Time Traveling Teen

By Art Gibson

Published on Nov 20, 2021


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Remember, this story is fiction. The author does not recommend you try this stuff at home (Unless you absolutely must)

Time Traveling Teen C-2

The air pollution smell hit me as soon as I shook off the travel affects. How could these people destroy the air with their fumes and smoke? I thanked the world government that outlawed any form of air pollution in 2300. Why had they waited so long?

My head cleared from the effects of the portal. I surveyed my surroundings for threats. I saw nothing that would require the use of my emergency extraction beacon planted beneath my forearm.

The landing area had the look of a vacant lot surrounded by houses, a road in front, and the sound of children playing in the distance.

I activated the homing beacon on the strap of my pack. "Walk to the alley behind you and turn left." Cooper's voice directed.

Yeah, I named my beacon Cooper. Don't ask.

Cooper led me down a pathway the residents of this time called an alley until I arrived at my destination, a house with two levels. Such a waste of time and materials to create this monstrosity.

The side of the house held a door which, before I could turn the antiquated handle, opened and I stared into the face of my pseudo father.

"Come in, Trevor. Mom and I have been expecting you."

Of course, he knew my details. I knew nothing about them other than they were hired and positioned to be parents of a teen traveler. Oh, did I mention being gay in this era could get me arrested, jailed, or locked in a mental ward, even all three.

"My name is Maximilian. Your mother's is Kylee-Jo. Have a seat while I get your instructions. You probably want a beer."

Oh, did I. "Who comes up with these names?"

"The masters thought they would give us names that would fit in."

I laughed. "Dad, your name belongs in the Roman era. Mom, yours sounds as if you come from way back in the hills. You better tell the masters to choose differently next time. Bring me two beers, please."

I loved a good period beer, not the synthetic crap available in my time.

Here you go. Two Strohs and your papers. The beer's label said, "Fire-brewed, Detroit, Michigan."

I used the opener, snapping off the cap. I slugged the first bottle in one swallow.

I opened my packet. The details of my 1950s life and assignment details told me all I need to know. I sipped the second Strohs as I memorized the packet's contents.

"Oh, crap. This Alfie Thompson is an ancestor. My job is to get in tight with him and introduce him to the free lifestyle."

I identified as gay. I liked that term even if it was super dated. Now any sex relations were considered "Free."

Shit. No wonder this rated a priority one emergency. Alfie was on the verge of firmly identifying as hetero, not Bi. That would screw up my ancestry line. Thompsons had led the fight of freedom for same sex equality for hundreds of years. No way could the time shift continuum adjust if Alfie became totally hetero.

"Another Stroh's, please."

Mom pulled one from a box that kept food cold. Not like waving an item over a plate that radiated a selected temperature for the product.

Needing to practice 1950s vocabulary, I said. "Great, the refrigerator kept this nice and cold."

I felt ready to face the life of a teen in this time period. I wiped my hand across my lips.

"Thanks, parent units. I will see you later."

I Walked to the door expecting them to say something, like had I had too much to drink or where was I going. Maybe this time I got a suitable set.

I stood in front of the house. The exhaust from the cars made me want to vomit. I hoped in my next assignment I went to an agrarian culture or to a time when atomic particle engines existed.

Yesterday I lay naked on a beach, able to have sex with any teen at the resort, except for traveler trainees. The night before I had spent hours pleasuring a thirteen-year-old who had just come on board the resort to provide travelers like me pleasure.

I was his first sex assignment. I loved when I got assigned a boy who was a virgin. I got to be his first and show him how fulfilling boy to boy sex could be.

He came to my room, introducing himself as Ogden. I never showed a reaction to the boys who came to my door. Ogden had me stammering as I told him my name was Trevor.

Ogden was nervous. His hands rubbed his shorts as he licked his lips. He looked like an angel standing in my doorway. I stared. This boy would be all mine tonight.

I suggested we visit the beach. I held his hand as we walked. He told me he applied to the masters to work as a sex partner for the travelers. They tested him and he came up as preferring sex with teen boys.

"I just have never had sex before. You know that Trevor."

His hand in mine shook. I stopped our walk and turned him to me. His blond hair on his delicate features glowed. Across the bridge of his nose, freckles roamed. I loved looking at his freckles.

I grabbed his nose and twisted it, forcing him to curl on his side.

"Why, Trevor? Why'd you do that?"

"Just making sure you were real, not a simulacrum."

"Shit man. I ain't a robot."

"I know, now. Robots would not scream."

We resumed walking. I intended to give Ogden the best night of his young life, one he would compare all other pairings against.

I could not wait. I stopped us and turned Ogden towards me. I enveloped him and kissed him long and deep. I did not stop until he moaned my name. That let me know he would give himself to me completely.

I stepped back. His shorts were tented. He might look young, but his cock bulged in his shorts. He had to be packing. I stepped in to stroke him, rubbing his hardness as I resumed loving his tongue. His moans intensified as he ground against my fingers. His hips were thrusting now. We had to take this to the room. We could go all the way on the beach. That was not the issue. The room was where we needed to be.

For Ogden's first time, we needed soft lights and a bed. I would totally take him. I would forever mark him as mine, body and spirit. He was cute and sweet and he deserved my best. I had been with many boys in my time as a traveler. Some were virgins, some were experienced. Ogden promised a special experience.

In the room I commanded soft lights and music. Ogden stood in the middle, flushed and shaking. I placed my hands on his face.

"Are you ready, Ogden? Can I take you where you have never been before. Can I make love to you?"

Ogden dropped his eyes. He looked so innocent. He blushed as he shook his head.

"Let me undress you." Ogden sucked in a breath.

I kissed him one last time, then I removed all his garments. Ogden was even more beautiful naked in front of me.

"Raise your eyes, Ogden. You are so beautiful. Your skin is smooth more smooth that others I have seen."

I kissed him again. My clothes hindered me. I threw them off. Ogden sucked in a breath as my hardness was fully exposed to his view. I rubbed mine against his, holding them together. O sweetness. This beautiful boy was putty and I would mold him.

Hours passed with us wrapped together, sliding on each other with arms holding each other. By now Ogden had received and given his first blowjob. We both had released, savoring the taste of each other. Ogden was not a traveler, so his age of thirteen was the correct age. I liked boys that young. Sometimes I would request a six or seven-year-old for variety. A boy in the early stages of puberty was my favorite. I loved their horniness and how they lost control. Ogden lost control many times. His age let him recover quickly. Did he ever recover. Once I had awakened his hormonal drive, he no longer acted shy. He was like a simulacrum, non-stop sexually programmed action.

Ogden was a real boy, and I would be his first. "You ready, baby?"

I knew he was beyond ready from the lust glaze in his eyes and his slack jaw. I lubed him and slid my finger inside. He moaned unlike any boy I had entered. He looked so beautiful, his slim body under me, turning and humping. Mewling sounds came from his throat.

"Please. Please." His words were like prayers. I licked him in places where before tonight had been his alone. Never had I seen a boy turned on like Ogden.

"Love me Trevor. Do it to me. Love me." Ogden chanted.

I think his mind had lost its rational chain. His stomach rose and fell. His cock was throbbing. Juices flowed in a steady stream down its sides. I licked these, causing Ogden to beg nonstop for me to enter him. His head rolled on the pillow, mouth agape as streams of pleas fell from it.

"You are ready, love. I am going to make your first time one you will never forget. You will remember how we made love, how I took you, from this day forward."

I entered Ogden. He did not gasp as some first timers did. He thrust against me, so I entered him totally, all the way. His ankles wrapped against my waist as he pulled me to him, thrusting in a frenzy against my harness.

"Trevor, no more teasing. Put your seed deep inside." And then Ogden's words turned to nonsense as he went wild in my arms, demanding, taking control of our coupling.

He might have been a virgin a moment ago. Now he was a lust-filled boy demanding me, sucking my tongue, my face. I was the one being devoured. He screamed. I felt his muscles clench around my shaft. His wetness spurted between our bellies and I felt myself shoot into his love canal.

That night I could not catch a rest. Ogden used me as much as I used him. I felt like I was the one being deflowered, so often did Ogden seed me. I gave him back the same way. We writhed and sucked and came in every opening we could discover. The dawn broke when we finally called an end to our pairing.

I looked at Ogden laying on his back. So beautiful. So exposed. I knew he wanted more. I lay against him, softly kissing.

"Thank you Ogden. I love what we did."

"Can we do this tonight?"

"Oh, my beautiful boy. Please."

He left. I spent the day in the sand stroking as I dreamed about Ogden and me together for another session of intense pleasure.

The master's message ended those plans. I made the messenger agree to contact Ogden. He had to repeat my words exactly as I told them to him.

"I love you totally, Ogden. I have to go on a mission. I will return to you. I hope we can live together. I will ask for release when I return. We can grow old together. I love you."

"Where do you live?"

The question snapped me from my daydream. A teen, almost as beautiful as the boy that moments ago I could not remove from my brain, stood two steps away.

"Uh, over there." I pointed at my house.

"I never saw you before. Are those your relatives?"

Yes. I live there with my parents. I have been away. I just arrived today.

He chewed that one over. His eyes told me he had arrived at a conclusion.

"I'm Alfie Thompson. What's your name?"

"Trevor Thompson." Oh shit. I had just revealed my true name to my ancient ancestor, only he did not look ancient, and was he one hot teen boy.

I tucked Ogden away. I needed to concentrate on my mission.

That, I knew, meant introducing another virgin teen to the joys of boy on boy sex.

The difficulty I would have was that in this era, boy on boy sex was forbidden.

Comments and suggestions at: acgib1943@protonmail.com.

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Next: Chapter 3

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