Time for Discovery

By Herman Hurley

Published on Apr 18, 2002


The usual disclaimers - underage, if offended by honest and true emotions and sex between 2 consenting males then don't read. This 1st installment as with all future installments is true and based upon my personal experience. Person's names are all that have been changed to protect the LUCKY participants - BIG GRINS THERE.

College - m/m, acts of mutual consent and desire.

A TIME OF DISCOVERY - (chapter 4)

We kissed for a couple of minutes and then I drew back my head and stared into Josh's green eyes. My heart was not racing exactly but I was breathing with heavy and deep breaths. I was squeezing the muscles in his back as I was looking at him. Just thinking how lucky I was to have met him.

"My God, how I Love You too." I told Josh with a fervor that I had never told anyone before not even my parents. Well, I mean I loved my parents but you got to know that this was a much different love and a deeper love in so many ways than you love any other person. Then I realized that I had that art class in about 50 minutes and this time was not going to be wasted go by without being remembered. We had both just actually spoken verbally to each other thee words.....I love you.

"Josh, you know I usually say.....you're the boss, right?" and he nodded his head. "Well, I have class in about 50 minutes and it is pretty close to our room but I want you to remember this day.......OK." and then he gives me that grin that could warm me up if I was buck naked in a snow storm.

"What'cha got in mind, Hermie?" and grins evilly. He grinds his hips into mine and gives me a couple of humps with his hips. MMMMMM....he is not going to get that right now, that will have to be sometime later.

"This is going to be all about you Josh. I am completely dressed and I am going to stay that way. While you my stud are completely naked and for this you are going to stay that way. Now back up and sit down on you bed ......NOW !!!!" He arched his eyebrows and his eyes opened up wide. Not having heard me talk to him like this, I guess he was kind of wondering but he backed up to his bed and sat down. He might have wondered at my tone of voice a little but I could see his eyes wondering what was going to happen next and absolutely wanting something to happen. OH YEAH, he wanted something.

I moved closer to where he was sitting and I dropped to my knees. I looked up at him with love in my eyes and also with a driven lust. He could tell that I was his and what I had in mind was to pleasure him. I remembered what it had felt like to me for him to kiss me on my knees when he shaved the hair on my body so I stuck my tongue and licked circles on both of his knees. Just letting my tongue feel the hardness of his kneecap beneath the skin. I liked the feel and taste of his skin. From hearing him draw in his breath sharply, I knew that he was enjoying me doing this as much as I was enjoying doing it.

"Oh..Oh..my Hermie...I never knew having my knees licked could feel that incredible !!!!" and he kept on breathing deep and letting out soft moans.

For me the insides of my thighs are quite sensitive and well a bit ticklish. I leaned into towards his body more with my head. Instead of putting my hands on the bed for support, I placed my hands on his knees and pushed his legs further apart. I slowly let my hot and wet tongue trail up each leg from each knee to almost his balls. I gave each thigh a wet loving tongue caressing and then I would let my breath blow lightly across his muscles and watch them as they would tense and relax in reaction. All the while Josh was letting his breath exhale with soft moans and rubbing my shoulders. Then I looked up at him and he bent his head down and kissed me. I kept the kiss brief though. I saw that he was leaking profusely with pre-cum. I leaned into his crotch and lightly licked off the pre-cum. When my tongue first touched his cock head, Josh gave out with a sharp gasp of breath and placed his hands on my head. He wasn't pushing my down on himself, just running his hands through my hair.

"You likes....my love?" I breathed out at him.

"Oh God Hermie..Oh..my....."

My mouth encompassed his cock head with my tongue still teasing the tip. My tongue then molded itself around the underside of his manhood and started to glide down to wards his sac savoring the feel of him in my mouth. All the while his cock was throbbing and stretching along the roof of my mouth until it reached the entrance to my throat. Consciously I willed my throat muscles to relax as I felt him press into me further.

"Am I hurting you....aah...so...aahhh...good." Josh was asking but at the same time his lust and pleasure was taking some control of his body.

I just squeezed his butt harder and nodded my head no and continued my worship of him. Alternately I would pull back and then deep throat him It did not take more than 7 or 8 of this deep throatings before I could feel the pulsing in his cock start. He knew and I knew that I was not going to pull off; we both knew that I was going to swallow his load and swallow every last drop.

When I felt him start to shoot, I let myself pull back just a little. I wanted to feel and taste his cum as it shot into me. The warmth of his seed was so much of a passion to me that my body was in overdrive. I swallowed and tasted both at the same time as I felt him filling my mouth and letting his seed slide on down inside of me. I felt so comfortable with this and with Josh. He was just gasping and purring like a cat - no more like growling like a tiger and his hips were humping forwards towards my face as he was running his hands through my hair. As the last of his shots left him, he let his hands go down to my shoulders and he caressed me.

"Oh my Hermie...that was the best...just the best....mmmmm.." as he looked deep into my eyes.

Then I proceeded to lick him some more to clean him up. By this point I had him in a complete trembling shambles. You could say I was the boss this time - big grins. But, in my mind, Josh will always be the boss.

Josh pulled me up to him by the shoulders and kissed me. I felt tingles go all through me with that kiss. But I broke it off after a few moments and reminded him that I had an art class to go to. I couldn't really skip this class as it was the first one of the semester.

"As much as I like the taste of you Bud, I think I had better brush my teeth and freshen up a little. Just wouldn't do if I smiled at somebody in class and there was a gob of you on one of my teeth....now would it?" and I grinned an evil smile at him.

"Guess not but I am going to let you know right now Hermie, tonight I hope you are not going to have too much to do........cause this is going to be mine." and with that he gripped my butt and squeezed hard.

"Oh...Ya think so....huh?" and I grinned back at him."I'll tell you what....I'm yours ANYTIME and ANYPLACE that you so desire....GOT IT !" and with that I headed towards the door to go to my class. After I shut the door and was walking towards my class, I was thinking that my hopes were that the 1st art class would not be too awfully involved. After all, I had just given Josh one helluva blowjob and he had seen me in control for once. I think he liked the fact that he was being handled and being used by me and in such a controlled but loving way. Controlled but with me being in total submission to giving him absolute pleasure. That in and of itself was the whole point, at least it was what I had in mind. From the look on Josh's face and his reaction, my success was assured - BIG GRINS !!

Well, here I am at the building for the art class. Sure glad that I remembered to bring this sketchbook with me. It is like so many of the buildings on campus; a big dark red brick building done in what is called the Georgian Architecture style. All of the buildings have a very colonial feeling to them. Guess this is to be expected since Maryland was one of the original 13 colonies.

Ah...room 218....I hear some voices, so there must be some people already here. The door is slightly different than some of the others on the hallway, it has a frosted set of glass panes that you can get some light through but you certainly are not able to distinguish any shapes or people by looking through this glass. After opening the door, I glance into the room and see about 13 or 14 people in the room. With just a quick cursory glance, it seems like there are about 5 guys and 9 girls. I couldn't help but wonder if any of these people were the instructor.

"Hi ..I'm Amy. And would like to model today?" asks this quite attractive girl as she projects her right hand towards me. She had the most inviting smile.

"Well..Amy..my name is Hermie and I am to be a student in this class. As far as being the model. I don't think that I will be but hey I am a easy going kind of person, with time who can tell?" and I flashed a big grin back at her. From her reaction, I could tell that I had just made a good friend with my comment and my demeanor.

"Hermie..I think we are going to get along just fine." and then she just chuckles a little."If the professor asked for a volunteer from the class, does your comments mean that you would be willing to model.....for real?"

"Sure Amy, why not?"

She grins again and then says "This is a life class and part, if not a great deal of our work will be done of models in the nude. And just judging from what I see before me right now ............I certainly would look forward to that !!!!!" and then grins and then lightly rubs my left arm.

I may have blushed a tad as I remember but "Amy, I believe you have to be able to draw the nude figure before you can draw the figure with clothes on. If you don't...ahhh....then you will you know what happens to the clothes as the figures bends into different positions. What'cha think?"

"You sound like a teacher Hermie and I don't want to miss seeing you if you ever model. Plus I hope I am not being too forward for you......Am I" Amy asks and looks straight at me for my reaction.

"Forward? Not really.....granted the girls back home on the Eastern Shore probably would not have said some of this but this is now and it is college after all. To my way of thinking, the time spent in college is a time for discovery..............right?" and I look right back at her with a smile.

I had to wonder to myself as to what was going on in my mind. Here it was the first art class of the year and I had just met this girl for the first time. What was I thinking of !!! Saying that I would pose stark naked in front of my fellow classmates..OH BOY ! Was I trying to impress her or something or just talking out of the top of my head. It's just that the words seemed to come so easy and it just seemed the natural thing to say. A lot had come to play since I had been on campus so far. I had found Josh, I had been totally nude in front of all of my team mates on the swim team; so maybe if it ever happened.....I mean the posing in this art class.....just maybe I would do it. Who knows? But as I thought about it; the likely hood of that happening seemed pretty far fetched to me. I was starting to talk to some of the other students in the class when I heard a voice say that we should get the class started. When I turned around to see who was talking, my mouth dropped open. The person who was calling the class to order was Amy, the person who I had just been talking to. AMY WAS GOING TO BE MY ART PROFESSOR !! Now if you don't think I was a bit surprised, think again. Now if she wasn't a sly one. Then I thought about what was mentioned about posing nude for the class and couldn't help but wonder if we, as students, would be called upon to volunteer to pose in front of the class. I guess time would tell. I know I felt that that my situation was on the spot because my agreement was already agreed upon. Though most certainly it wouldn't be right away or at least I knew that I hoped that it wouldn't be.

Much to my relief, the rest of the class was spent in what Amy was going to have us doing in general during the semester. She covered materials and she did mention though that she would from time to time ask for student volunteers and that she thought she already had one of us that might be willing to pose. Thank goodness she did not mention my name. It's just that I thought that the others might have thought me a bit of an exhibitionist to have volunteered right at the beginning of the semester. She also said that we would be having a male model for the next class and what would be expected of us in the way of materials to be brought in. She noticed that I had a sketchbook with me and asked if she could look at it and give it back to me during the next class. With that comment there were a few other students that offered their sketchbooks also. She collected the sketchbooks and then dismissed the class.

I had about 20 minutes to get to swim team practice. I didn't have time to get back to my room so I headed on over to Colefield House. There was no need to go back to the room anyway as I had a locker at Colefield. Realizing I had not seen Josh for a couple of hours, I wondered how he was doing. A grin spread across my face, knowing that I had left him in a pretty satisfied state of being. Then I started softly laughing to myself. Just maybe I will do a couple toe touches close to him at the pool and see if it will have any effect on him. After all he did say "He wanted some of THAT" tonight. And was I going to deny Josh any of THAT........I DON'T THINK SO.....BIG GRINS !!!! I got to thinking about the time that he, Sam, and Vinny had gotten me to get a raging hardon when they were taking team photographs. I shouldn't have such thoughts but maybe a little payback would be in order. Yeah....that's what I'll do I will get kinda near Josh and bend over a couple of times.........squeeze my butt muscles and grin at him.....let's see if he gets a hardon. Then a deliciously evil grin spread across my face. I started whistling on the rest of my walk to the pool.

There was a lot talking and laughing as I entered the locker room. Most of the members really seemed to be in an extremely good mood today. Nothing strange about that i guess seeing as how well everybody got along. It didn't take me long to strip out of my clothes and head to the pool. As I approached the pool, there were a lot of the guys already doing laps and some just talking around the edge of the pool. Certainly was a different atmosphere to the practice today; seemed less formal than usual.

I could see Josh, Sam, and Vinny talking near the diving platform. HHmm now lets see if I can put my plan into action and I smiled to myself. Sauntering over to the guys, I said "Hi How's it going?"

"Just great and might I say that you are looking fine today." Sam says and gives me a wink. Sam is a cool guy and I do believe that he likes to flirt with me, knowing very well the relationship between Josh and I..

"Actually Sam I am feeling a little stiff, think I will do some stretching before I do any laps." and with that I moved away from them a couple of feet and starting doing my toe touch stretching exercises. After a few of these, I turned my backside to the guys and started doing some more toe touches with my feet spread further apart. After warming my shoulders and legs up a little, my stretches starting to go lower with the palms of my hands touching the floor and moving my upper body further out. Now to put my little plan to work. I could see that the guys were eyeing me as I stretched, so on with my little show. I started to tense and relax my butt muscles in as a suggestive manner as I could manage. Then as lowered my upper body again, I looked between my legs again at Josh, Sam, and Vinny. I grinned like a cheshire cat when I saw Josh's face, Swear I could see TOTAL LUST in his face and the tip of his tongue licking his lips. PLUS, YES I was getting the desired effect; Josh was starting to sport a hardon. So I made eye contact with him and winked at him. I mouthed the words 'ALL YOURS' and then he grinned. I do believe he knew what I was up to.

"DAMN HERMIE !! Don't do that to us !! You are going to make all of us throw some woodies here." chuckles Sam. Vinny was letting his left hand slide across his crotch and lightly rub a little.

I stood up and said "Why guys, whatever would you be talking about?" and then I burst out laughing. Then I could feel my face get kind of red and feel my heart start beating real fast. Plus my breathing got a little ragged when I looked into Josh's grin and those green eyes of his. Damn but that guy had me totally within his control but I don't believe he yet realized just how much effect that he had on me.

Josh walked over to me and whispered in my ear "My God but you are so hot looking ! I feel like taking you right here." and let his hand slide down my back. His middle finger was resting or rather pressing into the space between my butt cheeks.

"Josh.....somebody is going to see you." I softly laughed out to him but loving the feel of his hand. All the while wishing we were back in the room and that he could take me, make love to me and make feel the rising tides of our feelings for one another. Just to have him lay on top of me and feel him push himself into me was getting me so horny that I thought I would burst.

Josh laughed and said the coach is not here today. This is a free practice session which means it is not as structured as the usual sessions. "But I do not wish to share how I feel about you........not just yet with everybody else. Not in a sexual way anyhow.. And I think that you had better tame down those stretching exercises or you might have me having to fight off some of the hornier of the team members."

"Would you do that Josh?"

"Do what Hermie?"

"Would you protect me, if you had to? Do you feel that strongly about me?" as I looked into his handsome face and green eyes.

"I should think you would know that. YES I WOULD !!! And don't you ever doubt it !!" and with that he patted me on my butt.

"Well...well...we see that you 2 are enjoying practice today." says Sam, as he and Vinny walk over closer to us. "Do you think we should get some other STROKING ...oops did I say that, well I mean STROKES in so that we can say we did some swimming today." and with that he and Vinny let out a chuckle.

Josh and I just grinned at our friends but I think we both knew that we had better get some practice in. We dove into the pool and started off with the crawl for a while to get warmed up. Then after that we did the backstroke which I really did need to practice more since I really did not do that too much back at home. The breast stroke was next and that I had always been pretty good at. I guess we had been there for a couple of hours before we decided to go shower off and get something for dinner. As we were heading for the showers, Josh whispered "I am so damned horny for you that I believe I could take you in the showers." and with that his left hand gives my right butt cheek a caress and a squeeze.

"Well Bud.....I hope you can deliver as good as you are talking right now." and I turn to look at him give him one of my best smoldering looks. He stares at me for a minute and I thought for a second there he was going to plant a big wet kiss on me right there in the locker room. Although he was getting more overt with his feelings for me around Sam and Vinny, I didn't know if he was going to do this or not. It seemed like we were in a freeze frame of time there for a few moments. But then Josh just parted his lips and ran his tongue around his mouth and lightly moaned.

"All right you 2, unless you are going to put on a show for everybody you had better be hitting the showers. Gotta tell ya this though, I bet you all would be hot to watch." and with that statement, Sam shook us out of the freeze frame. We just grinned at him and then got our towels and headed towards the showers. Just then I realized that our cocks were wagging back and forth like 2 iron rods and neither one of us gave a damn.When we got to the showers though, both of us turned the water temperature a little colder than we usually did to calm our hormones down a little. I think we had to or we might have just put on that show that Sam hinted at. But both of us were thinking about later tonight and that still kept our 3rd legs at a semi-ready state.

I just could not keep my eyes off of Josh while I was showering. Every move of his muscles as he showered were an experience to watch. And yes he was looking at me also. Any class work that needed to be done tonight did not stand too much of a chance of getting done. While I was drying off, Josh told me that he had driven over to the pool in his Cherokee and that he would or rather that he wanted me to ride back with him. This certainly was not a problem for me - DEFINITELY NOT !!!

As we walked out of the back of Colefield House, Josh put his arm across my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. He turned his head to me and just smiled sweetly. When we got to his vehicle, he went around to the passenger side and opened the door for me and shut the door. If he only knew what that gesture did for me but then again maybe he did know. It just made me glow all over. He opened his door and slid into his seat with the grace of a person who is comfortable with the world and his surroundings. He looked at me for a couple of moments and grinned. Then while he was grinning at me, he leaned over towards me and took his right hand and put it under my chin. Then he gently but firmly pulled my face towards his face. Then there, as other people were walking towards their cars in the parking lot, he kissed me. He kissed me, not on the cheek - not on the forehead - but full and firmly on the lips. Then he pulled back and just smiled sweetly and said "I have fallen for you." and with that he fired up the engine and started to pull out of the parking lot.

At that moment in time, I knew and firmly felt what it meant to have FALLEN IN LOVE !! Josh had just shown me and given his feelings to me. He had given his feelings to himself also. I think we felt totally at one with one another.

When Josh got to the edge of the parking lot, he turned right instead of left towards where our dorm room was located. Hmmm.....I was thinking, what is he up to now. He had told me that he wanted a piece of butt so bad that I thought we would be heading directly back to the room. But now we were heading in a different direction....so now I am wondering, what does he have in mind?

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see...just hang in there." and Josh just grins and looks straight ahead as he drives. "I have something for you and something to ask you today."

Now that really has me wondering as we drive along. Just what has he got up his sleeve. So I got to wondering if I could get a little information out of him. I knew the rule of not rubbing his leg while he was driving but there was never anything said about just laying my hand anywhere and not moving it.......hehehe. So I just laid my hand on his thigh with my fingertips touching his crotch and not moving my hands. He looked down at my hand and then looked at me. He raised an eyebrow, looked at me and let out a soft sigh.

"Come on now Hermie, I'm driving." he said.

"I know the rules Josh, all I am doing is just letting my hand rest on your leg. Come on now I am behaving myself. It's you with all this mystery that has me all worked up. What are you up to.....please?" and I look at him with pleading eyes.

"I want this to be special Hermie....you're just going to have to wait and with that he reached over and brushed the fingertips of his right hand across my mouth. Just that simple touch shot tingles all through me. HELP I was going into overdrive again. "I will tell you this, we are going into Bethesda to get something and we will be there in just a few minutes. So for right now, believe it or not I am asking you to move your hand so that I can concentrate on my driving. Later I will want that hand and want it plenty OK." and with that gives me a really BIG GRIN.

Since I do not refuse Josh as to what he wants I remove my hand thinking, of course, about later. But my mind is getting scrambled as to what he is up to. We are in Bethesda now. Josh makes a couple of turns and starts to park in front of a strip of stores.

"Now it is times to get out." and he slides out of the driver's seat. I know by know that he likes to open the passenger door for me, so I make no moves to get out until he comes around to open the door for me. After I get out and he shuts the door, he puts his arm around my shoulder and guides me up towards the street. It pops into my mind that Josh is actually touching me in public. Hmmmm this is getting to be interesting.We walk down to left for about 5 storefronts to a jewelry store.

"Here we are, let's go in." and Josh opens the door for me.

"What are you getting here?" I ask Josh. He does not answer me right away. He just goes over to one of the employees and talks to them. then the employee goes in a back area of the store. Josh turns towards me and motions me over to the counter with a grin. By the time I get next to Josh, the employee is back with a couple of plastic bags.

"Hermie, I know this is going to sound a little weird but I want you to close your eyes OK......PLEASE. WOULD YOU DO THAT FOR ME?"

So I closed my eyes.

I could feel Josh taking hold of my right hand. Then he was slipping a ring on the finger next to my little finger.

"How does that fit?" he asked me.

"Fits just fine, can I open my eyes now?"

"No....not yet. I don't want you to see this until later, OK."

After trying on the ring, we left the store. As we got to Josh's Jeep, I turned to look at him. I think he knew that I had questions........yeah most definitely I had questions.

Josh just raised his hand and placed his finger to my lips and said, "Shh..no questions yet ok. This time I am taking the lead" as he looked deep into my eyes. In those green eyes I could see everything that I had hoped for and I would trust him completely.

Josh asked me to check the traffic on my side as he started to back out. When I told him it was clear, he backed out. Before taking off, he looked at me and just gave a couple of deep contented sighs. "Hermie, I have got to tell you that knowing you has become one of the best things that has ever happened to me. And I just hope that you feel the same way about me. With that comment, I placed my left hand on the back of his neck and pulled him over for a kiss. Josh parted his lips and I slid my tongue into greet his. For a couple of seconds, we let our tongues linger together.

"Good Lord, we had better stop or I'm going to be pulling back into this parking spot." Josh says with a loving voice and big grin.

Then we start driving, to where I don't know. But as long as it with Josh; I will go anywhere he wants. As we are driving, I was lost in my thoughts as to where we were headed. I wasn't going to ask him since it was obvious that he definitely has a certain place in mind. After about 15 minutes of driving, I could tell that we were headed into Washington, DC. A few more turns and we were nearing what is known as the mall area where a great many of the museums are located. We passed the National Gallery of Art. Luckily we found a parking spot, which as anyone knows that has been to the mall area, that is not an easy thing to find.

"Hermie, now I will tell you that we are going to the Hirshhorn Gallery sculpture garden. Since you are studying art and I know how good you are with art, I thought this would be a good place for us talk."

"Talk about what Josh? You have got my curiosity up among other things. You are being so kind of mysterious."

"What I have to talk about is absolutely NO MYSTERY." and with that he puts his arm around my shoulder as we start walking up the steps and into the sculpture garden.

We found a stone bench and sat down. My heart was beating fast and furious just thinking or trying to think about what was on Josh's mind. I knew it must be something that was quite important to him. He was building up to whatever it was and wanted it to be JUST RIGHT. And all I could muster up until this point was that I hoped that I could or would not disappoint him. After we sat down, he was silent for a few moments and just looked around at the different sculptures that were within our view. There were pieces by Moore, Rodin, and Calder just to mention a few. The ones by Moore seemed to show figures that were intertwined and they were the ones that Josh looked at the most.

"Hermie I have brought you here to ask...or I guess I should say to pledge something. I want you to know that you have become one of the most important persons in my life. Well, I should say you have become the most important person in my life. I can truly say - I LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART." and with that he takes one of the boxes from the jeweler's out of the bag and opens it. He shows it to me. "With this ring Hermie, there goes a promise, that I will always be there for you and that you are the only one for me." He takes my right hand and slips it on my finger next to my little finger. The ring is so beautiful. It is white gold with an intertwined celtic knot motif running through the center of the ring. After he slipped the ring on my finger, he slipped his hand under my chin, and tipped my head up and there in full public view gave me a loving and tender kiss. Did I cry? No I didn't, I just grinned and glowed; kissing him back.

"Josh, the ring is so beautiful, but your throughts are even more beautiful. I couldn't love you any more right now if I tried." as I looked deep into his eyes. "You have made me feel like I am now a whole person and complete. You picked a completely perfect place to give me this ring also. You are so completely AWESOME. As I have said before, You are the BOSS". and gave him a deliciously wicked grin. "But I have not gotten you anything.

"Hermie, it may not seem right to you but I got another ring that when and where you may want, you may give to me. When you feel that you want to promise me that I am the only one for you, you can give me this ring." and with that he hands me the other box. I opened the other box and looked at that ring. It was white gold with the yellow gold intertwined celtic knot running through the center. I took it out of the box and looked on the inside of the ring. It was engraved with the words 'My Promise' and my name 'Hermie'.

"Josh, I'll tell you what; I will wait to give this ring." and looked at him. For a second, I could not tell if he was hurt or not in not getting the ring right away or not. "Why I am waiting is that I want you to remember when you got this ring and my promise that you are the only one for me. Tonight we will be together totally in EVERY SENSE OF BEING TOGETHER and for me I think that will be the right time." and with that I watched as his face grew into a knowing and warm look and loving look.

With that being said, we walked back to Josh's jeep. He opened the passenger side for me and closed the door. After getting in himself, he leaned over to me and gave me a light kiss on the lips. I sighed a deep breath and just gazed at him. Thinking the whole time as to just how much I thought of him. So far today, events were such that I know they would definitely would be engrained in my memory forever; absolutely every detail would be as vivid as they possible could be.

"Why are you just staring at me like that?" Josh asked.

"Well, I was just wondering about something" I said with a blush on my face.

"And what would that be?" asked Josh.

"I was wondering if you could relax your rules just a little while we are riding back to our room?" and I smiled at him. He looks at me with his eyebrows raised just a bit.

"Just what'cha got in mind luv?"

"I've just got all these feelings going on right now and I'm feeling all warm inside. And there you are looking all fine and sexy. I just want to get my hands on ya bud." and I smiled at him with the best puppy dog eyes I could manage and smiled.. He chuckled.

"Hmmm......well....maybe we could relax the rules a tad here. Cause my thoughts are kinda in the same direction as yours." and he grins back at me. With that he lets his left hand fall down to the side of his seat and lets his seat move back a little. Then he looks back at me and grins evily. "I'm at your disposal but don't go getting me too awfully worked up" and then he chuckles again.

"OK....OK....!!!!!!" and I slide myself over off my seat a little. My left hand rests on his right leg. Slowly i start to move my hand up and down his leg. Then I rub on his kneecap a bit. I know that he is fond of having attention paid to his knees. For some reason his knees are a particularly erogenous area for him. And I aim to please. My hand moves back up his thigh and I start to massage his inner thigh, softly but firmly. He is looking at my face out of the corner of his right eye and I look back at him.

"You likes?" I ask him as our eyes meet.

"yeah" he breathes out at me.

As I am massaging the area where his upper leg meets his hip, I can feel the muscles tensing in his body. I know that he is getting AROUSED. Guess I do really get to him, but then I really already knew that...hehehe. My finger tips run along his belt and over the muscles of his abs which he has tensed up. Pressing my fingers into his abs I try to massage them to relax him a little. Then my hand slowly slips down into his crotch and he has a full fledged hardon. After rubbing my hands over his cock for a couple of minutes, I ask him "Do you want me to stop now?" He breathes deeply and then says "Ahhh.....No.....I have never actually had a blowjob while I was driving...was ahhhh....that would you had in mind?" and he looks directly into my eyes.

"Actually yes, but not unless you say it is OK" and I grinned at him.

"Let's go for the gold then......and I will keep both hands on the wheel....and ahhhh...you can take care of the stick shift..." and he laughs out loud.

"With pleasure" I tell him. I unbuckle his belt and slowly unzip his pants. Next I gently pull his briefs forward and tuck them under his balls. He is at full mast and ready for me. The moment I got him in my mouth, he gave out with a small gasp. I guess the sensation of being sucked while the motion of the jeep moving was working on his equilibrium' but his was keeping straight on the road. Because of the position, I could not really deep throat him, but I could really tongue his cock head. I was getting copius amounts of precum to taste. He must have really been horny because in just a couple minutes his hips started bucking and he was shooting his load into my mouth. I was swallowing every drop, being the considerate person I was that I didn't want any to get on his pants - RIGHT - I just did not want to waste any of it. When he was done shooting, I licked him clean. I pulled his briefs back up, zipped him up, and rebuckled his belt. Then I looked at him and said "Feeling more relaxed now?"

"Oh my...my....Hermie...you have just put new meaning into maintaining control while driving. You have shown me that I can REALLY ENJOY myself while driving. Is there anything that you cannot help me do?" and with that he gives me a hug with his right arm while he is still driving.

"I just aim to please you" I told him and squeezed his right leg. Total contentment is what I was feeling at that moment. So many people equate contentment with getting their own orgasm also. For me, giving satisfaction to Josh was pretty much in itself an almost complete feeling within itself. When you can give pleasure to someone whom you are in love with, then the power of contentment is there. When you do achieve your own orgasm with the person you are in love with, then that is as they say MINDBLOWING !!!!

As Josh pulled into the parking lot by our room, a thought crossed my mind. To me the thought made perfect sense. As he turned of the engine, I turned to him.

"Josh, now I think is the perfect time"

"The perfect time for what Hermie?"

"I wanted to wait on giving you your ring at a point that you would remember it." and then I got a really delightfully evil grin on my face. "I think what I just did with you would qualify as something you're not going to forget anytime real soon." and I chuckled.

Josh grinned at me and chuckled. "You certainly have that one right. That was one MINDBLOWING ride back here." He winkled at me and said "Maybe rules were made to be broken or at least bent once in a while, and after this ride, I think ....aahhh...that rule could be broken again. Maybe you could be driving next time? What'cha think about that Hermie?" and rubbed my left leg with his right hand.

With a double wide chessy cat grin on my face. "I think I could be UP FOR THAT !! hehehe" Then I took his right hand and slipped the ring on the finger next to his little finger. "Josh, I give you this ring PLUS when you see it when I am not actually physically by your side; and you will know that I am yours. Yours AT ALL TIMES - no matter the circumstances, no matter the request, you know what my answer will be." and with that I leaned across to him as he was leaning across to me. We kissed and out tongues slipped together and caressed. After we broke the kiss and Josh started to open his door, we noticed that Sam and Vinny were standing at the front of the Jeep and grinning broadly. So not too much would be said, for once I just decided to open my own door.

"Well, it seems like you two were fogging up the windows there a bit" Sam says with a smile.

"Guess you could say that" and Josh turns to me and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Vinny and I were just wondering if you and Hermie wanted to go to Town Hall and get a couple of pizzas and some beer."

"That might not be such a bad idea, even though I have had an appetizer already" and with that I let out with a small chuckle. Sam and Vinny just kind of looked at me with questioning looks on their faces but Josh was smiling. So off we went walking to Town Hall for some pizza and beer. We had a good time. Being with Josh, Sam, and Vinny was really pleasant, it kinda made the atmosphere and mood really pleasant..After we ate, Sam and Vinny asked if we wanted to go see a movie. We said no thanks, it was just that we had other plans.

"I'll just bet" Sam said. "Wouldn't need any help would either of you?"

"Naah...that's ok....I think Josh and I can handle this ourselves."

When we got back to out room, As I pulled the curtains shut on the windows; Josh pulled out door closed and locked it. He then just stood by the door and looked at me with a stare. It was almost as if he was looking right into my very center. I looked back at him. My tongue came out of my mouth and ran over my lips, over and over again. I noticed that my breathing was getting deeper just standing there looking at Josh. Naked, clothed, or in the swimming pool; Josh in my sight was always AWESOME to behold. I just could never get enough of him. And here today he had given me a ring. He was telling me that he was pledging to be mine and mine only. This truly a Time of Discovery of what great things were in store for me in my life.

Josh walked over to me with his arms outstretched. After pulling me in close to his body, he hugs me very tight and runs his hands up and down my back. All the while, I am stroking his sides and running my hands around his waist. I could feel him breathing deeply. He leans back and opens his mouth and presses his mouth to mine. Our tongues glide together and taste one another.. Next I start to unbutton Josh's shirt....

( to be continued )

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