Tim and Dave

By Luke Rim

Published on Oct 19, 2005


Legal Stuff; This story is an original work of fiction. The author retains all rights to this story. Do not download, copy, post and/or link this story or any portion thereof without the express written permission of the author. The characters, places, events and situations depicted are fictional. Any similarity to actual persons, places, events and/or situations is purely coincidental. This story includes explicit descriptions of sex between men. If this offends you or if it is against the law for you to be reading such things where you are, please do not read any further.

Tim & Dave Part 3

When I awoke the next morning, still laying in my arms was Tim, the most beautiful site I had awoken to in many, many years. Tim seemed to have a slight smile on his beautiful face, his wheat blond hair shone as the morning sun came through the window. I pull the sheet back slightly and marveled at his young hard body, words are too few when trying to described the rugged and chiseled features I was taking in. I couldn't resist checking to see if he had a morning hard-on, so I peeked under the sheets a little further down and sure enough, there was his 13 inches of rock hard cock looking straight up at me. I was so turned on by drinking in his total beauty that couldn't help but take that monster cock in my mouth and suck it like a hoover vacuum. Tim stirred and began rubbing the back of my head and pumping his hips to mouth fuck me as I sucked his wonderful cock.

I gently massage his giant nuts and he began moaning loudly. It wasn't long before I got the breakfast of champions, several squirts of hot cum right out of the best tasting spigot I ever had in my mouth. As Tim lay in the bed enjoying the aftermath of his wake-up blow job, I jumped out of bed and got in the shower. A few minutes later, I heard Tim come in the bathroom and take a healthy piss. The shower door opened and to my delight, Tim jumped in the shower with me, grabbed the soap and started washing my back. Tim's strong hands felt so good as they massaged my back and shoulders, I could have stood there all morning if Tim was willing. He started kissing the back of my neck as he soaped my ass, then reached around and soaped up my rock hard cock and tight nut sac, I thought I would shoot my load right then.

I turned around and we embraced, Tim put his head on my shoulder while holding me tight, my rock hard cock felt so good as it was pressed against Tim's strong stomach. By now the water had washed the soap from my cock and Tim dropped to his knees and took my cock in his hot mouth, it was a wonderful feeling, and just when I thought it couldn't get any better, he slipped a finger in my soapy ass and began sucking harder, fingering my ass and jacking me for all he was worth. I shot my load in no time at all and Tim took every drop of my cum, just as I had done for him earlier. We finished bathing each other and took our time drying off one another. As I was toweling Tim dry, I was able to kiss him gently and lovingly all over his entire body, it was a very erotic moment. Tim said he had to hit the gym before going to work, so he got dressed, gave me a kiss, said, "see ya at the office" and bolted out the door. Now I love going to the gym, and I pride myself in the way I take care of my body, but I'm not one who likes to workout in the mornings.

I was absolutely glowing as I went into the kitchen, got some coffee and sat there thinking about everything that has happened since I first encountered Tim. I think I am falling in love with this kid, but I know I am too old for him. What the fuck, I'm going to have fun while I can that is for sure.

When I got to the office, there was a note on my desk indicating Ellen, the head of Human Resources, wanted to see me, so I went to her office to see what the problem was. Apparently the older guy in shipping had filed a complaint with some federal agency saying we discriminated against him because of his age when we gave Tim the shipping managers job. I'm still thinking how wonderful it was to have sucked Tim's cock this morning and how incredible it was to dry that hard body, and now this. I told Ellen the suit was a bunch of bullshit, and she said, that may be so, but we have to answer this complaint or we get fined or sued or both. What a wonderful way to start the day. I went back to the shipping department just in time to hear Ray, the older guy, call Tim a "little fucker" and then I saw him take a swing at Tim.

I stepped in the middle of both of them and asked what in the hell was going on. I wanted to kick the living shit out of Ray for fucking with Tim, but that would just get us both in trouble, plus, Tim was much more able to take care of the situation than I was. I again asked what was going on, and Tim said he had done some research and found that by changing the way the shipping department did a few things he could reduce the redundant paperwork, get things computerized and increase productivity. Ray was pissed because he did not know how to use a computer and had loudly told Tim in front of others that he had no intention of learning how to use a fucking computer, and furthermore, he could stick his computer up his ass. Ray then told everyone standing around he was suing the company and he was going to be the new boss in the shipping department very soon, AND THEN, "Things would be done the same way as we have always done them". Apparently someone had called the front offices because when I turned around the President of the company and Ellen were standing right behind me. When the President asked me what I was going on I explained that Tim was trying to increase productivity and bring the shipping department into the 21st century and Ray was opposed to any changes being made. The president told Ray he did not have a problem with changes being made for the good of the company, and said that is why we put a young man like Tim in the position.

Ray said, if you think I am going to learn how to run a computer and work for that little fucker, you are out of your mind! The President informed Ray that he would not be intimidated by him or his law suit and that Tim will remain the boss even if it means promoting him to a higher position if Ray were to win his suit. Seeing that he was in a losing situation, Ray told the President to go fuck himself and said, I QUIT!. I told Ellen to cut Ray a final paycheck before he changed his mind. The President said, there is no changing his mind, if he doesn't quit he is fired! I thought to myself, that problem just took care of its self!! I looked at Tim and winked, he just smiled and said he would start implementing the changes right away. Noting how the President backed Tim, everyone standing around went back to work as soon as Ray stomped off.. Tim told the President and I that he would need two or three new computers and the necessary networking equipment to make it all work. The President told me to make sure Tim got whatever he needs and he and Ellen walked off. I started to tell the President, trust me, I'm going to give Tim ALL he needs, but kept it to myself. Tim was beside himself with joy, he had thought for certain Ray would win the argument and he would be demoted. I told Tim to keep up the good work and asked him to use UPS a little more often.

Later that afternoon, Dave came in with a UPS priority envelope which I signed for. Dave started to say something about the last time he was in my office and I told him to forget about it. I then noticed Dave winch in pain as he lowered his arm with the clipboard. I asked him what that was all about and he said he had hurt his shoulder lifting weights at the gym the other day and it felt like something was pinching in his shoulder. I told him to turn around and I started massaging his shoulders. The muscles were really very tight so I knew he was hurting. Dave said "I'll give you 30 minutes to stop dong that" and laughed. I told Dave I had a massage table at home and if he would like, I would try to work the knots out for him. Dave looked around to make sure no one was listening and said, oh yeah, right, like you could really do that, you just want to suck my dick! I said, well maybe that too, but I really can help your back, I promise. I then gave him my address and telephone number then patted him on the ass as he left.

By now it was close to quitting time, so I wandered to the shipping area to look for Tim. When I got there one of the guys said Tim was in purchasing trying to get them to order the computers. He then said, we are sure seeing a lot more of you since Tim took over, you never came back here in the past. I told them I was just checking to make sure Tim was doing his job. John, who has worked in shipping for several years said, I hate to admit it, but I think Tim is going to be really good for this department. He is young, energetic and wants to do things that will eventually make our jobs easier, we have been in a rut back here for a long time. I told John that is exactly why we put Tim in the position and I appreciated his input. As I was leaving, I told John to come to me if there were any problems that Tim could not work around or if someone was giving him a bunch of shit like Ray had done. All in all, it turned out to be a pretty good day at the office.

I got home and was kicking back enjoying a nice cold beer when the phone rang. I answered and the caller said, hey man, this is Dave, my fucken shoulder is killing me, do you really think you can help? I said all I can do is try and told him to take some ibuprofen to help with the pain and inflamation and come on over.

I have given and received many massages and I know it is really hard to get tight shoulder and back muscles to relax. I also knew if this worked out right, Dave and I would both be VERY happy with the results.

When Dave arrived, he was wearing grey gym shorts, a white t-shirt and sneakers. When I looked at him I could see that he was carrying his right shoulder higher than the left, and that his neck was stiff. I asked Dave how in the hell things had gotten so bad since I last saw him. Looking down at the floor Dave said, I went to the gym to try & work the soreness out, but all it did was make things worse. I said, YOU THINK? You dumb ass, come with me. I took Dave into the spare bedroom where I have the massage table set up and told him to strip & lay face down on the table. I went to get the oil I had warming and when I returned, Dave was still on the table and was still fully dressed. Dave said, I'm really hurting man and was rubbing his shoulder. I told him I needed to get his clothes off for the massage and then took his T-shirt and pulled it over his head. It was all Dave could do to get his right arm up high enough to get the shirt off. I told Dave to lay back on the table, and as he did, I told Dave to raise his hips so I could remove his shorts.

With his hips up I pulled his shorts off which revealed his ample package nicely displayed in his Jockstrap. I wanted to jump on that package that I had fantasied over for so long and suck his cock through his jockstrap. However, Dave was in pain and I thought he would probably shit on my table if I dove on his cock. When I reached up to remove the Jockstrap Dave said "That too?" I said the massage goes much better if you are completely nude, but if you want to keep it on it is okay. To that Dave said, I hurt so fucken bad, do whatever you want to do. I thought to myself, careful what you say, and reached up and removed the jock. What I saw next took me completely by surprise, Dave was completely clean shaven, no pubic hair anywhere! His balls were as smooth as a baby's ass. His cock was cut, above average in size, and his nuts were more than ample. When I looked up at Dave he had this shit eating grin and said, my wife doesn't like pubic hair. I said, you are a lying sack of shit, you have been stringing me along on all this time, you don't have girlfriends, you have boyfriends!! Dave said, look man, if my wife finds out my marriage is over and I can lose my job if I fuck around with my customers. I've known for a long time you wanted to get in my pants, but I could never let on that the feeling was mutual. But after you grabbed my cock in your office that day and when you massaged my shoulders this morning, I knew I had to take a chance. Having said that, man, I'm really hurting, can you actually help me. I leaned down and kissed his cock and said, rollover you little cocksucker!

Dave had a hard time rolling over so I knew he had really hurt himself. I saw that he was a little uncomfortable, so I repositioned his cock so he could better relax. I knew the muscles in Dave's shoulders and back were so tight that a regular massage would not provide the relieve he needed and I already had some hot towels ready for use. I rubbed some analgesic balm on his back and shoulders and placed the hot towels on him. I told Dave to take some deep breaths and try to relax. While the towels were doing their work, I started to work on Dave's feet. I massages each foot gently but firmly noticing the many callouses he had from being on his feel all day every day. I moved up to his well tanned and very strong calves. Using long strokes I went from the calves all the way up his thighs and onto his buttocks, a move that brought a moan of pleasure from Dave. I then began massaging the inside of his thighs and ever so gently, yet intentionally, brushed his hairless nut sac and the head of that nice cock, this brought more moans of pleasure! I then began the joyful task of massaging that wonderful, firm butt. As I spread open the cheeks of his ass, I saw that area was also completely hairless. I could not help myself as I ran my tongue in the crack of his ass and began to rim his tight hole. Dave moaned and said, please don't stop, that feels sooooo, good! I love playing with a man's ass and I love to get rimmed myself, therefore, I always do to another man those things that I love to have done to me. Apparently Dave likes the same things I do because he kept raising his ass so I could get my tongue in deeper, he was squirming around wildly as I sucked and tongued his ass . By now the towels had started to cool, so I had to leave his ass and get started on his shoulders and back.

Applying hot oil, I again used very firm, long strokes and rotations to get the muscles to loosen up. The long strokes from the top of the shoulders, down the back and across his butt would include a finger in the ass on the return stroke. I had to really work hard before the muscles finally started to loosen, but as they did, Dave became more and more relaxed. As I worked quietly, methodically and slowly, Dave fell asleep, a sign I had done my job as best I could. I obtained more warm towels and applied them to Dave's strong back. As Dave slept, I gently massaged his ass and legs. My cock was so hard, I dropped my shorts and while enjoying the sight of Dave's naked body, I started jacking off. Just then Dave came out of his slumber and reached out and began rubbing my ass. I moved closer to his willing hand, totally enjoying his playing with my ass and my balls. All Dave said was, "you are good, come around here" with that he drew me to him and began sucking my throbbing cock. I had always thought it would be the other way around, I always had envisioned secretly sucking his cock in my office. Dave definitely knew what he was doing, his mouth was on fire, his tongue worked the head of my cock for all it was worth. I loved the blow job, but moved away before I shot my load. I told Dave we were only half done, and it was time for him to turn over. I repositioned the warm towels so that they would continue heating Dave's back while I worked on the front. I loved the fact that Dave had a 7 - 8 inch raging hard-on when he rolled over. I told Dave to close his eyes and completely relax as I applied the oil to his well defined chest. I began using circular motions, and each time the back of my hand, or my are would brush against his cock it would jump up.

I tweaked his nipples making them hard, then moved to the side to side strokes as I sucked on his nipples. Precum was flowing from Dave's cock, but it wasn't time for that just yet. I moved to his legs, massaging them while paying special attention to the inner thighs and those wonderful balls. I noticed Dave rubbing his hand on some of the area I had just applied oil to, he then grabbed my cock and started jacking me off, then he stuck an oiled finger in my ass and grabbed my cock with his other hand to continue jacking me off. All I could do was stand there and enjoy the tremendous feeling of my fantasy UPS driver playing with my ass and jacking my rock hard cock. I told Dave I was going to cum and he jacked me with increased speed, I let out a loud groan and shot my load all over Dave's chest, he kept Jacking and the sensitive head of my cock was going wild as squirt after squirt of cum shot from my cock. Dave then ran a finger through my cum and put it in his mouth and smiled. I dove on his cock with my mouth and he grabbed the back of my head and mouth fucked me until he blew his load causing me to gag on the torrent of sweet cum as I tried to swallow all I could. Dave just laid there saying, holy shit, that was unbelievable as his cock softened in my mouth. I took a towel and wiped all of the cum and excess oil from his completely smooth and shaved body. I asked Dave to sit up and tell me how he felt. Thankfully the massage had loosened the shoulders somewhat and he had regained most of the motion in his arm. I gave Dave some water to drink and told him the best thing he could do is take a nice hot bath to finish loosening the muscles. Dave said the only had a shower in his apartment, so I prepared a nice hot bath with epson salt and told him to dive in and just relax.

After about 30 minutes Dave came out of the bathroom drying himself off and looking for his clothes. I asked how he felt and he said he felt wonderful and that the pain was almost completely gone. He then asked "how can I ever repay you?" I told him I would think of something and I am sure I will .

I love receiving email from readers, please eamil tsnstory@yahoo.com if you would like If you think I should write part 4.

Next: Chapter 4

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