Ticklish Flavio

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 24, 2021


It had been a REALLY stupid thing to do - that's what Flavio was thinking as he lie on the floor of the "playroom." His wrists were bound tightly behind him, and his ankles were strapped together just as tightly. "At least it's still not the hogtie," he thought to himself, "and at least the socks are out of my mouth. They were on the floor not far from him: his feet were naked and he was still recovering from... Snopes had done a very thorough job of taking his ass: probably the most thorough fucking he had gotten in his life. Flavio was exhausted after that, and then Snopes had said that Rocky was coming in. That meant... he gulped - more tickling. Flavio had been tickled before: as a kid, and by some of his johns, but NEVER the way Rocky did it: this guy was... well, it was probably not the right thing to say he was "good." He was evil. His ears seemed to pick up on every change in laughter, and then he honed in on the spots that provoked the sharpest yelps. And his fingers.... they were sort of like a cross of sand paper and velcro. NO ONE's tickling had ever felt like that. Snopes had left him in the room, arms chained above his head, his feet locked by the prisoner chain. His shirt was wide open, and Rocky had already learned enough about Flavio's ribs and pits to torment him in a big way. He was still recovering from the fuck Snopes had thrown into him. He was still trying to figure out if he had enjoyed it: he usually didn't like being fucked. The last time it had happened, he had put away at least four drinks. He was cold sober this time.

"Hey Flavio. Wanna have some fun?" Rocky was standing in front of him, tracing a circle around Flavio's navel. "I HAVEN'T HAD ANY FUN SINCE YOU AND YOUR THUGS GRABBED ME!" He yelled, pulling at the wrist restraints even though he knew they wouldn't yield. "Yeah, capture is always a bitch isn't it? Necessary thing when the subject won't submit without it." "AND I WON'T NOW." Rocky laughed. "Do you even know what Mr. Snopes want?" "NOT A FUCKING CLUE. WHAT I WANT IS TO GET OUTTA HERE." "Oh, you'll be getting outta here soon. Snopes only uses this place to initiate his guys. You'll be going back to NYC with us soon." Rocky smiled. "But you'll be co-habiting with Mr. Snopes. You're gonna be his boy from now on. "WHAT THE? THE HELL I AM." Flavio remembered some conversations he had with Snopes when he was posing for him. He had asked Flavio, more than once, if he had ever thought about being another man's boy. Flavio had always laughed at it. His thoughts were interrupted because Rocky's wicked finger was in his arm pit, and Flavio couldn't help it: he began to giggle. Rocky moved over to the other one, and after just a second or so, he stopped. "Your arms must ache like a bitch, Flavio. You've been chained up for a while." "Damn right they do." Rocky was thoughtful for a minute. "Know what? You've got those leg irons on, so you're not going anywhere, but I'm gonna ask: if I take you out of the chains, you gonna behave?" "You gonna tickle me?" "Yes. Whether you're chained up or not. " Flavio sighed. He had an idea. "I'll behave I promise." "You just better. Remember what happened the last time you didn't." Rocky winched down the chains, and unlocked them. It was when he was moving them back up into position that Flavio struck. He was weak, but strong enough to take Rocky from behind, shoving his fingers into Rocky's ribs. "HEY. WHAT THE? You said you'd.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA." There was a look of pure vengeance on Flavio's face. "How's it feel big man? HOW'S IT FEEL TO SUFFER THE WAY YOU MADE ME SUFFER." "You better.. I SWEAR YOU BETTER.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHA." Flavio got about five minutes of tickling in before he felt Tiny's strong hand on the back of his neck. "WHAT THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING ASSHOLE?" Flavio tried to defend himself by throwing an elbow. Tiny was standing too far back for it to do any good. His feet were back far enough too, so stamping down wouldn't work, and the chain kept Flavio from throwing a roundhouse kick or anything like that. Tiny just squeezed tighter. "You okay, Rockstar?" "Yeah I'm fine. " He smiled as he got up. "Guess I taught you a few things, Flavio." Tiny had pulled Flavio's arms behind him and the man struggled, hopelessly. "You're gonna pay for this before we hand you over to Snopes, BITCH." Rocky smacked him across his face "Bring it on, shorty" was Flavio's response. That was how he wound up naked and hogtied, on the floor of the room. "Can you go and get me the foot brushes, Tiny?" Rocky smiled and Tiny went off. While he waited for him, Rocky began running a nail down first one then the other, of Flavio's soles. He hadn't tickled Flavio's feet before, and.... Flavio began to shriek. "STOP! PLEASE STOP! THAT WAS STUPID I KNOW. PLEASE!" "Socks make a great gag during tickling, big man. Open your mouth." "WHAT? NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Rocky balled one sock up and shoved it in Flavio's mouth, then he tied it there with the other one. He finished just as Tiny came back with two, silver colored, long thin brushes that looked almost like curling irons. "Lots of spikes, Flavio. Cover a LOT of surface. "MMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!" MMPHAMHAhAMAMAMamaa" They WERE pure torture. Rocky just sort of rolled them back and forth over Flavio's feet. Then he stopped. He rolled Flavio onto his back. "Cheese grater abs Nice. " His fingers dug in and Flavio thought he was truly gonna need to pee. He caught a glimpse of Rocky's crotch. It was bulging. It was HUGE. That's when Rocky stopped. "I need to go and spend some time with Tiny. BEFORE we take you to Mr.

Snopes. He'll be ready for you now. We'll be back." He took out the gags and undid the hogtie, while leaving Flavio bound. All Flavio could do was moan.

About a half hour later, Rocky and Tiny were standing over him again. It was Tiny who spoke. "We're gonna bring you to Snopes. Whether we tie you up, I haul you over my shoulder or you walk like a real man, I don't give a shit, but you're going. You wanna walk on your own?" Flavio shook his head yes. "Ok, but I am fucking warning you pretty boy. You tried to screw over my man, twice. You try it on me, and you may be missing certain vital organs in the near future." "mmmmph" Flavio shook his head again, trying to say "I understand." "I think you better put the chain back on his ankles though, Tine" Rocky added. "Yeah, good idea. Sit on his chest while I take care of that." They rolled Flavio over and untied his ankles and then locked them with the longer chain. Rocky smiled at him. "You know, like this, I could tickle your entire upper body and you can't do shit." "mmmmmmmmmmmmph" Flavio didn't want to be tickled again in his life. "Let's get him up, stud. Snopes is waiting." They each took one of Flavio's arms and stood him up. Tiny took off the gag, and Rocky handed him a glass of water. "Thank you," he said meekly. He knew he was gonna have to stay on the good side of these two, at least while they were out of NYC. Tiny handed him a pair of black shorts. "Put these on. You can't walk around buck naked all the time. " "And these." Rocky handed him his sneakers. Flavio slipped into the shorts, and then when he put on the sneakers, his feet tingled, right at the edge of painful "Lined to make sure you don't try anything Flavio. Once you show some respect, I'll fix them up normal." "Why are you doing this to me, Rocky? I didn't hurt you." "You hurt my man, that's why. We were just doing our job." "Kidnapping me? " "If it wasn't us, it was gonna be someone else. You don't know Mr. Snopes real well. When he wants something, he gets it, and you're what he wanted." "For what?" Tiny laughed and said "I thought you were smart." "He'll explain it to you Flavio. For now, let's go. Enjoy being unbound. Snopes plans to tie you up when we get to his room."

"Mr. Snopes, we have your boy." Rocky said. He and Tiny each had a hand on one of Flavio's biceps. "Excellent. Rocky, you can come back in about three hours. For now, please put him in the chair. Flavio, when you're sitting, please put your hands behind your back." Flavio sighed. He couldn't get away from these three. He sat, like Snopes had said. He felt a pair of leather cuffs going over his wrists. One of his johns had tied him up once as part of a scene: sort of a "Hercules in Chains" thing where Flavio bursts out of the restraints and overpowered the guy. That time, the cuffs were much looser than they were now. He wasn't getting out of these. "You may kick off your sneakers if you like Flavio. " Snopes smiled. He knew what those liners felt like. "You seem to be so good with your feet that we had to take , pardon the pun, steps, to keep you in line. You can't see it, but the property is now surrounded with very fine shards of glass. So if you tried to get away, you'd truly rip up your feet, and, when we caught you." Flavio couldn't help it. He pulled at the restraints, and he saw Snopes smile. "What do you want from me, Mr. Snopes?" "I thought you knew, Flavio. From you? Nothing." "Then... what's this about?" "What I want, Flavio, is YOU. I want you as my boy." Flavio had figured that out when Snopes had fucked him, but now hearing it, he struggled hard. "FUCK NO. I'm not queer, and I'm nobody's boy." "Ha ha. You make it sound like you have a choice about it." "I DO. I FUCKING DO. And I'm not your fucking boy!" He pulled hard and almost knocked over the chair. Snopes stood up. "I may make you put the shoes back on, Flavio? You want that?" "NO!" "A correct answer in the future is: No Sir." "I'M NOT CALLING YOU SIR!" "Oh yeah, you are. You don't have to call Rocky or Tiny Sir, but me... from now on." Snopes lifted one of his feet and pushed it into Flavio's crotch. "FUCK!" yelled the handsome captive. "When was the last time you came, Flavio?" "NONE OF YOUR GODDAMN BUSINESS." "I bet you were dripping when you got tickled." Snopes was walking behind his captive. Flavio didn't answer him. He felt Snopes hand on his neck. He applied just enough pressure for Flavio to feel... relaxed. "This little session, stud, is for me to learn a bit more about what you like and what you don't. Both are important. And also, to explain what your new life will be like." "mmmmmm" Flavio closed his eyes. His shoulders were always tense, and the touch that Snopes had was.. perfect. "You like that boy? That's real good to know." He bent down and began tracing his tongue over the outside rim of Fabio's ear. Again, a moan. "OH. My boy is just a total garden of nerve endings." Snopes rested his chin on Flavio's neck and he heard him whisper "OH FUCK" "Ha ha. This is gonna be SO MUCH FUN. How about these little jewels?" Two fingers closed around one of Fabio's nipples. "OH SHIT NOT THOSE. PLEASE. PLEASE NO... SIR." Snopes didn't stop. "Would I find juice if I pulled down your shorts?" Flavio let out a big sigh. "yes sir. You would." "GOOD BOY. A voluntary Sir." "not really" Flavio murmured and Snopes laughed. "You're a BRAT! How much fun is that! A brat who can learn not to be bratty.... by being tickled." "NO. You're not gonna still let Rocky tickle me are you?" "Oh, at least once a day. MINIMUM. Maybe twice. You remember my apartment? The extra bedroom?" "Yeah. I mean, Yes sir." "They can stay there. Then, I can count on Rocky to tickle you once a day when I want it, once a day when he wants it, and maybe a third time. " Snopes had moved around to the front and now, he had both of Flavio's nipples in his fingers. Flavio moaned. "You're gonna fuck me too, aren't you?" "A lot. In fact, I'm gonna fuck you REAL SOON because.... If I don't get your ass, you're not gonna get to jizz another day." "What about... what about my work?" "Oh yes, your various enterprises. You'll keep the gym job and your freelance modeling career. Escorting? That's over. The only man you pose for from now on is me." Flavio was just listening. He didn't have to agree with any of this - Snopes didn't really care how he felt about it anyway, and.. DAMN that man knew how to work nipples. OH SHIT did he just push his knee into Fabio's crotch? He did. And he was kneading. FUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCK" "Tiny and Rocky are packing up stuff. We're gonna be leaving later today, probably after I fill your ass. Once we get back to NYC, you'll learn more about the way things will be." Snopes moved behind Flavio and took his neck from behind. "Let's go. On the bed. On your back. I'll untie your hands but... the chain stays on your ankles." Flavio was trying to play along. "Yes sir." He said. Snopes smiled as if Flavio were fooling him (he wasn't. Snopes had too much experience, but he was enjoying watching Flavio think he had him fooled.). "NOW, I'll take off the ankle chains to get you stripped. Just a reminder." He called out. "HEY TINY YOU OUT THERE." "Yeah boss. Need anything?" "Not a thing. Not a thing stud. Thanks for keeping watch." "Just doing my job Mr. Snopes. You need Rocky?" "Not for now." He pushed Flavio's legs up in the air. "Ok boy. This is gonna be better than the first one." As Snopes slid in, Flavio realized: he was right. Snopes' wasn't fucking him any differently than the first time, but... he could focus on how it felt as the man's cock slid in and out of him and... how the hell was he finding all those... spots? DAMN. Flavio began to moan. THIS was like NOTHING that had ever happened to him before. Something slid out of his mouth "YES DADDY. TAKE ME DADDY. TAKE ME HARD. PLEASE.." If Snopes needed any encouragement, this was it. He pushed into Flavio even harder, and Flavio was screaming. Tiny laughed outside the room. "He's almost as loud as me." Indeed, Tiny could be so loud that Rocky had to gag him most times. At the last push, Snopes grabbed Flavio's nipples again and the young man shot. He shot on himself, on Snopes, everywhere. Snopes' jizz stayed in Flavio, filling his ass again. "I should make you keep that jizz on the way home. But I'm gonna let you clean out this time. Next time, it'll be different." "Yes sir. I understand." "Go get cleaned up. I'll go next. Then... we'll be heading home. As long as you behave, you ride up front with me. Give me trouble, Rocky's ready to do what he did on the way up. "I understand Sir. I won't cause any trouble." An hour later, Flavio had his hands cuffed in front of him and his ankles shackled. He had on jeans, and a black cashmere sweater, plus a leather jacket. He hadn't been told to, but he kept his head down. He felt beaten. The inserts bothered his feet. "Maybe I'll get used to them" he thought. He got some relief from lifting one foot off the floor of the car and then the other as they drove back to NYC. He had no idea what to expect.

Next: Chapter 4

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