Ticklish Flavio

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 30, 2023


Flavio left. On the one hand, he wanted to stay and watch, but on the other hand, he didn't have Mr. Snopes' permission to stay out, so he left, feeling his cock hardening in his cage. Rico getting fucked was something he wanted to see. He had no idea he'd see it sooner rather than later. When flavio was had left, Joseph turned to rico. He was standing with his hands behind his back, but from the look on rico's face, Joseph knew he'd get some resistance. He could feel his mouth watering. "Clothes off, then on the bed. Face up," he said, in a low, deep voice. Rico heard him and answered, "Make me." Joseph was far from imposing. He had a good build, but rico had a much better one. There was no question that rico could have taken him in a hand-to-hand fight. Still, Joseph had a reputation as embodying domination. There was something in his manner, some swagger, that got to bottoms and subs, and got them to do anything he wanted. He seemed to know, instinctively, exactly what buttons to push. "Clothes off, then on the bed. Face up," he repeated, his voice a few notes lower. Rico gulped involuntarily. He could go for the door, but he figured -- correctly- that it was locked from the inside and he couldn't get out without a fight. He had no idea what kind of "toys" Joseph had with him other than... the collar and leash he saw in Joseph's hand. "Please, Sir. Put the collar on me first." It slipped out of rico's mouth without rico intending to say it. Collars turned him on. He didn't enjoy puppy play, but he liked the "feel" of being under the control of someone who could put the leash on the collar whenever he wanted to. "Take off your clothes. I'll put it on after I see you naked, sub." Now, rico felt his mouth go dry and he whimpered "Yes, Sir," as he peeled off his t-shirt, kicked off his sneakers and began sliding out of his jeans. He was stripped down to his jock when Joseph stopped him. "No. That's enough. I'll take care of that." Another "Yes, Sir" came out of rico, as Joseph advanced, leering, with the collar opened. Rico could feel his cock bouncing as much as it could in his jock, as Joseph pulled the collar tight. Rico could breathe, but he could feel the leather against his skin. He moaned. "What are you waiting for, rico?" Joseph smiled, and rico got into position. He pushed gently against Joseph's hand as he bound first one wrist, then the other, each to a corner of the bed. Joseph hooked his finger inside the waist band of the jock, and smiled broadly as he slid it down rico's muscular legs. "Very sexy. Everything that Snopes promised." He looked at rico's dick, which was small. Hard, it was not more than 4 inches. "Now I can see why you bottom, sub boy?" Rico was very sensitive about his lack of endowment, and he snorted. "GO FUCK YOURSELF. YOU DON'T SEEM TO BE PACKING MUCH, OLD MAN." "Ha ha. They say it's how you sign your name, not the pen. In this case, stud, you're gonna find out that I have a truly significant pen, and my penmanship is superb. "He ran his hand up rico's torso and chest. Rico had some fur, but not enough to call him a bear. He moaned when Joseph's finger began tracing a circle around his nipple. "Mmmm. We're going to get along really fine, rico. REALLY fine." The tips of his fingers tightened on the very tip of rico's nipple, and a big sigh came out of rico. His other hand moved down to rico's balls, and he held them. "Know how Snopes subdued flavio, boy?" "No, Sir. We didn't talk about that." "He turned him into a tickle slut. You ticklish, rico?" Rico was. He was VERY ticklish. He didn't want to tell Joseph because, well, he was already quite controlled and with tickling... "Let's find out, shall we?" Joseph's finger moved to the interior of rico's right pit. Rico squeezed his lips as tightly as he could, but the sputtering let Joseph know he had found a spot. He moved his other hand to rico's left pit. Rico broke. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAAHHA. OH SHIT STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA." "I guess you are, boy. And if your pits are THAT ticklish, well, at some point I'll have to find out about the rest of you. For now, though, you need to find out a little bit more about me." Joseph stood up, at the side of the bed and began undressing. Rico didn't expect that Joseph's body would be that developed. He wore loose-fitting clothes that revealed nothing. He had a chest of silver fur, that matched the color of the hair on his head. Rico began wondering "what's he hiding downstairs?" He didn't have to wait long to find out. Joseph stepped out of his dress pants, and rico was staring at 7 inches of a cut, thick cock. Joseph saw him staring. "So, you've seen the pen. Want to see my handwriting?" He laughed, as rico whispered "Yes, sir." "I hope I can hold up those tree trunks of yours, stud. Not too much better than fucking a body builder bottom." Rico felt the head of Joseph's cock against his ass. He winced. Joseph wasn't using any lube, and it had been a while since rico had gotten fucked. Joseph was insistent. He put his fingers on the inside of rico's thighs and began kneading them to relax rico. "There's a pressure point right...here." He pushed his thumb on a small area of rico's thigh. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MOTHER FUCKER!" rico screamed as he loosened up. "No. I never fuck mothers. Just short, humpy, handsome body builders." "AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!!!!" rico screamed as Joseph drove his dick into him. "OH GOD. YOU'RE SO BIG, SIR. PLEASE, PLEASE TAKE IT OUT." "No. Fucking. Way, bottom. You're gonna be my sub, and you'll have to learn, starting now, how to take my dick the way I wanna give it to you." Rico saw Joseph grit his teeth and drive his dick into him even further. He felt Joseph's glutes tighten. "You're wearing my collar, boy. That means.... well, you tell me, boy." "You're my owner, Sir. I belong to you." "And?" "And I do what you tell me to do, Sir." "Good. I don't have to train you from the beginning. Tighten your glutes." Rico did that. He tried not to smile because he knew that his legs were so strong, he could keep Joseph in him for a while. At least he thought so. The combination of Joseph playing with his nipples and probing his ribs to see if they were ticklish, got rico to yield. "GEEZ, you're wicked, Sir." "Ha ha. Don't let these tortoise frame glasses, and the suits fool you, boy. WHAM! How does THAT feel? Is that a daddy fuck, boy?" Joseph had pulled back and rammed into rico hard. "How the hell?" rico thought. He knew how long Joseph was, so...why did it feel like he had 11 inches of meat inside of him? "When's the last time someone bred you?" Joseph asked. "It's been a while, Sir." "Not anymore." Rico heard a small grunt come out of Joseph, and then he felt something he loved, but hadn't felt in a long, long time: a man's jizz was filling him. The stickiness, the warmth, and the smell: like being on the beach. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SIR" He moaned. His own "rico rocket" was as hard as it could get, and he wondered... he just wondered. "Not on the first date, boy. My bottoms never cum on the first date. Going forward, we'll see. "

When flavio got home, he saw that Snopes was on his cell phone. He had a big smile on his face. He looked up and signaled for flavio to get in front of him on his knees. With one hand, he opened his zipper. Flavio's eyes got big: he had sucked Snopes' cock this way before, but he couldn't remember it ever being so thick. He stretched out his tongue to lick the tip of his DOM's cock, the way he knew he liked it. Tonight, though, Snopes shoved flavio's head all the way down on him, nearly choking off flavio's air. He was still on the phone. I'm GLAD, Joseph. So, fucking glad. Maybe if that bottom's bottom has a man controlling him, he'll leave my boy toy alone. By the way, he's home so, I'm gonna have to go. We'll talk tomorrow and plan a dinner or something. Have fun." Snopes put down the phone and, when flavio pulled back to slide his mouth up and down his cock, Snopes grabbed his earlobes. "Looks like a good time is being had by all. Your boxing instructor is getting his ass pounded tonight, and probably will be for the future. And YOU, my boy." He held flavio's head in place. "You still thinking about what he wanted you to do to him?" Flavio knew that he couldn't give a right answer to the question: if he said no, Snopes would assume correctly that he was lying. If he said yes, then there'd be tickling torture to "convince" him otherwise. Lying carried a tickling penalty too. Flavio felt trapped, the way he often did. He shook his head yes, causing Snopes to moan and his cock to get even harder. "Mmmmm. It's going to take a fair amount of work to get this fixed, I can see. I guess I should have expected it sooner or later." He grabbed flavio's short hair and pulled him off his hard dick. "Enough of this. I'll use this in other ways. For now, let's go sit on the sofa. I got something for you today. I got you a BUNCH of shit, but the important one I'm giving you right now. Flavio looked confused. "Sir, was my sucking not good?" "No, it was perfect. But for tonight, I think fucking your ass is more appropriate and I'm not the machine I used to be. Get on the sofa." "Yes, Sir." Snopes wasn't much of a romantic, but every time that he and flavio DID cuddle, it began with an order like this. When flavio sat down, Snopes came over. He tossed an arm over flavio's shoulders and then took his left hand. "You should've expected this. Now, I'm doing it." He took a small box out of his pocket, pulled out the ring, and pushed it onto flavio's ring finger. Flavio's mouth dropped open. He was very, very confused, and conflicted. "SIR! It's, it's beautiful but...I don't know what to say." "It lets people know; you're spoken for. When they see your hands. If they get any more of a view of your body, well, by the end of the week, there'll be two more indicators. One..." Snopes put his mouth on flavio's earlobe and nibbled it as he whispered: "time for a black pearl. Right here. And...." He laughed because he knew how flavio was going to react. His hand pinched flavio's right nipple: "a ring. Right here. Time to stop this modeling nonsense. Too many people are seeing my sub's body. No more runway work." "But... but Sir...." Snopes grinned and flavio knew he had gone too far. "Are you questioning my choices, bottom?" flavio's face got red "No, no Sir. I mean." "ALL RIGHT big boy. So, on the night I give you an engagement ring, you question my choices and you let me know you're thinking of another man. Now if THAT didn't add up to some punishment, I don't know what would. Get down to your briefs. We're going to the cross. Exposes more of that sweet body." Flavio gulped. Snopes used the cross when he wanted more than just tickling and fucking, so he wondered what was about to happen. Flavio knew enough to get into position quickly. Snopes secured his wrists, and his ankles. Flavio was still in the chastity cage, so when Snopes ran his hand over flavio's crotch, flavio sucked in air and moaned. Hard. "You really wanna cum don't you boy?" "Yes, Sir. Really bad." Snopes began to laugh. "From thinking about your secret boyfriend, eh?" "NO SIR. I'm thinking about your cock. That sweet cock I just tasted. I want it so... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHA." Snopes had the electric toothbrush, and he took it to each of flavio's pits while his hand reached for the sensitive spot inside flavio's thighs. Flavio couldn't help squirming, but he also couldn't move. He was laughing, and screaming, at the same time. "Let's get these ribs nice and sensitive. Another surprise coming up." Snopes put his fake nails on, and began a simple rub, up and down, on flavio's sides. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA." "Good cardio, huh boy? Let's you get big strong lungs for really good blow jobs." "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. YES SIR. YES. BLOWING YOU. ONLY YOU SIR. ONLY. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA." Snopes dug in deeper. "You my boy, stud?" "Yes Sir. I am." "But... you wouldn't mind getting a blow job yourself, would you?" Squirming, flavio answered. "No Sir. I haven't had one in so long, but..." Snopes stopped tickling flavio for a minute. "You're gonna get one. Rico's gonna blow you. While you're getting fucked. By me. And Joseph is gonna watch because when we're done, you're gonna blow rico while Joseph fucks HIM. "Flavio felt like his head was going to explode. He felt his cock banging up against the cage. "But first...we haven't used these at all. I don't know why. They'll make your sides MUCH more tender and sensitive." Snopes pulled out a clothes pin zipper. Flavio whimpered. Robin had told him about them. Jacques LOVED to use them before he tickled robin. Was Snopes planning to tickle him again? Each pin hurt as Snopes attached them, one at a time, to each side. "Keep those moans under control, boy, or I'll gag you." "Sorry, Sir. Sorry." Snopes finished and stood back, holding the strings of the zippers on both sides. He let his pants fall. Flavio saw the drop of cum on the tip and how hard and thick he was. "You want this cock, boy?" "YES SIR. YES." "Then I have to pull these off." Flavio whimpered. "I understand, Sir. I'm your boy. You do what you want to. I'm yours. I'm your...." Flavio sniffled, almost crying. "I'm your fiancé' , Sir." "Indeed...you are. More fiancés should have your attitude." He stared at flavio and pulled the zipper. "OH, SHIT THAT FUCKING HURTS. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Flavio passed out. When he woke up, flavio was in their bed, naked. Snopes had taken the cage off his dick. Snopes walked into the room. "How are you feeling, sweet bottom?" "I'm sore, Sir, but... horny." "I can take care of that. You're not too sore to grab those ankles. Pull them up." "Yes, Sir," flavio stretched wide. He couldn't believe that he had gotten to the point where he looked forward to the reaming Snopes gave him, almost daily. "I still remember the first time I bred you, flavio. You had so much attitude. I took care of that, didn't I?" He slid into flavio. "Yes Sir, you did. You showed me who's the boss. You showed me that I was meant to be your sub. OH SIR. Your cock feels SO good." Snopes was thinking back to the first time: how satisfying it was to have conquered this big, beautiful Brazilian boy. He'd marry him soon, after he had all the accoutrements of a proper sub husband (Snopes hated "subband". He thought it sounded like something out of archaeology). "GOD, you make me so fucking juiced, flavio. It won't be long, you sexy bitch." "Thank you, Sir. I need it. I need it so badly. FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK ME." He took Snopes' jizz the way he had taken it so many times before. He smiled when Snopes arched over him to kiss him. Flavio smiled and said one word. "Master."

Three days later, Joseph and rico came over for "dinner" with Snopes and flavio. Flavio had never seen rico dressed up: button down shirt that barely closed on his body, dress pants...he couldn't tell if Joseph had shaved rico. Rico's training had been "intensive," and he walked the way someone not used to getting fucked would, after taking dick several times a day for three days. He also lowered his head and thanked "Sir Snopes" for letting him visit. "Let's let the boys talk in another room, Joe. I think they have a lot to say to each other." "I agree. Your den?" "Sure. The room is set up for our little game, too." Once they got into the den and the door closed, rico started. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SET ME UP LIKE THAT! This guy, flavio, he's... he's fucking INSATIABLE." "Rico, listen. I didn't set you up. I DIDN'T. One of the other bottoms must've seen us, he told his DOM, trying to get some brownie points and he went to Snopes. That's how this all happened." He paused. "Rico, it can't happen. Well, not unless they allow it and... I think if we show we enjoy tonight too much, we're both gonna be in big trouble." Rico saw flavio's hand. "I didn't see that ring, flavio. Do you take it off for workouts, or to flirt with guys who think you're hot?" Flavio blushed. "I didn't even HAVE it until this week. Master Snopes put it on me. And there's more. There're piercings, and tattoos. And...marriage in the future." Rico looked at him. "GEEZ. All that because I wanted your cock. I don't know whether to laugh or to cry." "And I don't know what to do either, rico. I really don't." They heard a voice: Snopes'. "What you're BOTH going to do is strip. Then, we've got an interesting position for you both." Once they were stripped, Snopes pushed the cross over. Flavio saw that there was an opening where the two beams crossed. It was at the height of his crotch. "Belly against the wood, flavio. Time to get started." "Yes Sir," flavio answered. "Help me, Joe." Joe tied one side of flavio's body to the cross, while Snopes did the other. Then Joseph gave rico an order. "On your knees. In front of the hole in front of flavio. Get your mouth on his cock. "He chuckled. "You need to be broken in before I deem you worthy to take mine in your mouth." "Yes, Sir," rico answered. He moved his lips around flavio's balls and cock. He had a short beard, and the scruff tickled flavio. "We'll have to end with a good tickling session, Joe, won't we?" "Heh heh. Goes without saying." Snopes dropped his pants. He slid in, and he saw Joseph start rubbing his own crotch. He did it slowly. He knew he was next. "Order him to suck you, would be top man." Snopes laughed as he pounded flavio's ass. "GET YOUR MOUTH ON MY DICK, SHORTIE." Flavio was stunned at how much harder he got when he said that, and how he got even harder when he felt the tongue on his dick and balls. "OH MY GOD. This feels SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD." He felt Snopes' tongue at his ear, and rico's tongue circling his dick. "I can't hold it back. I can't. I. CANNNNNNNNN'T." He felt his juices streaming down rico's throat. How long had it been since? "I hope you got that filmed, Snopes?" Joseph laughed. "Don't worry. Closed circuit's been on since we came in. Time to switch them?" "You bet." It didn't take long. They did have to maneuver the orifice to a different position to get rico's cock through it, and flavio had to lie prone to take the small dick offered him, but they did it. "Seems that your boy isn't used to the active position," Snopes cracked. "Or yours," was Joseph's response. "True statement," they watched as flavio did his best to bring rico off, and how rico huffed and puffed, but after thirty minutes, everyone knew it wasn't happening. Joseph had already bred rico. "I think that's enough, boy." "Sorry, Sir. I let you down." "Nah, you just proved you're 101% bottom. That's ok." He looked at Snopes "tickle wrestling?" "STARTS NOW." He grabbed flavio and tossed him to the floor before he dug his fingers into his ribs. Joseph did the same to rico, and they were soon all rolling around the floor, the subs begging for relief and not getting it. It was during that wrestling that rico shot a load. Joseph tsked tsked. "Without permission. We'll have to discuss that." A couple of days later, Snopes took flavio to the tattoo and piercing parlor to get the work done. "Think of it as your trousseau, bottom," Snopes laughed as they walked in.

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