Time on the Water


Published on Aug 20, 2009



Time on the Water...

by StretchedSoon (stretchedsoon@yahoo.com)

M/M, encounters

The boat was an 'us thing', something she and I saved for all winter and picked up on the used market in the spring. The fact that she had a busy summer job and was still in school left me with free time on my hands, a boat that I was still paying on, and a chance to wear fewer clothes. More than once this summer, I've found myself heading to the local boat launch solo, a cooler and a book in hand, headed out for an afternoon of tanning, swimming and getting myself into trouble.

I'm 30, tall and thin, and working on the muscular part. I'm married, and my wife knows I have a wandering eye, but not that it wanders around both the men's and ladies locker rooms. The fact that we live in a tourist town draws in a lot of folks from out of the area, but I'm really more of a window shopper - less likely to meet a friend on Craigslist, much more likely to find somebody I like the look of and take advantage of it.

That first afternoon in late June was one of those days. I hitched up the boat, drove to the launch, and in short order had the boat in the water and ready to go. As I eased into the channel and headed toward open water, I was looking forward to an afternoon of solitude, reading, maybe a little tanning. It sounded like heaven after sitting at work all day.

Thirty minutes later found me 4 miles up the lake, anchored in shallow water, trying to read my book as the boat bobbed back and forth. This wasn't working, as every ski boat that went by was sending waves my way, bouncing me around and making my reading and relaxing almost impossible. Tossing the book aside, I noticed my pasty white arms and realized some sun was definitely in order. I peeled off my shirt, enjoying the warm breeze coming off the water as I realized that I was in a secluded spot, just a little ways from shore. In for a dime, in for a dollar - might as well tan everything, right?

The swimsuit joined the shirt on the seat as I dug around for some sunscreen, began spreading and rubbing it in, paying careful attention to the parts I really didn't want burnt - a recent week away had left me mostly tan, but a week in board shorts left me white from just above the knees to just below my navel - skin that would really hurt when burnt.

The sunscreen was cool as I started around my ears and worked my way across my chest, smoothing it across my skin as I worked my way over my abs. Sliding my hands across my firm ass, I finished my legs, saving the best parts for last. I briefly considered adding a little more sunscreen and enjoying the task of protecting my shaved cock and nutsack, but I wasn't that far from shore, and while I'm comfortable in my skin, I'm not an exhibitionist. I finished up, rinsed my hands off and arranged my towel on the rear deck of the boat. Starting on my belly, I got comfortable on the cushioned deck and enjoyed the warm rays beating down on me.

A half hour passed, and my back was pretty warm as I rolled over, laid my hat over my face and put my hands under my head. I'm not sure exactly when I dozed off, but I know I was having one of my favorite dreams - the one where I was walking in a group of hot college guys, everybody was wearing a jockstrap and a smile, and we were all covered in baby oil. I was just finishing sucking off the third stud in line, the one with the cute boyish grin and the silver nipple ring, when I felt the warm lips close around my cock and felt everything begin to spin. I woke up unable to see anything, and started to sit up, only to be pressed back to my bench by a strong arm. Feeling foolish, I realized that I'd just been dreaming, and that my hat was still on my face. Pulling it aside, I felt even more foolish as I encountered the gorgeous guy tonguing the slit at the head of my cock while squeezing my nipple with the same strong hand that had just put me back in my place.

If you've read my first Nifty submission, you'll know that I'm not terribly shy - I've had kinky sex with guys and girls, had my share of great blowjobs from gorgeous members of both sexes, and am open to trying new things. I'm just usually in the habit of getting a partner's name before waking up with my cock in his mouth, but oh-my-god what a mouth.

He half-smiled at me with his really bright blue eyes as he tongued my cockhead, squeezing and kneading my nipple as his other hand slid between my legs and massaged my aching nuts. He had short, curly blond hair that had been lightened by the sun, strong shoulders with a deep, dark tan that only come from many hours in the gym and on the beach, and a complete baby-face - he must have been 21 or 22.

He was kneeling next to my seat at the back of the boat, and with a twinkle in his eye, began working my cock as he had a few minutes before - the tongue-swirling, mind-bending blowjob that had woken me from my dream. I laid back and let him do his thing, still not sure who he was or where he had come from, or even able to see the rest of him - but from the waist up he was a dream.

His pecs were firm, sculpted and very tan and he swallowed my cock over and over, working around the head, then plunging the length into his talented throat. His strong arm kept me where he wanted me as he tongued the base of my shaft - others have taken me into their throats before, but not like this. I'm not huge, but proud of what I've got - I usually run around 7", and my thickness varies by my excitement, but I'm usually 1.5-2" in diameter. I've shaved my cock, balls and ass crack since college - a girlfriend there had a thing for razors and loved watching me shave myself. She rewarded my clean as a whistle look with a furious rimming every time I finished, and I've kept my ass shaved since. My nutsack hangs nice and low, and the lack of pubes keeps it baby-soft. Lovers in my past have been surprised and excited to find me shaved, and I've been rewarded for it many times with some of the best oral and rimming that I can imagine.

That is until now. This guy was simply amazing with his tongue, and the angle he was sitting at afforded me a perfect view of his jaw and throat. Watching my shaft bend slightly at the back of his tongue and make it's way into his throat was spellbinding. Feeling his slobbery finger at my tight hole started to push me over the edge. He was past the first knuckle with the hand between my legs when I started to tense up, and that only made him try harder. He sucked me back into his throat, pulling my cock into his mouth as he threaded a second finger into my ass. I spread my knees a little, opening my hole for him as he dug in with both fingers. His pointer finger bent to stroke my prostate as he deepthroated my cock, I held out until he glanced up at me with those big blue eyes and winked. I relaxed just a little, enough for him to work in a third finger as my cum started to flow. He grinned as he slurped it all greedily, swallowing every drop as he continued to work my cock. As my softening cock slid from his lips, he stood, leaning over me and kissing me deeply, the taste of my cum fresh on his lips.

As I rolled onto my side to get a better look, he continued to work my ass with his hand. My cock, soft just moments before was firming up again - I've had multiple cum sessions before, but never this fast. This guy was outrageous.

In between his deep kisses, he said that his name was Tyler, but that his friends called him Ty, and that we were certainly friends now. The view of the rest of his body gave me a slight shiver - his rower style shorts were very short, giving me an easy view of his huge semi-rigid cock that was standing up and to the left. His ass was rock hard to match his abs, and his tan was perfect. His smile was devilish as he asked what I'd like to try next - hmm, hot guy, just finished sucking my brains out through my dick, still fingering my ass and showing off a beautiful semi?

Three minutes later he was leaning back in the bow of the boat, legs stretched off to either side, while I knelt between them. The rowers had been discarded somewhere, the semi hard cock outlined just moments ago was no longer semi-anything and I was preparing to try to match his world class cocksucking skills. His cock was dripping precum as I worked my way around his cut head, drooling figuratively and literally over the size of his shaft - he was 9" by 2", bulging veins everywhere and bobbing just in front of my lips. He smelled of coconut oil and sweat and the lake as I took his head into my mouth, trying to remember all of the tricks I'd heard, been shown, or read online about swallowing big cocks. Breath through your ears, keep your tongue on the bottom of his shaft, take your time, don't let him grab the back of your... Too late! He wasn't the most courteous lover I'd ever taken, but he was the most direct. His hand caught the back of my neck as hunched his hips forward, driving his cock past my tonsils and down my throat. I wasn't ready for it, came up coughing and gagging with my eyes all teared up, and as I pulled in a raggedy breath, he did it again.

I was no more prepared the second time, but at least I knew what was happening. I felt his cock slide over my tongue, felt the head strike the back of my throat, and as I instinctively swallowed, felt that beautiful shaft head south towards my stomach. Over and over he drove his cock down my throat, shoving his hips forward as he fucked my mouth, burying my nose in his curly blond pubes. Reaching over my back, his fingers found my asshole again, and spitting in his palm, he started working his way back in there as he forced my head back. Ramming his cock into my mouth, I was still on my knees, powerless to stop him as he lined my mouth, throat and belly up in a straight line and skewered me. Pulling me by the fingers anchored in my ass, he dragged me forward onto his cock as his balls tensed in my hand and he shot rope after rope of hot cum straight into my belly.

I almost was sorry I didn't get to taste it, but I'd get that chance later.

Ty leaned back as his cock slid from my mouth, clearly enjoying the power he had over me. My ass was tingling with anticipation, my dick was dripping precum, and here was this guy I didn't really know, grinning at me. I must have looked confused, because he was mumbling something about paddling his kayak, coming across my boat, seeing my hard cock in the sun...

He pulled me onto his lap, thrusting his tongue into my waiting mouth as his hands squeezed and kneaded my ass cheeks. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw his throbbing cock glistening in the sun just behind me. He pulled my legs out to either side, placing me in a balancing act as I hovered over his belly, loving his kiss but yearning for what was to come.

I felt his hands pressing firmly on my thighs as I eased into his chest, slowly sliding my ass down until his cock head rested against my tight ring. As he pressed, I felt his head push harder and harder until it popped into my recently stretched hole. Slippery in the precum it was leaking, the cum it had just expended and my remaining saliva, his cock had little trouble penetrating me. I settled into his lap as my tan god leaned back, sliding all of his length up into me. The further he stretched, the more cock he pressed into my waiting hole until finally I was stuffed and my shaved nuts were resting on his glistening belly.

I was just getting accustomed to his size when he slid his hands under my ass and began to lift me off his dick, raising and lowering me as he fucked his stick slowly in and out. Gentle at first, he became more firm with each thrust until I was bouncing up and down on his shaft, driving my ass down onto his belly with each thrust. We were in perfect rhythm as he pulled me close and kissed me, taking advantage of my being off balance to pull down on my shoulders and drive his full length into my now humming ass. Holding his cock deep inside of me, Ty came again, this time filling my ass with hot slippery cum.

He held me close as his cock softened, gently kissing me as he continued to slowly work my ass until finally his soft cock slid out of me. He pulled me to my feet, exhausted, and suggested a quick dip before I got to return the favor. That got my attention!

His tanned ass jumped over the side rail as I struggled to keep up, contemplating the full meaning of "returning the favor"...

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