Ticklish Flavio

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 28, 2021


They were back in NYC, in Snopes' apartment. One of the first things that Tiny, Rocco and Snopes had done after they arrived was to tie Flavio, naked, down to Snopes' bed. Snopes had ordered him to strip naked before they did, and with Tiny standing there, arms folded, and the small prickles in his shoes driving him crazy, Flavio complied. Snopes' bed was set up so that the restraints on Flavio's wrists and ankles were "neat" to the bed and he was spread out wide. He couldn't move much other than his head. When he had started calling the three of them "faggot batards," Snopes pulled a roll of tape out of a side drawer and cut a small, rectangular piece that was just big enough to cover Flavio's mouth. Lying there, he fully expected that Rocky would be in to tickle his feet in a few minutes. He didn't understand why his cock - his not insubstantial cock - was stiff and pointing into the air. It wasn't Rocky who came into the room, though. It was Snopes. Shirtless, but still wearing his jeans.

"Flavio you pretty boy. You pretty boy with a big, foul mouth." "mmmmmmmmmmph" Flavio squeaked out, pushing at his wrist restraints and not making any progress. "You know, Rocky is a superb tickler, no question about it. But I'm no slouch either." He stroked Flavio's torso. "In just a bit, we're gonna tag team you. See, Rocky prefers tickling feet, and I'm an upper body man myself. " He smiled as he circled one of Flavio's nipples. "Laughing through a gag is really, REALLY hard and uncomfortable. I'd LOVE to take your gag off but you know, Flavio... it bothers me that such a beautiful boy says such ugly things." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Flavio began to struggle again. "Now, I want to - I REALLY want to ask you if you'll moderate your language." He stroked Flavio's hair. "But everytime you've agreed to behave, you broke your promise, didn't you." Flavio, exhausted, nodded weakly. "I may regret it, but... if you'll promise to watch your language, I'll take off the gag when we tickle you. Can you make me that promise?" "mmmmmmmmmmph" Flavio's head bobbed up and down. "We're not gonna tickle you yet though, because I need to do something. I'll take the gag off though. " He pulled it away, and Flavio asked in a low voice. "Please Mr. Snopes. What're you gonna do to me?" Snopes smiled. "Well now, Flavio, before I bring in Rocco, I need to do something on my own, see...." He stroked Flavio's torso. "You're so nice and smooth for your photo shoots, but.... " He moved his hand down to Flavio's rock hard cock, and rested it on his pubes. "If you're gonna be my boy, this fur's gotta go. And so does the fur in your pits. And since I'm gonna be your man, well... I'm gonna do it." "PLEASE MR SNOPES PLEASE. DON'T SHAVE ME LIKE THAT. PLEASE." "Ha ha. Now THAT'S what I expect out of my boy. You're gonna be my boy Flavio. You can fight it but..." He bent down and whispered into Flavio's ear. "You know you're going to lose." Flavio began to whimper. Snopes was right. He WAS going to lose. Snopes knew so many of his weaknesses already, and with Rocky helping by tickling him... he wasn't going to be able to hold out very long. "Can I do something for you Sir? I mean, to keep my hair." "OH, now Flavio, had you been like this before, maybe we could put this off, but now... I'm afraid not." He ran the palm of his hand over Flavio's cockhead. "You look like you could use some relief too. Maybe if things go as I plan, we'll see about that."

Flavio grunted and squirmed a little. He could turn his head but that would expose his neck and he knew Snopes had figured out that he LOVED feeling bristle at the spot where his shoulder met his neck. "Please, Mr. Snopes. Don't do this." Snopes turned around from the spot where he was pulling out cream and a straight edge razor. "You can just call me Sir, Flavio, but I AM going to do it. You need to get much clearer on who's in charge. " More whimpers from Flavio as Snopes sat down on the bed where Flavio's pelvis was positioned. He grinned as he slowly turned Flavio's pecker in a circle. "Wonder why this is so hard, stud. You thinking of Rocky's fingers? My dick? My tongue? Hmmmm? Some secret admirer I don't know about? " Flavio began breathing harder as he felt the cold spray of creme hit his pubes. "Please!!! Please Sir!!!! Anything..." his voice trailed off as he felt the gentle pull Snopes gave to his foamed pube hair, and began cutting it very close to his skin. Snopes could feel Flavio's cock pulse in his other hand. "Start thinking about the good, hard FUCK I'm gonna throw in you when all this is done, muffin. Think of how GOOD it's gonna feel when I line up on 'the spot'. " Flavio's eyes got wide. "Yeah, I figured out where the most sensitive spot in your hole is. Wasn't difficult either." He continued with the razor blade. Flavio couldn't move his head up enough to see what was happening, but he could feel his pelvis begin to shiver from cold: the protective hair was ... gone. "THERE we go! Now, I'll have to do that every month or so, but you'll get used to it. Now let me wash this off and come back for those pits. " While Snopes was in the bathroom, Rocky came by. He smiled at Flavio. "You look SO HOT, Flavio. I can't wait to get to those feet. You're gonna pay for attacking me." He grinned. Flavio groaned. "I'm sorry Rocky. I just lost control." "I can relate to that pretty boy. Sometimes, when I'm tickling someone, even Tiny can't stop me. I wonder if that'll happen today." Just as he finished speaking, Snopes came out. "ROCKY! You're early but that's cool. You wanna watch?" "Heh heh. Sure do. I can't wait till I can get my fingers back on them... nude now." As Snopes soaped up Flavio's right pit, Flavio turned his head. He didn't want to watch, but he couldn't help himself. His cock was bobbing up and down in the air. He couldn't thrust his hips up, or do anything but whimper. He saw Rocky pull out his own cock. He formed the words "I bet you'd like to taste this, pretty boy" as Snopes finished the pit. He turned to the other, and again, Flavio turned his head, watching his hair disappear. When Snopes finished, Flavio didn't move his head back: he left the sensitive spot exposed. Snopes noted that. "I wonder if that's his first sign of submission," he thought. Had he been alone, he'd have explored that immediately, but Rocky was there and... well, watching Flavio get tickled was so much fun! Now, he was gonna do some of it. "Ready, Rockstar?" he asked Rocky. Rocky smiled as he pulled two small electric toothbrushes out of his jeans pockets. "On your count, Sir." "Three. Two... One." Snopes dug his fingers into the newly shaved, sensitive pits of Flavio, while Rocky started with the toothbrushes. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA." This was FAR worse than anything that had happened so far. Rocky not only worked Flavio's soles with the toothbrushes, but he moved one up and ran it gently underneath his balls, as Snopes proved he knew something about tickling too, running his fingers up and down Flavio's ribs. The boy was helpless. He could barely move, and he was getting exhausted from laughing. He was sweating so badly that his hair, one of his prides and joy was soaked with perspiration. "PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA. PLEASE. NO. STOP. STAPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!" Without breaking, Snopes spoke. "You want it to stop, Flavio? Then I want you to say 'I'm Snopes' boy." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. " "Ok, we planned to do this for half an hour anyway. Rocky, you wanna move that brush to his cock?" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. I'M SNOPES BOY. I'M SNOPES BOY. I AM. I'M HIS BOTTOM. STOP STOP STAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP." Snopes shook his head to Rocky. "We can stop for now. I think ... I think I'll have some fun with him, and if he won't repeat it, we'll start again." "Sounds like a plan. I should get back to Tiny anyway. " He looked at Flavio. "These wouldn't work on him, but tit clamps do." He saluted and went out.

"So, boy. You recognize your position?" "Yes sir. I do." Then Flavio moved his head to the side, showing the sensitive spot again. "Heh heh. Know who does that? Wild animals? Wild animals who know they've been beaten." Snopes moved his fingers to Flavio's nipples. "I guess I've come real close to taming you, wild boy." "YES. YES. YOU DID. YOU DID. " "Let's see if you fight this, this time." Snopes opened the restraints on Flavio's ankles and pulled his legs in the air. "Your legs are so darn long, I oughtta attach them to your wrists." "Whatever you want to do Sir. Anything. OH MY GOD.... " Snopes had put a finger in his mouth and was running the wet digit around flavio's butt hole, very very slowly. He hadn't teased flavio this way before, because now that flavio had acknowledged submission, Snopes could proceed like a true top and dominator. He continued by taking the spot that flavio had offered, slowly moving bristles across the handsome man's neck. "You like that boy, don't you?" flavio was breathing hard from the stimulation provided by Snopes finger and his stubble, but also... lying on top of him as Snopes was, flavio could finally get some "friction" for his hard cock. "May I cum Sir?" he asked. When he asked that question, Snopes began to wonder if he had ever been another man's boy. He filed that question away for asking at another time. "Not yet. the topman comes first, boy. And it won't take long." "Yes sir.. " flavio felt Snopes bend his knees back and then he felt the man's cock penetrate him again. He saw Snopes smile as he brushed his hand, "accidentally" against flavio's cock. It has to be said that while flavio hadn't admitted it, he LOVED the feel of Snopes' cock in his butt. And now that Snopes had found his "secret spot," and rubbed his dick against it, flavio felt like he hadn't felt since.. that last time. As Snopes pounded him, he began to wonder: he hated the tickling, but that was part of this deal. The kissing? So far, Snopes hadn't pressed the issue of kissing very much but... if he did... "Your ass is so fucking hot boy. SO FUCKING HOT." "Thank you Sir," flavio answered, and Snopes got harder, and also more curious: what was this man hiding ? Maybe they would have to have a "directed" tickling session? He liked the idea: flavio being tickled until he answered questions. He knew that was Rocky's specialty: when his "friends" needed information, they brought in Rocky. It was said that no one had ever lasted more than an hour with him. Snopes was certainly not going to last an hour with flavio, THAT was for sure. He smiled when he rubbed his dick against flavio's hot spot, and flavio began to moan louder, but he was getting close... so close.. so FUCKING close now that he had this boy, and... "AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH" he exploded into the bound stud. Flavio felt the cum spilling into him. It wasn't as much as with... he focused back on his top. "YES. That's how to do it SIR. SHOW YOUR BOY WHO'S THE MAN." Now, Snopes had a fair bit of experience and he knew how to tell play acting from the real thing. He figured about 70% of what was coming out of flavio was real, and 30% was theater. His next job was getting rid of the 30%, or at least turning it to the real thing. "You need to cum, pretty boy?" "Yes sir. Please Sir." "Ok, but... you're gonna have to take a walk with me. I want people to see who my new boy is." "Yes sir. I will." "You can shoot first." "Thank you Sir." Snopes untied the wrist restraint on one arm, and then flavio began to jerk. He closed his eyes and thought about... Jose. The bottom who had become a top over flavio. The guy he left when he wanted to be a top. He thought about those days and how mercilessly Jose had fucked him. It took him over the edge and. "YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" flavio shot for the first time since he had been captured. Snopes smiled. He knew from the look on flavio's face that he was far, FAR away from the bedroom, and that was ok... for now." "You're gonna get cleaned up and dressed. We're gonna take a stroll." "Yes sir." While flavio was showering, Snopes went to where Rocky and Tiny were staying. Their door was closed, so he knocked. When Rocky answered the door, Snopes saw Tiny stretched out just like flavio had been, with a big dildo in his mouth. "Sorry for disturbing." He smiled. "I just wanted you to know that I'm going for a walk with my boy." Rocky smiled. "YOU DID IT BOSS YOU DID IT. FUCK. YOU GOT THE HOTTEST BOY IN NYC."

Half hour later, Snopes was on the street with flavio. Flavio had on a blue shirt, and tight jeans, but most important: he had a slave collar around his neck, and he walked with his hands behind his back. Snopes had gotten him out a pair of shoes without the lining that limited flavio's motion. Their walk got little attention, but guys who knew "the life" did notice and smiled. A few of them were people flavio had seen at the gym. He began to realize that, he'd have to deal with that as of the next day. That and wondering what he was gonna do if Snopes was big on kissing.

Snopes had his list to think about and flavio had his. Did it work out? Stick around. More tickling is in the future too.

Next: Chapter 5

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