Tied by High School Friends

By Art Gibson

Published on Mar 22, 2021


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Tied by High School Friends C-1

What the fuck. I tried to move. My arms and legs were tied. I tried again. I searched the room. Everything was blurry. My head hurt. Someone sat in a chair by the bed. I could not see who. I thrashed again and moaned.

"Hey Dean. He's waking up." Dean, my best friend appeared, leaning over me.

"How you doing, Billy?"

"Thirsty, gotta pee."

"Get him water and bring the milk jug."

"Here's the deal Billy. You passed out. We thought we would have some fun by taking your clothes off. Then Karl suggested tying you. So here you are."

"Dean, you've had your fun. Let me go. My head hurts. I gotta pee."

Karl returned with the water. Dean raised my head carefully and I drank. Then he untied one of my legs and told me to turn on my side. He guided my penis to the opening in the container and told me to pee. My best friend was holding my dick in a bottle. What the fuck?

"Can't with you holding me down there." I might be drunk, but I never had been held by any boy, or girl, there. I tried but nothing.

"You better pee soon or I will take this away. Then if you pee, you'll pee on yourself." Dean was holding me there and leaned over to rub my hair with his other hand. "Just pee. Then you can have fun. Remember, you are my friend. I won't let anything bad happen. You will have fun. Now pee."

I felt my bladder release and heard the pee hitting the plastic. Dean kept me in place until I stopped. I felt so embarrassed. He carefully removed the jug, setting on the nightstand. He reached behind him and Karl passed him some pills.

"Aspirin, Billy for your head. I asked him why one was blue? "This is the fun part, my friend." After I took the blue pill, Dean leaned over, brushing my hair with looing in my eyes. "Just relax, Billy. Karl will stay here to be sure you are safe."

"Dean, you had your fun. Please untie me." He brushed my hair again in a caring way. I was sober now and I could swear Dean wanted to kiss me. No way in hell that was happening. I did not kiss boys, even if they were my best friend. "Relax, Billy. I'll be back." He walked away. I pulled at the ropes. No luck. Karl sat watching me. I was embarrassed that the nerdiest boy in our class was looking at me. He was the reason I was tied and naked. I was almost seventeen, a high school junior, and a baseball player, a jock. I was not super big. About five eleven. My hair was brown and shaggy. My penis, which Karl was staring at was three inches soft and about five inches hard. I was not a big boy down there. The only body hair was in my armpits and over my penis. My belly looked like it was indented, and my ribs outlined my torso. Yeah, I was skinny, but I could hit a baseball.

"Karl, please untie me." He looked sad. "I can't Billy. Dean would get mad." I wondered how I could convince Karl to untie me when Dean entered with two of my teammates, Stew Evans and Roger Smith.

"Gee Billy," Roger said. You look better than when in the locker room. Stew leaned closer and examined my crotch. "It looks a bit bigger up close. I don't get this close in the locker room."

"Take a real close look Roger." Stew pushed his head and his mouth landed on my penis. Stew held Roger's head against me for what seemed like forever before releasing him.

"You dick," Roger stormed. "That was gross."

"Maybe. Look at Billy. He liked it." I could feel myself getting hard. "Oh yeah. He is liking it."

I begged. "Guys. You had your fun. Please, untie me."

Still stroking my hair, Dean told me that the fun was just starting. As he said that, John Howard, another teammate entered with a glass of liquid. He handed it to Dean then stepped close to scan my naked body.

"What's this," I asked as Dean brought the glass to my lips. I smelled it. No smell. "It's called enhanced water," my friend said. "Drink." I sipped. It tasted like water."

"Oh my gosh. He is tied and naked," I looked to see who squealed and saw Suzie and Jane. They sat next to me in English. "His cock is cute. I love it." That was Jane talking. I could tell by her high, nasally voice. I had to sit next to these girls in class. Now they were looking at my cock and balls, my naked body. I felt myself getting red from embarrassment. Suzie moved and ran her fingers on my glans. I moaned. Jane tickled my balls. I moaned more but I was turned on.

"He's liking it. Don't go too far girls. The main fun will be soon." I looked at Dean still stroking my hair. My friend since middle school. "Dean, please," I whimpered as the girls lightly caressed me. "Untie me Dean, please." He looked at me and moved his face closer to mine. "Not yet. The real fun starts when Kelly gets here."

I tried to process what Dean told me. Kelly was his fourteen year old freshman brother. He supposedly was gay. In the distance I heard Stew. "Kiss him Dean. You know you want to." And oh gawd, in front of my four teammates and two girls, Dean leaned in and kissed me. Not a peck but a full on kiss with tongue. And, so help me I kissed him back, tasting him. We tongue wrestled and Dean began to moan.

"Look he's leaking. Better stop Dean. He might cum." Dean stopped with the tongue but kept his lips close to my face still brushing my hair. I felt so horny. My teammates and classmates were watching my arousal, and I no longer cared.

"Dean? Why? Why are you doing this to me. Why am I so horny and hard? Why am I tied? Kiss me again."

"Billy. We all like you. We decided if you got drunk, we would have fun with you. You are hard because one of the pills is Viagra. That makes you hard for a long time even after you cum. You are horny because we gave you a mixture in the water that makes you horny for about four hours. You are tied so we can enjoy you and you can have fun."

He kissed me one last time and stood. His fourteen year old brother, Kelly came into the room. "Gosh, Dean. You guys did it. You tied Billy. Kelly walked over to the bed putting his hands on my belly

"How's it hanging, buddy? Oops. Not hanging. It's hard." He rubbed my belly then put his palm on my tip and gently massaged me. I could not stop my moans even with everyone watching. I wanted this. I had never done anything with anyone, boy or girl. I wanted this and did not care who saw.

"Careful Kelly. He's getting close. Maybe he should cum, then he will last longer next time."

Kelly said nothing. He leaned over and sucked me. I moaned. Kelly took off his shirt and pants. "Don't want them messy." Then he resumed stroking. "Help me Dean." What? Dean, my best friend was going to stroke my cock with his brother? In my daze I saw Stew and Roger undress and begin stroking. Suzie and Jane stepped over to help them. Karl now naked stood close to my face stroking. I stared at his uncircumcised cock. It was a monster, but I was too lost in my pleasure to care. My moans turned into begs and I felt my groin tingle.

I'm cumming I moaned." Dean and Kelly stroked faster, and the strongest orgasm ever erupted blowing my sperm all over. I was out of control and stop over and over, like forever. I heard everybody comment on the strength and amount of my ejaculation. I knew some pictures had been taken. I heard Karl yelp then felt wetness on my face and lips. I licked my lips. My tongue tasted a thick salty goo. Karl's cum. I groaned.

"Okay. Fun's over. Untie me so I can clean up."

"Oh, Billy the fun has only started." I tried to tell Dean that I had to get home. I had a curfew. "Not tonight buddy. I called your parents. They said you could stay until Sunday." Then he kissed me again with tongue. Then Kelly kissed me with tongue.

I knew I was still hard and horny. I was also embarrassed. All these kids were in my class they saw me every day in class. How could I look at them? I had seen two of my teammates cum because they watched me get off. I had one cum on my face. They had seen my most private emotions. They had seen my nude body losing control in my lust. I was still tied, and they were still watching me. As Dean returned to kissing me, I knew my friends were seeing me again begin to move and thrust.

"Dean, please. They are watching. Enough. Please let me go."

"Billy. The fun is only starting. You are going love it." What ever fun Dean and my friends had planned, I knew I would probably love it. But, oh gawd. Monday in school they would see me and remember. Plus, there were pictures and maybe videos. Dean's kisses became more intense an in spite of the audience, I responded. I wished my arms were free. I would hold my friend like I would hold a girl while fucking her, not that I ever had done any of that. This was the farthest I had ever gone. I was a virgin and, oh no. Were they planning to do that to me? Was that the fun they planned? But Dean's kisses. So good. I fought with his tongue trying for more, whimpering, now beyond caring that my friends could see my lust. Beyond embarrassment, my body thrusting, those damn ropes, I moaned into my best friend's mouth. "Dean, Dean. Please, please. More. Make love to me. We devoured each other's mouths and lips. Dean was moaning my name like I moaned his.

Next: Chapter 2

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