
By Carl Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Dec 30, 2004


Tim by Carl Dickson

Warning: This story is PORNO. I have tried my hand at friction, now I'm trying fiction. This story contains vivid descriptions of sexual activity between a man and teen boy. It contains no truth, partial truth, or half truth. What it does contain is stroking material. If this kind of story turns you off, please find something else.

The author does not encourage or condone sex between adults and underage children.

If you are underage, or this is illegal where you are, then please go away. If you're under 18, come back when it is legal for you to read this smut. If you lied about your age in order to access this story, remember this is our story. Life doesn't always work out like a story.

This story is copyrighted,2004. It is therefore illegal to copy or use any part of this story without my written permission.

My car broke down so I had to catch a ride with a friend. It is amazing how we develop such a love hate relationship with an inanimate object such as our cars. We all too often take them for granted but when they don't work we hate them.

I had a good time in spite of my circumstances. I knew I had limitations but I had no choice I had to make the best of the situation. A family that I admire invited me to their home. They live over thirty miles in the opposite direction. The whole family really likes me and I wanted to go to their home and have lunch with them. I actually wanted to spend time with them so that I could feast my eyes on their boys. The oldest has just turned fifteen and he is very nice to look at. The thirteen year old is a little chunky and doesn't take care of himself as he could. The youngest is ten and he is a pain in the derriere. The oldest boy has a friend that hangs with the family all of the time. His name is Tim and he is a knock out. He looks like he is fourteen. He stands five foot eleven and is terribly skinny. He has a clear complexion with light brown hair and hazel eyes. His hair is super curly and he let's it curl over the sides of his ever present baseball cap. But he has the softest features. I guess you could call it a baby face. He actually looks like a very young teen except for his height.

Tim had just gotten his first car. He was all to happy to take me home after lunch if I would come out. I reminded him that I lived twenty seven miles in the opposite direction. He would have to drive sixty miles each way to take me home. He got all excited. He had never driven a hundred miles in one trip before. I eagerly relented.

We had a great afternoon as we played board games and Bible Trivia. Everybody joined in and I was impressed with the boy's knowledge. Even the little ones were a challenge. Nobody had an advantage. I sat between fifteen year old Mark and his friend Tim. The whole family is very touchy feely but these two boys had their hands all over me. I was in fag boy heaven. The family has known me for many years and they know that I did time in prison for having sex with a seventeen year old boy. This has never stopped them from being friends and including me in many of their family activities. The parents even came up to visit me twice while I was in prison and we discussed my charges and what I had done. They were supportive of me and I counted my blessings that I had such dear friends. I am really lucky because only two or three of the families I know stopped socializing with me. The boy was known for what he was and my friends considered me the victim. Although he was only weeks away from his eighteenth birthday the law still made me the heavy and I did the time.

It was time. The afternoon had been long and I was getting very tired. Tim was eager and had asked me several times if I was ready to go home. Finally I told him I was ready and we headed out after many hugs and kisses from every member of the family. Mark was a little more affectionate than I thought a fifteen year old boy would be but I ate it up.

Tim was a good driver. I often pray for this youngster. He has had a very bad life. His parents spend a great deal of time enjoying various substances. The were left overs from the seventies and had never grown up. I remember the seventies but I had three children and a mortgage to support. I never got into the drug scene. I did a lot of social drinking but I seldom ever got drunk. My wife and I had enough sense to stay away from all of that, including alcohol, when she was pregnant and our children are happy and healthy as a result. I know several young people like Tim that weren't so fortunate and have many mental and medical problems as a result of their parents doing their thing.

Tim had gone the long way around so that we could take the freeway. By doing this we avoided massive traffic slow downs. The last forty miles of the trip was freeway to within a mile of my place. I invited Tim in and I went in and dropped to the couch to tired to get into my recliner chair. Tim pulled my shoes and socks off and massaged my feet. I was overwhelmed. I am at the age where I get emotional over little things. I have never had people do for me. I have lived my life helping others. This was new to me so I basked in it.

Next he removed my shirt and got behind me and rubbed my back. I was so relaxed that I almost fell asleep. He laid me back on the sofa and unbuckled my pants. I watched his eyes as he worked and smiled. I left him alone and didn't say anything. He left me lying there in my boxer briefs and went to the bathroom. I looked and he had taken my clothes with him. I had to ask myself what was going on. I heard the toilet flush and he came back to the living room. He was stark naked. He said that he took his clothes off so they would look a little better when he went home tomorrow or the next day. I was stunned.

He told me he was tired and would like to take a nap with me. I held out my hand and he helped me up and guided me to my bed. He stood beside me and pulled my underwear off then helped me to lay down then he moved to the other side and snuggled up close to me. His hard dick was poking in my left hip as he humped my thigh slowly. He laid his hand on my soft cock and fondled my cock and balls. His breathing was slow and steady and I realized that he was asleep. I wanted to fall asleep but it is hard to do when you have an affectionate teenager fondling you in his sleep. I rolled to my side facing him and put my hands under his heavy balls and we both slept cock in hand.

I awakened in about an hour. Tim was stroking my hard cock with a slow easy pace as he sucked my nipples. I pulled him to me and ask what was going on. He moaned against me and then raised his face to mine. He snuggled closer and kissed my chin, that being all he could reach with the position we were in. "Do you love me?"

"Yes, Tim. I do"

"You want me don't you? I see you checking me out. I have known for years that you want me."

"Tim, I...it's not so much what I want, son. You are a great kid and I really like you and like being around you. You make me laugh. You make me feel good. You make me feel young. I have always felt as if you really liked being around me. You and Mark are not so much...well what do I want to say. It's like you want to be with me. Most kids your age don't want anything to do with any adult let alone and old man. But you two always seek me out. You come to where I am and hang out. We don't always interact. You talk with the girls and you and Mark do your thing but you seem to want to do it around me. That is special. You are special."

"Did you like the cake and ice cream after lunch today?" I told him it was a good cake and the ice cream had been homemade. "My family went to the swap meet today. Dad is looking for an old refrigerator to make into a beer box. Today is my birthday and I spent it with the people that love me and that I love."

"Tim! Happy birthday. I didn't know. That makes you eighteen doesn't it?"

"I didn't want you to know until I got you home. Yes, I am eighteen. I'm gay and you're my birthday gift."

"I'm lost here Tim."

"Look, Mark and I are gay. We suck each other and we have fun together. His parents know and they are cool with it. I told them four years ago that I wanted to get to know you. They told me about you being in prison and told me that they would kill me and forbid me to see Mark if I ever hurt you. They told me to wait until I was of age, today. I have one special gift that I have saved just for you. My ass. Mark and I love each other and I love to fuck him. I have almost let him fuck me so many times but he reminds me of my vow to have you do me the first time. It has been hard, Carl. But I want you so bad." He was crying so hard that he couldn't finish. I bent us around and kissed him. He sobbed in my face as he attacked me. He was crying tears of joy and of pain. I have never had an experience like this and have never heard of anyone else in this situation. I really enjoyed our inter action. It is such a feeling to have a crying boy's tongue lapping at your tonsils as he is totally overcome by emotion.

I let him calm down as I caressed him. I loved running my hands over his skinny back and butt. I could feel every rib every vertebrae and every under developed muscle in his frail frame. I was seriously falling in....lust? Surely it wouldn't be right to be in love. I have known him for four years. The first time Mark brought him around I was smitten. I didn't start to lust after and fantasize about Mark until he was fourteen. I lusted after Tim four years ago but now I realize that he was thirteen or fourteen. At an age where my lust level usually lies. Yeah, I'm a boy lover. A pubescent boy, but boy all the same.

"I have to tell you something, Tim. I am diabetic. Do you know anything about diabetes?"

"You mean like your vision goes bad. Your feet get cut off. Your kidneys quit working. And your dick won't get hard. Why is that?"

"You know more about it than I did five years ago. I'm just learning. Yeah, I got the old mother's curse for playing with myself. My vision went bad. So I had my eyes operated on and I can see better now than I ever could. The rest comes from bad circulation. The tiny little blood vessels, called capillaries, get clogged up with sugar and shit and the organs and extremities die. I have what is called neuropathy. That is a deadening and tingling in the feet and hands.

The dick is made up of two large spongy sacks on each side that fill with blood and make you hard. There are big blood vessels that fill your dick up and little tiny ones with little valves that let the blood out slowly. Those little valves are the first to go and the blood doesn't stay in the dick.. The vessels that fill the dick get weak and collapse so no blood goes in. Stroking helps to a point but the blood still leaks out and so you can't maintain an erection. This is called impotence. Sometimes drugs work but they are expensive."

"Like ten dollar apiece Viagra." He pulled a box out from under his pillow. "Mark's dad said he thought that you might have a problem so I had him buy these for me. Come on, take two."

This kid was looking to get himself fucked up. Fucked up the ass. I have never been into that. In fact I have never done it. I am a cocksucker. If butt fucking makes a boy cum then I would be missing what I am after. I don't want to miss this special treat. But from what Tim was saying then I was thinking of myself and not what the partner might want. I would do it, for him. I took two Viagra and lay down to cuddle my fantasy come to life.

He was warm and solid. He was no fantasy. His body was hard and it was mine. He had some impressive meat on him. He was a solid eight inches and a little over medium in girth. I had him pegged at about five and a half inches around. I found out later I was right when we measured each other. He had an abundance of foreskin which is something I love. I sucked his skin and played my tongue around and under it. I put my tongue to his glans and pulled the skin up over it docking my tongue with his cock. I kept my tongue in motion under his skin and repeatedly stabbed at his pee slit. He couldn't remain steady. He was wriggling all over the bed. I finally had mercy on him and let him cum.

He moved to suck me and I made him take up a sixty nine. I told him he could suck for awhile but not to make me cum if he wanted to loose his butt cherry. He grinned and dove for my meat. He repeated all of my actions with my foreskin. No one had ever played with my foreskin in this way and I loved it. I liked doing it because I thought that it would feel good. It does. He shot another load in my mouth. He tasted so good. I could bottle this stuff and be rich. "Fresh, hand churned, cream of some young guy." What a product that would be. Maybe if I got two hundred boys hooked up to a milking machine I could produce enough for a case of twelve ounce bottles a day. I could sell it for fifty dollars a bottle. Fuck, three hundred a bottle. Oh the things that run through a well fucked fags mind. I nursed his beautiful cock as it softened.

He got to tender to suck so I spread his legs and pulled him on top of me so I could give him the rimming he deserved. This was his first rim job and he was in ecstasy. He was better than a vibrator on my old sore body as he wiggled and gyrated on top of me. I had him good and wet and my tongue was able to go to its' full extension inside of him. I realized that I was indeed hard and I decided to take advantage of this rare event.

I turned him to his back and I got between his legs. With no preliminaries I pushed into him. I had never butt fucked and didn't even think of what it would have to feel like to a virgin. He screamed in pain. I pulled back. He grabbed me and pulled me back. I went very easy this time. I held the first two inches of my cock dead still in his ass until he wiggled around on it and smiled at me. I went in a little then pulled out. Then in and out pushing in a little farther each time. He was going with it and started to moan. I finally had all nine and a half inches of my six inch thick cock in his ass and he was loving it.

I pulled him up to me and we kissed a deep and emotional kiss. We sat up a steady rhythm as I began to pummel his love tunnel with every inch of weapon I had. I had been missing a real pleasure for myself by not fucking some youngster's ass before. I had never wanted to hurt a boy but Tim was loving this and I was too.

I've been married three times. Widowed twice, divorced once. I almost married again just before the incident that put me in jail. We had an argument and I decided that I couldn't handle a temperamental female. I decided to go for boys, exclusively. It cost me a years freedom and I'm a registered sex offender but maybe it wouldn't be so bad with Tim in the picture.

Tim was really into this. He was talking trash and fucking me back. I had never been into sex talk but he was so turned on that it was contagious. I was piston fucking him at light speed. My ass was a blur as I humped into Tim's bony butt. He was clawing at my back and digging his heels into my ass. He blew his load between us. I could feel it running down our torsos. His anal spasms and the feel of his hot cum on my flesh sent me over the edge and I fired into his stern. I was hitting him hard as I rammed my rampant cock deep into his hungry hole. I was cumming more than I thought myself capable of anymore. It was an intense orgasm for both of us. We rolled over as a unit and I pushed deep into him. I told him to work two pillows under my ass. That put me at the angle I wanted and I stayed in him. He collapsed on top of me and we sweated and breathed on each other. He licked my face and kissed me the licked some more. We went to sleep. We awakened in twenty minutes needing to piss, bad.

We headed to the bathroom and I pulled him into the shower. I aimed my cock at his and peed on him. He grabbed his cock and we did our own version of sword fighting with golden liquid. We had piss everywhere on each other but we were giggling and loving every minute of it. I turned on the shower and we stood under the spray in a tight embrace and kissed each other. "I am in love with you, Carl." All I could do was mumble uh huh as I sucked his tongue back into my mouth.

Tim stayed the weekend getting up at five Monday morning for the sixty mile drive home and to school. He informed his parents that he was eighteen and moved out that week. He told Mark and his parents that he was moving in with me and that he wanted Mark to come over as often as he could because he still loved him and was not going to leave his first love. Mark came with Tim that evening as he moved in. Mark stayed the weekend then we took him home Sunday night.

Marks parents don't have a problem with Mark and Tim being together and they know that I will watch over the boys. Wink wink. We really enjoy some hot three way action on weekends but Tim and I love being together, alone, all week long.

Tim has changed schools. He registered as a junior at the high school a mile from my house. At eighteen he still has a year and a half of school to go. He'll be twenty when he graduates and he plans to be my life partner from now on. I hate to remind him of my age. I'll surely be dead before his life gets a good start, but I will die with a beautiful boy that loves me as I do him.

So there you have it. Is your friction enhanced by my fiction? Tell me about it at fisherman@iname.com

Next: Chapter 2

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