Tied up teens

By William

Published on Apr 6, 2000



(Author's Note: This story is a work of fiction. However, the images are based on boys featured on my website. If you wish to see them, please email me as above.)

It was summer, and I had recently moved house. I had taken a few weeks holiday to make sure that I could get my new place sorted out before going back to work. I had been pleased to note already that the street had its fair share of cute teens racing up and down on skate boards, roller blades, playing basket ball, etc. at every opportunity.

Of particular note was Kyle, the "boy next door" and his seemingly constant companion Jesse. I put their ages at about 15 or 16 and they were as gorgeous as they were different. Kyle was the typical blond, blue eyed type; thin hipped and broad shouldered, he sported a tan from hours spent in the open. He was muscly in that lean adolescent kind of way and looked as if he was growing a centimetre every day. He was lean and long with the best set of legs and cutest, tightest little arse I have ever seen. The light dusting of fair hairs over his legs was reflected in his honey blond hair which was spiky but thick with tufts tickling out from beneath his baseball cap (permanent uniform) down his lean brown neck

By contrast Jesse was the dark and sultry type; his eyes were a deep chocolate and his skin the brown that resulted not just from hours in the sun but a natural olive complexion. Where Kyle was thin hipped and broad shouldered, Jesse was a little thicker set and shorter than his friend, but he still had that unique adolescent boy appeal of taut smooth skin stretched over well exercised muscles, and an energy level which was almost dangerous. Jesse's black hair was long and slightly wavy, falling across his eyes in a smoulderingly sexy way. I couldn't fail to be distracted whenever they raced past my place intent on some boyish prank, dressed of course in the teen uniform of baggy shorts and layers of shirts hanging around their torsos.

My blood pressure rose substantially when last week on a rather hotter day they sauntered past my front lawn with shirts hanging down from their shorts revealing fully their well muscled and totally hairless chests. Pert nipples adorned pectorals to die for. Did these boys work out at the gym, or were they just blessed with perfect genes? (Some time later I was to discover that both boys were keen rowers, hence the muscular physique - but that's another story!) To my endless frustration there was no hint of what equipment might be concealed beneath the boxers/CKs which were usually evident above the waistband of their shorts. I managed a wave and a cheery hello despite my pounding heart, and received the flash of beautiful teeth, wide smiles, and waves in return. The girls must be queueing up to get into their pants, I surmised.

One day, about ten days after school had returned, I was surprised to notice the two boys returning to the house about lunch time. Surely they could not both have a half day holiday? They seemed even more intent on each other than usual as they bustled past in their school uniform of blazers, shirts and ties, and light grey shorts. They did not notice me on my knees in the garden as they passed.

A short time later, I was alerted by a strange noise coming from Kyle's house next door. I had already observed that Kyle's bedroom opened closely onto our adjoining side fence. (Indeed, upon this discovery, I had taken the opportunity to discreetly prune the creeper on the trellis to afford me a better view - I lived in hope. I had noticed whilst doing so that Kyle's bedroom walls were adorned not with the usual teenage boy's collection of naked women, but posters of Devon Sawa, Brad Renfro, and directly above his bed a still of River Phoenix in Stand By Me - one of my own favourites.) Getting up from my weeding, I carefully approached the fence and peeped through the trellis. Being a warm day, Kyle must have opened the window as soon as he got home, and I could see clearly into his bedroom. The two boys had removed their school blazers which lay carelessly across a chair by the door. Their shoes likewise were scattered nearby.

Nothing could have prepared me for the sight which met my eyes. Jesse was lying on his back on Kyle's bed, spreadeagled with his arms above his head. His hands were lashed to the sides of Kyle's bedhead with the boys' school ties, while around his ankles appeared to be the boys belts. The bed had no base board, so the belts must have been attached to the base somehow - around the bed legs perhaps. Jesse was still dressed in his short sleeved shirt, grey shorts and school socks. Kyle, dressed likewise, was kneeling astride Jesse, his perfect arse nestled closely on Jesse's groin. It may have been just possible that this was some innocent boy game but for Jesse's distinctly sexual moan, and the thrusting of his pelvis upwards into the hot box of Kyle perched above him.

As I watched, transfixed by this incredible display of boyhood lust, Kyle proceeded to slowly unbutton Jesse's shirt. With his arms extended above his head, Jesse's shirt had pulled up out of his shorts and the waistband of his CKs was visible along with his washboard stomach - and not a hair in sight. Starting at the neck, Kyle slowly undid each button of Jesse's school shirt until his hairless chest was laid bare beneath his touch. Briefly his hands caressed his well defined pectorals and down to his stomach. The kid moaned and squirmed beneath Kyle even more.

Then, Kyle reached up to his own school shirt and repeated the process on himself - slowly undoing each button from the neck down until his chest, a somewhat paler twin to Jesse's was revealed in all its boyhood glory. Jesse watched this enticing strip with the anticipation of one who has been down this path before! Kyle then untucked his shirt and shrugged it off onto the floor. There he sat, astride the constantly squirming kid. He caressed Jesse's chest and stomach lightly squeezing his nipples, then repeated the process to himself. After a few minutes of this he lent forward, smooth chests together and kissed Jesse fully on the mouth. The kid responded with a more vigorous thrust of his pelvis up into Kyle's groin, but Kyle lifted himself up more onto his knees, avoiding too much contact. Clearly, he was intent on drawing out this sensory overload to the max.

Sitting up, Kyle caressed his own chest and stomach again, but this time with each stroke his hands went further down until he was gently rubbing his groin. The bulge in his grey school shorts was clearly a strain on the fabric, and the next thing I knew he was slowly lowering the fly and undoing the top button. The waistband of his shorts sagged wide as his bulging cock, held in only by his satin boxers was freed of the restraint. Briefly he moved off Jesse and the bed, dropping his shorts to the floor but leaving on his boxers. Lithe as an athlete, he was swiftly back astride Jesse, and proceeded to stroke his cock through his boxers. The kid's eyes were fixed on Kyle's hands and he moaned louder, licking his lips and trying to hold his head up towards the bigger boy's crotch. Finally, Kyle reached through the fly of his boxers and drew out his sword - and what a prize it was. Easily 7", it was thick and cut, its head clearly defined from the shaft and standing out from his body like a flag pole. His cock was hard and strong - a piece of meat any adult would have been proud of. Jesse gasped, not in surprise for by now I was quite certain he had seen this many times before but in rapture, and his mouth dropped open clearly in anticipation of the treat which he hoped was imminent; but Kyle was in no hurry!

He stroked his meat lovingly with his right hand while his left hand played with his balls, still concealed within the satin folds of his boxers. Paying special attention to the magnificent head, he coaxed and teased it until it was so engorged that it seemed it would burst. All the while, Jesse alternately moaned and gasped, his body writhing beneath Kyle who held him firmly between his knees. At last, Kyle shuffled further up the bed until he was astride the kid's chest. Leaning with his left hand against the bedhead he reached with his right hand behind Jesse's neck and lifted him forward. Jesse's tied arms ensured he was powerless to either assist or resist (not that that seemed to be an option!) Resting his weight against the bedhead, Kyle slowly tilted his pelvis forward closer and closer to Jesse's open mouth until finally the two met, and Jesse's tongue slid lusciously around the enflamed head of Kyle's cock. In unison, the boys both moaned with the exquisite pleasure of this long anticipated joining. Kyle's head was thrown backward so that his lithe young body formed an arc, then gradually, he pressed his pelvis forward until Jesse was taking his full length down his throat.

Slowly he eased his cock in and out of the kid's soft mouth, hand clamped firmly behind his head, guiding and pacing the performance entirely to his own demands. Talk about hot!! These kids were young alright, but they were certainly no novices! Kyle built up the pace, thrusting deep and long, his own lips were parted in a wet half smile as he focussed on his own pleasure. All the while Jesse wriggled beneath the bigger boy's weight still held firmly in place by Kyle's knees astride his chest. He strained against the school ties holding his hands firmly to the bedhead and pumped his own pelvis in the air. Kyle's face was showing a deep blush beneath his tan, and I was sure he would soon unleash his hot sauce down Jesse's eager throat. But just then I was again taken by surprise when Kyle, seemingly coming back from another place, deliberately slowed his thrusting and gradually withdrew his length from Jesse's eager mouth. Holding Jesse's head just close enough he let the younger kid lick hungrily at the tender underside of his cock head before lowering Jesse back to the pillow; then, tucking his wet engorged cock back into his boxers he slowly moved a little back down the bed eventually sinking his crotch into the boy's stomach, his own arse teasingly close to Jesse's own bursting school shorts. How that cock length must have pressed into his belly! In just his school socks and satin boxers, Kyle enfolded his friend in an embrace, licking his cheeks, chin, chewing on his full lips and then sinking into a deep kiss.

Breaking the kiss, Kyle's right hand combed Jesse's long dark hair away from his forehead, then, grasping his hair more firmly he gently pulled his head back revealing the kid's throat. His wet kisses extended gently down Jesse's chin over the lump of his adam's apple and to the sweet hollow at the base of his throat. Releasing Jesse's hair, Kyle wriggled his own arse backward so that he was again holding the boy's hips between his knees. Leaning forward and pulling back the unbuttoned school shirt as far as it would go, he licked from Jesse's throat to one armpit and then across to the other, carefully avoiding his erect nipples. Next, he traced a curve around the outline of Jesse's well defined pectoral muscles. I noticed that for the first time Jesse had become quite still. He had stopped thrusting and squirming and other than a few moans was fairly quiet. Having thoroughly licked and nipped the boy's chest Kyle started to lick in ever decreasing circles around first one nipple and then the other. After what seemed an eternity he flicked the kid's right nipple with just the tip of his long tongue. Jesse let out a long low moan. Kyle moved on his left nipple with the same treatment, and the moaning intensified. When he had given each nipple a complete tongue bath, Kyle again repositioned himself. Moving further back down Jesse's body, Kyle brought his own knees together between Jesse's thighs. Then he started inexorably to trace a tongue line from chest to belly button, and from belly button further south towards the waistband of Jesse's CKs and school shorts. At this point Jesse's moans and gasps gave way alternately to something more like a whimpering. The boy's body must by this time have been in sensory overload...but Kyle was not through yet!

Sitting back on his haunches between Jesse's shins Kyle caressed the kid's quite hairy legs, running his nails up from ankle to the hem of his school shorts and back again. Each time his long fingers went just a little further up under the school shorts, stroking Jesse's inner thighs. Next he bent forward and reached right up the boy's shorts but on the outside of his legs and then started tugging. At first uncertain what Kyle was up to I soon noticed that the waistband of Jesse's CKs had disappeared from view as Kyle pulled them down from within Jesse's shorts. Jesse started to moan again and lifted his hips up to ease Kyle's mission. Quickly the bundled CKs appeared at the bottom of the grey school shorts. Kyle reached back and released Jesse's left leg from the belt tying him to the bed. Then with some assistance from Jesse he stretched the CKs down the leg over the knee and released them over his ankle and foot. Immediately he resecured Jesse's leg and then pulled the CKs back through the crotch of his school shorts and tugged them down his right leg to the ankle where they lay crumpled up with his sagging school sock.

Lying spreadeagled on the bed, his open school shirt up around his shoulders, socks around his ankles, and just his grey school shorts to cover him, Jesse made quite a sight. His face was flushed with lust, his dark hair wet with perspiration, chest shiny with Kyle's lick and his own sweat, and his shorts were tented with the urgency of his erection. Kyle returned his look of lust, and looked down on him with a mix of power and tenderness. Kyle of course was wearing only his school socks and satin boxers. His heaving chest was wet with his exertions and the hint of blond underarm hair was dark with perspiration. With a smile which promised everything he bent to his task. Slowly he worked both hands up the inside of the kid's shorts. Keeping well clear of the major bulge in the front of Jesse's pants, Kyle caressed the kid's balls before lowering his face to the waistband and licking again at the hairless washboard stomach. Removing his hands momentarily he undid the waistband button and clip, then went back to the boy's balls. Jesse's head arched back on the pillow and he whimpered as Kyle bent down again and with only his teeth grasped the zip and slowly, slowly drew it down. When about half way down the fly, Jesse's length sprung out of its prison. Much the same size as Kyle's it looked even bigger on the smaller boy. Looking fit to burst, the head was shiny with precum which must have been leaking for a long time. Kyle finished lowering the zip without touching the kid's cock. Then, as with the CKs, he released Jesse's left leg from its belt, took the shorts off over his foot and pulled them down to his right ankle. This time however, he did not secure the kid's left leg but bent it at the knee and pushed it back providing him with total access to the kid's balls and arse. Jesse's balls sported a light covering of dark hair which along with a small patch at the base of his cock was his only pubic hair. By any comparison his balls were generous - like two dark plums they were drawn up tight and clearly urgent for action. Holding the kid's leg back, Kyle licked his balls and the tender skin between his balls and arsehole, and he squirmed and groaned aloud.

Ever so slowly Kyle moved towards the quivering shaft of his cock. I could actually see the precum oozing from the head as Kyle tongued his was up the thick hot shaft. Reaching the wet engorged head he licked it like an icecream before engulfing it in his hot mouth. Jesse cried out and arched his back. His left leg came down and wrapped around Kyle's shoulders, urging him on - willing him not to stop - and this time, finally, he didn't. Any fool would know that with the sort of build up this kid had been subject to, cumming was not going to be far off. But Kyle made the most of it. He took the kid fully down his throat, but kept it slow. There was no pumping - just deep slow strokes the full length of the kid's ample shaft. Even so, within a minute, Jesse's breathing was becoming fast and shallow, his face coloured under his olive complexion, and his head was thrown back into the pillow. He was thrusting urgently with his hips and had held Kyle gripped with his left leg as if his life depended on it. Just as his breathing turned to gasping Kyle pulled himself off the kid's cock and, with one hand caressed his balls and with the other pumped his shaft rhythmically, all the while watching his friend's face intently. With a cry Jesse let fly a huge stream of cum which reached all the way to the pillow his head was buried in. Spurt after spurt of cum landed on his chest, chin and stomach. Kyle slowly stroked the snake which had delivered such a load then, licking cum from Jesse's belly button, he lay full length on his friend and joined lips for a long kiss.

After a minute or two Kyle eased himself up from his partner and, reaching up, untied Jesse's arms from their fixture to the bedhead. With a smile Jesse sat up forcing Kyle to move back further down the bed where he stayed, upright on his knees. Still tied by one leg to the bed, Jesse looked up at his teen lover as his hands slid slowly up the wide legs of Kyle's satin boxers, caressing those magnificent buttocks, his inner thighs, and balls. The front of Kyle's boxers tented out and up as his cock struggled to escape. After stroking and caressing for what seemed an eternity, Jesse started to pull the boxers down over Kyle's hips and arse. His cock, jutting out like a flagpole held up the front of the boxers at the waistband and Jesse left it like that as he caressed Kyle's lower back and now fully exposed arse cheeks.

Finally, Jesse eased the waistband over the head of Kyle's straining pole and let the boxers drop to his knees on the bed. Pushing Kyle back so that he had to take his weight on his arms behind himself, Jesse reached between his fully exposed crotch and handled his balls again. Then, as if he were weighing them, he hefted Kyle's balls above the level of his reclining thighs and for the first time (because the boys were side on to the window) I was able to actually see clearly the prize which had rested within those satin folds for so long. If Kyle's cock was impressive his balls were something else. They were large like two hens eggs, but the most extraordinary thing was the sack which held the jewels. It hung deep and low. Even after the amount of stimulation these two boys had delivered each other Kyle's balls still hung loose in his silken sack, and Jesse made the most of them. He stroked them, he joggled them in his cupped hands, then leaning further forward he licked and sucked them. All the while Kyle was leaning back taking his weight on his left arm while his right hand stroked his partner's long black locks. Kyle's cock, which was curved like a giant banana, reflected the backward arch of his body on the bed, throbbing against his firm stomach. Restricted by the satin boxers still around his knees, his whole long body was an arc of teen muscle. His chest heaved, his biceps bulged with the strain of supporting his body weight backwards on the bed, and his wisps of blond underarm hair were spiky with sweat.

Jesse made his way forward to Kyle's pole. Grasping it firmly around the base he pulled it forward so that it was upright and sticking out from Kyle's body. What a cock! Starting at the base he licked up to the head in one smooth movement; then he swirled his tongue around the flared helmet. He did not take the cock into his mouth but continued to lick and suck just the bulging head. Kyle groaned aloud and tried to thrust into Jesse's mouth, but Jesse held him off. Jesse's left hand was constantly working Kyle's ball sack which finally was tightening against his crotch. Kyle started to cry out and his breathing which had been erratic took on a more regular rhythm. He was going to cum and it was going to be big! Jesse tormented him a little longer and then, when Kyle's groans and cries were coming with every breath he suddenly let go of his cock and balls with his hands, grasped Kyle's tight little arse and pulled him deep into his mouth and throat.

"Oh God!" cried Kyle as he plunged his shaft into the smaller boy's mouth. "Oh God, Oh Fuck!".

His whole body shuddered as his cock shot what must have been a huge load of teen cum into the appreciative mouth of his lover boy. Time and again Kyle thrust his meat up into Jesse's soft mouth. Trickles of creamy cum dribbled down Jesse's chin, but he kept slurping away on his loverboy's hot meat, his eyes watching from beneath his dark thatch as Kyle groaned and panted under his sweet attention. Sweat running off both of them, Jesse waited until Kyle's monster had delivered its last spurt before releasing him. Cum slimed around his lips and chin he pulled Kyle on top of him as he lay back against the pillow. Jesse still secured by his right ankle, and Kyle by his boxers around his knees, the two boys lay panting in each other's arms. Young they were, but it would be hard to imagine two better matched individuals.

As they rested after their lustful endeavours, I could not help wondering if they ever reversed roles. Was Kyle ever the one to be tied up?

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