Tim and Me

By nickkk18

Published on Apr 19, 2020


This is a follow up to my first story "Tim and me". Tim is not in this story, but this took place around the same time. Like the first story this is completely true.

The neighborhood I grew up in had a ton of kids in it. We all played and hung out together most of the time and rarely ever let outsiders in. Towards the end of my sophomore year when I was almost 16 a new family moved in down the street from us. They had two kids, one a boy and one a girl, but they were younger than me. The boy's name was David and at the time he was in 8th grade. I didn't really pay that much attention to him other than when we were playing football or basketball. The kid was good so I always wanted him on my team. He was cute too and I mean ridiculously cute, but I was always more interested in older guys so for most of that school year I didn't pay much attention to him.

Summer changed that.

We would all go to the neighborhood pool which was about 4 blocks away. David's parents asked me if I would go with him the first few times since he didn't know that many people yet and I told them I would be happy to show him around. The first day at the pool was uneventful until David and I walked home together. As we got closer to his house he asked if I wanted to come in and watch tv or play some video games. I was not really interested, but the kid asked so sincerely I kind of felt obligated. We went in his room and he grabbed a towel off the chair in front of his desk and started taking off his clothes while I looked at his video collection. I glanced over at him and almost fainted. This kid was hot as fuck naked and I mean hot. He was almost as tall as me which was around 6' 2" at the time and lean and muscular. Not the huge muscles of a body builder but just the muscles of an athlete. From what I could see there wasn't a stitch of hair on him either. It's funny how a moment like that can change everything. I got an immediate boner and did everything in my power to cover it up. I was able to check him out for a few minutes while he dried off his body and hair and then I told him I had to run home to cut the grass or my parents would kill me. He looked pretty disappointed, but I told him I would pick him up the next day to go to the pool again. I immediately ran home to jack off.

I spent the next day with him at the pool and enjoyed checking him out, but in the back of my mind I kept thinking it wasn't right because I was almost 2&1/2 years older than him. I decided to back off a little and over the next few weeks I maintained a good distance from him except when we played basketball on his driveway with some of the other kids in the neighborhood. Toward the beginning of July, we were playing bball when his mom came out and told David he needed to come in for the night to take a shower because he had to get up early the next day to register for school. David was pretty pissed off at his mom, but relented and told a few of us to come to his window in 10 min so we could talk and hang out. This was a pretty common practice in our neighborhood. Any kid that was grounded or just in trouble we would end up tapping on their window and talking until late. So myself and a few other kids went to Davids window and waited until the light came on. When he came in the room he was dressed in a towel and nothing else and those feelings I had tried to squelch came roaring back. The kid was hot. I was happy there were other people there including a few girls that definitely had the hots for David. We ended up talking to him for about an hour and one by one everyone had to go home because it was almost midnight. This entire time David stayed dressed in only his towel but amazingly I didn't get hard. After the last person left and it was just David and me, we started talking about the girls that were there and it got pretty hot. I could tell David was hard under the towel and I was too in my shorts. Man I was so nervous. He kept rubbing his dick through the towel so I decided to start rubbing mine through my shorts. After a few minutes of this he just asked me if I wanted to jack off with him. I told him I couldn't do it outside. What if someone came by or something. He told me that I could climb in his window and we could do it in his room, so I agreed and climbed in. Once I get inside he told me to wait a sec and made sure his parents were in bed. When he came back he just took off his towel and told me to sit next to him and I pushed down my shorts and started jacking off too. We both just exploded. I remember mine shooting over my head. We cleaned up and I told him I had to go and said I would see him tomorrow. Two days later I jacked him off in his back yard at night when he snuck out to hang out. Unlike Tim, David would jack me off too. For the rest of that summer until school started we would meet a few times a week and get naked and jack off together. Of all the "straight" guys I ever did anything with, David was the sweetest and nicest and best looking one. He started dating girls when school started in the Fall, and that ended our short but fun times together. Because of the age difference I didn't really maintain a friendship with him, but I would see him in the neighborhood from time to time. David ended up playing division one basketball for a large college near us and married one of the girls in the neighborhood. We have re-connected in the last few years, but neither of us has ever mentioned those late night hook ups. Let me know what you guys think of this story. I am not the greatest writer, but I am having fun remembering these fun times. I have many more stories and more that have actual sex in them from during this time, including my first time with a girl.

Next: Chapter 3

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