Time for Discovery

By Herman Hurley

Published on Dec 5, 2001


The usual disclaimers - underage, if offended by honest and true emotions and sex between 2 consenting males then don't read. This 1st installment as with all future installments is true and based upon my personal experience. Person's names are all that have been changed to protect the LUCKY participants - BIG GRINS THERE.

College - m/m, acts of mutual consent and desire.


Wow - I am finally here ! I am on campus and my parents have left. Here and not on the farm. Things are going to start changing for me from now on. No more of the safe and secure nucleus of the first 18 years of my life. The times of going to school and doing my homework and coming home and doing the chores on the farm. There is a certain amount of security that a person feels in doing what is routine in your life.

You get up in the morning, get dressed, you eat breakfast, and go to school and listen to your teachers. Then there are "those thoughts" that you think about while you are supposed to be listening to those people who are your "leaders". There are thoughts of who you are and what you "want" and "what you want in your life".

You have thoughts of what it is that will make you happy and fulfilled. What is it that will make you a person? I have known from early on what will make me happy. But let's not get to that just yet and let my story progress and state what has made me happy and still does.

Today is Monday and I have my suitcases all stashed in my room. My Mom wanted to help me put away my clothes in my room.

"Herman - you know that you are not that good at putting your clothes away and I could get you at least started on that." Mom has always been a tad over protective with or I guess some people can call it loving in her nature. But I think that I have got to start looking out for myself.

"Now Mom, I will get to it a little later. I appreciate that you want to help me get started out right, but this is going to be a new step for me and I will have to start looking out for myself. Don't think that I am being rude but I will do it myself later. You know that I love you. Right Mom?" I think she understood. So after a few hugs and a few tears, she and Dad left for the drive home to the Eastern Shore.

After they left, one of the first things I did was to whip out my stash of ;cigarettes and light up. I have to admit that I had been looking forward to being able to smoke "freely" without sneaking around the corner somewhere. There was a certain exhilaration to being able to smoke freely now. Okay maybe smoking is not exactly great for ones health but I enjoy smoking and I do not do it excessively. After I finished the cigarette, I went into my room and unpacked my clothes.

My room was in what was called temporary freshman housing, This happened to be set up across Route#1 across from the main campus. This was called temporary but it had been there for quite a few years as I was to find out. There were 4 rooms to a unit and 2 guys to each room. No female students were assigned to any of these housing units - lucky stiffs. None of the roommates that I was to get to know were there yet. Each of 2 rooms shared one bath. The living quarters were actually kinda small and cramped and the beds had to be bunked. I thought to myself, it would be the first time in my life that I would be able to shit, shower, and shave without hardly having to move.

I was to find out in the next couple of days that the guys that I would be sharing my half of the unit with lived a lot closer to the campus that I did and that is why they did not come as soon as I did to the campus. Plus I was to find out that it was not considered "cool" to come in early to Freshman Orientation. I thought - Oh here we go with what is considered that cool crap again. All the time is there going to be - "the what is cool going on" but then again that is just a part of what goes on in my age group. So I am just going to have to hang in there with it and deal with it.

I just heard the door to my part of the unit opening. So I squashed out the cigarette butt and walked over to the door. As I was opening the door a guy came to the door and said "Hi, I'm Josh.". I stuck out my hand and said "Hi, I'm Herman, but my nickname is Hermie.".

"Josh, I just got here a couple of hours ago and put a few of my things away. My Mom had wanted to put everything away but I was able to convince her that I could do it myself. I don't know how your mother is about things like that but mine is kinda over protective." I let a little laugh.

"Hermie, my Mom is a little that way but she pretty much leaves me on my own as far as my personal things such as clothes and my sports equipment. She says if you can't take care of it then you don't need it."

Then Josh flashed one of the brightest and friendliest smiles for someone that I had ever ever met. I thought to myself that he surely is not a stuckup person. He had me wondering if he was a city person or a country boy.

"Josh - I have an idea; I have always heard that in college it is a big deal as to who gets the top bunk. What to you say we flip a coin right now to see who gets it. Is that okay with you?"

"Sounds like a plan to me". So he gets a quarter out of his pocket and flips it in the air and slaps it down on his muscular forearm. "Now call it for the top bunk".

"Tails for the top bunk".

Josh lifts his hand and grins and shows me. It was heads. I get the top bunk. For me as it was later to be to my benefit that he had won. My room mate would be treated to some rather good views of me as I would crawl up to my bunk to get into bed. Some really good views ! You see I am used to sleeping in the nude. Kinda wondering if he did the same thing. I guess that would have to come about later on tonight. We would both just have to see how the other was used to going to sleep. I know that I was hoping it would not prove to be a problem.

We progressed into putting our clothes away and getting out bunks made up. The one closet was divided up but as time went on the division of space became blurred which did not prove to be any problem. After we were done, we realized that there was only five minutes left before the dining hall for our area of the campus was to close.

"Hermie - would ya like to go out to Town Hall for a pizza? It is only about four blocks from here. And just maybe they won't be checking so close on Id's so that we can get a beer or 2 he said with a big grin. I was noticing that his grin was beginning to agree with me and that I liked his friendliness.

"Sure - A pizza and a beer if we can get it sounds great. Hate to sound like such a country bumpkin but being able to have a beer every so often is one of the attractions of going away to college isn't it?" Josh just chuckled at that comment.

"Are you laughing at me Josh?" I said. "Naah, man - I just think it is kinda cute if you don't mind me saying so. And I am not saying cute in a condescending way. OK." I just think you are a nice and easy going kind of guy Hermie.

"Thanks" I said with a big blush.

Off we go walking to Town Hall. And as luck would have it, they were not checking too closely for Ids. It was the beginning of the semester and the place was packed. What is the expression? - packed like sardines in a can. AND NOISY could hardly hear a word that Josh was saying.

We agreed that I would get the pizza and Josh would get the beer. I got one that was called "EVERYTHING BUT THE KITCHEN SINK" and Josh showed up with a very large pitcher of beer. and 2 glasses. There were no tables left so we stood up at a shelf that ran along the wall. Josh saw a few people that he knew. He introduced them to me. During the introductions I gathered that Josh would be trying out for the University swim team. A couple of the guys were talking to him about the tryouts that they were starting this week. They asked me if I was trying out also after they happened to look at me. I guess after they looked at my build they thought that I was athletic looking. You see I have a muscular build from all the hard work which I am used to doing on the farm. Plus I have a good tan from being outside most of the time. And actually, I do swim well but have never done it in competition.

Beer can really get you a little loose in your thoughts but it seemed to me that a couple of the guys that Josh introduced me to REALLY were checking my body out. You could say they were down and out staring at me. Many people assume that if a guy comes from a country area then in the clothes area he must be a "hick". Hey Now, I know what looks good and what I look good in. What shows off my body to its best advantage is what I will wear. Tonight I am wearing my butt hugging 501 jeans and a stone washed t shirt. So I guess I was not looking too bad. A couple of the girls came over to say hi and I talked with them also. As I was talking with Sam, one of the guys that Josh introduced as a possible fellow swim team member he had a habit of touching me in the chest as he spoke. I have met people like this before who make their point by being "touchy feely" but it was usually done with the point of a finger. Sam would a couple of times say something like "You know what Hermie, I think you really should try out for the swim team with the build that you have. Seems to me that you must have done some swimming for quite a while. You have definition but not extreme bulk." then while he was saying that he put the palm of his hand on one of my pecs, didn't squeeze or anything just rested his hand there a moment.

"Yes I have done quite a lot of swimming in a couple of rivers and one of the rivers has a strong current. There is nothing like swimming against a strong current to build up your lung power." Sam smiled and slowly pulled his hand away. My face felt a little flushed and I wondered if my cheeks had turned red. As there were no mirrors I couldn't really tell. But I do know that I did not mind what Sam was telling me and I guess I really did not mind his hand touching me on my chest.

While we were there talking, I noticed or at least I think I felt a couple of hands glide over my butt. Don't know whether they were girls or guys and after a couple of beers can't say that I really cared. All I did was just smile when I felt them, I certainly was not going to turn around and say "Who was that - Oh Hell No". No reason to get upset, everybody was just having fun.

Josh said that it was about 11:15 and asked if I was ready to walk back to the trailer. I said sure and some fresh air was what I needed to wake up a little. He grinned and agreed. We took out time getting back to our room but both of us knew that we had some orientation meetings to attend at 9:00 am the next morning.

When we got back to our room, I told Josh that I thought I would take a shower. He said to go ahead and then he would take his shower. I turned on the water a llittle colder than I normally would as I was feeling "buzzed" by the beer. Always did like the feel of lots of soap lathered up and rubbing it over my body. Just about always when I lathered up my pecker, as we call it from the country, I would especially experience some pleasurable feelings and tonight was no exception. I had enough beer in me that I did not feel like jerking off completely just a bit of lathering up would do though. After turning off the shower, I toweled off in the bathroom. Just did not think I would walk into our room to finish drying off. Josh might think I was trying to "show off" or something. So I wrapped my towel around me and walked back into the room.

Josh was just in the middle of taking his clothes off and getting ready for his shower. As he slid his shirt over his head, I could not help but notice what a strong looking back he had and how broad it was - how it tapered to such a small waist. I guess his waist was not abnormally small, just that the difference between the broad back and the small waist was quite a contrast.

Oh Shit !! I thought to myself. I am starting to feel something under my towel. My pecker was starting to tent out under the towel some. Damn! I had better sit down on my chair before he notices that I am starting to throw a "woody". What would he think of that as we have just met and all.

"Josh, there should be plenty of hot water left. I turned on the cold water a lot for myself so that I could shake off some of the effects of the beer. The buzz of the beer kinda got me a little fuzzy."

"Thanks Hermie, that was nice of you to do."

Now Josh was unbuckling his jeans and sliding then off of his legs and showing the bulge that had developed in his briefs. And he did have quite a package. He was wearing some Calvin Klein briefs in a soft gray color which were appealing on his body. Then without saying a word he proceeded to slip the briefs off right there revealing a muscular butt with nice dimples on the side of each butt cheek. I thought maybe I had been too modest. Off he goes to take his shower.

Boy was I ever glad that he had gone in to take his shower right now. I was sporting a FULL BLOWN HARDON under my towel. Here I have just met him and I am getting all aroused by the sight of his body. What would he think of the way my body was reacting to the sight of him? As we all know the body does not react without the thoughts of the mind. It was what was in my mind that was causing my body to react this way. Got to say I was having some pretty deep and pleasurable thoughts about Josh right now.

But I did not know whether Josh was straight, gay, bi or just what. So I finished drying off my hair and got up into the top bunk. Guess I had better pull up the sheets in order to try and conceal what was happening from the waist down.

Josh came out of the shower and into the room dripping a little and totally in full view. He was sure comfortable with being nude and why shouldn't he be - he looked so natural in that state.

"Hermie, you going to sleep already?"

"Yeah, thought I would get some shut eye in order to get a good start on the activities tomorrow."

"By the way, what is your major Hermie?"

Oh here it comes. The jock hears that I am a Fine Arts Major and will have nothing to do with me. he will think that I am weird and be embarrassed to be seen around me. You know the old "Real men don't do that type of studying."

"Josh - I am a Fine Arts Major. I will most likely go into doing portrait painting and/or commercial art. I guess you might think that is kind of sissified - right?"

"Why would you say that? I think that is great !! I wish that I had that kind of talent."

Then he turns around and looks me straight in the eyes as I lay on my top bunk. "Hermie, I don't judge by what a bunch of other people say - I experience people by what I find out about them myself. So lets have that understood between us now. I may be trying out for the swim team and I think you should too, by the way - but I am not a PE major. I am a literature major. I get a great deal of enjoyment out of reading plays and going to the theatre. I do not believe in pre-conceived notions about anything."

"Ok - I did not mean to accuse it is just that - well my Dad was a bit disappointed with my choice of study and my Mom actually was also. But this is what I want to do."

"Then Hermie - Do it man - Do it all the way !" and then Josh smiles that great and friendly smile of his. Good Lord I just wanted to reach out and hug him right on the spot - but I did not do that. I could not help but wonder what he would have done if I had hugged him.

"By the way Hermie, I hope that it won't prove to be a problem but I sleep in the nude. So if you are up in the morning and I happen to get up and you see me with nothing on - Will that bother you?"

"Don't think so Josh, check it out" and I pulled my covers down "I sleep in the nude also."

"Damn Hermie, they do grow them big down on the farm don't they? WHOOAA !!"

"Stop it Josh, you are making me blush" and blushing beet red I was and I pulled my sheets back up.

"With a rudder like that, you could go out for the sailing team." Then Josh flashes that smile again. "By the way, you are trying out for the swim team aren't you? You have a powerful build and I betcha would do good in the trials."

"Sure, sounds like fun. I'm ready for all the experiences that I can try while I am here. Don't know if my form will be trained enough to make the team but I sure will give it a try. How much formal training or classes have you been through Josh?"

"Hermie, counting Red Cross classes and in high school, I would say about 7 years. You see my Dad is a big fanatic about swimming. In a way, my swimming is more or less about pleasing him. I mean I enjoy swimming but also it is about getting along with my Dad. We do other things together but the swimming is THE BIGGIE. I sure hope I don't disappoint him."

"Well, my Dad won't be disappointed one way or another with the swimming if I don't make it Josh. And as far as being disappointed, he already is with my choice of majors. He wanted me to become an engineer. He told me that with my grades in all my math courses and especially since I aced Calculas both years that I would be a fool if I did not go into engineering."

"But Josh, I think he might slowly come around since there was no yelling about it. But then again, he is not one for the yelling routine."

"When I don't do well at a swimming meet, my Dad can REALLY YELL ! Once at a swimming meet I got so embarassed I think my face turned beet red. He must not have realized what he was doing. You see he was a big jock when he was in college and I guess that his son is supposed to be a chip off the old block."

"Josh - my Dad was disappointed when I stopped going hunting with him when I was 14 years old. We used to go deer hunting together. Then I realized that I still liked to go into the woods and see the deer but I did not want to shoot them anymore. I would rather go back home and draw pictures of them. My father liked the pictures but he could not understand why I did not want to shoot them anymore. Why I would want to put down my thoughts about something on paper or a canvas. That to me was the Sport."

"Hermie, I can see what you mean by the sport of catching something with your mind and then capturing in on paper."

WOW - I don't know if Josh was realizing it or not but he was really making a connection with me. For me it was interesting and wonderful to find someone else who was my own age who could understand how I felt about capturing the beauty of nature. This bit of conversation had my eyes and my mind just blinking in the dark as we settled down for sleep. This was great. College was going to be a Time for Discovery in all the many different possibilities. As I drifted off to sleep, a sense of wonder and contentment was filling my very being.

Tuesday morning :

A yawn or two and stretching my arms and legs for a couple of minutes and my mind started to coming around. Mornings have always been a pleasant time for me. I like to think about what is going to happen during the day.

It started dawning on me that I was now in college and at the start of a time of discovery for me. There would be new people to meet and experiences to be dealt with. Having something new to think about has always been exciting to me. Status Quo is ok for certain situations in life. I mean, if you are in a relationship, then Status Quo is what you want - I guess? I mean you want to know where your partner's mind/thoughts are - right? That doesn't mean that things should get boring or anything like that. But knowing that your partner is there for you is what a relationship is all about or at least that is what I think it is about. Well, if I keep thinking this deeply then maybe I had better sign up for a philosophy class.

Many times in the morning, I can have some fun by slowly rubbing on my pecker, but then I realized that I now had a roommate that I had just met. How would hearing me beating-off in the top bunk appear to him. I know that he must do it too but we don't exactly know each other that well yet so that is off for this morning.

Guess I had better get up and start getting dressed. After all, it is 8:17 am and I don't know just how far McKeldin Library is from here. Maybe I should have tried to find it yesterday.

As I was thinking about getting down from my bunk, I wished that had put a small ladder to crawl down on. But they didn't so I just gave a jump and landed on the floor with a thud. I landed facing towards Josh's bunk.

"Why Hermie, I see that you have some military training."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, here you are first thing in the morning and you sure are at FULL ATTENTION !!!! " and then Josh flashes that grin of his and looks me straight in the eyes.

I looked down and say that I was at rock hard FULL ATTENTION. So trying to give a little humor further to this and take away from my red face, I brought my hand down at a flat palm down on top of my pecker and said "And I salute you, Josh, this fine morning." and with that Josh went into a body bending laugh.

"Hermie, you are way funny and cool. I think we are going to get along just fine. I was hoping that my roommate would have a sense of humor and you sure do. I really like that, man." and grins big time.

After I finished laughing myself, I said "Think we are going to get along fine also. I aim to please." This time I flashed a good grin back at him.

"Hermie, you are going to the tryouts for the swim team ??? Sam and a couple of the other guys that met last night thought that you looked like a 'hot prospect'. Plus I really would like it if my roommate and I had something to share."

"Sure, I don't know that I have the form for it but what time are the trials today?"

"Today at 3:00 p.m. at Colefield House at the other end of the campus. And - uh - maybe you might like this ( and Josh grins before he continues ) they are closed trials. What that means is that there will be no girls allowed. You see the swim team practices IN THE NUDE and so the trials will be IN THE NUDE. Will that be a problem for ya Hermie?"

"Say What !!! - The trials will be totally in the nude, no speedos - NO NOTHING ???" Why is that?"

"Well the coach, from what I have heard, thinks that way the swimmers will be totally at one, so to say, with being in the water and with the act of swimming. Is that going to be a problem for you? I sure hope not !" and Josh slowly grins and looks at me with those blue/gray eyes.

"Naahhh, I will be there, I've been skinny dipping before with the guys at home. Hehehehe and one time we went skinny dipping at Ocean City; remind me to tell you about that sometime. Besides I do at least know you, Sam, and a couple of other people. It's not like I will be flashing total and complete strangers." and then I chuckled.

"Besides, Hermie, you will probably throw everybody else's timing off." and with that statement, Josh really grins and lets out a big laugh.

Looking confused I ask "Why do you say that?"

"Good Lord man, once they get a look at what you will be steering through the water with, they will be TOTALLY FLUSTERED !!!!!"

"Why thank you Josh, ya sure know how to pump up my ego - hehehe. Yeah, I'll be there. Don't know how good I'll be but I'll be there."

With that we finished dressing and went to breakfast. Breakfast took about 20 minutes and then we were off to our different meetings. On my way to McKeldin Librarty, I happened to see Sam and Vinny. Both of them asked me if they would see me at the swim trials and I said that I had already promised Josh that I would be there.

"Good - we look look forward to seeing you again at the trials" said Sam. Vinny and Sam both shook my hand again and went off grinning. It seemed to me that they were both quite friendly guys. And if we did end up being team mates then maybe I would have a couple of new friends. That would be great. Here I had just been here a day and a half and things were surely looking up.

2:20 pm

Hmm - guess I had better be heading towards Colefield House since I didnot exactly know just how long it would take to get there. Come to fine out, Colefield House was just a half mile or so from the library so I got there about 20 minutes before the trials were to start. I didn't see Josh, Sam, or Vinny yet.

There was an office on the first floor so I went there to find out how to get to the swim trials. A very pleasant young lady was at the window and told me to go to the stairs on the right and go down to the basement floor. As she was telling me the directions I noticed that she was kinda batting her eyelashes a little - a little bit of flirting you could say. So I thought I might just flash her a grin back and thanked her for the directions.

When I got to the basement floor, I happened to see Josh coming towards the stairs. He had a big grin on his face when he saw me.

"Told ya I would come didn't I" and smiled at Josh.

"Yep - you did and I am glad to see you."

With that Josh guided me down the hall and through a hall towards a door that led into the locker/changing room. It was here that we were to strip before we went on into the pool area for the trials.

"Hermie - I thought we would get a little warm up in since we are here a few minutes early. OK with you?"

"Sure - Josh, you show me the way. I'm game. Probably would be a good idea to get a couple of strokes in before trials start."

Off with the clothes and into the pool area with Josh in the lead. Man oh Man did he have one mighty fine butt I was thinking to myself. If I kept thinking about that too much, MY RUDDER would start growing and I didn't think I wanted that to happen right now.

When we got to the pool area, I thought this is one mighty big pool but then olympic sized pools generally are. We both dived in and started to do some strokes from one end to the other. We weren't really trying to race really but I was trying to see just how hard I could press myself. After I had done four laps of the pool doing the crawl, I heard somebody let out a loud whistle and say "Holy Shit - Did you see how fast that guy was ?!" I didn't know that they were talking about me. Did Josh hear what was being said?

I guess he must have heard or noticed me swimming because he came over to me as I got out of the pool. He had a big grin on his face. "Man you were so awesome !!! you were just like a fish in that pool." Josh had his hand on my shoulder and was kinda rubbing my left shoulder as he spoke. Got to admit, I liked what he was saying to me - guess anyone likes to hear praise. Plus the feel of his hand on my shoulder certainly wasn't repulsive. There was a firmness to it and yet a tenderness also. He certainly had my attention at that point in time. Only thing was, I was thinking please don't pop a full blown woody on the spot but if I did, I certainly was not going to be able to hide it - that was for certain.

"Thanks Josh, that makes me feel real good" and I gave him one of my biggest grins. Then I patted him on the shoulder. Right at that point someone said the swim team coach and his assistants were coming in and that the first trial run would soon begin. Both Josh and I wished each other luck. We gave a "thumbs up to Sam, Vinny, and some of the other guys there that we knew.

After about an hour it came my turn along with some of the other guys trying out to go for out first heats in our trial runs. I walked over to the 3rd lane and got into the starting crouch. The coach said that for this first heat that we would do the freestyle for 800 meters.

"All right you guys, when you hear the whistle blow, give it all you got and lets see some swimming !!!" said the coach.

I thought to myself, do my best but I am not really into this "for the kill" - that is not my nature. Just enjoy the experience and see what happens. My mindset was back at the Choptank River at home and swimming against the current. When the whistle blew, I dove in and really never even thought about the other people in the other lanes. I knew how many lengths I had to swim and I kept that in mind. I was just going to enjoy the rush of feeling my body gliding through the water and the adrenalin pumping through my veins. In no time the laps were finished and I got up out of the water. As I was drying off, I heard some people talking loudly around the coach. They seemed to be rather excited about something - didn't pay much attention to it though.

Josh was walking towards me just shaking his head and grinning so big that I wondered what was up with him. He winked at me and pointed out to me that the coach was walking in my direction. I looked and sure enough - here comes the coach in our direction.

"What is you name son?" said the coach.

"Me?" and I pointed a finger at my chest.

"Yes - You."

"Sir, my name is Herman Hurley but my friends call me Hermie."

"Well, Hermie - have you ever been on a swim team before?"

"No I haven't coach" I told him.

"You must be kidding Hermie !!! You have never been on a swim team and you just put in that performance. AMAZING - ABSOLUTELY AMAZING !!! Where did you train then?" the coach asked me.

This whole time, Josh is just standing there with that big wonderful grin of his. It was almost like he was proud of me. Or was that just my fanciful thinking - could be.

"Coach, I did a lot of swimming in a river at home. It had a pretty strong current and could really build up your endurance."

Looked the the coach was going over something in his mind about what I had just said about swimming against the current in the river. Then he looked at me and said "Hermie, this is an unoffical timing but you have just beat the best school record for the 800 meters by almost 2 seconds !!! That was TRULY IMPRESSIVE !!!!"

I felt good about that but to say that it was going to swell my head was not true. I certainly was not impressed by what I had just done. It just seemed natural to do and so I did it. I did turn to look at Josh and he was just beaming. Now I can say with certainty that I did like Josh's reaction to the coach's comments. Yes I certainly did.

We had some more heats for about an hour and then we went into the showers to get the chlorine rinsed off. Josh and I had showers right next to one another. Must have been my imagination but I think he was glancing at me all over when he thought I wasn't looking. Now how would I know that - huh? Well because I was trying to get a good look at him all lathered up with soap. Guess we were both getting a look-see. I know why I was looking but what was Josh sneeking glances for? Better not let my imagination get the best of me here. Well, he had told me that I did have one big cock. He did not say that he liked it or anything just that it was big. There were plenty of naked guys around the shower room right now but Josh, because he was my roommate ?, was mainly paying attention to me.

"Hermie - you were awesome in the pool today. Swam just like a torpedo shot out of a submarine." Josh said as he rinsed the soap out of his hair. "Guess that rudder really helps - huh?" and gives me that wickedly friendly and sexy grin of his again.

"Could just be Josh." and I poked him in the shoulder "Could just be."

"Hermie - the first cuts will be after the heats tomorrow. How do ya think you will do?"

"Haven't really given it much thought. But I sure enjoyed using the pool today. Thanks for asking me to come to the trials Josh."

"No problem, I like having you around. You are an alright type of guy and don't seem to put on any false images."

"Josh - I guess I kinda go by the old computer type term."

"What term is that?"

"WYSIWYG. ( What you see is what you get )" and I don't know why I did it but I winked at him when I said it. Could not believe I did that.

All Josh did was raise his left eyebrow and give me a slight questioning grin. Now I have gone too far I thought. But he just kept that slight grin on his face and kept looking me straight in the eyes as he was talking. "I think I know what you mean Hermie and that is a good honest approach." and his grin started to grow bigger !! Was it my imagination or was Josh reading something into my WYSIWYG statement. I guess I threw it out there to see if I would get a nibble. And I couldn't say that he was nibbling but I think that I could say that he was not running in the opposite direction.

After we finished out showers, he had to go to the student book store to pick up some text books for a couple of courses and I had to go to an art store off campus to pick up some art supplies. We agreed that we would see each other later on back at our room.

I had a few blocks to walk to get to the art store. As I walked, my thoughts were on the swim trials. Was it really that important to me to make the swim team. I mean I liked to swim and the exercise was good. But to make the team was not that important to me. I wasn't out for the glory and all that goes with that. Josh, on the other hand, I guess it was pretty important to him. Or at least I got the impression that it was. Important to him plus to Vinny and Sam. Could not help but wonder if it was Josh's father was would made making the team important to Josh. From what I could gather, his Dad wanted him to make the team with a purple passion. Josh did not want to disappoint his Dad if he could help it. And here I was disappointing my Dad right at the beginning of my college studies. Then maybe at some point my Dad would not be disappointed in me. Time would tell and this would be A Time of Discovery.

What with Josh's consuming interest in swimming I had a thought in my mind that I kept mulling over. The more I thought about it, the more I got excited about what I thought about doing. Something in my mind told me that Josh would appreciate it. So I picked up my pace of walking to the art store.

I knew some of the basic supplies that I would be needing for the classes plus what I would be needing for my surprise for Josh. You see I had in mind doing a pen and ink drawing of Josh getting ready to dive into the Colefield House pool with some watercolor washes added for color. The more I thought about it the more excited I got. I love doing art anyway but when it was of something or somebody that I knew or liked that made it even better.

"May I help you?" the clerk said as I started looking at the rapidiograph pens and the different grades of ink. I had worked with the medium before so I pretty much knew what I wanted.

"I can't make out the prices too well on some of these stickers. Can you tell me the price of this Faber Castell?" I asked the guy as he was standing next to me. He was kinda cute guy with dirty blonde hair and green eyes.

"You must be into some serious work. That is one of our more expensive and serious pens. That is definitely for people who are into quality work." he commented. "That one is $36.95 and if you are a student at the university, I can give you a 10% discount."

"Hey, that's good and I am a student. Plus I will be needing some black, gray, burnt sienna, and dark brown umber ink for washes. Also, have you got some Windsor Newton water colors in the tubes?"

"Yup, we have the inks and whatever color you need in the watercolors. By the way, do you have something in mind that you are going to work on, that is if you don't mind me asking?"

"Yes I do have something in mind and no I don't mind you asking It is kind of figure study. Well more of an action type of figure study rather than a still figure study. Do you paint yourself. More than likely you do since your working in an art store. Sill question right?" and I blushed as I grinned at the clerk.

"Yeah I do paint and as a matter of fact I do some figure painting and I also model sometimes at the university, so maybe I will see you there sometime."

I thought about the clerk being a figure study model for an art class. I could see that happening, He was good looking and had a good muscular looking body. He wasn't what you would call muscle bound just what you would call lithe and expressive looking I guess I was staring and appraising him when he said "You are thinking about what I would be like as a model aren't you" and then he winked at me and grinned. "Maybe like I said we will meet one day in one of your classes this next semester."

"If we do that would be great." I told him and I am sure that my cheeks were slightly red and that he was enjoying it. I purchased my supplies and thanked him. I was anxious to get back to me room and try to get the picture done of Josh before he got back so that I could surprise him.

The more I thought of doing the picture of Josh the more I got a warm fuzzy feeling. I mean that I guess he would like it. He was friendly and sure had one great grin on his face. And when ever he would put his hand or arm on my shoulder, I would have this warm tingle start in my groin that would spread to all parts of my body. As my face started to grow into a grin, I knew what I was thinking but I could not be sure of what was on Josh's mind or even if he was "bent in that direction". You might at this point say "what direction is that Hermie?" if you wanted to be ever so glib about it. What if Josh was not really attracted to guys sexually or to me in any manner. If he wasn't then so be it, he was still my friend that I think I could say with some semblance of confidence. Anyhow I am going to do this picture because I want to do something for Josh since he has been so friendly to me and wanting me to try out for the swim team, which is something that is very important to him.

Now I can get down to getting my supplies in place and get started. All I have to do is think about my subject and get my thoughts organized. Thinking about Josh all buff and wet getting ready to dive into the pool is not really what I would call getting stressed out about my work. Actually this is getting to be a damned erotic experience. A big grin starts to spread across my face as I put down the first few lines of his muscular torso and the curves of his butt and legs. Damn I must be horny as I can be, I mean I have just put down a few ink lines of Josh's torso and I am getting a raging hardon. Jeesh I must have it bad for this guy. Now is that a question or a statement I ponder. Well time will tell - after all this is 'A Time for Discovery'.

Just about done, and then I hear the door opening to the room. Josh yells out "Hermie, ya want to come with us down to Town Hall for some pizza and beer." Here I am trying to get the picture out of sight.

"What'cha working on there? Can I see it?"

"Not just yet, OK Josh. But you will see it later alright?" and my hope was that he would leave it at that.

"Oh - all right. But do you want to go have some pizza and beer?"

"Sure, tell you what; just let me meet you down there in a few minutes. Is that alright?"

"Don't be long Hermie, because Sam, Vinny, and I are HUNGRY !" and with that he was out the door. Actually all I had to do to the picture was put the clear acetate sheet over the pen and ink and then put the mat over the drawing and acetate. Once I had that done, I hung it on a nail over Josh's desk and stood back to look at it. A big grin came over my face as I stood there looking at it. It was good - actually it was damn good. I could hardly wait until later to see what Josh would think.

Then I straightened up my materials and went into the bathroom to wash up. I had gotten some ink on my hands. Then I looked in the mirror and grinned some more.

It took me about 10 minutes to get to Town Hall. It was a busy night there. After a couple of minutes I found the guys. They were sitting together on one side of a bench table which had several other people. Josh, Sam, and Vinny were on one side of the table and there was just space for me on the other side of the table opposite them. They had already, of course, started eating.

"It's about time you got here, Bud" said Sam with Josh and Vinny chiming in. "Here, take some pizza and pour yourself some beer."

We sat there for a while talking about the swim trials and a bunch of other stuff. Then Vinny pipes up "What were you working on in your room? Josh says you were working on a picture or something."

"Yup, I was working on a picture and you can see it when we get done here if you want" I told them. While I was talking to them, I thought I noticed a foot touching mine, which was no big deal. But as we were eating and talking the foot kept on touching mine. Then I begin to realize the foot was actually rubbing against my foot. OK, I thought to myself, an accidental foot touching is one thing but I was beginning to realize this might just not be an accident. I think my face was starting to get red in the cheeks a little - NO NOT JUST A LITTLE , A LOT ! So I tried not to be too obvious and started looking at Josh, then Sam, and then Vinny. I was not getting any indication from looking at them as to who was doing this. AND THEN I kinda choked or coughed on a piece of pizza.

"Are you OK, Hermie" Josh said and grinned. Why I had coughed was that a foot had just started to rub up and down on my calf. Josh had said something at that point, but could I be sure that it was him?

All I know is that this was something that I was not exactly expecting. I mean I have just been here for just a few days and I am getting, I guess, 'hit on.' Not that I really mind, OH NO ! But it does make it a little awkward to respond to not know who is making the advances. As I look at the 3 of them and we talk, I just can't seem to figure out who it is. This much I do know; this movement of the foot on my leg is having some effect. I am getting a raging hardon. If I were to have to stand up right now, my pecker would bang against the table as I stood up.

"Hermie, ya look a little flushed, are you OK? Is it too hot in here for you?" asks Vinny. He grins real big as he asks this. Is it him, I think to myself? but Josh and Sam are also grinning real big. What the heck is going on here?

Anyhow, we finish eating and head back towards Josh's and my room. Josh goes in first, with Sam and Vinny next. I am the last one in line.

"Holy Shit Guys, look at this !" I heard Josh yell out. He must have seen the picture.

"Wow, that is awesome - Josh ! Who did that - Was it Hermie?" I heard Sam say before I got into the small room. When I actually was able to get into the room, the 3 of them were standing by Josh's desk holding the picture looking at it. They lifted up their eyes from looking at it and looked at me. Then they looked back at the picture and then looked back at me.

Finally Vinny said "Could you do a picture of me like that?".

"Sure, I don't see why not." I told him.

"Maybe he can and maybe he can't." said Sam.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Vinny.

"Well, from what I hear, sometimes it's the inspiration that drives a person to do a picture." and grins a knowing smile towards me. As he looks at me, I know that I started to turn red in the cheeks even though I was doing my best not to.

"Is this true, what Sam just said?" asked Josh with a slight but a very definite grin on his face. And with that grin on his face, he just keeps his eyes locked on my face. Both Sam and Vinny were looking at the picture and me also.

"Yeah guys, inspiration is part of the reason for doing a picture, no denying that. Plus the inspiration comes from having a good subject. The connection that you feel you have with a subject makes a difference. I mean, I have been here just a few days on campus and I did not know just what to expect. I'm from the country and you guys have grown up in these surroundings. Didn't know just how I would fit in. And my roomie here has made me feel quite comfortable and welcome. This is just kinda a way of saying thanks. After saying this, I look at Josh's face to see I could read any kind of a reaction to what I had just said.

"Plus you Sam, and you Vinny have made me feel welcome - well like I am one of the guys, and I really appreciate it."

"Hermie, you are an easy guy to like." said Josh.

"Yup, you sure are." chimed in Sam and Vinny.

Josh told Sam and Vinny that they should look at one of my sketchbooks that had some work from scenes on my father's farms. They said they would like to see them. I walked over to my desk and sat down on a stool and started opening the sketch book. Sam sat on my left side and Vinny sat on my right side. As I was turning the pages, both Sam and Vinny kept making comments about how good the work was.

At some point, Josh had come up in back of me while I was sitting there showing them some of my work. He had put his hands on my shoulders as he bent over and looked at the sketches again. After a couple of minutes, He started to slowly massage my shoulders. I don't know if they noticed but I let out a soft exhale of breath as Josh kneaded the muscles in my shoulders. What he was doing was feeling so very good. It was making me feel good but I guess that enough was going on that at least I wasn't getting a raging boner just yet. It was like a gentle but firm caressing of the shoulders and I wanted it to go on and on. BUT WHEN, I felt Josh lean in closer under the pretense of getting a closer look at some of my work, I felt his crotch press into my back and I then stuttered just a bit.

.I just stuttered once but Sam said "Is everything all right Hermie?"

"Sure, I'm Ok just had a tickle in my throat" I told Sam. And Josh gave me an extra little squeeze and said "HHmmm, nice picture there Hermie."

After looking at the sketchbook a few more minutes, we all agreed that we needed to get some sleep. Josh, Sam, and Vinny were all getting excited about the 1st cut for the swim team tomorrow. In a way so was I, because being on the team would give me something to relate to them with. They liked my pictures but the swim team would give me something 'on their turf' that I could relate to them with.

Friday afternoon :

I had just come out of McKeldin Library and I saw Sam and Vinny a few yards away walking towards me. They were smiling and yet they weren't smiling. When they got to me, Vinny said "Congratulations Hermie, from what I hear 'on the grapevine' you have made the swim team".

"Way cool, that means that Josh, you two and I will have something in common with each other now. That is if we all make it?"

"That's just it, from what I hear, Josh might not be making the swim team." and he looks down.

"WHAT !!! Josh might not be making it." and I looked at both of them. "This can't be. Do you guys know if they have posted the list yet?"

"No, from what I understand, I don't think the coach has posted the list yet." said Sam.

"See you guys later, I have somewhere to go right now." and I was off to Colefield House to see the coach. That is if I got the chance to see him and I was determined that I was going to try to do everything I could to see him.

When I got to the front of Colefield House, I took a few deep breaths and collected my thoughts. What was I going to say to the coach. I did not exactly know but I was going to give it my best shot. I got down to the lower level and I was in luck, he was in his office. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." he called out. I slowly opened the door and walked in closing the door behind me.

"What can I do for you Hurley?" the coach asked.

"Well coach, I don't know if I am supposed to be aware of the results of the cut for the swim team yet but I was told by the grapevine of what might be happening."

"What have you heard Hurley?" the coach said smiling. He probably knowing that I heard that I had made it.

"Well, I have heard that I have made it but that my room mate Josh might no be making it. Can I ask you if this is true?"

"I shouldn't actually be telling you before it is posted but yes you have made it and because of the limited positions, it does not look like Josh is going to make it." he said with smiling. "Josh is good, but he seems to be so tense that he can't seem to let himself loose and just go with the flow. You, though Hurley are a natural."

"Coach, if I were to ask you to cut me from the list, would that give Josh a chance at making the team?"

"You what? You want me to cut you?" the coach asked with a puzzled look on his face. "Why would you want me to do that?"

"I tried out for the team because Josh and a couple of his friends asked me to do it. I thought it would be a good chance for us to have something in common and to be able to make some friendships over. But I have, in the couple of days I have been here have found out how important it is to Josh to make the team and he really is a good swimmer. Maybe he does need to loosen up as you say but can't that come with a little time?"

"Are you sure about this Hurley?" asked the coach. "You are willing to this for a buddy?"

"Yes I am coach."

"Hurley, I'll tell you what I will do. Tell nobody that you have been here and I'll have both Josh and you make the team. You could help him and some of the others. I mean you are so natlural at this that I want to keep you on the team. Josh is very good and with your help he will be an asset to the team. How does that sound Hurley? Is it a deal?" and he stuck out his hand for a shake.

I was smiling big time and shook the coach's hand. "Ya got a deal coach and I certainly would not want Josh to know that I was meddling in his affairs either." and we shook hands on it.

I knew after I left the coach's office that I was going to have to be on my guard so that I would not let anything slip about my meeting with coach. But as I walked down the steps of Colefield House I was grinning big time and thinking that Life is Good.

Friday afternoon - 5:00 pm

I heard the door open to the entry to the set of 2 rooms. I was at my desk just fooling around with some sketches. As I was turning around at my seat Josh came up behind me and said "Guess what Hermie, both of us have made the swim team !!!" with a beg smile on his face. And with that statement he pulls me up out of my chair and turns me around. He has both hands on my shoulders and is looking deep into my eyes. I am wondering just what he is thinking about. He isn't really smiling and he isn't really frowning but just looking deep into my eyes. I think I notice a tear in his eyes. I wondering what this is about.

"Hermie, I have a question. Can you come with me to my parent's house for the weekend?"

"Sure, if you want. What's up?"

"They won't be home and I would like for you to see where I live. And I want to get away from here for a while and for just the two of us to be together, Is that ok?" he asks me with his eyes still locked on mine as if searching for some kind of reaction.

"Sure Josh, whatever you want buddy." I said with a smile.

Then Josh leans in and takes my chin in his left hand and moves his head in closer. At this point I am breathing rather hard and my heart is beating so hard that I think my chest is going to split wide open. He opens his mouth just slightly and kisses me full on the mouth. After a few seconds, he lifts his head back up and looks at me again and I know that he is looking for a reaction, After my eyes open up, I look back at him with a look of complete surprise and I guess surrender and move my head back to his. I part my lips and let my tongue slip into his warm and hot mouth. I give myself into this feeling and maybe wondering just what has happened here with Josh.

to be continue........2nd installment will continue with Josh taking me ( Hermie ) to his parent's house on that most eventful Friday night. A night that as I relive it, was one of PURE MAGIC between 2 guys who are totally in sync with one another. Moments such as these define the joy and happiness in a person's life.

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