Tim and Dave

By Luke Rim

Published on Nov 1, 2005


Legal Stuff; This story is an original work of fiction. The author retains all rights to this story. Do not download, copy, post and/or link this story or any portion thereof without the express written permission of the author. The characters, places, events and situations depicted are fictional. Any similarity to actual persons, places, events and/or situations is purely coincidental. This story includes explicit descriptions of sex between men. If this offends you, if you are under the age of 18, or if it is against the law where you reside to be reading such things , please do not read any further, this is written for mature, consenting adults only.

James escorted us to the bathtub where he had prepared a warm bubble bath. As I followed Tim's nice firm ass into the tub I thought to myself, I haven't had a bubble bath in 20 years! As As I began washing Tim's back he whispered to me that James might want to join us. I looked over at James and said, after what we have been through tonight, get that suit off and get you ass in here! It took him about 2 seconds to drop the speedo and join us. His Cock was hard and was leaking precum, I presume from watching Tim fuck my brains out a minute ago. I was seated behind Tim, so James took a position facing Tim. We washed each other and played grabass causing water to splash out of the tub in vast amounts. James said not to worry as there was a floor drain for such situations. When we got out of the tub I noticed James was still hard, so I asked him if he needed some help with his cock. James said, I don't know how to say this, or even how to ask this, and maybe it is totally improper, and I could get fired but, I jumped in and said, WHAT IS IT YOU WANT TO DO?? James replied, I would like, if it would be okay, for Tim to fuck me with that huge cock. Tim had been admiring James' 8" and was already hard again. Tim said, James I have always wanted to fuck a big muscle bound guy like you, but have always been afraid to ask for fear of getting my ass kicked. I then told James I had always wanted to watch someone taking Tim's cock and James said, at this pont, I don't care who is watching, "Lets Get er Done" and with that he bent over the tub. I grabbed some lube and put a generous amount on Tim's cock, then started on James' ass. He was tight, I knew Tim was going to love this. I started with one finger, then two, three and by the time I was using four fingers, James was dancing a little. I asked James if he was ready and he said now or never! Tim lined up and started mounting James from the rear. James let out a gasp and yelled, oh my god,it is HUGE, ooohhhh Shit!! Tim told James to push to let him in, which James did and seemed to help. Tim slowly but surely drove the monster home. Once he was all the way in, Tim stopped to let James get adjusted. James yelled, GO! FUCK ME!! And with that Tim started long dicking James nice and slow. James was grunting and groaning then said, Tim, do it right dammit, start pumping! Tim said, okay, you asked for it and started pumping so hard his balls were slapping James' ass. James was really becoming vocal, OH YEAH, THAT'S IT, BRING IT ON!! OH, OH. I was really hot watching this and decided to join in the fun. So I said, James, this is for knocking out two of Benny's teeth. I then sat between his legs and took his precum soaked cock all the way to the pubes. All I heard was, aaaagggghhhhhh and then felt his ball sac draw up and he started dispensing cum like a water hose. It was WAY more than I could take, so I disconnected and he shot cum in my eye, hair, face and chest before I could get out of the way. When he started cumming, James' ass clamped down on Tim's cock and now Tim was yelling, OH SHIT, OH FUCK, OHHH, and then he fired his load into James. Now I'm sitting on the floor with a raging erection. James, the ever present gentleman giant, looked at my cock and said, may I? I said, just do it! James had one of the hottest mouths my cock had ever been it! He swallowed me to the pubes and started humming which vibrated my cock, then sucked it like a vacuum, I had NEVER experienced such a sensation or anything like it in the past. To my disappointment I shot a load in no time at all!

We were all laying on the bathroom floor panting when I heard, WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE??? Holy Shit! It was Larry, the owner of the condo, standing there, red faced, with his hands on his hips. The first thing out of his mouth was, James you are FIRED. Williams, you have taken full advantage of my generosity and our friendship. I have never been so hurt in my life! How can you call yourself my friend and then do this!! Take your buddies Tim, and James if you want, and get the fuck out of my condo immediately. If you are not out of here in one hour, I will call the police and have your sorry asses thrown out. I thought to myself, Shit, I guess Larry is ultra straight!

I grabbed a towel and ran after Larry apologizing if we had offended him. I asked what he was doing there so late anyway. Larry said his policy is to be called anytime the police or fire department come to the complex. Since the call involved the police, fire department, AND an ambulance, to THIS condo, he was afraid Benny had done something terrible. He had tried to call and when there was no answer he came in person to check on things, and that is when he saw our little party going on!

How could you do such a thing to me? How could I have known you for so long and not known you like men? What did you do to James? He has worked for me for 5 years! He has BEAUTIFUL women chasing him all the time! By the way, I presume the blond is Tim. Now I'm not into men, and I've never much more than glance at another man's cock, but I am here to tell you, that boy has the biggest cock I have ever seen in my life! About that time James came walking out of the bathroom, or trying to walk. After the fucking Tim gave him, he could barely walk at all! He looked so pathetic that Larry and I both busted out laughing. James said, it doesn't matter cause I'm fired anyway, but what just happened to me was a REAL FUCKING!! I can't even walk, I think my ass is going to hurt for at least a week! Tim then come out and said, Mr. Winters, please forgive me, I am so sorry we offended you, I know for a fact, none of us would have participated in this if we thought you would be so upset. It was meant to be a private time, in a private place, I am so sorry, please forgive me and please don't let this break your friendship with Mr. Williams. We all had a terrible time with my father tonight, and as you may or may not know, my father was taken to jail after he assaulted me and the police chief. What you saw was the end of a stress relieving event for all of us, it has been a very trying day for all of us, please, please forgive me. You have no idea how much I appreciate all you have done for me by allowing me full use of the condo and facilities. I will do anything you ask to make up for this, anything at all.

Larry stood and said, I used a pass key and I invaded your privacy. I must say I don't in any way condone what transpired, but as you say, it was something meant to be between consenting adults in a private setting. I suppose I over reacted, but I have never witness anything like that in my life, and believe me, I have seen a lot, or until now, I thought I had seen a lot, but now I think I can say I have seen it all! To me this is all out of wack, but so is the whole world I guess.

Anyway, if Benny is out of the picture, you can spend the rest of the week in the condo, but I have a really excellent client that wants the place for a year. I get $35,000.00 a month for all you get here, Food, Booze, a Personal Assistant like James, the best in Security and use of all of the Facilities. It means $420,000.00 to me, and since the threat is over for now, I need to rent the condo. It is more a financial decision than anything else.

James, you can keep your job, at least I now know you won't be screwing any of the clients wives here in the complex. Are there any more like you around? James replied, I can only continue my employment here if I know I still have your full trust. Please believe me when I say this is the first time I have ever interacted with any guest in the five years I have worked for you. Please be assured that I will never breech your confidence in me again. Larry said to James, like I said you are welcome to keep your job, it will take me a little time to get over this, but, everything will be fine, please go to your quarters. James smiled and limped into his room.

Larry then looked at Tim and said, Tim, I did this for you because I was raised by an abusive father. I know what goes on in a dysfunctional home and wanted to offer the condo to make your father jealous, and maybe to get even with my father, I don't know for sure. I guess, as I settle down a little, your sexual preference should not enter into this even if I don't agree with it.. For all I know, I could have turned out the same way if things had been a little different early in life.

As for you Williams, I will never see you in the same light again, but we will remain friends I am sure. If any of you run into problems with Benny in the future let me know, I have a leal staff that can out lawyer anyone in this town and most other towns. Okay guys, I'm out of here, let me know when you have cleared out so I can get everything ready for the new client.

I was exhausted, but deeply troubled over this turn of events with Larry. I gave Tim a hug and kiss then told him I needed to get home. I also told him to get a phone number for James as I was planning on having a party and wanted to invite James and his speedo to a pool party.

As I was leaving, James came out of his room and said, thank you for one of the most wonderful nights I have ever had. All I usually do is stand around and kiss peoples ass and take abuse and be the brunt of jokes. You and Tim made me feel like a person again which is why I let my guard down and participated in the fun. Mr. Winters has no idea that half of his male clients want me in the tub with them and order me to suck or fuck them. That aside, again, I want to say thank you to you and Tim for being such wonderful people and reminding me that not all people are rich demanding snobs.

I told James I could always find a job for him if he needed one and to give Tim the information on how to contact him, that we would be having a party soon and wanted to invite him. James smiled a big smile and said that it would be wonderful to join us in the future!

There was an inmate by the name of BUBBA who happened to be black, and stood 6'6" and weighed about 240 lbs. Bubba was one of the nicest and most gentle man that you could meet. However, Bubba did like what he called "fresh meat". These days, Bubba was in a cell by himself because he punked (fucked) every cell mate he had ever had. That's why he is still in jail, he kept getting charged with raping cell mates and his sentence just got longer. Now the Chief and Bubba got along well because the Chief would give Bubba cigarettes and easy details, like washing cars. Bubba also knew that sometimes the Chief would send him a new cell mate, or some "fresh meat". The Chief stopped by and told Bubba some asshole had kicked him in the nuts and should be taught a lesson. He then introduced Bubba to his new cell mate, Benny. You know, life is a bitch sometimes, especially when your court papers get lost, or whatever, and it takes a week or two with Bubba before things set sorted out....Oh well....

About a month later, Benny got out of jail and was never seen again. For some reason Bubba is still smiling. I guess Benny didn't like us enough to say good bye.

We could never find the right to get Shawn out for a visit. He said he couldn't come unless his girlfriend could come with him, and finding a time where both of them could be off during the same week seemed impossible.

I had the pool party to celebrate Benny leaving town. The only requirement to get in the party was you had to wear a speedo. I wish you could have seen Tim's totally awesome package in that speedo and Dave never looked better either, he displays a bone throwing package in a speedo also. James and two of his friends from the condo joined us as well. I just stood around drinking beer and drooling at these drop dead gorgeous guys, knowing this was going to be the best evening of my life!

Because of some sudden and extraordinary job demands this must end the story, I just don't have the time to continue.

A BIG Thank You goes out to all of you that took time to send me an email. Again, a special Thanks to JOHN for the most incredible photos, You Are Da MAN!!


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