Ticklish Flavio

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 18, 2021


Snopes hadn't told Roscoe that Tiny would be joining them. He wanted it to be a bit of a surprise. Tiny and Roscoe had been a couple for just about a year now, according to Roscoe. Roscoe found it extremely funny that Tiny would lay on the bed, pull up his legs and beg Roscoe to "fuck me Papi" . It was great though, nearly perfect. The only thing missing was: Tiny wasn't ticklish in a single spot on his body. NOT EVEN HIS FEET. Roscoe satisfied himself with knowing that he was making a big guy helpless. THAT was a big turn on for him, up there with tickling guys to submission.

Snopes could hear Flavio continuing to struggle in the back of the van. He'd quiet down for a while, and then there'd be a sequence of muffled screams and curses from the tape gag. He couldn't see it, but he imagined what was happening pretty accurately. Roscoe would let Flavio let off steam for a while. Then he'd tell him to shut up. When Flavio didn't, Roscoe dived for some part of his body. Flavio's feet were a favorite, but he also went for the man's pits, and occasionally, his ribs. This was gonna be fun.

Roscoe and Flavio felt the van stop, and then Snopes opening the passenger door. They saw him through the back window as he opened the van doors. He had a fairly short pair of ankle manacles with him. "Gimme a hand Roscoe. They're heavy enough that... Mr. Kung fu fighting here isn't gonna be able to do anything. Roscoe laughed. "Mr Kung fu fighting. I like that. He really WAS that crazy when we took him." "GET UP." Snopes snapped at Flavio, as he unlocked the other ankle chain. "You're gonna have to get used to taking orders, pretty boy." "fffffffffk u" came out of the side of Flavio's gag, and Snopes laughed. "I guess this is where I'm supposed to get pissed off and yell "NO. I'm gonna fuck YOU". He smiled. "Well, I am, but no need to lose my temper. " He grabbed Flavio's left forearm and pulled. "LET'S GO." Flavio resisted. "You know, I COULD leave you locked up in the van until you got covered in your own crap, hungry, thirsty, filthy, cold. Or, I could unleash my tickle beast on you and then force you into the house, or you could come along like I said. I can't think of any other choices, Flavio. Can you?" Flavio gave Snopes a dirty look, but shook his head no. He couldn't. "You wanna stay here?" Another head shake. "Get tickled until you can't fight?" A VERY big head shake. "Well then, let's go." "mmmmmmmph," Flavio got up from the seat. He tried to move as far away from Snopes as he could, and Snopes kept on pulling him back in.

Just before they got in the car, Tiny drove up. Roscoe's eyes got bright. "TINY??? YOU CAME HERE?" Snopes smiled. "Tickling is fine, but that's your job. I wanted you to have some pleasure, stud. And also, we can have some muscle around here." He looked at Roscoe. "You want a tougher name?" "Like what?" "How about I call you Rocky? the two of you: Rocky and Tiny. " Tiny had his arm over Roscoe's shoulder. "Sounds like a good pair to me." "COOL. Then I'm Rocky from now on." "Ok, Rock. Let's get this stud into the house."

Flavio looked around. He couldn't say anything because of the gag, and the shackles on his ankles impeded his movements, so he had to walk slowly. Then of course, there was Tiny and Roscoe/Rocky and... he saw that there was a bump in Snopes jacket pocket. He had suspicions. "Ok, Flavio, I'm hoping you can be pragmatic about this. If you can be, I'm comfortable taking off the gag, untying your wrists, and taking off the ankle chains. But you're gonna have to behave. We have a deal?" Flavio tried to get a sense of the house from the sides of his eyes. He saw the door, and he began to plot a direct way to it. He figured it out and shook his head yes. Snopes pulled off the gag and untied his wrists. Flavio began rubbing circulation back into them. Snopes tossed the ankle chain key to Rocky. "Go ahead stud. Let him loose." The second that the chains fell on the floor, Flavio kicked Roscoe: hard. He fell on the floor, gripping the knee that Flavio had kicked. Tiny bent down yelling "FUCK. Are you alright?", as Flavio ran to the door. Snopes didn't seem to be concerned at all. "Get Roscoe in a chair. It's probably not serious . "HE'S GONNA GET AWAY." "No, he's not. Just wait." "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGH" they all heard Flavio scream. Snopes had locked the door from the inside but had also wired it. The lump in his pocket was a control box for the door. Just enough electricity was running through Flavio to cause pain. More pain than the kick he administered to Roscoe had caused. The shock knocked him to his ass. Snopes walked over, standing above him. "That's gonna cost ya handsome. " He tossed the ankle chain next to Flavio. "Pick it up and lock it on your ankles. NOW". Tiny had joined Snopes and was standing there. Resignedly, Flavio put the chains back on. "Now, help me get him in the den. When Rocky's got his wind back, we'll teach Flavio what it means to break a promise.

When Rocky came into the room, Flavio was standing in the middle, his arms above his head, locked tightly in cuffs at the end of a length of chain hanging from the rafter. The chain was taut, and Flavio couldn't move his arms. Snopes had opened his shirt completely, and his pits were exposed, as was his belly and his ribs. Snopes and Tiny had also attached weights to the ankle chain, so that Flavio couldn't move his feet much.

"FUCKING BASTARDS!!!! LET ME GO!!!!!" Snopes came over and grabbed Flavio's chin. "You trying to give orders in kinda funny, big guy. Especially in your current position." Flavio gasped. He had some idea of what was going to happen. "PLEASE. I'M SORRY. I'LL BEHAVE. " "Oh, you will, but you'll need some reinforcement. I've persuaded Tiny not to beat the crap out of you, but Rocky needs to pay you back for what you did to him. Rocky..." The young man came forward. He was grinning wickedly. "Please no. No more tickling. PLEASE." Rocky started with Flavio's belly, gently stroking it, before his nails started making circles up and down the man's torso. This tickling was mild, and Flavio giggled and laughed a little. It got worse when Rocky began slowly, and then more slowly, running those nails down his sides. Flavio tried to squirm but the weights on the ankle chains made that impossible. "NO. NO. NO PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA." He had never felt anything like the sensation that Rocky's fingers were giving him. And then it got worse. Rocky was NOT gentle when he dug into Flavio's pits. THAT reduced Flavio to hysterical jelly. "PLEASE. PLEASE. I CAN'T BREATHE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA" Snopes saw that Rocky was showing wood. He certainly felt "something growing" in his pants, and.... was it possible? Was that a small bulge in Flavio's pants? "Rocky man, I know it's never enough for you, but... why don't you take Tiny off to your bedroom and... show him who's boss?" Tiny looked doubtful. "Can you handle him Mr. Snopes." Snopes smiled. "If I can't, I'll learn. " He looked at Flavio. "Just the two of us, like I've wanted for a long, long time. " Flavio began begging. "PLEASE. HAROLD PLEASE. I DIDN'T ... I SHOULDN'T HAVE..." SLAP! A yelp came out of Flavio, as he felt Snopes' doubled belt hit his ass. SLAP! Again. And again. And again. Flavio went from crying out in pain to just crying. "FROM NOW ON, YOU WILL REFER TO ME AS MR. SNOPES, FLAVIO." "Yes Mr. Snopes. I will. I will. I'm sorry . I didn't mean to insult you. " "I'm glad you DID Flavio. Your insults pushed me to do something I should have done a while ago." Flavio felt Snopes wrap his arm around his middle. Snopes pulled him back until Flavio's ear was aligned with Snopes' mouth. Snopes whispered "To take what's mine and to use it however I want." Flavio felt the nibble of Snopes' teeth on his ear, and the push of his wet finger into his ass, simultaneously. "OH GOD. OH GOD. You're gonna. You're gonna...." Flavio said in a pleading voice. "SAY IT BITCH BOY. SAY WHAT I'M GONNA DO TO YOU." "You're... you're gonna fuck me. OH SHIT" Snopes slipped in a second finger and began twisting them, as his free hand covered Flavio's mouth. "I have a feeling that Rocky and Tiny aren't gonna hear you anyway, but just to make sure." A third finger slipped in and Flavio tried, as best as he could to squirm away. He couldn't. Then he heard the "POP" as Snopes pulled all three out at once. "And now , sexy boy. The prelude is over, let's get on with the show." "mmmmmmmmmmph" Flavio pleaded as he felt Snopes' cockhead touch his asshole. It had become sensitive from the finger fuck, and he began to moan. "Not in control anymore, are ya bitchboy? Nah. This pretty boy model... is MINE" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Flavio screamed into Snopes' hand as Snopes pushed his cock deeply into Flavio's ass. Now that the hand that had finger fucked Flavio was free, Snopes wrapped his arm back around Flavio's middle to impale him further onto his cock. "Three guys. All of us want a piece of you. As long as you keep Rocky and I happy, we'll keep Tiny from kicking the shit outta you. You gotta understand that, pretty boy." "mmmmmmmmph" Flavio shook his head yes. "Get used to getting FUCKED this way, stud, cause this is how I like it: my boy helpless, the sex ROUGH and that bitch boy available whenever I want him. Tenderized even. From some good old fashioned tickling." Flavio felt Snopes get into a rhythm as he bounced in and out of his ass. He had taken his hand from Flavio's mouth. Begging hadn't done any good, so Flavio became defensive. "You're NOT gonna get away with this FAGGOT. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW". He felt Snopes push in hard. "MR. Faggot, or we increase the tickling from thirty minutes to 45. " "No. Please. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Sir. Can I... can I do something so I ... DON'T get tickled?" He felt more ramming from Snopes and then heard him whisper: "No." "oh shit. Oh fucking shit." Flavio began to mutter. Part of that was because Snopes had dropped the hand that had covered Flavio's mouth, down to his cock. He began edging Flavio. "Just to let you know, gorgeous. You're not gonna cum until Rocky has his turn with you. " "THAT'S NOT FAIR. PLEASE MR SNOPES!!!!" "Ha ha. LIFE isn't fair Flavio. It isn't fair that Rocky is so short everyone thinks he's a twink." He pulled out and shoved into Flavio again. "It isn't fair that with all the money I have, I couldn't find a boy, but you know what's REALLY unfair you FUCK.. What's really unfair is that you're so goddamned gorgeous, you think you can abuse everyone. HOW'S IT FEEL WHEN THE SHOE IS ON THE OTHER FOOT... BOTTOM BOY." Snopes grabbed Flavio's long black hair and pulled back his head. "You are gonna get fucked like this every fucking day . Different positions, different toys, but you are gonna HURT. And I'm gonna make sure that you're not gonna be able to kickbox your way out of this." Then Snopes went silent, as he pumped, faster and faster. "He's gonna shoot. THANK GOD" Flavio thought. "THANK GOD this is gonna be over." Snopes yelled and then, the jizz filled Flavio's ass. He heard Snopes laughing. "You are ONE HOT piece of ass, Flavio. This is gonna be fun." He adjusted his pants and walked toward the door. Before he opened it, he turned and looked at Flavio and smiled. "You're a wreck, but you're still pretty. " Then he came back and he took the exhausted man's chin in his hand before he kissed him flat on the lips. "By the time I'm done with you, you'll be BEGGING for those kisses. Now... let me go and get Rocky." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. PLEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE. MR SNOPES." Rocky was at the door. "Hi Flavio. Ready for some fun?"

Until next chapter...

Next: Chapter 3

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