Ticklish Flavio

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 16, 2022


Snopes went ahead with his plan to buy a house out of the city: he did most of his work by phone and on line, so there really wasn't much reason to be in the metropolitan area anymore. He did plan to keep the apartment, though, "just in case" he decided to take flavio out on the town and they needed a nest for the night.

He found a good place, but his intentions required some extensive renovations. Rocky, Tiny and jose would be coming along, so he needed to make sure there were two bedrooms, far enough apart so that the truplet and he and flavio didn't disturb each other. Also, he thought about ONE playroom, but thought that two would be better. Yes, they COULD do group season in the "Master Dungeon," but there should be a second one too. The place had an unfinished basement that Snopes wanted finished, and the estimated time of renovations was 6 months (it turned out to be 8. If you've ever renovated a house, you'll understand). He also did something that might surprise people, but he wanted it done. Snopes was the oldest one of the group, by far. He figured that probably, he'd be the one to go first. So he made sure that the house was deeded, on his demise, to flavio, Rocky and Tiny. He broke it up so that flavio's share was equal to Rocky and Tiny combined: that way, they'd have to agree on everything. With the closing accomplished, and the renovations underway, he could go back to his regular life.

That meant stepping up his domination of flavio, and also devising new ways to involve jose in their games. Rocky, to be honest, was perfectly happy to "free lance" as he called it, with his other "contacts," and to have a shot at tickling flavio a few times a week, but his mind operated the same way Snopes did, so he went along with everything Snopes developed. Tiny just liked having a "toy to fuck" as he described jose, and no one was really concerned with what either flavio or jose wanted: they were subs and property, period.

As part of his control over flavio, Snopes had canceled all of flavio's credit cards. flavio had not been much of a saver, so there wasn't much of an issue with his bank accounts. Snopes had destroyed flavio's original cell phone and had given him a new one which he could monitor: EVERY call that came into flavio's phone, also went to Snopes'. flavio got into some trouble as a result, but even if he had behaved completely, Snopes and Rocky were going to punish him frequently, and Snopes was going to have his ass as often as he could.

When Snopes had forced flavio to give up his gym, he realized that in order for flavio to maintain the gorgeous body with which he was obsessed, a gym was going to be necessary. He found one. flavio not only could, but was REQUIRED to work out at the gym 2 hours a day during the week, and 3 hours a day on the weekends. It was a private, and very gay gym. Since flavio wore Snopes' slave necklace and it was visible during the workouts, no one bothered him, or came on to him. One day, though, Snopes showed up unexpectedly (he did that on a sporadic basis). flavio didn't know he was there, and he saw his sub smile and say "hi" to a cute blond guy who was also working out. Snopes knew who the guy was: that was robbie, the sub of another finance guy, but it didn't matter. flavio had broken a rule. He thought about what to do: the answer was pretty obvious to him. flavio worked out in a tank top, and every time he lifted weights his pits were exposed. That was all the stimulation Snopes needed. He called Rocky. "Hey. You gonna be around tonight?" "Yeah, boss. Nothing happening with the gang. What's up?" Snopes told Rocky what his plan was. He of course couldn't see Rocky's face, but he heard his pal say "Tiny's gonna be sore tonight, that's for sure." When flavio finished, and he was heading back to the locker room, he saw Snopes. "Sir! I didn't know you were here. " "I know you didn't. Why don't you just get your stuff? No need to change. You'll shower and change at home tonight, boy." "BUT... " flavio was sweating something fierce. His body had gotten even more developed with the workouts, but that took work. He liked how he looked, but Rocky had told him that every "nook and cranny" that he developed gave him more territory to work on when he tickled him. He was right. "But nothing. Get your stuff, and let's go." "Yes sir." "So, you noticed robbie." flavio reddened immediately. "Sir, he said hello to me first. I didn't want to be rude." "Why do you think he said hello to you? You think it was that look you gave him?" There was still some fight in flavio and he responded "Why don't you ask robbie?" and then immediately realized his mistake. "I'm sorry Sir. That was out of line. " "Sure was. Oh, are you gonna regret breaking the rules."

Back at home, flavio saw that Rocky was sitting in an arm chair, smiling "Oh shit" he thought. "It's tag team time." It was. The torture chair with the stocks came out. Snopes ordered flavio to get out of the tank top, and then he tied his wrists above his head. flavio knew that meant pit torture. He saw Rocky getting out the vibrators he used on flavio's feet. That meant: he'd have his fingers free. "flavio, what rule did you break today?" Snopes asked. "I... I broke two Sir. I looked at another man and might have led him on, and then.. I sassed you." "Very good, flavio. Very good. So you know the rules, but.. you have problems following them." Rocky was fastening the vibrators with velcro. When he was done, he shook his head mockingly. "Turn em on Rocky, then... you get the ribs." "NO. NO. " Too late. Rocky had set the vibrators at the highest frequency and as soon as he did, Snopes dug his thumbs into flavio's pits. Rocky started sliding fingers up and down his rib cage. "NO. NO. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE." Snopes stopped for a minute. "You know, we COULD take you out of the chair and put Jose in it. I KNOW he'd LOVE it." "NO, Please don't. Jose's pissed off at me enough." (He was, for reasons you'll see). "Ok, we gave you a chance. Rocky..." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGH. STOP! PLEASE. I DIDN'T PEE BEFORE WE STARTED. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHA." "If you wet yourself flavio, I'm gonna keep this up for another twenty minutes. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Please. I'll hold it. I'll hold it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA."

Jose was in another room, untied, but with his ankle chained to the bed where Tiny and Rocky slept, and where they'd put him when they "played." jose was angry at flavio because of what he thought was too much enthusiasm on flavio's part when they played what Snopes called "The flipping game." Once every two weeks, sometimes more often, Snopes would tie jose to HIS bed. Then he'd force flavio to take two, and sometimes three, "little blue pills." The impact on flavio, who was only allowed to cum once every week, was immediate. His rod stiffened immediately and then, Snopes would give the order. "FUCK HIM BITCH." flavio always gulped, and whispered "Sorry jose." Jose would look away from the man who used to be his bottom, and then he'd feel flavio's cock penetrate him. At first, it was clear that flavio was NOT enjoying this but now... he seemed to get into it more and more. (What jose didn't know was that if Snopes judged flavio's performance inadequate, that would mean getting the vibrator up his ass after Snopes fucked him). Being fucked in front of people while he was tied up was bad enough. Being fucked by his BOTTOM was... well, more than humiliating to the very macho jose.

But let's get back to flavio's torture. The tickling went on for thirty minutes. When flavio's laughter began to die down, both Rocky and Snopes knew it was time to stop. That's when Snopes would take flavio into the bedroom and fuck him, as he was doing tonight. "You guys go have some fun with jose if you want. I need a little time with my bitch before dinner." flavio was always exhausted after one of these sessions, and this one came right after a workout. Snopes had never had such an easy time getting him onto the bed. Tonight, he took him face up, strapping down his wrists. He moved his fingers over flavios lips. "How come you don't kiss fuckbitch?" "I.. I did Sir. No one will ever kiss me the way jose did." "And no one will every fuck you the way I do. Now open your mouth."

flavio resisted until he felt his balls being squeezed, hard. When he screamed, Snopes shoved in his tongue. "DAMN. He DOES kiss well. Almost as well as he fucks," flavio's brain thought, but on another level he was thinking "How the hell did I get into this?" He felt Snopes pulling down the onion skin shorts that he was wearing, then he felt the finger circling his hole. "Get ready to take it, BITCH." flavio felt his ankles get grabbed and pushed in the air. He knew that Snopes was even more aggressive when he could blame flavio for some infraction and that was the case tonight. A THICK cockhead penetrated him, followed by the completely engorged cock to which it was attached. FUCK. YES. YES MASTER. YES. YES." He never thought he was going to enjoy being fucked by this rather nondescript, older guy. That had changed. The other stuff? He'd never get used to it. But if Snopes ever wanted to get romantic, put a ring on his finger, or do something to make him more than a sub bitch, he'd be up for it. It would never happen. Instead, Snopes plowed flavio within an inch of his life and then exploded into him. "Is that pre-cum bitch? You know how I feel about that." "I'm sorry Sir. You.. you hit all my spots tonight. " "I'm afraid I'm not gonna let it go. That gets added to the list for tomorrow." flavio sighed. "Yes sir." He could smell food cooking from the kitchen. Clearly Rocky and Tiny had finished what they wanted to do with jose that night (they were both in the mood for blow jobs. When Snopes asked, innocently, why jose wasn't hungry, Tiny and Rocky looked at each other and tried not to laugh. Now, Snopes smiled). "I guess a couple of pre dinner smoothies will spoil an appetite. " jose glowered and began to get out of his chair. flavio spoke to him in Spanish. He knew what would happen. "Good boy flavio. You can finish jose's plate if you like. " flavio WAS hungry. He still had post workout hunger and also... he was always starving after sex.

You may remember that Snopes had put an end to flavio's modeling career. As he put flavio further and further under his control, though, including several times where flavio tried to escape and was thwarted, Snopes agreed that flavio could do some very limited modeling. It HAD to be a gig close to home, because Snopes insisted on going to each gig as flavio's "manager." flavio was smart, and after Snopes had crushed each escape attempt and had administered appropriate punishment, he had to admire flavio's ingenuity. By being at each gig, he could keep an eye on flavio: make sure he didn't try anything. Also, he could make sure that his bottom didn't flirt with anyone else. Snopes actually liked it when he caught flavio "red handed:" it gave him an excuse to administer even more severe punishment, like the time he kept him tied down on the bed with a vibrator plugged in and rammed up his ass, for six hours. flavio came three times, which was fine, except the other half of the punishment was an hour of tickling for each time he DID ejaculate. At the end of it all, not only did Snopes fuck flavio good and hard, he made him watch, tied up, while he did the same thing to jose, yelling "THE BITCH I TOOK FROM YOU TAKES IT BETTER THAN YOU DO, MACHO MAN!" Slowly but surely, Snopes was driving a wedge between the two of them: EXACTLY what he wanted to do. Still, a man with flavio's looks gets job offers and he went to Snopes one day. "Sir, I got a gig offer today. It's formal wear. Tuxedos. Just a day of shooting. The agent is someone I've worked with before." He got on his knees and put his hands behind his back: he had already opened the shirt he was wearing. "May I take that gig, Sir? Please." Snopes smiled as he reached out and ran his fingers on flavio's nipples. "Hmm. I guess you don't know: one of my big fantasies has always been to fuck a hot guy in formal wear. I think we could do this. But I'm going." "yes sir. Thank you Sir." flavio looked up. He swallowed hard, but.. "May I suck your cock, Sir? To show you my gratitude?" Snopes looked at him. "What are you waiting for? But get your collar and your leash. We're going to do it the right way." When flavio came back, Snopes put the dog collar on, and held the leash taut. His pants were down, and he pulled flavio's head to where his cock was sticking out, long and hard. flavio had improved immensely at giving oral sex, and his blow jobs were superb. It meant Snopes wouldn't have the juice to fuck him that night, but that was ok. He began thinking about how beautiful his boy would be in a tuxedo, and that was very sustaining. flavio was choking on the large cock he had in his mouth, and he was thinking: at each modeling gig, he had tried to escape by putting a slip of paper in whatever he was modeling that said "help me." He hoped that someone would take notice and do something, but so far, nothing. Maybe this time...

The day of the gig, Snopes drove flavio to the photo shoot site. He was in a good mood because he had seen the latest progress of the new house. He LOVED the play rooms, and the bedrooms. There were restraints built into the bed, and also, the contractor had built restraints into the walls that disappeared behind a panel. Snopes could press a button on a hanging photo and they'd come out. "We're going to have SO MUCH FUN" at the new house. I can't wait. "Yes sir," was all flavio could answer.

flavio changed into his formal wear at the shoot site and when he came out, Snopes sucked in his breath. "OH MY GOD . He's so handsome. I NEED to find some events where I can show him off like that. DAYUM." "You look so goddamn sexy I could fuck you right now," Snopes said to flavio, making him blush. One of the other models heard it. He had doubts about Snopes being flavio's "manager," so now he knew there was more to it than that. flavio was the major model in the shoot, and the other model, Lazlo, was jealous.

In breaks between the photos, flavio looked for whatever paper he could find, and made out various "help me" messages. He put them in every pocket of the tuxedos he modeled he could find. Inadvertently, he left one behind on a dressing table. Lazlo saw it and grabbed it. He was all set to bring it to flavio, but then he thought "No. I think..." "Excuse me, Mr. Snopes? I didn't want to bother flavio because he's on set, but he left something behind so I thought I'd bring it to you." Snopes looked at the piece of paper and smiled. He knew EXACTLY what flavio was doing. "Thank you Lazlo. I'll make sure he gets it." Then he picked up his phone and called Rocky. "Caught flavio red handed today and this was a big one." "So what do you think boss?" I think he gets a full tickling but also... jose gets the clothes pins up and down his side. Maybe we'll make flavio take them off. "HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. Now THAT's a good one Boss. I'll make sure it's set up when you get back. At the end of the shoot, flavio smiled at Snopes who crooked his finger in a "get over here" gesture. flavio knew better than to argue. "Yes sir? " "Let's go. We're heading home." "Ok Sir, I'll just get out of the tuxedo." "We're going home, NOW" . Snopes gave him a look that made flavio wonder what he had done. He had been assiduous about avoiding any kind of association with the other models. He remembered Snopes talking about his fantasy of fucking someone in formal wear, but he thought that it would happen later. In the car, when they were stopped at a light, Snopes handed flavio the note. "One of the other models gave me this to give to you. Said you left it behind at the make up table." flavio knew what it was, and he began to sweat. He didn't speak. "How many did you write, BITCH?" His voice very low, flavio answered "I lost count Sir." "Ha ha. Even though it was useless. No one picked up on it, did they?" "no Sir." "And maybe they won't. Now, there's gonna be punishment for this, fuckhead. Tickling is in your future, but.... " Just before the light changed, he showed flavio a photo of jose spread eagled to the wall and the pile of clothespins in front of him. "Tiny and Rocky will take care of the ribs and, when they're done... you'll do his cock." flavio began to sweat. jose knew they were both prisoners but... he blamed flavio for every embarrassing, submissive thing he had to do. "Please Sir. Is there something else I can do?" "Yes, and you will. But you'll use the clothes pins first." And he did. When they got home, and got flavio out of the jacket, Snopes pinned his arms behind him while Tiny and Rocky got to work attaching clothes pins, at half inch intervals along jose's sides. He screamed after each one. flavio squirmed in Snopes grip, but he wasn't going to be able to do anything. "I wonder how you'd stand up to that, sexy boy," Snopes whispered into flavio's ear. "But it's ok. We have other games for you." He did. After they had flavio attach six clothes pins to jose's cock, and leave them there for twenty minutes, then Snopes knocked them off, leading to attempted screams from jose - attempted because they had now gagged him with one of his own jock straps. "YOU. STRIP." He ordered flavio, who was scared. As the torture went on, Snopes eyes got brighter, and brighter. "So many possibilities. SO MANY. For tonight, there's just one. On your belly. I want that fucking ass. Tomorrow the fun starts." flavio gulped. He saw, right before he flipped on his belly, that Snopes was going to use the BIG dildo and, he heard these words "jose, you think you could rough him up a little?" flavio didn't see the evil smile as jose took the 11 incher, and none too gently began pounding flavio's ass. "Turn it. Twist it. It'll be unforgettable for him. " "Making me hot Sir," he said to Snopes. "Then jerk. Cover his ass with your jizz. Then feed him." jose smiled. "OH YES SIR" He began stroking, and he whispered in a low voice. "You got me in so much trouble, bottom. You're gonna start paying. You wait and see." He continued to hold the dildo in flavio until finally, his load exploded all over flavio's backside. Then he ran his finger over it, and put some in front of flavio's lips. "LICK IT UP. LICK IT FUCK. TAKE A MAN'S JIZZ." As he did that, Tiny was filing the scene away to do in the future, with jose on the bottom.

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Then, moving day came. All the furniture, all the clothes, everything, had headed up already. The van that had brought flavio to Snopes was waiting. He had decided that they'd recreate the "nuptial" as he called it, as closely as possible. For that he tied flavio, dressed in a dark, close fitting purple shirt and white pants, to the wall of the van trunk. No shoes. Rocky was riding in the back with flavio. Jose was tied up and gagged in the back seat. Snopes drove, with Tiny beside him. After about twenty minutes, flavio spat out. "You're all gonna pay for this eventually. Jose and I will figure it out." Rocky smiled. "Jose's WITH us now, dude. He wants to make you suffer as much as we do." flavio fought at the ropes. Rocky only smiled. "You didn't get away the first time, what makes you think you will this time?" flavio didn't answer but just said, frustrated "this NEVER would've happened if you didn't tickle me." Rocky laughed. "I KNOW, RIGHT? I took a risk and it paid off. Snopes is still thanking me for capturing you. " He paused. "Tell the truth. You LOVE it when he fucks you, and you love it when the two of us tickle you. " flavio didn't answer, and Rocky teased. "SEE? You're bulging in those pants. What're you thinking of? Snopes cock or my fingers?" flavio's face was a blank. "Both." "Now ya see? You really DID give up. You're just a sub bitch. Just like you always wanted to be. " He adjusted his seat. "And... know what? Your feet are as sexy as they were that first time." "NO. C'MON NO..." Too late, flavio tried to pull back his legs. Rocky had pulled flavio's ankles under his arm, and got to work on the feet. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA." Snopes and Tiny heard it in the front seat. "Sounds like the boys are having fun" "Good. You'll get to christen the bed because the bitch'll be primed. " They drove in silence while the laughter continued in the back of the van. When they got to the new house, flavio was too weak to walk, so Tiny threw him over his shoulder, and at Snopes' instruction, put him in the bedroom. flavio's feet weren't tied, but Rocky had done such a thorough job, he couldn't walk well. Snopes came into the bedroom. "Driving always makes me horny. You horny, bitch boi?" flavio lowered his head. "yes sir." "You wanna get fucked?" "Yes sir. " Snopes undid the wrist restraints, and then locked each of flavio's wrists to a side of the bed. Then he opened the purple shirt button by button. "You're gonna model a tuxedo for me tonight, flavio. " "yes sir. Anything you want. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG" Snopes had begun nibbling flavio's nipples. Then he licked his whole chest before he pulled off flavio's pants. flavio prepared to have his legs lifted up but first, Snopes pulled out a long string of rope. flavio's cock was stiff, so it was easy to put the loop around his balls. "Sir... Sir.. What are you..." There was an eyelet under the bed, and Snopes attached the other end of the rope to the eyelet. Only then did he lift up flavio's ankles. "Taking my boy for the first time in the new house. Something special about that." It DID seem special to flavio. He knew, for the first time, that it was all over. He was now a sub. One hundred percent. "FUCK ME MASTER. FUCK ME" he moaned, and Snopes complied. When he was done, he left the rope on flavio's cock. "I tied it so that even if you shrink, it'll stay fixed. And every half hour, Rocky's gonna come in, make it tighter, and maybe take a lick or two of your feet. "OH FUCK. " Rocky came in. Snopes went out to the living room, where Tiny was fucking jose on the "fuck rug" as they came to call it. He folded his arms and smiled. "We make our own families. " He heard the laughs. "Ours is gonna be just fine. "

Next: Chapter 8

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