Tim and Me

By nickkk18

Published on May 3, 2020


Hi everyone. Sorry for the slight delay on writing this next story. I had some unexpected family stuff arise, but now I can focus on this for a while. Once again thanks to everyone that has emailed me with feedback. It's great to hear from everyone. Please let me know what you think about this story too and I always try to reply. Like all of my other stories this is completely true.

The summer after I graduated from high school was one of the best summers of my life. I had contacted my eighth grade teacher Mr. Dan about a summer landscaping job with his company and got hired. I was also working as a lifeguard part time, but this story is focused on the landscaping job. I started the new job right after graduation and found that I enjoyed the physical labor and being outside all day. Mr. Dan's company was pretty impressive in that he employed almost 50 part time workers. I had no idea it was that big. After about a week of learning and working and figuring out my role, more college guys started to show up to help. I met some great people that summer, but the one guy that this story is about was named Kraig. To this day when I think about him, I get lost in a sea of crazy, happy memories of a guy that was the most amazing sex partner ever.

My first experience with Kraig came about a week into my "friendship" with him. He and I had talked a lot while working and he had said he knew me from seeing me play basketball. Apparently, we had met at a basketball camp when we were in junior high school, but I had no memory of him. He told me I had a reputation of fucking a lot of girls and wanted to know if I could hook him up with some. I invited him to my house the next weekend while my parents were gone and invited one of my old "girlfriend" with benefits over. They both showed up and the girl whose name was Barb pulled me aside and said she couldn't stay because she had a history with Kraig. I had no idea what that meant, but she left pretty quickly. I broke the news to Kraig so we just decided to get drunk and sit around and chat. He wanted to know about some of the girls I had been with so that was the main focus of our talk. Kraig was pretty drunk and horny. VERY obviously horny. The bulge in the front of his shorts was pretty impressive looking from where I was sitting. I am not particularly into the size of dicks but his was intriguing me to say the least so I got horny too. I wanted to see this guy naked but how? He was as straight as people thought I was, which was pretty straight. I decided to be blunt and asked him if he wanted to watch a porn or something. He was up for that so I grabbed my laptop and went to a free porn site. I found some threesome videos of a girl and two guys and that seemed to turn Kraig on even more. In the first few we watched there was no contact between the guys, but eventually I found some that included the guys doing each other while doing the girl. At first Kraig made fun of those "fags" doing each other but that stopped eventually and we both just got into the sex. I pushed my shorts down first. Slowly in case he freaked out about it. He didn't and he pushed his down too after a few minutes. What a fucking dick! I never got to measure it, but it was a few inches past his belly button. From what I could see of his body he was an athlete like me. That first night we both came after about 30 minutes of watching the vids. There was no awkwardness afterwards which surprised me. He left after that and I jacked off again thinking about Kraig.

About a week later Kraig asked me if I wanted to go to a baseball game with him. He had tickets for our local AAA ball club. I wasn't a huge baseball fan, but I accepted and we had a pretty good time. Afterwards we went to his house to hang out. I learned much more about Kraig while we chatted. He told me he had broken up with his girlfriend the last month of college right before he came home. She was getting too serious for him and he wanted to be with different girls instead of being with just one at 20 years old. We challenged each other to fuck as many girls as we could that summer and add it all up at the end. I pretty much gave up on ever doing anything with Kraig after that chat, but I was pretty sure I had made a lifelong friend instead.

Less than a week later I ended up in bed with him. I am still not sure what changed things, but Kraig showed up at my house one night drunk and wanted to chat about his ex. I just listened. What else could I do? The guy was obviously in love with her still. He eventually passed out so l covered him up on the couch and I slept in a chair next to him so I could make sure he didn't try to leave and drive drunk. I eventually found his keys in his pocket and kept them. He woke up sometime around 2 am and apologized for unloading on me and asked me where his keys were. I told him that he wasn't going to drive and to just go back to sleep. He went pretty crazy and went on about how he was fine to drive blah blah blah. Typical drunk talk. After about 10 minutes of this he tried to physically get them from me. I was bigger and stronger than him especially when he was drunk so I just threw him down on the couch and laid on him and told him that he needed to stop and just go to sleep. I thought he would calm down but he started pushing up on me and thrashing around until it got pretty physical again. I ended up lying flat on him and just held him there. The next thing I knew he kissed me. I was so shocked I jumped off him. He laid there with a huge grin on his face and said he was just trying to get me off him and it worked. I didn't know what to do, but I was kicking myself for jumping off him so...I jumped back on him to continue to hold him down. He kissed me again. And again. I started to kiss back. Yea it felt good. I am shaking right now writing this. Something I thought would never happen was happening. The kissing continued and then I stood up and grabbed him and led him into my room and undressed him and laid him on the bed. While I was undressing I got my first good look at him naked. My dick got so hard just looking at this guy that I thought I might cum right there. That first night we didn't go too far because he wasn't ready. We kissed. We rubbed our naked bodies against each other and kissed some more. That is eventually how we ended up cumin. Me on top of him rubbing our bodies together and kissing and cumin. We slept the rest of the night and the next morning we actually took a shower together! I was so happy I couldn't believe that this had happened. At work that day everything was normal between us. I had been somewhat worried that he might be freaked out about what happened and back track some. That never happened. We went out after work and ate and laughed and then came to my house and hung out. He played basketball with our neighborhood gang on the driveway. Kraig was becoming that guy that I had been looking for since my first time with a guy. Smart, athletic, straight acting and a fun guy. Could this work? I didn't care at that point. I just wanted to see how far he would go with me in bed. If a real relationship developed that was an added benefit.

The next time we got together for sex Kraig wanted to go further. He told me that he wanted to get fucked. Apparently, he and his gf had experimented with anal play and he had always liked it. I told him that we could ease into it until he was ready to take my dick. Eventually we did it and he loved it. He couldn't get enough of my dick in his ass and my tongue in it too. We fucked a lot. I mean the sex was the most incredible ever. I would wake up sometimes and he would be sucking my dick so he could ride it. The sex that summer was some of the best sex I have had in my life. The whole time we were getting together looming in my mind was Fall semester. He would be leaving for school in mid-August and I would be leaving shortly after that to go to my college. Was this going to end or continue?

We distracted ourselves from thinking about this by all the sex we had. We would fuck and cum several times almost every night and sometimes again in the morning. We had a chat sometime around the first of August about our situation. Kraig told me that he was pretty shocked he had done all this, but he liked it and wanted to it to go on. He told me that he was definitely not gay but most likely bi, but he wanted to get back with his girlfriend in the fall. He could see himself getting married in the future and just having sex with me on the side. I didn't reply to that, but I was pretty upset that he said it. I decided to forget it and just ride out the sex with him until we both left for school and then end it for good. I loved the sex with him, but I didn't want to be with someone that didn't see the value of having a monogamous relationship with me. I wasn't mad, just disappointed. Was Kraig my first real love? It felt like it at the time. The morning he left for school we both cried our asses off. I know he cared about me, but he wasn't ready to admit that. I also knew it was over between us. Kraig and I would remain friends for the rest of college and after, so I was right about that. I had made a friend for life.

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