By moc.loa@KafonoS

Published on Nov 2, 1999




Believe me I am no technical genius. It all started while I was watching the discovery channel. The show I was watching explained how certain light bands could be affected by magnetic waves. This for some reason intrigued me. I set up a small experiment with an iron-based laser and a large Electro magnet that was triggered by my computer so that I could control the pulses. The overall effect was very interesting as the laser beam bent considerably. I thought I might have created a new effect for night clubs and added more lasers and more individually sequenced magnets. The visual effects I created were nothing short of spectacular.

One night I arranged the lasers and magnets in such a way as to assemble a linear accelerator for my laser beams. I triggered the first magnet in the sequence one half of a nanosecond before the laser and the rest one half of a nanosecond after each other. The resulting display was nothing like I would have imagined. It created a field of eerie green light. I proceeded to work on this until I left my drink in the path of the field. I was totally surprised when my drink vanished. This scared me a little and I shut down the apparatus and went to bed.

The next night I was sitting next to my creation contemplating what I had created when suddenly my glass reappeared. It was still cold the ice had not melted and the fizz was still present. Suddenly it occurred to me what I had done. By triggering the magnets so closely before the light I had actually accelerated the laser beams faster than the speed of light and created a time field that sent my drink ahead in time. Incredible, Suddenly another drink appeared next to the first only the ice was completely melted. This caused me to think what if I slowed the light down. I proceeded to resequence the magnets. I took the original drink and placed it where the second one was and turned on the machine. Poof it vanished. What would have happened if I had placed the second drink? Would that have created a paradox?

Over the course of a week or so I ran many experiments finally correlating the ratio of how far in time something would travel in relation to the pulses. The next step was to increase the size of the machine. One morning I was wondering how a living creature would fare when Sandy my cat jumped into the field just as I was sending a book two minutes ahead. Sandy appeared right on schedule two minutes later. He finished his leap as if nothing had happened and promptly came over to be petted. I thoroughly examined him and could find nothing wrong.

Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Randy I am 30 years old, about five ft seven in. I have long sandy blond shoulder length hair that I keep in a pony tail most of the time. I am rather slender except in my chest area, I am large enough that I have been kidded about needing a bra since I was a little boy. Which does not bother me all that much because I am an avid crossdresser.

After Sandy's time trip I was a little rattled and decided I needed a break. I went to the mall to pick up a few odds and ends that I had been putting off for almost a week. Even though I was not there clothes shopping I could not resist detouring through the dress department. As I walked down the aisle I came upon a dress on a manikin. I just had to stop and look. The dress was a blue floral with a pretty flared skirt. For some reason it looked very familiar. Looking on the rack beside it I found one in just my size. I just had to buy it. All the way home I kept trying to figure out where I had seen this dress before.

Due to my fixation with the time machine I had not crossdressed in over a week. Upon Arriving home I immediately disrobed and shaved myself head to toe. Pulling my hair out of the ponytail I washed and rolled the ends to curve under. I selected a pair of blue heels, Some shear stockings, a powder blue garter belt, Bra and panties. As I pulled the silken panties up I felt that familiar sexual thrill. Pulling the 36 c bra on and rolling up the stockings as I passed the straps of the garter beneath the panties. Looking in the mirror I applied some foundation and base some blush and eye liner and blue eye shadow. Finally I found some red lipstick that matched the flowers in the dress. Turning away from the mirror I pulled the dress on and stepped into the heels. I could not believe how good the dress fit. It was as if it had been tailor made for me. I removed the rollers and spent a few minutes arranging my hair and walked over to see the finished product in the mirror.

What I saw in the mirror stopped me dead in my tracks. Yes I looked good, No one would have known I was anything other than a pretty 30-year-old blond girl. The image in the mirror was one I had seen before, Only the before was 13 years earlier when I was 17. Dashing to the dresser I dug until I had found the picture. We looked like sisters. There I was a 17 year old crossdresser all made up pretty in a white flower girl dress, Pretty as a picture in a bridal magazine. Only there I was again, beside myself a 30 year old wearing the same dress I was wearing now!

My mind wandered back 13 years to a lonely 17 year old boy, Quite confused. Thinking he was crazy because he wanted to dress up in girls clothes. Trying desperately to suppress these crazy desires. When this vaguely familiar but pretty 30 year old girl appeared out of nowhere. She turned out to be a crossdresser and seemed to know everything about me. She showed me that I was not crazy that it was all right even fun to wear girl's clothes. Suddenly it was all so clear, the girl that had seduced me 13 years ago had been me.

A time trip back in time13 years, How was I to get back? First I would have to rent a place that I knew would be vacant back in 1987 and then transport the parts for a time machine back. Then when I sent myself back I would have a way forward again. I also had a few other things to take care of. I got some aerial photos of the city now and then and compared them to see what buildings had remained exactly the same and vacant. After a few dead ends I found an old cigar factory that had been closed for twenty years. I made a few inquiries as to renting a part of it and ran into a brick wall. It had apparently been owned by one of the gangsters that had been shot to death. His will had been tied up in the courts for 20 years. Then I got an idea, Why rent why not just use? The place was in terrible repair and I had a hard time making my way in. finally I found an entrance through the freight dock in the back. After half an hour of searching with a flashlight I found what looked like the executive offices and they were still in good repair. In the back of what had to be the CEO's office I found a room securely locked from the inside. Curiosity got the better of me and I returned with a pry bar. Finally the lock gave way and I gained entry to the room. What I found shocked me, The remains of one of my time machines.

I spent most of a month refining the time machine and refining my calculations. I acquired the essential parts of a second time machine and packed it into as small a case as possible. Preparation included acquiring $100,000 in cash, The amounts and dates when to buy and sell certain stocks. After searching threw the remains of the time machine the last piece of the puzzle came into place and I bought two Honda generators to power the equipment with. It took me almost two weeks to discreetly move all my supplies into the factory unnoticed. Finally the day arrived when I had no more preparations left. The one thing that scared me a little was that I knew I had made it back in time safely but I had no proof that I made it back to the future.

Getting up at 4am I dressed female. I shaved top to bottom, I pulled my hair back did my makeup and wore a silky bra and panties, some tight fitting jeans and a form fitting blouse and tennis shoes. I had to make sure every thing I wore was believable in 87. For once I did not get a rush from crossdressing. Looking in the mirror I looked perfect a nice casual thirty year old girl. I figured for some odd reason a pretty girl would be less likely mistaken for a time traveler than a boy. On my way to the factory I had to stop and return to my house I had forgotten one piece of the puzzle, The blue floral dress. That morning I had packed clothes for a week, All female except for one male suite but I had forgotten the dress. After retrieving the dress I arrived at the factory and locked myself in. It was 5am when I fired up the generator and placed the return time machine in front of the lasers and keyed the computer. The greenish field enveloped it and it was gone. I refocused the machine to the side a little and sent the second generator, my clothes and other personal articles. Next I turned it still a little more and started a time delay sequence and placed my self in front of the lasers. There was a blinding flash, At first I thought that it had malfunctioned because there was no sensation. I was expecting a psychedelic computer generated light show like they have in the movies. I turned on the flashlight I had brought and looked around. All my equipment had made it unharmed. Opening one box I went and mounted a lock on the door and made my way to the loading dock. The building was in much better shape having only been abandoned about five years ago. The door to the outside was still attached and locked luckily from the inside. When I walked out I was surprised at how different the neighborhood looked. In the year 2000 it was a rundown slum. In 1987 it was no prize but it was a lot nicer. Some of the stores were still open and there were people walking about. I would have to be more careful in my comings and goings. I approached one of the stores and used the phone to call a taxi. I was surprised to find it only cost a dime instead of 50 cents. When the taxi arrived I asked him to take me to the nearest car rental place. It had been a real pain but I finally located a 1987 Visa card. I was sure Sandra Winter whose credit card and drivers license I had duplicated would wonder about the charge on her card even though I planned on paying in cash. One of the problems I had was finding enough old cash. They changed the money in 98. Even though there was still a lot of it in circulation the new stuff was replacing it slowly but surly. It took almost $300,000 in cash to get $100,000 in old bills and not all of it was dated before 1987.

The Visa card worked fine at Avis car rental a brand new 1987 Thunderbird. The next stop was out to the suburb where I grew up. The holiday Inn was still there. It was hard to stop thinking, This is exactly like I remember it because It was exactly like I remembered it. I bought a newspaper and checked the date, June 21st 1987. I took out the picture and looked at the date on the back June 22nd 1987. My calculations had worked out pretty good. I had been shooting for June 20th but I felt I would have no problem finding myself. After all I had been there. I looked at my watch and decided I needed to reset it. It was two hours off. It was now 1 o'clock PM. I drove over to the house that I had rented with four other people. I got there just in time to watch myself get into the old Camaro that I used to drive. I followed my self to the Mobile gas station that I pumped gas at. As I watched myself I thought if I only looked like that now. I was very skinny, shoulder length blond hair, Although it was in need of a good washing and I knew that the loose tee shirt was to hide the nice set of breasts that I was very ashamed of at this point in my life. I also thought that I need to be here tomorrow evening at 9 sharp just as I was closing up the station to ask myself out on a date.

I drove back to the Cigar Factory and discreetly parked out back. Going inside I found my room undisturbed and retrieved two of the cases that I brought back out to the car. I was just leaving the front gate when a police car pulled up behind me turning on his blue lights. I thought to myself this is the test of whether I pass or not and if the $4000 I had paid for a counterfeit 1987 drivers license had been worth it. The Cop walked up to my window and asked " license and registration please." I passed him the license and car rental agreement. I expected him to go back to his car and run my license but I was thinking like a male and he thought I was a pretty girl. After looking at my License he passed it back to me asked "Sandra, What are you doing at this abandoned factory?" I replied "I am looking for a location to open a laser factory to manufacture Light show devices." Much to my surprise the Cop smiled and replied "I am sorry to have bothered you but this is not the best of neighborhoods, As to acquiring the property I think you had better set your sights elsewhere. The previous owner was involved with organized crime and was shot to death in his office. The property will probably be tied up in the courts for twenty more years." I smiled back and thanked him. He got into his police cruiser and turned off the lights and waited for me to drive away.

Upon arriving back at my hotel room I started to take my things out of the cases. Suddenly I experienced D`eja Vu As I pulled out the white flower girl dress that I had worn in this very room 13 years ago. I unpacked the silken white panties and bra. The lacy white garter belt and shear white stockings and the high-heeled white shoes. I felt myself getting excited as I reminisced about being dressed up like a princess all those years ago and the ultimate freedom of mind when I learned that wanting to dress like a girl was not the ultimate wrong I had perceived it to be. I had packed the dress away with the entire outfit shortly after only taking it out yesterday. I could not possibly have fathomed that I was giving it to myself as it had been given to me. Where did the dress come from in the first place? This was a true paradox. It reminded me of the glasses of water. What if I had placed the glass of water that had come back in time back into the time field? That glass of water would be stuck in a loop in time just like the pretty white dress. How many times had I actually worn the dress? Just once? Or thousands of times? I looked closely at the dress and could detect no wear or aging. Next I took out my floral blue dress. Next I took out the short black dress I had bought for the younger me. The original had been worn out long ago, but wait this was now the original, How confusing. Then I came to the brief case full of money. Taking out a thousand I dressed in my male suite and went down to the National bank and opened under my real name with my younger self's address an account with $99,000 dollars. I was quite relieved when they just counted the money and did not look to closely at the dates on the bills. I had made sure to place appropriately dated bills on the outside of each bundle. Returning to the room I took a long bath in the oversized tub and made sure that I shaved extra close. Afterward I put on a black silken negligee and feel asleep early. It had been a long day. Tomorrow would be even longer.

I slept late and went out in the afternoon to pickup some odds and ends that I knew I would be using later on that evening. Some wine, tequila and beer. A tube of KY jelly. I started getting ready for my date around six. I was nervous about this evening. Even though I knew what was to happen it had been a long time. I had never tried to convince a paranoid 17-year-old homophobic boy that he needed to dress up in a little white dress. That was going to take some pretty fancy talking on my part. I remember thinking that Sandra was saying some pretty strange things and started looking for a way out but she somehow convinced me that this was the right thing to do. Then I really was on the edge when I found out she was really a he. But within moments I knew that I was turned on like nothing else ever had. First I had to make myself look like a 17-year-olds wet dream. When my hair was almost dry I applied a little moose to it and rolled some rollers in to give an under curl and curl my bangs a little but I also wanted it to be very soft. Next I did my makeup. I had also brought the cosmetics to use on the younger me. I used heavy black eyeliner and some blue eye shadow after I had used the foundation that totaly concealed any trace of facial hair. Some blush and lipstick that matched to some of the flowers on my dress. As I removed the rollers and combed out my hair I could feel myself getting aroused. Next came the shear stockings and powder blue garter belt. I pulled the silken blue panties up my legs until I had trapped my now throbbing erection with in the silken prison. The tightness of the silken panties helped as I tucked myself painfully back between my legs. Next came the silken-cupped bra. I could not resist pinching my oversized nipples as I positioned my breasts in the cups. Turning to the mirror I felt a surge of sexual power as I decided there was no way anyone would guess I anything other than a pretty blond girl. Finally I pulled the floral dress on and tied the string in the back into a bow accentuating my breasts in the front. I hooked the dangly silver earrings into my earlobes and turned to the mirror. The pretty girl that greeted me never ceased to amaze me. I stepped into the heels and pirouetted in front of the mirror my skirt raised just enough to show a glimpse of the garters. I knew for a fact that I would catch my younger hormone charged teenaged self's attention. Hell I had my own self-wishing I could get a date with myself which is what I was about to do. It was 8:30 time to go.

I arrived at the gas station at about ten to nine. Some of the lights had already been turned off and all the outside stuff had been put away. I pulled up to the pumps and waited. I knew the drill, He was hoping I would leave if he took to long. I had other plans. Finally he came rambling out. Getting out of the car making sure to flash lots of thigh. I smiled and asked him to fill the tank. He came back I could tell he was looking me over and said "That will be $5 ma'am." Smiling I asked, "Could you check the oil to." It was all coming back to me just as it happened so long ago. Moving over to the hood he opened it and checked the oil and said "Its full." Being very courteous. I gave him a twenty and he went to give me change. I said, "Keep the change." He looked surprised. I smiled at him and asked, "When do you close?" he responded looking at his watch "Five minutes ago." I tried to look surprised and said in my sweetest little girl voice "Oh, I am sorry I did not mean to keep you. I'll bet I am keeping you from a hot date." He smiled and laughed and replied "No, I don't even have a girl friend." So I said, "I am new to the area and will only be in town a few days on business. If I may be so bold as to ask, would you let me take you out to dinner? I don't know the area and would enjoy the company of someone so nice and cute." He looked at me with those beautiful blue eye's that I have come to know so well and replied almost stuttering, "I, I don't know." I smiled my best seductive smile and swished my short skirt back and forth causing him to look from my face down stopping momentarily on my breasts to my silken stocking clad legs. I lied saying, "Don't worry it all goes on my expense report." Moving over closer I placed my hand on the back of his and said, "Unless you have something better to do?" He hastily said, "No, I would love to go but I need to go home and change first and shower, I smell like gas." I replied, "You look fine and I don't mind the smell of gas." He replied, "Ok but I need to finish closing down the station and I have a change of clothes in the car." I said, "Ok I will wait for you out here." He just about dashed into the station to finish his work.

When he came out changed and cleaned I could see no noticeable difference, Jeans and a Tee shirt. As he approached the car I got out giving him the key's said, "you drive." Taking the keys he got in and went to adjust the seat and decided much to my amusement that it was set perfectly. He asked me, "Where do you want to eat?" I replied, "Surprise me, You know the area better than I do remember price is no object." Just as I knew he would he drove a bout three miles to Café Marsle, A very good choice. The Maitra`de looked us over and raised an eyebrow, Something I had missed the first time around and seated us alone in a booth down back. I ordered a glass of wine for both of us, The waiter calmly asked for ID, My younger self got lemonade. On my dates suggestion we both ordered the stuffed chicken. I asked, "I don't think I caught your name?" He Blushed and said, "Randy, And yours?" I replied, "Sandra you can call me Sandy." He seemed at a loss for things to say so I decided to lead the conversation in the direction I wanted and said, "You don't have a girl friend, How could that be? You are very cute." Randy replied, "Thankyou I think, Most of the girls I know want handsome and rugged, Not cute." I smiled and said, "That will change, They don't know what they are missing." Randy was loosening up a bit as the waiter brought our drinks and asked, "Do you have a boyfriend." Truthfully I replied, "Several, but none that I am serious about." Leaning back I stuck my tits out and shook out my hair. I knew I had Randy's undivided attention. As I looked back at him his gaze shifted from my cleavage to my eyes. I watched his reaction as I said, "Your hair is very pretty, With a little styling it could look just like mine." He blushed and replied, "That would not be very masculine." I responded, " I think it would be extremely attractive." After a short pause I asked, " Is that what you want, To be masculine?" I knew that I had asked him a difficult question. At this point in my life he was trying desperately to be masculine due to peer pressure. Even though his natural tendencies tended to be very feminine in nature. He was saved from answering by the food arriving. We ate in silence for a short while when Randy finally said, "I think most of the girls I like want a masculine guy. But I don't think I behave very masculine." So I had to ask, "Do you think you behave feminine?" You could see him visually squirm. I remember at this point thinking, "I need to get away from this girl she is hitting way to close to the mark." Rather than force an uncomfortable answer out of him I decided to change the subject and asked, "Where should we go after dinner?" He replied, "The lounge at the Holiday Inn has a really good band playing." I said, "That would be really nice, I am staying at the Holiday Inn."

After we finished eating we stopped and picked up his car on the way to the Holiday Inn. In the parking lot I asked, "Would you like to come up to my room first, I need to use the bathroom and freshen up first?" He readily agreed. Upon entering the room I asked, "Would you like to fix us a drink out of that small refrigerator?" And went into the bathroom. I could feel his eyes all over me and remembered what he was thinking. At seventeen years old he was still a virgin. I came out of the bathroom and looked over to see he had poured us both a shot of Tequila and a glass of beer. I sat next to him on the short sofa and picked up the shot and beckoned him to toast with me. This shot would be another first for him. I almost laughed as he almost choked on it, I poured us another as I turned on MTV. Turning toward him I placed my hand on his knee and then reached up and pulled the band out of his ponytail. I asked him if he minded as I picked up the brush off the table and started to brush out his hair. Looking down I noticed a large bulge in his pants that he was trying unsuccessfully to hide. Motioning him to pick up the second shot of tequila we both drank together. Then I took a sip of beer and said, "I think your hair looks much better combed out." Leaning over I heard him take a sharp intake of air as I nibbled on his earlobe and brought both hands up to massage his shoulders. Then I asked, "Would you let me use the curling iron to put some pretty curls in it?" I could tell the tequila was taking affect. Blushing badly he turned toward me and said, "What?" I poured us another shot of Tequila. Reaching down I placed my hand on his pants right on his inflamed crotch, I leaned over and kissed him, or I guess kissed myself. He kissed me back. When we finally broke the kiss I said, "You heard me." He said, "Why?" I replied honestly, "Because it turns me on, I want to dress you up completely as a girl, I know you want to." I could see the conflict going on in his head, Many years of telling himself he was crazy to have these desires and thinking he might be queer made him want to run away. But sexual desire and knowing it turned this girl on made a very strong counter point. Finally he said defiantly, "How would you know something like that." Gripping his now throbbing erection through his pants I said, "Because when I mentioned it your cock got twice as hard as it was, Go ahead and try to tell me you never wanted to dress up as a girl before." I could tell he had decided to try it. So I let go of his cock and waited to give him the final revelation. I poured us another shot as He said, "I don't think I will make a very convincing girl." Smiling I said, "I bet you make just as pretty a girl as I do." It took a moment for it to sink in. The scope of emotions that played across his face was amazing. First disbelief, Then the remnants of his homophobia surfaced, Then curiosity as he looked me over with a new skeptical focus, Finally a longing that was even older than the ingrained homophobia took over as he asked, "You are kidding me right?" Picking up the hem of my dress I said, "Check for yourself." Gingerly he reached down until he was touching my thigh slowly he reached up until he was finally gripping my rock hard cock through the silken panties. The look on his face was priceless as I leaned forward again placing my hand on his raging hardon I kissed him. When we broke the kiss I got up off the sofa and walked over to the closet and took out the white flower girl dress. Holding the ultra feminine dress up to myself modeling it for him I asked, "Would you wear this for me?" I could tell by the look on his face that he wanted to wear that dress more than anything in the world as he nodded yes. Placing the dress back in the closet I pulled out a hanger with the white silken bra, Panties, garter and stockings and said, "You have to put these on first. But before you put these on I need you to wash and condition your hair and shave your legs, Face and underarms." With a strange but aroused look on his face he downed the shot got up and walked over to me taking the hanger full of silken Lingerie he asked, "How do you know so much about me?" I replied, "One day you will know."

He waltzed into the bathroom as I walked over and sat down on the sofa. Reaching down I caressed my raging hardon, I could not believe how turned on I was. I wondered how perverted this would be considered. Going back in time to dress yourself up as a little girl and have sex with yourself. Would this be considered incest or masturbation? How many people if given the chance would go back and have sex with themselves? I knew from experience that this was a major turning point in my younger self's life. If this had not happened he would probably have needed major therapy. After this weekend he actually started to feel good about himself for the first time and started to enjoy this aspect of his personality and have fun with his crossdressing as well as exploring previously forbidden areas of his sexuality. At this point in his and my life it is safe to say that he does not have a completely masculine set of genes. The chemistry is definitely on the feminine side, How else do you explain the breasts that developed when a teenage girl would have developed breasts. But instead of feeling pride and fulfillment. I suffered ridicule and embarrassment. I did not need to shave until I was almost thirty. The only thing that could be considered masculine was my cock. For all purposes I had a female body with male sex organs. Randy was about to learn this as I had learned it. Most of my life I had floated back and forth between the genders as it suited me. I was about to provide myself the means and the Freedom.

I heard the water stop running in the bathroom. A few minutes later an embarrassed Randy stepped out into the room sporting an enormous erection wearing only a pair of silken white panties. Smiling he said, "I don't know how to clip the bra on." Getting up I walked over to him reaching down I gripped his cock through the silken material and asked, "Is that a cock in your panties or are you just glad to see me." Reaching up I pinched his nipples in just the way that I knew would bring shots of pleasure. I was rewarded with a shiver form him. Taking the bra from his trebling hands I held it up for him to place his hands through. Clipping it in the back I reached around to adjust his breasts in the cups. I knew he had tried his sisters D cup bra on before but this was the first time he had ever had one that fit him perfectly. I knew that the silken cups felt wonderful. It was priceless to watch the shear delight as he reached up to cup his own breasts and pinch his own nipples. He got embarrassed again when he noticed me watching. I said, "Let's do your hair." As I dragged him back into the bathroom. Using the hair drier I had him bend at the waist and blow-dry his hair straight out until it was almost dry. Then I applied a little mousse and some rollers. He looked at me and said shyly, "I never would have admitted it but this is wonderful." Reaching down I gently pinched his nipples through the silken bra as I bent down and kissed him passionately again. I used the blow-drier, Curling Iron and some spray. A short while latter I removed the rollers and he had the prettiest head of blond hair almost like mine. Turning him around I asked, "Can I do your makeup?" He smiled at me and replied, "By all means." He was looking more and more like the princess in the picture. His features still had that baby fat youthful look about them. There was nothing masculine about him at all. I applied some eyeliner and a small amount of blue eye shadow a little bit of pink blush and some lipstick. There was no sign of the facial hair that I now had to contend with. While I was doing his makeup he reached up under my dress and gingerly started fondling my cock and balls. Wondrously he said, "You are as turned on as I am. Reaching up further he cupped my breasts and said, "You got tits just like me." I smiled and said, "You would be surprised at how much alike we are." Taking the garter and stockings off the nearby hanger I said, "We need to finish getting you dressed." I stood him up and wrapped the garter around him clipping it in the back and showed him how to put the stockings on. I left him doing that and went to the closet and pulled out the silken slip with all the layers. When he walked out of the bathroom I could see his eyes widen as he gazed at the ultra feminine garment I was holding. He shook his head and said, "I feel as though I am going to wake up from this fantasy any moment. It just keeps getting better and better." I could feel him tremble as I pulled the silken garment over his head. Taking the dress from the closet I had him place a tissue in his mouth so as not to get any lipstick on the dress. I pulled the dress over his head and straighten it as I buttoned it up the back. Placing the white heels in front of him I held his arms as he stepped into them. I straightened his hair a little bit and stood back to admire my creation. He could tell by the look on my face that he looked like the stuff fantasies are made of. I could not resist reaching out and running my hands down his silken sides. I said, "You are the prettiest thing I have ever laid eyes on. You are a fantasy girl if I ever saw one." He couldn't resist it any more and turned to look in the full length mirror. We both stood looking at the incredibly pretty girl looking back at us. She reached up to touch her face just to make sure it was her. She had long locks of golden curled about her pretty face. The prettiest white dress just covered with lace. Pert little breasts jutting out from the shear white lace bodice. The dress clinched into a high waist flaring into a fountain of lace ending high above the knees showing layers of white lace above two perfectly sculptured legs encased in shear white stockings with two white patent leather pumps with 3" heels on her dainty feet. I could not resist moving up behind this vision and running my hands up her silken sides until I had cupped her pert breasts. I then ran my hands down her front until I could feel her monumental erection buried beneath the layers of virginal white silk. Leaning over I nibbled her ear and kissed her once again. I walked over to the dresser and picked up the camera that I placed near the mirror taking the remote control I asked Randy to look at the camera I moved over close to her and pressed the button taking the infamous picture. I walked over to the instant camera and took the picture and gave it to Randy. Moving over I sat on the sofa and watched her caress herself as she drank in the image in the wall sized mirror. It was very erotic to watch this pretty boy dressed to look like a little princess twirl and pirouette as she explored the visual fantasy I had created. Finally she walked over to me and leaned down and kissed me and said, "Thankyou." I moved forward until I was sitting on the edge of the sofa. And pulled her to me until my face was between her breasts. I felt my way up her silken legs until I found her cock. I started stroking her cock through the silken panties using the knowledge that only I could know about all the secret places that one only learns from years of practice. After only a few moments I could feel that tremble. I stopped and lifting her skirt I pulled her panties over her garters and found myself face to face with a very familiar looking cock. Not stopping to think about what I was actually doing I reached out with my tongue and licked the clear fluid from the slit slowly I licked my way down the underside of her cock paying attention to what I knew were all the best spots. Her virgin cock must have grown at least another two inches. All at once I engulfed as much of her cock as I could into my mouth and swallowed until I felt as though I might gag. Slowly I sucked up and down taking a little more each time until I found my lips wrapped around the base. I increased the speed of my sucking while I paid attention to those special spots with my tongue while I tickled her balls with my hands. What I knew to be a lethal combination. I could feel that tremble again. I pulled back until I was wildly sucking on the head while stroking the shaft. I felt her balls tighten as she reached down and grabbed two hands full of my hair. As I heard her say through clenched teeth, "OH, GOD." I could feel her nectar boil wildly down the length of her erupting member into my waiting mouth, She flooded me with her wonderful virginal cream. I hungrily swallowed every ecstatic spurt. I remembered across the years the unbelievable pleasure as she exploded into my mouth, Never had I realized the Pleasure of giving myself so much pleasure. I felt her knees start to buckle and slowly swung her around to lay down on the sofa never once loosing my grip on her still spurting cock. Finally the eruption slowed. I looked up into some very satisfied glossy eyes. Gripping her cock about the base I stroked it to the head getting a major shiver and Goosebumps from her and a large drop of nectar that I licked off not seeming to be able to get enough. Finally I looked up into some very satisfied and glossy eyes. As she laid back I stood up in front of her and did a minor striptease. Slowly I pulled my dress up over my head and enjoyed the look I was given as Randy surveyed my lace-covered body. Looking down I was flattered and amazed as I watched her cock start to spring back to life. Reaching down I hooked my thumbs into the band of my panties and pulled them down until they dropped around my ankles. Stepping out of them. Spreading my legs I allowed my cock that had been painfully tucked back between my legs to spring straight out. Randy reached down and started stroking her cock. I reached down and taking her hands pulled her to her feet. As I pulled her to me I thrilled at the feel her soft silken dress against my skin. Guiding her to the bed I unbuttoned her dress. Slowly she stripped for me and turned to face me we kissed and embraced deeply. Reaching down I took both of our cocks and started stroking them together. I looked down and marveled as you could see that they were identical. I could feel as Randy unclipped my bra and reached up to pinch my nipples. I guided us to the bed. I lay back as Randy nibbled my nipples and slowly made her way down. I smiled as she moved face to face with my cock. I knew that a long running fantasy was about to come true as she kissed the tip and I felt a shiver run threw me as she reached out with her tongue and started licking the tip. I thrilled as I watched my younger self while she gave me her first blowjob. Slowly she sucked as much as she could fit into her mouth. I could feel her gag slightly as she tried to swallow more. Reaching up she started to caress my balls with one hand and stroke the shaft with the other. Looking down I felt that familiar tingle as I grabbed two handfuls of her hair and drove my cock all the way down her throat. I arched my back and felt the pure ecstasy as my balls tightened and erupted. Randy managed to pull back until only the head of my cock was still in her mouth as she violently stroked me with her hand all the while sucking every drop I had to give. When there was no more to give she reluctantly freed me. I looked down as she smiled back at me. Kissing her way up my body until we were face to face she said, " No one ever said that would be so much fun." I replied, " It is always better to give than receive." I got up and beckoned her to follow me over to my suitcase. Turning to her I kissed her and asked, "Will you be staying the night?" She smiled and said, "If you will have me." Turning back to the suitcase I pulled out two identical short white silken negligee's and passed one to her. We both went into the bathroom and put on the garments I could tell we both thrilled as the silken material caressed its way down our bodies. I picked up the hairbrush and brushed Randy's hair out and then my own. Taking her by the hand I led her back into the bedroom to the big mirror. The look of surprise was evident as we looked at the twins in the mirror. Reaching down I started to caress the identical silken bulge sticking out from the front of her silken negligee. She looked at the mirror and said," All my life I have wanted to dress up as a girl, I thought it was the worst thing and everyone would stare at me and tell me I was a freak. Then you come along and show me that it is not only fun but that I make a very passable girl. I don't think that I will be able to stop now." Looking deep into her eye's I held my finger up to my lips and said," Shush." Slowly I pushed her to the bed. I laid down right behind her. Pulling her hair to the side I started kissing her neck slowly and nibbling her earlobe while I reached around and started to caress her breasts and pinch her nipples. The feeling of the silken material between us as I pushed my once again hard cock between her legs and rubbed my breasts against her back. She reached down to stroke her own cock as she arched her back against me and whispered," I want to feel you inside me." I reached for the tube of KY on the nightstand and liberally applied it to my monumental erection. She made a sharp intake of breath as the tip of my cock came to rest against her virgin hole. I tried not to think about the fact that I had just dressed my self up as a little girl and now I was about to fuck my own virgin ass. Without any further warning I grabbed hold and pushed it home. Reaching Up I pinched her nipples and held still, I knew first hand the agony she was feeling having been on the receiving end the last time. Slowly I started fucking my cock in and out of the tightest hole I had ever had the pleasure of fucking. Slowly I felt the tension go out of her as she started pushing back to meet my thrusts. All the while she was still stroking her own cock. I could feel the eruption once again building I tried in vain to hold off as long as I could, The sensation was just to intense. Suddenly Just as I went over the edge I felt Randy squeeze me just as she shot a jet of sperm at least a foot just as I shot my own load into her. It looked and felt as though I had shot my load out her cock. We both moved and gyrated in one big orgasm in perfect time with each other. It seemed to last an eternity finally we both returned to earth. Reluctantly we separated and went to the bathroom to clean up. Still wearing our matching outfits we returned to the bed. Randy reached down and started caressing my spent cock through the silken garment. Surprisingly I could once again feel life returning. Smiling at me Randy asked," How did you know?" I reached down to caress her once again stiff member and said, "I know all about you." The next thing I knew I was waking up, I was having an incredible dream that I was somehow sucking my own cock. As I looked down I could see that yes indeed my younger self was sucking on my cock. Reaching down I ran my hands through her hair. With most of my cock down her throat she looked up at me with lust filled eyes. I laid back and pinched my own nipples as I enjoyed the incredible sensations as she slowly sucked and licked and nibbled my entire cock and balls. I could feel that familiar tingle slowly rising in me as she took her time exploring what I knew would be one her greatest passions. She brought me to the brink three or four times before she finally sucked me over the edge. Relentlessly she kept sucking until I think I must have pumped a gallon down her throat. Finally I had no more to give and she let me go but not before she gripped me about the base of the cock and slowly stroked me to the tip getting one last drop that she sucked off sending a shock wave throughout my entire body. I droped back on the bed completely spent. Giggling she moved up beside me and nibbled on my ear and said," Oh I am sorry, did I wake you?" I could feel her rock hard cock pressing into me through the silken garment and said," Baby you can wake me like that anytime.

I reached down and slowly started to stroke her cock through the silk and asked," Now that you are a cock sucker, and a very good one I might add are you going back to the straight boy masculine wannabe?" Shyly she looked at me and said," I was never very good at that, This is what I always wanted to do. But I never had the guts. Who first introduced you to the lifestyle?" I looked deep into her eye's and said," It was a situation very similar to this." I smiled at her and continued," I was just your age and She was just about my age, If she had not come along when she did I think I would have gone crazy. Now it's my turn to pass it on to you, and you in turn will pass it on when your turn comes." I slowly pulled the silken material up over her head. I could tell the silken material was turning her on. Taking a moment to look down on my younger selves very feminine appearing 17 year old body I took a moment to reflect on what I was about to do. I decided this was actually a surrealistic form of masturbation. Taking my time I leaned down and kissed her passionately then slowly worked my way down. I kissed her at the sensitive spots just under my ears. I nibbled her nipples with just the right amount of pressure to get a gasp of pleasure. I nibbled and licked and fondled her breasts all over. After this her breasts would no longer be a source of embarrassment but a source of pleasure. I licked my way down and gave an incredible tongue bath to a pair of very sensitive testicles. Sitting up I reached down wrapping my fingers around an all too familiar cock. I reached down with my tongue and licked the tip of my younger self's cock. Slowly I bathed her entire member with my tongue paying attention to all the sensitive areas. I brought her to the brink just by licking at least three times before I finally engulfed her entire cock into my mouth sucking her all the way to the root. I held tight as her entire body convulsed with one of the most powerful orgasms of our life. She grabbed two handful's of my hair and proceeded to fuck my face as her entire body shook uncontrollably as she pumped gallons of her incredibly sweet tasting nectar into my overfull and overflowing mouth. Finally she slowed and I managed to loosen the death grip she had on me. I pulled up until I was only sucking on the tip of her cock. I sucked until I had every drop she had to give. Finally I let go as she dropped back on the bed completely drained. Looking down at one of the most satisfied looks I had ever gotten. I asked," Do you have to be anywhere today? " She replied," The only place I have to be is at work at noon." Looking back I said," Why don't you skip work today? I will make it worth your while." With no hesitation at all she said," Ok."

Getting up I said," I want you to dress as a girl all day to day with me." Randy replied," I don't have anything to wear." Going over to the suitcase I pulled out the short black dress. Holding it up as if to model it I asked," How about this?" I could tell by the look I was getting that Randy really wanted to wear it. Finally he said," you don't expect me to go out dressed like that?" I said," Of course I do. Why don't you take a shower and get dressed and if you don't look enough like a girl I won't force you." Randy smiled and got up and strolled into the bathroom for a shower. I pulled out a few things that I lay on the table and went into the shower myself. After the shower I gave Randy a black bra and panties a pair of dark pantyhose some shoes with a 2 inch heel and the dress. I said take your time and use these cosmetics. I passed over some that I knew were the perfect colors. I also knew I was going to have to redo them. A little over an hour later I was again wearing my floral dress and Randy looked stunning in the little black dress. I finally dragged her away from the mirror and sat her down at the table and said." Pay close attention, I am only going to tell you this once." I began," When I was your age someone did the same thing for me and now it is my turn to do this for you and you in turn will do the same thing when the time is right." Looking up into my eye's with some very familiar eye's she asked," How will I know when the time is right?" I replied," You will have to trust me when I say, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt." I took out a small computer printed booklet and gave it to her. As she opened it I said," Guard this book with your life. In it you will find different stocks to buy, On what days to buy and sell them and how much to buy and sell." She looked up from the book and said," You have got to be kidding I don't have this kind of cash." That's when I gave her the checkbook and gestured for her to open it. I watched as she looked at the beginning balance and the receipt and the dates and the name. She looked at the stock book again and finally back at me and said," Why are you doing this, is this some sort of a setup." Smiling at her worried look I said," No scam, no catch, just follow the schedule in the book and you will be very wealthy and never have to work a day in your life. Like I said someone did the same exact thing for me and you will have to do the same when your time comes." We sat in silence for a moment and I added," You will never see me again, At least the way we are now."

Standing up I moved over to my suitcase and pulled out a black purse for her that I put the stock book and checkbook into and said," I have to leave this evening so lets go shopping." I pulled her out the door before she could object. Once outside I could see she was nervous. We walked past a couple of guys on the way to the car that checked us out. I passed her the keys and said," You drive." Once in the car I said," See, They thought we were just a couple of girls." I could tell she was still nervous but loosening up a little. When we pulled into the mall I asked," What store do you want to go into first?" Jokingly she said," How about Victoria's Secret." I was coaching her on how to walk like a girl when we passed Victoria's Secret and I dragged a badly blushing Randy in. It was only a few short minutes until she was pawing through the panties like she had been born a girl. At her suggestion we went to Dillards and I bought her a very sexy red dress and a pair of girls jeans some casual shoes and a matching blouse.

After we got back into the car a much calmer Randy asked me," Where am I going to wear these, My roommates will not understand." I replied," You have enough money now rent a place of your own. After a few of your investments have paid off buy a condo." I looked over to see a still not quite believing Randy shaking her head. I also knew she would get over it real quickly.

We arrived back at the hotel and went up to my room. I pulled off my dress and was going to pull on my traveling clothes when Randy caught me by surprise and pushed me onto the bed. She pulled down my panties and sucked me to a full erection looking up She asked me," Does this mean I am gay?" Not remembering this scenario from my past I thought for a minute and replied," Some people would think so. I Know that you also like girls and will have just as fulfilling relationships with them as with guys so I don't think you are Homosexual or Heterosexual I think you are just Sexual." She looked up at me and smiled as she proceeded to suck me to an almost instant orgasm.

A short while later I was dressed in my jeans and Randy was wearing his male clothes. I took the white flower girl outfit and packed it into the same garment bag that I had gotten it in and presented it to Randy saying," Keep this safe, You will need it one day." Giving Randy almost all the stuff I had in the room I only kept My ID's and the floral dress. We had a long passionate kiss in the parking lot and went our separate and yet same ways. Arriving in the Cigar factory parking lot I kept a close watch out for the cop who had stopped me earlier. I had no doubt he would find my car soon enough. Once I was securely locked in my room I fired up the generator and assembled the time machine. I felt a surge of relief when I triggered the timing sequence and the anticlimactic flash occurred.

Turning on the flashlight I was surprised to find I had returned to the year 2000 before I had left. All the equipment was lying there ready for me to start. I checked the time on the computer and realized I had only moments before I arrived and did not want to screw that up. I almost panicked when I realized the door was locked from the outside. Luckily I had damaged the door when I had pried it open the first time and was able to break the molding. I pieced it together as best I could finishing only moments before I arrived. I watched nervously from a dark corner as I came up and opened the door and went inside. I then slipped out the back and took the car. As I drove home I reflected that I could now drop in and have sex with myself every now and then. How about if I arranged to have four of me there at the same time and have an orgy. I then decided that I had tampered with time enough.

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