his undies. I did not care if he did what I suggested. I had planted a seed.

Alfie adjusted himself. "I think we better quit. My mom will want me home for lunch."

"Sure. We had fun. Maybe next time you will win."

"Yeah. Hey, want to go to the Y tomorrow? You know, swim?"

"That sounds like a plan."

Joining my pseudo parents, I needed to stop referring to them that way; I said. "Well, I think I made a start."

Max said. "I have experience with this age and its attitudes towards Free living. Boys in this era hide their attraction to their own sex, even if that is what they feel. Take it easy. Suggest games that involve touching or stroking. Get them aroused and wanting what their brains tell them is wrong."

"Thanks, Max. I'll decide on a plan."

The Y was the perfect place to start my plan. In that era, boys and men swam nude together. With Alfie and his friends, Mike, and Paul now nude and in the pool, I stayed boned as I swam and walked around the pool's edges. I let them get good looks. I even stroked myself twice. I made sure I stayed boned as we went to the lockers after. Alfie snuck looks often and when I caught him, I gave him winks.

The groundwork prepared, I suggested we have lunch at my house. Fixing sandwiches and grabbing pops, we retired to the basement. The next part of my plan began.

As we ate, I told them of a game I played at my other house with three friends.

"Tell us," Alfie said.

"I don't know if I should. It's like kinda dirty."

That got their attention.

"Like how dirty?" Mike asked.

"Promise you will tell no one. I mean no one. Swear it." I told him. "If my parents found out, well, I don't want to think about what they might do."

All three swore not to tell. "Okay. What's this game? Tell us," Paul said.

I definitely had their attention.

"Better if I show you. No, I better not. What me and my friends did, well you guys might think is bad."

They looked ready to attack me. I had them worked up wanting to know.

"I'd better show you. Mike lay on the couch," I directed. Now for the make or break part. "Take your shoes and socks off and lay on your back."

I took Mike's hand. "Sit and let Alfie's feet rest on your lap." He did so. "Now gently massage them. Do not tickle him."

Alfie moaned a bit as Mike kneaded Alfie's feet. Seeing that Alfie was enjoying his foot massage, I led Paul and directed him to sit and place Alfie's head in his lap.

"Keep rubbing Mike. Paul massage Alfie's scalp." I stood back. Alfie's moans let me know he felt like he was in heaven. "Don't stop guys. You are doing great." I kneeled close to Alfie's face. "Soon it will feel even better, buddy."

I leaned over, bushing my lips against Alfie's This was the make or break moment. Alfie would stop me or let me continue. His continuous moans were my reward. Without breaking lip contact, I placed my left hand against his bulge. I caught Paul looking at me. He licked his lips. I rubbed Alfie. I could feel his hardness under my hand. I unsnapped the button on his jeans, letting my hand probe slowly under the waistband of his underwear. I felt the skin of his hardness. I stroked it. Alfie started thrusting. I backed off. His eyes looked at me, wondering why I stopped.

"Oh no, buddy. You have way more to go before we are through. Do you want more?"

He nodded in a begging motion.

"Mike, take off his jeans, go ahead, take off everything he is wearing." I sat on my heels, watching. As Mike removed Alfie's clothes, I saw Paul rubbing himself. "Take off your clothes, Paul." I almost whispered. He did. Now I had two boys looking confused. They were naked. Being naked in front of each other, they were used to being naked. This felt somehow different. What felt confusing, and I could read the confusion in their expressions, was, unlike the Y experience, they had a desire, more, a lust that filled their eyes as they stared at each other, both hard in a way that was new. They had never seen hardness like this, raw, throbbing desire on naked display. This desire they had only experienced alone, in their beds, not on display for others. Alfie's mouth hung open as he stared at Paul. Then he turned to me, a helpless look in his eyes, almost pleading for me to make him stop.

"Kiss Paul, Alfie. Hold him tightly. Go ahead Alfie. It will be good. Do it."

They closed against each other, wrapping arms and pulling tightly. One last hesitation, then Alfie smashed his lips on Paul's and they made out.

Mike had lost all sense of innocence and stared. I undressed him. He did not object, so lost was he. Now he stood like a statue, watching the scene unfolding in front of him. I saw his six inches throbbing. I knew none of these three had any experience with what I had led them into. I put my lip against Mike's ear. Join them. You know you want to. Do it. Love you brother. Seemingly without effort, Mike glided to join his brother and Alfie.

Mike's red hair and red pubes stood out in contrast to the chestnut brown of the brother's bushes. I circled them, hypnotically suggesting as my training had prepared me.

"Kiss each other, deeper. Use tongue. Don't hold back. Just enjoy yourselves. You love this. You want each other. You are feeling passion for each other. Get ready. You are making love to each other. You want each other. Do it. Feel it."

My words, designed to have a hypnotic affect, achieved their goal. My boys lost themselves in the rhythm overtaking their bodies and brains, a river as old as humanity. I knew they were close.

"That's it. You desire each other. You can't hold back. You want each other from this day onward. No one can love you like these friends. You want them forever. Faster. Release. Feel your friend's passion. Release your passion for them, in them. Hold each other. Help each other find release."

I knew the point of no return had passed. They were like rutting animals. They humped, cried, and stiffened. They released together, then collapsed in a pile on the floor.

I stood back and smiled. Almost done. My mission would end with one more activity. The hypnotic suggestions I planted needed one night to percolate.

Leaving them dazed, wrapped together, I went upstairs. I gave my parents the thumbs up sign. "Call their parents. Let them know you want their boys to spend the night. I need one more day to solidify the hypnotic suggestions. Then we all can go home."

Comments and suggestions at: acgib1943@protonmail.com.

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Next: Chapter 4

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