Tied by High School Friends

By Art Gibson

Published on Mar 27, 2021


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Dean lubed the plug and inserted it in my well opened hole. Then he tried it on the first setting. I barely felt the vibrations, I assured Daniel. Dean kept increasing the intensity until he reached five. The dial went to ten. Five felt good but was getting intense. Dean stopped. I was hard. Had the vibrations made the Viagra get me hard?

Daniel still looked worried. "Would it be all right if I sleep with the coach?" Dean agreed on the condition that he had to sleep with us also. I had a slightly bigger bed so three would fit. Kelly took Max to the other bed. We heard them making out like we were. We kissed, turned out the lights and settled under the covers. Daniel and Dean kept me awake as they both kissed me with passion. I finally told them both to go to sleep.

Tied by High School Friends C-5

I woke in that dreamy state somewhere between sleep and full awake. Daniel's arm was twined with Dean's across my chest. I was almost ready to stretch when a massive vibration assaulted my anal chute. I sat up shivering, yelling, "What the fuck?" Looking around, I saw Karl in the doorway with a leer on his face.

"That plug makes a great alarm clock. I only set it on seven and you flew up like you were burned." He laughed. "Get your ball players awake. They have more to learn and you have to go home at noon. Before you go, I have instructions for you."

Daniel and Dean were awake, both with massive bed heads. "Time to get up," I told them. "Daniel wake Kelly and Max." Daniel stood, padding over to the other bed. His cock was full hard. He pulled back the blanket revealing Max had massive morning wood. Kelly had morning wood which was about the length of mine. "Time to get up. We have lessons this morning."

Karl told us that we need not dress and to come downstairs for breakfast. As he left, he gave me a parting vibration which probably was a four. While we ate, Karl told my ball players today they would bottom. Both boys looked nervous.

"It's a lot of fun, guys," said Dean. "Yeah," Kelly added. "It will be awesome. "Who does whom," Max asked? I think Dean and Kelly knew of Daniel's feelings for me so they said I would make love to Daniel. Kelly would take Max. Karl brought over four blue pills and four glasses of his special water. After we finished what he gave us, we followed his commands and went outside to run around. As we ran, I saw him on the deck filming us. Dean stood next to Karl and he looked like he was trying to get Karl to stop filming.

Being young and naturally horny plus with the drugs in us, we became hard and super horny in a short time. Karl directed us upstairs. In the bedroom we hugged and kissed grinding against each other. Karl continued to video us. Dean told Karl that if these videos got out, he would get back at Karl. Karl assured Dean they were for his personal use.

I no longer cared about Karl or his videos. I loved making out with my sexy ninth grade ball player. He seemed like he could not get enough of me either. For a while, Dean joined us and we swapped, "I love you's," as well as kisses. "I think I'm ready, coach. Be gentle." I looked at Daniel who did look scared. I promised him I would be gentle. Dean and I eased him on the bed. Kelly was doing the same to Max on the other bed. Dean pulled Daniel's legs back and I massaged his hole with my lubed finger. As he seemed to accept one finger, I added another, then another. I was in him pretty deep and began to twist inside him carefully.

As his moans changed to words, he began to beg me. "Coach. Please, coach. Oh gawd. I want you take me. You are my first. Now, coach. Do it now." Daniel was a bubbling mess. I withdrew my fingers. As I placed my tip at his entrance, I saw Dean smile at me then lower his lips to Daniel's. Daniel's upper chest and cheeks were a mottled pink. His hips thrust against my tip. He wanted me. "Relax, buddy," I told him. Then I pushed my tip in and rested just inside his muscle.

I gave him time to adjust as I entered him gently, not driving myself home. When I bottomed out, I wrapped my arms around him and pushed Dean away so I could kiss my lover deeply. I began to make love to Daniel gently. He wrapped around me calling my name, "Coach," and crying. I knew he was emotional, not hurting. We continued like this until he shuddered and gave a cry. Feeling his release around my cock, I let my cum spurt into Daniel's no longer virgin hole. We lay together as Dean resumed kissing us both. I heard Max scream and I knew Kelly had deflowered him.

Karl interrupted our afterglow by saying, "Shower, get dressed, and get downstairs. And Billy, clean the butt plug and leave it out."

Daniel still stroked me. Dean stroked us both. I felt a connection with these two. "Did you two have fun," Dean asked? Looking at Daniel, he said, "Billy was tied his first time. He liked that. Next time we can tie you. You will have a blast being tied and fucked."

Downstairs Karl had us gather in the living room. "Well guys, school tomorrow. I hope to see you all there. Be sure to study tonight. Billy you do not need to wear the vibrating plug to school until Wednesday. Then you must wear it all day. And no jacking off until I tell you to."

"What if I do? And what about PE and practice?"

"I'll know if you do, I have ways. If you do, I have lots of video to release. You wear the plug even in PE and practice. You can take it out at night at home or when you shit. Next Friday, be here right after school. This weekend was only the beginning."

Monday at school, I felt like everybody knew what I had done over the weekend. I knew that was not likely. My friends who were there were not going to tell as they had done stuff also. Sitting between Suzie and jane in English was embarrassing. They smiled and asked me how I felt, down there? I told them that I was fine and asked if they would be over this coming weekend. They said they would like to but both sets of parents had made other plans. They asked me if I had my oral report ready? I did. I had to present it Wednesday.

Practice was awkward when I had to coach Max and Daniel. Both were red when we started but they settled down. Tuesday, Daniel let me know he was looking forward to the weekend. Max and he could stay through Sunday.

When I arrived at school Wednesday, Karl met me at my locker and told me to go to the bathroom with him. There he had me drop my jeans and boxers and show him the plug was in. He flicked a switch on the plug then told me to pull up my pants but not before caressing my butt cheeks. He buzzed me and looked pleased when I reacted. "That was a level three."

At lunch I sat with my jock friends. Karl joined us. Midway through, I felt a buzzing. I looked pleadingly at Karl. His face smiled. I felt a buzz that caused me to squirm then another. One of my ball player friends asked why I was jumping around. I told him I needed to go to the bathroom. I picked up my tray and left. As I left, I glanced at Karl. His smile looked evil as if he had more planned for me.

In English I squirmed a bit. I was nervous for the report. Karl entered and sat. I felt a low level buzz. It lasted so long I began to harden. I looked at him with what I hoped was a pleading expression. Jane told me to calm down. As the reports got closer to me, the buzzing increased. I was almost full hard. I was adjusting myself more often. I looked at Karl pleading. He kept buzzing me. I knew I was leaking and it felt so good. But not here. Not in front of my classmates.

Then my name was called. I had to give this report. It was a major percentage of my grade and there were no redos. Karl did not buzz me as I walked up to the front. There was no podium, just me for all to see. I prayed Karl would be merciful. I started my report. Low level buzzes started. Those I could deal with. The closer I got to the conclusion the more frequent the buzzing became and the more intense they became. I knew I was leaking like crazy. I hoped the wetness could not be seen. I finished my report and the teacher began his critique.

Karl had mercy and waited for me to finish so my grade was assured. Now the intensity increased. I tried to stay still. He must have hit the ten level. I felt myself blast my jeans so hard that they became instantly wet. At first everyone in the class just stared, then they began laughing. The teacher looked at the stain I knew was spreading and dribbling down my leg. He had to know what it was. He was a guy. "You better go and take care of yourself," he said pointing to the door. I ran from the class, student laughter following me. In the bathroom, I bent over the sink. I was crying. Why had Karl done that to me. I was humiliated in front of my friends. They had all seen me cum as the teacher did also. I went into a stall taking paper towels with me and tried to wipe. It was difficult I only smeared my seed into my pants.

"You in here, Billy?"

"Fuck off Karl. Why did you do that to me?"

"I thought it would be fun to see you lose control in front of the class and for them to enjoy seeing you lose control. You can take the plug out until Friday at my house."

"I might not come over, Karl."

"You better. Remember, I have videos of you and the others. Do you want the school and your parents finding out how much you like gay sex? Plus, if you do not come over, I have an incredibly special treat planned for your two baseball players, coach." He laughed an evil laugh as he left me shaking my head. I might deal with the consequences of him releasing the pictures and videos. I could always deal with the fallout from those. I could not let him hurt my young ball players. I left the bathroom and retrieved my gym shorts and exchanged my jeans for them. I felt like throwing the plug in the storm drain.

My parents were okay with me not being home for the weekend. I wished they told me I could not go. No practice was held on Fridays. I knocked on Karl's door. He opened it all smiles as if we were the best buddies. I knew fake and I hated Karl with all my seventeen year old heart.

"Your friends are here. Come in and get a treat." Of course, his treat was the medicine he fed us. I learned Max and Daniel had had theirs, Dean and Kelly also. "Let's go to the basement. I have some special toys to show you. What I saw set me on edge. The first thing I saw were two benches against each other. Then I saw planks hanging from the ceiling with eye hooks attached. There was a kid's swimming pool and lounge chairs. Karl showed us the shower and toilet. He told us to strip putting our clothes in boxes and to shower. It was then I noticed he had cameras positioned around the basement. I wanted to tell my friends that we all needed to leave, but my body was reacting to the pill and the medicine.

When I finished showering, Karl told me to back up to one of the planks and put my wrists into straps that he tightened. Then he pulled on a rope and my arms went over my head and my heels raised off the floor with only the balls of my feet touching. Karl came to me and caressed me until I moaned. "Tonight, will be so much fun for you and your young ballplayers. I have other boys coming over later. Most are from the high school. Some are baseball players. A couple are from the middle school. You will have so much fun.

I hung my head. "Do what you want to me. Leave the kids alone."

He laughed so evilly I felt totally defeated. He positioned the pool under me.

Next: Chapter 6

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