
By Carl Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Nov 25, 2006


Warning: This story is PORNO.

I have tried my hand at friction, now I'm trying fiction. This story contains vivid descriptions of sexual activity between a man and teen boy. It contains no truth, partial truth, or half truth. What it does contain is stroking material. If this kind of story turns you off, please find something else.

The author does not encourage or condone sex between adults and underage children.

If you are underage, or this is illegal where you are, then please go away. If you're under 18, come back when it is legal for you to read this smut. If you lied about your age in order to access this story, remember this is our story. Life doesn't always work out like a story.

This story is copyrighted 2004, 2006. It is therefore illegal to copy or use any part of this story without my written permission.

I sat before my computer. Big tears ran down my face. I couldn't believe what I saw on my screen. E-mail, of all the fucking ways to find out it was in an e-mail. Oh well, the way things are I guess that was probably for the best. He did look so happy standing there with his new born son in his arms. The brat looked like a new born baby. Go figure. He was all red and hairless. His fat little face all twisted up and featureless. I should be happy for him but my heart hurt.

I mean my heart really hurt. I felt like crying. I tried to turn the computer off. I managed to disconnect from the internet but the picture stayed on my screen as I looked at his face. He was beaming with pride as he held a tiny him in his arms. Twenty and a half inches of baby boy weighing eight pounds eight ounces. I studied the picture and got sick to my stomach as I thought about how that little bundle in blue had come to be. Tim had to have his long thick object of my desire inside of something that made my stomach turn. His precious seed had been sent forth to an unrecoverable domain and had turned into a little red faced prune wrapped in a hospital, baby blue blanket.

Tim had lived with me for the remainder of his junior and through the summer but just before school started for the fall term something happened. Tim was very upset. He wouldn't talk to me except to say that he was sorry. He had done it to himself and there was nobody to blame. He had all of his things packed into his car then he came back to me. He held me in a long embrace and ground his hardness into me as the tears ran down his face. He asked me if I could fuck him goodbye.

I wanted to know what was going on but Tim only quieted me with his febrile kisses. He was so full of passion but I could sense the end. I knew in my heart that we were not through. Tim was loving me. There was something about which he could not tell me. I know enough about people to let them have their space. I held Tim tight to me and missed him, terribly. I wasn't sure how I would carry on without him.

At four thirty August 24th Tim drove away from our apartment. I did not see him again for several weeks. He did not come to church. Mark did not want to talk to me about him. I had to let it go. I am old enough to be the boy's great grandfather. I had no business pursuing something in which I was no longer wanted.

Mark's parents were church leaders and they have shared some of Tim's problems with his family's lifestyle. They had no problem with Tim living with me. Of course the pastor knows of my past. My pastor is a strong fundamentalist preacher. She loves to preach against pornography and the hold that it has on so many people in today's world. I wonder what her reaction will be when it is discovered that I write porn. She knows that Tim was having problems at home and had moved in with me. I have always wondered if she suspects anything between Tim and me. I am sure that she knows that he had moved out also.

My e-mail on Tuesday morning, the 26th of September said it all:

"Proud Parents, Timothy XXXX and Meg XXXX, are happy to announce the birth of their son, Timothy XXXX Jr.!!!! Born Monday, September 25th, 8:22 pm, at University Pediatrics Center. TJ (as Tim has decided to nickname him) weighed 8lbs 8oz and was 20 1/2 inches long."

October the seventh I went to church. Tim came in carrying TJ in his little car seat. Tim took the tiny baby from its safety equipment and laid him in my arms. I locked eyes with Tim as we sat and wordlessly spoke volumes to each other.

I looked about the church. Most of the members know that Tim was staying with me during the previous school year. Now he is out of my house and sitting here with his two week old son. I could hear the dirty minds at work.

I live over thirty miles from the church that I attend. There is another family that lives nearby and we have been car pooling of late. With gasoline at three dollars a gallon it gets expensive to make that drive across town. We are sharing expenses and we enjoy the companionship. Tim asked their permission to drive me home. We had planned to have lunch together. They invited him to join us. He looked at me and accepted.

Little girls spend their entire life being mommy to a baby doll. When the opportunity to hold a real live baby their little hearts go pitty pat. Tim found himself surrounded with eager young faces wanting to hold and mother his son. Tim welcomed the break. He tapped me on the leg and nodded toward the restroom. I went first.

Tim stepped into the restroom and grabbed my hand. He led me to the end handicap stall and shut the door behind himself. He grabbed me and pulled us together for a long hard kiss. His hands were hard against the back of my head with no movement whatsoever. I could feel his body tremble as his tongue probed every nook and cranny inside my mouth. "I love you." It was a flat statement. No emphasis, no emotion. It was just said. His eyes glistened.

The restroom door opened and footsteps came across the room. Mark's voice spoke, "Open the door." Tim opened the door. Mark looked at him with an expression that I have never seen on the boy before. The restroom door opened again and Mark's dad stepped in. He stepped back against the door, as if to guard against anyone entering. He nodded his head. Sixteen year old Mark grabbed me and rammed his tongue down my throat. He packed more emotion in that one kiss then I have ever experienced from anyone except Tim.

Mark turned to Tim and with pure venom in his voice he said, "You hurt him once. Do it again and I will kill you." He walked toward his dad who simply opened the restroom door and the pair made their exit. Tim led me over to the lavatories and washed his face of the tear stains. He wet a paper towel and washed my face as he kissed my cheeks and nose, and forehead, and everywhere he could reach. Again a flat, "I love you."

The sermon had its way of cutting to the heart. The pastor is a powerful preacher and an excellent teacher. She knows her Bible and she speaks Greek and Hebrew. She is able to tell the stories, as they were written. So much is lost in translations. I have been teaching myself Greek so that I can have a better understanding of the true meaning of so much the Bible. I love to argue the point that Jesus was crucified on Wednesday and arose on Saturday evening. When it is read in the Greek it is all very clear but man loves to change things. They don't want to study the Bible to see that the day ends and begins at sunset, not at midnight. When the Word says that Jesus arose early on the first day the want to leave out the next line that says, "While it was still light out." Duhhh, how many rocket scientists does it take to realize that they are talking about the dusk of the day, not the dawn.

Truly enlightened in the words of Paul, and his admonitions not to lie with man as a woman, I helped Tim gather TJ's things and get the baby secured into the car. Tim asked me if I saw how the pastor kept looking him in the eye as she preached against the abomination that is homosexuality. I assured him that she still loved him.

We met our friends at a large all-you-can-eat restaurant chain. Twenty other church members were there so we took a whole corner of the dining room to ourselves. I was overwhelmed by the wealth of support from each of them as they welcomed Tim back. I was surprised to see my son and my grandson come over to say hello to several of the old members that my son had grown up with. Little Sean, my fourteen year old grandson, came over and gave me a big hug and told me that he loved his pappa. I am not allowed to see the boy because I am a convicted queer. That's my son's words, not the law. My son nodded at me and smiled then the two of them left. They left many wagging tongues behind as my church family felt that he was wrong not to be nearer to me.

Tim drove me home and took TJ to my bed. He had me come to sit beside him as he changed the boy. I didn't need to smell that but I helped anyway. Tim laid the baby on the far side of the bed then he unfastened my pants. He knows that the first thing I normally do when I get home is get naked. I hate binding clothes and most of all shoes. I am a bare footer. Tim removed his own clothes then told me it was time for lay activities, a running joke at church about the laity going home for a nap after church. I mean it is a day of rest so come on.

Tim pulled up close to me and let his hardness rest against my side where it felt at home. He put his head on my left shoulder. He kissed my cheek and in a flat tone, "It is true. I love you." and he was asleep. I lay there in mental turmoil as I tried to figure out what was going on. I eventually slipped off into dream land where I had a most pleasant experience.

I awakened at four to find that it was not all a dream. Tim was mounted on me. He had brought me to erection and slid down on me then stretched his long thin body out over me in love. His rectal muscles were massaging me to real good feel good as he lay almost motionless with a deep look of concentration on his face and eyes pierced into mine. "Will you let me come home, daddy?" He only calls me daddy when I am up in him and he is at his most happy spot. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him as tight as I could.

"I have baggage with me this time. Can he come too?"

"Have you been gone? This is your home anytime you wish to make it so." Our tongues got tied together. We may seek an orthodontist to separate us, next week sometime.

Before Tim had come to live with me he was in constant turmoil at his family's home. His parents were into substances and were most often high. They had not been good parents to him or his siblings. His kid brother was now fourteen and into several drugs himself and was already in trouble with the law. Tim had seen that coming and he had argued with his parents who were totally indifferent.

During his school break this past winter the parents had let several young people come over for party. Meg was one of the girls at that party. She had rubbed her sexy little body all over Tim and one thing and then another. This had sickened Tim. He is a virile male and he responded to her wiles as she had hoped he would. His mother had encouraged him to be a man. She had her thoughts about Tim and Mark and their closeness. Mark is almost four years Tim's junior and she felt that it was an unnatural thing for the two boys to spend so much time with each other. She was very opposed to Tim going to church with Mark and his family. She knew that church people would not abide by her life style.

Tim and Meg had joined in union several times over a three day period but when he awakened from his haze he realized that he had been under the influence of something himself. He stayed with Mark's family for the next two weeks and plotted to move into my house. I was surprised to find out that Mark's father had been a major mover for that to happen. He had primed me, subtly with statements about Tim's home life and his need to be in a stable Christian environment with someone he could love and trust. A strange choice of words at the time..

Tim and Mark's family's live in a very remote rural area making some choices more difficult. One choice that Mark's family had made was to not send their children to public schools, and for good reason. The nearest church school of our denomination is well over forty miles from their home and it would be virtually impossible for the three boys to get to and from each day. Therefore, Mark's grandmother and mother home schooled the boys.

Tim moved into my house the second week of January. He had no more contact with his family, with Meg, or with any of the rest of his old acquaintances from his past life. He was unaware of Meg's pregnancy until he ran into her father in early August.

Tim was shaken. He wanted to do what was right by the baby but he felt himself used. The father was adamant that Tim would take care of his responsibilities. He told Tim that his daughter was only fifteen and that he would bring charges of statutory rape down on his head because he was of the age of majority.

Mark's father had come to me in early September, just before the baby had been born. He had asked me about the age laws in the state of Arizona. I told him that as long as two youngsters were both in highschool and less than two years separated them then consensual sex was legal. He did the math and at the time of conception Meg was twenty two months younger than Tim and Tim was not yet eighteen. That had been great news for Tim.

Tim was counseled to remain in Meg's father's home, where he had moved to, until the baby was born and then he could make his move. On the second day after Meg and the baby were home from the hospital Tim informed them that he was not going to live with them. Meg's father was a drunk. He cursed his family and beat his wife. He beat Meg's brother, with his fists. Tim did not want his son to grow up like that but for sure, he was not going to live there and watch it happen.

Meg's father threatened to beat Tim. Tim stood up to the man and told him that he would not hit him back. Knowing full well that Tim could have him up on assault charges the man backed down. Meg told Tim that she had no use for the baby except to get Tim to marry her. Tim told her that her dream was only that. He would never marry anyone like her from a family like hers. She threatened to put the baby up for adoption. Tim was ready for her.

The next morning Tim drove Meg and the baby, along with all of the baby's belongings to an agency to place the baby in the care of others. Tim let the people at the agency talk until they were blue in the face and still Meg did not want the baby. She wanted to sign the papers and go home.

Tim asked them to go ahead and let her sign the paper work. Once signed Meg sat back with an air of smugness and waited for Tim to sign the papers. The paperwork was never offered to Tim to sign. Meg began to smell a rat but by that time she was handed certified copies of her relinquishment and total severance of her parental rights in the life of one Timothy XXXX Jr.

Tim told her that he had some things to do to make a home for his son and got into his car. She stood there watching him drive away. Meg had to find a friend to pick her up and drive her the twenty miles back to her outlying home where she found her father being placed under arrest for child abuse and battery. Her mother was arrested for being drunk and disorderly and she found herself taken to a juvenile shelter along with her brother where she is still staying.

Tim looked at me from the tops of his eyes as he kept his head bowed. He had been busy taking care of those who had tried to take care of him. His parents were arrested when a full kilo of marijuana was found in the trunk of their car. A search of their home found other substances which were within reach of Tim's siblings. I wonder how far this guy will go for revenge. He assured me that he had not had any part in any of the events. It was sheer circumstance that everything occurred on the day that he took full custody of TJ. I'll let him have the benefit of the doubt. I do love him too.

As things worked out I was very glad to have Tim home. Sunday morning I awakened feeling as if I had just run a marathon race at a high altitude. I could not catch my breath. I was breathing hard and fast but I was getting no oxygen. I had to stand up. To sit down aggravated my dilemma. To lay down would have been the end of me. I realized that I was gurgling when I breathed. I was wheezing, loudly. I could not call out to Tim. I got the telephone and struggled to the front door.

I was on the phone to 911 when Tim came looking for me. He told me that I was as white as a sheet. I wheezed at him that I had a shitty cock. He ran for a warm wash cloth and washed me down but I still could not breathe. I told him to get out of the house. I did not want him to have to answer questions. He grabbed up TJ and slipped out the back door. He sat in his car as the paramedics rushed to my aid.

I was in the midst of full blown cardiac arrhythmia. I was suffering from congestive heart failure. I was drowning in my own juices as my body had filled up with fluids. I spent the day in the ER. My adopted son, Troy came to sit with me. We had no way of getting in touch with Tim. If he was home he was not answering the phone. I was in my underwear and Troy doesn't drive, lost his license because of an excessive number of speeding tickets. It was a Sunday and I had no way home except on a city bus and I had no clothes.

I made it home by one miracle after another. I called the handicap transport which requires a two day lead time. I explained my problem to the dispatcher. He had a driver who was headed home for the day pick me up in under ten minutes.

Tim drove up to my house moments after I arrived. Troy told him not to leave my side for one moment then he set up house on my sofa where he stayed for three days. He called his girlfriend and told her he was needed at my house.

Troy, Tim and I sat and got things straightened out between us. It was clarified that Tim was back home. We were daddies of his baby son and Troy supports us all of the way. Now we will start from there and go forth. Both boys dragged me off to the VA hospital Tuesday morning for a followup of my condition. The doctor sat and stared in my eyes as Tim and Troy sat to either side of me.

"Mr. you are killing yourself and it is not what you believe. You tell me that you are not eating. I have read your charts and what your primary care team has to say about you. Quite frankly they don't believe a word you say. You have gained a considerable amount of weight over the past three years and there has to be a reason if food is not in your diet. Now there is proof that what you say is true in your records and it goes back for nine years." He turned his computer screen so that we could see it.

"Look at this page. This is your latest blood tests from this morning. This page is from your last workup in September. Here is last July. Let me combine these into a chart and you are going to see what I see. This peak right here is protein in your urine. You have an enormous spill over. Your body is eating itself. Look at this line. This is your electrolytes. You are seriously deficient in Potassium and Zinc. These minerals help your body to use the nutrients you take in. You are not taking anything in. Your body is in extreme starvation mode and is feeding on itself in order to survive.

"This single line appears in your chart from every visit for the past two years. "Complains of chronic constipation. Twice someone has increased the amount of Senna you are taking but never caught on to the cause of your problem. You told them and it is written here, "Says he is not eating. Twelve pound increase in weight since last visit three months prior is not from not eating." I will have a long talk with this doctor. He has overlooked the connection between the fact that you are constipated and gaining weight. Your body is storing everything it can find.

"When you do have a movement what happens?"

"Well at first I have to shove a Mack Truck out of the way then it is water for the rest of the day followed my five or six days of nothing. Then the cycle repeats."

"You complained to your doctor of, as you put it, a Mack Truck, on your last visit. You said that you felt as if there had been some tissue tearing and that you had felt some hemorrhoids from having to push so hard." I blushed and almost wished the boys were not in there. They both know of this as it has been ongoing and I have complained to them in the past about being sore. I evan teased Tim about packing my fudge to tight. He refused to do me for several weeks.

"Here's what it boils down to. I appreciate that you wish to remain a vegan. I would suggest that you use real butter and add more legumes to your diet. Increase the raw greens you are eating. Stay away from ice berg lettuce and choose a variety that has more consistent fiber. Eat more bananas and tomatoes. I am going to put you one a potassium tablet but I would rather see you get these nutrients from your food. This will help your body to heal faster.

"Do all of you live together?"

"Troy is my son and does not live with us. Tim is my partner and has just returned to live with me." The doctor smiled.

"Good for you son. Can you cook?" Tim told him that he eats, he can't cook hot water without burning it. I had to laugh because I remembered a meal he had worked very hard on. We ate it, wordlessly. "I want you to insist that he feeds you well and you will see to it that he eats with you. I want him to eat four or five times a day. He is to keep his portions small and about one three hundred to five hundred calories, maximum, per meal."

"But doc, that's just one glass of root bear."

"NO root beer. No sodas at all. Use diet drinks."

"He can't do that." Troy explained how depressed I get with aspertine. The doctor looked at the computer again. He nodded and said that was in my charts from several years back.

I did go home with nitroglycerin tablets, Combvient®, and Furosemide®. I guess I will have to take better care of myself. I really want to now. Troy just lost his son this past July. The boy was struck by a car as he crossed the street at night. The driver is now facing manslaughter charges. Tucson has a law that gives the right of way to pedestrians at cross walks and intersections. Failure to yield is a thousand dollar fine. Injury or death is a class two felony.

I miss little ten year old Andy terribly but TK is in the picture now and I really want to see him grow up. I know that he will be just as cute as his daddy is. I will be too old to molest the boy but I can still admire him. I will only be in my mid-seventies when he becomes a teenager. Hehehe

That would have been good enough for me but Thursday came along with a whole new set of changes. I had a surprise visit from my case worker. As a disabled senior citizen I receive some perks. The one that I am most thankful for is food stamps. I'll never get rich on the money saved from that assistance and it is for sure that I could never get fat if that was all I relied on for my food purchases each month. Currently I am receiving a whopping ninety seven dollars each month. It is better than a kick in the head. I do shop frugally. There are several discount grocers in my area as well as warehouse type stores.

I don't spend the money for annual memberships to the warehouse outlets any longer. I had memberships with them until my injuries in the summer of 2000. Now I have to watch every penny in and squeeze every penny out. I keep expecting to see copper wire extrude from my fingers as I squeeze the little cooper coins for everything I can get out of them.

My favorite store has their own label brand of canned goods and basics. Canned veggies are thirty nine cents as opposed to seventy five cents for name brands at the chain super markets. I eat a lot of soups, Cheap, easy, and someone once said, "Soup is good food." Who was that? I think their's is a red and white label with their golden medallion on it. Oh well, it is of no consequence. The private label soup is only fifty nine cents a can. I can purchase two cans for everyone of the golden medallion label. In some ways the flavor is different. One super market had a big fifty cent a can sale not too long ago. I bought my standard Cream of Mushroom, Cream of Chicken, Chicken Noodle, Beef, and navy Bean soups. I guess I have been using the generic brands too long because the name brand didn't taste right.

The case worker had a notice from the hospital concerning my recent visit. I am a veteran and go to the VA hospital for the most part. However, the para medics told me that I was not able to make that long ride and transported me to the closest ER. The state got the bill, Hehehe. She was inspecting my kitchen and facilities for preparing meals when she saw all of the baby formula and equipment. Before I could open my mouth Tim opened the front door and TK sounded the alarm from the bedroom. He knows when daddy is home, even at two weeks of age.

Sue turned and recognized Tim. Tim walked over and shook her hand and asked her how she had found him. Huh? Sue was the state's welfare case worker who was helping Tim and TK. What a small world. Sue was excited to find that Tim was going to be living with me. She has been my case worker for five years and we have come to understand each other. Sue told me that she would have to go to her office to do some work at her computer but that she would be back in two or three hours. She asked if Tim and I would be doing our grocery shopping together or did he want his own account.

Tim and I have gotten along quite well with me doing the shopping and meal planning. The only thing that Tim wanted was for me to learn to eat properly.

Sue came back later with paperwork for both of us to sign. With Tim being a full time highschool student and having a newborn baby to provide for we were suddenly in the money. Tim would receive four hundred dollars a month from the state's welfare system. Together we would receive three hundred and fifty dollars in food stamps plus TK would get WIC, the womens, infants, and childrens benefits. TK formula and special diet needs plus supplimental foods for the mother, me, are provided under that program. I could sign the checks for WIC when I did our regular shopping. The increased money was already on my food stamp card and Tim was given a card of his own for the cash assistance.

Sue had two more agencies lined up for us to assist with housing expenses and care for TK. I am a convicted sex offender and can not participate in our city's HUD program for low cost housing. My finger prints show up on the FBI's sex offender list precluding me from many opportunities available for citizens in my age and income bracket. God forgives, man points his finger and accuses. Society just digs a whole for you and can't wait for you to fall into it.

I can't believe how things have worked out. It is Thanksgiving weekend and I have so much to be thankful for. We were treated to a big dinner at a church member's home where the Pastor and several of our church leaders showed up. Everyone of them voiced their support and sincerest best wishes for the two of us. I don't know how many know, or believe they know that Tim and I are lovers. I am not going to hide what we have or try to downplay it in anyway. Tim is too important to me to do that to him.

We are admonished to avoid the appearance of sin in our lives. If we appear to be in sin then others will talk thus committing their own sin for which we will be held accountable. For it is not their place to gossip or judge. For by the standard they judge they shall be judged. Our Lord God does not look on the outward appearance but upon a man's heart. He knows who loves Him and who is obedient to His commands.

I won't try to quote an old adage that I heard many years ago. I only remember the essence of the statement, not the precise words or the person who made the statement. As I recall it is from ancient Greece. The statement simply says that a man's life is not complete until he had planted a tree, built a house, and fathered a son. Tim and I will build our house and he will plant his tree. We are complete and without need of any other romantic interest for the time being.


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