Tim and Me

By nickkk18

Published on Apr 22, 2020


Once again thanks everyone for the messages you send me. They inspire me to write more of my experiences down for you. This next story wasn't actual sex, but a jack off with a student teacher I had in 8th grade. We didn't do anything to each other ever and I didn't consider this to be a "first time" thing. More like something that was a random moment.

When I was in 8th grade I was taking a science class where we had a lab one day a week. This particular year the lab was being taught by a student teacher named Mr. Hurst, but for a lot of us we called him Mr. Dan. He was still in college so he was around 20 or 21 years old and hot as fuck. A few of us would go to his room after school and hang out because he was pretty cool to talk to. On one of these afternoon visits we started talking to him about some of the girls in our school and surprisingly he joined right in. I knew he was straight because he showed us a picture of his current girlfriend and she was crazy hot. After a few months of this, I was getting ready to leave school one day and missed the bus. I started walking when a car pulled up next to me and honked. It was Mr. Dan asking if I wanted a ride home. I jumped in the car and off we went. He asked if I minded if he stopped at a convenience store to pick up a few things and I said no problem. While we were in there I noticed they had girlie magazines on display and he bought me one! I was never a big viewer of porn, but this one was a Penthouse and those girls were hot as hell. I started looking at it and he invited me over to his apartment so I could look at it in private. When we got there he went in the bedroom to change and came back out in his boxers only. He was about 6' 3" and in amazing shape but what I always noticed about him more than anything were his tats. He had them on his arms and now I could see he had them on his chest and back and legs. They were all tats of women and names of women he had been with. The guy was a player! He got me a drink and then we sat on the couch to look at the magazine. I was torn between looking at him and the girls in the penthouse. After about 10 or 15 minutes I could tell he had a huge boner in his boxers and I did in my jeans. I didn't know what to do at that point so I just sat there getting hornier and hornier. He asked if I wanted to go in the bathroom and take care of my dick and I said yes ok sure. So I went in there and after about a minute he knocked on the door and came in and said hey I brought you some paper towels. I was standing there with my pants and boxers around my ankles and my shirt off so basically naked. I was so turned on then I didn't even care. He asked which pics I was looking at so I showed him and the next thing I knew he had pulled out his dick and was jacking off with me. I shot across the whole sink in about 30 seconds. He took a little longer and then we both cleaned up. I was pretty embarrassed after and told him I needed to go. He offered to drive me home, but I said naw that was ok it wouldn't take me long and left.

I jacked off two more times that night thinking about what happened. The next day I avoided him and didn't make eye contact with him at all during class. After about a week of me ignoring him he cornered me one day after class and asked me if I was ok. I just mumbled yup I'm good. I was such an idiot. The opportunity that I probably missed out on with him was huge. We never did anything again mostly because I was too scared. On the night of my graduation from high school I ran into him outside the place we had our ceremony. He came right up to me and we talked for about 5 minutes and he told me to look him up that summer for a job with his landscaping company. That's a whole other story and one of my most awesome experiences with another guy.

Eventually these will get to real sex instead of mostly jacking off. I promise. Thanks everyone.

Next: Chapter 6

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