Tied by High School Friends

By Art Gibson

Published on Mar 25, 2021


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"What's this," I demanded. Karl rubbed it then placed a lock on it. "It's a cock cage. You wear it until everyone arrives tomorrow. Get him off the toilet, Dean." He helped me. "Turn around Billy and bend over the sink." He held a device in front of me. "This is a butt plug. Lube it Dean." Dean did and Karl pressed it inside me. I felt no pain. My hole was stretched so much. "Enjoy this and get used to it. You will wear this and bigger ones all week."

"What about school? And he has PE." asked Dean. "I will give him directions before we release him Sunday."

Karl had Dean tie only my hands to the bed.

Kelly looked at his brother. I'm sleeping with Billy. "Me too," said Dean giving Karl a "Go to hell look."

Tied by High School Friends C-3

I woke surrounded by Dean and Kelly. Last night had been an orgy of sex with me as the sex object. I scratched my balls feeling a mesh basket around my balls and cock. My arms were tied. I felt a pressure in my anus.

"Dean. Dean." I nudged my best friend. Last night came back. Dean had taken my virginity then he gave me his. There were others. My teammates and two girls from my English class. They all used me. How could I face them Monday? "Dean Wake up. I gotta go to the toilet."

Dean stretched. "You need to go Billy? Come on" He untied me and took me to the toilet. "Bend over." I did and Dean eased the plug from my anus.

"What about the cage," I asked?

"Karl said to sit and pee. Then you wipe yourself.

"Can you turn? I gotta take a dump." Dean busied himself cleaning the plug. I finished and wiped myself. Dean directed me into the shower. He joined me washing me paying attention to my butt crack and hole using his finger to clean me good. He let me do the same to him. After we made out. Dean came in my mouth. I couldn't cum because of the cage. We dried and were in the bedroom when Karl arrived.

"Billy. Do not get dressed. Dean reinsert the plug. Suzie and John will be here at nine. I want you on display for her little sister and his brother."

"Karl, please no. Not in front of little kids. I'm begging you. Dean tell him this is not right. Not in front of two ten year old kids."

"Behave, Billy. I did you a favor. I let Dean and his brother take your virginity, not me. In return they agreed to let me do anything to you this weekend. After Sunday at noon, I will release you. Of course, there is next weekend and I have pictures of yesterday. They show only teens. Behave or I will take pictures of you with underage children. Am I clear?"

I hung my head nodding that I understood. Kelly walked down scratching himself. Dean led me to the kitchen. He fixed a bowl of cereal and set it in front of me. Then he kissed me. I looked at him. With Karl I was defeated. With Dean, I felt hope. Dean brushed my hair mouthing so Karl did not hear, "Love you, Billy." I did not eat. I had no appetite.

The bell rang. Kelly went to answer it bringing John and his brother into the kitchen."

Karl looked at them. "What's your brother's name John?"


"Timothy, I would like to introduce you to, Billy. Stand up Billy." I stood trying to hide my cage. "Hands behind your head, Billy. Look Timothy. Billy is wearing a cage. This prevents him from getting a boner. Turn around and bend over, Billy. See this plug in his butt? That opens him up so he can enjoy stuff."

I knew I was red having myself examined by a fourth grader. My trial began in earnest when the bell rang. Suzie and her sister entered, and Karl led them to the kitchen. Suzie told her sister to look at me. "Billy, this is my sister Beth."

Timothy looked at Beth. "You are in my class."

"Hi Timothy. Suzie said that we are having fun today." Looking at me she asked, "Is he part of the fun?"

Suzie nodded with a smile and told her that I was part of the fun. I felt so ashamed. Having my teammates see and do things to me, though embarrassing, I could somewhat live with. Two elementary kids watching the day's events was beyond embarrassing. Then Karl put a blue pill on the counter and handed me a glass of water. "Drink."

"If I don't? Dean tell him not to make me."

Karl smiled at me. You want out of the cage? As soon as you drink, I will remove it. I still have the pictures."

Defeated, I popped the pill and drank the water. I knew it had the medicine in it.

"How about we run around in the back yard," Karl asked everyone.

"Please, not me. I am naked." I pleaded with Karl. He had no mercy and said, Billy, I am taking off the cage as I promised. Run around and let Timothy and Beth see a big boy's cock bounce. No one can see into the yard. The fence is ten feet high."

With the cage removed, I felt free. I ran and felt my dick bounce but not for long. The exercise caused the blood to flow and I got hard as steel.

"Stop." Karl commanded. "Look Timothy, Beth. See what happens when a big boy gets hard. You get hard don't you, Timothy?"

Timothy nodded. "Not as big as that" He stared at my five inch hardon. "Billy let Timothy get a close look at your boner. Get closer, closer. Look at it Timothy. Would you like to touch it? Feel how hard it is?"

Timothy looked unsure. "It's okay buddy, his brother said. It's okay to touch it. Just remember, you promised not to tell anyone what you see or do here. Still seeming unsure, Timothy put one finger on my tip. He looked at John. "Can I touch it more?" John nodded. Timothy ran his tiny fingers along the top of my cock. "It feels soft yet hard."

Suzie directed Beth to do the same. Beth squealed and held my rapidly hardening cock. I was embarrassed beyond belief and prayed Karl had nothing else planned. "Let's go inside, guys." As we entered the kitchen, I began to feel the tingling like yesterday only it felt stronger. I brushed my lips.

Karl saw. "I gave you half again as much as yesterday. I want you hornier than yesterday. Now bend over the kitchen table. Let your cock hang over the edge. Wrap your hands under the table. John, tie his hands together. Dean, tie his feet to the table legs."

This was awful. The kids were watching. I had a suspicion what Karl had planned. I could accept my teen friends seeing me today after what they saw yesterday. Little kids watching was not good and Karl had a sadistic streak I had learned.

Karl stood at my head and talked. "I read that with enough spanking, a person can enter a zone where spanking becomes pleasure. We are going to see if that is true. All of us get to spank Billy. I have two ping-pong paddles for us to use. I will go first. Then Timothy, then Beth, then the rest. Everyone gets to swat Billy five times. The person who can break a paddle over Billy's butt gets five dollars."

I was crying. I asked Karl to do anything but that. He obviously ignored me and stepping behind he delivered a swat that caused me to scream.

"That won't do. Timothy, give me your underpants."

"My underpants? But why?"

"Take your pants off and give them to me." Timothy did at the urging of John. "Open your mouth, Billy."

Knowing resistance was futile as long as Karl had the pictures, I opened to have underpants printed with animals stuffed in my mouth. I smelled little boy. Karl thanked Timothy and resumed his spanking each hit more intense. He stopped and gave Timothy the paddle. I heard John tell him to not hold back. He did not. Now my ass felt like it was on fire. Beth was next and she tried to outdo Timothy. Between the medicine and the Viagra and the spanking I actually felt I could cum.

I heard Timothy ask, "Look. What's on the floor?"

Dean must have looked. "That's called precum. Just before a teen makes sperm, a lubricant fluid flows from his penis." Then Dean put his lips close to my ear. Even though I was still crying I heard him clearly. "Karl was right. You are getting turned on. Are you having fun?"

After everyone swatted my butt which felt like it was on fire, Karl asked John if he wanted to do anal with me? He said, "Yes. I want Timothy to see and experience this."

My brain realized what John was planning. No way. No way. Timothy was a kid. "Please. Don't make him do it. "Don't make him watch," I was begging all the teens.

The plug was removed. I heard John tell Timothy how to lube for anal. Then I felt his ten year old fingers opening me as John instructed. It felt good, but it felt wrong. Then John told Timothy to watch how he got himself hard. Then he told him and Beth to get closer and watch him enter me. I felt John enter me. He took his time and rested a lot so as to not hurt me. I was lost in lust. bucking against John's hard shaft. I was moaning. I felt Dean kissing me as Kelly stroked my hair.

"See," John told the kids. "See how good he feels. For him this is fun."

"Can I be next?" John never stopped pumping me. "Sure, baby brother."

Karl could tell I was close. He had seen the signals my body gave before I came. He told the kids to watch my hard cock just in time for me to moan into little Timothy's undies and release my sperm. John pulled out and I heard him tell Karl to make me lie lower so Timothy could reach me. Then I heard him tell his brother to let him guide his boner into me for Timothy's first anal of a male. I was still in lust from John but a ten year old's boner, well I just was not feeling it.

"It's so slippery. I can't feel anything." Karl looked at where this ten year old kid was penetrating me. "He's too opened up and John dumped a lot of cum in Billy's hole. Ever have a blow job, kid? You haven't? Come with me. Slide your head over, Billy. You get lucky. You get to give this boy his first BJ. Take all your clothes off Timothy. Beth come over to get a good look."

Beth came over grumbling she did not have anything to stick in my mouth. Still, she decided to do like Timothy and stripped out of her clothes standing next to him and putting her arm over his shoulder as he put his short, thin cock in my mouth. I closed around it tasting his big brother's cum and he groaned. If I had to do this, give Timothy his first blow job, I would make him remember his first and compare it to all future ones he received.

"Timothy, that looks so cool.

"Beth, it feels wonderful. His tongue is massaging my boner while he sucks me. Rub my belly. No lower. Just above my wiener. Harder, faster."

Timothy was enjoying this. I was making this feel good for the boy and I was glad. He was pumping and shuddering. He was moaning. Then I felt him stiffen and call, "Billy." Then his boner danced in my mouth and Timothy let out a little boy groan. I knew I had given Timothy his first orgasm. I did not expect what he did next. He pulled out, leaned over and kissed my lips murmuring, "Thank you, Billy. Thank you." I looked at his little boy face now red and felt both elated and sad. Elated that I had done this first for him. Sad knowing that he was too young for this experience.

Timothy pulled away from me and hugged Beth. John leaned in to kiss me and thank me for giving Timothy such a beautiful gift.

I was untied and Dean and Kelly sat me at the table giving me the cereal I had ignored earlier. "Can I feed you, Billy?" I looked at Dean. I felt whipped by what had just happened. I nodded. Dean fed me with such care, I thought I could let him do so forever. He washed my face. Then, he kissed me. "Did you have fun?"

Before leading me upstairs, Karl reinserted the plug. Beth watched closely. "Can Timothy use one of these? What about me?" No one spoke but I shriveled inside knowing that a ten year old girl had seen my hole and the plug. I knew I was red, maybe all over. I felt I could never go to school again.

Upstairs I once again was tied, though not as tight. Karl had decided he liked me twisting as I grew aroused. He said watching me like that got him hot.

Timothy and Beth were still naked. Suzie encouraged them to lay on the other bed. She and John showed them how to make out by demonstrating with each other. They got so involved that they had the kids scoot to the wall as the teens lay on the bed. Suzie raised her feet in the air and lay on her back. John told the kids to watch and they could do each other next. John put on a condom then entered Suzie with two wide eyed preteens giggling.

While I watched, Karl brought another blue pill and a glass I hoped was only water. After I swallowed, Karl told Kelly to tell me what was happening this afternoon.

Kelly looked at me and smiled. "I want you to have more fun, Billy. I asked my best friend Mac if he wanted to come over for some fun. He said yes if he could bring Stew's brother Dan. They are coming over. We are going to have so much fun. You wait. You will enjoy them."

"Kelly, they are ninth graders. I don't want that class to know about this, to see me like this. Plus, they are on the JV baseball team. I see them every day at practice. I am assigned to coach them." Kelly just smiled. "They won't care."

Just then I heard a roar and a scream from the other bed. I knew my friends had climaxed.

"Trust me, Billy. Mac and Daniel fool around with each other. Simple stuff like hand jobs. They don't want the other kids to know they are gay, either. They won't tell. Think how much fun you will have showing them all the other stuff they could do. I'll take pictures of them together after you teach them so I can threaten them if they ever tell."

I still felt embarrassed. I somewhat had fun with kids my age, even Kelly. What was happening today, well it was kinda fun. Dean sat at my head. His cock hard. "I took a pill. I want to be hard like you. Here. Put this in your mouth." I turned to suck and saw John and Suzie guiding their younger siblings as they experienced the fun of sexual intercourse. From the sounds the children were making, they were having a great first experience.

Dean's cock was leaking and I determined to be better for him than I had been for Timothy. To make me feel even better, I felt Kelly enter my hole and Karl began to suck my cock. Between them and the pill and the medicine, I did not care the kids were in the other bed.

Next: Chapter 4

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