Tied by High School Friends

By Art Gibson

Published on Apr 5, 2021


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My teammate lay covered in his brother's and friend's seed. Max, his JV player was impaled on his pole. I kissed both of them never wanting to forget this moment. Then I turned to Dean and said, "I love you, Dean." Then we kissed and he replied, "I love you too, boyfriend." We made our way to the other bed, stretched together, and began to make out erotically.

Hours passed in contented relaxation. Lots of making out and boy on boy sex in two's or more.

Stew texted me that he had a plan for Karl. He would share it at my house tomorrow afternoon.

Tied by High School Friends C-8

We recovered from our sexual experience and now sprawled naked on the couches and chairs. Finnegan looked at me. "Wow, Billy. Practice will never be the same. If I drop a fly ball because I am thinking of your cock, I am in trouble."

Max, sitting on Finn his arm around Finn's neck, said, "Coach if I pop one in the shower, I'm blaming you."

"Max, you started this back when you and Daniel came over to see me tied."

Dean lay on my thigh. I rubbed his nipple without a lot of thought. Just kind of absent mindedly drawing circles. Kelly, Jerry, and Freddy were talking quietly.

Noon was nearing. We had to leave soon. Everyone cleaned and aired the basement then showered. After final hugs and kisses, I looked at Finn with a new interest. "Thanks, buddy. You saved me. You showed us all a good time. I kissed him with affection. Before this weekend, he had been a player friend. Now he was so much more.

"Be sure to let me know what Stew plans for Karl."

I assured him I would. Dean could stay over and we would go to school together on Monday.

Stew's plan was awesome. Karl would pay for what he had done to me. Maybe he would have fun, but I was not about him having fun. Stew had told Karl to meet us by the gym a half hour before school started Monday. He was threatened with us posting his small cock pictures on a secure website, and with him tied to the bench cumming from the effect of the vibrating dildo lodged in his rear hole. We then would send the password to the girls and guys who knew him.

We arrived on time. Karl was already there. "Guys," he began. "I am so sorry."

"Stow it," Stew said. "How long did it take you to cut yourself loose from the way we tied you to the bench?"

Karl flushed red and looked at his feet. "A while. I kept getting interrupted by, you know, by what that thing did to me."

Stew did not want to hear anymore. "Here's the deal. We will remove the website and delete all pictures on our devices if you do one thing."

"What," asked Karl? He looked scared.

"Meet us here tomorrow at the same time. You must show us you are wearing the vibrating dildo and you give Billy the controller. You let him use it all day tomorrow. If you do, we will keep our promise."

"I have to wear it all day?" Karl looked fearfully between Stew, Dean, and me. "You three are the only ones who will know?"

Stew assured Karl we would not tell anyone other than Finn. Karl looked like he was about to cry when he turned to me."

"You'll be kind?"

I wanted to assure Karl that everything would be okay. I only nodded. Let him interpret my nod as he wanted.

"I will bring the controller and wear the plug." I saw a tear and a defeated lslump to Karl' shoulders.

After Karl left, Stew said he had plans that he would share with us after Karl provided proof he had done what we required.

The next day, we met by the gym lockers. "Got it in," Stew asked Karl?

Karl nodded. "Show us."

"Not here. Somebody might see me."

"It's early. Pull your pants down and bend over and show us before somebody does come."

Karl looked at Stew. Karl teared up. Stew showed no sympathy. Karl turned, undid his jeans, and pulled them and his boxers to mid-thigh. He bent over.

"Spread your cheeks. We want to get a good look. Oh, before you do, give me the controller."

Stew had to stand to pull the controller from his jean's pocket. I saw his penis was still hidden in his pubic bush. Karl handed the controller to Stew who told him to bend over and stay that way. I saw Stew set the controller to four and push the button. Karl moaned and tried to stand.

"Stay that way. I will hold this until I see you hard. Then I will stop and you can dress."

Stew watched and sure enough, Karl became aroused. His tiny penis, hidden when soft was now about four inches and stuck straight out surrounded by his hair.

Karl moaned. "Guys, that is as hard as it gets. Please let me dress before someone comes in the hall." Karl seemed embarrassed at what we saw.

Stew held the button a little longer. "Maybe you should be the one who comes, big guy. Okay. Dress."

I felt sorry for Karl, almost. It was at that moment I knew how I would punish Karl. I would do to him what he had done to me. Stew handed me the controller. I set it on seven and pushed the button. Karl jumped. I reached to feel him. He was hard. We had every class together today. He would be like this all day.

Karl looked so lost and scared that I almost changed my mind about my plans. Almost. Dean rubbed my cheek, and Stew told us he would see us at lunch. They left and Karl and I were alone.

"Billy be nice to me, please?"

"You were not nice with what you did to me."

"Billy. I am sorry. I wish I never did those things or made you do them or have stuff happen like it did."

"Let's get to class. One thing, Karl. At the end of every class come stand at my desk. I want to check that you are hard. I want you hard all day. That's part of your punishment."

Karl choked like he was trying to hold back a sob. His shoulders slumped. His head was bent forward. Again, I almost decided to stop my plan. Then I hardened my resolve.

I buzzed Karl in first hour often and at the end of the hour he stopped by my desk so I could check that he was hard. This happened at the end of second and third hour. I felt a dampness on his jeans at the end of third hour. Karl pleaded with his eyes. I told him to meet me in the lunchroom. I buzzed Karl making him squirm during lunch. My friends knew why Karl was squirming. When he asked to go to the toilet, I went with him to be sure he did not jack off. My plans included a special activity for Karl the period after lunch.

I looked at Karl as he peed. He was hard and his boxers were looking damp. When he finished, I told him to take off his boxers and stuff them in his jean's back pocket. I wanted the maximum visual affect for my plan.

Karl must have guessed my plan. He cried. "Please, Billy. Anything else. Not that."

"Get them off, or else." I felt cruel and began to wonder if I should go through with the plan. Karl looked distressed as he took off his boxers. His cock was hard. I buzzed him. A drop of fluid appeared at his tip. He both moaned and cried.

I almost had to help him to class. He was staggering and saying both, "Please and Sorry," over and over.

We entered the class. Karl sat next to me. He had his head on his desk, His shoulders shook. Dean and Stew looked at me with questions on their faces. Dean came over before class started.

Nodding his head at Karl, he asked, "He okay?." I shrugged.

Kneeling next to Karl, he asked him the same. Karl did not respond.

"Billy. It's your decision. Maybe you need to change your plan. Karl doesn't look so good. Dean seemed to waver. I smiled at Dean and blew an air kiss.

I looked at Karl slumped in his desk. He knew what I planned. He would cum in his pants like he had made me do. The entire class would see and Laugh. I knew Karl had bullied me, but now I saw him for the scared little boy he was. A boy who only wanted friends. He just went about the wrong way getting them.

Class started. Karl had to give a speech, like I had. His name was called. He looked as if he were an old man as he stood. His face looked at me. I could see tear streaks on his cheeks. Just before he moved, I lightly grabbed his arm. He looked frightened as he turned to see me.

I whispered, "You will be okay, Karl. Give your speech. Nothing will happen. Make it a good speech."

Anyone seeing Karl's red face and tear streaks would chalk his looks up to speech jitters. Karl started out hesitantly as if he feared I had lied. The longer he spoke with no buzzing, the better he talked. When he finished, the teacher commented on Karl's early jitters but that he recovered nicely to finish strong.

Karl walked proudly back, pleased he had received a B+. In his seat he mouthed, "Thank you."

After class he stood by my desk for me to check his penis. I did not and showed him the controller in the off position. "It's off Karl. You kept you part of the bargain. All evidence will be destroyed. Here, put the controller in your pocket. I have a favor to ask."

"Anything, Billy."

"Want to come to my house after baseball practice. Come over at six. Let us tie you. Just Finn, Dean, Stew, and I will be there. Just the teens your age. No one else, I promise. We will show you how to have a lot of fun without pills and medicine. We will show you what friends do with each other."

The End


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