Ticklish Flavio

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 2, 2022


"Mr Snopes office, Flavio speaking. How can I help you?" It's a couple of months since we last looked in on Snopes, Flavio, Rocco and Tiny. And yes, that IS Flavio, sitting at the receptionist desk at Snopes' company. He's looking very sexy in his tight fitting white shirt and loosened black tie. If you were to get close enough, you could see perhaps a part of the chain around his neck: the slave collar. You probably wouldn't be able to see the lock at the bottom of it, because his shirt, though tight fitting, covered it. His career at the gym, and his modeling career, over. He worked for Snopes now, who kept an eye on him, 24/7.

If you knew what to look for, you might see what the police call "traces of ligature marks" from where Snopes had tied his wrists. You'd find them around his ankles too, and if you saw the ligature marks on Flavio's right ankle, you'd also see the tracer bracelet he wore now. It was a trade off: the bracelet, or the "special shoes" Snopes had designed.

Flavio knew: he had brought it on himself. He had surrendered: Snopes and Rocco had broke in him and he WAS Snopes' boy. His life, since then, couldn't be said to be bad. Snopes doted on him, but he expected that as his sub, flavio WOULD be submissive. That meant daily bondage sessions, either butt fucking or a blow job (or both), every day, and NO FOOLING AROUND. Snopes had also taken control of flavio's finances: he had no credit cards anymore, he had given up the lease to his apartment, and he had a schedule, every day, which he had to follow.

Rocky and Tiny were living in their own apartment now, but Rocco came over three times a week, just like a personal trainer, to have a tickle session with flavio. Snopes had bought one of those fancy chairs that could keep flavio's wrists tied down (or up) at several points, and could either act as "stocks" for his ankles, or spread his legs. Sometimes Snopes joined in on the tickle sessions, but sometimes he just watched and ... the times flavio hated, he'd get close and jerk off all over flavio's face while Rocky massacred his feet. When he'd finish, Snopes' voice would be deep and firm "LICK IT UP BOY. EAT EVERY DROP." When Rocky didn't come over, Snopes would tickle flavio himself. Snopes still favored upper body tickling, but Rocky was trying to give him foot tickling techniques. They were supposed to have a lesson at the end of the day when flavio did something he regretted.

You can guess: he tried to escape. BUT, he had a reason for it. One day, in between sessions, he had a call on his cell phone. The number looked vaguely familiar but he couldn't place it. "You remember me, flav? It's Jose." flavio's dick went rigid. How many years had it been? The man who turned him into a bottom. "Jose. Oh, excuse me. Sir Jose. How are you doing? I haven't heard from you." "Yeah, I left the country. I met someone on line. A real pretty guy back home so I returned to Lisbon." "Are the two of you visiting?" flavio asked, and Jose laughed. "Only me, and not visiting. Joao and I are done. I came back to the US." A pause. "I wondered if you'd be interested in seeing if we could pick things up where we were." While he held the phone with one hand, he squeezed his dick with the other one. Jose's voice had been a trigger for him, and the voice was bringing back the ways Jose had nuzzled his ears, how he kissed - Jose's kissing had been so awesome that flavio couldn't kiss anyone else anymore and enjoy it - and of course, Jose's dick. That marvelous piece of meat. Jose preferred being sucked to anal sex, and there were times when he'd fuck flavio's pretty face three times a day. flavio didn't tell Jose about his "relationship," or his past as an escort, or any of that. No, what he said was "Sure. My last client is at 4. Should I meet you someplace, or..." "Yeah, let me give you an address." "I DO have to be somewhere at 7 Jose. Just know that. It's important." flavio thought he could tell Snopes a client had asked to be rescheduled, and so he would be back late. As far as he knew, Snopes had no plans other than to tie him up and play with him until he got hard enough to fuck him, so he'd probably be ok with this. Indeed, Snopes seemed fine and said "7:15. No later. If you are, then the wooden spoon on your feet." "I understand Sir. I understand clearly." "Good." Snopes paused. "Who's my boy?" "I am Sir." "EXCELLENT. Remember that." flavio smiled when he got off the phone. He believed that Snopes was so obsessed with him, he would never think that flavio was doing something else. He didn't even know about Jose. At least, that's what flavio thought. A good private investigator had gotten all the information for Snopes. He had hired him after flavio surrendered. He had pictures, locked in a safe, of flavio taking Jose's cock. "No bondage. Too bad. Otherwise, it might be HOT to...." Snopes' mind moved away. HE tied up flavio and used him. That's what mattered. The call from flavio caused the hairs on his back to go up. He suspected something. And when he did... he placed a call. "Hey Rocky, Snopes here." "YO BOSS! You want an extra session with me tonight? I can do it and I'm up for it." "Ha ha. Well, yes, but it's a little more challenging." He told Rocky the story. "No problemo boss. Tiny and I will camp out and follow him. You want him brought back?" "Damn right. " "You want us to bring back the guy too?" Snopes thought for a minute. If the photos were accurate, Jose resembled the guy who played Detective Amaro: who was it? RIGHT. Danny Pino. Watching them go at it WOULD be fun, but... being able to keep flavio in line by threatening to bring Jose into the little circle where he'd have to watch while Snopes fucked Jose, well.... "Not right now, Rocky. It may come to that." "Copy that boss".

Between the money he had been paid for his role in taking flavio, and the cash he was getting for helping Snopes keep flavio in line, there was more than enough left over after he and Tiny paid the rent on the apartment and paid for everything else. Tiny brought in a nice piece of change by working "muscle" for various other guys, but when he came home, that muscle meant nothing: he WORSHIPPED Rocky: "Little Man" as he called him. And Rocky sucked up all that worship, the way Tiny sucked up his cock. They were doing just fine: he even had a bank account opened up in their joint name for their savings, which were growing. Rocky knew that at some point, Snopes would take over the torment of flavio completely, and he was getting ready for that. Right now, though, he was keeping an eye on the street, as Tiny drove. "Turn left. I think I see the guy. A block away. In front of the coffee shop. DAMN TINY: he's fine. I'd like to see him under you." Rocky knew that Tiny COULD top, and used to top a lot. He wanted Rocky though and that meant being a 100% bottom. Bringing that guy home and... using him, might be fun.

flavio began to smile as he got closer to Jose. He picked up his pace, and then he heard his phone ring. "SHIT." It was Snopes number. "Hi Sir. " "flavio.... I'm glad you picked up on the first ring. You may be learning something." "Thank you Sir. I'm trying." "Yes, but clearly not fast enough. Is that Jose you're meeting tonight?" flavio stopped dead in his tracks. Rocky saw he was on his cell phone. "Snopes just called him. I know it." "Listen up boy. Rocky and Tiny are just half a block away, with the van. You're gonna get in it, and we're gonna 'discuss' this when you get back. And if you don't do it my way... then we'll have to take both of you." flavio gulped. "Yes sir. I understand." He looked for the van and saw it. As Tiny and Rocky stepped out, flavio knew they each had tasers in their pockets. "You know where, flavio." Rocky spoke to him. flavio knew. He had been caught red handed. "I know. I'm going." This time, he didn't fight. He just got into the van and put his hands behind him, so Rocky could cuff them. "Are you gonna start tickling me already?" flavio asked, and Rocky laughed. "NAH. But you're gonna get it GOOD when we get back. Mr. Snopes is MORE than pissed. He said that this wasn't your third strike, it was about your 13th. I think he's gonna wanna use the chair with the foot stocks.

Indeed, he did. When they got flavio home, Snopes was smiling. "Let's have you get stripped down to your thong, boy. Then.. into the chair." He pointed to his new toy. "yes sir," flavio whispered. Rocky pulled his ankles through the stocks and locked them, before he took off his sneakers. "ARMS UP OVER YOUR HEAD." Snopes locked two cuffs on flavio's wrists and pulled his arms up so that his pits showed, and the chains held him rigid. "Trying to cheat on me. This is big time punishment, fuckhead." flavio began to writhe when he saw the two electric toothbrushes in Snopes' hands. And the two hitachis in Rocky's hands. "And I think, flavio, you're gonna need a little shaving in the near future. Look at that pit stubble. " He looked at Rocky. "Let's begin. Twenty minutes." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OOOOOOOOOOOOH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'M HAHAH SOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRY. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA. " "DON'T TELL ME YOU WON'T DO IT AGAIN, HANDSOME, BECAUSE YOU TOLD ME THAT ALREADY." "I know. I know. I... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " Rocky was keeping one hitachi on flavio's left foot, while he moved the other one up to his balls. "Was he gonna FUCK you, bitch?" "Yes sir. yes. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. I'M SO SORRY. I'M SO SORRY. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "Who gets to fuck you?" "ONLY YOU SIR. ONLY YOU. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. PLEASE SIR PLEASE. I CAN'T BREATHE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA." He looked at Rocky who shook his head. "Let's give him a five minute break. Leave him with me." "I'll be back Sir" Rocky went out to jerk off, while Snopes spoke to flavio. "Clearly, I have to take more serious measures for you to learn. So be it. Tomorrow, you quit at the gym. And the modeling? For now, you'll take a hiatus. If you go back, it'll be with your manager. MOI." flavio gulped. "But Sir.. I'll have... I'll have no income. No money." "That's right. I'm cancelling every credit card you have. You won't need it. I provide everything and now..." He smiled. "I'll be employing you. You'll be coming to work with me." "OH FUCK," thought flavio. "He'll be able to do what he wants, all day." "You good with that?" He flicked his fingers in flavio's pits. "NOT that you have a choice." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'M GOOD WITH IT SIR. I'M.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " Snopes stood back so that the only stimulation was coming from the hitachi Rocky was using on flavio's cock. flavio wasn't laughing: he was moaning. The hitachi was, effectively, edging him, and every time his hips jumped, Rocky took it away. flavio was desperate. Snopes was just laughing. "I think that's enough now Rocky. flavio needs to get his "rest." "Yes boss. See ya later." His cell rang. "Sorry boss, excuse me, it's Tiny." He spoke to his man and then blurted out "NO SHIT". "Hey boss. I want you to see something." Snopes came over and looked at the live photo of the handsome Latino man, shirtless, bound and gagged. "Is that?" "Ha ha. Sure is. Tiny gets to top tonight." "Show him," he said, pointing to flavio. Rocky put the camera in front of flavio so he could see Jose sitting there, helpless. "I did this to him. SHIT. I wanna die," flavio thought.

A half hour later, he was underneath Snopes, who had him stretched out on the bed, and has three fingers up his ass. "Gonna be SO MUCH FUN NOW, stud. Without the modeling, I can mark you ANY WAY I want. So, if I happen to slip and scar your nipple when I chew it, oh well. " He got to work on flavio's nipple and flavio began moaning. "OH FUCK OH FUCK SIR OH..." Snopes said nothing for the fifteen minutes he worked on flavio's nipples, neck, navel, and then the insides of his thighs. "Jose belongs to Tiny and Rocky now. Just keep that in mind. " "Yes sir. I do. I... OH SHIT." Snopes' cock had just gotten past flavio's "first gate." He tried to push what was happening out of his mind. He couldn't. He was Snopes' bitch. No question. His tickle bitch, his fuck bitch, his bitch in every way. And he had instigated Jose being kidnapped. They were both slaves. flavio felt the jizz coming out of Snopes. He smiled down. "You're gonna be the hottest receptionist in the history of office work. HA HA HA HA HA. "

Next: Chapter 6

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