Ticklish Flavio

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 9, 2022


Snopes thought that the putting the implants in flavio's feet was the smartest decision he had made. Now he could trace his boy wherever he was. Yes, he still had Rocky and Tiny to bring him back if flavio tried another escape, but since he could track his sub himself, he could enjoy the hunt when he wanted to -- if he needed to, because the implants seem to have broken flavio's will. After they were put in the soles of his feet, he hadn't tried an escape and it had been six months. Snopes had taken the action after flavio had tried to escape a FIFTH time. Rocky and Tiny brought him back, and an angry and bound flavio couldn't restrain his frustration. "HOW MANY FUCKING CONTACTS DOES ROCKY HAVE? GEEZ. IS THERE NO PART OF THE WHOLE DAMN CITY WHERE I CAN HIDE?" Rocky just smiled. He could have taunted flavio but he didn't want to take away his good friend's joy at having an objective reason to torture flavio. "Bring him into the playroom, would you tiny? If you guys want to hogtie him, that's fine. Just don't take his shoes off. I love the sounds he makes when I do it." While flavio's muscles flexed he didn't try to get out of the ropes. He had been tied up by Rocky and by Snopes too many times to expect any way of getting loose. Instead, he went along with it when tiny tossed him, face down, on the platform, and when Rocky grabbed his ankles, crossed them, and bound them to the restraints on his wrists. "Leather ones, so we don't leave a mark. You know Mister Snopes likes your skin nice, and smooth, and..." He turned to tiny. "Thinking about what's about to happen is making me horny. Let's go. I'll even let jose suck you when I'm done. "DON'T PUNISH JOSE BECAUSE OF ME. PLEEAAAAAAAAAAAASE," flavio yelled after them. Rocky laughed. "Think of it as a reward, macho man. Like what Mister Snopes is about to do to you." When he saw Snopes' shadow in the door, flavio began to struggle. "Please sir, be gently. I won't do it anymore. I promise." Snopes walked over and took flavio's left foot in his hand. He pulled off flavio's sneaker. "You said that after the fourth try." He moved to flavio's right foot. "And the third one," as he dropped that shoe to the floor. "And the second one," as one sock came off, "and the first one." Now, flavio's feet were bare. "I listened to you every single time." He took one of flavio's feet in one hand and put pressure on the man's toes so that they curled inward. He had learned that when he formed a small cavity in flavio's feet, his nerves became even more sensitive. He ran his finger over that beautiful, soft sole, and flavio began howling. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. OH, SIR JUST FUCK ME PLEASE." "In due time flavio, in due time. Naughty boys have to get punished. One foot at a time. "AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA." The screaming continued. Rocky smiled as he watched jose going to town on Tiny's cock. "GOD that man can make noise, can't he?" The noise continued as Snopes moved to flavio's second foot and then, when they were both thoroughly sensitized, let him uncurl his toes and then went to work on both feet at the same time. "I'd say about 45 minutes of this is going to be sufficient, flavio. "NO! NO! PLEASE SIR PLEASE. YOU'VE ONLY DONE 30 MINUTES AND... I PEED MYSELF." "Well, if you pee yourself tonight, then we'll have to go for an hour. I'd not be happy, but I'd rather you came than peed. Do I need to gag you? "NO SIR. NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA." Snopes didn't actually tickle flavio's feet for 45 non-stop minutes. He was very methodical and after nine minutes, he'd give flavio a minute to breathe before he went back on the attack. When he started the fifth round, flavio was thinking "Thank God this one is over." Except it wasn't. "Better not try to pull those arms together handsome, because I want those pits. And I want them... NOW." Snopes had very fast reflexes and he had his fingers buried into his favorite spot on flavio before flavio could defend himself. "How long will we go on these? Thirty minutes sound like enough?" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. TOO MUCH SIR TOO MUCH. FIFTEEN IS ENOUGH SIR." "Nah, maybe for a first-time offender, but for you... OH NO. Thirty minutes is barely enough. "OOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. "Just be glad I'm not doing your ribs tonight flavio, and I'm only leaving them alone because, you know, you look so hot tonight. That sweat is making you glisten, and I just want your ass so bad." At that flavio was silent. If he were honest about it, he would have said that Snopes was a better Top than Jose was. Both of them were brutal, but when Snopes found a spot that brought out a moan of pleasure from flavio, he remembered it. And he went back to it. Not every time: it was sort of a game of anticipation whenever flavio got fucked: will he, or won't he? If he does, how many will he work? (It seemed to flavio that every time Snopes fucked him, he found another spot. That would have been an exaggeration, but he HAD found at least six.). He was working one of those spots, holding his cock on it and flexing his glutes to move it on, then away from it, when he began to tell flavio about his plans. "I was talking to a doctor buddy today, sweet cakes. I told him about your tendencies, and he suggested that I do what every property owner does to make sure that they can find it if it's stolen: tag it." He shoved his cock in hard. "UGGGH. Tag it, Sir?" "Yeah. The way people put chips and shit like that into their prize pets. Only use something that I can follow. Something that radio transmits." He continued to pummel flavio's ass. "It'll put your feet out of action for about a week while the incisions heel, but I got that covered." "PLEASE SIR DON'T. I won't run away anymore, I won't." "You're right, flavio, you won't. Because after I have you chipped, if you try to escape, I'll find you myself. And I'm MUCH more brutal than Rocky is." And the next day, flavio found himself on a different platform than the one in Snopes playroom. He had on a hospital gown, and his ankles were triply restrained. "Spray novocaine will be fine for this. Just local anesthesia. We'll be done in half an hour." flavio felt the cold spray his foot, and then he felt nothing. He saw the surgical instrument, but he didn't feel it. Nor did he feel the dissolvable stitches that put the first implant in place. "Now, number two. Just in case one dies." The procedure was repeated on his second foot. "The numbing will wear off in about an hour. Can you get him home by then?" "Absolutely, doctor. I have a car waiting for us." "Good. Get him home and keep him off his feet for about four days." Back in the car, Snopes cuffed his wrists in front of flavio, while Rocky drove. "All go okay, boss?" "All ok." He smiled and ran his hand through flavio's hair. "I feel like this may have opened up a new phase in our relationship. How about you, flavs?" "I don't know Sir. I don't know." "To be honest, Mr. Snopes, I'm gonna miss tracking the quarry." "Well, maybe we'll have controlled hunts or something in the future. You never know. "He patted flavio's thigh. "You might think that this means you're not getting tickled before sex tonight. Think again stud. Tiny is back at home, making me something very useful. Ever hear of a prie dieu?" "No Sir. I don't speak French." "It's like a little bench a priest kneels on: `before god' so to speak. You'll be kneeling on that for the next few days while I winch your arms up over your head. Lots of nice space to dig into those pits and remind you: feet aren't the only ticklish part of the body." Sir.... Can we talk?" "Not in the car flavio, and not until tomorrow. "Snopes' arm went around flavio's neck, reached into his shirt and squeezed a nipple. "I can't wait until I try my new toy. " He let Rocky and tiny watch after he opened flavio's shirt, and reached in. He had already attached flavio's wrists to the descending chains and ratcheted them up. His knees were on the bench tiny had made, and flavio didn't have to struggle to stay steady because of the chains. "I can't resist. Let's use the heating oil." He rubbed a little of it on each of flavio's pits and then dug in. The laughing started and so did the sweating. The salty liquid coming off of flavio's body, especially his pits, just activated the oil, and his cries were just that: a mix of crying and laughing. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA. "OH SIR THIS IS CRUEL. THIS IS WICKED. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " "I agree, but then again, I'm not the one who tried to escape five times and doesn't seem to learn his lesson. "NO MORE SIR. NO MORE. I REALLY MEAN IT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA." "You wanna get fucked stud muffin?" "YES SIR. YES. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHA. FUCK YOUR BOY BITCH PLEASE." If he learned nothing else, flavio learned that Snopes LOVED it when he called himself Master Snopes' boy bitch. It did mean a thorough fucking was on the way, but that meant that a tickling session would be called short. "Your wish is my command you handsome Portuguese bottom." Snopes couldn't touch flavio's feet that night, or for the next few nights, but he COULD put his wrists in restraints, push up his legs and fuck the shit out of his former model bottom. And he did just that, with flavio moaning all the way. He closed his eyes. He had stopped dreaming about Jose when Snopes fucked him a while ago, and instead he thought of ways that he could make Snopes enjoy fucking him more. He had to admit: Snopes had been good to him. His lifestyle had been high when he was a model, but it was higher now. Better restaurants, better theater performances and... he wondered if it was still on. Snopes had been talking about a vacation before flavio had tried his last escape, and he could have SWORN he heard the word "Ibiza" get mentioned by Snopes. flavio LOVED Ibiza. He had been there three times, once in the company of a man who took him as an "escort," and gave flavio the one and only chance he had ever had to top someone. It was a fashion week, and many of the models flavio knew were there. He loved it all. Was it possible he was going back? It was.

Snopes told flavio about the planned vacation one Saturday. Now that flavio had the trackers, once his feet had recovered Snopes let him return to using the gym. He sent Rocky to keep an eye on flavio the first few times, but when flavio didn't show any signs of trying to escape, Snopes let him go alone, "as a sign of good faith," he told flavio. As he said that, he chuckled to himself: he had confiscated all of flavio's ID, his wallet, his phone, everything. The man was completely at his mercy. Yet he had tried to escape before. The trackers were the key. As another sign of good faith, one morning, as he was spooning in bed with flavio, Snopes had told him "Listen pretty boy," before kissing his ear. "How about you think about, and make a list of things you'd like me to consider changing in the relationship? I'd like you to be as happy as possible, but we are not changing the dynamics, and you're not sleeping with jose. Those are off the table." "I understand Sir. MMMMM" Snopes had just moved his hand down to flavio's nipple and had begun squeezing it. "Damn it to hell flavio, I want you again. Get on your belly." He heard the grunt from flavio, but he also heard "Yes sir," and as he pulled the Portuguese man's ass in the air and slid in his cock, he heard a sound of pleasure that he knew wasn't faked. As flavio closed his eyes, he didn't have an image of jose come up once. A week later, flavio had given the list to Snopes before he went off to the gym. "Thank you flavio. I'll give this a look and then we'll talk about it. Enjoy your workout." While flavio was gone, Snopes DID read it. He laughed at parts of it and muttered "now THAT'S not gonna happen," but there were other points where he thought "well, ok. Well, ok." And when flavio came in, he said "I read your note. We're gonna go over it. Get out of your shirt, sit in the chair, and put your hands behind your back. "But Sir, I." "I READ YOUR LIST NOW DO WHAT I TOLD YOU." There was a sigh as if a child had been reprimanded by a parent. "Yes sir." Sitting there, in chair bondage, flavio waited for Snopes to come back with the list. He pulled up a seat and sat opposite flavio. Just before he began, he rubbed his hand over flavio's crotch. "You're hard. That's not good, stud. It means you're thinking about the boys at the gym." "No Sir, I'm thinking about what you might do to me this weekend." "Heh heh. I'll put that in the no Sir, I'm not gonna try to run away again' pile. But ok, let's go through your list. Number one: you'd like to be tied up less." Snopes looked up. "Nope. Not negotiable. Next. Less tickling. Also, a no. And those are not negotiable. Don't ask again, or there will be punishment." "Yes sir, I understand." "Now some of the others have merit. You'd like to be back at the gym. Well, you already are, so that's done. You'd like to go back to school. Hmmmm. You know, that's not a bad idea. We're going to think about that in the autumn. What do you want to study?" "I don't know Sir. I thought you might help me pick." Snopes smiled. "And I will, because it'll fit into the next item on your list. You want to work again. Well, yeah, I agree. I think you should be helping me with my business again. Working at the front desk, doing odd jobs, blowing me when I'm horny. You know, basic assistant duties. "Sir, I wasn't clear. I wanted to maybe model again?" "Yeah, that's what I thought. I'll think about that. I'm just not sure. But we'll see because the next two are interesting. You'd like to move back to NYC. Yeah, I agree. I've had enough of clean country air. And this next one." He paused. "Could we maybe take a trip or vacation or something?" Snopes reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out two tickets. "Know what these are, handsome? They're round-trip tickets to Ibiza. Leaving next week." flavio would have jumped out of his seat and hugged Snopes if he could have. "IBIZA SIR? NEXT WEEK? That's the week for the European fashion galas. Oh my God. Are you serious?" "Totally serious boy. My friend Jacques is going to be presenting a line for the first time in five years. He told me a "little birdy" has inspired him. "JACQUES? THE MYSTERIOUS JACQUES? OH MY GOD SIR I WANTED TO WORK FOR HIM AND I WAS NEVER GOOD ENOUGH. I LOVE HIS STUFF." "Well, I don't know about working for him but for sure, you'll meet him. Jacques and I go way back. WAY back. And you'll meet his inspiration'. See, he has his own flavio. His name is Robin. " Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Would you gentlemen like some champagne?" The bearded flight attendant smiled as he asked. His eyes were locked on flavio, who couldn't look away. "We'd each like a glass. And I'd like you to stop cruising my lover," Snopes answered the flight attendant, who blushed and answered, "right away Sir." "I'm sorry Sir. I was trying to look away, but it was too late." Snopes smiled and patted flavio on the thigh. "On the plane it's ok. You're not gonna be going anywhere, and the more people I make jealous, the happier I am." On his three prior trips to Ibiza, flavio had been working. He had been a very young man, walking runways for designers far less prestigious than "Jacques." That's all anyone ever knew him as: "Jacques." Each time, he was with a group of about 20 pretty boys, all sitting in the cheapest seats possible. They had been given business class seats, but they all knew that they had no guarantees about future work, and by trading in their tickets, they could get some money to live on, to buy drugs, whatever they wanted. Now, he was in first class. There were models on their flight, and nothing had changed. They were in the cheapest seats. He had heard one of them say "someone has a sugar daddy" when he and Snopes walked onto the plane, but he didn't care. It was what it was. "Your drinks Sir. And I apologize for insulting you," the flight attendant said. Snopes smiled. "I don't blame you. I'd cruise my sweetie too. Just know that no one gets to him without going through me. If you're going to be stationed in Ibiza for a while, well." "Ah, I'm afraid not Sir. I'll be leaving straight away for Paris." "AH. Tant pis young man, tant pis. Too bad. It might have been fun to watch, or even to participate." "I have to return to my duties Sir. Please excuse me." "Nice to meet you... Gregory" Snopes looked at the nametag on his vest. "I'm going to be taking a bit of a nap, flavio, so if you want to use the bathroom, use it now, please." "Thank you, Sir. I will. Please excuse me." He saw Snopes close his eyes. So did Gregory. "Excuse me, Sir," Gregory bumped into flavio and flavio felt something go into his pocket. "There's my information in Paris, if by some chance you can get there." He saw flavio smile. "Thank you. I will perhaps call you." It will not surprise you to learn that flavio WAS in fact planning an escape, while he was in Ibiza with Snopes. He assumed that there would be at least a few Brazilian models, perhaps even some from Portugal, and Snopes did not understand Portuguese. Maybe he could get out a help message. And now, there was the possibility of hiding in France with Gregory. He'd just have to get the trackers out. He had a plan for that. It was risky, but it was worth a try. It must be said that flavio was having a splendid time with Snopes in Ibiza. He became tour guide, and when they walked down the street, he would hold onto Snopes' hand and smile: let the other boys get jealous: they'd be screwing with each other in one of the cheaper hotels, while he was in a five-star hotel, with its own private pool, a gym, and anything he could imagine. Now, though, he was lying on the beach wearing a very skinny black bathing suit, Snopes next to him. It wasn't a gay beach, but things are looser in Ibiza. Snopes had gotten flavio a chest wax as soon as they arrived and now, his fingers played over flavio's ripped abs, running up to his nipples. "Sir, with the sun... I may start leaking" "Is that right, handsome? Well, maybe I need to protect my sweetness from those rays." Snopes smiled and climbed on top of flavio. "Gimme your neck flavio. Maybe I won't leave a mark, and maybe I will." "Sir, you're so hard. OOOOOOOOOOOH" He felt Snopes' stubble. "You know what that means, boy?" "Uh, that we're going back to the hotel Sir?" "Immediately." One of the first things Snopes had done when they got into their suite was to attach the old neckties he carried with him to the four corners of the bed. Now, he tied flavio's wrists and spread his legs. He pulled out the electric toothbrushes he had packed too. "Not your feet, flavio, but the insides of your thighs. Until you beg for cock." He turned them on and began running them up and down the flesh near flavio's cock. This was one of Snopes' tortures that flavio hated most. He ALWAYS thought that he could resist this one, and he always could, for a little while. He bit his lips tighter when Snopes turned up the power. Bursts of laughter began to escape and then, he was in full scale screaming. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. NO SIR STOP. STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA. PLEASE STOP PLEASE. " "Sure. You want me to up the power. " "NO SIR NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. I want you to fuck my mancunt. Hard. REAL hard Sir." Snopes was almost drooling. His boy was still covered with sunscreen and his body smelled even more appetizing than usual. And it looked better. His years as a model had given flavio the experience he needed to get a good "pump" on his body very quickly. It made Snopes even mor sexually ravenous, and he almost ripped those skimpy shorts off flavio. He got the man's knees up on his shoulders and began sliding in. He smiled. He was aiming to get each and every one of flavio's hot spots, and as flavio moaned when he hit one, he made a mental tally. He didn't quite make it. He got to the seventh one before he couldn't contain himself, and he pumped a nut into flavio, who screamed with pleasure. And it WAS pleasure: flavio wasn't faking it. Nor was he faking it when, cuddled in Snopes' embrace, he moved his mouth into Snopes' pit and began moaning. "You smell so... DOMINANT Sir. May I?" "CLEAN IT UP, BOTTOM. CLEAN IT UP." "Thank you, Sir. Thank you." Snopes never remembered that flavio was a pit pig. He needed to. His boy did a very good job at this. He smiled, wondering what this Robin guy was like. He knew he HAD to be ticklish: he and Jacques had met in one of those very specialized chat groups years ago: men of means who liked to tickle. They had become friends. And now they were having dinner the next night. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "If there's anyone in this restaurant who doesn't want my lover, they're brain dead" Snopes was thinking as he sat at their table in the fancy restaurant. flavio had on a devastating white shirt that fit him snugly and had opened three buttons. He had a dark gray blazer on over it, and a pair of tight designer jeans. There wasn't anyone in the restaurant who didn't look at him. He was smiling and laughing reveling in the fact that while there was no question as to his role with Snopes, no one in the restaurant knew what it was, and everyone was jealous. Every now and then, when Snopes stretched out his hand and squeezed flavio's thigh, flavio covered Snopes' hand with his own and squeezed back. "Thank you for taking me here, Sir. I didn't think I'd ever see Ibiza again." Snopes smiled. "It's a beautiful place, that's for sure. Beautiful people too. There are a lot of beautiful places, flavio. If you continue to behave, we'll see them. "flavio saw his chance. "Sir, I wanted to ask you something. Have you ever been to Paris?" "A few times. When I was much younger." "This is very forward Sir but..., do you think we could extend the vacation and visit it for a few days? It's the right time of year and, well." Snopes suspected something was up, but flavio had just run his foot up Snopes' leg and Snopes was ready to bust another nut. "Let me think about it, handsome. I'd hate to disappoint you and say no, but I have to look at schedules." "Thank you, Sir. Thank you for considering it." Then flavio moved over to Snopes, pulled his arm around his shoulders and said: "Kiss me Sir. Give these people the show they want." "Ok, now I KNOW he's after something," Snopes thought. "I have no idea what it is, but..." Having another chance to show the world that flavio was HIS was something he couldn't turn down. And he heard the restaurant get VERY quiet when they kissed. Then he heard Jacques voice. He looked up and he saw his friend, with a very attractive young man in a striking blue shirt. "MON AMI SNOPES. It has been so long!" Snopes got up to embrace Jacques and he saw that when they stood still, the young man put his hands behind his back. When their greeting was complete, Jacques smiled. "You must be flavio. I have heard so much about you." "Monsieur Jacques" flavio stood and took Jacques hand. "I have admired your work for so long. It's such an honor to meet you." Jacques began to laugh. "Oh, you cannot have admired me for THAT long flavio. You are so young." "Not as young as this man, Jacques." Robin blushed when he heard that. "Oh, my apologies. This is Robin. I think you have not met." "We have not." Snopes held out his hand. Robin was handsome: adorable was the word that came to him, but too young for him. He could have been flavio's younger brother. "And this is flavio. It's good that the two of you met." "How do you do, flavio. I'm Robin." "I am well, I hope you are enjoying Ibiza." Jacques laughed. "I'm afraid that Robin is not getting much of a chance to enjoy the city. I am rusty after such a long lay off and as my assistant, he is trying to make sure I get what I need done, done. Shall we sit down? Snopes, have you ordered champagne?" While Jacques and Snopes were catching up, flavio leaned over to Robin. "I assume you are in the same position as I am." Robin laughed ruefully. "Oui. On the bottom. Every night. If his dick isn't in me, his fingers are tickling me." "I know the situation. That's how Snopes got me." "Have you tried to escape?" Now it was flavio's turn to laugh. "About a half dozen times. Now he's got me tagged so he knows wherever I am." "TAGGED?" He looked up. He hoped no one had heard him. flavio lowered his voice. "He has trackers in my feet. He knows where I am. All the time. " "GEEZ. I haven't tried. I don't speak enough French yet, and all my stuff is locked up. I don't know what he'd do if I tried, maybe. "Robin, how do you like being with Jacques?" Snopes smiled. "It's been quite an experience Sir. Very different from what I did beforehand." "Oh? What was that?" Robin had an answer ready. He had been asked this before. "I worked in law enforcement Sir. "Jacques laughed. "Yes, my boy wonder was quite the young crime stopper. Now, I suppose he keeps me from being caught committing crimes, don't you mona mi?" He pinched Robin's ribs and Robin yelped. "YES. Yes sir." Meanwhile, Snopes' mind was working. He remembered the stories about "what happened to Batman's Robin?" Jacques had just called him boy wonder; his name was Robin. "Jacques, we'll have to have a talk soon to catch up. "OH YES, but of course. Now, I wanted to ask you something Snopes. You had mentioned to me that flavio had been a model." "Yes, he was. We were planning to come to your show." "Would you mind, Snopes, if I asked flavio to walk back and forth on the floor of the restaurant? Just twice." "He's auditioning me!" flavio thought. He saw Snopes shake his head yes. When flavio answered "thank you Sir," Jacques understood the relationship completely. He watched flavio: he was out of practice for sure, but he was better looking than any of the other models in the show. "Snopes, this is a very big ask, but would you mind lending me flavio for my show?" He asked the question before flavio came back to the table. "Do you want to do it, flavs?" Snopes asked, knowing the answer already from flavio's eyes. "If you say it is ok Sir, I would love to do it." Snopes smiled at Jacques. "Do with him what you will. When do you need him for any rehearsals or anything?" "OH, MERCI! Robin, we will have to add some more outfits to the show. Tomorrow we'll see what is ready that will fit flavio with little alterations. Monsieur Snopes, shall we say 3pm? The show is in 3 days, and flavio, if I remember you are from Portugal. No other Portuguese in the show, but three Brazilians." That started flavio's mind to work. He seemed to have an ally in robin and if he tried to escape, he'd see if robin wanted to go with him. They were in Spain, and flavio's Spanish was sufficient to get around. "3 pm it is," Snopes answered. "MARVELOUS. Now, Snopes, I was prepared to give you a gift anyway, but you certainly deserve it now." He gave flavio a look. "It is actually a gift for both of you. The man who introduced robin and I makes them. I think you will... enjoy it." Snopes opened the parcel. "I'm not sure what this is, Jacques." "OH, it is a tickling device. You put it around the middle and then you simply touch one of these battery switches for intensity. It keeps your boy's ribs stimulated and leaves your hands free." He turned to robin: "robin can tell you how effective it is." robin glowered. "It is very effective Monsieur." "EXCELLENT." Snopes smiled and looked at flavio. "We will try it tonight." Their dinner went on, and when they finally left, Jacques leered at flavio. "You will need to get your rest in order to look your best Monsieur but... I suspect you will not get much tonight." He didn't. After they got back to the hotel room, Snopes told flavio to strip. Then he wrapped the tickling corset around his middle and tied him to the bed. He pulled out those toothbrushes and wrapped one around each of flavio's feet. He turned the corset to low and, after he bound flavio's wrists, went at his pits. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. YOUR FRIEND IS A CUNT SIR. A CUNT." "No, YOU are a cunt, flavio. A bitch cunt bottom. SAY IT. Or we'll go to the next level on the corset and the brushes. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA. I'm a bitch cunt Sir. YOUR bitch cunt. A bottom. YOUR bottom Sir. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. PLEASE SIR. FUCK ME. MAKE ME SCREAM FROM YOUR COCK." "First kiss me. Kiss me like you did in the restaurant." Snopes moved his lips to flavio's and they kissed. As soon as they did, Snopes knew flavio was planning something. The kiss was NOT The same as in the restaurant. He began taking that out on flavio with the almost brutal fucking he gave him. "Models stand a lot, flavio. Trust me. You won't want to sit when I'm done with you tonight."

Next: Chapter 9

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